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The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana • 1

South Bend, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i a i rfl Si- 1. 1M- o1 Departments anii Featutet WatasaV: i I I fHie I MKoHal SM. JKUSsatfc aejitf ta, sw, i ram Spar I.I. S- HMMit I Ami! 4. Mf.

t'UaISt HOME EDITION TWUW. i '5J It n- VOL, LIX. NO, '300. MrMasaUOC1TtD fur WITH UAKI.B Will HtVICt 1 SOUTH BBND, INDIANA, WEDNESDAY EVENING; MAHC 129, 1933. ira emit AMornnn rw nnirn m.inf?f? KkWBfArKB IN lOliTN MNII aVaUi I I IllbU lUi I'.

1 j- iiiftf I Tinnn'n 1 (. Jy i i trol Gon Stocik THE NATIONAL WHIRLIGIG Newt HealatT Hit Newt) 1,300 GATHER at luncheon; hear talks fpajajajBjpajMMPJM WsWBMBsTBW ssBsWWIMBWIBWWiiMWMBW mm-wm-vm i 1 HITLER iSSILEtiTlOnXI WOULD MAKE li I IE PENS 1 Mi AS fill Zl SELLERS SHOW Typist of 60 -V Can you imagine lhs demure years ago appearing at her deak In COU VV 1L.U A HU Uia -JEBT BOYGOTT Attempt lo Unit i All Huslncsjr by Rncc Lnunchcd 48 BERLIN SHOPS; CLOSED itp. in Ucvoli.l fl! By I 41- ItKltUN. March 2.4Thd )M government wai ailen today las the dominant JnallonH scijciayat party wnt aheal of(auini cofh" mittaea throughout ihf cuyiry fjto atop a pw feaalonaM activity byl atirfey morning rTven i school attendance bv Jew tab children (a to ba mlucejii I Two -j ifiarjlin it nawabaoera not dommatfd'i-hy tha fa at fipafty warned ith governmint mi the Joaalblsii effectlf A prqnUntnt ewlah paper ettviaagwit a 'revival of the nu.uije at ghttoa pr tha iaolatlnif iof ithTjws In arbarite villages aa thoaafof kypsiea It wis lfuiibl 1 to priu wneinr uie guff mmeit wottbt in t)tyidla fe'l in! e.rai aevtfims p-Sof iHJuntjyf wera mn leteil by i tie mo vein i Its i imntediMta; attwUUtn ll I he strained relauoiis In til own ranks eauaed by thf rt ported; couiiter volt rtmveniejit! )n Mrimawu Involving iha sleH belmt iwir vt erana Oiij iM WASHINGTON. PAlk MM Behind all these I 1 recent federal nankin maneuvers la the gradual approacn vo ward unlried banking.

You ran get in vm money bet from officials now that It will coma naturally within the next few years. That was an unstated pur ro of the Rob- inmn bank hill jUSt pasaed. On AUL MALLON, the outside It lookt Ilk a- generous effort of, federal reserve, to help the state bunk. Actually It puta th'faorl tttKf Into th atat bahilnir pl for tht flrat tlmf. Th frdarat rarv will mk no loam to Hate bank iwlthnut llrat conducting a thorouch examination of thm.

In practic that will amount virtually to fed-rrai Macrva auprvlaion of thoad at at banka wanttnr loana. Add to thla tha fact that nearly vry high official In Waahlngton la in favor of unified banking but afraid to aay ao. Alao that appll-catlona for entry Into the federal Taerv ayatem are mnnlne ao hleh they cannot be handled. Like-( ih imei that thouaanda of atata banka ara already out of Duatneaa, Th tendency la clean tne reauu evitable," 1 TtlfWIi'V nanktnf -Jteurea taimfrova, That national phaaa of tha emar aency la ovaf, ronditlona remain- bad In, only a few atatea. la only a.quna-.

turn of time until they ara recti' tied. Th aituation probably i wMtaa In Uulaiana than anywhira "lUat publitf muren tn4laU half tha money hoarded "ifH' Keb, I bad twen relumed up to laat Wedneaday, Mora hai cima ba atnea thtn. Thit movement will tontinoa, The atraln wa no iwlftly re livett that th treaaury Hopped prtntin tha new ankjnotea, Hlxtra ehifta at the bureau or ennravinf wera laid off. The, amount of money laaued probably leaa than Ito.nrxvnm). The inrlatton did not- to very far alon thai line.

Th new farm mortnaje achem etron credit inflation minnv m. nw Una'. Authorltlea claim Mt will be held within a ooo but they do not Know. ronoiy can tell until tha ayatem atarta 1 k. cameraman caught thia poae Tuesday evening when Mlaa Ava Itur- den, a member of the buaineaa girls' department of the A.

wa assisting in the celehratlon of the noth annlveraary of the Invention of the typewriter and the advrnt of women into the world The affair took place in the residence, aoj Ireland, who Set find -m Years Ago. Phoie by rrthun SuB rtllrMHr maiden in her quaint frock of 0 lO.tS'a busy buaineaa world? The on page lit, SPEED VOTE ON FIRST JOB BILL Dcnnicntl Ucadcm Act Aflcr Hoowcvclt Ac-V ccptu ChnnffeM. A' ltl WAJStUNOTtlN, Marrh Itt (Voiocrsilc leadrrs reauroed ef-forta today to ruah ihe flret of President Hoacvelt's unemployment meaaurea through the house and have It ready for the atatute booka by nightfall. 8 peed was a main objective. Hponaors contending the bill, approved Tueaday by the acnate without a record vote, would put 250,000 men to work it soil erosion, flood control and other jobs within a short time.

Although there was riome houaa oppoaitiun in evidence, Ilepresent-atlvc Uyrna, the democratic leader, predicted "thi bill will tie at the white house tonight." Beforet final action th president accepted some aenate amendment, One would remove the present limitation on reconstruction corporation loans to aisles for relief purposes. This was offered to ihe forestryg employment hill with Illinois in mind, since that state already haa borrowed nearly all of the $45,000,000 to whlcn it is entitled, and needs additions! money. At the same time presidential sanction was obtained before the senate went ahead with the second phase of Mr. Roosevelt's broad relief programa bill which would- set up a 00,000, 000 fund for direct grants to states and establish a new federal relief policy. RICHES HIDDEN IN SHOE FOUND Br Affirm rr CHIdAOO, Msrch 20, When Alfred Serv's wife died, nine yesrf ago, ha and his two sons locked up tha nous and moved away, The years passed and he went back to clean up the place.

When he did, he found his wife's will. "I have Jewelry in my ahoe on the bathroom," it read. Tha shot contained $0,000 worth of jewels and tha record of a $4,000 bank deposit. Roosevelt "Bomb" is Pint Beer Mug tty Pr WI1.MINOTOV, lr Mrh Itt.A heavy, carefully-wrapped package addresaed to President Itimaevelt raunetr a bomb scare In the Wilmington poat office, Handling the bundle gingerly, an employe carried It I'nstmaater Abraham uh. opened It and removed a one-plot copper beer mug.

It was repacked and forwarded to Waahlngtnn. MUNCIE PASTOR TO OFFER ALIBI Defense I i Plans While Jury is Hcinjr Chosen. Ov Aio iid Prm MtrNCIK, March 2t A second speeisl venire was called lo Delaware circuit court today, where attorneya obtained a jury to try 1v. O. Iemuel Conway on chargfa of attempted crioilnal an-aault on an lX-yiar-old member of hia congregation, Mr, Is alleged by the Mate to have made Improper advances toward Miaa Helen Hun-man )tftt Hecember in his automobile on a country road near here tie was uoinlr4 fnmi bis psaioiaie iwr a year receiitlv alter an eivlesiaatlcal trial in which a jury of churchmen foun I him guilty of imprudent luintsle-rial conduct.

Counsel for the deposed minis-ter Indicated the defense will coil-tend was in a plumbing ahop discussing a tlshing trip at th lime of Ilia alleged orfenae, Tha miniater has aaid Mias Huffman's Story waa hv my enemies The girl wna in court today, Ss were ihe minis er. hla wife mid aeVerat-of Ihelr grown children, SLAYER LIVES BECAUSE STATE LACKS MONEY AMiinclalPrt LITTLK ROCK. March 29. Woody Wllllama, Negro murderer; went on living ioday bc-cauaej there lan't enough money In the penitentiary fund to execute him. Williams waa to die Tueaday for killing a grocera' clerk.

Au-thorillea, however, found a recent law had ordered the electric chair moved from the penitentiary here to the Tucker state prison farm. The apccifically said that there were to be no more electrocutions here. The penitentiary fund, howeve-, contains no money to move th chslr, So (lov, Futrell reprieved Wllilsms for .10 dsys. And unlea fund come in, the stsy will be extended. "TMunansY, MAnCH 'as" Indv.n.

f.n, not onia lo-niUI; Thurdy lncr.lm rloudlnM nd wsrmrr, probably Lor Mirtilg.n- Incr.aaliva rlourtln- nei ao cold toniht; lliurriy rtoudy and warm.r follow.d by hor Mmttly rloudy. probably rhow-r and In wtat peiilon lonighi, om.whav aatm.r Thursday: aun ri. at a.ia at II tOUTTI BCN1 Tha t.mpratur. in South send far tht 14 hour, andlm at nan today; a. rMserdrd by Tha Trlhuna a aalf-rocoidini lharmom-alar a follow.

Marnh 3, Ma)h 3. 1 1pm a m. nl 1 aim I I I in II mirtutihl si ht at'. St'- at. lo a II nt Ml 1 id II noon Maximum Mintmttm-S Oao.ral aaaihar atamtic.

sill be fsuna ta "Tha baf'i RooerS' la Th rtibMM 90, ihe end of Ihe current fiscal year, and Is eapected to tave 10, O0O.P0O in this period, III his txepulivt trtler, Mr, Mofiseveit said he had determined thM the eost of living hid dropped HI par tent since tha. first half mas, i AH employe art tff tiled ettcepl where specifically esempted by previous law at in the esse nf Iht president himself or federal judges. Tht army aBd navy enlisted per sonhel, including off icin, is ln eluded. i ISSUES' VALUE Federal Suncrvlslon of SccuritlcjH Apiked in 1 BILL RUSHED IN CONGRESS pfoposnl llfallnir With t- jrhnnKtR Promised i New Hank IMnrfln OjMriR, Roosevelt BUI 1 rrovlalonlk of thai ItoOacvelt jkecurlt lea bill are told In an MmlyaU on page, five, sect In tWO. fti AiK-tt(i em(! iWASHINOTONi March 2I President Roosevelt asked con- greaa today to provide federal au prevision of inventment securities.

In soother tjirect Special message his sixth. In less than three weeks the chief executive de-H'ljired the public haa sustained "aevere loaaes thmuh practices ntkither ethioal nor huivest iThereuponi pwvHiae to invoke the of ithe federal gtlveiiuuent lR intflstaie coin-iiiVm' tiwiti toiitiiol new ee vtinllra IMepaiatiojis I aliealy wipre under way in boMse ami sen ate to exedita the nejweat adiuin 1st ration iegaifiliiin, llearbiga Tomorrow. irteprcsentaiife ItsybMin th Texas v- said Itva rings! would tie held by the inlerslate commerce committee, which he heida, pos stblv starting I He en doraed the proposals; and intro tiniced Ihe hill -v when. Mi message had been read II' The prraidfHil sJ4o Informed congress he- would pcoohne om iegislatlon "relating the better supervision or me psircnase ano safe of alt properties? dealt In on eschangea." I He alao spoke of Ipglalatlon he has -In mind "to corrfct bnethical and unsafe practices on the part of officers and directors of banks and other "What wa seek," Mr. itoosevelt said, "is a return to; a Clear understanding of the ancient tmth that those who manage banka, corporations and, other agencies handling or using other people's nioney are; trustees) acting for others." Text Of Message.

The president's text today follows: i the i il "I recommend to the fCongress legislation for fedefal supervls-ton of trafflef in mVestmept se-durltics In mterstatfj commerce. I "In stale atatiica the piibllc In the paat haa bus-tsined severe loases through prac-ticca neither ethical nor honett on the part of manyf peraona and corporations aelllng accuritiea. I "Of course, fthe federal government can not and Shbuld not take any action which might be construed aa approving guaranteeing that newy issued I securities are sound in the senae that their lvalue will be maintained or that the properties which they represent will earn profit; I Asks for Publicity, 'There is, however, an obligat- CnntlaM.S li rni WILLS ROGERS says: 1 I I Ht VKftLY HILLS, March 6 country bisy be short of work, short Of ready cashi hut by golly depression, has red real pa riots, Hight ere in never lima tint heart of art) (n tha exclu sive nevariy if iu. nooEna WiUhlre hots), some friend of tht fommon jpeopls. ansgkad in and itola, gig aaitophobM, four rlai1 ists, a bull nu.s, and bass inim, Our itownii uohitahlt la for him to nrtiseduts him, ht people: are looMnf for him Iq reward rtlm-.

i i I rardoni tot im hragitni too tiuiek, Just Monday 1 taut, "Hur I ah tm tht aha Is spending her lima frdvinfiher own prob Isms," I wsks uji today Anding we art ljrihti to I lit inte the world coiiri. mi error, i II T0U(, 'LlL i (tovernor Sn Th Whole State JeeU ERSKINE GIVES SPEECH MciMnj5ri. Krnm Nuya nnrt Uohinaon Tell nf He-. tvt In! South IWnd. A 4- 4 4 4 i i KOdtfF.VRLT President Roosevelt tmlay sent hia ftllcitatlona to the -b 1,300 peraona asaembled at the- Souths Hcnd civic, lunch-' con In the Oliver hotel.

4 rccjlng 'waa tranamiltad to the luncheon' in a mcaaage -f from Congreeaman 3amuel I- U. Petteng.UU I i 4.4. 4 Hii "1 hive come here for but one purpo and that ia to eijtp.reaa th faith the people of Indiana hava in Soyth Hend and Hs ihe state'a youthful, dyn amle Paul McNutt, told approxiniately 1,100 cttixens aaaembled at a luncheon in, the Oliver hotel this afternoon to -re atbrm their faith in Rend and is world-famed industriea, particularly the HtudebSUer cori poration, now In the banda of friendly receivera have lived through a critical pi' 1 iuiie Hint bit tor lite lrkpultMllillai developed we might look upon aa an Kovetnor declared, ''The con ndenca that Wa so sorely needed has now been ivatored, We "muat all join hands, forgetting our psst difference and partisanships, and move forward, "Several pibiems confront us. Flrat Is that of reduction of Ihe coat of government which arfecia every man. Kecomi is the dlotri-button of the neceaaary 'burden of the coal of government.

Third Is lo restore nttr financial struct urea on a new hal. Fourth la Jo bring about a rehahitilntion of Indualry and to atabllir.e employment. ''Pride lo yrtilh nehd." "The Tttudrhaker corporation ia a aource of pride to South Rend. It la more than that. It ta a aource of life blood of the community and Indirectly to the state of Indiana.

Anybody who haa knowledge of the facta can have no doubt It will grow and continue to be one of the great! assets of South Bend and the state of Indiana. It has and deserves tha atatc'a entire support. "VV bej-in to ace something of a solution to this important problem now facing us. this ao lotion meant a solution to tha problema of agriculture, a working out of the economic situation con-' fronting such corporations sa your own: here; it means tha stability of financial institutions and the continuation of governmental Inatltutlona. "I wlah yoiKto join with me in saying that wedeny the most of the prophet of evil and defy th real of them.

All we. need is coursge. We have the ability." Senators Send Message. The luncheon waa marked by meaaagea from United States Senators Arthur R. Robinson! and Frederick Van Nuys and Conresa- nniniiei, it, I'eiienglll.

Hundreda of peraons who planned attend the luncheon were turned away Soi great was me crowo mat filled every dining uiDie in me notei to cspaclty that It was necessary to cease selling tickets within a few minutes after 12 o'clock. Msny unsble to gain a table lunched elaewhere and returned to. the hotel later to hesr the broadcast. Confidence In the future success of the city and its grest business enterprlsea waa expeaaed through; a mass recitation of the new South Bend Civic creed composed last Week by civic leaders, renunciation, of the belief assembled that not only the city but thei state and nation Would rise to greater heights thart ever before attained was carried to hundreds of thousands; of radio listeners in the Sir Joseph valley and elsewhere by WSBTVFAM, ths South fiend Tribune't broad-casting stations, i Creed It lleclted. The luncheon started promptly st noon, aa scheduled, wttn formsr Msyor KH Heeblrt as toatmas-ter leading In tha tinging of "Amenc" and the rtoitaton of tna creeut i hallata in th pfllLS a 4stS.

ffpitayo wi wi inmaai, ptllay ji at! aov aowiH ant aMHini aaoa la ax mmi. 0 faHHa 10 rMUMe( in HmituitNM at in.inriuaa bn timis tHt rra (. i 1 fi 1 I limut, jtaiat et aatr pawa nivs rra fWtSflfir ISSi ieg iu i i mi ivrnmaftt, in attuat, 10 4 alata. IMS ia lev rllr flay, Michael Mulcaire, a (sUssr.iinrif; working, ViTVC Th reaaon Mra. Ruth iH VO Bryan Owen did not take an ambaaaadorahip waa that ahe wanted a good paying Job to balance her own family budget.

Tha treaauryahip of the United Statea la a aof anap All Mra. Roaa will bava to do la to redeem currency which la torn or wears out. aay Spain is tha best diplomatic poat for a man who muat earn his own living and that is why Glauda Ilowers, th writer, took Tha pri vta belief of our diplomats Is that Hitler will not laat out hla four yeara. He haa the fir of Muaaolinf but'hia common senae la yet to be, exhibited They were wrong however on Mufoltnl ind the reda boih of whom were advertlaed for diplomatic extinction long before thia. NKW YORK.

St AMIS M'MtlUV trmitieit Floyd Carlisle's HOYNES, DEAN OF LAW, DIES Illness Proves Fa tit I to Oldest Professor on CnmpiiH. Col, William Hoynes, age dean awtrltua of the tnilltga of law an oldest professor on the campus kt the Uuiversity of Notre imer tiled Tueidayf af ternbon at ai4h iWifH-k in Hl. Joarfph'alhnapi' tal rolltiwiog a tiiunth's itiilaa At the dxalll lad'Weit tlie Itev Mlbn'tll MultfMirt, I H. vUie president of the ubivusityi h(s aiateHnMaw, Mrs, John Hoynes, and Itev. James rrem'ft, of the mission band The? Hoynes law building rat the university, dedicated by him ipt, srpetuslea tha name of the sevenyearoin urty ioi rtuaenrt-y American 'soil to lire through a brilliant career as ntditinr, jour nallat; lawyer and educator.

Ills merits were' acknowledged by pope Plus who in miS be knighted him with the Order of Gregory lh Oreal, a title con erred only on a few, Mineral Friday, Funeral services accompanied with military ceremonies will be Friday morning at 0 o'clock In Sacred Heart church, Notre Dame, at a solemn requiem mass with the entire student body participating. At b'clock in the afternoon the body will be placed on a train for burial at LaCrosse, Wis. Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock the body placed on publlo view In the university parlor la the administration building with students of the law college acting as honorary guard until mldnight. I I Taps will be sounded hd military aalute fired as th body lesves the campus following the maaa. Classes at Notre OHmr will be dismissed Fridsy morning On sccount: of the fuhersl, norn 'nesr Callan, county of Kilkenny, Mr, Hoynes this country with his parents ati the age of seven.

Hla grandmother, Mary O'Connell. waa a relative of the famous Irish patriot, panic! O'Connell I Enlisted In Army, Journalism appealed early to the boy and ht began Ho climb the ladder as a printer! with' tha La-Crosaa, Itepubiican' when only 12 yeara of agt, When the civil war broke out, hs was at first refused enlistment in the army of the north ion account of hia youth, nut June 162, ha succeeded In Joining tha 20th Vol-unteer infantry of Wisconsin and waa tha youngest soldier, In the regiment at tha ags of 164 known as tha "Itttla Irish boy." At the battia of rrairla Qrove, pee. 7, ha received a serious wound In tha head, ut survived through tha alega and rapture of Vlcks-burr, July 4,13, which ha later said furnished htm with the big. geat thrill in the fight to save the union, Jlowever, wounds i threat-fned his Ufa and ht waa returned north on hospital boat and then reenliated in the CaMasVa FmVi lia TSiei tin partlgmsnlary rirrlss Is result frofn tha (tiaouaalons between vis and gevtmmani phiefs, Tha isttsp assH a settismsnt that will fthvtsts thi neeesftity of ttviving utrmait rtpargliuits, now pealed down HO ptr eent in tht latiMrma tiratmtht whkh is rondilionsl upon a simitar attjustmeht with the tJhittd Rtatei en war tlpbls. LateM reports from dor Sir ttonajd Lindsay suggvsied some lime Inj April would be the tarllest A tlrbt rohimlMliM rould Muiii i.airtyeiin lauiievard.

intofy Red Flashes From Island Tell of Death 5, Sir CiM POUT MOIUr.N. N. IS, March ap, A message o( death, blinking 111 red flashes from lighthouse), dew rcamrre today to a new st ifmpl to reach lcelocked Flint Uland. I "A chllil la dead," said Ihe red lights, flashing six times in groups or two, The dead child la one of nine Ifi the family of Lighlkecper Martell, ijiit which of the nine, eke on the mainland knew. For 50 hours boats had sought In vain to reach the island, Isol-ikted by a mile and a half of broken ice.

Frantic signals had told tih em something was wrong, but it first no one knew what it wag, Tueaday ahore people compoaed coderOf algnala, which were; de livered to the light tower In a ote dropped from an airplane oy )on Mcl'herson. Hut there waa mtxup, and all that was def-itely established was that some ne wss 111 or dead. Then the (ilaee radio stattob aked the lalandera to flaah the light twice Martell waa ead, four times ir was Mrs, lsrtell, and six times if it was, ne of the children. Many eyes watched In the cold arkness Tuesdsy night ss the ight began to blink "flash-fiashj The government ice-breaker ontcaim made ready to sail rom North Sydney to bring th dy ashore and give aid if any- ne else was sick. A shift in the Wind raised hope that the let blight yield to the smashing rogress of tha hardy ship.

HOMPSON QUITS ARM BOARD JOB if A.MMtftteo' rr. WASHINGTON, March 2P. am H. Thompson todsy ao- ounced his resignation as a mem ber of the federal farm board; try fectlve April 1. He was appointed to the board in 1M1, to complete the unexpired i term of Alexander La-gee, the first chairman.

Thompson's home Is at Qumcy, III, Hnder the executlva order establishing tha new farm credit Idmintatration, Thompson 'a post-ton will ba aboltahed on May 27 Unless the order It vetoed by corf- irrtM. OIL CONFERENCE BACKS U. RULE ON PETROLEUM ly AMsetst Psm, WAWHIKCITON, Mtrth lovernort'j reprenUtlve at tending iht oil wnfertBP today ftttt enUtivt approval of federal noa I ml in tha net roleum industry, jwhleh is bMbff eonsidertd hy tttry leaps, ronn iNfRiKR nrrrri.Ko, i fa AMtaetstet 9n -t I JAtlKNMAM. England, MtrcH slrtkt over wages it tht tfrA-rt Motor en oi nan olant was men rpjnniruf'i in ptiiUHiy miye i.aoo wnn naa oen: nejd prinonnra 84 hours in thei iieei: hlmr hd. quartrr 1 i A frmg mahlfefto l4uedtiv the nart party afinHnced Jthe boycott la tojha, Inaijgijipated at

Saturjrlay ie! a blow lift iaid inritwent rmit nt suffer, hvit tiiat the gioity must fot bf apaitM.ji It addeii the boyrtit was forniulttcd for Jfrns ffif th party "sgalhat the atrocity broboaaJida f. If Jewa not Hv ng in dermanv were held responsible for tha ao- nOVCOTT TAKEJf FORM 1i. 14-1 i I Jewlnh i Sbopsj tnilterllfljiclbsfd as Trooer ricket Them. IJEitUN. March 20.

Get many's boycot bt Jtws) already has -I ill nia 5 morning ma iivrun city government If ordered that from April on all supplies: for muaict-pal projects and ofhrea bur- chased only Nm nationalist aier- fl i 4 Korty-ieight Jewtah I aHobs. picketed-, by I national iiociaiiats storm trooper! iwae- qtHckly closed i i'by irtff wile rsjp and I a numberiiof i shops, jrji fay non-jewa on (money borrowe! from jews, sJao weraj ptcktedMfwlah proresaors wert prevented 'from entering 4 thf riasaroom bttlliitngs at tht tatvetlty of Westphalia. Tha release of thsf an-nouncement jwss saenjas a victory of tha left whig of i toe party, cludingii Capt. lltrmann lOoarlng, minister without portfolio, and Hans Kerrl, prNitdentlof tha Prussian Wt, over the mors moderate wing of Chandelior Hitler and l)r. WUheimji rrlckj ralnisttr oft in tenor, i VAN Jflivn a in a Aenatef' to HpiHianr' foil A med to Crb reraaciitlnna.

senator rrderlrlt Van Yart tiys, of Indiana, lnri(rme1 l.c Jawry today that bvemberf ot iths senate's foreirm reiaUonsrcbmrnit-tea bel ts prepared to abhnaor a policy limed i disrourags THfs cutton of Jswi by llllier'a nasi tovarnintnv liiiOsrmany; 1 In a wiifs in Henjam ft rtsar. 9 rft Mite, lllfi mun -IT' i SIX Debit Ihsiic IS 'ti m. IkAAltlAS i tpisi. a Una gaitumsnt of tht war dM bwei the tailed hlalas again tfftmt tht tnfort tht tin ish itjtvtrivmeftti ta i -l! 'the sublet1! waifiw fur illua. lion ai -today; I ttblnei-! mitrit1 even Heforf lis tipclrit artital tonight.

of rVohtignj. t)avi, who hs Wen nftmsd special: ambAM dor for tht vniied euis in eu root by President IftftoaUvett. important actiotf wa expected after ibis rrleajaiTuaslsy 'ftightTjoounty, 4m abin arm iiiiiiohaattly tele-Gov. graphed agreement with Lhman'a utiL tty program atlrred both amuacment and resentment here. Carllala la head of Morgan-controlled Consolidated Oft a and big shot In the Gallon lectrlo Insti tute.

Comment runs that he lika Aldrtch of the ChaaMvt. JAMM M'MOUIR Intends be amohjf tha aiirvivora when the new deal storm has cleared, It "may not ba that easy, 1 Moat utility companies ara pre- Iared to swallow whatever doses ithma'n or tha federal govern ment preacrlbs without making a 't face, They art not laat'duchers in any sensaand would rather plead guilty In advance than island trial later, Hut lhay faar thst yasMng tha authorities rosy run suffiea to siya them from of. trial rbrris, This faar ap pearl wsU'fmimlM. a-T am i investigation or wumy grnupa witt deal in pari wit tha raasofri raid la investment NnHart for litriatlhff aepunty tssties, pom Ihs fiiHrwii liUfrsHInf Tha thief remalninf opa tn titilitii fl lhat tha feform prt gram not axpanti td lnHHi rt fills but their bmm art slim, noma of then bava afwadv Hirt eil sdvrrtraiig eampaigha tobrovt that taxes an fixed Interest riKtrges msat rata reductions im poaaible. rians art alao afoot to ri, CVlaWa titH Employes Cut 15 Per Cent', 30 Million Saved By U.

S. gy AHslsi4rrM i WAVIIINQTON, March 9, Tht sslsrles of all government em ploytt, high tbd low, will ba ml msslmum of lh per cent, effective ne! Waturdty, President Hontevtit trtiered (he rtiluetion Tuesday night, bringing the previous eight and ont'thtM per cent reduction under Iht Moo ver administrition't furlough ityt tern up to tht mimum of 19 per cent allowed by tht ntw-teonomy get. ,1 rt Tht tut will continue until iuat open confefeca in Washington, jseiuea mil ariernoon (C-esyrighi ma i il Mi 1 life.

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