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The South Bend Tribune du lieu suivant : South Bend, Indiana • 1

South Bend, Indiana
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Herron at of Beina Modern Boraia Part of Eastern Detectives I 11111 Give Important Sari i Dy Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, May la the last day of Rear Admiral Rob I. ley D. Evana command of the Atlantis fleet. 1 He la to be succeeded aa come mander-ln-chlwf by Rear Admiral M.

Thomas, who will retain the office but five days, atepptng aaide on Ma In favor of Rear Admiral Charles O. Sperry. Resting from hia arduous duties ot the past two days. Admiral Evans planned to spend the day quietly at th i St. Francla hotel, where he la quarter i ed.

The atress of social requlremenTsT" haa weighed somewhat heavily upon 5., WAS WITHIN 150 FEET OF THE FOR FALSE WALLS IN GUNNESS 'T 'f Republicans Turn ta Agriculturists to Elect Ticket in Fall Elections. Effect of Local Option Already Felt. Tti Trlbuns'a Special Service INDIANAPOLIS, May 9 At the election next fall, 25 senators and 100 representatives are to be elected. These, with the 25 hold-over senators, will constitute the general assembly to elect a successor to James A. Hemcn-way, United States senator.

Of the 25 senators to be nominated, the republicans have nominated 13. Of the 100 representatives, they have nominated 42. Eight of the 13 senatorial nominees are lawyers; eight of the 42 nominees for the house also follow the legal profession. in ine past republican legislatures have contained a majority of attorneys. The coming general If republican, will probably contain more farmers than lawyers.

rate, 12 of the nominees for representatives aro agriculturists. This Is hiore than an accident. The republicans will look to the farmers next fall to elect their ticket. Large titles and other centers of population are somewhat dissatisfied. County local optfbn and the metropolitan police law have tended to hurt the republican party In sections known for their liberal views.

Hence, republican i are counting on the rural comunltlrs to "save" the state and for this renson they are will ing to let the farmers nominate their "own" for the legislature. THAW LOSES HIS CASE AT P0UGHKEEPSIE Attorney Fails to 8cure Property Held at Asylum. Dy AorlBtrl Prc. 1 POrOHKKEPSIEi N. May 9 Justice Morschauaer refused; to-day to sign an order directing Dr.

Amos T. Il.iker, acting superintendent of the Matteawan asylum, jto turn over to A. Russell Peaboiy, as next friend and personal attorney of Harry K. Thaw kIL the personal property taken from Thaw when he waa received at Matteawan on Feb. 1.

land since then In the possession of Dr. Paker. The Judge amended the order aa submitted by Mr. Peabody to apply on to TliaWa wearing rfpparel. Before doing this the Judgei aent for-District Attorney Mack and Informed him in open court of Mr.

Peabo-ly's request, which was accompanied by an affidavit that S734.83 in money, one gold watch, chain, seal and one. pulr of scissors and wearing apparel are In the custody of Dr. Bakerj The district attorney waa opposed to Thaw having anything but his wearing apparel. He contended that he i Is still nominally an Inmate of the Matteawan Institution, although brought here In the custody of the court while the habeas corpus proceedings lare pending. After hearing Mr.

Mack, the court amended the ordr to apply only to Thaw's wearing apparel. District Attorney! Mack stated this morning that Duchess county will be spared a heavy bill of expenses through Justice Morschauser's willingness to hear the i relator's case In Poughkepsle and the people's case In New York. The relator. Thaw, will pay his own witnses and the bill for the people'a experts fall on New York county. ATLANTA WILL ERECT MODERN BUILDINGS Structures Destroyed by Fire are to be Replaced Immediately.

By Aflclatrd Pre. ATLANTA. Atlanta's business interests will rebuild Immediately the three square blocks of buildings destroyed In yesterday's fire. Practically every owner In the district has announced that modern structures will be erected when the ruins have been cleared. To-day aeveral hundred men i were at work cleaning out plies of brick stone, tottering walls and other aeDris.

i FOUR ARE DROWNED. Young Women Meet Death in the Neosho River. By Associated Pnn. EMPORIA. May 9 Four young women, ranging In years from 16 to 20, were drowned last night in the Neosho river at Hartford near here.

The boat in which the party was riding capsized. The" dead: ELM A WEBSTER. EDITH WEBSTER. GRACE LYTTLE. BESSIE LAWRENCE.

if THIS PRIVATE BURIAL GROUND ff i MS- I or SMVkSSh SEARCHING STRIKE OF 51 WEEKS ENDS IN TORONTO, CAN. Plumbers Compromise With Their Employers. By Aoclated Pre. TORONTO, May 9. The Plumbers' union has eache-d an agreement with the new association of master plumbers and fitters and last night decided to end the strike which has lasted 61 weeks Were receiving 37 cents an hour.

They went out for 45 cents an hour and settled on a basis of 37 V4 cents for thej first year and 40 cents an hour for the! second year. The struggle cost the union $75,000. About 700 men were out. To Lay Cornerstone. The Tribune- Special Service.

WASHINGTON. May 9 Preldent Roosevelt will deliver an address Monday nt the laying of the cornerstone of the new buildings of the bureau of American republics. Other speakers will be Secretary of State Elihu Root. Ambassador iJoaqulm Nabuco. of Brazil, and Andrew Carnegie, who donated 3750.0000 for the new building.

THE WEATHER. Coverameat Observations. By Aatovtaled fr. CHICAGO. May Forecast until 7 p.

m. Sunday follow: For Fair to-night with probably llprht froat lni north portion; Hunday Increasing cloudiness and warmer followed by showers Sunday night. Ixwer Michigan Fair to-night and Sunday; probably) light frost to-night. Loral ObscrratkoB. The Tribune- self-regtsterlng thermometer Indicated 42 degrees above lero at o'clock this maximum temperature yesterday (8 above zero at 2 p.

minimum 4 at II a. m. BATE THE TRIBCXB FOLLOW YOC. In arranging for yoar summer vacation do aot fall, bwfor leaving- bom, to order Ths Trtbuaa to follow ynw. tt will be.

mailed to any address In tha Vnltsd States and outsida of Bouth Band, postage prepaid, for It cants a sreek. The address will fee. changed aa often as desired. Sand orders to tha Jtrcalatloa department; telephone 17s. v-fftasat-si BODY INMORGUE NOT MURDERESS.

Syracuse, N. on Suspicion Proves to be Bad Mistake on Ray Lartiphere May burned an emfcty cottage for the pleasure of string It destroyed. It Is known that he was nrouml the i Gunness place at various tlraes. He rarely had any money with him, which makes It possible he arve. I Emit a meat jdealer of thl city, is recftlirig a story! which may have some br-ftring on the disappearance of the missing Canary ho Palm say that furla long time Mrs.

Gun. ness was a customer of hla, doing considerable! business, Occasionally she was aorortipanfd by a young man. who, he Halrus. answered wry closr-iy the desrrlptlion of young Canary. After some time he noted that Mrs.

Gunnss to his shop and he enquired fori the young rnan. Hhp nd-roltly avoldil the can vernation by commenting J.iipon i the excellence of some; hams Jil'h were hansing upon meat rack nar h-. Mr. Pnlm states that flunnrfHH then wlth-drew her patronage and lll not again enter his place. i Mrs.

Willi iim Delsler. a neighbor, and tald to )' on frlenilv terms with Mrs. authijrlty for the story that wnlle mnkltiir call upon Mrs. Junnes4 one evening he heard a rrylttgj In' an upper room. 'Asked rteardlng the child Mrs.

rjunnesd evnded the titiestlon arid turned the conversation into another channel. Mrs. Delnlrr snys thut upon subie. quent vlilts to the GunhesS Iioukp she never heard joy snw the) Infant aaln. Victirf From New York.

About onel yeir ago man arrived In Laporte frtm New Tork state. He said he had pf ranged twork frr MraVj Gunness andi that she was goinsr to buy a norse and-: puggj- which he had. He was never Heard of slnre he went to the Gunneas rarm and hla buzay. standing in shed on the Gunneai plAee.V'as' to-day Identified as his. to-day jthat the story arlven out by fMrs.

Gunhess that Jennie Olson went to attend the Luthern school at Fergus Falls. was false. A letter received to-dav from the authorltlea of that (Institution declares that jJennle Olson was never there and that they never heard of her. Not Body of Gunnese. Dr; H.

Ill Long, of rthls city, who assisted at the post-mortem examina tion Over the remains of the supposed Gunness, Is confident that the body found the ruhisj Is not that of Mra, Gunness. He bases his opinion on scientific: conditions. Ir. Long states that he found the foreheads of each of the i three children burned away. A sliull crushed! by a blow of any kind ahd then subjected to fire would be mtre likely td burn away at that point ps the heat of the fire would caus i the cartilage to burn away, at both sides.

The head of the woman was! missing when the body waa found. The theory? that her head has been burned away Is discarded aa Dr. Long states that her head being subjected ti the same Idegree of heat aa the bodies of the (three children could not bi burned a why. "The bod at the Cutler morgue is not that of Mrs. i Gunnrss." Dr.

Long declared, "in the first iplace it Is not porportloned Correctly. The body found In the Is that of a rather plump woman of the same general contour, but weighing from 150 to 160 pounds. Gunnejsi tipped the scales at 225 pounds. Tje fact that one of the arms was biurned off the body of the woman found In the ruins Wads me to believe that It-Is one of la cadaver. The armiiwa frtund beside the body, nnd was (well farmed.

Thf flnners show evidence nlianlcurlna and were neatly! trimmed Something with 1 n'B Airs. nunnejs was noi "fiABlng ifit statemerjts on the statistics of eminent physlclahs In this country anrl Great continued! morgue l9 iilmost fire Inches shorter than the botiy of Mrs. KSunnesn would he under sllnllar 1 circumstances. The tire would, lof course. Cause the body to lope weight." If.

Lona-jalso states that the tody found In the ruins Is one of the very recnt; victlrpj: the bodies of the four victims belnV in about ithe same state of preservation. Mrs. Gunness was a large boned woman of nHenltk appearance, sous re Jawed, eyed andj of grim visage. 1 1 She was woman who would attract attention anvjwhere. During the winter pbe wore a great fur coat and i her.

large size coupled with hr mannish mariner rave iher an aspect that was almost terrifying. Find! Lamphere't Trunk. Most Imprrtanf of tlie evidence secured yesterday was tie trunk which Lamphere feft on the tfarm of John XVheatbrook; where he was emploveil since February las. It trus secured early yesterday mornlag. but It was not until well along In tie evening that the fact tHai -the authorities had fonnd It oerS me known.

The Wheatbrook farii Is In the vicinity of it hamlet seven miles north here, and In where Iamphfere spent his bovbood. Hfs father iras formerlv a Justice of the peace Inj that township and lithe earlier habits of Lamphere are to be tnjvestlcatedj by i the opera, tlve of a V-tectlve ajrency who aro ajdiea- Sheriflr Smutserj Letters frum Mra. Gunnes found In Lamphere's5 jlrunk urged him to return to the.leath farm and to bring his sweetheart with hjnv These letters! were sent to Sprlher. and the Investlgatiohf to be made there may result In discovering the "sweet -heart Thua far her identity Is unfathomable i i i In i one of fthe letter) was tLls slg-Bincant parajrraph: "Come bark to me. yptt must come fntliiw! oa Sisa CHECK DRAWN ON ABERDEEN.


BULLETIN. CHICAGO, May 9. The local police re receiving Information regarding the whereabouts of Mr. Gunness aovoral time day. To-day thay havo baan Informed that aha haa baan aaan in aavaral part a of the elty on don dif -farent atreat care at the eame time.

Nona of the Information, eeeme pes-vaaa value vylth the exception of that given by restaurant keeper on Weat Van Bu ran street. Ho Informed the police that a man woman, the latter much resembling 'the pieturo of Mra. Ounneae, entered hie place early to-day. The waltreie handed them paper containing a picture of the woman on the front page. They hastily left the place without eating the food they had ordered, and the proprietor and waitress followed them to tha atreet and watched them until they ran up an alley.

The nervoua action of the Woman waa what attracted attention in tha first place, and the proprietor deelarea that aha bora a remarkable resemblnee to the Laporto woman. Police are now seeking for tha couple. LAPORTE, May 9. Sheriff Smutxer to-day received a letter from Jesse H. Hurat, of Decatur, Ind, atat-Ing that he, Hurat, la a eab driver, and on last Wednesday waa i convey "an 'and woman" from the Erie depot In that city to tha Grand Rapids 4k Indiana depot.

He aaya that tha man waa a tall aandy haired fellow weiohing about 180 pounda and that tha woman waa eiek. 8ha waa on atratoher and waa bound with cloths, her face being entirely covered. The tall man told tha eab driver that they were from South Dakota and that tha woman waa hja wife. Ha bou-ht a ticket from tha Grand Rapids Indiana road to Berne, Ind. Sheriff Smut-xer will look into Co case.

It may be that tha theory tf tha eab driver that tha woman waa Mra. Gunnese la correct. The Tribune's special Penrlee. LAPORTE, May 9. The mt Important and tntere-ting development In tha Gunness murder case to-day waa the statement made by Dr.

II. II. Long, former coroner of Laporte county! that the body of tha woman found In the basement of the Gunness home, after the fire, waa not that of Mrs. Gunness. but of a much smaller woman.

This carrlea out the theory advanced by the newspapermen who several daya ago advanced the belU-f that Mra. Gunnesa did not meet death In tha fire. Other Import apt developments are a follows: Assistant Chlefof Police and Coroner Hoffman of Chicago, will on Monday start excavation In the yard and basement of Mrs. Gunness' former home In Austin, suburb of Chicago. Woman arrested as Mrs.

Gunness proved to Mra. I A. Herron, of Franklin. Pa. "Authorities nelteve that one of Mrs.

Gunnesa victims was young man named Canary. ho lived at Pine lake, this county. Evldenca that tha mysterious trunks shipped to the Gunnesa farm from Chicago, contain I rulck and not bodies of her victims, that the quick lime wa9 used to hasten decomposition of murdered persons. Assertion that Helglean waa murdered by Mra. Gunneas and an accomplice, ta strengthened by the discovery that he died In a terrible struggle, in which he tore hair from the? heads of hla assailants.

The hair was still in his flngerleas hand when the remains were unearthed. The fingers were probably chopped off In they death struggle. Digging is Resumed. The work fef digging on the Gunnesa farm waa resumed to-day, only one man, however, being put at work. Up to 1 o'clock no -trace of addition.

aJ bodtea had been discovered. The local authorities are endeavoring to trace a young man named Canary, who. It Is believed, may have been killed a) the Gunnesa home. A letter waa received this morning from hla mother, Mra. J.

M. Canary, of Pine Lake. saying that her son, about 20 years oldj bad and ahe ha had no word from him for almost two years. It ts known that young Canary -worked for Henry Plire. who lived about a quarter of a mile from the Gunneas farm.

He disappeared in Juno, X0eV Mrs. Canary deelarea In her letter that the boy waa not Intellectually bright and. says that he at one time GUNNELS HOUSE OF MURDER. CELLAR GOV. HANLY READY FOR NIGHT RIDER SENDS ADJUTANT GENERAL OHIO RIVER.

TO Ptirry Visits southern Citios of State and Guards Against an Invasion of Kantuckiana. By Associated Press. INDIANAPOLIS. May 9 It became known to-day that Oran Perry, adjutant g-f-neral, at the direction of Gov, Unaly. is keeping In constant touch with officers of the law In Ohio river counties with a view to preventing any depredations by night riders, who.

It Is alleged, have sent threatening letters to Indiana tobacco growers. At the direction of the governor. Gen. Perry, accompanied by MaJ. William H.

Kershner. has Just completed a tour of some of the river towns, and while he was In the river counties Gen. Perry ordered a large number of deputies sworn in. the deputies to act as minute men. In Other words, to be ready to rally against the night riders at a minute's notice.

POSTMASTER UNDER FIRE AT LAKEVILLE Inspector Hat Requested Removal of Official. By Associated pmr WASHINGTON. May 9. The post-offlce department has notified Senators: Beveridge and Hemenway that the removal of the postmaster at Lake-vilie, St Joseph county, Indiana, haa been recommended by a postofSce Inspector for Irregularities in the management of his office and failure to follow Instructions. Brother of Late Premier Dead.

By Asuoctated fresa LONDON, May The death la announced of the Rt. Hon. James Alexander Campbell, brother of the late premk-r. Sir Henry Campbell-Banner-man. He waa born In 1625 and waa a member of parliament from the Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen from mo to 10.

Elkhart May Support Moorman. Tse apsetal Srlc. ELKHART, Ind, May Following the visit of republican District Chairman John Lv Moorman to this city Friday there la much talk here of organizing against Charles W. Miller, of Goaben. candidate for the congressional nomination.

him in hla present weakened condl tlon and it waa thought that the cere monlee on the Connecticut to-day would not require hia presence. The physicians who have been in constant i attendance upon him for months state that his health la aeadily Improving, notwithstanding hia exertions of the past week. To-night Admiral Evana, accompan- led by his family and members of hl personal staff, wtil leave the hotel lit 1 carriages and be driven to the depot, 1 whera they will board the train for 1 May Become Vice-Admiral. I At the close of the banquet lvea here last night by the city to Secre tary of the Navy Mettalf and oitlcera of the combined fleets, It waa resolved to send the following telegram to con- gross requesting that Admiral Evana be created. a vice-admiral: 0 i "The citizens of California, appre- elating the services rendered by the i man at the direction of whose hands the fleet was brought from the At i lantlc to the Pacific, move that he i made a vice-admiral." Mouse works for an EARLY ADJOURNMENT: Lower Branch of Congresa Saaka 1 Bring 8oaaion to End.

By Associated Prsss. j-1 WASHINGTON, May Strong- forts will be made, It la said, to have congresa adjourn not later weeks from to-day. Representative); Tawney announcea that the hous committee on appropriations, of which a he is chairman, elll tegln work on tha general deficiency bill to-day and that he will try to report tha measure by next Thursday. This la the last of tha big appropriation bills and It will probably go through the discussion, A leader In the senate and an Important member of the finance commit tee Is quoted aa saying yesterday that he believed congress would be able to adjourn on May 23. The only leglala tlon which he.

thought probable out aide of the appropriation blila, a child labor bill for the District, and possibly a campaign publicity bill, wa an emergency currency bill. i NEW ANGLE DEVELOPS IN LASALLE TANGLE Council May Aak for Terminal Depot and Stroot Opening. Oouncllmen maintain now is an a vantageous time to take up with raiuj roan companies tne erection of a union terminal station for Interurban purposes, according to agreements) claimed to have been made. The mat-ter Is the rvsult of deliberations relat tive to the laHalle avenue tanale and the disagreement of the two companies; relative lo compensation for the una of a block and a half of track. The tonrd of public works also s.a the posHlbillty of the opening of Wit-Ham street from LaHalle avenue to Colfax avenue if it is necesnary to grant a franchise for Colfax a venua and Is In favor of that mole of procedure rather than have the Hanna lino come across a private right of may.

Something tansrlble may develops at next Monday night's meeting of tha council. BRENT CONSIDERS CALL! Bishop May Elect to Remain ippine Islands. Phil. Br Associated I'rru. WASHINGTON.

May Bishop Brent, of the Philippine Islands, who recently was electe-1 bishop of Wash-i InrtAfi in nf tt Idf. Y-iiVi-! stter1' ha cabled the omciala of the conference held here this week that he now has the call under cort-1 sideration. but that he Is not yt clear as to whether his duty requlrea! a continuance In the Philippines or; the acceptance of the Washington dlo- C6S. MRS. CORA ROGERS IS IMPROVED Suffered Severe Blow on Jaw-bone and! Hs Nervoua Shock.

i The condition ot Mrs. Cora Rogers of 102 North Main street, who wia hurt In a railroad wreck near Logan s-port, Ind. Thursday, ia much bettir to-day. She suffered a badly bruised Jaw and has been -ery nervoua mm the shock. She returned from Logans-: port last nig t.

Elkhart Haa T. P. A. Post. The Tribune's FfcLal KsrvlcL ELKHART, Ind May Member of the local T.

P. A- will banquet at the Hotel Bucklen to-right. The event will mark the organization of Post of the Indiana division of the organization. John B. Weber, of Soulfe Bend, will act aa toastmaster.

Grant C. Underhlll wiU likely be elected president of the new posL REBELS OF CHINA CAUSING ALARM STARTLING NEWS IS RECEIVED FROM PROVINCES. Revolutionists, Trained by French, Capture Laohu Pass and Town of Meng Tsze. Dy Associated Press. PEKIN, May 9.

Alarming news has been received here regarding the progress of a revolutionary movement In Yun-Nan province, on the Tonklng border. There have been three engagements recently between the rebels and the provincial troops In which the former ware victorious. Laohu Pass Is In their possession and the seaport of Men-Tsxe 1 endangered. C. V.

E. Bapst, the French minister to China, haa been asked to aid In the suppression of the movement. The rebels possess French arms and are said to have been trained by the Frenchmen. Meng-Tsze Is a treaty port and has a population of about 12.000. Winona Academy Loaes Head.

By Associated Prear. WARSAW. May 9. Dr. Dubois, the head of Winona academy, haa tendered hla resignation.

Indiana Republican Platform Planks LAWS PROPOSED FOR 1909 SESSION. The republican party has fought the fight for honesty and integrity in every office; and for swift and impartial enforcement of the laws. It advocates and enforces the maxim that a public office is a public trust, which mast be discharged with strict fidelity. In this work the republican party will not faltn or halt, bat will advance the cause of reform and better government as fast as the same can be wisely worked out, with the approval and continued support of jthe people. Our short legislative period limits the ability of the jeneral assembly to frame and enact all necessary legislation in one session.

At the next session we recommend the passage of laws on tne following subjects: 1. A practical primary election law. '2. i A law revising and simplifying the practice in courts, and abolishing technicalities. 3.

Our laws concerning public service and other corporations are scattered through the session laws since 1850, and axe confused, conflicting and often inadequate for present needs. We therefore recommend that a bill be framed prior to the meeting of the next legislature for its consideration, revising and amending the corporation laws, and better regulating the use of public franchises for the suppression of fictitious and watered stock, and carefully safeguarding the right of the people in the enjoyment of all public utilities. i I 1 if.

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