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Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Pittston Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


PRICE SUCiriG That's what we're doing Uda wait. Prima are ahaved dear dSVn to tha bottom Bara'a a simple: Table Oil Cloth, the best grade 17 cents per yard. Men's Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers, 39c per a. Leading BepaSlleaa rpr's Oplelee? Drary. Today's Phil'a Inquirer.

It to with apparent humiliation that the stalwart FrnsToa Oasettb makes mention of the "negotiations" through whloh Mr "1' eltt the Twenty first Pennsylvania dlatrlot, waa Dre" voters or that district and oome oo tte naaJ 8" Qr Tbroughodt tbs campaign whloh recent ly closed the GAtans repeatedly sstnred Its resdtrs that Mr. Drnry was 4 BepnbU oan through snd through, snd that bow ever much he might prefr the candldaoy of this individual or that, hs certainly would abide by the dectolou of the party canons. This sasursnoe waa diasemlnsted through every portion of the district, snd even be even beyond, aa tending to abow that while legislative candidate bad perfect garment. Boys' Fleeced Lined liaf Shirts and Drawers, 95c garment. Misses' All Wool Hose jf extra good, 5 cents a pair.

Misses' Mittens, double knit.rv yjjf extra heavy, 10 cents a pair. Men's and Boys' Mittens and Gloves, 10 cents a pair and up. 3 quart Granite Iron Pud ding Pans, to cents. We are extra busy in our housefurnish ing department. Prices Veiy low.

Sacks Brown 10 PER CEWT. DISCOUNT SALE TO CONTINUE until an, 1st THIS CLEAN CUT OFFER ol io per cent, off on all goods in our stores has proven a 2jj5 and as we feel that we ought not Jto deprive a large number of our wtrlu to ravor their own ohoice before the etaevPeismala and Oneai seal eet aVeeaJ late. S. B. Bennett Is visitor In New Tork ruray, of Wllkeebarre, called on frisnds bare Sdndsy, The Mfetes or WUkesbarr, wert osllert here yesterday.

Mist Margaret Scrrmgeosr was sgueet of frlnml. in fMniw ...4 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. keeper srs st tending the funeral of a relative In Sayre Mrs.

Maria Watklns, of Towsnds, Is visiting her eister ln lsw, Mrs. A. G. Ma The Tuesday Club will meet with Mrs. Lewis Jones, on Bscs street, tomorrow afternoon.

f. iiii.Hii. .11 t) who MhJL, for tlm8. lausxvviuaj. Mrs.

t. M. Johnson, to visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Orange, N. J.

waiaoaasj oLurinnr. ui sv iuui Ernest Sturmer, of Wyoming avenne, of W. F. Btale. Stanley Lathrop, of New Tork City, spent Sandav with friend hrre.

Han. turned home toda. CbeeUr E.gan, of WUkesbarre, bas moved Into ths Armstrong houee. on Montgomery street Mrs. William Brvden.

of Wvomlnn ava nus, gsvs thimble tea to a small company on Saturday afternoon. Mita Ella Daniels, of Ohaaa. wa. mt 7 7 fl bil XITIZ 1 WWSIU i 4 meet tola mA L. 1 u.

it. BSUU 4.11. UWDI. DI DIUHflB. TaVAHl I I I Kirk In I I I I I I t.

25 MOHDAY, DECXHBEB 8, 1900. MXMB3TI0N TODAY. tha Opaalac ef tha Kaw Caaitwy afcewH wit luati eiwM FtttaMa Ida. We glad to walsoma the assistance of a PlttaSon Time In tha movement for a Greets FlttatoD, which ahotUd derelop Into somsthlng pr actio) during tha opening year of tha new century. We bslleve that the people are tcadj to bring ih various political divisions of thU eoamunlty under one mnnlolDel bead, tans glrlng the city.

In the eyes of the world, the prestige to which It la Justly entitled. What to needed is a capable end popular leader. Who iball It be I Ton eaa save yourself many hours of suffering daring the sold, etormy winter By bating your teeth oared for and plaoed to good oondlthm. Ton wOl And work done by Dr. atoon will give general eatle rsettoa.

Offlee 18 N. Ifaln 8t D8 0m COUNTY SALARIES ADJUSTED. customers who have ceived their pay of saving opportunity, Iuaamnoh Circle of King's "ked his personal 10 PER Pteeeated With a Wold Medal by Varied BSIa Wenkara. Mayor T. J.

Corcoran was tbs recipient of a very oompllmenfatry presentation st the hsnds of ths United Mine Workera of i Plttston snd vlolnlty yesterday afternoon. The Mayor's sympathy to always with the laboring man and time and again hs has demonstrated hie feeling. Only short tlms sgo, st ths blow of the anthracite eirike, the mine workers, of this vh lnlty Were desirous of celebrating the vlotory and of having President John Mitchell visit the olty. They were handlospped by took of funds, bnt Mayor Coroorsa came to their reseus not only financially but by taking an actlvs part In making ths arrangements, whloh were perfected In a remarkably abort space of Urns. It was moat n.Mthst the mine workers should give expression to tneir appreolaUon oi thel ippreototlon good feeling shown by ths Msyor, bnt It came In attoh a manner as to be com plete surprise to His Honor, Mayor Corcoran was called to the onion afternoon snd wee there met by the fol lowing committee: Patriok HoNetlly, ThomaS J.

Flynn, James P. Kearney, Patrick Lyons, James Moras, Frank Han shoe, Martin Delaney and William Hurry. as war sr. stceuiy saiea as eusirmsn and in a very neat and appropriate speech pre sented the Mayor with handsome gold medal. The Mayor Is no speeohmsker, and thlfftogether with his oomplete surprise, for minute embarrassed him, bnt in few words he conveyed to the commit tea his heartfelt thanks to tbs mine work en tor tneir token of eateem.

The medal isahandtom. on. of gold, and contain. an annrnml.U tnrlhMn I r. wring, in tne oenter oi the medal Is coat of arms.

snrmnnnUrf mitt, m.ii. liuneeaieea 10 aaj tnaiiba Major la a Twelve Hundred Delegate Attend eating at Bnabory. An Important meeting of railroad men held In Sunbury yesteiday. Twelve hundred delrsatea were nreaent Thaviwn restnted lodge of .11 the railway onions, and came from vsrioos cities scd towns in Eastern Pennsylvania. A aeoret meeting wss held In the morning.

It wss learned, however, that tbs bulk of 'the time waa consumed In discussing What stand ahcnld be taken agslnet tbs Beading Ballroad Co. slnoe the United States district grand jury refused to bold ex Snnarlntandunt Rwla mmA ii miivwm aiaooaig 01 men becanae they were affiliated with labor unions. In ths sfternooh a phbllo meet Ing wss addressed by First Tics Grsnd Vsster Everett, of tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Third Ties Grsnd Master Wilson, of tbs Brotherhood of Firemen; E. E. Clerk, of tbs Order of Railway Conductors; P.

H. Morrissey, of tbs Brotherhood of Trainmen, and W. v. Howell, of the Order of Railway Te legraphers. Hodera Mother Has found thst her little onee srs lm proved more by the pleasant 8yrup of trigs, wnen in need oi tbe laxative effeot ot a gentle remedy, than by aui other.

Children enjoy it audit benefits them. Tbe true remedy, Syrup ot Flge to manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co. oniy. CITY DEfTOCRATS. Will Bora Convention Meat Hoadaf Slanlag.

John T. Flannery, Dejnoorstlo City Chairman, has Issued the following call for an early Demooratlo Olty Convention "A convention of delegates of tbe Demo oratlo party of the city of Plttston will be held Monday. Dec. 10. 1800.

st 10 s. st the City Hall, to nominate candidates for Mavor. Cltv Treaaurer. Oitv Controller and three City Asssmots. Delegsts eleotlons wiUbeheldst tbe usual polling places Satnrdaj, Dee.

8, 1900, between the hours a i I I .1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I On All Goods in Our Stores, wiU meet st the home of Mrs. T. W. Kvts on Exeter street, tomorrow afunmnn Mr. snd Mrs.

Philip Morgan, of Plvm ontb, Wfcre tlaltora at tbs boms of John Griffith, on Montgomery atreet, yesterday. Mr. and Mra. Clarenos Simpson, of Soranton, epent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mra.

W. H. Kmr. nn Tl.l. between caucus and antl we decided to extend the io per ffji cent, discount sale until Jan.

25 1901. The 10 per cent, dis count on an casn saies applies aiso to the famous TV la LaaaHWa Fopalatlaa ohun eke laasaue at Ometala. The ennonnoement that Loaerne'a popn laifcm, aoaordlBg to the oenana of WOO, 887,000, WU1 effect change In the salaries of oomnty offijera. Of booms no change an be made In the aalarlea of thoae holding offlee, bat the new comer wlU In all probability oome under the new ruling for the peat ten year tha aalarlea of the "oSdaJe hare bean controlled by the 1880 eeamVnd elaaaed with ooantlst bating Wolaaibetwea 160,000 aria Schuylkill ouwnty came alao la this elate, bntatoea tha last flgurea were given out Leaetw Bounty will be the only one In the between 860,000 and 300,000 for the Ms ten years, the ealaries and change Alfred Go. Ragtonit, Overcoats and For which we are sole agents.

1 Saclcs Br ownt ISStsi .11 SW a ad fat SUddiax. Wllkesbarrs's electflo to begin reg njsr trips today. Mrs. James Cannon, of Kidder street, Wllketbtrre, died of pnenmonls. Eodlee Kaalowakl, a laborer in Hat'e mine, Hasleton, was killed by a fall of coal, Sylvester Ten Horn, aged eUty eeven years, died at his home on Carey avenne, WUkesbarre.

Nora, Infant child of John Sweeney, of Aaktto, fell Into a tab tilled with water and was drowned. John McDermott, aged twenty three years, of Boston HUI, near Plymouth, died on Friday evening of pneumonia. William J. Freeman baa returned to bis old boms In Soranton on a viait, after apendlng twenty five years In Patagonia Edward Blcbsrda, aged twenty five years, of Ashley, died ln tbs WUkesbarre City Hospital from injuries received In tbe MeXwell mine. During tbe Srst eleven months of 1900.

there were 117 sodden ts In ths mines of the Hstleton district. Fort tw of tbe soolden's were fatal. Ths tree! In Miller's Grlve, near Avooa, are being oat down, to tusks way for the nsw round house aod yard of the' Erie and Wyoming Valley Ballroad Co. Alfred N. Armstrong, sged forty six years, who earns to WUkesbarre a year ago from Ebbw Yale, Wales, In ths hops of recovering nls health, died on Friday, John Murphy, sged twenty nine years, of Lsrksvllle, was Instantly killed on Sat urday by a fall of rook In No.

8 mine, Kingston. He to survived by his wife snd three smsU children. Lake Sosolon, aged sixty eight years, of Harrison street, WUkesbarre, died sud denly oa ihe street yesterday morning wbUaonhtowsy to obuich. Heart dls esse was tbe cause of death. A stabbing affray occurred at O'yphant on Thanksgiving night In whloh Miks Boris received two ngly knife wonnds in ths baok and shoulder, and hi wifs now lies st her borne in a precarious condition as result of kioklng and basting shs receiv ed from her brother, Joe Keotlc Dudley W.

Dox, sged seventy years, and Mary Gardner, three years bis senior, were granted a marriage llcenas In Soran ton on siturday. Th. woman baa been a widow jast. year, and la quite aotive for het years. Both are wsU known residents of Elmhorst, where they bsvs resided for msny years.

A religious oensos of Towabda borough waa taken yesterday, 1,004 families, oom prising 4.041 persons, being enumerated. The returns show eighteen denomination, of wblob tbs Methodists are strongest, with 1,199. Ths CathoUe Church has 988 and the Presbyterlsn 828. But four refused information and 105 bad no church preference. Regular attendants at eburchea and Sunday Schoola number and 1,161 respectively.

Heating etoves, tbe kind that warm up yonr homes, at Ash's. tf Scrof uls in tbs blood shows listlf sooner or Inter In swelling, sores, eroptions. But Hood's Sersspsrills completely cores It EXCURSIONS. Bot.Sprlags.tArkaasati Tha Missouri Paoiflo Hallway, tbs Fsst MsU Root between St Louis snd Kansas City, In addition to Its Colorado Short Line to Denver snd Sslt LsksClty, mid the Book Mountain Bouts to California, also embraces In Its system tba Iron Mountain Bonte, the ehort line to principal Texaa points tbs true Southern Bonte to Caiifornis. For tta season of 1900 snd 1901 regular weekly, personally conducted snd Inexpensive, though oom fortable excuralona to Los Angela and San Francisco will be operated over this route.

Personally oondooted excursions sU expense paid to Mexloo. Ppeolal ex cursion tickets to 'The World's Sanitar ium" Hot Springs, Arkansas, America' famous winter snd summer health resort Write for full Information to J. P. Mo Cann, Trav. Pass.

Agt or W. E. Hoyt, Genl Eattern Pass. Agt, 391 Broadway, New Tork. aaaMk.s Bxenraton Oa the first snd third Tuesdays ln each atonth during 1900, from Chicago via Chi sago, Milwaukee ft 8t Paul Ballway, poiata in Iowa, South and North Dakota, iantiis, Montana, Colorado, TJtab, MaWaska.

Oregon snd Washington at ths mat sws fare plus two dollars for th. a4 trip, good 91 For further In sell oa or address W. a. Howell. 0 B.

P. A. 181 Broadway, Now Tork, or J. ha B. rstt, D.

P. 486 William atreet, wiusanssfesi, ra. raw Fail ml tsrMkif Bridge. Tha aVooklya bridge la being weakened ay It (onr great tablee are live wire tbroogh whloh wildest onrrent are wet sally flowing.

These srs eecap wg to groona tnrougn to whleh thev are eating awav at an eatim. tod rat of nln. ton. a year. The oonolualon le that the eleotroly tie effect most be over come at once or tne bridge may aome day fall Into th.

river, or it may have to be closed Health la often undermined In Ilk. manner by th neglect of trivial mat ten. Constipation, Indigestion, dyspeptla, blllonaaeaa or nervousness should be ohecked at onoe. Hoetetter'e Stomach Bitters will do It. No other medicine Is as good fur all disorders of the stomach Don't fall to give it a trial.

The National American Woman Suffrage Association le making extensive prepara tions for a National Bazaar, to held at Madison Squars Garden, New Tork, the first week of nest December. All tha State will be represented by booths, apace for a number having already been secured. Everyone, whether member, of a auffrsg. organisation or not. Is lavltsd to send eon trlbntlon for tha benefit of this Notions! fdasasr.

For nartlonlara address Mr. Rachel Foster Avery, Somerton, Philadelphia Pa. ftUSlC HALL One Night to It oauou, loyally to in pariy, neverinen compelled them to aooept the will of the locere paiiy men reooguisea ine laof ana lo to'11, Mr' Drnry kttm mesnlng of that broadcast pebllostlMi; tte knew "P011 wh' wa hated; hot in tondlng sppsfsntly, even at that tlms, to sgslnst ths Senstor In ths event of bis own election, be permitted the psrty nsnsgers Innooently to dope the voters, wno would infinitely have preferred straightforward Democrat to ons who was Mlth" oa thS ths other. 1.1L. 1 1L xt A uiv Kawtai uwpm iua ADiiuirvi tone aothiogin them to Mnae thajtrttnem tiAsntB ftn liMir tufnM ih.t loornal oowentod to soosn.

the csndldM, ioisu. Lirnrv us editor, sir. rneo. xurt. bersonallv Interviewed Mr.

Drnrvforthe DnrufMI OX aUOrrTXBininD' nifl UlTafl nt the Senatorial bane. It had preTlontly lanokftii of him mm mttn rmnt hnf in tMm h.rl contrary. Quoting now l'rom ne Gxaxm we ehall show the 1 oeptbs to wblob duplicity tbsu led him "The question involved In Drnry' defection tt Republican of the Twenty nrst Senatorial I district, bv a noDularmaJorltv of more than I vote, made Drnry the party nominee In could not have been momclearlv nlued harore Itheiwmle.lnDrury'acase, than it waa pre ln 8srr. on June 11 last, the day the Bepubllcan nrlmariea. Bavin, aaanred editor of this paper that he would, if eawt with tbe "ulr Bepnbltcana ln caucus lie uumi genie, tne UASBTra Indorsed hia candidacy by earing He has always been known aa a conaiatent Bepnblloan, and has never been a factkmlst, n.

II i I led and elected. Hie dlstrrace could not he sreater tt he had gon over absolutely to the Democrat under similar circumstance. 11 uivuor wmment ia nnneeesssry. air. Drnry owes bis election, assuming that tbe "Xix speeks tbe troth, not only to the ne nea nimeeir, bnt thsl be per mat hundreds of mors honest men Innocently for him.

Iqblrm as hs ntsy, that ohargs snd 00 honert man help to M0PB Tt 1 sa a a MI inatnewiii misrepresent tbe constituency that he ao aeceivea ns will nnd himself flat terea IMea Demoorntt snd lnsur ,0 0,11 ntulM mm om ODOe lamt 0Ter lM wm have no further use for blm. Their reasons for this are, of ooorse, already obvious. By his own actions hs has proved himself to slly unworthy of further politics! trust Boys' reefers, 98 oents, st Sobiffmsn's. No. 27, out pries meat store for cub only.

Prioes will plesss you. Fresh, pkikled, smoked snd cooked meats. No. 87, few doors below Drnry, Sooth Main 8t. 'Phone connection on the People's line.

All orders served promptly. Re spectfully Jobs Lviuir. The Star Steam Dye Works, No. 80 S. Main, opposite Oliver Burke's hotel, reno vates ladles' and gents' fine fsbrios cor rectly and dyes In nil shades.

Fast colors. No crock. Sattof notion or no charge. Ladles' snd gents' bats snd gloves a spec ialty. Bring a test job or address by postal card.

Agent will call at your home. W. W. Csllender, proprietor. Saner kront st Kaspst'a.

Clams, all kinds, at Sharp's. Fresh fUn at Lyman, 87 ft Mats St. Theatrical people rati ths Waiilasi ahetj horns when In tba dry. Oysters, 80s snd 81 108 at IkartA. Both 'phone Haas eacmeotad.

Herbert, ladW and a was ar. dass fins cleaning, pi seeing, Oysters, 00 and 81 'vt, Ly Meat Stor, Soath Mate, A large involes of awsjaa, rj fresh from DeUwars, at Ak Prices, quality, variety win at Messtok's well regobatd market. CM girt and tobaeeo, la Wanda, goods. Nut door to Ualoa Hotel, aillae pie'e old stand. Will Emana.

Kieptloaallr Mm fx 65 AND 67 NORTH MAIN STREET, leva Walk eat aVMe ia aai Ahwat ska Oft Co. trill meet this evening. "Kerry Gow," st Mnalo Hall this sreu Ing. Mrs. Heetonrsn sged resident of Brown town, Is erltteally I1L Tbs Board of Trade will meet this even Ing In regular station.

A son wss born today to Mr. snd Mrs. Lewis Boberte, of Oregon. The employes of thb Mooalc Powder iVorke have formed a union. A meeting of Meohanlos Hoes Co.

will be held thia evening at 7:80 o'olock. Tha employes of the Temple Iron' Co. couienee rroelved their pay bn Saturday. ine outehdera will meet tomorrow evening In Cllfford'a Hall at elaht o'olock. The Bntchero' Union will meet In Union Hall tomorrow evening to perfect organ! nation.

The Board of School Control will meet in regular session at tbs High School this evening. P. i. Malls, of Browntown) Is arranging for big pigeon shoot to be held on Christmas Day. Tbs remain of Mrs.

Msry Belli, who died st Parsons, were burled in the Market Street Cemetery narSatnrday. Martin Kearney, of Market street, waa slightly Injured In the Barnnm shaft thia morning by a prop'falllng on blm. James Gaughan to candidate for Com mon Council in the Eighth ward, aubjeot to the decision of the Republican canon. A number of the members of the Kebekab Lodge, of tbla place, visited sister lodge In WUketbarre Saturday night All members of Co. are urged to at tend the meetlog this evening.

The meeting will be followed by the weekly danc ing aoolal. The pnplla of the Avooa schools srs pre paring for a Christmas entertainment to be held on the afternoon and evening of Frl dsj, Deo. Slat. Local 68, Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen, wlU meet In 8L Aloytlut Hall tomorrow evening. All firemen are In ivlted to attend.

Mra. Mlohael Dorao, of Market street, was brotaght boms today from the Mercy Hospital, Wilkeabarre, where she under went an operation tew days ago. Pearl, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. John Birch, of Drummond street, died on Sun day of pneumonia.

The funeral will take plaos tomorrow morning st ten o'olock, with interment In Plttston Cemetery. M. N. Donnelly, Ed. Beep, John Fleming snd Ed.

Mjpkin returned home Sstur dsy after a atveral days' bant In Snsque nanns oonnty. They brought with them forty rabbits and about a dozen qualL Owing to rush of oourt business snd the sbaenoe of Judge Woodward, the bear ing of the Ferry Bridge injunction ease, wbioh wss set down for this morning, was postponed nntll next Thursday morning at ten o'clock. James 0. Lydon, secretary of the local branch of the C. M.

B. today ptld to Mrs. Dennis Collins 88,000, the earn for whloh her late husband was Insured In the order. Mr. Collins became a member April 26, 1897, and died Oct.

17, 1900. The total amount paid Into the order by blm was 8107.10. At a recent meeting, the Plttston Town ship School Board Inatruoted their attorney, George F. O'Brien, to take an sppesl to the Supreme Court from the decision of Judge Woodward In making permanent the injunction restraining the board from levying tblrteen mlll tax snd purchasing oertaln school books. Mlohael Ko)kreVlrlsnlk, sgd thirty tlx years, of TsteaviUe, was admitted to the Plttston Hospital on Sunday morning, suffering ohlefly from slight fracture of the skull.

The man was found lying slong the wilkesberre snd Eastern Ballroad track, back of TstesvUle, Saturday: He had apparently been atrnok by strain flit Injuries are not considered dangerous. The text of the President's message, de livered in Congress this afternoon, printed in tbla Issue. A correction should be made In the paragraph relating to the Turkish olaim. Instead of "We await fnl nilment," etc, the following ahonld be substituted "Our clslms upon the government of the Sultan, for reparation for Injuries suffered by American olllesnein Armenia and elsewhere, give promise of aa early snd satisfactory settlement." John Allan, of Avooa, who recently re tired from the position of toslds foreman of Law ahaft after a continuous service of thirty years, was on Saturday the reelp lent oi token ol esteem from the em ployts of that mine. At a meeting held In CMslley Hall, Mr.

Alton was presented with a Morris chair and a meerschaum pipe. The presentation addressee were made, on neualf of ths men, by Attorney M. J. uixonsndDr. Berge.

A aerlons fire occurred at Duryea this morning, resulting In the total destrnotlon of donbls snd a singls bouas on Et Stevenson street The former was owned by Panl urban and tha latter by Bobert DorehelL Both were occupied by for signers. The fire waa discovered about noon, originating from an unknown cane. and the bulldlugt burned the greater part oi the srternoon. The oooupsnts of the buildings saved tbs greater portion of their household goods, lnolndlngthfrteen barrels of wine from one cellar. The Inaugural convention in the Twen tieth Century Forward Movement of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the Wyom ing dlatrlot, to being held In the Simpson M.

K. nnreh, Soranton. Many of the moat prominent and distinguished ulemv men In the Wyoming Conference will lend their preeenoe and aid to the movement. and aome Interesting meetings are antici pated. The first session wss held thia afternoon, Bev.

Dr. Griffin presiding. The oonrerenos will continue thia evening and tomorrow. The Plttoton Times, a new enterprise. mads Its appssrsnos yesterday sooordlng to sanoanosment It to as bright as a new pin, typogrspbloally and otherwise.

It Urt out aa a Democratic newspaper, and says thoae who look for ssnsationsltom In Its columns will be disappointed, as nnolean toploswUl not be permitted to enter Its eolnans. It will advocate a greater Pltt ton snd favor olty expansion. More power to von, neighbor, along these lines. The GAxarra gives yon a most oordlal greeting to the local journalistic field. Oigsnlser Frederick Dilober, of the United Mine Workers' Union, who has, been In the olty during the past two weeks.

playing prominent part In the organist tloa of a number of local labor aasoela tloas, will leave today for District No. 9 He will make bia'besdqnarters at Haile ton, and Intends to Band together the various worker snd perfect organizations among the laboring men la the dlatrlot He will return to Soranton next Sunday and will then begtri a series of labor meeting to be bald throngboat Lackawanna oounty. Saranton Trlbnn, CtA7 S7 UKi. ET CAETERA. Found A pup hound.

Owner can bate aameby oalllogat Pleroe'aJlTeijr, proring property and paying oharges. d3 8t For sale A general grcoery store stock, with or without fixtures, on eaiyterme, alao store room for rent, both looatlone good, on Main atreet. Address, J. L. car of Gimn.

tt For Bale Cheap A fust elam donb'e beater. 98 South Main at store of John Lorell. tfy For Bent 105 Delaware avenue. 1 4t Candy, fruit, nuts, at Moffat's, tf Wanted Competent girl or general housework. Apply to Mrs.

Long, 808 Sue quehsnns avenue. 28 6t For sale ehcap Horae, bsrnefs sndoart 187 Philadelphia avenue. 27nlw Honses to rent at redueed rates In Pitta ton and West Plttston. J. K.

Panaaaoii ft Co. Pea ooal 82.80, ohaetnnt 82.75, dellTered to any pert of West Plttston. Most be 8 ton crdtts sod oath on delivery. Jurat T. BULbxxr, 210 Delaware Ave.

Beat denes oonneoted with new 'phone. lOolm For rent, and for sale A large list of properties. P. K. Btaharda.

PERSONAL. Joseph Osvsnsngh to horns from New York Olty. Boy Foster to visiting bis parents In Garbondsle, i James Sheridan, of Soranton, spent Sun day with friends here. Street Oommlatiocer Carroll la tome what Improved today, being sble to sit up. Dr.

and Mrs. Moon hava returned from ten days outing trip In Ways oonnty, Miss Amelia Bommell, of Dnpont, bsa returned home after a seven weeki' visit Boston, Mass. Mrs. Maty Attert and Miss Anna Holl, of Honeedato, are vbWng Mrs. Henry swsrrs, of North Main street Bobert Bowk ley haa returned to Phila delphia, after spending Than kagt ring the home of hit pareata, on Pine etreet.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bills arrived home last evening after a the latter' sis ter, Miss Daisy Bath, at Harford, Pa. Mr. and Mrs.

James Golden, of Peck vlUe, were visitors st the home of Mr. and Krs. William Armstrong, of Hogbestown, yesterday. Mies Nina Smiles, of the Central Pennsylvania Telephone Exohange, baa been oonflned to her borne by illness for the past few days. Misses Margaret Evens and Alios Patten, of OlypBant, ware visitors st the home of Mr.

and Mrs. John Thompson, of Vine street, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Olngell, daughter Minnie snd son Howard of Wyoming, pent 8unday st the hbms of William Jones, on Beynolds street.

Mies Helen Hosle, who has been a gnest at the home of M. W.Morris, on William street, for the pest three weeks, left this morning for bar winter boms In Mexico. John Maotsehlsn, of Tompkins street, returned from Philadelphia Saturday. He wa accompanied by his brother in law, Thomas Meolotyre, of QUtgoW, Bootland. OBITUARY.

aUBTSt VADDBH. Martin Fadden, aged fortT flve rear. well known Carroll atreet ratldent, pasted awsy yesterday afternoon, after a Ulness of two weeks. The deoeased was member of the X. A.

snd No. 10 Keg nna. Betldts his wifs snd six ehlldren, the following brothers and sisters survive William and Ellen, Is Ireland; Mrs. Thos. auy ana Thomas Fslden, both of tbla olty.

The funeral wUl fake plaos Tuesday at witn a mass of requiem ia St, John's Churohi o. ssssa jsoosan. u. rrank Jaggard, saed thlrtv ntna years, died on Saturday at tha Danville Hospital, where he bad been a oatlent for the past year snd a hslf. His fatal Ulneat dated back to a year ago.

The rematna have been brought here for Intermentfrom the borne of Harry Jareard, brother of the deoeased, on Tompkros street. His slater, Mrs. Abraham Prioe, of Wilkeabarre, also survives. The deceased was a member of Falling 8nring Lodge, Knights of Pythias. rne funeral will take plaos Tuesday at p.

m. Interment In Pitleton Cemetery. MBS. FATKICK BWrOS Mrs. Patrick He ton, aged elzty rears.

died this morning about eleven o'olock at her home in Browntown. Mr. Heaton had teen alok for a long time with atom aoh trouble and for the part few months had been oonSoed to her bed. Her hue band dlrd several years ago, and the following children survive Miss Msry, Mist Agues, James and William, who live at home, and Thomas, also a resident of Browntown. Jama oonxn.

Jamas Ooben, sa aged resident of Browntown, died yeeterds after a Una. ing iiinete of long duration. Mr. Cohen Immigrated to this oountiy from Ireland tor nigh forty five years Us boms In this vidnltv. The funeral will taks plaos Wednaadav at 8:80 a.

with a mass of reonltm in os. oon n. u. unuroh. xoaam oonroBS.

Lorette Connors, aged two veara. dansh. terof Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connors, of Avoea, oiea Beturday night of diphtheria.

ine runerai took plase this afternoon. ala Hall ataah atotw this year offers, for your Inspection the beat assorted line In lb olty of PookeW ooote, Ubrletmaa Qlft Books, Toilet Caase, Brio a brae, Chrlstmae Card, ete. Call and Inspect cur Una. Boye reefers, overcoat, all klnd.f aults; latest styles; bought at a bankrupt a. sour ror aau regular pries at Soblffmuw bargain store, 41 North Main street yet re money CENT.

OFF. a We quote you Ihe follow ing prices on Full weights and full measure guaranteed. Best of Fbr, per i $4.53 Prairfelilj, 4.50 CranlteCitj, 4.53 CiioPs cwt 1.D ial.jfircwt 1.C1 Brao Isllddlingser cwt Cora tcr. Cera, per cwt 1.C3 Baled Bay, ssr per cwt B3c Baled Bay. citt.

pert 85c Mi pr 65s ff Fbr, pr sack 5c BaoMUijjerlii Idc Bais, replar, per IS ICc California Bans, per II 'otate. per tisl 55c per Hel 75c Fresh Eggs and Butter a Specialty. Agents for Chase San born's Celebrated Teas and Coffees. All goods delivered with promptness. not this 0.

10008 of 4 snd 7 p. Wsrd canouses will winter ln that vlolnlty, where held Saturday, Dee, 8, at 7:80 p. m. at the 1 Ptent7 iu have oppor nsusl places, to nominate, from ths odd I tnnltT Indulge in his favorite sport, He Mr. snd Mrs.

C. O. 81mpaon, of Scran ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Perrin, of Forty Fort, were visitors st W.

H. Kerr's ytsterdsy. Ths Eact Bide W. a T. U.

wlU meet with ths West 81ds onion tomorrow sfter noon at ths boms of Mrs. C. H. Cool, of Wvomlne avenn. uwuhuj enwnainmeni oi tne v.

JC Society of the Congregational Church will An attnitiiva been arranged. Mtot Eleanor Kelly, formerly Of Wilkes bam, to making her home with her sister. Mrs. Richard Dando, on Lozerne svenue. I Miss Kelly has sooepted a position as bosk keeper at tbe Hltobnet baker.

J. 0. Hitohner. whose health haa been unite poor for several months, to anf e. going treatment at ths hands of DI Philadelphia.

Mrs. Hitohner to visiting her husband for few dsys. Wetley Woodruff, editor of tbe Wilkeabarre News, will deliver an address at the meeting of the Wake Bobin Olnb to be held at ths horns of Miss Winifred Smy the, on Delaware avenue, this evening, The yonng ladles employed st tbs Hitch net bakery, with their gentlemen friends. in all about twelve couplet, enjoyed a atrawrlde to Providence on Friday even ing. They were entertained st ths home of Mrs.

Alexander Bishop Nlnde, who has been appointed to preside over the annual oonferenos of the M. E. Churoh to be held here next APril PDt Hondsy In Wllkeebarre, snd aeuveren an address in ths First M. E. unureu.

there last svening. Detohnnty left lest week for Vir sooompsnlng Will Stx to Paw stun, vs. Mr. Dtlshooty expects to hunter. JD1TO Allow me spice fors "Ids.

A report has been circulated 'hroughout tha town that, on Nov. Slat, mr Ma Bobert, wss married to a young 1MT 01 WMt I wlab it distinctly understood thst it to not so, snd thst he positively denies sny snob marriage. Fur thermore. if the report to reiterated, th. persons dnln? will hnM lk.m Vl.

TIT war a. a. Joteph MoBIU, one of the best known Ks'dent of West Wyoming, died on Fri day evening after a brief Illness of plenro pneumonia. Tbe deceased waa born In a'sgow, Scotland, about fifty years ago. same to WUkesbarre at tbe age of seventeen, and had lived In the valley ever inoe He had been In 111 health for a number of yean put.

His wifs snd one daughter survive. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, The following programme bae been prt ,0 the annua meeting of the Btp People's Union of the Wyoming sooiatlon, to be held In Avenne Baptist Church tomorrow imwooii ssssioii. Servlcoof Son Mr. Walter Beese imre ieaeon ana rnyar Kev. U.

O. Harmon lfuimuvw, citKruon 01 Hirers, tfporta, Paper, "The Youdk Christian and HI. Rlhl" dto. jonn wajlace JnDlor Work: Its Raw nr nr 'Denominational Bev. a.

n. omim, FactoryvUIe I svanrm atssion. miss service Mrs Walter Beese I Missionary Address. "Th Higher Ptrlot 1 muuibv aire, wiuiam Kmtt 1 a a 1 mwi 1 nXw triSW 0 severs! dwellings with modern Im piuvements, and also several bouses st medium sua low rants ln Plttston and st Plttston. Buyer will now find aome "snnliM.

O. B. Twownor Agt At Meesiok'e, oysters are Oo and it a I elame, 8O0 and 60c a 100. Both I pnone line connection. 1 B.

Herbert alter ladle aulta to new styles. Second floor, corner of South Msio, I or. 1 a tastv hot and fr tannh I. gentlemen, day snd sight, st ths Sin UirHou otM.J.Hughi nmnro wm niAn aa wka.a 1 At wasntwia svsw suami art gaj (Ufa cheapest for can. He defies sll ompetl 418 Lnserne avenue, 'phonea connected.

West 8ld.lgodi 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I ths an or of as follows: Preeent HawCIaae 5,000 1,600 2,000 e.ouo 4.600 3,600 S.00U 8,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 BOO S.600 1,800 The only pereooa affected for this year WlU be RE. Jones, Dlatrlot Attomev eleot Who WOl nests 15.000, Instead of 14.000. twt by the set he la allowed only one sa attni ana me salary of that one to ent down 8800 from what former aaelataota re elvtd. The salary board, made np of the Goaty Oamnttotlonere and Controller, will oe appealed to, tt give another aaslstaot, as is laposalbl to ran the offioa with one assistant The new deteoitvt will also reset re a cut from 11.800 IMOQ. Baaaa Lloyd, the newly elected um .01 oootta, wlU gat $4,800, an in oraaae of S00 a year.

The most remark abas ebsofce la in that of Oonnty Snrreyor, aefBoe tbloit tmnaefalneaa years ago now a atneonr for tha bolder. At priaant it pay $800, but under the new edaaatftaatloa the offioa oarries wlthltaaal aS7ofay)0Qjiyaar. AMUSEMENTS. Tbedeaa of tha community of Amerlesn eoa aMktog the deHnaatfcm of Irlab abaraotauaapeeUlty. Joseph Murphy, who plays at Homo Hall tonight, and who a masons throughout thb tontlnentbt vfrtna of hie onatloa of the character of oaa OVaaa In tba plar of "Kerr Bow of good speech and (afar bubbha over with Hth wit and aamor.

ChMtga Oark wUl appear at If sale Ban axs Friday erenlog In the latest New Torn saseeae, "Whan We Wen Twenty ewe. Hr Clark takes tha role of "Wok the quiet bachelor of tbenerlod doesn't remain one long. Oh a. The play end with bte bead bowed tha yoke of SMtrlmony, and, after the bboss aharmwg font aots ever penned, "UokOarew" amblea gentry In double Mnstes, aids by side with the beautiful fhyllto fcrlokaon. "When We Were Twenty one" will make your Hind and heart better in every way, ao don't fail to eeelt.

Ton bate read of thenret by Hood' owpenua, ana yon enoaid oare perfect onfldeiioa In ite merit. It wlU do tod All Serfs of Pccplo Trade at our store, because quality is to be found in each article As to price here are a iew sampie quotations: Large enough tor practical use (complete) 10c Ka The Good Laundry Kind, two cakes 6c HStfrol Wllle iff 4.000 4,000 Sy3 OoaMnlialoDar sjjoo TBe Breath of Co. Willi comes to us oa ttpeeily wing, Like lightning from the sky. And Aashrs through the human bnlnf Whence? Whither? How.ndwh)? Unsought, unhidden snd unknown It twcllt each passing hour; It makca and unmakes men snd minds A weird, mysterious power. Pray olrrthe riddle, ye who may The mystery ot Thought.

Whence comes ft Whither doth it tend! Where is it and where not? Is it 1 garni of boundless power, Of Infinite abode. That links us to Omnipotence? Is it tbe breath ot God? John Wertrfj The Last Leaf. I saw him once brfore. Aa be passed by tbe door. And again The pavement stones resound Aa he totters o'er the ground ith bis cane.

They say (hat ln his prime. Ere tbs pruning knife ol lists Cut him down, Xot a better man waa found By the crier on hia round Through the town. But now be walks Ihe street. Ami he looks at all be meetr and wan, AM he shakes bia feeble heat That It seems as if he said, "They are gone." The Rweay marbles rest On the lipa that be has In their bloom. And the names he lovM Ss Hare been carved for ahu On tbe tomb.

Mr (randraamma haa lasfia Tool old l.Uy, she ia deal 1 Long ago That he had a Roman asx And his rbeek waa like eC9 In the snow. But now his nose Is taa, And It rests upon his 1 Like a staff, And ctaok la in hia tasfij And a melancholy crack la his laugh. 1 knew it is a sin For cite to sit and grin Al him here. But the old three romerrd hat And the hrecthes and all that Are su queerl And II I should live to be The list leaf uaon the tree In the spring Let them anile, as I do now. At the old forsaken hough Where I cling.

Oliver Wendell Raft. Dr. Ball' sjonah Nam. ll onr at one .11 form, of throat dtaease. alwaya effect a permanent cure.

Thia wonderful remedy baa cured thousands of snuerars from bronchitis, boirsenea and other bronofal.l trouble. AH druggists Oil lb. MONDAY, DEC. 3.. FRIDAY.

DECEMBER 7th "WhenWeWere Twenty Oneo" LnsernelWorklsbelng turned out by this sea numbered wsrd, osndidstes for select oounoll, school controller, judge and In apector of election; from tbe evea num bered wards, two oommon cooOollmen, jndge snd Inspector of election. Alder men will be nominated from the Fonrth, Fifth snd Eleventh warde at Ash's. tf rntston Elk Honor th aaory of 1 A very impressive aervloe wte that held yesterday afternoon by the Plttston Lodge of Elks, ln memory of deceased members. Only the members of ths lodge were prea 1 ent Exalted Buler L. P.

Holcomb pre 1 aided, nd the following programme was I carried out Opening ceremonies, Officer I and Members; song, "Ths Vacant Chair." I quartette, Mr. Tetter, Brothers William, I Hsrries snd Wllllsms; prsyer, Lodge I Uhaplaln, J. M. Jones; song, "In Memor I Ism," Elk Glee Club, Brothers John Wll Hams, Thomas B. Williams, J.

N. TerwU llger, F. Selbel, H. Harries, F. P.

Qilh pie, Dr. E. H. Hill, H. J.

Ttghe, Thomas 3. Loftne" and Mr. Yetter: recitation. Tnanatopele," Bryant, Brother W. H.

Gillespie; nolo, Lord, be brother Thomas a Wllllsms; nlogy, "In HemorUm," Brother A. B. Markus; aonir, 'Bull, Still Wit'i Thee," quartette; aolo, "Th. Loat Chord, Brother H. Harrlea; cloelng oeremonlee, offlcere; olotlng ode, members; benediction, J.

M. Jonss. All thst have been criooled bv warn or accident are but a handful to the helpless muiHiuuee uieaoiea or rnenmatlam. And I rdof ti; An7h IMSE Twenty fire cents. I atteaim, Kaighta 01 PjUum.

I Tha members of Fslllng Springs Lodse. No. 288, E. of will meat st their Caatle Hall, C8 South Main, on Tuesday, Dee. 4, st ons o'clock p.

to sttend tbs funeral of their deoeased brother, C. F. Jsgnsrd, By order of W. S. 8aHLES, 0.

O. aton Opa aXvaalag. on nr 0 ,1 1 1 1 snmvoj, turn jowcjer, announce. I 1 F. i ui wm vm open lor I the trade every evening from now nntll mtos ireklat, Ilrxt aod BlMdin; Oared In three to six nltits.

Dr. Agnews Ointment Is peerless in caring. Oneappllca and frritatlD akin dlssasaa. chaflc. ecaenuT Oiv.

ns a chance to pot In the Ideal Novtlty fnrnac. st yonr house, tf Asa EaTATa, I 1 1 I 1 I I I I ll I I a I wi A 100; for I Hon. Both tto cold I' son. Tbe large amount ol vdere received each week is an indlostloii that we are giving tbe public first else tailored gar bents ror prloea low enongn to satisfy all. iNew goods every weex.

Da Fonasr M. Hatfulo, Merchant Tailor, West Plttston. Dowmno Sawnta MAoanasj at Emos's, Warn 8tbor. A.OM4. We, the nndeietffned, do hereby esree to remna tne money 00 a OU eent bottle of Oraene'a Warranted Syrnp of Tar It onr.

vonr oonffh or oold. w. lw, onir. UW. WIN, IV flUTV miWWHUJ money rernnaea.

J. a. Houox, wn. u. mica, j.

r. Jtxira, Caaa. WATaaa, O. D. Sraoa.

TM I Bf. Onr elegant line of walMiaptr apeekafor itself. All we ask Is for yon to oome and tbs pstterns. T. ft W.

S. Babbitt, North Mala atreet, Pttteton. Heating atovea and double heaters, very low In prioe. at Ash's. tf The Sinolslr House charges iity bnslm men only twenty five eenu for meals.

Native fowle dressed to order at Kae West Side. 'Phone connection Bharp'a market la well atooked In sll lines. Quality and prioes will suit von George Stanton sella tbe chotoeet meata .11 kinds, produce, canned Best bonded goods to wet Bp with, and bnt union amok up, at tbe Sln Hoaae. EoB mkit 'hat'e needed to be said of Kaapn'a esnsaget, puddings, corned iman VWlOMf, nR. JOSEPH MURPHY, Supported bra Company of Surpassing Excellence in lit Ever Popular Play THE KERRY GOJfl.

CLOU. For under your stove or tocov PBICE8, Xfc, 8c (OcISo and $1.00. Diagram opens Saturday, Dec. I. A m.

er the floor, per; yard. 25c IsXraraSTKiSCISFUY i Will be larger and finer than ever MUSIC HALL. CO The Theatrical Event of tbe Season. Mr. George Clarke From Daly'a Theatre, N.

flapparted by a Suparb Company in V. fimnood's Four Act Comedy, te seiore. GOHPERTZ, St. SlilKI DfOO. v.

(8neeott io B. 4. Dsrkia Cw. Call v.i PtlONB mm' tk Omi aa. Work.

tbm OaM I Laiatlv Bromo Qulntn Tablets ems .1 in one day. No cur, no pay, Prio I SOosnta, ACHARMING PLAY PURE AND SIMPLE mta, to. Try tbat. .1 lPaT e. 0C eOc.

70c ANO ml..

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