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Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 9

Pittston Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

v' .7 0 r.vxa caiubkon THEACTFIX PERSON raft AXKWEKED LETTKRH Airs. C. L. I will be glad to send you the formula for a tonic for the For Fuamj Nsi lashes whiesi will also darken them. Jt noi! you wlgh this, senq a stamped addressed envelope.

Duffy.TrtTnl!ea your dark brown Cleaning Washind Purpose1 hair, would be improved by using Purpose I henna, there is no. reason, why it should be used, merely because of its 02s being a gift. 4 Henna to used in three ways, to tint stray grey hairs so they will not be so fi if ri tfheSVd an excellent definition of tart tha. other tToo good to keep to yaf, Therefore: 'Wht tHft llt tn ability to fluff, Tefffre It ton Iste. what it is thaj ur, friend do riot desire to learn from at tne, art of withholding on proper.ocoaslons information which quit sure; would be Rood for Very gaodi don't you think i (And capable.

if a pplicatlon. tsV' What Ifcct WtdU pf rristetfce, tact teaches its possessor toot to withhold' Instructive Information which is boring to thoav who don: desire to hear it at that moment, but also to select care fully the prnat details which nre hall tconimunleate and the people to Whom we ah)) communicate them. Vho Haiiirot met'the man or woman who tells little personal, and family details, notonly to his or her friends Whknow the people involved and may be Interested, but casual ac uV)ntances who don't know them and cannot Interested? Tolled A noticeable, to give a slight reddish tint to Jjair that is lifeless in. colors or to, Jolor the whole head henna shade. The article, you mention to a trade preparation, so I do not know anything ajbout its merits.

R. Massaging the muscles of the, face is done very little any more, as the work must be done very skilfully, else the result is harmful rather than helpful. Massaging nourishing Oljs or creams into tone' skin Is done either with the fingertips or the vibrator. Thto pt treatment, together with times; win keep Here, are the Famous Profit Sharing Bonded Soap Products Iflsa gelsa thM the akin firm nhd the tlssdea bunt up. 1 so there Is less tendency to lines than Bbr Ren nel Rodd.

British amba aador Italy, to engaged Thomas Ztemet, kin of a promt neat New York family. Bhe la eon aldered one of the most talented of England's younger social asC lo tha old way of the vigorous mas tfoooooBom) GUiLRflnTEEIRG EVERT STflTEIREET A Puritan Wife By JANB PHKLPB (Protected by Oeorgs Matthew Adam.) Mrs. Anna H. An increase in Weight of SO. pounds in a year at tbi ag if is almost incredible.

I dp not wonder that you feel ill. A thorough examination would be advisable, then, you will know just what Sort of treatment yon heed to regain your normal and good health. There are no drugs for reduction that would be safe to take. fidlth A. Directions for dieting Would consume too much space to print at this time.

t. Also you gave me no Idea: whether you desired direc TE Bonded Products Corporation' has been working for years to produce the very best toilet and bath soaps, and washing and cleaning products. It is recognized that "just as good" was not enough to justify this investment of years of patient work and many thousands of dollars the diligent search for perfect materials and painstaking efforts of leading scientists and best soap makers. The ambition of the Bonded Products Corporation has been to produce soap products that will cover every personal and household need soap products that would be just a little easier and more pleasing to use, just a little kinder to the skin and just a little safer than similar products already on the market. A.

Bonded Soap Product for, Every Personal and Household Use' A NEW FRIKNB IX DOCTOR GRAYSON BKJTstatemcnt atto the Quality wRtrity of th icts svppdrtcdliyour tinru for reduction or Increasing weight, so I cannot even give you aug a Mtiana. All this information Will be CHAPTER Xh VII. When Ann thought or me weeks. of un happiness caused her by Grace she 'turned sick and faint. "The Serpent In her Eden" her father might have called Iter.

Just why their peaceful, happy busy lite should have been so Interrupted, her faith in Dick shaken iAnn could not grasp. Not even yet in spite of all she had suffered. Glace knew Dick was married, that he noveroould be anything to her, yet Ann felt sure she had deliberately tried to win him from his allegiance to her and little Jack. There were wjien it seemed guarantee and in addition, one of the largest indemnity companies in the world Sec packages? fives its bond in die sum cf to Any purchaser the puithae price, or totey damafes sus taineduptoUOCfaOQby reason ofmisrepresentatkmof our goods or statements inour adwrtisementsGPoS FOR PERSONAL USE ROSEMARY The Cold Crtam Toilet Soap A fragrant, luxurious combination. Its soft, velvet lather leaves the skin smooth and It is a toilet losnry and necessity for every member of the house bold.

YOU WII I DITMVMnVD IT" "TmSSBrLappear all a hideous dream; other times when it all came back to fre'r with the poignancy of a present danger. At OTuyonourBOOOED i BMWJOSandatwiw I Quality, Utility and Bcononry.6Siis) iWho oesfioticnow the person who, Without the dramatic ability to make It 'Interesting, ipersista in telling peo Ple'the'plot of the book he has just read or the play he has Just seen? "Who ha to. listen to the Verson who tells Ions tales with him self as the' which are not in themselves Interesting; altd take their only for from the fact that be shines Jh them? Vse As a Warning. The possession tact would warn these, 'people against these soc'al offense. Tact is a spiritual sense of touch, a mental deftness.

The tact fuV person possesses a sixth sense, a sort of mental or spiritual au tehfiae that fretg the ether wave of other people's feelings. The tactful person knows Instantly 'when he' isn't getting a response to what; he' is; spying, even if his listener la smiling qnd paying: "Did you ever?" or. 'How or any of the polite catchwords'. The knows when his listeners bursting with something he w4its teayand gives him a chance. The; tactful person 'instantly senses, wheaasijereon is under discussion, whether the person with whom the discussion 1s held likes or dislikes the Person jdisciuiaed.

though no direct Statement baa been made. The tactlul person knows on the pot when he to talking too much and beginning to bore people, instead of realising rUtn the middle of the. night afterand. burnlng with an unavailing senee shame. Bom and Cultivated Ta.

People are born others cultivate tact, others have it thrust upon them by economic necessity. But the best kind of tact is the tact that comes straight from the heart and wfahe to please others, not only because it wants the rewards of pleasing pthers, Ut because) it wants others to to happy. in any. event. It Is a and one he end will perhaps outdo in gobft resnlts may more brilliant gifts.

AvCpiten has said: may have the gifts both of tal et And wit, but unless they have also fcrftentf an; judgment to dictate where and how these gifts are possessors of them Ul conquer only where nothing is to gained, and "be defeated Where nbUhr 1 to lost, and out toymen of less brilliant but more convertible qualiflcatlon." CARNARVON' AT REST such times Dick's question, the question she had overheard him asK "I "Xf3 The generous, wholesome, inviting whits cake is just jJJ rvJLY bath soap that the housewife would desire for her Vr jua r.7 own use and to furnish to the men in the home. Thejr WhuZi lL invigomdng rffcet. It leave, the body glowing with reawakened health and energy. Its purity recommends it for the nursery. GLORIFIES YOUR SKIN.

Rosemary and Gloria Aid Health, Beauty and Dainty Cleanliness mailed to you. however. If you end a stamped, addressed envelope repeating your request. P. R.

J. A dermatologist will be able to tell you whether tor. not the scar can be refhoved. You may also get reliable information of this kind nt any of the hospitals, especially those specializing in skin ailments. M.

R. Instead; of once week, use the hale tonic threes times, and massage the Bcalp well every day to help in this effort of stimulating color secretion. If you are run down or extremely nervous, it twill take even more local treatment to attain the desired results. If you are anemic the hair will show It. In such a case a ttlood tonic will! help the coloring.

George X. Tour shiny, red nose cannot be belped. through a skin bleach, as tbe trouble is not with the skin. In most cases of this kind there is an impacted colon. Or some other sluggishness with the organs of elimination, try drinking plenty of water' between1 eat at least a 'half If jiot a whole grapefruit be fore breakfast and include a.

green vegetable with the dinner. Tomorrow An Eyelftsh Twilc. in that strained, husky voice came back to her: "Are you trying to' make me forget I'm married, Grace?" Bhe did not oh. thank God!" Ann would say aloud, then try to forget the past in looking' forward to the happy "future; for she was sure noth tyg ever would disturb their home life again. Like all loving, trusting women, sme believed tne "never again" as the pain of what had happened lessened.

Bessie had heard from Grace. She was busy with the picture, but disgruntled iwith iKellog the director FOR HOUSEHOLD USE QTyrv TJT A marvelous product for the washing of 0 1 I fK those dainty and expensive articles that r. you dare not trust in the general wash rot rme asnmt silks, chiffons, colored fabrics. These demand the greatest careand attention. The downy softness of woolens.sweaters, etc, is restored and SNO LAKES' will not fade fast colors.

PURE AND WHITE AS THE NAME. jS because of the small part given her. She spoke of Miss Stanton, saying it WHY BONDED SOAP PRODUCTS ARE SO ECONOMICAL. With all thtir extraordinary quality, Bonded Soap Products are lower in price than you are accustomed to paying for products for similar use, even when you purchase Bonded Soap Productsin single packages. rngle package of any Bonded Soap Product at the single package price gives you greater soap value than you can get But the Bonded Profit Sharing plan saves you 20c out of every dollar that you spend for Banded Soap Products 10c out of every half dollar.

When you purchase 5 packages of Bonded Soap Products either all of one kind or assortedyour store will give yon another package absolutely without charge. There is no red tape, no saving of labels, coupons or This is a defi nite profit sharing plan. was only pull that gave her. the star part, that must tie in love with her, or she. (Grace) would have SURETY For Every Cleaning and Wathhig Purpose A pure high grade soap, product in granulated and concentrated form (use much less).

Dissolves instantly and lathers freely in all waters. Will wash clothes without rubbing or boiling. Will not rooghen nor redden the hands when used for washing dishes, had it. She was too busy to write many tetters and asked that Dick and Ann be given her A'nn'ii lip curled a' bit' when Besiie' read the letter to her. The amazing bric a brac, glassware, etc USE EVERY DAY EVERY WAY.

T'TNTikT ri The ingredients and method of manufacture rjvJiN LslIN Rive BOND1NE the highest possible cleaning For Everf Samring Purpose W'U "SfWV itary in its enect; deodorising ana punrytng. BRIGHTENS THE HOME. Quality, Utility, and Economy BONDED impudence of the girt always astonished her, the lack of d'JHcacy disgusted her. She said 'uttie "of this to Bessie, even though she knew she also" disliked Grace. But Bessie was Nad' Inqulriaa areased to Miss (rorbes In bare Of the Cfcatoj" Department will uttr (wered In theee cetumtt In their turn." This require considerable owm to the great number rociMved.

So If a per ion 6if wfieker reply to desired. a aUmped and self addressed envelope tnuH be enclosed with the qoeatlon. The Bdltor.I CONDENSED MIMC BIIiL Harrisburg, May J. Favorable consideration of the Smith bill to prohibit the sale of condensed, evaporated or' concentrated skim milk or any compound containing skim milk any containers holding less than fivn tinnnda net weight, was urged by wife, and Na a. relative.

It "wasn't: in Ann's code to decry' one; member. of a family to another. Indeed shej Bwbury, England, May 1. In a dug hi the Chalk Atop Beacon But overlooking bis old home, High Here Is Your Opportunity to test Bonded Soap Products. Use this seal at your store to buy half the usual profit sharing quantity.

3 PACKAGES OF BONDED SOAP PRODUCTS FOR THE PRICE OF sasSS ciscV Castle, the body of the Carl of Carnarvon was laid at rest yesterday. Thaiewremony ytas private, only members; of the "family" being present. vBihjttltaneouBly a memorial service wtl held, ip St, Margaret's Church, Westminster, London. Lord Carnarvon died in Cario, Egypt, early in April. representatives of the State GrangT Less on the profit sharing plan Dairymen's league.

tor ibe price of seldom ever said a narsn word or anyone. She remembered that her stern father never criticised tne person, although he often did the action. And Ann fcad been brought up not to gossip, had been told from a child that only small minds engaged themselves with the affairs of others. Intimate as she was with Bessie Prentice, they seldom gossiped, but talked of the books, they were reading the house, hold affairs of their respective homes, their plans for improvmg Hugh Norton had brought young Doctor Grayson over to call, and after the first embarrassment at again meeting the man who had been cognizant of Grace's pretended attempt to kill herself had Worn off, Ann and Dick both welcomed the young physi Young Samson to fall for that other girl, with, such a wife." "Ann, as. 1 told you.

nepms' to Have ho idea the is as attractive in hor way, as Grace in hers; and she is absolutely Ignorant of sex, so. tar. as using it to intrigue, while Grace flaunted It. in a man's face, 'And while Dick Belden is a good fellow, he's' human like the rest or us, Tomorrow Dick Ann And Ills Boy. NEW TRIAL GRANTED cian as an addition to their small T( IN DURYEfl CASE Doctor Grayson, like Hugh, was at once intrigued with Ann.

He had been sorry for her, pitied her because ol what had happened when he saw her at Bessie's. But now she was her NEW DIVORCE Sl'ITS Wanda Yarish, of Kdwardsville. has filed divorce proceedings against Frank also of Edwardsville, charging cruel treatment. The wife alleges that her husband frequently beat her, broke a chair across her back, and set the house on fire. Elizabeth Golemboski, of Nanticoke, is seeking a divorce from her husband, Anthony, charging desertion.

The couple were married in Pittston and resided together in Pittston and Nan ticoke until July 31, They have eight children, who are living with the mother. 1 Deeds Recorded I Amos L. Coolbaugh', of Exeter Township to Mary V. Mosto of Pitts toh Township, property in Exeter Township for J1.300. Peter Wilkowicz of Dupont to Frank Wysokinski of same place, property an Dupont fnr Rosario Clapes and others to Anthony Gadusky, of Exeter, property in Ex'ter for $2,800.

V. J. Miller of West Pittston to Burleigh A. Chilson of samp place, property in Wost Pittston for George J. Miller and others to The Lutheran Men's Club announces with pleasure that the celebrated Rhondda Welsh Glee.

Singers, formerly the Mountain 'Ash 'Choir will appeal In this city' nn gay bright self, full of fun, happy. He said to Hugh: Among the decisions hv the Supreme Court yesterday was one in th case of Hagen Lumber Company ngaiHst Durj' School District, in which the ludemnnt nf tho "I can hardly believe she is the same woman I saw at Prentice's. She the evening of Decoration Day. court is reversed and a new trial TODAY I AM REAL WELL So Writes Woman After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham.

Vegetable Compound This same choir rendered an excellent program of song in the awarded. The suit grow out of a contract for th.e erection nf ntlMin Y. M. C. A.

auditorium before a large school, which was destroyed by fire audience a year ago and the hope was nmore completion, and a dispute over the amount due the contractor on re then expressed that these; musical Welshmen might be booked for a re James Eustace of Jenkins Township. building. turn engagement. This has now been IKISHERMEN FIXED Charged with fishing illegally. thrc foreign speaking residents of Parsons were taken before Alderman property in Jenkins Township fjr SI.

Clarence A. D. Finn and. others to done and the public will receive this How Your Car Steers Jamestown N. Y.

I was nervono. preliminary announcement with much Clarenc? Genesko of. Dupont, property in Dupont for Thomas, in Scranton, and were fined pleasure. The place and program of aaaily excited and discouraged and had Patrick F. Lawler of Pittston to $20 each and costs.

The men Were concert will be published later. Salvatore Prizzi of same place, property in Pittston for $6,000. arrested at Long Pond, Monroe county, by a fish warden. PS11! Peter J. Bomboy of Kingston to MINE CULLS Patrick F.

Lawler of Pittston, prop PAS ED BY SENATE no ambition, fart of the time I was not able to ait up as I suffered with pains in ray back and with weakness. 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham 'a Vegetable Compound, both the liquid and tablet forms, and used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash for inflammation. Today I am looked heart broken, crushed.

And now she is so delightful." "That Edmunds girl was a fiend," Hugh Norton answnied. "A beautiful fiend, selfish, inconsiderate, cartng for no one but herself." "But your friend, Belden lie seems a fine fellow. How" "Lord, man! That girl threw herself at his head in the most disgraceful way. Dick is a good fellow, but he has had little experience with women, especially of Grace Edmunds type. She went to his "I should say she really, must have cared for him to maxe such' a spectacle of herself.

Evidently she wanted to frighten him. I wish, Hugh, you could have heard her say she hated me! I never heard such venom in human voice. But tell me of Belden and his wife." "There isn't much to tell. Dick bought his ranch some few years ago, paid all he had on it. and 1 believe has it early clear now.

He's the hardest worker I know. Loves hip ranch as mueh as he loves his baby. He and Ann wiere married about tw? or three years ago. She was a school teacher up near Sacramento. Came from New England, and is as honest and simple minded as a child.

She's no idea how attractive she is, how sweet. 'But she is not the Jyfld to cope with a flirt like erty in Kingston for Mary Ann Ginley of Lebanon to Diega Giunta of Pittston, property in Pittston for $7,000. Chester Sheppleman of Pittston to Paul Praumuck of Dupont, property in Dupont for $7,000. Harrisburg. May 1.

Senator Albert Davis' mine cave bills apportioning a part. of the anthracite tjn nage tax to fund, to be in repair of cave damaged properti passed the Senate without a dissenting vote. They now. go to the House and if passed by that branch will place tne whole minecave question squnrMy up to Governor Qifford Pinchot. real well and run a rooming noose and SEEKING fTO OUST SCHOOL DIItECTORr.

A petition has been presented to the Lackawanna county fourt asking for the removal of the school directors of Winton borough, who are charged with failure to provide adequate funds for the payment of the tachers' salaries. The teachers iiave not been paid for several months. The court granted a rulat which is returnable May 7. If you want to avoid harsh dangerotis solutions for effective personal hygiene, and enjoy the healing, soothing effective qualities of a safe, non irritating germicide, gt a bottle of BORO from your druggist to day. Boro is safe, more beneficial to health than harsh Bichloride of Mercury or crude carbolic solutions and more effective than ordinary antiseptics.

Because it Is harmless and cleanses 00 wonderfully, thousands of women prefer it. A little In a KR.IXR DORJO WrXN IIOXOH Prank Dorlo. son of XJr. and Mrs. John Dorio.

who is a studenJ at Iiif ayette College, won another honor in do the work. I recommend your medicine to every woman who complains, and you may use my letter to help any one else. I am passing through the Change of Life new tfnl I keep the Vegetable Compound fn the house, ready to take when I feel tho need of it." Mrs. Alice D. Davis.

203 W. Second Jamestown, N. Y. Often some slight derangement may cause a general upset of the whole system, indicated by such symptoms as nervousness, backache, lack of ambition and general Lydia E.'sVegetable Compound will be found a splendid medicine for such troubles.

In many cases it has removed the cause of the trouble, being chosen debater for the sopho1 and was I believe very unhappy. "She The nut shown above, attached to the steering post, tufns or a steel worm connected with the tie roils moving the front wheels. A basic principal of engineering re criires: thst moving parts in contact be of different materials. The nut op the ritrht was of cast wot, in contact with the soon wors smooth, with results painful and nearly fatal to the driver. When steel gem is usca ihe nut shotrtd be oronze, Danny Is bis only name.

He waa found on a doorstep when one day Old. But all of New Jersey to talking about him now. At Ave month be can lift himself off the floor by to aA tTOB rod On hlS CTib. Sto chest measures 17 1 2 inches and Jit the Mothers' Institute In Jersey City they believe ha will succeed jack Deoipsey. more class, after the final tryouts for the inter class debate.

The first annual debate will take the latter part of May arid the Kansas Industrial Court will be the subject of th" argument. Frank Dorio won first honors when he graduated in the class of 1919 at Duryea High School. l'OR DEAF CHILDREN Harrisburg, May 1. Governor has signed the bill making a deficiency appropriation of $10,000 to the Home of Training In (Speech of Deaf Children before they are of sqhdol age. in Philadelphia.

keeps the books, makes contracts, and really attends to the financial end or Dick's business, and is as anxious to improve the ranch as he is." "I liked Belden," the doctor said in reply, "but he musty be a weak aort quart of water is sufficient. Thou sands of women regard it as their most important toilet essential. Get a bottle today. Advertisement..

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