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The South-Bend Weekly Tribune from South Bend, Indiana • 2

South Bend, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I'm i 1 i I PlM I I 4 i li "Mill i i 1 Aim 111 ii it luMitiiie'l lv HI I .1 JAM; mm A 4- 1 Wawaal Ha OraWlaa1 itt Tajae tba Cdltwviaa toaSetsal IPrwaldesiUal rsmlr'( ft I The'undersijrned resumes the editor ship of the 2Wowv which he relin-ouihed on! embarking in another; lne of businesa six months ago.i forth it shall be bis endeavor to make this a thoroughly independent iourna treatins; all parties and' political movef menu with, judicious: fairness and Capt dor, but courting the; favor andl depnef eating'the wrath of Ifjhecart faereafteir ssy anything that wiltjtrnd heartily unite the whole Auieriian pepj pie on the broad platfm of inpiverwl amnetv and WU) gladly do mi. For the present, however, he ran best eommand 4bat connumma-tiiin! bv silence and forbearance. The 1 i' Id LI ,11 .1 1 -TH will sometimes make. The Newt Ydrk Tribune of tbe 1 2th Ult. said tin-, unquestionably the Liberal party is In a large majorily ia tlie tnited: States." Whoever says that the did not mean that the word "minority ihould be In the place of "majority' is a "horse thief, a lUr and a villain." ,1 ff 4 LK'M 5 II 1 The Cincinnati Cotntncrwil says very truly, although it is a Greeley that Hendricks is fleeted Qotemor of Indiana, but llortdn has secured jthe.

legwbtture and will be re-elected to tbe Senate. Substantially, i tbcrefprej Sthe victory will be wit!) him. The ataal aim of Hendricks was tbe Senate, it will bore him prodigiously be harnessed np at Indianapolis as Governor awontlTfoLocato aU I Tli ffl i hi argest aad mm and R'i. 4'4 -5' i fl 4 5 l'i 1 1 fl i i rr riinest stot-k nt VlWli 'Tl- TlTK ihiblted Variety, a Ml (ty liiil srtiortihent li 1 'I SS neoi'lea tlMtlU Uert trkWtci 1 i ir CO. i friMeffar (llltvri are not S' Vl iisc ihtnkn sjuMle: ot I'oar asm, rrovt; epirlia anil flefttse i aiqiaxa, eacUtrsd, aSreS.ii an4 aweeiened fiiraaa ine ItaaMy: eeiled VApnoitu-r, Hestitrsrs," that lead Itha MiittKif t0 "I Srnassuaesa and rsift.

hut are a trts Hwllrtne. a4s froia toa nwlva roots anS iM-tta of fsllfcreia, frsefrein ailAholleeVUmalia. I tlM-t Sre tha Oreali Blofxl HurlOer aaa ia IJflvlnl Pnnrtpte, a. Prrfoct Kenovaiot ssl hn-liroeuiorof ibear. is, teat, earrrina-air i mi1mhmhm mstier and rrsiurliiK tlte MoiMi td a twsiuif aiNiiuuaoi ea-li Hi-itiiis 114 rerrvshinf lnliriui hotajt uon.

BfcMnnt In thele acikiu. cwstaia la theirjifi ntna ani noiir. 1 uf are easj of uon. prompt, in mnr snnwu, vrnuua fa ineir resalis, sale and rilulle In all ftirais at ilisaasa. Km Svres rata Saks ska shrsa Mlttara aaH eorsma ta rrmaia ilotin waiillil provllit tiimr.

buus are: wot asstrar, of SMp anc people' pf St Ufa GUS llmQf ifeii xgtox Stfcixr.l Tne Wootlt Bond TrUMiw trocJ every Stttanlay mornis. Ia, to all irpocu, a representative Journal, esprenrinf the ssotiiUOnU and sdvoeatin; tht principles of th to wMea tt if published an' ef Korthera Indiana. As a exponent of publia opinion, tt "alms at candid. Impartial sad nlisbtenssj dis- eeaaioa ef every aacatioa affeetint pablia Intar-mi-i in rrmfithj with every liberal teadeaey. broaMstve aaovemeat ajut live thoos-ht, wale shall sivd Beeeaiee of aesarlnr the prosperity aad slavatioa af the people.

Taiao wja the paper taetrenlate anions- Sunilina. tba Indecent, awdieal and ether arcpatabla advertisements with which ta say paper blackta their colamai ara rifUll excluded. Taa Tineas has reaaoa to ha fratefal to tbe pablia tor tba teneroas patronar kaa- ra-eeived. and will endeavor to- merit It by borons hnesa to arery department. Eoterprls-toc to tha eoQaetioa aad dtoMntoatioa af aews.

Ws latead la allow a event to aaaapa as. aad by thus dotof wOl reader (ha pa par IndUpema-bla to any locality. Constant taprevesacnt It an watch-ward aad a complete reprasentatlow af what asppeas at home aad tha world arar ear alas, i mn or raises. 'One eon ana -wa On an kit six in One eopy (oar awtuba ne envy war bhuh At these rales it la. awwtsrins tt Una ftaa, thbeapst pa par to tha Stat Sample eopieS will ha seat Irea-by maO, or will ba furnished at tha appltoUiowAddraaa i JH TR1BCSE CQMPASTj -j-.

fibath BW. jUaf. CDITOKIAL COXTE jtTIOX. An aJjourned meeting olj the Editor and rnbliahera Association bf the Tenth i and 'QeTentb Congressional Districts, Indiana, held at Laporte ion Thursday, November 14th, 1872, laths The election of 'Officers, and the transaction of business of Impor-tant nature in- connection with the ma- terial interests of the Association, should ensure the attendance of erery member. I ByHaUaMIWairapb.

lion. Job A. Griawold diad oe tba a Tro New York. smart aartbqnaka was Mt at Lima, and other tawws oa tba Sfcflh September. Tbafioott toorjumt was noraUed jwith approprist esrfmortfas $aturda aftarnoon in central rarK, aw lora.

i 'Tha Oermsn rotmimwil denies srer har- ins; interferad witb or forbidden emigration fruia that country to tba United Statea, as was extensively reported bare tost July. It is thr intention of the Secretsry of tba tn redace the enrrency eircalatkm to two hundred' and fifty-dx millions, tba loweat nnut aouMHisea oy law. The Rortbern Pacific railroad la now com- Eletad 175 milea rt of Ked river, and in fteendayewill reach the Miaanuri, 45U milaa west of. Lake 8oroa excitement exists Westchester eounty, ew Tork, over discoveries of gold quarts there, i The simultaneous appearance of -cholera at DerliDi tenna sua rj-ague, naturally gives eauaa for alarm In Europe. Chief Justice Chaae'a health will; probably cocnpal bjtn to leara hia Seat on the Supreme Venn itenca a time.

i At' WaaWngfon, on Siturday, a reataur-ant keeper was fined 1UQ and bis license revoked fur refusmp; to entertain colored pr-aons in bis eatabliahment. ChicajXon Sunday no open violation of tbe Sunday law was detected, and; not mora than thirty aojono-keepere are believed to have aold liquor A general eonferenee of Jews is being held in Brussels. Delegntes trom Soumsinis ssy that the Jews in that province have aban- doned their Intention 'of emifrration enmssM to America, on account of civil disabilities. In a mine at Maurbnrg, near Ohartarol, Belgiunt, tba lowaring machinery gavo way as a gang of miners were 'descending to work. Twenty-ana men end boys were precipitated several hundred feet to the bottom of the shaft, and all were killed.

Wind and tide are doing sad work in Italy. Closanpon the ravagea of the Po comes the tidings of a hurricane which destroyed half the town, of Palaxitolo, killed thirty-two parsons, and unhoused one tboua and imiHee. i 1 Last! Friday night a band of armed men went to the house of Samuel Hawkins, negro living in Hickman precinct, Fayette county, Kentucky, and took his wife, if and his daughter away in the direction of Licking river, and it is thought drowned No cause ia given for the outrage. A conKtructirm train was thrown down ah embankment lift feet, near Hampton Pennsylvania, on Thursday. John Clark-, John- MeXally, Michael Keiley, as.

Hughes, John Hughes, James Garrahan and Thomas Phibin were instautly killed. Sixteen others were'severely injured, four of whom will probably die. Commander Selfridge, of the United Statea Navy, who, in his survey three years sgo of tne istntnns or uanen, louna a route lor a ship esnal that would cost only undertaken a new expedition, In the ba-' lief, that a atilt cheaper path cart be chosen. The results of hia exploration will be known in June. The report of the Postmaster at Chicago for the month of October ta the rostofBce Department shows that lit letter carriers Were employed at an expense of mail letters, 170,071 locslletters, and newsbftpere were delivered; snd 003,240 newspapers collected.

The in-, eldental expenses wi tha office were $738.66: At New Tork, Saturdayj Victoria C. Woodhuli was arrested on a1 warrant sued out by A II. Chaltis, charging her with a gross jibel Warrants were also issued on the complaint of other parties on a like charge. Victoria C. Woodhull and Tennis C.

Claflin were also arrested by the United Statea Marshal on the charge 01 sending obscene publications through tha mail. In advices from Got ha concerning tbe explorationa of tha Norwegiana, Capt. Nile Johnson reoreeents thst Johnson, in re ex ploritig, in August last, the islands east of Spltaebergen, found the seas free of ice to the northwestward, and indicationa of powerful oteanio currents, serving to keep open the high polar seas. Johnson went north to -a latitude of nearly eighty degrees, i At Evanaton, Illinois, on- Sunday, while the Baptist church was crowded with peo ple, tha floor gave way, dropping about half the ooBCTeiration into tbe basement, fourteen fret below. The shrieks of the people, the blinding dust, and the noise, made it a scene OX inedaciibaoie contusion ana norror.

or; tnnstely only two persons were seriously Injured, 'Una laxiy reeeivea severe internal injuries, and a student by the name of Wood -a nis toot The eitisene of county, lows, were throws into a bign stste or excitement over tbe arrest of John Corkney, a prominent citiseri of the piece, charged with the heinous crime of incest with bis own daughter, a young woman of He was placed in. hut. hut was subsequently bailed oat. On reachinir home he cotnroilted suicide by poisoning himself. Mis wife died but a short time ago.

which fact only adds to tha enor mity of the crime. At Goldshoro, South Carolina, onWednes-- dav. where Robinson's circus was' exhibit- leg there was an old well near the place of tne exJJioiuon, ana, wmie ine peopie were leaving Oie pavilions, negro woman walk ed into the well. Mr. Clark, one of tbe cir- ua imployes, jumped in alter tha women.

A large, crowd- collected around the and Nicholas another of the circus men, wit pushed iuto the well, 'A large lamp, which had been placed hear, waa up- set sod knocked into the well. jTbe woman was soon enveloped in a flame that destroyed life. Tli men were bsdly burned. A col-' orsd nan was slightly burned. -3 v.A.-m 11 I 1 legislative action may tcrij A run in! the old It imnrla4 right start sballbe madeJ ill r.

1 5 crx CX02SZ 0. icSABts Majtr general GeonreOJ ifealle. tLe tiera of died i pfcibadel- pbiaj eif pneumonia, oa lutt Vednesday eveninar. yLeslaisL 1 I IT 1 vwui cjiaw, wnere was UaitedStates Consul, Wl(Lgntduited tirred in Ub. ia.Maa war, anu was promoted to a Captaincy, inj 18S0, Jn ISM, jon the breaking tht' reWaion lie made prigadier Generaifctight Inj the battice; of 'Gaines' Mill khd JLfalyern QUI and tn the latter dJhtZ ws tarW was ccunmandmj U' division fat Antietam aod his allantnr there j(: i it waa maue a ilajor-Ceflerjiq After the Dsruesol i pianceHors-viUe an4 Cotlysburg hej vfaj nae of the Paidmad annv.

At' battle Gen' Mt-sdc'j forces corttribWd' largely to friuppb of an4 for, bis; htntftryt be wis nadp a aad, as we harp stated, command oj the rtotomac1 fom, ifsj walk second in 'the; Manyiof jthe rvtomae inta operatiohd fgiinst Ejcb-idW tn, OetiGrari wb was in Wmminataaji 5l rM! asf fiJjaa poaiblej in ftheUivnylbf khe Pbtotnac; inatrucftibs fc Aat arny Fere all, thriough and Were general in their' ns to listing iall jtbe detaila'andl the execntibn ttf binil" The campaigns abtch olloetf p5rd lira tbe rigW Wn ia'thl ht tlaje InMngtw loH'ihew a the reg iU aj-Jny; Ipi had command at ie greaj )4tle of jthe Wilderness, dqart-iHoiise Cold arbor and 4s many filonthi la thfi'riege of tibnr Cjen. Meade osiijna'jtderl of c'Thifd, aitiitary' diri 4 CreoygiFlortda 1C7, and shortly after Was uadlapmmanjder of the vision 0C-Uie Atllatici wbiich posttion be held ef hia I 4 meeting rgs Jjejd, by der-maa wwkibgnien FrafijtfUr 9 t)0B-sider toeriCArta! forj jtheir dw i elevation, and the impfoyemet Of the; rendition. Sesolutiona re passed! i (be Icrjowlejdge in all dlrects i ot EOnlVj 4 tail that rWrWns io the oeqipsiionld njaa, Putin political economy, UoralsJ hihto-' ry and technology; ifcomnepibg to the xaritous local nocieties the balti ration of thtf higberambemntand tasteW lik.t'j d-u tt i ji.ti.tii ItfLa WOW1U KOU SJ.C1,UUU 11 MtOUSitiOU an baaeheryi advancin'jg kta))IiMent trf saving 'bnhks, mutuai to aid ibeelckt' atd. hbrtuat4, and Lu that loan and, jfuind arxctwbflL'; The ftct of such nf gierouslyj and the sensible and enlarged vews proclaimed by these Uoiking men to4he means' to be'ewn improvement 4 and Ickattan. out admiratiott of tieoOeimiui ehafae- 'The working mm in thisHtduntry ifin1- 'iab their educitiort ip he idbjic sch ols iatid after th.ey!bec0m ap the Uute'thei? btelleciuilfood die; ar rive at: manKoodi and' assdbie the res.

ippnsibiliticaipf a amity, wbicj Jtherfeaf- Iter tbei in: jfietil ii.tJ uiuji worst jtnteuatiiiiBi, culture osoiuieiy; wop W5e. pe ooy i4ves Khooll tier fsi'mulua 'to bpughtm the he topics ot-generai convewmion, anu uucaiion fber soft goet'ol uit.hiwjrarfl4(do Veifindin, aruafiff Amerilal'aHpren- 'tice or workman MacV sciuiuiut, uy jti ese Ciprtnan vrkingrnrl, If our young men! could fod aRpirei 1 ith 'sijdh-bJgb; atribitldnv! stud ujkl but devote io solid mental; cultLvtttlon but ne- Ibaljr'th'ei ianteijowE dally fo tairjvo-louef or I peroiciouW.aaiuacitte9tSr!J they a vum usu in siiijw aaliuiiuwmvji aoiu reward. ne jinteijigtntj arxwan is aiwaya ibeibre hat there been aiehl opened for kili; iatf Bigcpce nd aanow.i enines pi Slngbs winter bbjain ioch) anl acriutunahce Wftli fdrawing, practical matnematiea, surwwing,) arcn- IteCture, ana plril engineering, sUj wiU give bims a better portion artd better bay all bis life I And (r be hia jtlieinduitry and 'td fe o'n jwil 4rlthe leieniifiti Itnpwllgeohaeiieit Wlthihis proftuion, the 'bet Iposiidits jare jabprer; should beitisfied'w'tth bloMngileotrtty. ttign succesi aepfwt jjpr, lauatui uUiVatia fne'awn; and, i4 this country whcie' books janj (the means i eaucauou arts cpeop anq.comi mon. no young man.

bassaaJ eaeusejfor uuiure owa msmtai f'Vsi. L. 1 JJ LI i I .1.: ft a i nR rnr.iiin niTinir 11 mniHfi inn. 111 the Greeley novemeni Greeley adrtopcd irJ' tfi II ii J- itba NWYrW th 'MI says' fltej Indiana Lit ra9 Have a "growing confidence. tote1' does show- a growing Ooiifidenaeaa Orabt- U.Tf liimv-i If It "great 6lnl wave.HsJxkit which the reeleyites had sp mutd say, was try powerful in Wlasacbilette: here it washed Chicago JViotKae.saj&ihe pepub- lica-ri" party ia on eliniiery gBoindJ Wei), we prefer walking onj slipppry grptbid to I I Km iion day'says.

western ak yjght" Kepublicai Yeal'sbut ifii tiie'ttfowo Chicago -JfW-a tha ifsfithel Be-pnblican, majority ap at-ent rather than ia'wal', anflreeley cbn5e himself that his dtfeitjis aa ap- pnreut rather jtharf tesl dnp Mi I l'i 'IV 1)1 13 II I the li week. iricBned o'tfink had bettir vote'for firant 0ian ijoWdy. gthe; People! a onoiue unuii suiu '-'11 I 1 I Lll nobody ana tasen.tanerit I I'i II 1 Uklo Calbv upon its readers to romember 1 tliatrthe' th of waa Jthe anniversary of the gonpowder plot' It will remembered a the day 'When itiberala aid; fmo-crau were fabwa Ifigber than? guapow- Terre TJaUte. froeff kyk whether any party that jkc front Jnsl otlicy oan long retain power? Certainly it can ic-acu trom? wise nisi eetieclallv if it acta Wm the best of all pcuicies-nonesTy! tee Republican iwrl hna .11 iit the' 4- Th nvlov nsners-sar Rei Miblirari tfiiirnala hav lied kbout GreeJ Ufj -iWe deny that charge. What ia th4 use of 'jfimf abof hia -when jthe people will -not belier more'tban ene- ana scientiiic imanq anu never Wvtfeanarich 1 tn All iha slate nencila krw mailsi In arid tbfsljes amount to from to 18,000,000 per-year.

This Includes what girls cut. i. incEaV Goods' Ob'eVu House ji 1 1. PUBLIC AXE. 1" rr'tre rSnewiawo win seiiat pahiie I i Bala, at bis reSidcSKW tw awl a half aailes aerth-westof ftoatk Head.

Ml (il Tksisw4y la aT8. tonaieneiir ait 10 akloA s.afc, the fol owinr deeoribed aropertr to-witt TWO (WORSES. TWO B.ICH COWS, alas head es4 IfSriS Ha vest kliaoet asw, ae Wood a Mower.i eas twa-horse fcorr. eaa ae-brse top faotsr. asw asaia drill, ona hay rake, ebr speller, outline boa, band ddar mill, fknoina mill, harrows, two set du bio' harness two stet.

slnalsiharaessa obs pair bob-slsds aad olbsr. to numerous to. Tsbms. All rami at tfnA aoder essh i over $5 a eredit pf tan months will be aiaen, paroha-ser rivint aotes with approved aeenritrii with-t ewt Interest if paid when dea. and If not so paid then with bitersat from date at Hi per and 11 (' i ij Hf Notice to Heirt of Petition toi Sell If li Heal stattf.

STATE or XTOTIt IM berabr sivew. that Bewjaiis i Wait Admini'tnator, aoais aoa, the Estata o( Nirhulaa i nUef, dreeased, ha tied his petition to sell the Heal Jtte of tbe de. tedeot. his personal belns imuflirient to par hia debts, and thst snid'petiUon. will be heard st the neatl'erai of tbejCoart of Common: Pleas LATtint'dBO.

Cl'erk. Of tba Onnrt of Common Pleas of Bt, Joseph Co, I Arnold Cread. Awjrnys.3a Jos HSSTHi. AOdiqneer, i w. Mn I Take JTotice.

HEREBY warn s0 persona aasinst trast -1 loaned him monev A ins Andrew Kiminer. Soatb Bend. 9, i APPLICATION FOE LICENSE. VrOTlC-f! hsrehv alvsn that I will apply 1 i to the Board of County Comioissianeri of St. Joseph County, Indiana, at their neat term, enmmeoeina; oase 1st Monday in Ileeeraber, 1W2, for a liieensa to stall I ''intesiostins Inanrs Unless quantity than aqsart at a time," with tha privilege of allowing, he same to be Irank upon my for ona Mr place of basiaess.

apd tha preniises whereon mid liquors sre to be drank. loeated ist No. tig iclnysn streeti, on part of lot 128 in.t be onainal plst of the town, now oity ef ilSath IWM. Ht. eoauty.

Indi-nm VOS RAO OLTripli South Bend. Woijr; lS7i8.f -J APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. NOTICE IM hereby1 )ven that I will apply to the Board of iCeapty Comroisnioners of St, Josepk County. IndlHnn, at their oeitjtcrm eommencihs; on tbe 1st' Monday in for a bicensa to act) intoainalipg liquur in a lest quantity jthsn quart at a time. the arivileae of allow iU the sanui to be drank upon my far ine yean My plane of bminem, sad thie preivtw wherwn said Ikuors ars to be arnnk, is loriued in a frame buililiiir ran tine on Emenck street, on the A'orth half of Iot JJo.

In the oriicitinl plwt of' the town of xiwell, ntiw ctiy of South Bend, in I'ertuse Xownsbipj Bt. Joseph In4iniw South Bend, Jtor. ItTi; tWa APPLICATION FOB LICENSE. TOTICB IM hereby aire that I -will hnoly Xw i to the of bounty Commissioiwni of St, Joseph County, Indlnna, nt their ne term, enmmenclha on the 1st MnUy in December. 1S72, for a Xiioeuxa to fell fmlljating lmaom in a less qasntity tnsa a quart pit a time, jj Wltn ihe privilege of allowtas the sunt to be rank nponmy promisea for Snr yar.

My place of bun- nessand the premises Whereon siud huuonareto be drunk, located in feitd lowiirhip. htJiwepb Htateef Indiana, and wdescnbMl as follows, to-wit rods East of ioterssoUon of South side ot' Hu Joseph street and Bunt ot bruise street Initial Pnrt of Muhswnks liinn- erly nailed Indtnna Our. tlienci est feet. rJouth 70 met, Knt 22 Urt and Jdoi-lli 70 fet tw beeinninaii' feouth Bend. STov.

9, 17A 36a APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. NOTICE to tha I IM hereby given thst I Board of bounty Cammi bounty, Indiana, at their i ill fciiply 6t Joseph amissioners of ly, Indiana, at their next term. 18TZ, for a -Ijinense to pell intosiestini liquors eemsnencine on, the 1st Mondsv In December, in a less qasntity tnnn a qnsrt at a lime." nwitn Ihe brivtlose ofialloWina tha ssims to be arank upon my premises.) lor una yesr. Mr pines of business, and tha premises whereon mid Imuors are to be drank, Is located at its nasbibrtoa street, on part of lot S4 in tha Slat of tha town, now city of oath Bona. bU oseph county, Ind.

a s- i i riluSo. Kovembsr 9. i i APPLICATION FOB LICENSE. NOTICE I hereby siren that I will srply to the Board of County CoinmiMionars of BC Joeeiih.County, iDiiinnS, at their next term, eommeneint on the 1st MonilHy in Deceraher, 1172, tor a License to sell 1 Intoxication liqiuors in a lest quantity than a a (With the pririiece of allowing the sauia to be dntok upon my premises,) -ro eneyear. My plsen of hasiness, and th premises whereon said liqfcor are ta be drsnk, in loomed on pa.n of lot No.

36 In the orif Innl plat of the town of LowelL Fourth Ward of the city of South Bendl Bt. Joseph county, afid is dewtribed ss iolow, o-wit: Corainencina point sixy-sia M.i net west of thepsoutfa-enslt corner of said lot, thrnea mitttina west tWenty-tw0l2Jl feet, -thence borth sixtx-six (W) fet, thence east twenty-two t.zi) feet, -thence soutn xly-slx test, the place of hrs inniim. JOilN. F. WKISttB.

Bouth Bend. Nov. Agricultural Society Meeting. N0THTR IM hereby siren to the members ipf th4 pt. JnsephiOounty Asrlculturnl Ko-Cioty that a meeting of the tanm will ba hold at the Court flouwiiiu the city of rJouth Bend, on Matnviiayt Nvrnabr at one o'clock J.

for the purpose of eiectinx officer for the ertFoimf year and tor the trapsc-tion Oi other busjniiw. 1 I 1. M. i I. T5I.I Wf)E Pmidetil.

1 South Bend, Oct ft, li. i 4 JL. WELTO ST. JUSTICE OF UK ce No. hrt Main Street, aear-Uffica, South, Bead.

Indiana. PEACE. Office ly opTHMitntne I Post Office. South Prompt attention sirsn to eollrvtions and all to collection! ana Also Scent for f. basiness lejtt with him.

i Also Stent for I air banks sUnda-d lyl THE DAVIS MallM Sewing Machine. The simplestand bestmaahinemade, Call and it. and 'have one UkeS to 'your bouss en trial before? purrhtwinr. JL. I j.

iBUUW r.x. Areni, i i 101 Main i iU (-'' TWO GOOD AGENTS J. 1 i I 1 Wanted tofeall. tha Iavis Machine, Apply as above. i i i tt' I Boats jsena, April zi.

itnx bu Gingrich Co. 135 Michigan' Furniturer Baby Cabs, we tee tsifwasw Oiesil iim wjw tttw Srwwr SMerwsijrtaw awr Fumituro Eooms. i i -4 I We sure now receirinf and frill keep comUhU? jpft hand tht oit eleeted tock of Parlor afuraitpre, Chainbef Set, Diitnar Room Junii- we juicuf tw xepjt in uxuitwraet. WL i either ai BetaiJ or Wholesale, We alto keep a fall auortment of 8pring lug Bed. MattreMe Pniowi, Beds, oat itWtirdinWWfl Cofflnsl Casketi find lis III -W '-al-- 51 laTa iBuriaiL-ases iLnstantlT! on hand.

I We the rineat Hearse In th city and attend perienotf in bniineaa; vr7feei epmpetetit to giro entire satiafaetion to aU who faror aa with their bat- tapalHwtWtvSwrssi werst hrlf rpatve prwawsH attwu i hi a fcmtaBsSAaawin. Ussa, m. ar-ri m-m mt mi Bedding ran roLlTtCAl. ItOTES. -Lyinan TrUrobnll has been buried a deep as if a mountain bad fallen on ,1 1 1 1 i .5 4-The new jioternal revenue law will reduce the annual expenses of collection about $10,000,000.

this proflligate adminiBtration.j j) jt I IfTheJ New Tp'k' ij 'Times isayas.the campaign has oot Greeley and his friends tiW.OOO.' of which Greeley and thl TriluM fati T. Slew. ar4 10,000, and 0ov. Sprague spirited; content Is 'promised in Uassachusctbi over Uie election' of i Mr, AMUoo to tb Vico Presidency, 0oi eral Butlor ahaouncva that be ia not a candidate i It 14-Eoor Andyj' Jonshon. the; tailor: i 1 I- I T.

on, fared 0ven Worse than Greeley, the farm er Aiaynard, ttepubUcan, beats a t. -a, three io one, and elected CSongreasman-at-Targe from Tennatwee by sweep- in4 mjorty; i I I HI1! 44-IInrHee rtrt4-h-i hits rittcn a letter atat JtogtimtUjsriUaenr run for office agajn i 'Judging; from thej returns of the recent' election, (there does, not appear io niurh sruviiiniiremint far bim td do Ml -Mr tar as aenrd frorn peXtberals were routed a every poiini; the country oivef. single icrum8-of comfort can they pick up any where.) TheDem-ocnlts'aaved a'fewj their atrongbotda, but los mdre jtbVn anybody expedted tteiwould.1 JU jlMjI'H 44Tennesse has recovered herself It will; probably cast its Electoral College irntiim ti Clrn lull Wtlann i it lit yjMiss uanj Anthony haa Ifad the honor of leadins1 to the bolls: the ad vaeeed guard of the. coming squadrons oiT female (The little band! of luqq usuies wuubo puiiuia mere recuieu by the election Inspectors at Bochesiter deserve a' permanent place in history. i -fc4The electioa of' dot.1! Ilawley to represent tonBecticos in ue next von-trreea ia a matter! 'ibri national rejoicinz 0ov Ilawley baa teen one ipf the: mint hard-Working, consistent and pure-minded Eopublieans 1 that the country has produced, followipg table, giving the popular vote fir Presidency1 at (he nine preceding ielections, in of speeSal VaiiBBrea srea 737 5 10a 1 yanBnreBj.l,1 A.

OppoitionJ.l,.W,t WJ11 Vim Harrison 1HU Folk 1UH Ta7lur.l.4.2.' 1.M5J7.1 lr'4 OoiwMition ItVA Buehsnmi JSKtitl', P4 Linoola .,41 The Iw4tSi Iteit tea-ship. VeliUUattv7 CbsiastretaC The better of Hon. EJ whiqh we publish this morning ia a severe and deserved rebuke to the ma contents' who are plotting against the reelection of Senator Mortonju It express the sentiments of the Republicans Indiana, abd the Democratic plotters may weJJabandon their schemeJl No Kcpablican can pe1 found ibaso enough to be used: tor their "Vice-Piresident Colfai, that eentlemett a well as prince Of Hoosiers. sends forth a card in which be spikes the lie of his enemies thai ihe is willing to be tbe toot er the antiiilorton men for the United States Senate.

The denial was seareely necessary-, for he who, after President the most popular Republican irt the United States cart get all the oificea he needs without plotting I with the enemy to obtain them. toliaxnas no quaiuications tor intrigue, 4 1 1. tetfOUcaaW Ijares-Ofeawai; Jt iThe DetoocrtU audi liberal Repirbti-cans are circulating stories to the effect that Mr. Morton is to be I defeated for re-election to1 the United States Senate by; a combination of Democrats add Republicans. They first attempted to dragj Cot, R4 M.

Thompson intO'theiir nckn He deelined, to entertain such a nrenosition. and declared for Mortoh They, then turned toward Vice-Preai- acnt uoitax. tne eoutn uena iri EntrNt. Mr. Colfax's personal re plies Ail flir.

iOiiaxs trienoa a now positively and we have ls assurance that 'he is not a candidate or an aspirant for the Senatorship, nor for any other! office, State or national." 80 far as ia known I not a single Republican member of either houxe can be found who, will rfiwe to abide by the decision of the Republican caucus. 1 i 1 I I iVostW Madiman Courier. fTbe Democrats of Indiana have trying to organize a split among the Republicans in the Legislature; to defeat the re-election of Morton to the (senate. I Horn R. i Thompson was to be used iaa the fusion; candidate.

inn gentleman promptly ana emphatically repudiates the arrangement. He writes: "My wish to sec; the rank of the itepupiicart party remain unbroicen is so strong that if I desired to go tb tbe tsonate I would not do so at the expense of its; unity. If 1 were a member of the JLeirislature I should vote for Gov. Mor ton and both; hope tand expect mtrvfe fdrtfiK1'firnra! ta-rtt Kn Ira aA 11 TT-a i rM Ji. WV.laiSVT-a IUMMMVI ef ha fairly won bis re-election, and pnly py bis 'great apinty, Due the- wondertut amount of labor he has performed during this canvass; and; the Republicans ot mis estate wouia oe unjust to tnent selve if they were to withhold i I from lifiti Loni i The Democratic, papers, are doing their best" to save Govj Hen dricks, of Indiana, the i humiliation of ton's re-election fori the term of six years from and after tbe 4th of 3Iareh next, But it is all to no purpoaeu The eiTort to induce a portion, of the Rcpub licans! elected to the Indiana Legislature to break ranks and help the DemocraQj elect Republican 1 sorehead will aiL In the fimt place, no Republican any prominence, who could hope to control the requiaite number of votes, will lend himself anV such Mr.

Cbli-faxand Col. tba only two men of distinction: whose names have bwn mentioned, have openly declared in favor of Morton's re-election, and it is possible that; such a trick should Mortdn has earned a re-election, and 1 the Indiana Repu.blii-cans intend to give it to 1 I The Oreeleyites who have been Co: spiring; to defeat 1 the 1 re-election of Morton; tothettenate by the Indiana wcjuiimuic) tw if yo oiaue auino uo monstrations lin favor of Mr. Chlfari As might have been expected, that genr Ueman promptly and peremptorily re pudiated the movement. Ths South Bend Tkibcite says "All Mr. friends know positively and weiiavi hia assurance ths he to pot tandidate or an aspirant Tor the tsenatonhip, nor fo! ant offi.) li I i I VMiVV, lww VI lUlVtMUBI.

ne uemocrata in their desperation hate made-Use of the name the dist tiniruiahed Vice Presidents in thnir1 mtl tempts to bring out a Republican fof u. oi penator iQ neat Aiorton put the Sonth Mr. Colfax's per? aonal I organ'repliess "AU of Mr. Colt fax's! friends know i positively, and swimv" vuM lie ia out, cant didateor an laspirint for the Senator ship, nor for any office, State or nation aLT i Thompson having peremptorily declined and -rebuked the Democratic plrtttera, and jit ia known of men that Colfaa cannot; be used to divide or de moralize the party that has honored, himj and confided in hbj we pro-i pose, though it is Inone Of our funeral Hon. Cyrus Allen, a Re publican ms ptvr ft svuu reproached Try Allen for Senator.

He will arswer the Democratic purpose i of 1 dividing! the Republican party as Well, if not bet-j teri than any one we know, i Hon. Torn Stillwell next 1 i Last and least, Hon, Hi N. Hudson, Terre! Haute Vigo! county; I i A Cava! laws JBe C'olOts. IM OrtT-ft T. rm Vr4t Vrf 1 WUAUj AW'V.

L'Tbe Chicago Tribune of to-dav aeal states that 'It appears that Colfax ia; after all, a candidate for the Senatorship in Even at the risk of snb4 jeeting myself to more cheap wit by the opposition papers about I ask uie privilege oi re-stating, la your col- nmns. What I have said nubliclv to tens' of thousands during the past that I am not a candidate nor an aspirant for any position, Senatorial or editorial, i State or: national, and, am, of course, for the election of the Republi-' can nominee for tbe Senatorship by the united vote of the Republican msniHera oi tne jueruiiature. ficKtrrtxa Cotf ax," 1 THE VERDICT, DF.H NO- KAoarrrirxcaT, ovxbwilelii- i'. I 3d lii.i a-i I pHeeiee TA0 conucry ewepx 07 itTiamyav- Taw a TiaaI1 vavb, 1 Bt Grant Carries Every'J Ifdrtbetai State and a Good TXAf Souther i'Oaeii if I i Tremendou Entlinsiautt i4 AJl Part of tbe fr -Sili Qraafa Xajerity ia th0 tOeeteral a Col It' it ii 1 Mm: i Ill A PUA THAT. roa xkaxsj mo it 1 4 NOW US BAVJ; JUXWl 41 Vi ii The battle ban.

been rnairht.ani Si victorv ttasees all belief. Like the a gle at Appomattox we! loMghtjofl tit detail In wonder bare broken and everywhere. The trinmpn, yff. tit it whelming and complete; i oUiinjg wanting to its general brilliancy jajr it solid value. The people nave spoken wth majestic emphasU aMvOnridTCr-; 1 e.

,1 ft-i': asjfica uaivwuuu uicu wiiuuiiua; Republican State has uicTcacIj Us ma jority, soraetimee ten-fcll. 'eyra tie Democratic Buteshire 'gone for Grant, and Greeley come, out, of the contest with a vote so meagre as scartxjly to IriTe haa candidacy respectability. Gxanft ity, as shown by the tabled over 700.000 with 311 pectoral while deeeley retiree Whjhj 43 ecbraj votes and a bare poesibjlity he may be slightly increasedl Iwitei) Tfxai and Missouri are definitolr hearq froml Tbe result a little loss than Volcanic convulsion, and reveala' aMrvigaatt profound sentiment 1 sa 'of argument or cunning off maniptatioij has deceived the pcopli I dW gone straight into the hcaitof tcr and scattered the enertJ ttk 3pve( before the Antumn wind.1 The following table givers of each State and the popular jnavi joritiea for each candidate still in doubt and Texas stbpe4 ojia only last evening. Shotd boi1 the Statea go for Grant, and tue'-pitobahUH ties are strong, it will incleaafe hit eleie-r to'ral vote to 334 'I 1 GRANT. E1eetoral rWl abU Alabama Vi Arkansas u.

vaiitornia Conneotirat lielaware. Ilhaoi. lJlna, Iowa Kansas. .4.. -x.

Massachusetts Minnesota. Mississippi Nebraska. a 1 I a 6 13. i 1 1 ill? SmJ 1 1 Newj New. ew Hampsnire (1 1 mm 1 1 Jefser N.w1 North Utccon Pennsylvania Rhode bland fouta 4..

-1 Hat 'lui 'a! GREELEY. Georgia Msrylsad Keatnekv I Tennessee at am i. I Texas jUt ji tf 3 1" It' Miesonri WS'i 1 M4r But the victory ia notUn FrHdent alone. There ia an increase of Ripuli- I 1 rrttfe ai'S'oJl lican Governors, of Republican Itegis-, lalures. thus us 'more atrtngthi J- ''fiw i in the Senate, and an increase.

of 08 in, the House of Representatives. I I uui vwi ouhv una uunp uuwtyi jQiier gave Grant less than majorjtf Jn' 1868. The official return! wilt shoiw ter1 I Ill U. endorsement of him by mot leasHbafc 25,000 ajority 0oud there greater rebuke tafthe wtalitloa if this State? Lot Julian, and VoYirhic answer.1" I MirijlilLt Our own county sends' greet InzwitV 1,023 majority, Marshall goes rJpubli- ranror the first time-andVgivea'djnnt 10 majority ana every county; 11 DUMC UIBB UUU CqUSIIJ WW 1 lAUlllWll! to Indiana and New YoftHrih ora--tliei two States, where the battle figtjd the fecrc 1. i est.

And the nation wilHumar tibxRi. I 1 'i i 1 i i -i i-r- Never was there a party srjtlj Jattch: able men in it, never was 'twere) ft; jarty that made so many, pretension, that claimed to be of th peoplef lit 'the people and with the peoples4pgloVi-t ously and igdomimously dqfeafed, iye shall never; ijear of it agaiqj 'nor ar4ly of its friends, Trumbull, loUe'ley, Schurr, Banks and Brown. ''f 1 ioztuio or rax The extra session of our :8 tai legis lature will begin next Wednesday, JTbe, member will come toother 'yivtstjed' with higher responsiwiitlc juta fpfrg-ed with graver duties tbahjeWr devolved upon that bodyij jTbyarctriot simply to make up a worthy seiSpn they are to make a worthy seasio4 Jaffef an unparalleled era of bad. legialaUin, suck ha few 8t4tea haye; beeti( 'af flicted' with. need tztiei themselves thsk the task easy The work 6f a Hercules Ln cleatuolthe Augean stables requires herculew.

res olution land spirit. We believe; the Re publicans of this Legislature will Come! together with an honest! 4 their whole duty. But good; (initejtJoiis win no aiuna simw. must realise the magnitude of their tank aad the constant vigilance, care and ftramba which it imposes. They imust cotrrei bend the met that an entire fnew depijur tnreT In legislative action ia jOi divorce laws, tbe drainage lawtlfe, fee and salary bill, the sinking fund, distribution, and.nntoerous lothcrj acts watch disgrace our statutes must receive-' tbe curing or the lulling they We would earnestly impress fo Republican members the Imperiousxa ity of rightly appreciating WO- mentoua duty and of preparing tkA.

In their bands testa, in a great measure. the future of; our great tiarty Tlvy Will have an incaicuuoie jmuuenre making of- marring 'Its fortune. I The people have ignominiousjy fburled the awmocraue power from tbe JLcgmiajure, because, of ita misrule, They I i expect for morel of rectitude from' 'Republicans and will submit to far of wrong. Every act will be scrutinized with5 care and weighed with exact justice, We have little fear that Repubjjfcana will meet with any -other spirit than that of honestly land faithfully doing their duty. The only darker tl(at without carefhl vifilaisce tLe ccurte of i tbe' i i trog at tbe, kcsUUL I r6utMrtJh.iKWij I i' I i-li.

iJ tn fact. tbla Une th.t i I i luuvxs. S3yl 111 122 MICHIGAH 8TREET.I if! iiir i ir is xomtii k)tr if a 1 mm II He haa la tock iuid is contiantly mknufaoturisir the jpJiest Miortmf nt of Parlor, Chajnbef, fDfcnine-EoW andXibrary rturnlttire ever shown In, thia market, j) f- All wbp ara in, want of anytnn in the FuxnituVe line fchjnld call and eiaminethe handspnte jfoodi wtich ha ii offering a extremely low prlceti UNDERT AKlNp Is all lie! wnuaeliea iaswtasjtljrattesiaHt fas. ('wOtsis aT dliSeresialaasiaBi4tj iip il "IF I I 'I'' I South Bend. 6.

ljU money to; loan. ANDREW ANDERSON; i Parsons Mulholland's fi I i- EXTENSIVE CLOTHING ESTABuisHMENT, 1 talKthe'J s.t riant1. sift Alt jl sWisisi''. stianffcrs and the-r ittitna Afi South Biai and.tae Cobn-i if of Joseph, rtoouiffentireil rptefc; of RcadT-made ti Clotbinf for men: and buy vrbicit -e hare just i ii trade and hit-h i'ill be found tt complete in ill renjHHits as1 that of any. clothing establishment in ne citv.

uur stock wait purchased at: the lowesl flgtvea weaul lowest siste in styles ness pert a nd dross! bus' 10 fttrcasliiaadiitconwc- quence iatt priceaj The stock fiart of, all tii lM Tin droM and I buuiiT iauitastiUaU) for soda oJT all' "Wcs, jvarjr- in Wicci toSO iinesi suitrt'i i'rotti, 0eV of eferyipradi ahu itj- front IW'K, stock ofj Clothing UiA ially fineandwesell Tor to order Suits 1 for cus- 1 1 coata quai- Our 11 1 tomers IVoni the fiocrt fff CassiKicrt's; OhdviOta, Mel-I hi tons ot any tjthk kM of Ioous mat itruw uiav uc-airej snmplf iof whiUfn can tie seen at alt t(4a, (which for sty 1 quality duriabilitv arid. priix-J cJtrtuot be sur paaSrd arrrwiere 1 In fur nishing good; ytt will find all the UtHt novelties and a I all a ssortment front. (All aire, is that antj of gents' tn rj goodsofalS exantlad i fore: porj whtire, fti-l they will time and tidies a full to select i UiatWe de-j parties i hlothin or iNhing findM will else phg assured fmeboth wioney by I ne M'ebfivetak al intt a ton Street i partscu-the sc)ee- lar pins in tun our Ptrln rt 1 of clothe; 1 youths of, andpa, aadHum- ii ck in for: irerits and ill igoardia it to be pleased looted, choice assort EdfXUajJ iroent. 1 TT: rTjLji LED KkAIIY-MAnKi CLUTMllilr svaaaaaaa c. 4 I.

-J-tHBiM'ti: ClotllillirMad0.tb Order i I TiU Ill 1 II'. i. .1 Jinest and Kort Darahl Material i II 1 1 li I PARSONS 6 taaf WaaAlattwii atvaafetUfcatMtst ftmth Bendiembrkctn; Mediurq I InurkWk iRiiii LangeM Stob ft fered to tbe i Ji All CHAPIpl New Store Ji 1 '1 ii i fl it 1 victors; in our late aurumrle can hardly j- i k. wlinld AiilkiAnt: nfi Knifthj. era righu and wrong into early art earnest consideration and to them, for the prisent; he remlta Since, he will never agaia be a jcaadidate, forj any office, knd pot Jni full accord with either bf the great parties which hitherto divided theooantry, he will, be ubSlli llh; vivsi srldnr and steadier i recard to the progrea (rf scieM industry, and! the, usefulj art than a partisan journal can do, and fee will not be 'provoked' to indulgence ta the pitter personalities which the reeognixed bane of Journalisml Su tained by a generouB public, he jwtlisdo hia best to make the prUme a pbwet la tha broader: field ill now contemplate; as when human freedom was in peril -it waa In the arena of, political partisan1 hipr HbiACtQutiMtt Ansa) re Aswfvwcs! mt iTlUswiaf peal ij.

Ik i i bswcwJ, ti I The and perfect ever completed in the Western States ebi taining all recorded, Deeds, Mortgages, Wilbt, Sales, Mechanica' Lien, Ditchiiig Assessments! Judg Ding Assessment, yuup, Plata, land iaf-. ttgltitW Also! jLrnold'alAbstracjl ments, fectinor Digeit, showing the name of eve ryi rejtl estate owner, and judgment de eidant in Bt; Joseph county, frith double iide This jDigest renders jtbejAbstractjsystetn perfectj and is? invaluable: toj persons loanihgl i money or doing jotheri credit; business. The follow jng are aming Utes, transfers' takW from -thU abstracts 1 'i I.1 Elliot Tntt to Joseph E. Davis, 1 TuU add. to South! Bend.

$37. 'E ghcneSeld and Waal' to John Zubi.1 WtoJof n. W. 21, 86J.St KJOO. I.

i Margaret OoquUlard to jjMcCabel lot 14 and east Ruckman' sub II jl llioi Tutt to Platx, lot 2 Tutt's add. So ith Bend. 30. I I tllio: jTutt to dharles I Plata! Tult'i i dd. South Bind.

1350. o3 i tlUot Tutt to John Plata, lot 1 tutt's add. feoutb Bend. $550. Ilslnnah Dinntirbluir to Godfrey jB.

Dinnierbuir, n. w. I 35, 3. 1 f40d. Abbott to A PhiUian, lot lCCotkrelI's ltadL toLowelL fSTiO, jLj l'hillian to Abbott Jt the undivided of a piece! 22 feet by 0 ftet out of Bot37; Lowell.

$1.600. 1 Wake frame to David Flame, 7l8'kdrej in V- 'e-frt 33f 37, 2. Also- 27 acrw'n east side 3. 87,2, Eliot Tutt to John ft Leslie, i lot 24 Tuit'i add. South BentL 3o0.

I 1 Andrew M. Wing Valentine fieiger, part of lot 22, Second afreet Mkhawaka. i I hi i GeO- N. tilover to Joseph and Samuel Goodl 4 by 10 r. out! Cor.

bank 1 lot 7.l 1 188.4$ li III If Beaj. F. Cordray to EU MKn, eat oi ae. 21, atij z. 1 i Stanqeld and Anderson to BenfJ Cordray, I w.

a e. 21, 2. $1,600., Sarah E. Abdill t4 Peter Howell, tart lot 7 orrin's 1st add. Lowell.

thOWi' rieXeau Brown to Ehach F. Biqklei 91, 5-f li in sec. 1, 3j, lei $3,640 I I 1 I i aw i I i rtnaneUI sbmU wMaarlailj I JfEW YoBkv-Xovjs-iGold closed at 112i. Mieat heavjr and lowerl moderate export jdemand injected 3 Chicago, 1 do, $M7(P50; Northwestern spring, $1.60 No waukeej No. do, Ry4 nachanged.

jRarlyl dull; choice Western, $1.06. Corn in ate jddmand fpr export Western o.os jo. i uais quiet; receipu bu jj pld mixed Western, 47i nev do, 38s.43ie vihite, iTOtEDOJ AOV. 8.1- lour qui unchanged. WheatJquiei No, Wabash.

$1.74 Not i white Mi amber! Michigan, i Noj 2 red, $i44. Corn Ulet; jiigu uitxeu, tic iuw ojc mew, 39cJ iOatequiet; N. i. dmcAoo, Nov. S.4pring whei tdull; closing at vora was steady at i(a decline Ko.

1 2 dosing at OaU steadier at Rye ft Nd. 2, Moy steady! at Provisions alciiive at unchanged prices. Seeds quiet Catf- tlo dull few sales at, 6.50. Iogs large, supply and pricea lbw er, elosbg at $4,204.41) for goojto SoCTH Bed, Oat 30c. Coirn 40c Potatoes SOrafeOc.

Apple W)70c. Batter 20i Eggs; lOtj. Chickens 1620c Hams 16c. I ub dors' Lard 8c. Tallow 7c.

1 n-iow7oci 'Beans 1.75(;ai. jCorn iH cheaper ilwtA 'wood fuel in-towa lime kilns. I jt-jEinperor jWilliam charges notlxing for hia services in the' San -Juan arbitral i Lk llr Hyacinthe nd'wie are about to takajup their permanent residence Irj Muni Thi ii Haw dw Wasti is ia art Snqniry. which every one have truth fu tin answered Sbefoivj should he starts On his fourrieV. aad a littiaieSant www fauuuatn)i ui jlvjuicb Wli in many ejuee save much trouble, ttrAe! andj Bxnypi i i I 1 1 1 B.

4 Q. ft. mhnui; from Chieaeo. through Galen burrh to Jlur Jirtgloo and the B. A W.

running! front' Indianaoolisi thiroOeh' ..1,.. 1U I it' Rlwntinetnn In TlneHntrtyiH tiara ed k'spndid teputatipn nfthe last: two wfel, iAsitinivlMaiasitiAAe Smtfiai 1 to the IVVest, At Burlington thet toon' meet who. the IX A ll. K. and orrq' the great Burlington poute, whk-h Irans direet ithrooeh fcouthsrn Iowa olNVf braskaPand i Kansas, elosa) ronrieo lions; te California and the TerriioHcs and passengers starting from 8outh( Bfrttl, Indiana, on their way westward, antiot do better than toUke ti BcaiJKUtoif I Li unisi tine- nas nuhiiMheil a nnitnrtlilpt called f'How to go West," whlcfc tm tains; pinch; faluabltt information i large! Correct imsp of the arratj West, which ean be obtained free of chsjrge by addressing the Genera) Passenger Agent Samalali ag la tha aouU Bsad Paat 'OjOsei un or ueztkju i JiovsatBST U7B.

the date of this list. i5l Ml), -i mesBoa As this list is pobUshesI arsiultously, fo the i 5i aeneutos ins reaasrs et ine iniBCBaVtl be aa ehsrss at the Post la tas ds erawui Iworraf aaveruaea leuara, i Bennett Miss Nellie Miller Chartae 111 penana ev, ueo 12 land Arthur can mav Unas cr Job voiiins it i row Cross Oeariw. i PhMpsClintoa 11 via lsa yoia iienry jt pursaa Miss Kckruh Josepkc Easton Jamas Ryhlewaki Mary Aaaai -epioyie aoaa Kssws John, l. dndn J. Prssimn Oreeawanld ftoperd 1 ItadssisChsHai Hal lea Jaeob t- Bnydev Wm, Salmbarv liellnar Josenh HI rm ensue Homds Mrs Klisa, llatheld kinerv I Piuilh Miss Sophia pnyoar Vfua anaMrk.DlUal uller Adsm i rurraa 4 (iiinpsonMrs Fredriokl losers' at ins Slmria.

ii I wreaee aval iaa VTalawnrta I ii Ji atwr i Waller John il I M'-MshoaMiasKata Miller i nrrv MM.haMl .1, Is lichee David R' Wdlmu Slra Am i ii 1 asrraas ask mns postaos. A I' U-. rn.rn.rn. I nana. i 1 1 Ftephes H.

Ilarter. Pisrertoa. lad. lin. K.

Masoa, ateabesville, Ou.i A. Bardette bin ith, Kaw Xork, Jl.T. One airseuoa. A. WADS, Ity era mpder- faiied, 48Jc; at, and 2j white cnia'an.

I 1 tor four 1 1 1 1 i i I I i I el 'i- I Ffjur tnAhtki And lu-lf hmri eUaaed -i 7 since tbe fire pear the depot, which consumed large amount ofj propchy, threatened much more and made it patent to all our sensible citizens jthat iwe bad bo effectual protection to prosperity. This sentiment wasj immediately jea-pressed by. a large majority of ou put payera in if petition asking be'eity council to jproceed atf once I a erect water works which should givi hot only omfor abd convenience ntalsQ In! answer to) this; demandl of the peoplel! A 'what I has been! I done Kothinr. Dav after dav and week at week have passed, the working! season is over, winter, with ita rigor and dan gets, its! frosts upon us and 1 Jt S.SIlSJi yet we have 1!' i lvl.t protection, jj Becently we have been admonished. of our (danger tyf fire which waajnot morel general reason of great private etertwn and tne merest acciaent.

inaeea. our wuoie Li i 1 ai city at tne mercy ei an, eiemepn mi destructive than; aui ptbersi and our, homes and jail pat greatj interests'! aubiect to destruction i Whv this del Why bare ife no protection lhotld our city bej laid in asnes winter (on whom fWOUM ne moral respohsibilitv test Tb answer easy on our; Common of While the cmtro)versygoean! about the relative merits he IIoly and the; Stand jripe systems, riothhig done to tajeet Uie danger and jthe Je mand of the hour, 1 Ilave noi the peor pie occasion! to ask tiat something be done to meet the exigencies of the 4ayT I do no wish to be unduly harsh, bu am fully persuaded hat the! time; for temporizing) haa passed. Tpd mafiy wOrda have becnalre4dy wasted! on' the subject. The majoriiy of Sourj people have demanded them in petition. Whv does hot the Council do sonte thine? hi' I I Mil i ill!" ff M-IB Tke Wate- jWwrka taeattoi Tt fie Jftor'f A JWiaiU.

-if Mr. W. IBcach after Wduing; to "come come 'out from behind Stand PlpcJ refuses 6r a -aecqnd time to discuss the water vjorlcs question 4c cording to jthe terms myj invitation. and seeks refuge Ibehibd.thevcoiumnxlof I' Commehi is urtnecejeaiy, but I wilt not continue the according'to r. Beach's "programme, it Jsj well to give my reason tot which is that, I am ef the bpUfon that Jtr.

Beach did not articles io which be signed hia name, unless hej copied theptj after some one else ha written diem; I have been of tbalj opinion foi some time and askedjllrt Beacll to'ioin'me in si verbal discussion that I might find out how much! he; does jknow tfbotA wafot works, andj I inUst say thai hi refund to! meet me, Is eiactlyj what eapectiid, though I had a hope that ho, woidd come to time 51ke man, and give the citizens an exhibition' of bjis'skiU In blowing bs bugle, bele that 'is the term used in hi last 'Tle- The article in iquestidn exhibits such a reckless tjistegard forj facta, 'that they can be, annnrewtpd oniv -by getting author of, them before 4b auuicucw auuj auvwiuj wem ujj suuu a way as to prove their! fiction i but hs air. 11. willing give me ojionuuijy for doing hi 1 iWili drop jthe subject by giving yoij a fair simple Df how tie Holly works (et their Reputation up arid keep themseltrea befbri the public, An article in the Rentier f( this city a few daya ago, called attention td the splendid workings bf the Holly works Minneapolis, Minnesota, during re-: cent fire there whenovfera doiea streams; were thrown OH the flames in, very Jew minutes, i A letter in fnj posscWoa from one of I 1'- fl ft i thi water Cojnmissionlers, ofj that XXty says, that jthley Aare Jno 'got the IMly mater worlt i norj even Holly pump in use, and, further, tla they do not know jwat the Holly works but have a system pf heir own getting up, Should ptir i Coui oil wisely decide to adopt heSjtand Pi ej system, I presume the 'Holly Company -will semi notices around, the ijotintry claiming that too, as its rworking! wilL be somf luiug mry uiar ncu ivuv ui. it TT tlt I II Pare bmU. relltleaX s4 iirl.

-The hogjerop Urge this scsion. A Fort Wayne firm ia tio abip Mr locomotive smoke-stacksi ttf I I I South 1 1 The Indianapolis pork ff I '11 packers are pavine Ji per hundred, for, heavy ifHf -1 Tbe Auditor bf State I was Wid the semi-anunal merest on! tiable school bonds of the State! amount I li II The authorities of Steuben conntv. nave thus far failed to get any trace of -ii I i' :1 4 r. nt I' tne muruerer or Micnaei ouiuvan, wno was shot dead' within al few feet own' door; on he bight of tha 2(th nltnV 1 -A prominent iGerman named Hiel Diebrad, of toganspoirt, was taken pujt of Eel river! onlTuesday; In an 'insensi ble condition,) Jt is supposed he was 1 knocked oft" the bridge by some rowdies fri-Snry fivari Ha lAsWvtsati He riously injured. I il til i G.

W. BattlesJtheman amsttdi at WaramwJ in September, on suspicion of having burglarized tbe Lak county Treasurery safe in June previous, dis-charged from custody, jthe evidence hot being to i convict Ihim. 1 3ff person who saw the man at Crown Poinjl previous to the burglary was! Jband wil ling to swear positively: to bin' Identity although many fbel in their own minds that he is the man sought attClltOAX WEWSJw 'iHf LJtrJfiwk Vt anlttim- tn Ki-v an ottVr wa-V Viaaiiasw vv HHT.V af Vi( vine that Us 1,655 feet kng, and which bore 369 pounds of fruit. 1 1 The Grand; Rapids and; tndiana Railroad Company Sold $00,000 worth fan during vctotter, i I A lad named Powers, aged about 17, waa, instantly killed at Charlotte' Saturday morninir by the 1 accidental discharge of a pistoL The ball entered bis mouth and came out tarougn. tne top his head.

i 1 I Wm. -Fletcher's barn was 'burned! Dowssriac. ho v. i 4. i Thomas Carl; who was Ivinz on the hay.

dead drunk at the time, waa consumed in the flames. His wife waa burned to death seven or eight years aga -i-aA little prirl, aped five klaeeie Easiick. of Lealie. was frieh- tened to death by a couple of boys while returning home from school on the 81st ult. Tbe bop chased her and threat ened to kill her.

On arrrivir she went into spasma, and lirei only fur dsys LU1B 1 i 1 me ttie I 1 mineral pntmmi oihsr saesas, had Utajrllal orasusn asira uvvftiiif uie pnai nq i Paid Tin the oul)ltl t'oiytba. uristl ar taiaiiarraiivis. tishisnasotiaa Cliiwt. IliMluwsi. fKr t.nininii ftait fniBlBilrtnaar iheBtonxt If, lasts In Ut aaiilhi.liUHuiAttaeka,PaM mi t.iian nfthm.

llan ilhsafiimauouinr Uie I Vain India KklueTassul a-hululraa 11 I. other pslnful sjimpKSiis. Bra the offupruif af fi wsHrBHBM, is uinniii'wi iyiwpiwa Its Siertts thsil a umtfhr atvertts4'sM I It IM one IHHIIB will ni" a urctar sianaua nTnT'BTernaiiiitu iiriiiiitia marrird or sinstej atlihe ilawaofiwomsnSaedL tr Kensaiia oroiot oroiot or the turn of lire, iraoe fliers uiiiar a iWokied as ntartcd iiweveK msai issoonriercepiirsi.u: mi 1 lUrcUdLti RtMMBMatlseav an! Sou, trsptpl lna4! 3 fPSOonv HIIkhis, K(fillil and InterniatanliiT! lvrrs. i4 vidoq.useiiaiiltifrianai,!! Blad'ler, tlifs Hitler have hern BiH SAwtessruL; li Sue liisraaware 011 1144 a Is atmrnllf priKlixa. liifnUOnrurrs.i'i rr.j-R Tha ai tnllal PnrMlll as a eulri txMHi'X alta III nrroluiir ti ot axHInk powerfiS amnt la rrllevmr Ooniifi fesilan 1 tliei Uerauil ta; rersl Oorsn and III I1 rai urasns aim 111 iiKns isrsisra, ,11 irrf ji IUkisw.

Itu.iiin-s. MH, araaia wipBMr.iu"iuiia jmnitmiH, amld-Uesd, Se F.rvsln'lua. lllrli: SMiiri'a. IllaOolorkUonS ot lb; a.rf RkW Humors and. Ijhsrasna at Uie or- ahalmar aainw nrusuim.

Bra Utersllv S11 aa- Hursuuaa 01 iie it' and rained bat of Mn-mrwUi in a tiort tnae the en nt tliear Ull ieri. On tMitlnltn stictt taaea-. Mil ronvintw the IIiohI Incrsditieui of Uitii.cos-mftvl enVcUj. If'I 1 I'leastsaltSia Vltiatral DtasWI WaeverS' vtiuiiawi rU biipitrlis's tairsMua ItsriMsa tha ki'i in I'lmplr. Krui4ienv br riessse a wiii? rou nun wmniriHfuiBniiiBiiiBKaa in uiv veiisi (icanselt trk Ii ihiui tour AiUirs JtalK-1 lthiul lion, i K- rp lh will ll It'll lOU'Wbnn, tnthh SiiS 1 IUeislthrthest.itwll1lo4ll til 1, j.

(JratefMl ThowsiAHs )rofla ill Tixfces5 Btttkhs "if motiile.tMfMl liiiiforattttluai evtT snstslmvl i1m slliit. ilia it4u. IfiM ft, IV aviil bla Waiihwa, WfVlni'. 3 in lite. avitm wiiiaaj ivniaainiiB, are aaitaii, iskiIt tlt-stnnl ami l--nurt.

vs BtllHhed Tlir4 laararerlt4Blalh) vKlnsloiitii (hrtplTlleesrih whoIhkI tse cmiii A-oin the prcHMronaa to pui uS on ttieSekillkt Bi lawl lhat.wnrniti rxiai' on1 uHn linaiiasauq isiunj Htuaulla l.nilwll iti-liur inunalera M.m discane. sirxiPia.oir e)line, nd vpriiunvsl no anihettiilnttkML Ktill dee th4 ArsMia iWeia sducts, iolIHMiaWra.i anl: vsuiw is Koaeia. To u-turd Sk-hllavt in minis slid siui-paia, w. ii j-r, Wl l-s rmlarlrala wnk Uillnits, Itenttstwtil awe llsiSsrsnltif rsii.sorniirsrniitrtifirsitroiKihoiil iBek aliHl I Slates, wpot-Mlijr rfj.iefs-fc at like UMipj Uuo), Miuri( jt ii i li- nJ 'rV'J our i. i saunas, vi a ur Hi al 1 IVsrl.

Aimwih. Hmsnnsli a.nmoksirii asiniia. antjnaivt)' KVS Ui vasi irlba ni rant trv laiiosv UiMiiKh'lnt kir CoMSt I tHirtot and mitsiiaiiljr damif sranoiBi at uuulusi hi at ana drrneas, are I lie siiiiiirr spd Antnuio iNvsisirf atinjisiiKl kits irverj asl aines abvi doinkaativiM-atia. lis, tliei apnrfSi uve. xrruiit a tswi-iiui iiinueaoaiifuaiiwaa various orvsist Is es1nllr aenraMia.i; i atrai IsiaaraUiariar nr niris-Hs roiK va.

areOilr lemos-s iH lik-rMM-d aiSrltl laatu-r uh wlikk ma onwsMnr IIhuHiI. St the same nine siiuu.siliit ibn sdi iaMens vt ilia ttvsf.1 and eirnchiSI r-aUirluS Inil Ipmaii nuAMUBSM toe acisfhla. Bf Klslsa Rvlk Wlilt4 SB. luanfs. Knsiisnaa.

'aVaallnl Mironnoss iiijiwniivsio. isnsitsma-uoiis. Mrrturliil Aoi)nutisi Old t.oiss.!.nia. ttons ot Hi Miin, ttej, la'Hiess asm sllotaerSoastlluttoasl 4SBB. iNiuaa UirtKss hv ifhewn tlirir at ears- 4twa Iumm in llllanli i vvf aiis.vr -ai, i itnvnaiai, ihi SHwr BHlara sov a an ail I these fsis IB a uiuir manner.

II pQT)v U'IB(( tne jiiiooii a rmnove swsrlUeeflerU at it lit tiiiK-reaisr deevaaibai the the eauas. and i HMianaainiaiiiw The streiiMtslleS 0 presHirvleS el Bni Wstfrth Vtktesa i BtTTass are AperwiiL'i OlBphoroln-. ICsrnitai ianvtL Kuintsiua; ija'ei) imi. Ctninies-irrkuuitt sUlaraUva. and Anti BUWus.

iTHSy iTH 1711111 Tl rHe.apartaisis.'ano 'sjspnvrar jw-nyrr- 11 a. vi i.saa a isaaiarnan arwB'T. i.i.u.u hMHHif lima nmnrnn mwi ia aaimwi vi f.anaa Sedauvr Broaarues sway aem ia -1tom lnUminaaS.iid, VrtUj tha fcoal atsuiiaHssiaa tn i IheServaMSSrsarSB, PHiinacit. BOH pnniihf all lis Smu aim iMtoa mrrsiw. Sat 'an DakS liuld Ot kiatsIB lhaa foreTaraed.

I I i I to- tied at nishl tf'nt half mir 4ml onmlislt meiaasmili HCSi aainkiiiB aura the nitlrtrt an seine as oeef-aless. ami aalablWi audi taS bul-dXM i ara coieonaad ol Hirel and eiawiin-BO rwiltii, fflf I'ff0. tit 'ntnwwiui tMGrai rrtiu't-tO. SSJW raaia a aaaaa-a wa MalMkiNtI.I1' VTfl Jb oun oi ttatfiunfuui 4vmi vn-inwprrt. .1.

d. I ill 11 i nrs-s-in thm nior, Ihr said naiaaav 1 iarsas and Ions listisi A tj A tone Seiel aeatxT and aibi haainaas man sS pamhasa It and Btsks BavLillt'haSibaeh'firVorablr IS 1: iui KNOWN TO TKETRAYELIMG PCCL1C fee sasav 'lit vrill Ineraase Id vsl na vanr i rarliiljr aad Is sore la baa uroBiable tnvesiaiaa.t.r1 Zaaatre ef sr Address ths Ovssr, i i- I. IPVVIUUT I mm tontti IirL JSsai MX4r i Ii Im I south i hwt "aTtT 1. i Jlaaufsatarere of. i Att xist)s op H'ooles BhossatsndorE.ivr av ft Wih.k.

I ii' fatV lnmif atmrra.asUM a It parairaW 1 the-' dose as i SHIM VI MO.I-JVIO SV IIMAULIUS. i i in I' I 1 3 t- SI a a a i I i ill i'l -ffi'tTTill 3 '1 uwmnts-jouse P' ilSH II i ill I U' arte ff! Iflf LSf? HI i rfakehew rswwa (ke; Wire. r. Imports ars rife of a reconstniclion of the men ware killed ia UaJti-', more st sn election Several persona wsre killed and twenty injured a railroad accident at Bcrsnton, IL 1'rwk was instantly killed by the pmut-. lure discharge of a cannon, at a Republican rejoicing in Keithsburg, ms tilated remalna of a man's body were found 1 packed in a barret in Cnarlea river.

Cam-bridire, on yesterday a fire ia Buffalo, Wednesday, between forty aid fifty hore-Vt perished in tha milla i PUtsbnrgh are suapendiog oa account ef tha scarcity of Wkh committed suicide in Cfaicsao, en yesterday. Tbe seneral Council of the Iutheran Church ia in session at Akron, Irish government has prohibited the importation ef hraea from tbe United Da Tejeda baa boen elected President of Mexico steamer was wracked off tha coast Mexico and twentyHma lives wera There have been, one hundred dnatha from horse diaesae in Chicago siuce Wednesdsy Carlisle are still making trouble In horse disease is in New t'ork. Tbe cattle trade of Colorado is ofJ 9't in) portance. The Denver Tribune, t'-o IDtb, says tbe entire number of 'y shipped and ready for -Z the season, will require rorcr 17,000 head. Wt-etvpea It 41 queer What errors' I I i i i I.

i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 it 1 1.

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