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The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana • 1

South Bend, Indiana
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1 i Thursdafs Circulation, mis issue conmns SIXTEEli PACES. THIETY-FIFTII YZAE. SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, EVENING, MAY 1908. PEItX TWO CENTS. 1 i.


MAN FRANCIHCO, Mayj Tlear Admiral Evina to-dsy performed his last public- duty aa commander In chief of tha combined squadrons of tha Atlantic and Paclflc fleets and when tha sun sets over tha gohden gsta this evening, tha famous sailor will pratlrally have retired to private Ufa. Tha beginning of his last day In connection with a public "career began wnen ha hoarded his flsfshlp, the to prepare for tha review of tha fleet by Secretary of Navy Victor II. Metcalf. I The review began at 1 o'clock when the naval secretary in the illttle gunboat, Torktown. with the secretary's white anchored flag at the malntruck put out from Oakland to move up and down the four lines of wsrsjilps, cruisers and toped boat destroyers.

Admiral Evans Is relinquishing com mand of the fleet at this time at his own request and because of ill health. He will not be placed on (the retired list until August and will I remain on waiting orders until! that time at his home in Washington. Rear Admiral Thomas, now second In command, will resume his place as "senior officer present" during Saturday and on Sun day, on May 10, becomes actually and In his Own right the commander In chief of the Atlantic fleet, On May 1 15 Admiral Thomas Is to be. relieved' at his own request, and then Rear 'Admiral Charles 8, Sperry, now commanding the fourth division of the Atlantic fleet, will flag from the Connecticut and assume command to take the 16 jworld-gird-Itna- battleships on the remainder of the cruise, i While hundreds of thousands of people gazed upon the spectacle from every point of vantage I along the water front. Secretary ofj the Navy Metcalf today reviewed the combined Atlantic and Pacific fleets in San Francisco bay.

The review was by all I ddarJtfijiaostJre of the Uuitf3rrandl power of the Awia raT7 ever wuneseea ana was smallj wonder that the eyes of the naval secretary, the executive dl- rccior una great eea-ngniing ma- w.Ith prlf hat his fellow iCallforniana expressed their approbation in deafening- cheers. Spick and span; with gleaming paint and shlninsr brass, with every man at his post of duty, the vessels of war passed before Secretary Metcalf land boomed forth a thunderoua salute- in hie honor. Banquet for Metcalf. This evening Secretary! Metcalf and the admirals of the fleet Will be the guests of honor at the San Francisco banquet at the St. Francis, which promises to be the greatest function of its kind ever held on the coast.

There will be more than 600 at the dinner, which will cost 120 per plate. While the officers are dining, the sailors wilt continue their athletic carnival In the naval pavlllort to-night. To-day's review 1 doubly memorable, as marking the official close of the naval career of Rear Admiral "Fighting Evans. Although Evans will not reacn the statutory age for retire to San Jose for 600 fleet, with errand ball. officers of the in the evening.

Thursday. May 14 t-Bericeiey cay. Friday, May 16 Car rides for 1.000 enlisted men as on Monday and Wednesday, Saturday. May 1 Santa Rosa day. Excursion to Santa Rosa for SS officers and 1764nen.

Second trip to Mount Tamalpats and. Muir woods for 200 officers. FERRIS CONFESSES TO SERIOUS CRIME Youna Italian Admits Dynamiting Burlington Train. Br Aaaoelated BUTTE, MonL. May I.

In a detailed confession Lewis Ferris, tha young Italian who dynamited the Burlington train near Bird Friday night In which, two men lost their Uvea, tells of breaking tha lock on tha powder bouse of tha West Olive branch mine with a tons, stealing 40 sticks of dynamite and placing tha entire amount on tha tracks. Ferris watched tha explosion which wrecked tha train and then assisted tha conductor of tha train In summoning aid. He yesterday piloted tha police about tha scene of tha explosion and to tha powder house, axplalnlng how ha stole tha powder and his method of wrecking tha train. His story concerning-thai theft of tha powder has been corroborated. Ferris declares that ha alona la to blame for tha dynamiting and claims that heswas Intoxicated at the time.

From evidence In! possession of the police. It Is believed that Ferris at tempted the holdup of tha Northern Coast limited of the Northern Pacific about 10 daye sg0i at Welch's Spur, just east of Butte, NAT U. HILL DIES AT INDIANAPOLIS FORMER 8TATE TREASURER FORESAW END. Asked Attendants If Ail Hope Waa Gone and Than Passed Into Everlasting Sleep. By Associated Fresa.

INDIANAPOLIS, May 8. Nat TJ. Hill, former treasurer of state, died this morning in an Indianapolis hospital. Death resulted from a disease of the bladder, for jwhlch he underwent an ODeratlon. I Twenty minutes! before death came Mr.

Hill spoke to lone of the hospital attendants. "Am I dying: 7" hie asked. "You'll have to make a brave fight," answered the attendant. "Well, boys, stand by me, said tha dying man. Those were bis last the bladder, was the condition found bv the physicians.

Mr. Hill was years old. He Brved as state treasurer two terms, from Jan. l. 1093., to Jan.

1, 1907. Mr. H1! waa born Cay township ln 152. He attended the public Bchools of BrasiLi At 1 he attended the academy at; Ladoga for two years. In 1870 he entered the state university, finishing- one yar there and then going to Howard college, at Kokoml.

In 1872 he rf turned to the rtate university; graduating from the literary department in 187S and from the law department the following year. He practiced law for two years at nrssll In partnership with J. A. McNutt. In December, 1878, he mar- rled Miss Anna M.

Dusklrk, daughter of Judge George A. Buskirk. of Blooming-ton. Locating In nloomington he became a director of thei First National bank. At the tlmA of his election as state treasurer, he had been president of the Institution for 13 years.

In politics Hill held the offices of county chairman and district chairman. He Was a delegate to the convention at Minneapolis that nomi nated Gen. Harrison, and the.conven Funeral! on Monday. Br Atwx-lstrd l'rr; BLOOM INOTQN'. May 8.

The funeral of Nat V. Hill, probably the largest ever held in Bloomlngton. will take place Monday morning at 10 clock. Many prominent citizens of the state are cxpectel to be present at the services In College Avenue Methodist church. THE WEATHER.

Gorrrnmnat Observation. By Aaaot-tated IraS. CH1CAOO. May Foreraata until P. in.

Saturday ronow For Indiana Dartly cloudy. -Showers to-night; Saturday Uircr Mlrhlsani Threatening with rain to-nlcht and Doaatbly la eaat oortion Bal urday. Loral Obaerratlaa. Tha Tribune's self-registering thermom eter indicated 4( degrees above sero at ekla wnne lea ss maslmtlm a tun yesterday aooye sero at 4 p. minimum 47 at a.

m. BATE TBI FOIXOW TOC la artmagtag for your sammer -tlon So not-' fall. Vetera Waring home, to order Tha Tribune to follow yea. It wUI be mailed to any aadree ta the Valted Btates and oatalde of Soath Bead, poet ae prepaid, tor It easts a rek. The addreea wUI ba changed as often as desired.

Bead orders to the jtmlattoa department; telephone 87 a. PHILIP ZU EULENBERQ FACES DISGRACE. UNDER SERIOUS CHARGE Taken From Sick Bed ta Charity Hospital In AmbulanceOutcome May Mean Irretrievable Ruin for Emperor's Friend. By assoctstsd Press. BERLIN.

May t. Prlnca rhlllp Zu Eulenberg waa to-day placed actual arrest, Tha crown prosecutor took this step aa a result of the testimony given by two men at tha prince's bedside yesterday to tha effect that Irlnce Zu Eulenberg had been guilty of wrongful actions with them SB years ago. Prlnca Zu Kulenberg waa Involved In tha court scandal In Berlin that grew out of tha charges brought by Maalmallan Harden, editor of Die Zukunet last summer. At tha second Harden trial tha court declared that all the. charges made by Harden were absolutely without foundation.

After the conclusion of the Harden case the public prosecutor sttrted proceedings against Zu Eulenberg and the arrest of to-day la the outcome. May Mean Ruin. The prince was taken Into custody at his castle at ueoenoera; ana brought In an ambulance automobile 40 miles to the charity hospital, where he was detained pending a further Investigation of the charge of perjury made against him. The prince's arrest' Is taken to mean the Irretrievable ruin of this brilliant man. who was at one time a confidential friend of Emperor William.

The prince had been nearer to his majesty during the greater part of hlg reign than any other German sub ject. He might have been cnancei-W of the empire If he bad not re fused the i res-ponsioiuty inciaent this post. This he did possibly because stories of secret misconduct have long i been circulating againat him. an much so that he haa lived on the brink of disclosure for the past 10 years. He voluntarily gave up the po sition of German amoassaoor at vicuna in 102 "because as was commonly gosslpped, at the time, a rroup of his enemies threatened him with, exposure.

1 Often Seen With Emperor. After resigning at Vienna the prince re-turned to Berlmrwhor he was seen often with the emperor. The statement that Prince 5Su Eulenberg ad-vliM-d the emperor tn political matters hag been made by men who sought to displace the. prince in the Imperial confidence by Intimating that there was danger to the state In the alleged fact that the emperor turned from his constitutional advisers to a friend behind a screen who wss responsible to no one but his majesty. FALLS OVER DEAD BODY.

George Method Finds tha Remaine of 8imon Delcamp. The Hpeclal fervtoe. GOSHEN. May 8. Early this morning when George Method was walking through the woods on the C.

A. Stover, farm, near MUlersburg. he stumbled upon the dead body of Simon Delcamp, 6 years old, and a civil war veteran. Pelcamp left his sister's home yes-terda' afternoon to go fishing and the last seen of him alive was last evening when he was sitting on the banks or the Elkhart river. When he wasJUmnd thla morning ha was grasping a fish pole in one hand and a string of fish In the other and had fallen face downward.

Heart disease was the cause of hl sudden death. SENDS YOUTH TO PRISON Emory Anderson, of Plymouth, Given Ten Years. By Trlbuno'e ft eclal HorrU PLYMOUTH, May g. Emory Anderson, 17 years of age, yesterday In the circuit court pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary an 1 was sentenc ed to the JeffersonvlUe prison for a term of from 10 to 20 years. Anderson who la a Swede, is an Intelligent looklnr boy.

Developments proved that he is experienced In crime and Is wanted elsewhere for thefts and robberies. Assault Victim Dies. By Associated Preeo. MINDEN. May 8.

Pearl Taylor, who was assaulted more than a week ago by her brother-in-law, Bart Taylor, died to-day. Taylor escaped. Japanese Troops for Cores. By Associated Press. TOKIO, May The 23rd and 27th regiments of infantry will proceed to Cores on May 14.

to cope in any possible, emergency. THREATENED TO DOOM TERMINAL HOTEL Blaze Starts In Bakery at 3:30 Quickly That Entire Block is Arrival of Firemen Poor sponsible for Jjy AseaelaUa' Praee. ATLANTA, GaV May Two solid business blocks of Atlanta are In ruin to-day a th result of a Are which threatened for a tlm to carry It destruction through tha business action of the city and perhaps wipe out tha entire down town district. Tha flra loaa may conservatively estimated at $1,600,000. The Terminal hotel one of the larg-st in the city, la a mass of bricks.

It had on Its register 200 guests when tha fire started, a block away. Every one escaped. Near by wen several other small hotels, but In these there was no loss of' life, nor was there any In the Terminal hotel. -r In Bakery The Are started In the Schlessinger-Meyer Baking company, Madison and Nelson streets, at 8:30 this morning, and within a few minutes the building "was In flames. The wagons bad.

Just itarted away with their early morning load of bake stuff when the alarm was given and an attempt was made to start the electric elevator In the 8chlesslnger building to awaken the employes asjeulherf Sailed to respond to the starting and the fire authorities believe the Jlre may have been due to soma defect-in this electric elevator. When the first Are companiea ar rived the building was a mass of dames. Chief Cummlngs Immediately turned In a- general alarm. Flames were shooting from every window of tha big building that rah the entire block from Nelson to Mitchell street on Madison and were leaping high In 'the air from tha middle of tha building. Water Pressure la Poor.

Tha water pressure- waa poor and. try as they could, the 'firemen could not get a stream that would carry above the second floor. Half an hour after tha fire started threatening walla made it necessary to remove engines on the Mitchell street side of the Schlesstnger building and BO firemen streams of water, playing upon them dragged the machines to a place of safety. Meanwhile high power trolley and electric light wires were falling everywhere, parts of walls were dropping out and with the high wind prevailing the flames' were shot across the street to the Terminal hotel, which acted as a sort of flue for the fire. Floor after floor of tha Terminal ho- waa soon ablase.

Firemen Fight Hard. The firemen were fought back until they were In tha rear of the Terminal hotel, where lack of water again retarded any effort to check the flra. Within half an hour the walls and roof or the hotel had fallen in. Spreading from Madison atreet to Nelson street, the One ate la way Into the Liquid Carbonic romnaBY structure, a five story building, to the east, and wlthtn a short space of time there1 were two terrific" explosions hlch seemed to carry all retaining walls and the roof of this building to the basement. Next to the carbonic company's building was the Inman block, which faced on Forsyth street.

This building was a three story lutldlng extendlci from Kelson street on Forsyth north to and contained nine or 10 business concerns. A narrow alley sep-arted the Inman blocl: from the flra and it was soon a mass of flames. Fire company after fire company was drawn away from other spots and their combined forces pi; here, for it waa at this point tha lira was to be stopped from crossing Mitchell and Forsyth and burning further Into the city. Other Hotele In FWa Path. East of tha- Terminal hotel, Mitchell street, waa the Marion hotel annex and ChUds hoteL The flra stopped after ruining? the latter hotel.

Across the street postofflca station to BUSINESS SECTION! BURNS (TO GROUND O'clock nd Spreads I so Raging Furnace Before Water Pressure Re Much Damage. the most Important tub-nuMorf In tha city, the South Muspnderl com- pany, tha Southern llandkvrchlei Manufacturing company, the Ueorg1a Vehicle company, tha Pjedmdnt Hat company and McClure's $0 cent store all fell awaf; pike so man; cigar boxes. Mitchell Street from Madison avenue Forsyth was ofle great fur- i i nace, flames ihootlng across the street from either jslde. with walls everywhere and danger I to fllfe and limb Imminent ut the firemen stuck to their work and did net draw back until they finally had to drpp their lose and fun for their! lives as the last wall of the Piedmont llat company came dwn. leaving! a cliar space across a whole block wqere encejwas ill- one of the business blocks of I the city.

i Several small hotels 4nd One large i i i one were reduced to hfaps jof brick i i i and mortarf diyllgftt. Four business block were wrrcked and) the fire ate: Its way in all direct tons. The block bounded by Madison, S'orsythe, Nelson and Mitchell streets was totally destroyed. When thef firfmen reached the; scene on alarm they found themselves Handicapped with low water pressure and thli sit- faatrori' yn) 'afTgrt o'clock, The fire at that Ihour was wiping business blocks! in the direction of the center of the city and threatening! the entire I business dis trict. 1 i I Half an hour afterward Schles- lnger building was In! ruins and tha Terminal 'hotel, half a block fewayj, waa blazing, while the fotr story I brick building between the SchleSlnger and tha hotel structure was in flames.

liy I o'clock tha hotel guests had been hurried from thflr rboms An hour later there was not a brick 'above the foundations of the Terminal ho a 3 i tel. In tha hotel were a dumber of which from time ta time exploded, until the firemen drove the spectators i into the terminal station. 600 yards away. So far as; known no one was! seriously Injlred In the fire, CM i I limmn Block Destroyed. The; Inman block cm th corner of Mitchell land Forsyth streets, a brick structure three stories In height and extending; from Mitfhell "to Nelson i i i I i streets, caught fire about 7 and was destroyed.

In tpis building were the Ctnjfal Bank anh Trust -company branch offices. There werle also nine business concerns here. They are Al- vernon grocers: the -Binder I. Frame Manufacturing company; Hlrschberr. stationers; I Graton i i I Knight, manufacturers; Walker Cooley Ufacturint; company.

The Friedman hat Ifactoy, In a five storyj building on street, and the Mcpiure wholesale hpusej which was a depot for a large fivw cent store business. and whicn) 4 4lso on Mitchell Street, were destrfoy THREE YEAR OLD BOY; GOES 11,000 MILES 1 I Travels Alone All From South Africa taj Nev York. By AosUted NEW li'ORK. Mayf Having trav eled ail alone here front South Af-whore his njotherf died two Hca4 months ago. threef ycar-pld Wilfred whose father livs at Southampton L.

arrived op board tha Teutonic in charge I of stewardess. It i has taken the Ichild six weeks to complete his 11.004 mile voyage and tn Uia time he had not seen a face that he knew until his father greeted him! on the pier here. IMPORTANT BILU PASSED. 4 1 House Afccspts Sunday Civil Appropri-1 ation Messura. By AaKated Pre, WASHINGTON.

May The house to-da passed the 'sundry1 civfl appropriation bill, tha consideration of which! waa completed yesterday. 'Si- i 1 I I PfCrokar'a Rfiedora Wins, Assactated rrsea 'I I lr A vi ma I LONDON. May Thd 1.000 guinea stakes; at New Market to4day was won by Richard Crokera Rbodora- The Truce's Special aervlr LAPOrtTE. May Tha most atrocious murder mystery of tha century is growing and to-day's develop ments promise to make tha Qunneaa home the biggest enamel farm that tha world has known. Two more victims of this arch-fiend and murderess were added to the already long string to-day when the skeletons of a man and a woman were dug tip within a stone's throw of the house in which Mrs.

Ounness. with insidious art, wlli-ly lured them to their doom. The first body to be recovered to day was that of a man. There was nothing left of the remains except the skeleton and this as In all other Instances, showed that before burial it had been decapitated and dismem bered. An examination jof the skull indicated; that the person had been struck with a sharp hammer.

The hole is about one-half inch in diameter. This body was dug up about three feet below the surface of tha earth and was In an abandoned vault. Shortly after the recovery of the tenth body, the remains of another, the eleventh, was brought to the sur face It having been burled In the same hole with the first body. Although the remains have not been as care fully examined as they jwill be later, they are evidently those of a woman The Known Victims. If more bodies are found on the Gunnesg farm to-day fresh mysteries Will confront the authorities.

Thus far only three oi tne ooaiee from the ground have been Identified, Besides the three Gunnesg children the known victims arei JENNIE OLSON, the l-year-old fnatar daughter of Mrs. Gunness. ANDREW HELGELEIN. of Mans field. B.

D. OLE O. BUOSBERO, of Iola Wla. Besldea the finding of additional bodies the latest developments in the Gunness case are as follows: Measurements of corpse at first sup posed to be that of Mrs. Gunness show that body is that of much smaller woman.

ijiDorte and Chicago police are now confident that Mrs. Gunness did not die In fire on her farm and that sne is alive. Hani of Olaf Budsberg. of lolo. Wis dentlfy remslns of one of victims of thosj of their father.

Hwanhilda daughter of Mrs. Gunness' second husband, locat ed at Janesvllle. where she has hidden by relatives. Two female corpses sni those of six males yet remain unidentified. Despite the searching Investigations of the sheriff and the state's attrney there Is as almost no clew to th Identity of theae bodies.

Their task Is complicated by th- fact that the bodies have been In the ground for at least 18 months. The rain having ceased, the diggers were put to work at an esrly hour. A soft spot under a pile of refuse was selected as the most promising place to begin operations. The digger had not b-en long at his task when he turned up a spade full of bones, and before nine o'clock the body, that of a full grown male, had been entirely exposed. The skeleton, which wis badly dlsatlculated.

was scattered but the bonea were In a good state of preservation. It is believed that the body had been under ground about two years. The second skeleton wa found in the same place and directly underneath the nrt with an Intervening space of esrtli. The bones are much smaller and thought to be those of a woman. The skeleton also wag not In an articulated state, the tools of the diggers probably having to do with the bresklng and scattering of the smaller bones.

Thoussnd People on Grounds. The news that digging operations were to be resumed to-dsy brought a large crowd of the curious idle seers to the scene. As early as 7 o'clock this morning buggies, hacks, wagons and sorts of conveyances started for the farm and by 8 o'clock there were more than 1,000 people gathered on the place. people from adjacent and surrounding villages and visitors from far away cities made up the crowd that morbidly watched the diggers as they monotonously turned over the earth. When It was learned In thlj city that more bodies had ben found many more repaired to the c-r.

Search is Continued. When the rain ceased this morning the search for bodlfs was resumed. The sheriff to-day departed froro his usual custom of having several men at work with the spade and put only one man in that capacity. The predictions by the authorities that other bodies would be uncovered to-day drew large crowds to the Gunness farm. Wlh morbid curiosity they stood huddled in groups watching the digger.

A more active spirit is manifested along the line of Investigation to-day than has been the esse since the discovery of the frightful atrocities committed at the Gunness farm. The sheriff waa astir at an early hour and too busy to talk to newspaper men. Prosecuting Attorney Smith was also hard at work and refused to say anything, It 1b said that detectives- have already taken hold and are ptcklng apart whatever evidence they have gathered. Coroner Mack waa engaged unt depositions of tha Iludsberg bora. Mad and Oscar and Kdwin cnapin, in Iola hardware merchant, who ac companied them.

These documents re veal no facts which have not already Another Important witness againifi LamDhere. tha suspect la con fined tn the La ports county Jail, is said to have been found In a person named Purcell. It is said that he will bo brought In to-day. Ills testimony ia said to be along the same lines aa that of other witnesses who hava been secured. The arch murderess frequently changed her some time Gunness and often writing it Guin ness.

1 Tha generally accepted spelH Ing in La port however. Is Gunness. Fearad an Investigation, Cross-examination of Mrs. Bella Gunnesg before Justice Robert Klncald. one week before the burn ing down of her home, came to light to-day as a most important fact in support of the theory that she fled from her home in fear an expose of her crimes or that aha committed suU cide fearing to face investigation.

Attorney H. W. Worden. who croea examined her. represented Ray Lam phere, the carpenter now In Jail, In tha hearing before Justice Klncald when Mrs.

Gunness had Lam ph ere arrested for trespass. In this cross-examination Attorney Worden asked the woman pointed, questions concerning tha deatha of her' two husbands. He wanted to know whether their lives were whether she had collected the Insur-' ance and whether she was suspected of blame for the deaths. I every auestlon there was an oh Jectlon'and tha woman did not answer It because of her lawyer's objections Mrs. Gunness Shewed Fright.

Justice Klncald in telling of tha cross-examination aald: "The woman, when the first que "on were asked her waa composed. Then she trembled and was agitated as the questions became more numef-' ous. i The questions were leading and not relevant and at that time seemed somewhat Insulting- to th woman by Intimating that she killed her two hus bands for the Insurance. i She protested aginst the rose -ex amlnstlon snd left the stand agitated, which might, of course, be true of any decent woman resenting insinuations." Attorney Worden, who Is now taking up Lampheres defense, declares that' the cross-examination was car rled on like any Investigation and that when his questions were not answered he made them bolder and more direct accusations, at which the woman waa Islbly affected. i It was a few days after this cross exmjnstlon that she made her will and during the week between that cross-examlntlon and the fire at tha homa she hunted for Lemphere and wanted to see him.

Kept Children Prom Cell sr. The thrashing of her children on tha day before the fire which waa explained In such a way ss having been caused because they wished to visit the; cellar Is now declared to be Important. Attorney Worden believes that the body of the women who was burned with the children was stored In the cellar In preparation for tha burning of the home. "The children were beaten evidently because there was something In that cellar which she did not want them to see," said Attorney Worden. "It wi a substitute corpse left behind as that of Mrs.

Gunness. Mrs. Gunness fled because she feared an expose." Lixxie 8mith 8upected. Mrs. Lizzie Smith, at whose homa Ray Lamplwre is alleged to have spent the night of the Gunness fire, was placed under police surveillance thla afternoon.

Mrs. Smith Is alleged to have hired a rig from a down town livery stable here about 1:20 o'clock on the night of the Gunm-ss fire and it is believed that she drove Ray Lamphere from her house to the Gun-nes farm assisted him In setting- fira to the house and then enabled him to prove an alibi by driving him back to the town. This has not been proved, however, but It was feared that she might lesve town and so she Is being held as a valuable witness for tha state. Mrs. Gunness on Her Knees.

The picking up of the threads which connect lamphere with the mystery cf the death house, the sheriffs assistant. Roy Marr, to-day discovered a nw witness In the person cf Petr Co'son. who gave to Pron-cutor Pmtth evidence which tends to prove that Lamphere had attempted to the woman. Colson says that Lam-pfcere told him that Mrs. Gunners was Irt his power.

"I made her get down on her knees last night," sail Lamihere to Col-son. I "I am going to make hc-r gtt down to-night again r'-'- "i some money. I must have Another man egp-ct wlJJ shed llsrht on the tragedies Is Emil Greening. former hlrd man at tne farm, who is now living at 305 W-st no street. Oklahoma City, Okla.

Ieputy Sheriff Marr wrot to that addrt-ss t'-dav a.tng Greening to return here at once. Greening's mother ssserts that her son told her that the night before Jennie Olaon disappeared in November, 104. two persons went to the Gunness tn rondnct the girl to the train. At least that Is the explanation which lii'nsrf-n to Grt-ening. Greening said that the strangers wer both men.

although one was dress- ed in woman's garments. Mrs. Gunness told Greening that they were a professor and his wife from a school ment 6, years until Aug. 18. the tlon at St.

Louis that nominated Wll-condltlon; of his health forbids further! Ham McKlnley. i activity, i Rear Admiral Thomas will be In command of the fleet during Its stay on the coast, but to jltcar Admiral Sperry Will be given the honor of taking the "big back to tha AtiantU'j coast by circling the globe. The Pacific fleet, which took Dart In to-day's, review, will sail to-morrow for the south to carry out a programme! of drills, maneuvers and- exercises, i To-morrow will be Oakland day. when the festivities incident to the visit of the fleet will be temporarily transferred to that cltyj On Sunday there Will be special sen-Ices in all the churches and In the naval pavilion. all for Enlisted Men.

1 In addition to a grand ball for the enlisted men on Tuesday night, dally athletic meets and other amusements, a number of trips are Scheduled for next week. The programme of the sightseeing committee is an extensive one and Includes the following events: Monday. May 11 Automobile run through the city for Secretary Metcalf. I -i 7J 1 iivji a ana i uincrn ui nr nee i. cioservauon i car rides -for x.eoo enlisted men, starting- from Ferry building at 8:30 a.

11 a. p. m. and 4 p. m.

Tuesday. May 12-rExcurslon to Vallejo for 400 officers and men of the fleet. i Wednesday, May lJWTrip to Mount Taraalpnls and Mulrj woods, with luncheon at Moutn Tamalpals. for 200 officers of the fleet, Car rides for 1.000 enlisted men as on Monday. Trip 1 Indiana Republican Platform Planks REPUBLICAN LEGISLATION IN INDIANA.

The republican party for twelve years ibas been intrusted by increasing majorities with the entire administration and control of tha public affairs of our state. During this period the executive and judicial departments have enforced the laws justly and impartially, while enacted many important measures at toe will and lor tne wa men) nn' toe legislative department frrwvl af tVlA ruwml flf th l. The labor commission. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. Railway commission County and township The factory and mine Tne private banking depository law fonall Laws turning all fees nas a insurance companies.

and drug laws. and monopoly laws. securing nonpartisan management our benevolent, reformatory institutions. exemption laws. giving the people in their several power to prevent the sale of 9.

10. 11. 12. and rate laws. reform laws.

inspection law. 13. 14. liquors. Regulating Pure food Anti-trust Laws of and penal Mortgage Laws localities law.

public funds. into the treasury and paying salaries only to public officers. Coating and regulating trust com- panies. 8. 11 I an aas ly hour this morntng- taking tha A i i I 1 i 1 I I -M I I I -il- i.

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