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The South-Bend Weekly Tribune from South Bend, Indiana • 3

South Bend, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CITY C017XCI otherjpsper, are disposed to doubt it in her 8Cth year, and until the pt few weeks bore airs mm4ASi4 lk Stw4 rieott Wtese 'ti t-f i-w VJ a. Walkng.f!ttck and Club-handle psaaohrWmjabing new, at Sterns BrosJ Ellawoftt'lJ Mt Abram 'Huston, who has been in bad health for some time, has gone to, try the efficacy of some of the magnetic and mineral snrinea in Michiiran. Hia first 'I 1 tbe first time sine the fvganixa Itioo itf a city govern men' to Soijthi wi have 'held an in which pol- 1 1 i 'Hi ...) T3 LvTUEDAY, MAY10, 18Z3.1 Tk RltttrrMlrmtlM. Biabop Talbot wiU adaainiater tl of confirmation in, St. James (JBpia Midi Church to-morrow- forenoon, service- commencing tt 10:30 o'clock.

A reception will be held by the Kbop at the nusdnatfe this veninr Between thn houra of 7 and 10 o'clock. A eor- dial inritatioa Sm to' all by the Rector. NaaaronV aMl HIM Iff biM Yesterday R. P. Taomaa, wb4Je on tbe tower of the new High School build which overlooks, the entire city, counted ont hundred mud nint buildings that had been erected this spring, or are in process of construction.

If there is a town in the State that can beat this we I should Bke to hear from it 9imm Ctatfstac Prominent among our first-class cloth' ing stores ia that of our nesrneigbbor, Messrs Mulholland A Parsons, who by their fair dealing and strict attention to new nave etttablwhexf an enviable reputation. Their present stock is very large and complete and includes every garment- needed bv a s-entleman. see advertisement and give them a call. Mall We Have MfUS fwi In. the vote on Tuesday last the Third Vard lacked but 78 of casting double ihe Vote of the first Ward, and but 68 of doubling the Fourth Ward, yet it has Urger' representation in the Council' than either of these wards.

When the vote of the Third Ward, was but COO the -question of dividing it into two wards was seriously considered. We believe that It should be done before another city election is held. iBataJlattoa (fsaftn. The fbJlowiar officers, recently elect tad for Ihe ensuing term In the Guiding Sat Lodge, 7. O.

O. Ty were installed ion- Tuesday night: Theev Ai Wit ie, W. C.T.; Miss Etta Douglass, W. V. Robert W.

Doty, W. R. Af BugbeeT W. F.8.: Miss Ella Peters, t.t Chairlea Zinsser, W.U.; Miss Sarah Webster, W. I.

O. Charles Andreas, O. Miss Anna Shetterly, R. II Miss Amanda Kline, L. H.

The order is in flourishing condition, and the membership is constantly on the in crease. Omm. Patpn-lattoa lamiMlaf rr Om TMMil Tar. At the spring -election of. 1870 when 3Iaybr and other general city officers were elected-, a full rote was polled, and the total footed up 1,871.

The census lhat year placed on population at 7,227 Jtbont 8 persons to each vote polled. Last Tuesday the total vote polled was 1,940, and there were at least 150 who did not deposit their ballots. Giving the same number person to cacli vote cast that we imd in 1870, would make our present population 11,153 an Increase of nearly fimr (homtnd three yeort. Tat Tfpn Cm ftWMWrt SrpaluUM SrM7. A temperance meeting was held at the Reformed Church on Wednesday night, A.

N. Thomas officiating as Chairman I -a i Whether Jlolly or Stand; Pipe, not! prevent as from keeping the lai and beet selected stock pf Wall in SL Joseph Cboity, neither can they prevent our selling it at low jfigures1 wuujuMig a you lraEX or charge. Our styles can't be bat Call at PaJ- Washtegton Street, JM see bur new Snowden's Patent Trimmer. '62a JcftrrujfmsJ Ladiea, bring yocr furs fo, safe keep ing: re novate atw pack away ftr 11.00. This less than yoacan dp it for, and you 'are suriivMll bej done right Kemeber the placei Nki.

60 Wfshinkton treet. South BendJ 621 i ''ll IL WHJJE1.KB. i -ii pataiE TIMOTIIT wiT. LanU Broi unload to-day a car-lbid of the best timothy I hay, baled and i as prime an article aswiu ever sec dowf In this scarce ana now the a gooa sec or unamper rnrnitnre flr stand and qentre lbii aU tnkrble1 top, AVp bedstead, spring mattress, Ibiir nattress, bedding, ltfges, Ac. Xhis is a good oiiportunitf for anyone who wishes a bargain.

To; be seen st CUaUn Chishing-tore. iairrs BBos. ssvwi ruac liiie. This celebfated brand of lime wbJtii is now having such a wide sale took the jird premium at tha Oounty Fair last talli and we have the papers to show ipr are very careftil in having this ime and: cal assure our dtis- tomers that they will get more; in a bar rel than of any other brand. lisoft ii inni "THE vou.

or The spring opening of gentlemen's goods at M. Livingston A Uos is one frell worthyi of xaiiining.i The-ir tock is a ytry large one, comprising mariy beautiful piece goods, chosen with exquisite and; all; the aoVeltieaJ jn nata, caps, cottars, ties and general furnishing goods. Theirl establishment is jiistklasa in, every respect, and its patrons embrace the best! dressed men! in the city. Their cutter Js an artist in his line and noi iU-made work is ever sent out. (ill Oytrm.

Ih buying oysters the great object is to the besti I Ed. Qillen is sole agtht bjeri for tlifj 8. Maltby, dWi- liet uie II. A M. the branand you fill have the best in the worIlas they ar putjup in tleir liquor IjiKtead of Water.

Jhey are as low is any grxxtbrand of oyHters sold ean be sold and may 10 bad at Gilhfti'a restaurant by the case; can or dishl at all times. HStf ets. we call attention to our Njpw StotK ok CxaPRTs, Cwvti Mats and lia'E CoarAixs. We shall sell at KXTRBMELY JI-pW rWW. i W.

Hwh Hi 18? Jlichigan stiwti TOOK THE riKJST PRKWII W. Wyman 's; Lime took the first prejtii- nra at the Hi. Joseph eountyj fair, last fall. ThisLiirieissoIdonly by BunebraVe, Main street. Mason's and plasters recommend it as! (he best.

CO-ttj at 8 also jABARUAIXt JA. flARUAIJIMjji jAny ersop having; a horse, buggy and harues to trade wards payment a house and lot, in a good location, can I be aCcommodateil by applying-' at JJ B. Bidwell real estate oflice, K1 Main street. The ho'ie ha.i just bfjen finished. Property for, sale or trade in alt parts bf the eityi Trmpemnrs Krd(rlnr.

ilf you would patronfee true Temper ance Medicines, scientifically prepared by skilled physician, and by a process the liscovery of bin own. aht-rein not a drop of rum whisky, beer or any other alcoholic or fermented liquor en ter-- use 'Dr. Iteiee't Family Medicine. Tbiev do not manufaeturedriinkards as do the various "Cordials," "Tonics," "Elixir" arid "Bitters" of thej day. Ooldjnn Medical Discovery is nutritious, tonic, alterative, or blood cleansing, and- un-edualed coOfl-h Pleasant Pur- irative Pellets, tmrtlu laraer than mUrt- ard eed, constitute all agreeable and reliable physio, avorite 1'rescriptionH-a remedy fur debilitated females, while his Dr.

Saire'S ChIajtIi Reined is known the over as the greatest stieciftc lor uatarrhl and "KxrlH in ever given to the public. the Jleafl" iif The hHt tiling in a family i.i the lst SoSrihg Mai'liin' aiitil the Ix-st Si'iving Macjrlk' iM "THE AMKIUCAX," which siiuplioity, durariit, eloihairo ami rn- lability IvTitli Dp not thinli of jtyujyiotf(a IW- chinej witnOut Rrt wring rap H'lratioh 'frtf thH Auifi'tani. It as uccKicil ailvfintaos (r Jiil L.J:? -i i iiii.oiiiertj. i nit iowot ahy first llnsa lchint whi ti 10 UalitY is xxk1, or J. 1M A 171 (Ell MAR.

General Agoiit. Bouth Bend, May; lrt, -t-u2-tr. We are receiving our spring stotjc of Lumheiaxid shall aim to keep pn hand eTerything 'usually kept in a lamoer yard. Orders, for car load iiTl 'ill, lota, shipped direct from mill, will be filled at Particular t. prioea elow yard rate attention riyen to bricbie timber and lonj joist, oweUtogiveusacalL ADAMS DAVIS, 1 nii-'i Hi i Cdr.Iafattte& Wayne Stp mi.

Jmebfluy. 1 old Up! v-r -r iri nn-r ir i i i and A. Bugbee as Secretary. It was decided to' effect a permanent organization which was done by electing John Bronld, Sr, President; Hon. L.

Hub-i banL" Vice-President F. Lewis, Mccretary, and -A. Bugbee, Treasurer. Working committees were also. p-pointed.

"A meeting will be held on next Tuesday evening at the First M. E. Church which will be by. Mr. Reynolds, of Winchester, this State, truth.

J. Tolchard, who has been jFreight agent at this place, for the IS.j& M. 8, road leaves to-day for Kalamazoo, where he has accepted a' similar position lor the same road, Mf. Tolchard I was one of thej most pepuUr SgenU.the Company aver had bete and his departure; will not be Iresretted by Our business men only, with iwhora he had traflsacUons, but by jcitiins generally. I The Michigan gtreet iL E.

Church also loses by his! departure one' 01.11 most acuve ana innuennai members. Mr." Tolchard is slieceded bv Mr. Georgej Dumond, who fiaa been his cashief lor more than 4 jyrari land, like Mr. Tolchard. ta well liked bv all who have had occasion to trinsact business with him.

I i' I Warner, the proprietor' of thej show which 'exhibited at South Bead this has a brother living herej I About two bnndred wands are em- ployed In this Ivicinitv -i ity on I the Baltimore I I Esq. Wolfe' has had sever a) liquor sea before him and pans lout the law in the most satisfactory manner. 1 Fredrick fll Conrad has been appoint- ad admfnl-trktnr nt th leaiata nf Jannh Bensbergef, late of this lace dee'd. Lieut Lapterre, ia again a resident of this place, and is clerking I for Mr. Ste-j phens.

1 i A sale of the late Jacob Rensberger's personal effect will take placelon Sat urday June 7th. i i Ud good and stylish collars; always go to neeiers. Yott will find choice! vegetables for the Uble at Wills dc Wall trimmed free at Hmith Holloway'4 MilJ 621. build celebrated BeloH ing paper! sf'Lants Bros. The best i i.

1 -i'l. manufacturer, and costing no mare than i inferior articlei 14 i. lA I splendid line of Oros Grain Bilks, if all colors, bought before the advance, wiU be offered very cheap at I 62tt i i i A j- i lj 'I if 1 ...5.000 Corsets inst ooened at! Leib irMwCta, tot.Sl), 62a besistyles of jrVall Taper in av VHJ 5aai aaaaaawa suiuii tuMiuipi iiw charge oii gnowden's patent trim; '1 1 I j' 62ai I faryiwfand be4 AHaortotl Mock of ci. i Wall Fkntr in the citv; land trimmed ai Amjt ft'HoUoiyfs. large Stork of the 1 new style of Ladies Ties fust received at thn Dollar i ii' i i 7 Sire.

II ii i I t- 1 2 1 i your cash and save :.2. eta. on eyery doJlar, and buy yojur Crockery of; JL M. I i Urgest, best land cheapest stock of dress iroods ever exhibited in Siiuth Beridi Do not jbfy! yui dress; goods until yon have adjuired, the im- m'eiise stock at Sterns Bro'. Ellsworth's dry goods store, corner Michtgd and; Washington greets.

i Anything from a grain of popper to a barrel of salt, from a Stick: of candv ti a barrel; of Ugar, in short, jslii IcindV of eaUUei of the best flualityl may be found cheap at Morgan 4 Qeorgfi The! best stvles of Wall Paper in the city Palmer's, and trimmed free' of charge otif Snowden's patent mer. in 51:1 1. i i i Iron Frame Grenadines cab be found in! all dualities and prices at eitf Hi yards fcmbroiderings, ura- bUrg's, nseraons, kc.i just opened at Leib Bros. 62a I l- l-MiK H4i I ii i M. PcI A 0.

Ne So buyj they don't haves any time to practice horse-I nansnip. are now ppeniing ana have on jthe jtray ten crates of T. A R. Hoote's irdn Stone Crockery. I -i 1...

tnU! Li. ,1 besV style of Wall Paper in the city at and trimmed free of charge Ion Snowden patent trim- I lit i i I Uevl MeasureS taken for dresses 4t Mrs. Owens, he goods furnished and nade up in the best Style and much cheaper than you catibiiy -the same qhaliy ofj gtiods and 2iive the dressy made af your own house 1 -i si new just out in Dress -H- Goods at Leib Bros. Go and see. i 62a I 80f pieces of Embroidery just opened at; Sterns Bros.

Ellsworth's and to be sold at one-half thtf Usual prices. j-Jjlj '-Hi-: At Wyman A you will; find everything desirable for summerj Hos- iery for! ladies, gents, Misses and chil J. i I i R9tf: i OiU UU! bestTstvles of Wall PSoer in iho citylfttfFiiier'R, ilid iiitinft free; 1 '5 a a 4 I I charge on tnowuenS ipatenp inra- i 02a the livliPi iea want a nice hat for three dfdlawand fifty worth I i 1 i' I HE go (thjSijpbUar racjre, stairs over Shively's, South Bejid. i 2a h-zh i Ice Boxes and Watel-cUlers ar $hej bead tiicesti and cheapest in the market. J.

Pool A Co; are the BletiertV' stock of dress i fever saW, frofn jtfew. York: an iust at Ijem Uros V. I 4 I Cheap. 5 it The gfnliine Dnpi villc Cement perfectly iresh -ft hum Michigan street. They are prepnted to furnish )t inlimall quaatitiesoii jbjr the Is! I i WiU Wake you open yourtarea toi L.

'1 1 I I see the jfaeavy stock of Icrockery ware ".1 A W4 just landed (Morgan yeorgB'rgro- imcesoh, f. me andaee li Fish, the Choicest fresh fish Of all I kinds in tb market, at Dave Winner's BUI1IU Jjj 'V ill' I aJrs hew oin one and two Wttorf tadies Kid Gloves j.ut Received direct nt si Mb Bros. Go have th money, Koj ichanca buflding maiirrial of anv ki attantk TheyikW moving. ill 1 Vew-jOooda at Leib Broi tat triaunlng wau paper At Hmjtn Holiowaya rjjriei 62L ros. stock Ofj grocriea and provisional hi larga and they plcfmlt hoi one in the city to undersell thefn in good choice yoteriea.

jj jj Go; sea the nicest Stock lof Dress Goods yott afer saw srlib Bpis.i 62a' World caiteat this for Price. All Silk. anl Tfool and all Wool and Coftoik Dresa i-ood at OXE jllllaVs L.IXCi PLH YARD, at the Poa-ton Dry; 'Gooda Store. i jTtierei nerer were ancti Dararalna. i i i 'I i j- 1 of teas and cofj fees at special prices at Wills Sternal Also fish, bains and other Artiijles in the eating' line, at low prices.

stock; of Goods yon ever saw at Lei Bprin rw you oston, Awful 62. 1: 1 2a i W- inef ieasi for limel cement, or I nd get Old Dry from bBrOA, leaves but two childran of a Urj faaii It, Mrs. Johnson, and a son in lota. awirufMt4 Jasuea-A Tklsf CaaC.t Inanlltnl, SMatlMC4 asmi la nX T.wntrn Taereis one man in the penitentiary at Michigan City who baa a whoteaomt pinion of the rapidity with which ju tic is meted outin Indiana His naort is Andrew Beckner. Last Wednesdaf morning about three o'clock he stole a horse from David Hudson, in Galieri Laporto county.

And rode it into Laporte, where he succeeded, in selling it at seven and A half o'clockl receiving' therefor a 1100" check- on thf bank, lie was obliged to wait unti nine o'clock, the hour the bank open to get- hia money. At eight o'clock i was ascertained that the horse-had been stolen, and Beckner was arrested. CSr cuiV Court happened to be In sondoi with Judge Stanfield, presiding, an Prosecntinr Attorney, George Top. made out papers by which he was in dieted at eleven "o'clock hia arraignmen took place fifteen minutes later. HW trial and eonviction occupied fifteen minutes more, and at- eleven and a half o'clock he was sentenced by judge Stan field for three years, and at three o'clocU in the afternoon just twelve hours sfj ter he stole the horse wss safe inside: the walls of the Michigan City prison There is'probably no ease on the criminal record where a theft.

trial conviction, sentence and incarceration were accomplished in so abort time tseexner tbinxsihat justice in Indian lightning. Br Eaasens sa4 CMeatvM. This colossal entertainment con ft the greatest on the roa dwill be at Souti Bend Tuerday May 10th, for one dayj only. Of this elaborate perfection add; grand success thcpress all over the coun try has much to say. "No institution Us character has achieved more deserr- ved popularity in this city than, the real ly collosaal Great Eastern, and consid ering the-very unpropitious state of the weather the past three days, none have; received more liberal patronage.

Fer-j feet all its several departments, ele-j gant in all its appointments, and elabf r-i ate in every detail, it justly and propeH ly ranks among the mammoth conifei nations or the entire world. The men sgerie is. not only large and extraonli-j nanly attractive, but embraces manr rare wild animals not heretofore seen on exhibition. The display of and domestic birds affords such an avi-f rary 6f brilliant beauty as cannot fail iojj gratify and instruct the visitor, while the array of crawling enorrnous serpents is interesting to the student of natural history. In the extensive museum ad joining will be found many choice liv" ing curiosities, including the wild men! of Borneo the four legged child, the beautiful Circassian the Swiss! bird-imitator, Ohio, the illusion of the great Collier Prescot'a talking macaw- wonder.

Cloa ef ttt Hla-b MehMl Rxamts)M Our High School closed yesterday afternoon, and we must say, that the term naa conducted more favorable auspices than any other term in ue nuiory or our city, to ine accont-plishment of which Prof. Wilcex and his able assistant, Prof. Du Shane, have exerted themselves with the most flattering results. They, as well as the teach- in our ward schools, merit the hearty thanks of the parents of children for whom they' are doing and have done: so much. i The exercises through the week hare- been well attended by visitors, and the examinations have been very thorough and the pupils acquitted themselves'in highly creditable manner, showing! that they have been trained with the -utmost patience.

To show how thoroi were the examinations we give the foti'l lowing questions which were asked of the Higher Arithmetic class i 1. A note of 11580, dated Mar 20. lfiC4. reads ist days flr date I promin to -psv B. C.

Seatt fifteen hundred and eighty dii- lars, mrhh intermt at 6 per rJu re- cetred. v. Jierton. Uiscoanted Mar li4. When due, what are the proceeds i i 2.

What is the cost of a bill of exchsrittei on London for 135, 15s, fid, at lit -premium -J'ia 3. Find the time on a note dated Jqn) J7 ic4nw iqaorara AUjtniM imb, jmc 1848; Feb. 8, 18T0, Kept. 27, lWiO, Jn, 1H5'4. March lrWtl.

What is the cost of an 18 dv rtmft fur at i premium, interest on atofT 5. Balance the roilrtwina aricount to rLAtt. Aunt20. l5ft." iKA. I 'I 1S aae a Ts md mo Feb.

Br mdii2m April a) aisyjo. 6. What- is meant by rate of eonr-e par of exchange1. Which 1 Ihet vary and why "i .1 7. a.

mrocer miXMl euirmr nrnrth 4. Jz. 14 ets. a pound tbe compound consisted pnunus, wortn rents a pounu. flow; many ponls of each did he tali 1 0.

many cannon nans vt incnes in. dismeter, ean be put into a cubical box wor feetoa aside, and how manr frallon of Wine: -will it then contain providing they are hollow, the hollow beina 6 inches in diameter, end 1 allowing one cubic inch for the opening Jead- iftK to it. 1 I it. Find Hie snm of the arithmetical series 99. xa.

77. ct. Imvina 9 terms, and of the' geometric series 0, Vi, 24 snd to terniS. 1 10, What is the solidity of a log feet long, the dtameter or one ena Ming if incnes and of the other 3 feel t- A circle and a square each meamire 20 feet around. How ranch more doe oast contain than fhe other Ii3 And the following' in Moral Philosrf ophy: What is moral Philosophy What 1 a law A moral law In what part of an action do we discover; it quality la now many ana wnsi ways may an in-; tention be wrong 4- Whence do, we derive our notion of the-moral quality of action fh I ttiere a conscience Arguments It Objections.

Htata its tliree-iold powers. Authority of conscience, Law by which it is governed as a diserirun Misting power. 'J How do we perceive our mora) obligation Powers employed Htste the lliutts or moral obligation. (i I Self love lis nature snd rank as a motive rswion nature ana ran i What is natural religion and bow do WS learn our lesson from, it i Defects of Natural Religion Relatioo between it and Revealed Rehyionl Difference between character and reutita-f tiont Relative importance i A Justice as respects eharaater 8tst the moral '( Bams points as respects reputation .1 Bam points as respects veracity I. When, and in what.

respects are proRiisW binding fc'll 5 Stats nature and limitations of'ivi society. i 1 Law of benevolences I To the visitor whose school days ari In the years buried long ago, what ll- rose ta piantea in ms heart when the pupils with cheery, voices recallj the days when be saw chalked on the board plus YZ the right angled Manglei on the black-board, that bring up th times when he stood trembling befot a stern lot of old examiners, who hearts were brim full of kindneea bu whose faces looked as if they were sitl tafia jury box. f)j' We have not the space in mis, issue to refer as we, would wish to the exerj cisea of yesterday afternoon, and can only say that all did remarkably' well The programme was aa follows A E4rHoOre 8.001; 'A KMwr Life, Emms .4 ny Bllent influence, rii Klifur-' 1 I Kloann, Will t. FruntUrarrfcT Best. KwMr AmerW-eJi Pecullsritie.

Gertie ttarrU. Kehssrssi-Xh would I'oet, A. Ailea Rs. Poetis rVssy--MTlire the "TloweVe fse Di," Libhis I. Harper, jj i.r-Xschinf of UUtotT, wTiklow.

1 1 1 i Keeesnml-r'srm Ballad. Complaint. JsinM 11. Hnnltht Reply, a-si Buwel.l, A Karar K-min-wworna of limb cno4 tro T'r, tmm liursel. l.i.

i. miiv rw(n. ihM4 Ibsv bMStf who baa the reputation'bf being one of yards usw styles calicoes 62a just -opened at pp pre. U. i if Wall Paper Wall Paper WaliPa- per trimmed freje at Smith Hollo- 621.

A foctreabvAtor of the' system, carrying off thel vitiated bile without the aid Calomel, pi an mineral medicine. Simmons' Uivr Eegulator hj entirely vegetable and ha mless, snd ought to be taken by everyiofae. ifuetbln'ffjemiirelr sicw est tbe asoAtoia Drr GoahIs Eight qaart era -ride no IT Table bamas Ivrllft rancy Dor l'4n order; to meet the large and in creasing demand for bur styles of cloth ing, We havi made; aa extra effort to placo before ouc many customers the largest and post fashionable; stock of spring suits! adapted to the business mechanio, the fanner and the clerk! and in jail ipecta sS good as the best custom Ikirk JCall and be con- vinoed at the! storrk M. Livli reliable Clothing 1A CO. 60a i 'i i K-J Shkwls! Shawls I Haw and beanti.

fhl Styles it 8ftihg and 0nmmer Boawia jnjx jopeneCn ana rery cheap at Lexb Broa. I Oo and See. 61-a best! Way to catch a cold ia to be down on tpe ground and watch for it by moonlighjt, Ibut the best way to get your krooeries Cheap is to go straight to Greene A Steifley's where reliable good- are sold for a mere song, "dfiarrA cdoae.n Yea, you cAn say so, only Aftej aving used the German Snn EUOEHOUS arrival of He from Few Tork and Boston Oo and 84a. maple syrup, crahberries, fresh We and niee potatoes and all kind of tiroceriea at Wills Sterns. Supply your tables from their store.

No. 74 Washington, street, and you may be sure of getting pie best I TSere i sots trouM or trial. No saaUelr where look. That teach, self-denial Like a batokrupt poeket-bool but tl)e man Who buys his groceries of D. Djxon, a Seltier's old sUnd, gets them So chCapj that he need hot fear ever having a bankrupt wallet.

Try Dixoi '1; At tbe lIOMtoii Ury Uooda Stere huajuHl; been opejned a full line jftt the Hart (Umouw i French Yoke Sbl rlN-t bit 4 ery beat made. fl- II. Ilarman A Hon keep on hand a good assortment of iMishawaku plows, point) and repairs, all at thei ware-housej for asyfhlng you wau in the above; line. "biey also keep the largest and best assortment! of Farming tools ever Offered in this city. 61 I 'WHITTLES EY for neuralgia of thei'bwelsjj I I I TI I 1 II.

Ill Bonebrake keeps the best buQdjng paper jn the market and will iurnian it in any quantity at extraordi nary low rate, i 60a 'Grand Ooeninz' Ht" of Hew Goods at lei eibBros. Oo and See. aw 61-a and builders will con- Suit their rests by getting their building material of W. H. II.

Bpne-brakei Noil old! stock on hand, but Everything frah. 1 I COa a wr an n.utv ri a ah almnat Viu a aa- "vr aa ten vA sat a anuiniv curse to yotitrself -then why din't you 'i 1 ly i Jem puy aioox oi ufrtnan onup i The nosf on Dry Gooda Store, ererj nllvei.tvaH noveltleN, has now.on a complete tine of liadlea? Inderuear, conalatlns 0f Hlght Dreaaea, Chenilnesl Skirts, Drapers, Robea de Cjhan.bre,etc.4 Troni tbe well-known manulae- ll i i turera, Iiayneai ti. Rochester, X. ji" Hew Goods Vict Goods Cheap Good at Leib firo'a. 61-a i.

-i i i Owens has a magnificent stock of millinery goods, A fine lot jof hats and bonnets, a targe hot of ribbons. Her pricesjare very low. Call at 79 gan street I Michi- 611 for diseases of the hlobd and skipi a "wniu 1 1 is not a anisicey drinkJ WHITTLriSKV," for tightness of the chest. CHKERTTfq HEWS. are now opening daily from Haw Tork and Boston markets fall lines of all kinds jof Spring and Summer Dry Goods at large.

reductions jlrom former trices. 61-a. "WHITTLESEY." for flatulencv and colic. i -III Calcined! biastet, lime, cement, hair and lath in any quantity, and of the best Quality, klj Bonebratce's, 7 Main Street '60a WHITTIriiEV" for sour eructa tion of stomach. i Great KreueineHt-i-A riot feared.

It harinr. been learned that Gushing A Co. had sold the jkit box of Oerman largf crowdjo3r Oninrrk mffrrtrt gath ered in front ofUie store and demanded that life was useless with out it dishing A Co. quickly sent to the express office, land by promptly procuring a fresh box were enabled to Send each pooj' home-i-happy and contented in the prMsessidn of a perfect treasure vis: Radera German Bnuffi iniTliEX," fw. enghs in- duced, by indigestion ChirrA hat toblxd many a hmnthold of its brightest ornaments for having beeii al1owedt linger, it has turned into a bad Consumption, which none were SWe to fdre.

Do you doubt this jfact, then look at the long list of colds, coughs, and popr creatures, all suffering disease! which had their origin in CaUrrh it has been found that a box of Rafider't i0Tm SnMff will cure. Cushtng A Caihave it for sale. I 4 i-tn "WHITTLESEY," for fMiinS bark find sidd, j' in the i Maw. Sl-tMri. Don't it look nice.

Such teiqls glass- silver-irare, cutlery and! china, 'all from ta esupitsnment oi 4 a ss a i M. fbeah whits rntt Ton can bSV freSh whit nshJdrsMl and Undressed all ready for cooking, at EastWObd A I Coi'a Meat jMarket, oit Main stnje on tTuedays and Thurs- itaM ia 1ft Mrifa nif -Ulnl S9I 1 10 cerita per pound; HEW! BEKtMBtARIaTtt EATAB anuiT. Miss Korwood would fullyj announce ti the ladies of Bend; that aha has! opened a I king department at Bteph linerr roomaJ Over fool's Croc on Washington street, where aha Will, at all times, be in readiness to do work the latest atyh Jtt a manner to i atisfy all cnstomerij.lil-;" err nn tobj; Ladies, bring your furs for safe keeping. 1 We renovate and pack: a'wy for 11.00. This is leas than yon! can do It for, and yott are sura It will be done righi Remember the No', $0 Washington street, South Bend.

nect- poutn i-eis-ma-tn'Mi- -erv store. I I I stopping place will be Kashville. President Grant and family passed fourdays In Chicago, leaving there for Washington Tnursday morning. Mr. Oolsa )snd 'wife were iut Chicago Ion Monday and called npon them.

i under of the types last week rive the name 14 of one of the candidates 'for UottnCiimen In (the; Fourth Ward Mr. II. P. M.IH Brewer when it shodld have i Vtl 1 i 1 1 laylor. who bas been doing qn ty so long as cashier in Wrman Co'sJ store, Is now traveling in tie interest of the: Jdsiahi Thompson Furniture factory.

lie first trip on Monday, 1 The first installment of an interesting story by Mrs. Flora Louise Stanfield, appear on' the firsf page, li pleases us to hear hercntribuUoinsto the Taiavn ntgiuy; praisea at nome ana, 10 see tn widely copied in ou exchanges. jProt JQallock's select school to com niettce one week from next; Monday will be beld In the Madison fohool buildii ig on' north Lafayette street, be having 1 cured biat instead of the efferspn since Wla4t issue. 1 1 -I if" 1 1 li.i 11 f'i. i 1 1 1 A letter from Indianapolis informs us that Major Piessner will probably be i I t.

I iL 1 I granieo a. sew iruw, aa if sas uoen ascertained that the baiiff having charge of the jury influenced one of the jury- 1 IT Rn'mr. 1 rirmarW in ihm IVWUfV -Veect Wi smv ejr ploy of the Btudebaier- Broal Mannffc turing' Company, is now Superintendent of the jTerre-Haute-Water-works, hav ing, accepted that position he writes us, soon after leaving bre. i ij auoacriber in Miahawaka. wh we are disposed aonsider A man of excellent judgment writes thus of the "It lis the best paper in this par pi pieenaie, anu unintniinir; paper avier met wiOt." Ourran 6waim, of III writes thua-lt! should have needed no extra inducement to renew my! subscription.

I pxpect to be 1 permanent 'subscrilr aa lonlr as vou niaki so rood a foaner as you.dd, even if you jdoublc the pricej" while cleaning out Ian alley oWhing into Wsshlnirton Street Ion Mohdsy dug up tlie; remains of a skeleton Excitement ran bigh when the-e-port, 4rsi got out, but disgust followed when iitVasfsaeertsined io be the re-: mains of a skeleton Skirt. I Twq of. our tpubfeliclooli Messrs. W'nijr Hoover and A. O.

Ross, left on, Monday; last j.for 0berlin, Ohio, where they are going through a preparatory jcouasej previous tof entering Univejiiy at Ann krbor The young men bear with themj tbe best wishes df their pupils and friends. I The neatest calender we have ever seen is issued by the great Jew York clothiilg house of fevliri AjCo. It is one of the finest specimeni of coIw printing that is possible to bej produced. Develin Uo. nave the lar gest clothing establishment and tile vr highest reputation of any clothiers in tbe Country.

I During the eitection of the brick block adiointnc Wvman Co'S. Dr. Cum mlns advisea his customers to visit his rooms the stairwaV in Wy man Coy. store, as the: ontsidl -stairway will be Li ia i necewaniy oueirucio. mure or less, i A treliminarv meeting bf She old set- tlers-ojf South Bend and vicinity will be held tfr, Cioods Opera" House qn the lait Saturday evening in this month, to make arrangements for an old settler's meet ing oq the Fourth Julyl I Mrs.

Henrv Carleton. foraaerlv Miss -f- Mary Alexander, is here from; Farming' tottji Missouri, on twof weeks visit Miss. Jtmma Carleton is also; back on a brief I 1 i i. I 1 1 I Marriage licenses-; were issued since Saturday last to Ferdinand Bauman and Amelia Kiose, Vbarles Vi 14 Coss and jah Ai llgenfrilA -p j. We had the pleasure -of examining the con books of a number of the stu dents of the public schools, who received their instructions in penmanship from Prof Itvelii audi were surorised St the improvement and general uniroi ity shown.

It speaks well for RyelV ability, as a teacher; The Elkhart (papers are inuite inbilant over the purchase by the Studebaker: Brosand H6n WjO. Cleorge of ths fcityj of ihe Hall property there With its splendid mill site4 TheCAi rest as-i tat tnese enterprising met rated in; thii property La expecoogto improva it; i Jbe only apology we can iOfferj fori having so advertising (s that we; wuuio unvc ubm grpat uesi i mora nan we'succttmbed to the wisneS of iBoth of the ahows Advertising this wfek wantld apaeebl vjej uuwu wc uuc to two and the pther to One column. i-wt annrmet tnere was taix or tiie Niles and South Bend Toad being ex tended this side of the river. iThe subject is again agiiated and is now re-' portod that a bridge wul be thrown! acrosal between the Huey chair factojy' and 8mithfurniturei lactpry 'jTb dH pot wUbe placed in the Vicinity of tie' old i bowery buildings and (he passen-i ger house Up on Pearl street We giver the report for what it is worth, I The public drbato given the st Edwards literary society! on Tuesday night' was largely attended and the pro ceedings were very- Interesting. The question, was, iias we announced last week, ''The State ia justifiable, in making the education I of youth Thcf speakers in the affirmative were Ji K.

FinWy, t. Murphy land J. atcvof fa fuiw uegauve v. hi. PodgjjWj J.

bvrke. andjMLj M. FooU Qn of oar business Where they most 4a congregate talk water-works, when Jbe gets tired the' convenation, confonnds the fire because it'don't burn better! takes the 'jcoal oil can, ilp. proaches the stove and says ie'll seej if: btfea0 make it burn. Conversation ceases; suddenly and there a general scattering bf th ehampldna of the dif-ferenfc aystema lof water-works but bud-ness'sainj wouldn't jfor the World have them (know that thera Js' nothing but wktCTJi that can.

I IWe.had a very friendly' visit on Tuesday, fron J. B. Hall, editor and proprietor I of thi Cktakill, (N. jY.) foxorier. Mr If 1I is on his Way to on a health trip, and having been a resident ofthk place from 1836 to '39 stop ped 6ff to sea; what progress his loid home had made.

lie found A. Coquil-lard, Wm, StanfieldL and; others' of school mates of those early days, but very few oftheold land-marks. Among the latter Is the Dwujht House building in Which" his father kept hotel in 'the years kbov mentioned, i I j- Thf Chicago Timet of Monday jhas a special dispatch from Detroit says that an injunction has been issued to prevent the Ratification of the lease of the Michigan Air-lino from Jack son to Niles, and from Niles to South to the Vsrmers' Trust and Uoan iof New York, and to the Central, and I prohibiting! a disposal of certain trust deeds and bonds of said road, by parties holding them. LARGEST SHOW tu ivtu i. $OUTH BEN.D lite) ADAM 5 Mammoth j- Jpnjfe.

4Miaina: -j 2 ENORMOUS HIS Vqder nl iraLc i 2 COLOSSAL MUSEUMS t'njcf 2 mainjinnuthj lent, ami iirn(- DOUBLE! CIRCUS huliiulijo tent, li ti'ntJiti alll 1 ami li.ijiK 1 500 SPKpTA'ipitS Orsnil at a mutt i MILLION DOLLARS 4 i.niftninif 11' BEASTS 1,500 RARE WILD anl Rnnlirpl illnls. 10.000 WONDERFUL CURldsnjr Jtcurirtni workinr Riri-i ol i I i 1,000 MEN AND HORSES Ai rnveriTiK nesrly i i AGItKS ()r; OltQUXD Aid the Qircni' "onuins )nioe Li II ETTEK OnMCitK Than any five irunen in In i'l' MENAGERIE Claa bjiimi ERFORMING Th Hittftjnntnmifc.Mia1ir KAnarnrOi Kiarht LiviDat Lbm. Tiirfrwi vctn nk Whit AtrieTi Klu4l, Uorci up in nit FM Aiitmiili BttI Kure iliinla. wtuuhi-witikt tstme in tlit jper prevent to Irnntj ohiuhiortat tiK. i TJio Minani1ii--ft i MUSEUIV1S Rxbiliit nn.l InnninAt-.

rion-fi I if i THE DOUBLE-HEADElDj GIRL llrtll Rinrr. vr. A IAKY ll l.fC It: Ill If I f. HHt Hull. HllftlS.

Movintt KiKr, Hinfink Uir.1-. Ilnllr mail Wionrlers Aqariuijn of Marind Th TViniVritlr 1 1 -1 Pjinfily. ifrnjMl lntiJl of t. i i THE EOUESTR10 i DOUBLE Attn Perfdrmirig Animal! Prweni Iht bwi riih-i-. mulf ainl i ai)I th LARGEST ARRAY Of TALENT Ever (ioeiiiln any Cinti in thionanti-T.

Mine cnta aeiison. irrinix. bim 4llir andXajn Jl-lvill. 8i-nir l.oa.lrt Kir.i SM n. Mewr4.

M4nrnv, Kninkli. Nim IuIUik. lor. Uffil nl thr and Bradley Brolhvra. n4 hMt of a.

1 lii-l lt rtll-o. Art- tn hl-pliiinw. Mono, rii, n.f Mo' kera. I Th lOran.l PROCESSI ON B-hAlil fhc 50 GE0S3EOUS GOLDEN ft 1 Double th-nutnlirr nT hof ill th CAGZS unt on th) mail, ail filial wh wij il i in ii Ik ai'f itli and ohjwtn of rnmlr. Th iihln Mna.

Atnwn, Itv .11 Sti i.ra-b Aram "ll tiorw-t; Hull if Slutunrjr o.n.l lo T. IrarloiiN In I ho I.onsf li 4m RarrnniiilM and Pfrfoitnvina with a luoMtt-r lioD od Tir: a ltw(l of Cn LlroTer or J'oniW! th (io4liM liil.frty. Irue i. ti. i.

i I It 1 It vv Jl li Toot Frank's MilitaW Band Mccbanjcal on ihe lippta. mum LWn: 3IH Klip-ant UlWtraUnkis! poaitivelr thl lirtt. Finwt ffhow Parailp em jiiijsd by knM snow oiij eann. Admi ission to All Ctildren under 10 jean All who Visit thi fair real Mciiiift- erie and Mosrnoi "enU il to CIRC US tf Open! all and 7 p. m.f pi mencea hour Prone ens com poa nt forenoon.

I Four; Mm Menagnria TinU opea.all ihwtia Uircus projfreuii IfSillL 1 1 US Show iLk waa mi made 5 an WuL and! manr pf ttettjd wheel-hoises 'f either IpoliU-eajl party at ra Hos aimoiii bow; to conduct ktemsdvea In ai Parht where ppl- was iHireen uit t() systems ot rwsuer-forksHoly nd iStaid I Tbe latter had catid'idatU in each ward; and both in the Ftntr, In the first Ward the Opposing candidate was nadmto( to AJiti-water-wtrks, and ta thefUcoad and Third, the candidates were; memtfers oi juc miuao, appointed by the Cupil; hlc in CtVoi' of the UoWi system Mt vote hows tl4 jthe 6t4nd; Tty sysbW ia decidedly toe ost fpopular aafohg our citisnS and ihe' majority Ia favpr of i It would b4ve been much larger had it not been forj great personal popularity of Mewrs. Studebar and Jutti Many" wnq uwere: earnjii aavo- Jqf railej many, Others lAaidl from $he polls jtathtf I tban 'cast 1 1 vo 'ilg'uoH thein. Mml vote concrnelt iso Critenon'6C the pefUnal sUndWof the partes: for, ft was slpersoaalj figW ipr aii tner were ouxersesees snp theisewilf or in any edntesttj Oa (Uys subject, a lAMiQniJVJviivm Kjvcp-isuuif iinjuf nuit, which we hdpo wlll be heedWJ The i J-i IN I I i Ifsjortfr. 4. jvliagelt suHtr wrls 1 ssiisS-ras.

I 1 btlii( soil. I fas. i I' Ell rtsndpij, 90 K.Xutt,bEl. i 1 B4 i "i M. liO'Bma.

stolpit IhS loUl Vets wsl 1 if fil UK ill fast City Mnete atre4, 1 The atte6Uon ofour readers is direct ed to thai camDlata asntwtmisnt of musi cal ittubrnhtents jjby Mi. gochnie, faeturer tot imoMical jinstnuments and persons, buying af hit the ad-Vantage jpf his 4st Which isagreatacai in peieciing: aniristni for $ih telerated'ergaas stand without a rivali for toae.durSbilftT and (general appektncl. Hif a(so sole (ageptf rJrrfct Ubte'Sj danos wnicn. nnvn no suprrir. Jrarties -wisn-injr ios 'iiurcnase sh6ul4 look 'throurh hiij UkI wjie're in ajldition to tnstrii-mntji, theje wilt Urge j)f sheet miisie.

Anything hot in stock wiil promptly osdci-eilj JMr.hnie nak4s Specialty of tumhg, and cSn jgi reffcre.ti4' fro in our pitizen M.tW. R)kes is' recovering rem an attaeff of Mc ineasllesi: i i i I 4 The lie I counciimeo Ivrlll tale! their ii i scaia jicai iiUKUU' if JlroiJ t'Barles adrtie for cannttrs Vt't to work' on the church atNxkretDhmel Itek Walter Fortyuie waS ciiy I The Cily A.sseasoj- i getting wellialong wthM-Wk. 1 IJJ-, f.t Tliere noti case of small pox in the it present. I The VWP of Fori Wayne tefcenfly paid a; to Notre tka)j- Tom liUl was in townon Ti esday lng onopgh to tast vbtjB. Vj ewffurnitu Ifactory pre- senUafplflid appearance froni wash ingion firesu Icouh- There was hof a quorumlat the ci Monday evejimg cun-qjaenHy no business was transat-vHl.

I -A meeting1 of th the Agricultural Society iwil be1 bal4 this forenoon ecrtajryjFarnam's ioods merchants are jfairjy-out-doingi taemnclve in their display of Djiitt an; excitement wai created in otae of 0u4 Stores the ther a 'jTobni Cox, formerly ton pf our cutzens, now xeepmg a general rvarie- i.f iris H-iM ft I v-teritembei' E. B- Eevfiolda' tetoiDer- at the First bti KCjhureh neixt Toerxlay Infoht at 8 o'clock i I i Iv )' One pt physicinstVbiiriw to hare discovered the art of iuritig aoyi case of ague iff twenty minutes. i i Job nsoa left forColnmliis, Ne- braska on londay, And 'his Siste Mrs. Taylor went at die same iiuif t4lcnver I'dtobgrtli Beits; the- veUin Railroad man atf te, dejiot as day tikt agent, and Q. (M rooke docs duty ajt i ilWe had rain almost Iwithout jceasiDg ci'er since the 8tpd Pi pel victo ry, and if 4 continues much! we ahal I nfed ho wter -jrors fctjalj.

-j 1 R.A. fcirdsell. who luuf been In Ito- cbeetet: several jweeas; on business connected 'with ithelBirdscll Ikrlufkciuriag CompanjA returned oji Monday tart. A j.sarfise party was: givn Jb veh-hble 1 rm jit thes resitltfic jof rgfltnd-daugiitcrlr8li A-lIrdscH re? day. kind.

I I The ErviscoDal Pubbath 5 School Will, Until notice, pe lljl ft ini a lialf e'etock i theinortiing, i he and itead of after laiuncn servicef, as oiora I 'l ftiifi lliiBrtit i Si i The County Treasured jias collected AVer of the finopa the fax duplicate. lf. Atemsikably gonl ahow Mr. Colfax delivers are addrow before Oddi 5 Fellows! at Toledo loiniaht. aid.Wlorei theJ Youpg Un Association there tojmdrroia; ini'gbt' oirilaateiic bhototfraDh ckrlwhich sd' long Adorned vie, landscape in ihe Fourth! Ward hAs fcetjn rempvetfrtq South isKlCKt tV Mf F-wIl madevung quite uvenr as.tney pent ieanhrf np 'Washington isil H.

11 1 in-. lip ISbaro boys are imposihjfoa th, cmiu- lily Jot fcousekpen byiiselliogj tham at osseous specimen the i5eb tribe vulgarly Xaovrn Ml toner, Speckled trouU i I i Livlnirston A eamuel LeerJer have i i I ft .1 JS -ri! 1 jiian in a. rpr in a i rs Ued the two brick boilding4 foJ 90 'and 9 Michigan 'wjlimnie-kktel put np iwobandsetltree-s'tory white brick bhkkab fill I tf 1 1 -I The Indies Aid Society jOf.SJaipes1 RniinWl Church will be; held i at the residence of Arch Delkee aorth 'ta jfcyette 'stepet, next Tuesday aAeriKion and evening, tAU are cordially invited. -nere a great deal Of llenc wastoig some ofjthe loafers whb tiongre gate along our Street, pne ol 'our pincers saw three or four of 'then) occupying A prominent place on ths'sidwajk And told them to move on and atop oW. utAfSatng? aaid one of them.

only; three of. es and it takea leven to make a Thai man nent jssy: kind, from piano to a violin. ti will lie; een that fce die nde aeent for Kortherji'tndiana jhSve tempiorea nim jr past tOCAt NW8 BRIIP. I I i i if the most eloquent temperance lecturers in the The ljtke SMr Hlrlilaa The annual meeting of the stock- 1 1 ii i i i no! Mr Cloth inn! Clothihd! Ul nr New i Fin iob i All Hereon ia pf Cloth ina shtfi 'i'l- nil flHDLpppBSpiJS; Wh; Ijis lnrirt bott alwUw iJl: to ot jHftitosrtt Inaian SPRINl (nil 11 I .1 of hiiti6 I i una i It' IOU AKK I 75 WASHltoTOj lll ss' weaaing 1 A SPECIALTY I BUSINESS SUIT. EVERY-DAY-SU i Tinyt)i ic in ll- lino 4f Gents' Piirnishing Ilo (art- you ifill nt MULHOLLAND i Don't forget the Siiith Iten in.lin.

Tremeaddus i Ezcitcmenil oiv-ioirt'-'riiia GREAT DECLlN In Crpri fvr? 4ir now ti WYMAN $25.00 Murine booa in Carpftn. 'A li-ndinv mnnitlHi-tUreit of b.nro Snd rtuiafi i. UNSURPASSED TASTE whli-lv our fari -iwr H-tt't. a l)Hnl4iit an nlcrtatti fannot miiMiwiw or vity. HtPl.ltn.ilot'M If II 4 II0O4KN, i tk f-r rinft flf.llnr nl-i hatlani low nnife of one ftllMr iandt tn.

nt.v Ih fmif othiirn in r. i on will llii'l i-ifrrihipir in (nri.lrjroiu iVWll ir.1 lovn lloi Ain rnll lilli.r jl All wtxhin-ar 4'n liuvmie wi loake lo motSii worn a iwinuka; lhy MriW 1 'H'4ffn1irf ruth H( I I COMPLETE LINE OF. 1 CELEBRAT JJ. i ILLE CASSIMERES i i. hWliicli jar Michiei xn Wools! anil I whiiiti Jar- fwiiiorplcd iKolK 111 ti ntarVH WHo MAY I P-mw mi Purchase Tnese kaUiya'ka A FAIll Wi Guarantee Satisfaction, iri JJ an l-M i Gob EVERY DAY Jill 11 ri' I 'Li! i.

4 .1.1 i i. I. Ih 3 til'1 I WMIIMMIj fl ahuvanwiiiwUal I ri lm I. xxsCiDViaj CTLTIVATORi ar ta-aretii's Oar. ssa awds ars rrh aad anatas.

i -I I 'II I xrirr or -J ij mm I IT jti ft. Ik CARPETS i 1 a i 'ir IT IIP 0 TT mm iiii I i i it .1 11: JONESVI iy osner (y. omiu .1 I a 4B tan r-ai IW ,1 I i i i ll' 1 noiaen qi lajs rasa wan aeia virre" land on Wednesday. The otd officers 'were re-elected. From the report made we gleajv that the capital stock of the company is $50,000,000.

They have 1,300 miles of track. This equipment of the road at the end of the year consisted of 418 -4ngines, 243 passenger cars of all grad, and' freight cars. The net for the year were 15,752,103, and $5,504,217 wereexpendedel for lni- provements. 'The Uicreftse in gross earning! over the previous year was 12,793,654.39 and this, too, ft is claimed i w4tb InmrntM of inlL. Th Prmitlpnt of.he road argues, in favor of a double i steel track, with lower rates for freight, las being the most prosperous plan for tthe company to pursue, and it ia nossU ble that his snggestlOns' will be carried out as jatpidly as it is 'pons! We for the ompaaytodo -A lrlsMUiM rr.Prl Itk BtMtoell The BirdU Manufacturing Company have constructed system of ladders And balcpniel Of wrought iron, which' combined, enables the application of a Are hiose at every story of their extend si ve fcetory building, as; well as: an escape for those" employed in the building, in CaseW fire.

The balconies are firmly attached under windows by irqn bolta through the walls, with proper washers and nuts to secure them. The run from the arrodnd throutrh ithese balconies ap to and over the roof I 1 of the buildingj th same attachments being on both sides of the building, four seta in All, one on either aide of therlevator pt4jection. The appear-nce of this admirable arrangement not only evidences the skill and ingenuity of the projectors but their sense of pro- tectioia of life and property. The example afforded in this case should! hot be lost sight of by the proprietors of other Urge factories in this city. Omr KatlssasT Isturnn.

TheYoledo Commercial at last day, referring to the change ef the Mil-burn Wagon Company from whawa- kato that city saya: ,1 Tl A. i. I-1 Ill 11 the Milbura Wagon Company in eouattiung (to remove from Miahawaka to Toledo, wss i ihs (act that, owing to the large eonwimption -rths woods oseo in tnetr tMniness, anu oy tbe Stadotmker 'Brwi Msnufsctariug Company, at South Bnd. th supply short in that section InvolvW a mtwi- jLBcrssss in cost, aad thsidrabie trouble. Mr.

Clem informs us that there is more truth, than poetry in the aboye: paragraph. rUndeV these circum-- stance tt becomes ipar citizens to take note, of the advice rbf correspondent another column nd pnt the Ply-j mou th railroad project Into' some tan-J gible shape. The advantages of such a road a Opening up to us a thlckl tim- bered region, now out of oar reach, and Krno'itlna in 4im4 MnnMiAFU1i WUUW MVS WU rich iron and coal country, we have dwelt on so often that we need say noth- .1 In now. except to unre our citizens to Baa-m-5a--5sl aaan-aWaMaMSa-V I i t. ft Sna-n-is(i--alBallSBfcJ i.

j'L mmzm tst at once and In unity, for It ia a nctter in which every one of us is In. tsrestod who baa the welfare of South 3end, at heart. DUi ru OM ClUawsb lira. Polly Hildreth, mother of Mrs. fierce Johnson, died at Mr, Johnson's cjdeoce on Tuesday morning last, and btiried on Wsdnewlsy services conducted by Rev, Mra IlilJreth was the cf i' Iste Humphrey Ilildreth, ,1 t' place in 1831 and has and for the last .1 2a 1 M'vMh New ork and Coaton 2 II, Waxxuta.

should travel ieiih. a circus. 'i 1 1 As we have seen the disratch In' no i 1 i 5 mil- 4i .4 i 1 5.

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