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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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THEELGWSHIRT THE-flEST'EVER-PRODUCEO-FOR- THE-MONEY- PERFECT-FITTING GOABflHIEBD WflMSUTia MlTSUN flKfl tlHEfi jjjflitby ONLY DEWENTER, me Hatter ana Furnisher. YODR NAME PHOT. remonKl Gharmctri Con- cermlnx Their Friends. In the city yesterday: A Thatcher of Frankfort. Murphy of Crown Point.

Elma and Edna Bam of Mt Etna. Hathaway and son of Marion. JKEllla, the cloak man, of New York. MoClure and Price of Marlon. Samuel Fisher and Sam Stern of Kokomo.

Stratford, Olive Murry, May Thompson, Leah Cookley, Otlllia Aberdroth of Peru. SATURDAY ALL DAY Save This Coupon No extra charge for it, but it is valuable. It bares our names, and that will remind you of the necessity of a New Spring Suit. Present this coupon with a nominal sum of monev at our store and we will make to your order the handsomest suit of clothes that ever adornecljour body. TUCKER YOUNG, THE, PEftRL STRBET TfllLORS.

MONEY TO LOAN! On MorigfiKe 7 and 8 per cent, 31OSKY TO LOAN. On Securltj and easy Monthly pnj mentx. Consult J. T. COCKBUKN.

IRooms 2 and 3 Spry Building. BEATEN AND ROBBED. Jehu Wolf of Hadlr Treated at WnbaMli. The following special from Wabash appeared in yesterday's Indianapolis Journal: "John Wolf, of Logansport, came WANTED TO hl8oll afternoon, and last night, while under the Influence of liquor, wandered into the woods north "Will be sold on terma.jof the city, where he was set on by tramps, fearfully beaf'jn and left for dead, from on Address, MRS. CHAS, MARKLE, Hartford City, Ind.

NEW HAMESS SHOP. I hftvo moved wy harness and saddlery shop tu G2G Twelfth street, where 1 will turn out the best Roods for the least money. GEO, W. FOSTER, DAILY JOURNAL. FRIDAY MOllNIiNG, APUIL 5 MoKeon's steam work For a Easter bonnet call on Miss Jessie Cummiogs.

Bon Fisher, the druggist, will save- you monej on paints. Choice fresh fish, poultry and oys- Modrell's, on Third street, spring Importation of onyx hosiery has Bee Hive. The advanco sale for Sousa's Peor- leae band opens Saturday morning- at 9 o'clock. Go to tho opora bouse tonight and see the preat drama, "The Strangles of Paris." Mrs. Newton Wilson of the West Sido entertained tbe Dumas club Wednesday night.

The Rev. Frank M. Huckleberry of Madison, will preach at the Baptist church Sunday. Latent style of millinery at Lucy KrnuSf 1 321 Pearl street. Don't miss the spring opening latter part of tho week.

That scrofulous taint which has been In your blood for years, will be ex- polled by taking- Hood's Sarsapaiilla, the preat blood purifier. pood pirl for general 'house work. No washing, coocl wages. Must como with good recommendations. Call at No.

216 Eighth St. The footpads took $15 in money him. Wolf was found unjon- soloua early this morning, and this afternoon was sent to Logansport." Wlcirund-Jloyoe. Carl H. Wiegand, a telegraph operator at tbo Indiana Natural Gas and Oil company's station and Miss Inez Royce were united in marriage at the residence ofRev.

T. S. Freeman at 7 o'clock last evening. Mr. and Mrs.

will reside at No. -199 North street. Tho HoJern Wuj- Commends Itself to tho well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest nor and disagreeably as well. To clennse the system and break up colds headahches and fevers without unpleasant after effects, uao the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. IV ui.

StBDley'd Trlul. The oase of tbe State against Wm. Stanley, charging him with the larceny of a bridle, has been sot for Thursday, April 18th. Stanley's case is in Fansler Mahoney'a hands and the prosecution will be conducted by Hale Myers. tlie John W.

McGreevy, his brother Michael and cousin Richard, are arranging to leave jOgansport In a few weeks to make a tour of Europe, Thair trip will take in Italy, Ireland, Germany, England and France. ADDITIONAL ITEMS. Awarded Highest Fair. CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. I Cream Powder.

Frw torn Ammonia, Alum o.wiy other adulterant Ten long distance telephones will be placed in working order as soon as possible by Manager Skinner's assistants. Allen Lewis has been given the contract for ihe carpenter work on tbe Strecker-Taber building, now beine erected. Half a hundred Ita'ians have been let out lecontly at Kenneth quarries. A pariy of twelve left here yesterday for Richmond. The Rev.

M. SchoSeld of Hammond will preach next Sunday to his old congregation at the First Prseoy- teriau church. John Dempsey has been charged by Wm PftitT wiih assault and battery and at 10 a m. today the case will be beard by 'Squire Hight. The funeral of Cora M.

Downham, aged 13 years, will be held at 10 a. today from the Rock Creek churoh. The Rev. C. Kauffman will conduct the services.

For the first time since his illness began. Col. Robert Krsuzberger was able yesterday to T.islt hla place of butlooM and receive congraluhu tioni of hli hil itfy. Judge N. 0.

Ross was at Peru yesterday. Joseph Penrose was at Marion yesterday. A. C. Barnett is at Chicago on business, Mies Nellie Cook is visiting relatives in Tlpton, Dick Twells was atKentland yesterday on business.

HenryBlatzofPalo.Ill., was hero yesterday on business. Wm. Rehwald and family are at Chicago visiting frsends. Mlas Nellie Koontu of Peru, is visiting friends in the city. Mies Bertha Hawkins is spending few days at Richmond.

John Turner is at Warsaw and Columbus, for a visit. H. J. Culver of Walton was calling on friends here yesterday. Andy Moaner of Plymouth, ia Tlsltlngr with friends in Logansport.

Miss Hoover of Pulaskl Is the guest this week of the Mleses Hebel in the city. Mrs. Wm. Sturken and children are spending a few daya visiting at Chicago. H.

J. Lowry of Bardwell, is the gueBt of friends in the city thia week. Miss Eva Ferguson of Peru, was here yesterday on her way to South Bend. Miss Cecil Graffis of LeRoy is the guest of Miss Mabel Penroee of High street. Jos.

Hall is at Kokomo fora time as operator for the Chicago pipe line company. J. T. Elliott has returned from Chicago where he spent a day or two on business. Demetrius Palmer of Muncle is the guest of hla brother, George Palmer of this city.

Harry Johnson Is at Richmond visiting his grandparents during the spring vacation. James Toby of Kewanna is this week visiting his aon, James Toby on east Hi-gb street. Patrolman Barney Birch and wife have gone to Elwood to spend a aw days with friends, Mrs. Frank Carter, colored, was yesterday called to Richmond by the death of her father. Miss Fannie Rtley of Peru, has returned home after a visit with the family of Louis Bunker.

Mrs. J. E. Loughry, Monticello, and Mrs. John Lennolers of the same place, were in the city yesterday.

Floyd E. Burton of Harrison township, has resumed his work at the State Normal at Terre Haute. Miss Louise Adams of Toledo, Ohio, has returned home after visit with the family of Wm. Graffis in the city. Miss Lso Hettlnger is here from Indianapolis, the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. F. C. Wilson of No. 322 Pearl street.

Will Pierce and Robert Gimmel have gone to Markle, and will return next week, They rode through on horseback. Mr. and Mrs. EJ Smyser of Richmond, who were married there Wednesday, were here yesterday on their way to Milwaukee. Lindell Smith and son of Boise, Idaho, who have been visiting old fr'ends in and about the city, returned home yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Casparis, who were at Kenneth the first of the. week, have gone to Chicago. Their home 1O CENTS FREE! A PRESENT OF lOc TO ALL BOYS AND GIRLS.

Choice, of All Boy's and Girl's Caps 50c. Worth up to $1, and a Present of lOc in Cash, or 5c in cash on 25c aps SATURDAY ONLY! Misses' kid shoes 59c Ladies' Oxfords Diamond tip 5Oc Men's shoes solid 85c Ladies' but. kid 75c OTTO KRAUS. West Side yesterday. Miss Robert la a teacher in the Lafayette schools and was on her way to South Bond attend the teachers' convention.

Mrs. McGulre of Fraokfort has been visiting friends on the South Side, re turned home yesterJay, accompanied by Miss Josie McGuire, who will visit at Frankfort several days. Supt. J. M.

Hamilton of Montloello with'fourteen school teachers; Supt. H. G. Woody of Kokomo, and party of twenty-two teachers; Supt. Edward Ayres of Lafayette, with fifty instructors; Supt.

W. K. J. Stratford of Peru with twenty-four In hii party, were here Wednesday evening, On their way to South Bend, EEL AND ITS FISH. Columbus, Qaio.

Miss Sallie Clark and Miss EI a McCormlck of Lafayette, were here Wednesday night, the guests of Mrs. J. J. Neiderberger. J.

Bakar, late of Catlln, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Baker is preparing to return to hie former home in White county. Mrs. Julia A.

Young of Ottawa street, has gone to Maxlnkuckee in answer to a message telling ol the serious sickness of her 8liter, Tf. D. Hume. MlM Lulu EoberU of Lafayette wms the ffOMt of Bin. C.

8. Jonot of the An Interesting Paper Published In iheFUh CommliHlonet'M Report. The following is from a paper by Slate Fish Commissioner Philip H. Ktrsch entitled "A report upon explorations made in Eel river basin in the Northeastern part of Indiana in of 1892" and published in the biennial report of the State Fish Commissioner recently Issued. EEL KIVEK SYSTEM.

Eel river, with its tributaries drains a scope of country In North, eastern Indiana lying between the basin of tLe Wabash river on the southeast, and that of the Tlppe- canoe river on the northwest, and extending from St. Joseph river basin, near Fort Wayne to Logansport. This river basin has an average width of about'18 miles and a length of 72 miles. The surface ol the region through which it flows is generally rolling, and everywhere covered with glacial drift except in a limited area near Logansport where bed rock is exposed. The moan tempcrative at Columbia City for a period of six years waa 49.5 degrees.

The highest temperature at this place in the summer of 1892 was 94 degrees; and the lowest temperature the past winter waa on January when the thermometer stood at 17 degrees below zero. During the winter of 1892 93, all the streams and lakes were frozen over, and on quiet waters the Ice reached a thickness of about two feet. The ice left Blue river during the second week of March. The mean annual rainfall at Columbia City for a period of six years was 35.67 incues. The amount of snowfall during the past winter was 4 feet 8 inches.

This was greater than for any winter during the eight proceeding years. The bottom lands along the streams are 1 mostly covered with furests of oat, olm, maple, beach, hickory and sycamore. Occasionally, aloog their up. per courses, the streams are skirted with willows and a thick growth of underbrush. Too wa'er in the lakes and streams is rather clear, and where; there is sufficient depih an abundance of Csh is found.

These wa'ers need not be stocked with nsw kinds of fish. They already contain come of tbe finest, game and fooa- Sshes foucd anywhere. Large numbers of crawfish, mussels and various kinds of water weeds are found here. The summit north of Wallen, in Allen probably the highest Doiot from which water flows into Eel river. This point hai an elevation above sea level of $87 feet.

Eel river at Logansport, where it empties Into toe river, has an altitude of 583 feet. The river has. therefore, a fall of 304 feet in the total length of 72 miles, or about 4 feet 2 inches to the mile The channel of Eel river at North Manchester has an attitude of 721 feet and the stream from this point to its moulh. a diatanca of 36 miles, has a fall of 138 feet or, 3 feet 10 Inches to the mile. In tbe upper 86 miles of river has a fall of about 4 feet 7 Inches to the mire.

At Its mouth Eel hM width of 447 leet; the Not Samples! Of what you don't want but a full stock of Desirable Shoes At Where quality is our first object at prices to make them GO. before receiving Eol river is 507 feet, wide; and the width of the Wabash mmediately below the junction of the two rivers is 527 feet. The upper 8 or 10 miles of Ee' river was formerly very crooked and flowed through low, swampy lande, but within the past three years the chan- el has been dredged and straightened, this way redeeming much valuable and. The stream is now shallow, ith but few deep holes for fish. The iver throughout the remainder if the course Is crooked, and tbe bottom of the channel of sand and gravel, rarely covered with rocks There are many eep boles and many gravelly pools with patches of water From 'Adamsboro to ogansport, a distance of 6 miles, the tream has cut its bed in solid limo- tone (Devonian of the Upper Helder- erg Group), and has formed many road ahoals with numerous potholes, nd many broad stretches filled with Igae and water weeds.

There are 14 dams on river, about which good game and food fishes aro abundant. AN ACTOR'S AFFLICTION. At the Opora Ilounn. The Huntley Bixby dramatic com. pany gave a pleasing performBnco of a drama entitled, "Dens and Palaces at the opera house last night.

The play contains a number of strong situations, and the characters were all well taken. James Painter was presented last night with a center table. Siranglers of Paris" will be given tonight by thle excellent low priced company. There will bo a matinee on Saturday. A Correction.

The statement in the Journal of Thursday, thai a warrant had been issued for Lewis W. Smith, on an affi davit filed by Ash Crook charging malicious trespass, was incorrect. No such warrant was issued, although Smith states that Crook attempted to bring about his arrest. Mr. Smith appeared before the grand jury yes terday and told his story of the trouble.

Problem. That we will solve for you: Where to get good butter? We keep creamery butter freeh. every day, and when your butter his become so strong as to walk away, call on us Telephone 1G2. GREEN. ICcnl TraoHrerK.

By F. H. WIpperman, abstracter. Prepared for the Journal. Same to Sarah A Richardson lots 6 7 arid Allen Klcbuvlson 1200 00 Robt Verri'tn to Lizzie Heroeru pC Vj 14 Boone ip IftO 00 P.iKvll aud 10 McGoYern lot 11 blk Dtkemun ado 01 ti Same Samf luis 1 and 2 Jerolaman Same lot 7 's ad Siuue -W lot 17 WVst Baldwin to Thomas Little 3u a In Rlch-rvJIle Tlpion tp Catnerlne indar crank Ftnaarnnd 14 te sec Beth tp Eertua et to IDS 'jmy imd 1-C se 4 we I Creclt tp Henry Suiid.

to Hunca Shtutz 3d 400 00 Cjntnla Eossel to Parker Jratlce and' witc lots and 33 Blddle Island 000 00 tied aggregation 20701 00 4 T5 73 3 97 SS 1G 93 2500 GOO OT 00 The Profcmior In Touch Prof. Jacob Illjea is lodging with Sheriff Hamburg. Illyes is tbe locater of gaa who offered to furnish a gusher for the citizen's gap company here for the nomipal price of $1.000. proportion WM not Announced It Cnuvrd the In Oie early "stock" days of Washington, before tbe starring system 1 in vogue, it often happened that soirw bibulous member of company soug-bt surcease of sorrow in the flowing bowl, says the Washing-tou Post. Salaries had not readied that fabulous outline which now prevails, and the.

ghost did not always walk, therefore, there was always more or sorrow to be appeased in the popular tap rooms about town where the "profession" congregated. It happened on, one occasion that a too indulgence had rendered bors de combat of the leading members of the company, who is still a prominent and popular actor to-day. It was not the first time that he had been discovered in a. helpless condition just as the curtain' was about to g-o up, but lie cast for a leading- part on this particular nig-bt, and there was great excitement on the It was decided to another bill, and the question novr turned on the nature of the explanation to be made t.o the waiting audience. "Announce that Air.

Brown has hai a sudden attack of cholera morbus or bowel complaint," said the distressed manager of the theater to the stag-o manager. This worthy was a heavy-voiced individual with a strong- Dublin accent, and a Celtic temperament which inclined to the humorous, lie made way before the curtain, bowed, and in his deep, rolling- voice addrcsed the- audience as follows: "Ladies and Gentlemen: I regret to announce that the management is obliged to change the bill owing to Mr. Brown, who has a severe attack of bowl complaint." The audience caught the spirit of the. joke, and, amid general laughter, sctr tied down to the enjoyment of. the performance.

MOON MYTHS. The Satellite no Object of Worship Superstition ID Nearly All The moon has been worshiped among- nearly all the nations of the world from time immemorial; indeed, her cult 1)35 'been asserted to be much older established than sun-worship, says the Year Round. T3)C Peruvian peasant hurries home out of the old moonshine, afraid of the stern eyes of Mama Quilla. and tho Egyptian fellah lounges across tbo sands where the sphinx' shadow lies black at his feet, with a prayer on his lips or in his heart to the Master of the Lord of the, Ibis, in whose absence the fair hind of Kehm has brought down very low. Swabian girls still refuse to spin by "lest, they would auger, Her." they say, vaguely, and in Germany children firmly believe in ilorsel or liolda, whose boat is the moon, whose flower is the llax anil delight, is to reward industrious little maidens.

makes tliu man in the moon Cain: in ICirypt is Horns, hold to tho breast of Isis, his mother and the moon. In Rautum the man in tbe moon is a giant, who at flowing tide stops to pour on the earth am! a.t ebb tide stands upright in order that tbe waters may subside. A curious eastern fancy is that the figure in the moou is tbat of the pattern wife, Jna. who weaves the clouds into white doth, and who, after the lapse of manv vcars. sent her mortal husband back to earth by the rainbow bridge in.

order that death rois'lit not defile her heavenly home. The cat and the panther are both connected with the nioon ia some vague, occult fashion; indeed, in. Australia the moon is represented as native cat and also in Egypt. In the celestials say tbat there is a frog is..

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