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Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Pittston Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i THE PEOPLE'S PENNY PAPER. THE WEATHER TEMPERATURE TODAY. Shown by recording thermometer on Gazette building up to 8:20 p. 8.1, 3p. m.j 72, 6 a.

m. Fair tonight.and Tuesday. 62ND YEAR. WEEKLY KSTABLISUED 1850. DAILY 4BT.


EIGHT PAGES. IORCVLATi ON' BOOkT WERTISERSk en BECKER, CHIEF OF GOMEZ CHARGED WITH VIOLATING NEUTRALITY New York Police Officer Named As Partner of Slain Gambler. MI MINERS PREPARE FOR COMING OF JOHN P.WHITE COL ROOSEVELT SCHOOL HSICT IV TACKLE THE CAVEQUESTEON LAWS OF UNITED STATES km IN 1904 FIGHT iSan Anitonio, Texas, July 22. Vaisquez Gomez, formerly provisional president of the Republic of Mexico, will be arraigned hero today before the United States Commissioner, ANOTHER OFFICIAL HEAD FALLS CITY SCHOOL BOARD HECOMF.S SCOTT, FORMER WEST VIRGINIA charged with violating the neutrality lt'jws of the United States. The case ngalnist Gomez has been worked up ARRANGEMENTS MADE BY LOCAL MINERS FOR MASS MEETING AT CENTRAL PARK ON EVENING COMMITTEEMAN, SAYS THAT IN NEW YORK GAMBLING EXPOSE ROSENTHAL SAID FUX li.

by. Secret Service men, w.ho claim that they have strong evidence against MORGAN'S RIGHT HAND MAN PUT UP $15,000 TO RUN T. OF JULY 20, WHEN MINERS the defendant. Important information was found in possession of two Mexi EH COPPED THE PROFITS. FROM JOINT RUN BY MURDERED MAN REPOSITION DIRECT RE LEADER WILL SPEAK MEM.


New York, July 22. Police Lieu Mlno Workers of Pittston and its vi tenant Churles Becker, who has been Washington, July 22. Ex Senator mltteeman In 1904, told the Senate In 104, tole, the Senate cinity are making preparations for the tection from subterranean disturbances sweeping the anthracite region at the head of the "strong arm coming of John P. White, intimation. squad," in of, gambling raids, al president of United Mine Worn committee investigating the cam and with the question pre eminent in JAPANESE RULER IS1KING AGAIN; UNOTLASTW crs of Amprica, who will address a large jut A i in this city, was today relieved, of his paign contributions that Georce this district, the Pittston City School position in command of the squad.

Perkins, who is boosting Colonel Roos mass meeting In this city on the even ing of July 26. The meeting will like board is preparing to give considera evelt for president, Tendered first aid to the Colonel when ho was running in ly be held at Central Park, ia Upper Becker has been ordered to for disk dtuty in the Bronx Ills tion to the safeguarding of school property from mine caves and at to Pittston. 1U04. He said that Perkins contribut place at the head of the "strong arm President White has been at Scran ed $15,000 of the West Virginia State siuad" has been given to Lieut. night's meeting will be confronted with an offer from tho Pennsylvania Coa! Co.

to f. ll coal pillars under tho ton for the past week, attending the Rhenlsch. sessions of convention of District lunag. "Ferkine asked 'mo about the situa. Lieut.

Becker was accused recently Koosevelt school building to the dis No, 1. Today he begins a series tion in my State," said Scott. "I told by (Herman Rosenthal, who was mur trict for $3,200. The offer and tho nuiss meetings that will carry him over him there was a big tight against the Tokio, July 22. Following a dered in front of the Hotel Metropole onditlons stipulated will likely bo re tho entire anthracite field and will con brief sink Republican gubernatorial candidate, fused by the board, but it is possible one night last week, with navin rally early today the mikado is sume about four weeks.

Their pur Perkins said he was a friend of Roose grabbed 20 per cent, of the profits ot that the move to be taken will be tho pose is to arouse union enthusiasm bo ing again. His physicians do not to swell to tho utmost the union Rosenthal's gambling hoiuse. Becker was under investigation by District velt and wouldn't like to see West Virginia go Democratic and gave me $16, 000 for the campaign there." lteve he can last many hours. forerunner of the adoption of a policy to bo pursued for the safety of district, municipal and private property in this membership lists, which have been Attorney Whitman when the murder A moderately good night's rest remarkably enlarged as the result ol 'mucn did you contribute In occurred. He had been held guiltless region.

the now working agreement, which 1904?" said Senator Clapp. of any wrong doing in connection with The Roosevelt school property is re seemed somewhat to have strengthened the imperial patient when It? awoke at 6 a. m. He ad slept natural was adopted by the hard coal miner the gambling business by his com it in May. "Nothing to the national campaign paid Scott, "but I sent $30,000 or $40,000 to West Virginia for, the garded by district officials as that most concerned in the mine cave situation, as most of the coal beneath it ly and almost uninterruptedly for fully in this city and in all parts of missioned, but the developments in tho case eince the murder Rosen six hours, and on reo'pening his eyes fho region will give hite a royal wel thal have resulted in him being depos spoke a ifew words quite, clearly and come.

It will be the iirat opportunity Is accessible to the operating companies, whereas, under other school plots, cd. intelligently. illo was also able to the men of this city will have of see With the coroners' inquest Into the swallow a littile liquid nourishment. IB big and hearing the able executive who killing of Rosenthal and the grand temperature had fallen and he breath wns largely responsible for securing the contract under wnlch the miners ed mure freely, and hU pulse stnength jury investigation of the alleged combination tween the police, depart encd. are now wQrKlng, with the many con ment and the underworld, it is vx All these favorable symptoms en cessions therein.

The greeting will ipefted tiiat much that has been kept couraged even the physicians, sure as likely be appreciative. from public knowledge by the authori they had b.en previously, that th officers of the local unions in Pitts ties will he rcvtalcd. Five men arc catx was noipolesg and Wiey a ton and its vicinity at Central La. under arrest charged with r.articipa bulletin stating that, though the mika bor. Union hull on Saturday night and tion in the murder and sixth is held do remained extremely weak, ueral campaign there." One contributor Scott remembered was John M.

Cook, who gave $1,000. He knew nothing of moneys received fromi J. P. Morgan, Henry Havemycr, or any other "trust magnates." Chairman Cortelyou, the witness explained, ordered that none should be accepted from such source. The American Protective Tariff League, Scott said, furnished the campaign literature in 1904, but the committee paid for it "In good hard cash." Rem cn Stands by Tuft.

Springfield, 111., July 22. Mcdill McCormlck, of the Progressive committee, announced that he will name a Progressive State ticket after Governor Dinecn had formally tola the committee that he and other Republican nominees would support President Taft. made arrangements for the mass meet as a material witness. the coal has either been mined years ago, or cannot be mined on account of tho condition of the overlying strata. Since their inception of office, tho present school directors have given some attention to the mine cave situation, more on account of its potential importance than because of existent danger.

Secretary Joyce conferred with the officials of the Pennsylvania Coal Co. relative to the underlying conditions at tho various schools and asked the company to make a proposal to sell supporting pillars. He has just received a reply from Captain W. A. May, general manager of the Pennsylvania Coal relative to the Roose vclt property.

The Roosevelt plot consists of 71100 of an acre on the east side of Main street, at the forks of the road. conditions were improved. While District Attorney Whitnun ings. It stated that there is no hall here that could accommodate the As the day advanced, however, the refused to discuss letters threatening sufferer bigan to lose ground. Con rowd.that is expected and on ac his life, it was learned that private sciousness deserted him exet pt at long count of the weather it would be bel detectives are co operating with intervals and then returned only part ter to have the meeting Jn the open office inspectors in an end taw to lo 'entral Park, the name under wlvlcn ly and but for a (fenv minutes at a times practically no further hop is cate the writers.

the plot adjoining the Glcnnon brew Because of a. hitch which arose entertained. ery is Known, was suggestea and tween tho district attorney anI tlV" The dying rtulers wife snatched a grand jury regarding what witnesses was decided to hold the meeting there, provided the lot can be secured for the few hours rest after her husband had fallen ad. e.p, but was awakened, ac hould be exaiinined in th giiniblin.i!: purpose. probe, ami ail so 'because Mrs.

Herman This was purchased from tho coal ording to her own previous instruc Mr. White is at Carbondale today Rosenthal, of tho murdered gam company a few years ago, tho deed tions, tho moment he opened his eyes, bler, was too ill to appear, tilay'a stipulating that title was conveyed con ind resumed her vigil at his, bcsld session of thi grand jury Invejrtigiitlng nnd tonight will be at Forest City, on he comes to Pittston and on tho evening or July 20 will be at Dur vea. it was announced today that a The Crown Prince Yoshihi'o strong the alleged alliance between the gam tingent upon its use for school purposes, to lapse when it was no longer used for such. Tho price was $2,000. blers and tho police wa ineffectiv I'olN Lieutenant diaries a.

Decker's mime plays a prominent part in the further itinerary will bring the miners' ly urged his physicians today to agree to his own attendance In his father's sick room. The doctors wcak.ncd in the ifac of his Insistence and are ex I'll nil Meets Roosevelt. Oyster lay, N. July 22. Former State Senator William Flinn, of Pittsburg, and Colonel Roosevelt hol'd a conference at Sagamore Hill this afternoon.

The entire Pennsylvania sit uatiiM) was dfuciiHMod. Flinn refused to talk of tlio problem he was bringing to the Colonel. Thw grand jury wnts to call before it In the communication to the school lejiler to Wyoming en Aug. 7. He will board, the coal company states poJico "Lieutenants 'Charles Becker, DnicJ Jintf O'Kcd he wceompanad by the district officers investigation into the murder of Herman Rosenthal, a Novf 'rk gambler.

Itosenthai was Bhot by a party of men who escnpettSu an iiiitotno bllo. The assassination took place hours before Rosenthal was to have pected to accede to his wishes it, as that the company is willing to sell to the district as pillars one third of all and some of tho board members on iy. They' have been In command of xpected, the mikado's symptoms con his campaign trips. Alter Aug. 7, Mr tinue to grow worse.

appeared before (he gram! jury to give fesi iiinniy iii support of lii.s allegatioii White will leave District 1 and go to tho raiding squads which have be operating against the gamblers. District Attorney Whitman refused to coal in the third and Red Ash veins at 30 cents a ton, amounting to $3,200. The number of tons is approximately The members of the cabinet are all tnat llecKor was a partner in his r.imii'i'i" bouse. llazleton. in District 7, and later to the palncv.

The premier has had Pottsville, in District 9. permit Rocfccr to testify unless he will under one third of the lot or 32,008 under the three quarters of an an Interview with the crown prince and everything js ready fur a transfer sign a waiver of Immunity. 1 of the imperial authority to the latter Any witness called by the grand jury and forced to testify in any mat Wilson in Seclusion. Sea Girt. tt.

July 22. Governor Wilson announced that he would leave Sea Girt this afternoon and remain in seclusion nearby for two or three days until he had finished his speech of acceptance. No one except his confidential secretary knows his destination PETER 01YLE, OFfAVOCA, the movcm nt his predecessor has acre, with JK.iiiifi tons ror an entire acre, at a valuation of $13,000 for an acre plot. This, is said to be a lot loss than the county valuation on this class ter being investigate automatical! reathed his last. Should receives immunity.

Whitman said that Tf he did not intend that Becker lioml i OVER TAX LEVY AND of coal land. he unable to leave his own palace immediately after his father's death a ministerial conf rence will be held be given this advantage. To give tin The communication states that tho MAY WED PROBE IN FIRE HOSE CASE district attorney a chance to decide and he said he would seo no one until the speech Is finished, when ho will meet Underwood and some friends. Pittston vein has been mined and oth there. ers aro not miuable.

Captain May ad COURT WILL DECIDE vises that in addition to purchasing the pillars, as an additional safeguard. gun io nun the district have the Pittston vein and It is reported from Mbar: this afternoon that the investigation by a councilmanic committee into the im 1KB cm the chambers created in mining the two thirds of the coal in the two veins named flushed in by the coal company. This proceeding would involve Roosevelt or Opposition. Chicago, July 22. Joseph M.

Dixon, the Roosevelt manager, nald today that unless Governor Di neen, of Illinois, came out openly for Kooscvclt he would Insist upon the Progressive Republicans nominating a complete state ticket from governor down. mysterious 1 tter Niid to have been should ibe done, the jury today postponed general consideration of the gambling situation until tomorrow. Mrs. Rosenthal will probably stify tomorrow. It is plated that hc has ail of the Information her husband had and also that she has all of his memoranda showing in detail his operations with the itolicc force.

She will also give th grand jury the names of men she can corroborate her husband's story of how and to whom tribute was paid. It was reported today that she will directly accuse a hiith 'vliee official of accepting money to permit gambling hou a to run. The death toil on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad was Increased last night, when Peter o'Boyle, aired about i'S years, of Avoea. met death at a point a few hundred feet south of the angcliffe colliery, in Avoea. Jir.

o'lioyl" had been veiling friends in Moosio yesterday and was returning to bis home, about 11:30 last night, by tile way of the railroad, when he was written to the Fa'brle Fire Hose i. considerable expense. it is the intention of the judges to ind down an order, cither late this afternoon or tomorrow morning, deciding what the tax levy of Hanover Township shall be. This morning. Judges ijarman, O'Boyle and Strauss had tho attorneys representing the township and' coal companies before them, and discussed tho matter in open court.

It will be recalled that the Superior An application to reconsider the pe Discussing the situation this morn to the effect that certain men needed tion to transfer the license of Evan money to Influcnc the letting of a ing, Mr. Joyce, of the board, said that the directors would not be apt to ac fones, of Hanover township, to 1. C. contract will be given an official Jerger, of Ashley, was presented to status by the entrance of District At cept the proposal, owing to the ex pense it involved, lie tnougni. How he court this morning by Attorney 'nomas F.

Farrell. The matter of the ransfer came up before Judge Strauss torney Bigelow Into the The Investigators are wbednl to tonight and that the district attorney'? Bryan in 1 010. Williamson, W. July 22. William Jennings Bryan was unanimously endorsed for president in 1910 by the Fifth District nominating convention in session here.

Court handed down an opinion during tome time ago, and it was not granted office iwill be represented at the hear the week in which the judged declared the act regarding the working of the ever, that it was incumoent upon ino district, as representing the people, to develop a policy that may be pursued, not only by the district, but by its people as individuals. because there were objections on the part of creditors. LV. ing seems JusNur'd. It is also filil that Air.

Reynolds, agent of the fire hose company, has placed in Ihr roads constitutional. This gives the court the right to appoint P. W. Mc NEW YORK MARKET. 1ho district, said Joyce, rep Keown and it Is contended by the coal Judge' Strauss at the time held that place that could not pay Its debts as also unnecessary.

He also took resents the people, and this Is an Issue where a test must be made of the situ hands of the comy iproxeeutor information which will enliven the probe. ON SAURY BASIS companies that the working of the roads by their representative make Reported daily by Brooks Co, xceptions to the price paid for li ation sooner or later. I think It would 11. S. Fna.s, the man said to have written the letter in question, ha? bc'n Kpruce street, Scranton.

cense in a township against that In a unnecessary the high millage levieii bo a good thing for this city If the dis ity, especially when situated Just bv the commif sloners. subpoenaed to appear before the com trict, In the event that it is unatde to effect some adjustment with the coal mittee tonight. Attorneys AleClintock and John Farnha.m appeared against tho levy ross the street. In his application for reconsidera companies, should institute Injunction tion. Attorney Farrell alleged that the and claimed that a two and one third proceedings to prevent the mining oi run down by a passenger train and instantly killed.

Nothing known of the a. cident until this morning, when workmen, on way to the colliery, came across his mangled remains lying on the track. Chief of Police Jlealey, of Avcea, was and identified the body as that of Mr. o'lioyl. after it was removed to tbi room? of Undertaker T.

J. to prepared for burial. Boyle wa.s born in Frieland. and had "ic'en a resident of Avoea for the past is During this period he had widely acquainted in the Avoea and slc. district, and bl.s untimely ilea Hi was a.

shock to his friends. Tho body has been taken to the home of liis sister, Daniel MeMul loii, in Avoea, from which place the funeral will be held, the time to anuoi'nccd later. Resides his mother, Mrs. Jatn.s ''Boyle, the folhJ.ving brothers and'. rs survive: Mrs.

Daniel li K.illityn, Wiiilfrcl, John, Joseph. Daniel and Bernard, all af Avoea aiid vVilllam O'Boyle, of Scranton. reilitors have been paid and that the UNCLE SAM TO PROBE mill levy was sulltcleiit, now tna in? matter of working the roads had been coal nnd carry the case to its ultimate conclusion. It would nt least reveal reason the place did not pay was oc An order been issued by the Lehigh Valley Coal dire ting driver hossii, employed at the various col llcrfcis of the company, to secure assistant mine foremen certificates a soon as Hissi.ble. Heretofore, driver Imss have "been classified as day men, and have ibeen paid at tho rate of $3 per day.

Under the new ruling, wh they procure assistant mine foremen's certificates, they wl'l be placed on the ause It was ill charge of a man not apablc of conducting the place. The the right of the coal companies to no mining in such circumstances." Judges agreed to reconsider the matter. decided by the Superior Court. They claimed also that the budget made by the commissioners failed to show an itemized statement, and that all that is necessary to conduct the affairs of While such a course as suggest ed by the militant director is not out of the question, it Is not likely to be HAZLETON MAN the municipality is $32,000. salary li.t and will be given a monthly Immediately taken.

Tho schools are In no immediate danger. The coal un Attorney T. F. McLaughlin contend ed that tho amount was insufficient der the Fort Pittston school was milieu Washington. July 22.

Tho. SlaU WAS ELECTROCUTED years ago by the Newton l.oal i Department has begun an official in from the present o. a worKings. mn vestigation Into the alleged mistreat Jefferson building, at the Junction, is over the workings of the Lehigh Val salary or per month. An official of the company explains that It Is not tho Intention to crule any hardship for driver bosses, but that they will bo riven a reasonable length of time to qualify under tho new rule.

It Is understood that the company desires to have driver bosses in a position to enable them to undertake the duties of nn assistant foreman In ment of American missionaries in Adam Smith, a well known llazle and said that while the budget might not be specific in some, particulars, It could le made so. He claimed that there was being prepared a road map which will entail an expense of and that the 2 1 3 mill levy would not pay for that. The judges after a brief conference said they would dispose of the matter either today or tomorrow. ton man, was electrocuted while going church, yesterday afternoon, to Senator Bacon, chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, asked that protection be provided Americans in Korea meet his children with an umbrella. It had been raining, and Smith wns about 74 lit 74 7414 8 4 X3 58 58 14 CH'Vi 26 2fi SC 43 4.1 '4 43 8 4 83 V4 83 Vi 84 83 '4 83 41i 41' 'li'4 108 108 Va 108', 110 109 109 92.

91 91 266 266 'A 266 V4 81 '4 801 81 17V 17'4 17'4 104 V4 103 103 31 31 313 146 145 115 31 31 31 36 35 35 54 64 64 44 44 44 4 4 4 138 137 137 20 20 20 59 58 68 168 167 167 158 158 158 146 146 146 27 27 27 36 36 36 116 116 116 32" 32 32 117 116 117 122 121 121 124 123 123 116 116 116 166165 165 26 26 26 25 24 21 I10110V4 110 29 29 29 169jlfi8 168 71 70 70 112 112 112 4 4 4 to take his children from church un diplomatic representations to th" Korean Government. It is alleged llinl The proceedings before the court were Am. Beet Sugar A ma I. Copper Am. Car Fdy.

Am. Ico Am. Ioco Am. Smelting Am. Sugar Anae.

Copper Atchison Rait. Ohio P.klyn. R. T. Can.

Pacific Ches. Ohio Chic. Gt. West. M.

tS. P. Col. Fuel Iron Cons. Gas Dis.

Securities Erie Erie, 1st pfd. Erie, 2nd pfd. Gnldfield Con. Gt. pfd.

Inter. Met Intcr. pfd. Lehigh Valley Louis. Nash.

M. S. K. Mo. Pacific N.

Y. Control N. O. W. Norf.

West. North. Pacific IVnnn. R. R.

People's Gas Phil. Read. Rep. Iron Steel Hock Island South. Pacific South.

Railway Union Pacific V. S. Steel IT. S. Steel, pfd.

Wabash Curb: ChlfHgo Subway Internet'! Salt Nlplsslng 1W TO SHIP der shelter. While walking along the street he stepped on a heavily charged confessions 'wrung through torture by thoso Instituted some time ago to re Koreans in connection with a recent strain the six mill levy. WILL RESUME INQUEST sewer plate, reeled, and fell on a live plot to kill the Jaipanese governor Ire. fi gmcral of Korea art being used as evidence against Americans In thai country. INSTITUTE WILL II IUUUI1II YORKERS OF WORLD NO FREE MILEAGE MAY SPLIT THE UNION OPEN AHRJM, OCT.

21 County Superintendent Frank 11. FOR V. Fairmont. W. July 22.

Policeman oils Shaver, of who was temporarily Insane, as the result of pain fi'oiu bis wounds, used his last bullet to A his sufferings after vainly trying to kill the man who shot him. Ills assailant was the policeman's prisoner and escaped, despite the fact that the sheriff of Marion county iiinl a posse pursued him today with bloodhounds. llovper has made, announcement that ley. The schools on Butler inn. tne Washington and Lincoln buildings, are over Pennsylvania coal that Is reported to have no rock superstrata and cannot bo mined.

At Scranton and at other points in the hard coal fields, movements of a concerted and cumulative nature are on foot looking to the solution of tho problem. An exhaustive examination of subterranean conditions has been made by both the Wllkesbarre and Scranton school district, although neither laid out a distinct policy for precaution. At Scranton, at present, nil ordinance to protect the. streets under the police power of the municipality has been passed and a Surface Protective association Is looking into legal means to prevent announced robbing of pillars beneath private properly. In Pittston.

there have been no concerted movements of this nature, but there has been extensive damage and much litigation for damages to property, which have created sufficient sentiment to give the school board considerable moral support In adopting an ameliorative course. NEWPORTllRfflHi OVER ASTOR MILLIONS Cripple Creek, July 22 Seces the Duzirn County Teachers' Institute loil from the Western Federation of liners by members of the Industrial An official circular Issued by the Workers of tho World Is threatened to will bo held ut 1 rem Temple, Wilkcs barrc, during the week of October SI. The superintendent says t.iat over 1.100 teachers are on the enrollment general nian.mer of the Lehigh Valley day as the result of the trial by the Co. notiiies foremen of collieries that Tho Lackawanna Railroad officials and experts held a meeting in General Superintendent Bine's office, at Scrnn ton, this morning, and decided to go to Corning tomorrow and resume the Inquest over the wreck of July 4th. The officials will leave early in the morning and resume tho Inquest at 1:30 p.

m. Schroeder, the engineer blamed for tho accident, testified that nt tho time ho was working on an injector and missed his signals. Tho company Is not satisfied with this, believing that the engineer was recovering from Intoxication, anil was in a sleepy condition. The company now Intends to prove that the Injector was In good condition at the time of the wreck. miners' annual convention now In ses the company will not hereafter provide sheet.

sion of charges against President freo passage for them on th ir nmiual harles Moyer and other executive of ITALIANS WILL OPEN v.icntlon trips', as In the past. It has TWO ARE SENTENCED. been the custom of the Lehigh Valley ficers. Thomas Campbell, of Butte, accused Moyer and others of the misuse of money and the convention or In recent years to grant vacations to Pleading guilty to criminally as bid. bid.

off. off. off. 4 3 7 saulting Mary Makenus, a Polish girl. 5 7 dered a trial of the accused men and also of Campbell.

If Moyer Is acquit forenvn and clerks each summer, and to furnish them with such mileage as they to points on the Lehigh Peter Grcgus, of Wllkesbarre, was sen tenced to a minimum term of two ted, ho will demand the summary expulsion of Campbell. The latter, if Valley. The now order ways that va years in the penitentiary and a maxi r.i'lons will bo allowed as in Hie past, mum of five, with a $100 fine, by expelled, Is expected to take with him PRISONER INSANE II the I. W. and form a rival or Judge O'Boyle.

M. T. Horan, a Wllkesbarre township merchant, who but that owing to "eompllcatlons that have ariKcn wjtli the federal authorities," transportation cannot be furnish Chlcnsro Grain Market. Reported by John H. ISoilmrr, room 28, Miners' Dank building, Plttstun: WtlKAT.

I Open. High. Low. I Close. July 96 I 96 95 96 bid Sept.

92 93 I 91 I 2 Dec 95 I 95 94 95a inl.atlon. The convention In executive session struck his brother in law, Justice of ed In the future. day continued tho trial of Moyer. the Peace Brown, with on uxe, was sentenced to a $500 fine. It Is believed that he will control the OI'I'ICtALS AT Itl.OOMsltt'KG, (invention and that he and his assist CO FIN.

ISHOK RACK FOR GOAT. Newport, H. 1 July 22. Mrs. Paul Andrews flatly denied today that her daughter Margaret, aged 17 years, Is, to marry Vincent Astor.

In spite of the denial. It Is geiiernlly accepted ants wilt be exonerated. over one bundrcl Italian families of this city have banded themselves together for the purpose of opening a co opera the grocery store. The lore will be located at 01 Railroad street, and If the plans now under way 9r. mieeoFsl'iiily carried out the pi.

ice will bo opened for business by August 1 According to the of the Ital. lalifi who are ill. the head of the under l.ikiiig each family assessed cer tain sum to be used a capital, and many famHIon have already pal.l their 'h ir into tho fun, I which amounts to about The purpose of tllfl cooperative store in to Feetire cheaper prices In food Htuffi tor the families vho aro. ilileres'od 111 the store. The county commissioners ami Con The commission appointed by Ihe court to inquire Into the sanity of Thomas Mox, who was committed to the county Jnll by tho Wllkesbarra po Hve on the charge of assault and battery, inn ile report to the court this morning that thu respondent's is unbalanced.

By order he was committed to thoiiHyliim at Danville. The commission was composed of Dr. 15, A. Sweeney, Joseph nnd J. M.

Hoover. Vaniildo Tctrano, of Taylor, fell out England nnts her bachelors rdu school has troller HelHlclMliot went to I Minimi burg this morning to have meeting with the Columbia county officials ov July Sept. Dec. of the top of tree while pulling c.ated correctly, so that Mrs. Andrews Is favorably dis posed toward young Astor.

eontly been organized In Open. Ftlgh. Low. Close. 68 69 67 68 61 61 fi.1 63 66 56 65 66 OATS.

Open. Ftlgh. Low. Close. 42 44 42 4 1 33 S3 33 3.1 34 3la 34 31 er the letting of bids for the laying of london how to do nil here the men are taught MARRIAGE I CENSES, niBike lled.

cook, uriw and leaves to feed his goat, and suffered a broken buck, yesterday afternoon, lie Is nt the Taylor hospital, where he will probably live for some time. The physicians do not entertain the slightest hope for his recovery, forms of housework. the concrete floor on the llerwlek Nescopeek bridge. The bids for the work were received here and In Hloomsburg. July Sept.

Dec. Raymond Earl Slekler Scrnnton Read The Quiet te and keep posted. Bead Tho Gazette nnd keep posted. Anna Smith Pittston.

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