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The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana • 4

South Bend, Indiana
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I TAPS FROM TBl'XtiERBOLT8. XC3IBFR SECOXI XIGUT. At Wheelock's Crockery i Store. fiH 1 The ev Crystal Fruit Jars, destined to supersede all Other. MASON FRUIT JARS, WAX TOP FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS, EXTRA RUBBERS AND SEALING The Large Demand for American China; Still Continues, Come and see, The Best English Queens Ware.

BUY A LADY'S FRIEND CARPET SWEEPER, To help you sweep, this warm weather. It will make sweeping a Pleasure, rather than a Burden. We shall be pleased to have you call whether you wish to buy or not. MRU i ai V. W.

G. WHEELOCK SOIU'S. ft9 WASIliyCTOy STREET j- -r-rr- Important Announcement! pen BBS WW GOOBS STOBE. 123 Miclngan Street. A general invitation is extended to all my friendsj and customers.

jj; IToixrc R.copcctfully, i MARTIN MAHLER. Glassware, Lamps, Crockery Cutlery All Goods Must by Sold, by, September 1st. TVoJ'7'7' IVTo SPECIAL 2 quart Mason Jars, per Jars, per dozen, ftOc. Cups 6C cents. I'lates per set, dishes.

50. 60. and 70 centsi All goods must be SOld. tT "i 4mm So, ffribniK T3 WAiHIKQTQll AD i MalS ST1HT8. Xb Dally Trlbnn- Ibe oldeft tolly paper lu the liy, ban Use larar-Ml circulation aud la tli beat metfl mat for reaching all clae.

I Ctrrotaifon of Weekly Tribune Xkrcr tbaa that of any other paper la St. Joseph Coauty, or Northern 2sniinn. MONDAY BTEHINQ. AUGUST 4. 1879.

To-day Advertisements. Wanted A girt. tanninsrllill-For Sal, tut A gentleman's cce. Jo Exchange Merchandise, lop Splicing Charle A. Linn.

lOTTISild 1BOLT TOWS. 'Srlef notes of Thlnsrs In General eatneretf by TrtMiBH Kportrk. Jltrcury 72 at eix this morning. The ghost show all of this week. The sun rose at 5:01 this morning, an set at 7:11 this evening.

A eon was born yesterday to the wife" Philip Berger. I Doa't fail to try that pench ice cream, st Vanderhoof a. Hon. J. Garroutte.

of New Car lale, ia registered at the Oliver. Regular meeting of the council to-night. common i Teel Bidet are having the interior cf their office renovated. Tobe Stercs keer-s the beet and cheap nt groceries in the city. It is a fact.

imiwifi hi i mi i L. C. Axford received 5.000 bushel wheat Friday and Saturday within very few bushels. But one drunk was put in jail cn; Saturday night, and he was discharged this morning. D.

Greene and wife, Dr. Kettnog and wife, and Senator Leeper are at SeJ Paul this week. Mrs. Alfred B. Miller and son have; $9 tie to Chicago, and will be' absenl aiout two weeks visiting relatives therel Summer dress goods and buntings are king closed out very cheap at Brown 111 Michigan street.

tf CHANGE Water Ices at Vaoder hoof Mr. Judd the reliable knife grinder coming and will be here on Saturday aext. Save your orders for him. The ladies of the Second Presbyte rian church will hold a social in their church to morrow evening. Cake and ice cream will be served.

Gish Son have an order slate ih the Oliver ofBce. Orders fo kacks left there, either by citizens or jtransers, will have prompt attention. Miss Haiti daughter ef Mr. Jaco logle, formerly of this city, but now a lesident of St. Joseph, is visiting elatives and friends in this city.

Great bargains in summer and Shet- and shawls at Brown Co. 111 Micx foan street tf Justice Dunham considered the ev dence insufficient in the surety of the peace suit brought before him on Saturday by Emil Burket against Susan Russwurm, and Susan was discharged. Greatly reduced prices on summer hosiery at Brown 111 Michigan street. if Weddings, partiea and socials suppl: id with ice cream at Vanderhoof s. The Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the First M.

E. church will meet in the lecture room of the church to-morrow afternoon and evening. Tea it half past six o'clock. Dr. Blade, oculiat, and operator on the eye and ear, office corner of Lafayette and Water streets, opposite Coqufl- lard's wagon works.

Auditor Smith has favored us with the Indiana Agricultural Reports for 1S7S, and also tbe Geological Survey ot Indiana for the same year. Both are excellent books of reference. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil put on to your harness, will make the leather look new, and keep it soft and "pliable, Give it a trial. i Ben Ccquillard lost one of the best animals in his livery yesterday, bis brown mare Nellie. She had been hired out to a young man in the morning and came back in the afternoon sick, and lived but a short time.

The tause of her death is not known. PEACH Ice Cream hoof's. i at Vander- Addrese box 2434 New York City for particulars about exchanging of staple merchandise from wholesale stock, in lets from $5,000 to 25,000, fox one-third cash and two-thirds teal estate. '43d3ni. Dr.

J. F. Sell, office No. Ill Michi gxa street, Dr. Sell speaks German, and will properly answer all calls In ti.y or country.

1894tf VSt A WATERT OR AVE. The Sad Drowning of Johnnie Ken- yonj Sunday Afternoon. Josephs. Kenyon lives out on Por- taee Prairie road near the Mneasel brewery, ajont a mile from the city. Yesterday afternoon Mr.

Kenyon and Mr. Ellet W. St. John went in swim- ming in the river near the Rockstroh slaughter house, and their sons, Johnny Kenyon, aged 13, and Henry St. John, aged 12, went in with them.

The two men after bathing awhile swam across the river, leaving the two boys on thiB side.Where the boys were the water was shallow out for some distance from shore, then it deepened suddenly at 'a clayey bank. Henry St. John was the only one of the boys who could swim. While the lathers were across the river the two boys were playing in the water, walking backwards and splashing water at each other. Suddenly Johnny slip nd on the clayey bottom and into water ovef his head.

Henry, who was with him made an attempt to save him but was so much smaller that when he grappled Johnnie both' went down. John Marble was on the bank watching the swimmers, and although lame he plunged in, when he saw the danger, with his clothes on. He: reached Hen ry first and started hiui towards shore and he got on the bank. He then turned his attention to i Johnnie, but the moment he seized him Johnnie grabbed him by the throat with vice- like grip i ana cnoxea air. aiarbie so that he was nearly drowning himself and was obliged to throw him off and catch him by another part of the body.

When he attempted to do this Johnnie was out of reach and Mr. Marble was himself so exhausted that he could scarcely to snore, xne alarm was then i raised and the two baitherB swam across as rapidly as they could i and began the search for Johnnie's body. As soon as they found it eyery effort was made resuc itate the boy, but in vain, although they did not cease trying for over an hour. The parents as may be supposed ire nearly heart broken over their loss He was their oldest son, and was a per feet little gentleman in his intercourse with his playmates and with others. He was a XEiBrNE newsboy, until nis par enta moved out of the city, and was un lversauy iitea tor nis modest and gen tlemanly deportment This is the' sec- ond severe loss they have sustained.

Their daughter died about a year ago, and thr tM now Uft Litk Kni fYl. 1 111 1 aiwcner wui noiaan inqoesi mis evening, and the funeral will take nine tn mnrmw aftmnn from th place lO morrow aiiernoon, irom me at 2 o'clock, Eldef Finch, of the Bgpti8t churcVat Mi9hwaVa officiat- ag. 1 Special Kotlee. I Any one in need of medicine or de siring a prescription filled at night will receive the promptest attention, if or ders are left for calls, with the night clerk of the Oliver House. Our Mr.

Leo. Eliel has taken rooms in the house and such calla promptly. De, ELiEt'a Soks, tf Druegists. Oliver House Block. Wla ami Uspny.

If you' will etor all vour extra viuraht ana wrong notions in doctonng yourself TXZX" ana lamuies with expensive doctors or I and use only nature's simple remedies 1 or an your ailments you will be wise, well arid harmr. and save irreat extenM The greatest remedy forf this, the great, uu gwa wm teu you, is nop Bittersrely on it See another col umn. I Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy. A mar vellous cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth, and headache. With each bottle there is an Ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treat ment of the complaint! withoat extra chanre.

Price 25 cents. Sold or uoou- ley Bros. BOBN. In thli oitT. Ahut 3d.

1S79. to the wife of Philip Bergen a son. 1 j. OST Saturday sht. on Main or Lafav X.A ette street, a gentleman's cane, with knob on the end.

The finder will please leave it at tne lnbune fctore. i i DOPE SPLICIXO Charles XV sailor, is prepared to splice elevator ropes, or an; nv other kind in the beat manner and on the shorten notice. Leave, orders at Gillen's 1 Restaurant. 'm "CAW SflJfO MILL A first class Fanninr X. Mill good as new.

for sale oheap, A bar- gain for some farmer. Apply to David Stover. at nty aaarble yv orits. aitawt I 1 XV work. Inquire at loMiohigan St.

house- 'Utf TOB KENT A two storv honita nn tha -a totith-east corner of Marion and Lafayette sweets. or particulars inquire on the premi ses. Hackney. i r'lUf. poa REST The EldeFnnndrr nn A Iff liran Street.

AddIv to John idr. Will sell it on very favorable terms and long 1 'OSaSSUU, I hooge in my brick I A. block of dwellings. Possewloa can be given on, and perhaps before tbe 2th in.t. THOMAS." OW FOB JS ALB Choice lots in Elder's JLi addition, suitable for buildinft purpose.

These lots are within ten. minutes walk ot the Ftadebaker wagon Apply to John filder, Aliohlgan street. E-'IJ LZX dawtf FOB Elc KEJif A deirhl Eldar's Qnnti wall i4m iaui. ano. Appiy to Jonn taaer, bouth ncn sua ireer.

VTu FOX Linn, a A Blicfcer Crowd Than Ever nd a I Better Time. I The second nidit of No. Six's festi-1 val drew a larger crowd than the first night. Tne dancing platform was crowded all the evening, as was the lemonade stand and ice-cream booth. The music by the cornet band ivas as charming as on the previous evening and the balloon ascensions were even more successful.

The particulars of the archery match are given elsewhere. At its close some one shouted "Foot race," and away the crowd sho filed across the field to the track on the east aide, where three young and arjQjjbitiouB pedestrians robed in the scanty ipiform of the rurinist, were coursing an1 down Wagner's field of victory preparatory to a grand race. They were Tom Monahan, the go-as-you-please cham pion, 'Kieky' Erhart, and Todj Casey. All beinsr in readiness the signal was given by a pistol shot, and with Joe Turnocfc and Clint Stephenson as judges the runners started while the croWd weaved backward and forward like a small forest in a high wind. The boy ran very even, "Kicky" winning, however, by several feet.

ine prize wa3 5. i The crowd did not disperse until near midnight, and it had then eaten up all the i refreshments. The rain about ten o'clock dispersed thei crowd somewhat, but there were plenty left. The) festival; can be set down as, the! moat successful ever given in thcity. The chain cans; has dwindled down to one man.

1 -i 1 Chew Jackson's beet sweet nar tobacco William H. Wallace. Lincoln, Ne- braska, alt the Oliver. 1 Picnic by Mszzeppa hose company Co. 5 at Muessel's groye next feunday.

Wire hair brushes 50 cents. A 1 other goods in proportion, at Dr. Eliel's Sons drugstore. Cheaper than ever, the waj H. J.

Cooke is selling groceries at 78 Main street. tf. Mrs. Campau.went to Detroit yester day: called there by the death of her mother in-law, Mrs. Parker.

Wheat brines DO cents I to-day. Freights have advanced three cents per marea, wnicn accounts ior me ran price of wheat Kev. r. Jiiuwaru cijjDert, oi nue Pigeon, occupied the pulpit at the Baptist church yesterday, preach ed two excellent sermons. A landlord and a tenant on Mlchi can street trot into a little difficulty fi.rti.

k. tftnant throwlnff the land or out of doors i i I I On account of the rain yesterday the picnic in Muessel's grove of No. 5 hose company aia not come on. De I. in 1 held next Sunday.

Don't forget to go and see the wonderful and mysterious ghost show un der! Price's theatre. Will show the rest of this week. I ueorge Uoquiuard had bis left arm broken between the elbow and wrist and the wrist dislocated in a row, On Satur day night, Dr. McG ill fixed up the misplaced parts. i i A son of B.

0. Thorpe, had his left hand mangled in a moulding jmachine at Singer's this forenoon. The first finger was badly torn on the end, and the second finger was cut offal the first Prof. Moore has returned from Ligo mer, where he has been attending Straub's musical institute for the past few weeks. He will remain ia the city for the present and will organize a class I in vocal music soon.

1 There was a lively row among the i 3 Skis on west Washington street, near tbe; cemetery on Saturday night about half past eleven o'clock. The wildest kind of racket was kept up for some time. No arrests. i i I Louis ohnson one of the Teibcxe compositors, returned, Saturday from Paola, Kansas, where he Has been visiting tor several weeks. His health which was poor when he went away is much improved.

T. Sterns is daily receiving fnew groceries. His goods are the choicest to i be found in the city, and his prices are tne most reasoname. htm. mo The last number of the Police Gazette contains a portrait of the Hqckleberry Queen, taken just as she is in the act of aiming two revolvers at two men and they are kicking them out of her hands.

Of course it was taken on the Dr. Daugherty's office is at 109 Mich- igan street, up stairs. All calla prompt ly attended to, day or night. d6t Owing to the great success i of the I ghort show it will remain the rest of this week. By all means go and sea! it.

I I 1 anrt What trie ug-ntnlna: Strnck on ftnnday. Sunday was oppressively hot. Be- fore ten o'clock the mercury had moun- ted to 94 in the shade, and there was very little air stirring, which fact made the heat more unbearable than ou'the day previous when the mercury touched at 101. Towards noon there were indications of a thunder storm, It came up rapidly from a northwestern direction and was accompanied by vivid and almost incessant flashes of light ning. The rain fall, though heavy in this city, was much greater south of here, reaching between five and' aix inches near Lakevilte.

There weresev- eral sharp claps during the storm, jand the lightning is known to have strnck in at least five different places. In Mishawaka it struck the residence i of Mr. John ferry, on the north side of the river near the school house. Mrs. Terry and (wo children were up stairs in the house at the time and received severe shocks from the stroke, sumcient to render tnem unconscious for the time being.

The house was but slightly injured. In thiB city during the severest of the storm, Mayor Tong's barn in the rear oi nis residence on bcott street was struck by lightning, the bolt going straight through the roof, down the alley door and into the ground, scatter ing shingles in all directions, and shiv ering the door and adjacenttimbrjs in to splinters. The mayor had been at the barn feeding his for some time waiting for the rain to cease in the very place where the de structive fluid went through the build ing. He had scarcely reached the house before the crash came, and one of his neighbors came running over to ten mm oi tne tnat nis Darn! was struck and was on tfire, Her ran out to tne barn but tnere wasj no fire, only an overpowering smell as of burning powder. It was a nar row escape from' instant deatni on Mayor Tong's part, and in speaking of the matter to-day he says that he actu ally felt pale as he realized what his fate would have been had he remained in the door a few minutes longer, The residence' of Mr.

Charles Duby, corner of Sycamore and Water streets, was struct. The charge' went down the chimney and filled the house with. a sulphurous odor. Mr. Duby, bisj two daughters and son were in the house, but none of them felt the shock except the son.

The smoke stack at the Clover Huller works was also struck. uiC and guyed bja number of iron rods. numoer oi iron rous. thoroughly distributed the iron roof Ot the LUO "U1U WM OTf laese auu uio uua nwi ui me i it. i.

engine house that no damage resulted. The mai factorv WM fiiled with two or three men ho to i be in there Derceitiblv shocked. The other bolt struck a large popular a tree about three miles Bouth of the city and splintered it from top to bot tom. A Pelfy Thief. George Hartsell came to the Tribune store Saturday even ine with hair brush and a pitiful story that he lacked just 15 cents of having enough money to pay his rent and he wanted to leave it until next Saturday bight for that amount.

The 15 cento waa given him ana then word was sent to Officer Keller, but the marshal was hot on his track and arrested him in less than half a minute after he left the store. He had stolen the brush I from the Oliver House. He is one of the lowest of sneak thieves, but the. trouble has been to get evidence against him. He is now in tail.

Henry Enfield's Perllona Condition. Henry Enfield was at work on Satur- eay at the Studebaker upper shops on a purline fifty feet from the ground prying with a crow-bar. The bat slip ped and Mr. Enfield fell backwards but with great presence of mind bent his knees and caught himself on the pur online. He hung there head downward until some of his fellow workmen res cued him.

1 School Examination. i A special examination for teachers will be held at New Carlisle, on Batur aay, August lbth, by County Superin tendent Moon. For Sale At tireat Saerlflee. My pleasant and desirable residence, No. 78 Market street part cash bal- i l' '09d30t.

E. B. Adams. The meeting at Warren Centre yes terday was very largely Rev. J.

H. Stover preached both in the fore noon and afternoon. There was a bas ket dinner between the If began to rain just as the audience dis- persed. New invoice of oil stoves for summer use, just received at Murdock France 118 Michigan street. Mellow Caramels at sViWsWWM Vanderhoofa.

'AtwwI 17vlf etc. ln Street. BARCAIfJG. dozen, S1.10. 1 i quart Mason find Saucers jer set, 50 and Covered to buy.

40 and oO cents. now is the time MAIN 37X1.XZX3E mmLT' 8 ibi. of sugar ia prt- thonsanils ef familtM. Ana The method is simple and easy. None ean fail No.

24 Liberty Street. New York. ILEW1S':" i I AND LIQUID tas Cheapest. Most Relitbla. and Be3t-knom Method of pruerTint all kind UfFroit.

Xomatoei. etj Strawberrie. RUnberriM. nd all hurh.firtlor r.tin th.lP riohoMor asweUaaflavor. Oaouacsofit(ioting3conteUe(iaalto ten and endorse by thousand upon ft trial wUl establish the fact that the American yroit-PreferriBg Powdi sally prevent fermentation, and prMerreall kinda of Fruit.

Tomatoe trial will establish the fact that the American Fruit-Preserving Powder prevent fermentation, and preserve all kinds of Fruit. Tomatoes, and Liquid will effectually eto and keep them the year round or for years, in jars of any kind or fixe, or in wooden keg and barrels, tcukout baling air tight. Simply corked or tied down with ia strong- paper is all that is needed. Xne irruit will keep without nwr. or anyjquantity of sugar may added as desired.

Warranted to be a healthful a table tat. The Fruits, ma be eooked little ori much, as desire 1. Thev will keen without anv cooking, or they may be eooked down into sauoe. if the Powder and Liquid ia added into the Fruit, in quantity as directed. One Paekage will preserve 256 pounds of Fruit.

Tomatoes, etc Price Oae Dollar per package. Give it a trial. If yon cannot set it from you Druteis or Grocer. I will send it prepaid to any express office in the United States, east of the Miwimppi River, upon receipt of the priee or west of the Mississirnl River and east of the RockT Mountains for Bar nukua. X.oal and General Agents Wanted, Address L.i P.

FF Sals in South Bend, by II. CjMorgan. 1 THE RK A T)Y FA SOAP T.TAKTlRt f3l For Cent Pure. AI1D PUREST LIE MADE. LYE is a FDIE POMR of can may be used without spoiling balance.

Hard Soap made in twenty minutes without wash will be sweet and clean to the senses, without when using rcady-mado Soap or Soap made will soften live rallons of hard water. per eent. atrongr than any other Lye or Potashes. BtastcraczuasD OM.V BT.i- I. i- GEO.T.LEWIS&MEflZIES!COMPAIIY, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

I I "i 79 Guide to: Success, WITH FOR BUSINESS AND fl sociETYt is BY FAR the best Business and Social Guide and Hand-liook ever published. Much the latert. It tells roth sexes completely HOW TOUO EVKRYI IIIXU in the beit way. HOW TO BE TOCKOW5 LAWTKB. and contains a gold mine of varied information ana contains a goia mine ni vanea lni indispensibleto all cluwos for constant AKMS WAfliTJElforall spare) know why this book of fti.L value an reference.

time. To and attrac tions sells better than any other, apply for terms to 11. Ii. SCAMMELL A St. Louis.

Missouri. 3S7ly09moi i. F. COPEL4d, ATTORNEY- at -LAW, SOUTH BEND. 'I OFFICS oyer Tribune Store oa Washington St legal bmlnesl.

oonvevannln TTt promptly attended ta. S18wadly Notary Public, i Loan and Collection A rent. Otct 111 Ilieiiigaa fitreat a oaU. Will attend to paring taxes, eto, Rl. III ill I I I H'llM hin 08 GTROHGSST TMs Any portion of contents 14 poandi of PrrlVimed boiling, and your that nasty smell produced from other Lye.

i. i One teaspoonfu.1 LEWIS' LYE Is o-caUed Rock or Ball Grand Opening Sale OF- Summeri Goods, 100 Lap Casters; of all Styles, from 40 centi np. I 'r; 200 Fly Scrims, from 60'centa up. 200 Cottonoritered and Leather Hetts, from 11.00 up. Large Stock of Heavy Team Hetts on hand.

Farm The Largest Stock of Tnmks, Travel' lug Bags, Siawl Straps in the City, TO BE CLOSED OUT REGARDLESS OF COST, AT HEATH 6 SMlW KO. SO E1ALTJ STREET..

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