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Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 7

Pittston Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VVi PITTSTON tjAZEgftj ISiats Tnrkeys, Ducks, Chickens, FLOWERS AT EASTER WEST SIDE NEWS. pnng at orown Notes, Personals and Observations of Interest. About now goods and other tilings of interest. This store's drawing powers can only be attributed to two things always something new to see the same goods at lesser prices or better goods at the same prices and absolutely truthful advertisements. Fine Cut Glass Direct From Japan to You Swift Ham and onoulder.

Fish Shad, Mabkerel, Catfish, Hallibnt, Ciscepes, Clams. PntHe Oransres. Bananas. Straw berries, Cranjlierries, Figs, Lem ems, toeoauwts. Vojotablss Spinaeli, Radish, Celery, Parsley, Cabbage, Turnips, Carrots, Parsnips, ew Potatoes, Oyster Plant, Tomatoes, Green Onions.

Pastry Stites'X Bread. Toasted Wheat Flakes Quaker Oats, Zwieback, (iraneVla Olives, Mince Meat. Creanievy Butter, unexcelled. Drinks Favorite Coffee, Cannel Cereal, (linger Ale, Boot Beer.

EGGS 20 CENTS AT LOUIE D. SHELLEY'S, Cash (irocer and General Market. Spring Suits are all in and selling rapidly. Aii.vIhhI.v wanting Suits for Easter can make their selection early the stock have them laid aside: Phone or send card for samples DE FORES! II. HATFIELD.

MEIlCHAtfT TAILOK, Luzerne Ave. Old 'Phone. Your Breakfast will li('4ouijl('t if you your fiivorito from llio following; it AH are guaranteed Fresh. Toasted Wheat Flakes, Pillsburv AVheat Flakes, Cracked' Wheat. Shredded AY heat Biscuit, Matted Breakfast Food, (iranose, AYheatena, Cream of Wheat, Hominy, ltos, Petti.john, Barley hied, Maize Flakes, All varieties of Oatllakes, Send Your Orders to C.

G. LEWIS, ")() U'ZERNE AVENUE. We Have Taken Great Pains To assemble at our store a stin that embraces all known perquisites in the (i roe cry Line, and we' await oiNvtnnity to prove to you their merit. IliRll fil JIili' Tea. (': ir HUil i 'll'l CS.

l.i in Oikhik. St i i. V. Mediiiiii market prices prevail liere. solicited.

Del in pient delivery isiinknown among our customers. T.W.UYTB, Both Phones. Exeter Street 11 HKN you need (iroe cries aid want the Clemest and Best, leave your order here. SPECIAL. have the sole agencv for Toastad Wheat high g'ade health food manufactured by the Battle Creek Sanitarium Food Co.

KU00R LITKIA, a sarkling mineral water, recommended by physicians. AcheSOIt Bread fresh daiiv. IV.E.BROlVlH Both Phones. 14 Luzerne Ave The Griffin Studio. Artistic Photography In all Branches.

Wllkeabarre, Pa. PEOPLE'S PHONE 361 5 S. MAIN ST SERVE GRACEFUL SOCIAL PURPOSES AND FRESHEN FRIENDSHIPS. Flowers Everywhere Potted Flnnts, Lilies. Gardenia.

Violets and For. Setmenots In Favor How to Make Pretty Flower Basket. One of the charming things connected with the Easter season is the flourishing custom of sending flowers as gifts to one's friends. The society man orders Kts of flowers by the dozen, and many a graceful act of hospitality is thoughtfully remembered mid acknowledged in this vay. Flowers are every BASKET OF SIATT1SO.

where. The sidewalks In front of the florists' shops are almost i 111 passable. Husbands bring or send home a put of violets or .1 bunch of white peonies to their wives. Hrothers order be. iiitiful azaleas to be forwarded to some other chap's sister.

House windows are resplendent with the bloom of lilies or charming with a flower 011 a single stalk, marking the observance of the season. Even the pots that bold the flowers are bright with crinkly tissue paper and riiilion which harmonize Willi the blossom within. A small tree of gardenias, pure and beautiful iu their waxy whiteness; makes a most acceptable as well as a lovely gift, rotted violets are general favorites, and a pot of forgetmenota iu delicate bloom is certainly very lovely A urettv flower that Is lreiierallv due to its appearance at this time is tlle sIUpie daisy, and .,.,,,,1, the florist it on stvlo. Carnations are always pretty and are general favorites. A bunch of white ones nodding about 11 rim of green would gladden the heart of some flower loving person.

The square basket of the first cut Is very quaint and pretty and Is made of the matting which is wrapped iinaind ten chests and can be procured from the grocer. Cut it according to the simple diagram shown, binding the edges with narrow green ribbon. Bend them into position after damping the straw and join tin; cither with ribbon bows or with needle and thread The rnltle round the top Is of green crinkled paper, and the handle is made of several strands of wire twisied with flic paper. This basket looks lovely tilled with white violets or pansies. The second basket illustrated is filled with buttercups and is very easy to make.

Celluloid would be a good material from which to construct it, or a fancy cai could be used, or it un be made of ordinary cardboard covered with crinkled paper. It should be remembered that celluloid and cardboard only bend one way without cracking, so It is well first to experiment 011 pieces. Stitches bold the together or tiny bows of ribbon. The handles are made of cardboard or wire carried diagoiully from corner to corner and tied with ribbon to match the paper used. If it is to be filled with bu use green crinkled paper, but for a particularly good IN CARDBOARD AND CHAPE TAPER.

effect make the basket of cardboard, covered with silver paper, and till it with forgetnienots, tying the handles with blue ribbon the game shade as the flowers. The basket with purple pansies Is also easy to make. White el luloid, with ele'e purple satin riblmns on the handle, wll) look ve ry well, or it can bo made all purple by using cardboard crinkled paper In that shade. No matter bow long you have bad the cough; if it hasn't already developed into consumption Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will cure it.

For Table I.inen and Napkins, go to the PEOPLE'S STORE. 15tl i Local William Frederick, a boy employed in the Clear Spring breaker was quite badly Injured this morning while at work and As a result suffered the loss of his right arm, while he has several other injuries which may yet prove serious. His right arm was crushed and mangled so that it was thought best to take it off. between the elbow and shoulder. His face is badly bruised ami lacerated on the right side and there is a severe laceration of the abdomen.

The body was removed to the hospital and it was there that the amputation was performed. WOMEN WILL MEET. Home Missionary Societies of Wyoming District to Gather Here. Thursday the Women's Home Missionary societies or the Wyoming district of the Wyoming conference will meet in the M. E.

church on tiiis side and hold two sessions, morning and afternoon. A charming programme has been arranged and it it thought that the convention will be very enjoyable. Between the two sessions the ladies of the local society will serve a dainty lunch to the visitors in the lecture room of the church. On 'Thursday, March 27, the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the same district will hold its convention in the Simpson M. IS.

church, of West Scranton. There will be two interesting sessions and a number of ladies from this place will attend, some of taking part in the proceedings. NEW HOSE TEAM ARRIVES. West Pitston Fire Laddies Have a New Pair of Horses. The new team for use on the hose wagon of the West Pittston Hose Cj.

which it was decided to buy some time ago, has been received and It was tried today noon. The horses are handsome brown ones and will weigh about 3. imhi pounds. The team was purchased in Chicago by Frank Cobb, or Scranton. expressly for the company was one of three teams secured for fire department purposes, the Scrr.nton fire department having ordered new horses also.

The horses are broken to be driven but will have to bo trained to their duties as fire horses. Tiiis will only take a couple of months mid after that length of time the horses will be in first class condition for their work. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. 13d. Friedman is confined to hi home with grip.

The Wake Itoliin Club will at Miss Jessie Ross's this evening. Miss Anna Creese, of Fourth street, is the new clerk at Barter's store on tiiis side. Mrs. Maxwell Damon, of Luzerne avenue, is confined to her home by ill ness. The Pianists' club will meet at li home of Miss VanTuyle.

this evening. ing. The Chautauuua Circle will with Mrs. I. Cathrall, of Luzerne avenue, this evening.

Mrs. Glenn Paige and children, of Wilkesbarre. are guests at the E. parsonage for a few days. David DeFrchn, of East Mauca Chunk, spent Sunday here the guest of his brother, Robert DeFrehn.

Misses Edith and Edna Ryman. of Dallas, are the guests of their aunt. Mrs. Charles Law, of Luzerne avenue. Charles Compton.

who has been the guest of old friends here for some time has returned to his home in I'hilail'l phia. Mr. and Mrs. C. F.

Sutherland and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Sutherland's sister Mrs. Oeorge Sliouk. of I My mouth. C.

Smith, formerly of this place, was in town this morning calling on old friends preparatory to going to h.iaion. Pa. Miss Catherine Thomas, of Philadelphia avenue, is spending the week as the guest of friends in her former home in West Scranton. The West Side W. C.

T. IT. will meet tomorrow afternoon at Mrs. Cool's residence and all members are re quested to be present. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Smith, Palatine Bridge. X. are the or' Mrs. Thomas Ford, of Susepiehanua nvenr.e for a few clnys.

The Whatsoever Circle 01 King's Daughters will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Ferris, on Susquehanna avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lamore Griffin, of Green Hidge, Scranton, were the guests yesterday of Mr.

Griffin's parents. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Austin Griffin, of Philadelphia avenue.

The music in the M. E. church yesterday was very fine and the solo nf W. D. Howarth.

"Come I'nto Me." by llawley was faultless. Mr. Howarth being in excellent voire. Two cat fish were taken out of the eateh basin at the e'orner of Susquehanna avenue and Montgomery street, leaving been washed into the basin by the flood a couple of weeks ago. Last Saturday afternoon Mrs.

Thomas Coward, of Luzerne and Susquehanna avenues, gave a luncheon to about fifieen of her friends. It was a very pleasant affair and was enjoyed by those who were in Mr. and Mrs, E. D. Parker, of Baltimore avenue, are alled upon to mourn the Ions of another child, Winifred their little three year old daughter, who passed away at an early hour this morning.

The child was an exceedingly bright one and had only been ill since Saturday night. The loss is very sad, coining as it does so soon after tlie loss of their son, Gilbert, who was killed at the Exeter washery some months ago. Low Rate to California. Parties desiring to make a trip to California. Arizona or New Mexico, either for business or pleasure, can do so now at a small cost Daily, until April 30, Inclusive, tickets marked "Colonist" may be purchased via the Southern 'Railway at rate of $47.50 from Washington and $49.50 from Philadelphia, to Los Angeles, San Francisco and other points; correspondingly low rates from other points.

The Southern Railway operates through tourist sleepers from Washington to Los Angeles and San Francisco without change, leaving Washington 9.50 p. m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The berth rate in these sleepers only $7.00, two people being allowed to occupy one berth if desired. Personal conductors and Pullman porters go through with each sleeper.

There are other new. convenient and economical features connected with these sleepers which may be ascertained from Chas. L. Hopkins, district passenger agent. Southern Railway, S2S Chestnut street, Philadel phia.

14w. The People's Store, We are showing an elegant variety of Spring goods for the Easter trade The West Side Social club will con duct its dance at Co. armory on Monday evening. West Side Business Men. We sell the best fresh meats In the city; strictly fresh eggs and butter, salt fish and oysters.

Orders delivered. Kasper's market. Iloth phones. Whatever you do, don't neglect your teeth. Dr.

Schenck, der.tist, can aid you in preserving them. Lewis Bldg. Daman's Cab Service is reliable. No trains lost. Special attention to the delivery of baggage and teaming 1 and coach hire for all occasions.

Eacter Flowers Parties desiring flowers for Easter are asked to leave their orders at the Rittcr Market, cor. Exeter and Spring New phone. Will You Sleep Well tonight? Not if you have a cough that begins to torment you "as soon as you lie down. Yon can conquer the cough with Allen's Lung Dalsam, which will 1 relieve the pain in the chest, the irri 1 tation in the throat and the hard breathing. Since it contains no opium, Ibis remedy may be given freely to children adults.

and to the most delicate Strikes a Rich Find. "I was troubled for several years with chronic Indigestion and nervous debility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. II.

"No remedy helped mc until I began using Electric Bitters, which did mc more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invig orator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c.

Satisfaction guaranteed by W. C. Price and J. II. Houck, Pittston, and G.

D. Stroh, West Pittston. The Homiiest Man in Pittston, as well as the handsomest, and others arc invited to call on any druggist and get a free trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to cure and relieve all chronic and acute coughs asthma, bronchitis and consumption Price 25c. and 50c. To Cure Grip in Two Days.

Laxative Brorco Quinine removes the cause. E. W. Grove's signature on every box. Price 25 cents.

Mountain at, me mucch bi All Summer Excursion Resorts A Few Pointers. Ten thousand dollars in improvements are to be made this spring. The park is to be enclosed, thus doing away with the annoyance of fakirs. There will he a new, up to date bowling alley, new up to date Carousal, Mirage, Coaster, and new up to date athletic 1 sports. The refreshment stands and kitchens ale to lie changed, and new ranges and cooking utensils added.

Tile grounds are tiled and eoveretl with red shale, thus avoiding water and mud. no matter how bad the weather, or how hard it rains. An abundance of pure mountain water: no swamps, no malaria. The Central Railroad of New Jersey run their trains direct to the park without any "see saw." More has been made at Mountain Park for societies, churches, than all other summer excursion parks. You can take your children to Mountain Park with the assurance that thev will not be drowned or lost in swamps.

The grounds are owned and eon irolled by the Central Railroad of New Jersey. The running time of trains to Mountain Park is as follows: From Scranton. minutes: from Taylor. 50 minutes: from Moosic. 4o minutes; from Avoca.

minutes: from Pitts ion. 3" minutes; from Wilkesbarre. 2' minutes. A largo number of excursions have already been booked from Forest City. Carbondale.

Scranton, Pittston and Wilkesbarre. We have a few choice dates left. Application for dates and rates should be made to J. S. Swisher, District Passenger Scranton.

Pa. 13t4 For a nice assortment of lace and Swiss curtains, go to the PEOPLE'S STORE. 15t4 50 pieces hemp in blue, reel, brown grounds; bv the yd. 1 5c; or roll of 40 yds. $4.90 Sl.lO saveel 011 each roll vembnv 600 dozen Buttons of White Pearl 14 to 24 ligne, 2 or 4 hole, very extra value at, a dozen 5c Grey Veiling The new spring colors, half black, half white, making a pretty silver grey combii ation; at 25c yard ami up.

At 38c striped challies, very Iieau tiful gemds; to close out the oehl pieces 33c yard Mostly light grounds for spring weiir. Ladies' Opea Work Hose Spring style, just imported, in ill black or black and colored tops: lace' striped effects; at 25(' 481' 98l a Men's Sox. last Black. Kxtra Value. 10 Cents.

Camplior Balls for packing woolen goods and fl'urs; extra large bag. 5'' STAT1 EVERYBODY has a right to a little piece of this earth. Hut they must lilit for it. They must their chance to get it anil get it. We have some particularly line titters to make' just now some properties call In at very int' iiiuler their real vaii, and that are hound to be higher iu a short time.

Armstrong Sanders, ATKR KTKBET. AcKXT; Every Vcenan la lntereftleU and ahoald know aooui woiMierra; MARVEL Whirlina Sprn The new Tafiul Sjrtaf. Jniec tun and Xmrtion. Beat Saf. Moat Convenient lik mr tfrmlit far ft.

I he rnnnot snitply lli0 M.R1 KL. Bcreidno itiM mil ftertd Haunt for It uairatftl tHt Kite 'nil iwrtlt ulura and dirv in. tMlimbtetolftttlM. M.IRlfi.i'A. itMn Tim an fari lilt li These Ladies' Gloves aro 2 elasp and come in till ct1ers, that is, all gooel staple shades, including Macks and whites; the stitchins are varied; sizes from 4 to 7J; the special price is.

Good Corsets Cbeap The new straight front, iu 4 and 5 hook, straight gored or French gored, von prefer, in drali or white, and lace trimmed. 60c Each Blacky Goods A new kiml canvas cloth, rather hairy effect and very novel, priced at a. yard $1.00 A now, soft, pliable goods Priostly's Prussell.v ('ravonetto, warranted rainproof; sells at, per $2.25 10. pieces extra goeid lack (loods; regular $1.25 values; spec nil price, per yam. $1.00 Men's Night Shirts The muslin is extra gooel, snowy white and delightfully soft; the prie'O is elcliirhtfullv rea sonable, consider ing what they soul at before; Now 49c Men's Shirts All new Spring Patterns, iu Cords, Madias and Per cales some have two collars and two pairs uffs, anil some have no Millars and 0110 pair cull's; all at each.

5(Je Mlrt Waists Again. Tliere are more shirt waists than cv w. The shop windows are full of theiii, aiid.tlu'.v no far dominate the rest of the everyday dress that' the tailors make what is known as the "shir, waist suit," whie li is iu cousin lit ele 11111 lid. says The New Idea Magaxiiur. This doesn't look very niiic as if "the shirt waist must go," duet; it? The new ones are made of nearly every material in the nmiUet flan neb, plain, striped, plaid, priiited and ein broldcred: light weight of ail sorts, silks plain mid figured, corduroys, velveteens, velvet, puuue velvet and crepe do cbiue.

The Snrrst War. Youiigman I wonder what's the best way to iind out what a woman thinks of you. Henpcclc Marry Ler. A Clilurse Brllvf. The Chinese believe' that water olv tallied from melt in hailstones is pri sonous and that rainwater whieh fullie oa ertain feast days will cure mala rial fever.

NO MAKESHIFT. la This Case the Work wi Properly Done. Any reader who has had backache and found relief by rubbing the back with liniments and lotions, understands thai the relief obtained was but a makeshift, for the ache returns." There's a way to do it to the ache not come back. Read how it's done. Mr.

Joseph R. Kynett, leicomotive engineer, cf S30 E. Patterson street, Alliance, ays: "For 35 years I stood at the throttle, flying over crossings, frogs and rough places on the road. It is no wonder my kidneys bothered me and that I suffered through tbeir inactivity or their being over excited, Doan's Kid Kney Pills are the best kidney medicine in existence. I was treated by physicians and used patent medicines, but nothing equals Duan's Kidney Pills.

Since I topped the treatment I have bad the grippe, but my kidneys did not annoy me." Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers; price 50 cents a box. Mailed on receipt of price by Foster Milburn Ce Buffalo, N. sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name, Doaa's, ud take MmUUtat made by the Pittston Cut Glass V.

at one half price and less. Sale Now On. Shirtwaists First showing on the new Shirt Waists. To start the season, a specially good one at 48' Cotton Batts slightly soiled; regular 2Tc gooels; cases bioken iu. shipment; to ('lose each ge Men's White Shirts Without the Ironing: I'nlanndiied Shirts is the reg ular, name.

Extra gooels that's why we advertise them; regular price is 75c; sMcial price is. 481' Pins She ll hair pins, in crooked or straight styles, at Iwo 5( lliree for 5c Three for IfJc Then, ur own brand, at Kr Imix of (1, extra tine epiahtv; Small IQc Ihix; large 2Sc box Toys Nearly all are slightly damaged from handling at Xmas time; to close out the lot jQC Each Carp its Only the good kinds, at less prices than the same goods are sohl elsewhere comparison counts suppose yeiii compare. Table Linens Three Spoe ial Offers 1 at 25 li yards 1 at 35e I yards wide. 1 at 75'" 1 vards with All white ouc half bleached, Korrect Shape RRAMhFf) OM THF vO! A k'eiitleinaii, meeting a sick friend on the street, ae ceisteel him, saving: "Ah. tny friend, von walk "Ves." replied the man; I a tfoinn fast." The Shoos we are are go in fast, vet, never fear, 7e have your size and shall be pleased to show yeu the same atte tlon just as though we're not busy.

Wa keep everything in the Shoe line from a button hook to a man's high boot 0. P. C. 0. SHOE COMPANY.

Teli'iiuu SO'li MM MM m. I A Shoe AM il ForMenyjfLg 1 1 8KB This I i 1 tin aifpuUtira Is on every hex of Uto genoloo Laxative Brorao Ouinine Tablets roRtsdr tkat cuttm cola 1 tar. I ill..

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