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The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana • 4

South Bend, Indiana
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he ah axu roxnicu. Yon Hani Cure That Const b. With Shiloh's Consumption Cure Baie-BlU To-morrow. The Greenatodsinga received a tele rcutfc Bnrtr Sailn Sribunf In Order to reduce Stock, and make rcoiri for a large supply of FALL GOODS, We will during th entire month off August give our Customers special inducements in Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Cutlery, Silver. ware, vases, imncy and Mouse Furnishing Goods'.

BIT A DAIll CARRIAGE r.TIL TOW II AVE CAS SAVE YOl 3IOXEY. DOX'T CALLED IS, AS WE FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS, IN ifjAUGtl QUANTITIES AT Wheelbck's Crockery Store, 59 Washington Street. you can cure yourself. 1 has establish ed the iact that consumption can De cured, while for coughs, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthmaJ and all diseases of throat and lungs, it is abso lutely without an doses win relieve vour child ol" croun. it is pleas ant to take and perfectly harmless to the youngest and no mother can afford to be without it.

You can use two-thirds of a bottle and If what we say is not truejwe will refund the i price paid. Price 10 50 ct3. and $1 per bottle. If your lungs are sore or. chest or back lame use Shilohls Porus Plas ter.

Sold by p. M. Coobley. Have vou dyspepsia, are you consti pated, have you a yellow skin, loss of appetite, headache, if so don't fail to use Shiloh's System Vitalizer. It is guaranteed to relieve you, and will you continue to suffer when you can beeured on such terms' as Price 10 cts.

and. 75 cts. Sold by D. M. Coonley.

Wells' Persian Perfume "Hackme- tack" is rich ahd fragrant, try it. Sold by D. Al. Coonley. Deafness Cured.Maiiy persons have been cured of loss of hearing by using the Constitutional Catarrh Remedy.

rice 1 per bottle. For sale by Gush- ng Co. The children's best friend is Dr. Jaques' German Worm Cakes, pleas ant to the taste, harmless to the child, and sure death and expulsion ot the worms. Soldi by Coonley.

A good investment, better than loan ing money at one per cent a minute, is to keep your liver, stomach and bowels in a healthy condition by the use Eilert's Daylight Liver Pills. They will restore you to health, impart new vigor to your mind, ton up your sys tem and give 'renewed pleasure to the joys of life. Jfa medicine will as effec tually free the liver froija excess of bile as these pills, thus preventing ague and bilious fevers; bold by JD. Coonley. OPENED, A Lrgo Assortment and Beautiful Styles of RUCHING, From one cent each to 50 cents per yard.

33 per cent below the usual price. AND ALL OTtiER GOODS BELOW COST, To Close Out the remainder of oar Stock be fore the Jrali lraae opens ,1 Ladies you wiU sav 60 to 100 per cent by calling in at Headquarters For We keep Constantly in Stock, the Celebrated STEWARD MILLS RANGES THGT HAVE NO EltTAL. Call and examine the largei and Ifineat Stock in South Ujnd. We Will Not be Undersold. Wc Arc Receiving Every Day, A Verv I.zxrro lino of EXTPA RUBBERS, SEALING WAX.V All Kinds of Stoves.

1111113 CAOKt1, HOTSB-FUENISHIlfO GOODS, CUTEEIl'W AXD FI REARMS. Dllchlgan Stove Stoves Are The Best. II. C. PMKKOV IlENRT SANtUIOVf JU Salenma-.

Shoes, The Fal Trade. mm 1" use them in their own families. -r- oots and Siiitab For Our facilities for Buying is such as to enable us to purchase at frianufacturiag prices, Thereby saving' our Customers one or more profits. CALL ARD CXAMIE OIU DIITEItEM LIXES AD DE COWIXCEO WHAT WE SAI IS TRUE. i Callalian Brdtliers, loo jstroet.

Turee DhjibiiiI Any Itetftilar Train. The manager of the Clem Stude-baker excursions desire to say that they have made the folio iring arrangements with the L. 3. M. S.

railroad com- pany All thoe goiDg on their excursion next Wednesday morning, Sept. 4, can stay and return on the night of tne 5th or 6th, giving three days in or come back on the same evening, as they desire. Parties going on the excursion Thursday morning, September can stay over and return the next evening at 10:20, or come back the same evening on tha excursion train. Arrangements can be made with the managers for parties to return on regular train, after the first day, if they I Remember, round-trip tickets only for Hale at Register, Tribune, and Brown field stores. LATER.

Having just completed arrangements with the S. M. S. railroad company to take Delta Hose No. 1, to Chicago on the morning of Sept.

3d, on the regular train at 8 o'clock, we can also offer the sale of 100 extra tickets to any one wishing to go on that morning. These tickets will read good on Tuesday, Sept. 3d, and can be used to return on any time up to night, Sept. 6th. They will be on sale at the Tribune store only, at the regular excursion prices of $1.50 per round trip.

A Valuable Invention. The invention by Mr. Ed. St. John, of this city, of a water motor, which combines power and compactness, has done more for small i manufacturing establishments and light work usually done by hand than many another in vention that has been more widely ad vertised.

Several are in use in this city, in grocery stores' and other establishments where power can be obtained from the city water works, and in rery instance the motor gives perfect satis faction, doing with much less than its full power all that is required of it. One of these, in J. C. Dille's meat market, in the Fourth ward, we saw in operation, this morning, and judging from the proprietor's enthusiastic remftrfc8 we 0f the opinion; that w-v-va a "there's nothing axe it." witn less than one-sixteenth of an inch of water a large sausage was being propelled at lightning speed, the motor doing its work noiselessly, and without encumbering the space of the room. The motors are inexpensive, and, where there is water power, indlspensible, we should think.

Any commuD ications addressed to E. J. St. John, South Bend, relating to the motor, will receive prompt attention. School AH the books used in the city schools and a complete stock of school supplies at A.

N. Deacon's grocery store, corner Chapin and Napier streets. 24d6. Moon 1 1Kb Fete There will be a moonlight fetej this evening at Westphal's gardens, under the auspices of the Maennerchor. i Lo-renz Elbel's orchestra will be in attendance, and there will be other instru mental and vocal music A good time is assured to all who will att nd.

Coal la Cheaper Than Wood, Prices are much lower this year than ever before. Black up your coal stoves and get ready for winter, for you can all afford to burn the Bet 'Anthracite. Coal, and keep your homes warm! at a small expense. Early orders solicited D. DEMIXG.

Summer Complaint. Many persons have died this season of summer complaint and other dis eases wno mignt nave been saved by using Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief. It never fails in diseases for which it is advised. Price 25c, 50c and $1.

Sold i i by I Roasted Coffee. If there is any luxury more generally appreciated than another, it is good coffee. Few-persons can roast I coffee well, and to meet this want Messrs Bell, Conrad Chicago, have im ported and roasted a coffee called I ANKORIA, which is the nearest approach to Java of any heretofore offered to consumers. It is not glazed, is brittle, and will grind easily. Your grocer has the good for sale, as also the famous PEERLESS BAKING POWDER, made by the same firm.

Ask him for them and obtain the best goods in the worid '33dfcw3m. Poverty and Suffering-, I "1 HH Iiim trvM 1 1 1 1 lav Is Wllfl 1 1 1 1 1 IWIVa erty and sufferine for years, caused by I 1.... sick family and large bills for doctor mg, which did tnem no good, i was completely discouraged until one year li BUlOT H) ago, by the advice ot my pastor, I pro- use, and in one montn we were ail well and none of us have seen a sick day since, and I want to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doctor visit will cost I know it. A WOBKINGMAK." gram, this momieg, from the of Chicago, announcing that they will be here to-morrowL and i play them a game of ball in the afternoon. Tbe at 4 o'clock, and an is anticipated.

game will begin interesting match Death of ai Old Resident. Magdalena.relkiof the lat Geo.Knob-locir, died at hafeast 2 o'clock, this morning, of typhjojd pneumonia, aged fifty-eix years. The deceased was born in Germany, an 1 emigrated to this country with her husband in 1845, settling at Cantm, Ohio, from where they removed to this city twenty-four yt are ago. Hei husband died July 20th, 187G. Eight! children were born to them, six of 1 rhom survive.

Tele-grama have beer sent to the friends in Ohio and Minne sot a. The funeral w'i 1 occur at 2 o'clock on Saturday aftern ou, from St, Peter's church, Rev. PI ilip Wagner officiating, i PoaMIortckii Examination. In accordance with the announce- ment in yesterday Teibcke. and at the request of the family a port-mortem examination of the remains of Miss Emma E.

Krick was ma(jle, this morning, by Drs. Hur aphreys and Voorhees, in the presence Drs. Dayton, Sack and Marheincki and resulted in the discovery that ath was the immediate reeftlt, of exhat stion occasioned by dysentery. The walls of the colon, or large intestine, id seat of the disease, were greatly infli imed an3 broken down beyond all repair, rendering her death inevitable. In addition (to this the left UOg was found to be solidified and tbe hupperj portion in! a tuberculous con- ditionj.

Rei H. Morey and family re- turned from the north, last evening. A large line ceived at of cassimeres just re- Bkowk field's. Mrs. Bronsoni wife Of Rev.

W. A. Bronson, of Batavia, 111., is in the city visiting her sistehi Mrs. H. J.

Cooke. If for a game of base- Prepare yourse ball, to-morrow, by buying a 10 cent score tablet at the Tribune store. A. 'A. King, who so suddenly de- campf a irem tnis city jox some arait crookedness, is njow in Europe nSWB 1 TV .11 I "hoop ler naromer-aowns, or any other! kind of boots andl shoes at Hay wardls shoe store.

Serviceable, neat and cheap. Th rty seven ose companies are en- tered to date, a Chicago, for the con- Among ese are the Delta and Mezebpa oft city. Uncle Sam's Nerve arid Bone Lini li f. 1 1 A. IS.

ment is for man and beast and is a balm for every, jypund. Sold by D. M. Coonley. A house full 6f people greeted Major Calkins at Woodland last evening, and he addressed them at considerable length in an acceptable manner.

He was accompanied by (Judge Alward, Captl Nicar, Sheriff Hardy and otherp, who in response! to calls made neat and appropriate speeches. The major goes to Lakeville to-night. Mrs. A. E.

Berkley, fashionable milli ner, at No. 80 Michigan street, has re ceived a complete fall stock of milli nery goods, and is prepared with new blocks to make over hats and' bonnets for fall wear. Do riot fail to examine this Btock of goods before buying else where. 1 '2443t The weekly union Sunday school weeklyi teachers' normal class! held in the Re- formed church will be changed from Monday to Tuesday evening next week, to give every one an opportunity to at- ienu we jeuvw iever renex meeting at the Opera house on Monday even i .1 tv i i Lester ofH.iS. at 6 o'clock last evening.

of water on the illness, aged 22 months and 14 days. The funeral will occur at 10 ock to-morrow morning, from the fai iiy residence on west Washington itreet, Rev. H. Morey officiating. Friends of the family are invited to attend without further! notice.

i Wrorkingmejn I look to your interest and save doctor bills by usinir Dr. Marshall's Ljung Syrup for. all cases of coughs, coldsJ etc. Price only 25 cents a bottle. Sola by Cushine Co.

and 6t The social bf the Christian church was entertained last evening at the res I ence of Mr) and Mrs. N. S. Marsh, in 1 A.l i 1 a 1 unu waro, and was made a de I liMhtfiil afta I .11 a a la'Ee. handsOme house and extensive I nrainili aia and MciSabb' orchestra added UwaW 1 to tne pieasirre or the occasion by dis- I 1 T.

Mtt I ru7 men 8moke com- I vr kwwavvu, ucu U1CT UU1 UUT lLILTm bure Bros. 'Seal of North rWw uiesame pncei" 1415yl ,1 i THURSDAY AUGUST 29. 1878. PCBLIBUBD ITHBT KTIVIKG BT Trite PriEtiai Compani 73 Washington and 98 Kain Streets. TERMS.

a year; 50 cents a month 12 cents a week; 2 cent per copy. THE TRIBUNE contains tb a latest news by mail and telegraph, an well spicy brevities, authentic market rt porta, local newi. etc BATES OF ADVERTISING eaccnable in all cases, the prioe depending on the time, the tpace and the looation occupied. Loca aarertitisns in euiuon. iuuu regular reading matter.

6 cent per line each iruxinii in VV.Wlr i1itinn 1.1 rt-nta each in sertion iajack letter In Daily cents per line and Sn Wgenir lo eena escn iaeruon. Local dTertiBecaetiU for benevolent orders, or cietie; for religions porios where money it an object. suen fairs and festivals; resolution of ocnioience, obituary poetry, will be charged at half local cent per lire in dally, or 5 cents per line In weekly edition; Tae Dally Trlbnee la the oldest dally paper lu the elty. baa tbe larar ilreulatlon and 1 tbe beat meat urn for reaching all classes Circulation of Weekly Trlbnne larger than I hat ef any other paper In St. Joiepb Connfy.

or Northern Indiana. To-day'e Advertisement. Found Two door keys. JOTTINGS AUOtl TOWS. Brief Note of Th in- In General Calhe red toy Tribune" Reporter.

Mercury 61 at six this morning. Prajer meetings in the city churches thia evening. The base ball score tablet, only 1( centa, for sale at the Tribune store. Maennerchor feocival garden to-night. at Weat'phal'd Mrs.

J. Kellsy has returned from her St. Louis visit. Mixed lawn grass seed at Harman's Hance'a famous blackberries can al ways be found at Morgan's grocery. Mr.

Daniel Gresne, who has been se xiously ill for over two weefcs, is now convalescing. Don buy school books until you have seen the large stock and low prices at the Tribune store Bottom prices and best goods are found at Hay ward's shoe store. ti W. J. Holloway, now traveling in the outh for the Studebakers, has out thanks for late Georgia papers.

Fall goods just received at '24t3 Bbowxfield's. -Frank Stackman, who has been visit- inz his parents here, has returned to Iowa City, Iowa. David S. Good in will address the democrats in the court house yard to night. z.1: Pacsey seed at Harman's.

'24d3. 0. P. Stuckey has been trying to giv the Teibdxe printers the ague by supplying them generously with water melons. Calling cards, 25, no two alike, wit -name printed in neat style; only 10 cti the Teibune ofHce.

tf Majjr Calkins will speak to-morro night in the court house equare. Every laboring man in tbe city should tux a out and hear him. The moet interesting incident on juicnigan street, mis morning, was La dog fight, in which Seltzer's white brill held his own against a half-dozen curs. Candid thoughts are always valuably; so is Uncle cam's uondition Powder for jail animals, sold by D. M.

Coonley. Jennie Granger has applied for a divorce from her husband, William J. Grangercharging him with a failure: to provide for her support. The social of the First M. E.

church will beheld to-morrow evening at the residence of D. H. Baker. Ice-cream and cake will be served. A cordial in vitation is extended to all.

To restore and keep soft and pliable your Harness, apply uncle Sam's Har ness Oil. bold by all harness mak ers. Mr. James Hunt has our thanks for the finest basket of peaches we have seen this year. They were from the orchard of his brother, B.

F. Hunl, at JSouth Haven. In the matter of the insanity of Thomas Flynn, information for the! ap pointment of a guardian has been filed in the county clerk's office. Flynn is an inmate of a private asylum ii St. IjOUU.

Spring Robertson, of LafayettJ. are putting on the market a valuable in- vention of Mr. J. E. Mills, of this jcity, me snape oi a traveler's collection I ll.

1. I mmI 1 I ing traveling agents should be without 1 wMPvavrj- hnnti I Mr. and Mrs. Brownfield, 6 7 rra va their niece, 10. Nnie Ellis.

The handsome Darlors. Drofnaelr hxv. rated with flowers, were thronged with 'T" mie nour' n.4- Ail 1 1 a I sociabilities of the occasion. Sir. Mrs.

Ja. Darrett's. FOVRU Two door keys, wheh the owter ean ret by calling at this office and paying for this notice. dlt WANTEI To rent a house od lot. Ad dress Tribune Store, stating locality and price, '16 tf.

finriWe send 25 mixed cards, snowflake II transparent damask, no 2 alike A fill with name for 10 cents, postpaid. Ad-UJUIJ dress Tribune Printing South Bend, Indiana. Eminent Chemists and Physicians certify that these goods ate free from adulteration, richer, more effective, produce better results PERFUMES are the Gems of all Odors. An agreeable, Healthful Liquid Uenturice. A substitute for Lemons.

tnan any others, and! that they IRPBICE'S TUOTriENE, EXTRACT STEELE A PRICE'S LUPULIN i The Dry STEELE PRICE, prices of all them out be summer Sri UNIQUE ibmuN sucak. II i ore ALL RELIABLE. POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES BOLD DRUG STORE. Has reduced the manufacture, to close JAMAICA GINGER. From the pure root.

YEAST GEMS. op iti the World Chicago. St Louis Cincinnati goods below cost of i i receiving fall stock. Don't Miss Your Opportunity to requests kll his old friends in want of JESSIE Bargains in Clothing, SHIVELY Buy Goods Cheap. Greencaatle, Tcrre Haute, In ft 2L2L3L ESiloMsajm Steee'J, Somh Soianl to call on him at Ft.

Wayne, Indianapolis, Branches at SOUTH DEXD, auocuport, J.Ti; oil city,.

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