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Woodland Daily Democrat from Woodland, California • Page 3

Woodland, California
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WOODLAND DAILY DEMOCBAZ MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER U. 1891. LOOAL BBETITIE8. The of iTbe Hotel bus wu broken out at tbo depot today. November report ol the State Board of Health ooQUlmt DO meutloa of Woodland.

WMblngtoo, with a population of 600, only one death for the month of November, Betd up Mr. Potter of Texaa" and be ready to follow aud enjoy the pity oo Wednesday evening. The funeral of Mamie Howell, who Friday night, took place from Step bens A Beau's undertaking parlors yeeterOay. The Committee of Arraueemeats for the Firemen's bail will meet la rooms, ID the building, Tuesday night at 7 o'clock. While returning from the depot Sunday night the Byrne Hotel bus ran into the lamp-post ou Main street.

The lamp was completely demolished. Mrs. O'Farrell will open a store in the Hunt building this week. See her Cbrtatmaa goods before buying else where. Watch the paper tor her ad.

Severn! of our citizens are clrculat Ing a petition, which will be seat tu the railroad offidala, praying tiitu they reinstate 0. A. Hoy aa station agent. Will meet with Mfas Laura Zimmerman this evening at 7.30 o'clock, to make preparations for tuelr Naw Year's reception. A good attendance ie desired.

St. Lukes Guild wilt meet with Mrs. F. E. Baker on Tuesday, December 15th, at 2 p.

it. Alt membara hod church members are requested to be present. On Ckristnaao Eve the children of the M. E. Church, Sou.h, are to have a poatofHce In the church.

Santa Glaus proposes sending Christmas presents through the mails. Superintendent Wright's special train from Oroville came via Woodland laat uurday evening in order to give him a glimpse of the queen city of the Sacramento Valley. Se knows a good thiDK when he sees it. The Native Sons of Esparto will give a crand ball at N. 3.

G. W. Hall In that city on Thursday evening, December 31st. They will have tbn best of music and a fine supper at the Barnes. At the M.

Church, South, on Christmas Eve, the Sunday School children are to receive their presents from an elaborately deerated post- office, instead of the regulation Christ mas tree. Mrs. White, who came to the hospital on Saturday, was a resident or Duvlsvllle before coming here, ami not a Sacramento pauper aa stated by the Mail. The lady has been sick for the past two years, and was finally compelled to seek aid from the county. The interest on the Christian Church debt, wbioh amounts to 3510, will become due this week.

On Sunday, after the regular services were over, Rev Mr. Gardner announced that the interest was atitl there was no money in the treasury. Tbe whole amount, excepting 33G, was raised In a few moments. TbK ut M. Kl- uu individual wlio, 110 doubt, lives in this city, who is par- ttculaily of piutold and uuitfry of all bludy.

yr six litBes, wltbiu aa many yeara, bave our merchants been robbtd o( tutrlr fuJl stock of pin- tole, aiid la soiuo luetanueB, cutlery was also luittttt. E. J. i tbo gun smith, baa bad tilt) sbow casts cluaued out tbree times; once the tbiff entered by the front door, aud twioe by tbe rear en- traiiue. Every time be came he went straight to thu show case contaiulug tbo plf tola mad took i -the Smith Wesson uiake.

There were ulways plenty of guns in the store, but these lit) did uot molest. After the third burgluiy Mr. Pfelfer fixed a trap fur bis eueuiy, con 8 is ting of gun eat suuh a manner that the opeaing of the dour would explode it. The muzzle was pomted directly at me door, ao that tlie thief stood no show to escape. TtiiaMt.

PfeJfer haa kept set all the time, and eloce that time tie hus not btrtju molested. The thief turned his attention tn M. hardware when be quit Mr, Pleifer, and about a year ago broke open the rear doot, about 10 o'clock one night, and earned away over two hundred dollars worth pistole and cutlery. Saturday night he again made his presence felt. He evidently slipped Into the store by the buck way, in the evening and when the bouse was locked up be was locked in, for when Ilaub CranatDu came down to the store on SuQdfiy rooroing he found the back door stun Jlog open and nothing was broken about it.

The door is fastened with books in such a manner that it would be impossible to open ft from the outside, i breaking it Mr. Cranston immediately made a search of the store and tbe pistol case soon attracted his attention. AH tbe pistols were gone. Luckily several bad during Saturday nigbt and oolv five remained in thecnse. They were all of the Smith Westoo make, and acting Their value would prnbably amount to $70 The description of the pood? is as i 38 oahber pistols, niekle platfd one 32-caliber, ulcklo plated, Immmerles and one 3S-caH- ber.

black finish, hammerlpss. officers wprf mtifled of the robbery but there is IJ'tlo hopes that the thief will be apprehended. Hie Suulal. SOCIAL notice will betaken of anonymous comtrsnnlcfitIons. Personal or other notice DO! be published ut lessprootrU autlmu tSeated J.

a. Tadlook, of MadieoD, is In the city today, T. Buckley went to Dunnigan on the 11:40 train. Wilbur P. George, a prominent Sacramento attorney, is in town.

C. F. Wyer, tbe Winters horticulturist, was in this ciry Sunday. Robert Pearson, of tbe Dlxon Tribune, was in Woodland Sunday. Mrs.

Peter Baling was taken seriously ill at 4 o'clock this morning. J. A. Piokney, of the West Valley Lumber Company, spent Sunday in Dizon. Mrs.

N. B. Smith, of Del county, is visiting her swter, Airs. C. Turner.

Mlsa Irma Simpson has returnrd from Williams, where she attended the Native Sow' banquet. Prof. L. Simpson went to Dunnigan ot noon. He may enter the employ of H.

Laugenour. That gen tleman wjll be fortunate it be secures his aerrtcee. A git La Hsppj Benedict. E. B.

Phillips, recently appointed district manager of the Equitable Life Insurance Company, doea not believu that marriage is a failure, n'Jtwith- standinp his recent experience. On Thursday, December tbe 3ni, the matrimonial bonds uniting B. and Emma Phillips, were severed by decree of the Superior Court of this county. On Saturday, December tbe 5th, Mr. Fblllipa was united in marriage tu Mra.

Battle Smith, of San Francisco. fn tbe Presbyterian parsonage of San K-ifael, Rev. Mr, Crosby officiating. Mr. Phillips and his bride htive tuken up their residence In San Francisco.

There was an Interesting entertainment at tU'Speiiaa College on Saturday night, December 12m. Alfss Gardner's and Mrs. Xebbita' clasu in ubie euieitatuvd the school and a Inrge number ut i with some ex celleuc music. Tlifi piciMLi Buly oy Lola Simpson also luat bj Girlie Elston were pPciHiiy pretty TLe Seaman's Sereunde. boag bj Jlr Kjbert Simmons, was well re-ceived, aod the young was forued to appear am For aa encore be Nigbt Scenes, whioh was equally as good as the first.

Alter the wera ever the auction i.f baskets Each lady hud btisket tilleil WIMI prMii'S nod they were auctionfd i (T i tbe highest bidder George Munm ted as auctioneer i the baakets i good price, avertmriET oou doHftt each. The receipts, wore whicti will be used for tlie or the school library. The following 13 U.I.K U. U. DruiuuipLd left for Freeuo Mondy moiulug.

J. W. Andoraoo bau purfhaaed U. H. Druiatuoud'c residence.

Tbn weather uas moderated, and It very pleasant tbls tnoraiog. F. Llpget and wife were paeeen gers tu Uoaduy morning. There have beon no fruit dried or otberwiee, for a cguplo of weeks. W.

O. Huaeell repoite that ducks are not so numerous along Putnti Creek ibis ueaaon as usual. In an estimated population of 1,500. for DHvlarille and vicinity, only one dnatb wae reported fur tbe month of ovetuOer. Tbe farmers are anxiously waiting tor rain.

There la some dUappolnt meat at the disappearance of what waa considered good fndicationa for a storm. Tbe irlends of the DEMOCRAT In Davibvllle tire anxious for tbe paper to ba sent down on the afternoon uinll. Can't sueb an arrangement be Booted 1 Rev. L. C.

Kenfro came over from Winters Monday morning ADJ went up to Colnaa Monday morning. He is slowly recovering from an attaok of grippe. Tbe reports of tbe S. P. Co.

show tbat 3,039.980 pouda ot freight were forwarded from Davisvllle during the month of November. Of tbta amount 210,150 pounds were raisins and 23,550 pounds were prunes, all of which were shipped East. The re malnder was local freight sucb ai stock, grain and merchandise. The only record of freight received is 235. 645 pounds of merchandise.

This does not include lumber, the receipts of which hava been very large. J. H. Bunui.Q and Horace Crawford were arrested In Washington laat Friday, upon suspicion that they were the parries who stole F. E.

KuBefrH'e wheat on Monday nigbt of laat week. Thirty sacks of wheat were found in an old shanty on tbe outskiits of the town. A borse, wagou and a cart were also found in their possession. An attempt waa made to sell tbe wheat to the Pioneer Mills, and, as the offl cers had been apprised of the theft, was this circumstance that led to the arrest. Constable Klncald and W.

O. P.ussell went to Washington, and the latter Identified fifteen sacks of the wheat aa tbe Jot stolen from bis father's farm. Tbe other fifteen sacks were stolen from tbe farm of Mr. Tawser, a few miles east of Davisvllle. The prisoners were brought over to Davisville on SaSurday.

aud Crawford waa sent to Woodland" the same evening, in order to keep them apart. The preliminary examination will he held Tuesday at 10 M. It in said that Brnnnon has made a confession A EBTATK L. to P. -MO acres In township 7 DortlJ ratuje 1 eaat J.

K. Moseli to Ne 10 Fred i to W. Anderpon- Nortbeasl section 31, township 11 or lli. muse ea't 00 Duet i i iTM 1 i tut ti nrt nin); to Li ilium Song, The i a A i Ijtai l.ola "lininV Lindner! "-on i ilcfi i uli he I 1 ton It.) ert Fiunu Duet. i Fiiln 1 unrt KtilTlln l.

in 5. lii' 'In i is Yu iia Pmncj Sulu, Piano Duet. JIM mn a JJttun lie i A a r. tu aid de.ith of Isaac occurred tbia morniug ut, 7 o'clock at bis reai- dcnee un i otreet. Mr.

Levviild is an old reident of Yolo couutj. aud is piobably ae well known as any other man in the county. He has Ueeu following toe business of dejiliir fur nitiuy years, and in way has conic In contact with almost every of the county. He fruRi.L and prosperous, and has It-It liia fainilj in very good circumstances. He was 65 yeara old.

He a wife, live daughters and one son to mnurn hte loss. He was member jf Woodland Council, No 2i, by which organization tie will bo buiicd Tlie funeifil will he held en Tuesday at 10 A. jr. IVnift. Dec.

Henrj Cooper Is quite ill. Joe Hill is recovering from "a severe attack of pneumonia. Mr. J. S.

DoVilbias and wiEa are happy over the advent of a little girl baby, which arrived on Sunday. Arrangements are being made for a coursing match, to held in this clnlty during Christmas week Ten entries will be made from 9an Francisco. The people of thle vicinity are anxious for Woodland to them tn the eport. Our We have seen tte Srat pages of the Jlftrit's New Year's edition. They are well written and profusely illustrated.

If the remaining are kept up to the standard of those thfit have already heea published, that cumber of Mall will be a splendid paper. The frteotte at the l-vte Mamie Howell wish to express their thnnks to the oitlzona of Woodland, find especially To tbe Udtes of W. C. T. U.

for their at the burial oi tbdt unfortututtA trtond. l.i Slim tj- The Innp rvad ttia sliort mau are stttl in town, nnl pny their regarde to our citizona occasionally On AS 'Hi imae ErUo wae hotufi 10 o'clot-k, aod the alli-y im mediately in the IVHT if li.irneas shop, a eti-jtped front of him aud told him to tbrow up lus hands. Mr. Ervio a.TiWMOil with a blow wiliah auut liim -sprawling into the ffiutpr Mr. F.ivm i i ran down Seconrl streur, juat tia the tall mnn loomed up from tliti mlipr sidewalk.

Uoth men cnuld oot overtako victim. nmili ir (Jrniiiliim i i i i Mary R.iota, tamlllarly kaown ae Orawiiim Uaoto, ilied SutiJuy night at o'ol ii tn i n'rtidi'nco or bur SOB, Amos Moots, on Woatcott street. Deceased a tmtivo of liontbon i i i i i and was seventy- tight ji-artt Kho was the mother vt r- childivn, tlvr- of wboin survive her. (ir.iniiuia Hoots wart onn of Void's ol.h^at settlors, and is well i the county. I'filfrt ihuni-tit.

Tne Oilflin Links will glvo an nn- rertalnmpnt nnd nr Maaonlc Hall, ThiimlFvy i Docpmber 17lh. Thp Woodhmd Orcheatrft has bopn ami an interesting program arrnnpfd. ArlmiiiBton, 25 ornts per couple, alnnln pereon. Supper will le served from 5 p. duiing the evening, 29 cents extra.

siiine MEII ATB Horn Great 1" mt-n greatness! JTone have won fanib more deservedly than Dr. Jos. Rionhart when he placed before the publm chat wonderful medicine as Rionhart's Flaxseed Balsam. PoxD i LAWSON has segutftcl the agencv for it, and 50 cfnts buys a bottle. o.

c. r. Notice Officers and members of Wood'and uucil, Xo, 24, and Surprise Council, Xo, l7, O. O. you are herfby notified to attend a special meeting tbte (Mondaj) evening at 7.45 o'clock, to make arrangements for the funeral of our late brother.

laaae Lewald. By order of F. HESTER. MBS. ADAIIB.

Sec. When Baby we gare her When she wis Child, she cried for Wlien she became Miss, she cluuff to CutorlA. When tlie iuid Children, gift Cutorlb Saturday evening, December 19th, from 8 to 10 P. M. Woodland Orobea- tra engaged for tbe occasston.

Souvenirs given to ladies. Everybody invited. No Roods sold durlcg concert New York Store, JACOHB Proprietors. The Dnoklen'i Aminfe Skive. BIST HALVE the world lor CnW Horoa, llloera.

salt, Hheuiii. Fevai Bnres. Tetwr. Phonped Hands, Corns and all Sfcln Eruptions and poet tl veil onres Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed tn give perfect nAtlnfaetlOD, or money refunded.

Price jmrtiox. For Bate by K01CX. HOPPtX-In Wiioaiiui). l)e-. Ulh.

ItWl, to tlie wilt 01 rmwldi-iii Hoppin. a daughter. DoccmlKT H. Isill, to Ihe wih h. pimples.

The old Idea of 40 that facial eruptions wcro duo to a Ijlood humor," fot thfy potnah. Tliusall tlicold purilliii cnntmn mostdbJLL'honahlenid drn tio mlncrnl, tliat tun rod o( rlccrcnsins. creiitta moro crujitloiiB You IIAIU nv tired this ulion tolvins tlim Joy'n It linn ever now kuonii thin the ntoin- ach, tlio blritid cruatinu iinver, ia the neat of nil Tltifttins or clcjuisiiiB A dojjEiMl hy tnillKcttiflii Ar tho liloinl, ri suit A Ipnn stomach licilt li ful dlBi-Mimi jmriins i Tlun loj VKKctnNcfar-injinrill modem lo i i i the Iho (Ijivjittoti he wTcri ii Irnmcdldtt ramt Milisfactfirj Khort tpmtmnnltil ro Pinifiiit the notion of the SrtrsniiBrlllM a-id miHlcrn 1 oration. C. li Stuart, of Itnvps St i "I havp for )partlnil in)ters(mn, I tried apoimlat in.i it ranscd moro jiimploi tolirrnlt out on roy

HrarliiR thnt JOJT'II irwr later mil a It'll iliflTcrrntly, I tried It n-1'l tlie I Sarsaparllla Ijarfcit bottle, niontoflVcliTC, tame FOB. RI.K BY JOHN V. l.EITUOLD Grand Promenade Concert. Ouu HOLIDAY JUBILEE AND OPENING Saturday Evening, December 19th Between the Hours of 8 and 10 F. M.

There a sound of levclry by night, and Yolu's people were gathered tlnM-e." Woodland Orchestra Engaged for the Occasion Grand Chinese Lantern and Electric Light Illumination. Souvenirs will be given Lo the Ladies Stnre will close at 7:30 i M. and re-open who ai-G present, at 8 i'. M. fur reception of visitors.

Gorjufj Sou DURING TUK The Store will he finely decoiated and holiday goods displayed in profusion. to 1O Everybody invited. Bring your friends and spend a pleasant evening. JACOBS BROTHERS. NEW YORK STORE.

-V- VXV i' CASTOR i A for Infants and known to me." H. A ARCHER, M. 111 So. Oxford Brooklyn, N. T.

"The use of' Csstorla' Is Bonniveiul and merits mo veil known that It irnmn a wort of nipererontion so endorie It, Few are the InialllgBDt fimlllee who do not keep Castorifl within reach." CABixa HIKTTK, D.D., Torlc City. PBitor BloomingdaJe Betormed Church. Colle, Conitlpctloa, Sour atomacb, planitcea. EnitUtion, Kills and (U WitEout Icjurioua medlcntioo, Tor oeveml yean I b4ve recommended TOUT Cutoiix. and shall alwayi continue tu do it tm invariably produced tepaflclal variably produ i a F.

PAKDBI. K. Tbe Wluthrqp," lasth Btrwt and Tth New York tarn CBHTADK COKPMT. Tt MuaaiT ETMBIT, NIT Have You Seen the New Hat? Silk flats, Stiff Hats, Soft flats, Silk Umbrellas, Mackintoshes, Robber Coats, Jersey Goats, Cardigan Jackets, Duck-lined Coats, Onderwear, floss, Migto-Sliirts, Over-Shirts, White Shirts, Mufflers, Gloves, Etc, Shirts Made to Order. Suits Made to Order.

Einstein KEXT TO WHITE HOUSE, YfQODLAHD, CAIIFOHIU. HiTTERS A MERCHANT TAILORS. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Wool Mixed Scotch Plaids, 12 1-2 CTS PER YARD. Double-Width Wool Dress Goods, 25 CTS PER YARD. All Wool Germain Flannels, 25 CTS PER YARD.

All Wool French Flannels, 50 CTS PER YARD. Ladies' and Misses' Shoes, $1.50 PER PAIR. All Ihe Above Articles iiru Oil cruel Bulow Cost Prices. J. HX3VTEC1, PROPRIETOR OF WHITE HOUSE, WOODLANJ).

Holiday Specials GREAT VARIETY OF TABLE DELICACIES! New Zanto Currants, Smyrna Kijfs, i'crsian Dates Sliced Pineaiipli 1 in Mii'iliroonii, in cflosh, Impel ial Jflly, E'nglisli Plum Pudding, Mint 1 Min.t, San 1 i i i Honey, 1'ui-p a i Ea.sturu and Ciilifnium ClifCM 1 Kim- Oriiijton Anjilo-4, Xuis i all kind-, t'andies put up in lii-iititiful caittwns, Elegance and Comfort I Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes (Patent Tip) $3 00 Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes (Plain Tip) 3 OO Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes (Plain Tip) 2 5O Ladieb' Goat Shoes (Plain Tip) 2 5O Ladies' Fine Calf French Shoes (Plain Tip) 2 5O Misses' Fine Kid Shoes (Patent Tip) 2 OO Misses' Fine Kid Shoes (Patent Tip) 3 OO Misses' Fine Kid Shoes (Plain Tip) 2 OO Misses' Fine Kid Shoes (Leather Tip) 2 00 We also Carry a Large and Complete Line of MEN'S BOOTSaniSHOES Trade is Good, so Come and Take Your Choice JAMES DUNCAN, Jackson Block, Main Street, Woodland, Yolo County. California. Great Slaughter Sale! Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks, Being heavily overstocked and not wishing to pack any cloaks over this season I have determined to sacrifice these goods at any price. Our Styles Embrace New Markets, Black and Colored Jackets, Plush Wraps (All Styles, Misses' Jackets, Childrens' Cloaks. Mew and Elegant Designs 10 Decorated China and Glassware, Oltamlxir Sots, Dinner and IVn SoK, Mnli Sets, Fancy Syrup Vinegar and Oil Kte, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FINE PARLOR LAMPS! Purchased direct from an Eastern factory, and i bo sold for per Cent less than tin- uf goods are usually sold HODGE Our assortment is a little broken but if you can find anything in our stock to suit, you can get a bargain that you will only get once in a life time by calling at M.

Lindner's 6OO to 602, A I STREET, WOODLAND, CAU.

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