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The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana • 4

South Bend, Indiana
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Cbreker Ilojr Ibk A Tit IIMwten Post Ofllee lo be loael. The post-office will be closed to naor lllkhanakw and YmI par Mr. Pagin, a young limb of the law row from noon until 4 p. and will close for the day at 6 p. fjsaiij gcnb ailg tifennt.

rVBLTSHID ITBTBKl-DAT KTINISO BT 3 Tritiane Piiifci Ccapai from Valparaiso, was in the city, on Monday, visiting friends. In addition But bear in mind that at WH EE be IC CRCCICE STO Ho Paper lo-Morrow. to being a young gentleman of con In order to give our employes in the An KtOMttinic OOVr. The Independent, of New York, pffers in another tolumn to give away, abac lutely, a Worcester' Unabridged Quarto Pictorial Dictionary, which retails everywhere for $10, and is, course, a household necessity. How they can do it is, we must con fesa mystery; but that tbey do there is no qut-stioo The Independent is now publishing Rev.

Jot-eph Coi.k'- famous Bstn Monday Lectures, which are creating Street. 7a Wanhtncton siderable promise in a legal way, Mr. Tbibune establishment an opportune (nth; 12 TEBMP -I W) year; 50 cents a Pagin is a great lover of game, and an they are opening one of the largest and best assortments of gooda ever brought to South Bend. There you will find a large stock of Crockery o( every style and shape. i expert at several, to observe Thanksgiving, no paper will be issued from this office to-morrow.

and billiard. It soon became noised among the amateur checker players ol I True t'liarliy. On the eve of Tha ksgMig II this city, that Pag'n was a fine player and was anxious to have a sitting with tmt 2 ent rer copy. THK TRIBUNE comaim the latit newe by itnt ti graph. well epiey brevities, tbentio market reports, looal newt, etc BATES OF ADVERTISING In all easrt, the pre depending-on the oroe.the and the locution occupied.

Lccul edvertwin in laily edition aioorg WinlarreaHire mutter. a eer-tp per line eacu ftnwrtico in Werkiy edition 10 e-nt each in-M-ticn. Ii'ack letter in KallyKcenta per line in WeeVly lft rcntt earh insertion Local derti.sment for benevolent ordera Morgan, the popular and big hearted a 1 ie 'l grocer, unos it in nis neart to propose i somebody wormy or ma aieei, ana togive a cuicken to every family too number of them met him at Eliel'a so much discussion everywhere. See advertisement oi The Independent in thia paper. Freoii Cottl Gold Band and White Chma, of every description.

Gold Band China 1 Tea Set at greatly reduo.d rrice. New imported China Decorated. Fuit Violet of the latest pHttern. Fine Majolica Ware. Fancy ih-eoUte Goodt.

Bohemian Punch and Finger Bowft Chamber SeU. China, Indestructable, Rubber and Wax Dolls, of every Fancy Gooh Without ud. TabU and racket C'iftery. Granite Jrorl, Britannia and Fire Proof tea Pott. Lamps from 20o to $15 00.

One, two, three and fourlinht Extension Chandeliers. Flower Pots, Brackets, II usc furnishing Goods, Ac. New and EUgant design Jin Silverware. These goods were selected la the Ent by one of the menberi of our firm, and were bought for the Fall Trade at SiJecialfy XotP.prices, and we mean to give the people the benefit. Call and see us.

i-J-'Sv SO.W lVo. 09 WnNlilngton Street poor to buy one for to-morrow'- dinner, drug store with a view of drawing out To those who areable to buy he will hi game. A number ot games were sell turkeys at ter cents a pound and nlaved. resultinc in Pterin' favor. Mr.

liwrtftier; lorrri'irH'Ui pun wi wurrt mut fe Mct, su. a fair and fivtlvli: reso-u-i im nf Mi nortrr. etc. will AtChapin King'tt, at prices never offered here before. '49tf.

fee rhnre at rial l-al ratt-a iyi centa rer I chickens at eight cents. This is true Fitch, a young tct-ool teacher at Miaha- waka, was then sent for and pitted charity. Zi I in oMily, tr a oeuta per line in weekly edition. "TIi flly Trllmne la the llet We cannot urge too strongly upon parents the necessity of having on hand against the doughty champion from (hnrley liiiuia liuprovluff. A telegram frotn, Allegheny City, re a reliable preparation in cases of Croup; iaflr paper In IWe city, hat 111 Iara act elrentMlnt ntl la Ihe beat raedl.

Valparaiso. They played with varying results uulil seventeen games were nor do we know of any more worthy of ceived at eight o'clock lt evening, mm lr rettrlilttie all elnmei. scored, when the count stood eight confidence than Dr. Morris' Syrup of Circulation of Weekly Tribune fcarer trmtt that ofanjr other tner states that a changfl for the better is taking pace in Charlev Kuntz's condi apiece, and one draw. Pagin admitted Tar.

Suld by Curbing Co. that he had met hia match, further te.Nt J4-pli rMitty, or Morthern jant. L. Prevention is better than cure. Check tion.

II i a brother Irank had arrived games between these gentlemen may be a couku or cold at once which mny tbero and will bring Chatley home a anticipated. WEDNESDAY NOV, 27.1177. soon as practicable. The friend here will receive this favorable news with At the Opera Home the I'll II bar 4..,. HAVE 0PFNED AN ELEGANT STOCK OF AT THEIR NEW STAND The Independent For 1S78.

lead Con-umption, by uing Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, an old, reliable ruifdy which i ewr fails. Price only 2 cent. Sold by Uushtng and D. M.

CKnlry. Ir. MiiloU'a SHt-m Vltnllaer. We are authorized to guarantee this mottle sofieiy Concert. The concert given at the Opera house great pleasure.

The Daly of To-morrow. last evening by the Philharmonic so All who attend divine services to ciety, can hardly be spoken of a satis- Jbrlef Note of IbiuM i enerU morrow should anticipate the collection to any interested, either as No. 111 atnrl hy Reporter. Borneo and JuHrt to-nisht. spectators or participants.

To begin at to be taken up for the benefit of the pirtjr of our city, by putting aside far Michigan Street, remedy for the Curt of Dvspepeia, Inactive Liver, Sour Stomach, tJoot'tipa-lion, ot Appetite, Coming up of Food. Yellow Skin, and General Lan- the beginning of explanation the night was outrageously adverse to all. The ttte occasion liberal an amouit as You must acknowl- FOR LADIES AND GENTS. Uor and Debility. Attend the Keioriu tlub tccial, Satur day evening.

they can affjrd. Thia will bo equalize people did not feel like venturing out, I dire that this would be ruinous unless things that all, even the poorest, will and in const nuence a number of re- I we nan positive eviut-nee max ww I xw I A. V. Pierce, of this city, is about to hive something to be thankful for, and Also a Conphte Lint of OUR STOCK OF HAT8 AND CAPS CANNOT BE EXCELLED. served and unreserved seats were not wmove with his family to a farm in cure.

ou wno are-suuf ring irom tnese complaints, these words are addressed and will vou continue to suffer when make the day what it purports to be, filled. This combined with the weather Hillsdale county, M'cb. against the singers and resulted in mu- you can be cured on nuch terms? It is one of general thanksgiving. Dr.ipU llentl. The Jane Coo rubs party arrived at uie which Hid not do credit to the talent i tor VoU to uYU-nuiue.

OalUUle DOllie, which stood under Prof. Ballou's baton. aoon, and is stopping at the Grand Central. Mrs. Durst, of Mibawaka, left her home yesterday morning to go to a Some Don't Do It The rehearsala at Coertyitory hall ntihbor's, but bad only walked a short have frequently been better, with te- distance when ehe fell dead in the 8ptct t0 choruses, than this public ex- street.

She was picked up by people hibition. The society, therefore, has 10 cents rwirular size, 7o cents. bold by Cushion Co. 50 000 die annually by neglecting a Cough, Cold or Croup, often leading to Consumption aud the grave. Why will you neglect so important a matter when you can get our store Shiloh'a Consumption Cure, with the assurance of a.

speedy recovery. Fr soreness across the Chest or Lungs or Lame Back or Side, Shiloh'a Porous Plasters give who saw her fall and carried into the no reason todiaw discouragement from Tobias cerns houe, where ineffectual efforta were tue results of last night, but rather to made to resuscitate her. The coroner extract from it a determiuation A full line of ladies' and gents' slip-jers at Caliaghan Mr. Mark Whinery has rt turned from an exttttded visit with friends in Obio, hf re he went for the benefit of hia kealth. He is not much improved.

In observance of Thanksgiving day tLe city schools will clne to-morrow and will resume on Friday morning. Great bargains in ladies' shoes at Caliaghan Bros'. was telegraphed for, and held an in- l0 redeem the lest standard Xoej3 Sell quest yesterday afternoon, which re- on gome future favorable occasion. It Ten pounds A Sugar for. $100 a a suited in a verdict id accordance with la a Btronir local combination, wnicn Artuckle Arnosia 28 Best I 80 under Prof.

Ballou'a able conduct, has. the abovet statement of facts. This is the second sudden death that has oc- prompt relief. ld by Cushing Co. Ilackmetack, a rijh and fragrant perfume.

Sjld by CushinjE Co. Aatonlanintf Ktteeewt. It is the duty of every person who tHoss i 10 in the course of five months made long strides toward a high staje of perlec curred in MUhawaka recently. od, operating as a permanent benefit has used Boschee'a German Syrup to i FreaU Coal. Pro'.

IIuuiUitrLas eeveral finesptc: let its wonderful qualities be known to We are prepared to furnish fresh to the community by awakening an unprecedented interest in the sooth- Cmad Qosds, Teas. Spices, Wooden Glass Ware, Crockery, aU at 'j -v'- n.eca."u.ceca. Prices. STl am bound to mII Groceries lower than any body. Give me on trial and you will be satisfied.

,1" Tobias their friends in curing Consumpiion, mined coal at prices never before of sens of taxidermized birds on tion at the Tbibukk store. They are for sale. severe Coughs. Croup, Asthma, Pneu fered. '49tf.

Ch apib Kino. monia, and in fact all throat and Iudk iug art and elevating the of musical ideas. But the concert of last evening was by no means a failure diseases No person can use it without Special Thanksgiving services, ot Turkey will be the "sick man," both immediate relief. Three doses will re yrayer and praise, will be held in the east and west, to-morrow. There was much in it to please and I Here anv case, and we consider it the entertain, and this portion largely over- duty of all Druggists to recommend it Experience meeting at the Reform Michigan street M.

E. church, this tvening. to the poor dying consumptive, at least IMPROVED c'ub room to night. to trv one bottle, as 4U.U0U dozen not balanced any that might not have broken so favorably upon the ear. Let the Three or fuur the Great Eng ties were sold last year, and no one case A pleasant time awaits you at the society proceed with renewed courage.

a i I i where it failed was reported, bucu STOVES, Ref rm club social Saturday evening. medicine as the German Syrup cannot lish Remedy is warranted to relieve the worst ca-te of tore threat you can pro-wiice, '89J(2(5 j. m. lis cause is a noble one and its mettle ia equal to the work, i betoowioelv known. Ask your Drug J.

B. Birdsell and wife returned this Of all kinds for eist about it. Sample Bottles to try morning from a few daj's visit to Cleve sold at 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents land. J.

C. Birdsell has also returned Coal and Wood, ThnuUulvloi; To-morrow. Yes and don't forget to thank J. C. For sale by Cushinc A Co.

from the same Mr. S. R. Leeper left this morning, via the Michigan Central, for Sherman, TeiBf, wbtre he will probably remain Knoblock Co. for bringing about the prices in groceries.

Our Very superior hard coal, just received House Furnlsltiut by car direct from mines. Ordera so citizens should bear in mind what this noble firm has done, and bestow their licited. Prices guaranteed to be as low as the lowest. patronage no them, as this is the only '62Jtf D. Deminq.

firm that will guarantee the future. Ciood Etc. 77 Main Street Mlsha- The Jane Coombs troupe arrived in at Oratorio of Hauiel The mil spring. To-morrow wdl be day, so take iuto the kitchen thoae chipped jlatts, the checked cups, that damaged platter, aud replenish at Wheelock's crockery store. It will pay.

Your tur-ley ill taste better. The Tkibune takes pleasure in en Bouncing that Mr. Charles Lacoss, a wtlt knowt. and worthy citiz ot the Fourth ward, was married yesterday wnha, the' city this morning and will appear at Good' Opera house to night in The oralorio of "Daniel" will be produced at MUhawaka, to-morrow night, Romeo and Juliet. by the musical association of that place Mr.

I. J. Bills and Miss Etta Noyes, for the benefit of the Presbyterian CAMPBELL. both of this township, were married at church. The list of talent includes MYROW" Three Michigan, one day last week.

May- tho noy sy) little Bills that come to gladden their home live many who are known here to be good singers and musicians. Among them J3Wliat thoy are going to do.J CSTWs expect to keep on hand a well selected Stock of Hardware long and prosper. afierr.oon at 4 o'clock, to Mrs. Victoria Nauer. We know the Ore a'.

English Remedy is the mo-t perfect and reliable med tine coughs, colds, asthma, so tbroat, ever offered the American jeople. w4t. are Mrs. Dr. Jiutter worth as pianist, C.

C. Godman, in the character of King, Mrs. A. Terry, as Queen, Charles San-dilands as Daniel, and Charles Niles as Hlother Hubbard, who "went "Happy the feller" and happy ha alone, i lie bo all 0. K.

can truly i I -morrow do thy worst, For "I'm ridin hin" to-day. 4 Composed by the Boy on top But whether you ride high or low, whether. you walk 'or. go a foot, you can buy BOOTS AND SHOES Hay ward's Shoe Store, at. prices that defy all competition to the cupboard, to get her dog a bone," to ha soli low.

In addition to this, we are running what is probably the largest Tinning Sfanvfctory in the rest outside" of Chicago, making Bp will help JJiui nun cuusti "re Azariab. The usual elegant costumes a Car load of material tvery week. In connection with this, we have ceive" her company in the Opera house, tL.Complete Jobbing Department, in which we employ the most skilled and brilliant tableaux will form a part of the entertainment. Workmen, We solicit orders on all kinds of Job Work, such as Roofing All trains except passenger and live stock have been abandoned for to-mor- Sprtu'irg, Galvanized and Sheet-iron Work. It will DB seen that our Largs Death of Jllunie Stray er.

Minnie Lee Stray er, daughter of J. bow, on the Michigan Central railroad, Thia is the universal veraict oi an, ana Purchases which are all made from first hand, together with our extra if vou follow the crowd you will make iii order that the employes may observe Wednesday evening, Dec. 12th. Gen-, tlemen's 25 cents. William E.

Anderson, an employe at the Studebaker wagon works, and residing on Scott street, had. hia right hand, badly mangled by a cross-cut saw, at the wagon works, thia morning. Df Harris dressed the wound. The facilities for Manufacturing cannot bat make us Absolutely Head-Quarters for thia1 class of workjn the North-west. i M.

and 11. Sirayer, died at the family residence 212 Michigan street, at 1:15 no mistake for the people have found out that Hayward' facilities for eeftiog o'clock this morning, of scarlet fever. goods enables him to sell better BOO TS Thanksgiving. Evrry and woman that re-snembers ever to have been a child, i invited to attend the MiUtiS for less money man can M. M.

CAMPBELL She was 6 year', 9 months and 11 days possiblv be had anywhere ela. old, and one of the interesting young ITfiyOur trade has surpassed our most entire hand will be saved. scholars of Michigan street M. E. sanguine expectations and gets better eacn wees, we nave oeen corapeuea i mt Custom-made and ready-made hats, caps, under-clotbing and all church Sunday.

Bchooi. The funeral services will take place at the residence Dr. Eliel's Sons to make a Second trip East after goods, yXgaV VlOSlU WHSu waiC, UOOSlil reception in the Opera house December 12 aad bring every child alonj Tickets at the bookstores and th3 streets, 25 cents children under 12, 15 cents. ana tne invoices wnica we miugub are manner "of gents' furnishing goods, at 3 p. m.

to morrow, conducted by i iust be2innine to arrive and embrace cheap, fashionable the best, at Revv J. L. Boyd. ti IT.l! Druggists tne latest styles oi uoois, ouoes, uua dav SlipDer. Moses Livingston 94 Michigan COR.

LAFAYETTE AND YAYMESTS. The dramatic section of the South We found Manufacturers anxious to No. 82 Michigan St Best $2 50 sell, and we bouaht iust the goods we Sam Studebaker returned thia noon, Best wanted at about our own prices, and we nPTar tkam tn nor enatnmpra a.t A gentleman reaidiog in the east iO is an organist and choir leader, has aeut to Mr. F. U.

Badet, of this city, ao-ne forty camples of choice sacred music, in sheet form, for the Presbyte-ciaa choir to make selections from. from Dead wood City, Dakota territory, about their own prices. We have the killds Of LiUtnbe, the head center of the Black Hills. He croods ana you can nave mem. wjmr is In good health and spirits, and will and get your share of the bargains at go back to his gold hunting in the Proportioaately Low.

Call early while my assortment is Bend Turn-Verein, will entertain its many friends at Turner hall, on Thanksgiving, Nov. 29-h, with a select society drama, in four acts: ''Das Gefaengniss." Admission 25 cents. A social hop will commence after the closing of the theatre. All are welcome. '92d2.

Caliaghan Bros, have sold 43 pairs of gentlemen's protective shoes in three days. This shoe is the best ever introduced in thia city, 150 pairs of ladies' II AY WARD'S SHOE STORE, A grand social dansante will be held I spring. Mr. Van Loon, who was work 67 Washington street' Sotith Bend. in the Opera house, under the direction ing the mine with Sam will remain in I Strictly Pure and Medicines At Lowest Prices- Oar Prescription Department the Host Complete in Northern -jv 4 'Indiana.

OrO DAY AD JflClIT- DR. ELI EL'S SONS. Prof. W. I vers, on the evening of the 'Hula during the winter.

good. This is the best time ever known to MISCELLANEOUS. iir I A music book, written by Prof. Elbe lay ia Lumber, Shingles, WANTED To rent or boy a teeoni hand pi nn Mast be cheap. Enquire vr Tuesday, December 4th.

Excellent anasic, a choice programme of dances and a pleasant evening generally may fee anticipated. for the flute, having a blue pasteboard cover and being pretty badly soiled by at' lowest puces. addresi B. F. Duan.

-viabt -It beat pebble shoes at $1 75 per pair, the VlSiriOnli. nn two alike, with kerosene oil, is missed by the owner, usual price being $2 50. Call and pur nitme Drlnted. only 10 cents. 4 Addreta tlmm CatA MlhB.a.ka.

l317wmo3 By the advertisement in another col- chase a pair, as they are selling as fast naving prooaoiy been loaned. A great favor will be conferred by leaving the same at the Tribune store. '92i2 as Thanksgiving turkeys. Callaghak BE03, Im ovj est Prices. OENTETTNIAL.

exhibition. Overcoats were never cheaper than HEDAL DIPLOMA AWARDEP amn it win oe noticed that Mr. Mor-hey, the great bird fancier, will be icre with a large assortment of imported birds, on or about the 1st of Decern-tier, lie can be found at Clark Sted-man's. No. 00 Michigan street.

This CO A. OIL. l.ARD OIL. those on sale at Moses Livingston 94 Michigan street. Their stock FISIIOfL.

KATSFOO OIL. I GRAY'S FERRY The most elegant line of motto and picture frames, in entirely new styles just received at the Tribune store. I PIANO. TUIMING, AND Ordan R.epairinj. prop.

vr. hi -i'eask, from W. of Chlo-. has located In this city and will gire ipeoial attention te the avY hraachnt hu nuiese. Ufflra.

Arnold's block, 'H floor, room Mo. i. 13621 LISS'KU Olli, TURf tNTlW Kant VAK.Nnuts,n moreover ia new throughout, and com cusrnNG a Printinff Ink Works aTords a rare opportunity of procuring prises every grade that can be de Teacher's Bibles, Family Bibles aid fine birds, 'aired. DRUG STO pocket Bibles at the Teibune store. BoBivsox A faaTT, 710 fiamoa 6U FhU..

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