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New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania • Page 13

New Castle Newsi
New Castle, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEW CASTLE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBfcK WM. I riJRTEEN At Bessemer Enjoy Many Activities To The News) I51' Doc, io. ir. ia the vacation and Bessemer students, both from the grade buifding and Mie high school are in high stai of 'citement. Christman programs being prepared, the various clubs are having pxtra iv1 1 ies, and is maki an honest endeavor to make a good record before Santa makes his annual round.

The students of grade school will give two entertainments this coming week. phe pupils of the fourth, fifth, sixth grades will present on Monday, December 20th, at 8 p. rn cantata entitled, "Catching Kris ri he second grades will give an operetta, Santa This will inelude about 75 children, many of them in costume. The third grades are presenting the play, Claus I he first grades will give a miscellaneous program consisting of recitations, songs, and exercises. The first, second and third grades will give their entertainment on Tuesday evening, December Both programs will he given in the; high school auditorium.

The Tuesday afternoon activities have been thriiSng at Bessemer high. They give the student an unusual opportunity for self expression. The Girl Scouts continue to meet heir Their last lesson was spent in a study and review of the ten laws of the Girl H- it Order. The Scouts plan to have a Christmas program at their next meeting and will exchange presents. The Science club, supervised by Mr.

Winters, had a very interesting! program. Numerous current scien-; tiiie magazines are taken by the; club. Each meeting special reports i are given from popular subjects in the magazine. At the last meeting Mr. Winters gave a lecture on the' work of the Analytical Balance.

The History club also expects to have a Christmas program at its next meeting. The meetings of this club are both interesting and edu-j cational. Part of each period is spent in reading and discussing in-1 teresting current topics. The Cooking club, which meets savi with safety roiM.UN us help you a Duoiold IVn or rli lo with the stationery. Other models from $1.50 to 80.00.

(Hive Stationery Nothing makes a better appearing gift than a box of fine stationery. Its beauty and bulk makes a bigger impression than its low cost would indicate. Buying direct from our own faetories, we can offer you exclusive packages at a more moderate than usual. Come In and look around. TWwfr Store Now CasUo Dry Ocods Co SAVE WITH SAFETY Make 1927 Your Thrift Year Open an account here and get money ahead.

We have easy plans of Saving. Start a savings for the education of your children, for future independence, for iness or for a worthy objects. Many, many people are realizing their ambitions through the savings they are investing with us, so can you. Dollar Savings Association Sign Of The Hollar JO East Street We Pay Interest Sometimes More. Erla Console Radio Five tube Monodic R.

F. Ii. Ileeeiver, two dial mounted in a genuine Caswell Runyan Cabinet with built in Erla Speaker. Equipment is the best money ran buy, Rayovac B. Batteries, Willard A Batteries, R.

A. and Cunningham Tubes, Webbster, Majestic, Zenith and Westinghouse Eliminators. See this beautiful Radio at our store and be convinced of its value. Price Installed With Battery Equipment SI 37.50 Price Installed Direct From Light Socket $215.00 The FREW Co. Quality Furniture.

Mill and North Sts. Phone 32 A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION Of 120 wealthy men and women, a prominent author found 98 of them had been given Bank Accounts by their parents when they were children. Can you think of anything else that will do your child more good in the future than a Savings Account now? THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Resources Over $4,000,000.00 in the domestic science room, is envied by all. They made delicious marshmallows at the last meeting. The Scout club, at the last meeting was called together by Chairman Wolfe.

The meeting was unusually important. Reports were given by club members and directions for playing scout games were read. The club supervisor, Mr. Lukkarila, assigned reports for the next indoor meeting. It was decided that the members of the club would go for a hike next Saturday.

The scouts are to meet near the Bessemer I) ug store. They all look to good time. The under the direc- iou of Mr., met for its weekly meeting in the gym. Half of the hour was spent in calisthentics and the other half was given over io rues of various kinds to develope brainwork and teamwork.

The main purpose of this activity is to develop the physical side of school life. The Journalism club, at the present time, is studying the subject of This club spends part of each period writing up the weekly column for the Castle Last Tuesday evening we were very well diverted by the Land This company consisted of two artists, Mr. Beek and his wife. Mr. Beek was quite gifted on musical instruments.

He is one of the most versatile young artists on the platform. Mrs. Beek is equally gifted in piano and voice. Their costume groups were one of the most delightful features of the program. These numbers were a great delight to every one present.

The next number, January 21st, will be given by the great Indian Chief Strongheart. Without a doubt the building will be crowded then. Last chapel program was one of the most interesting of the year. One number which was the humorous debate between two freshmen. The subject as stated was: would rather be dumber than I look than look dumber than I Another major part of the program was a Mock Faculty meeting.

In this the students imitated the teachers much to the amusement of all. The program was interesting throughout and each entertainer deserves credit. The next chapel will be under the supervision of Mr. Colton. Last Thursday evening Mrs.

Sunday school class entertained the young class. Games and contests were the entertainment for the evening. How could a group of young people remain quiet while playing such games as carrying messages, animals or catching fish. Before lunch was served names were given out to every one then great was the excitement while Andy tried to find Min or while Giggs was timidly searching for Maggie, etc. Mr.

Eales proved to be an excellent entertainer. Three interesting and amusing basketball games were played during the lunch hour this week. The first of the trio was between the faculty and seniors. After a well fought game the faculty came off with the honors carrying a score of 21 to 16. In the second game the Juniors won from the Freshmen a score of 16 to 9.

The last game was between 7-1 and 7-2. It was the closest game of all. The 7-2 won by one point. That last point was made just as the final whistle blew. Last Wednesday night the Bessemer Pirates played their first game of the season.

The game with Mahoningtown A. A. Bessemer is very proud of her Pirates and expects to witness many successful games. The Eighth Grade Cirls are having another party this Friday night. These girls are all studying the art of cooking and believe in practicing what they learn.

Frances Griffin is to act as host at the supper party, while Jane Gilmore takes the part of hostess. Miss Dean and Mr. Colton have been invited to be guests of honor. After the supper tho girls will go to the of th evening. The Bessemer movie this week to be a production of Zane Ore: renowned novel, Gobi The famous gang w'ill again tain us with a comedy entitU Best Way to Loosen Stubborn Cough Tins Home-made remedy la a won clef for quick reeulta.

Easily and cheaply made. Ilere is a home-made syrup which millions of people have found to be the most dependable means of brooking up stubborn coughs. It is cheap and simple, but very prompt in action, lender its healing, soothing influence, chest soreness- goes, phlegm loosens, breathing becomes easier, tickling in throat stops and you got a good night restfu 1 sleep. The usual throat and chest colds are conn tiered by it in 24 hours or less. Nothing better for bronchitis, hoarseness, throat tickle, bronchial asthma, or winter coughs.

rlo make this splendid cough svrup, pour ounces of Pinex into bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup and shake thoroughly. Jf you prefer, use clarified honey, instead of sugar svrup. Either way, you get a full fumily much better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for three times the money. Keeps perfectly and children love it. Pinex is a special and highly concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine extract and palatable guaia- col, known the world over for its prompt healing effect upon the membranes.

To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for ounces of with directions. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or JrfL money promptl ref unded. The Pinex Co, Ft. Wayne, COUPON DAY THIS COUPON WORTH 35c With it you can buy on Friday $1 House Slippers Cozy felt House Slippers, padded soles and heels. VlOC this couroisr worth 82 With it you can buy on Friday $5 Bathrobes Beacon Blanket.

Robes, neat patterns, small, medium CO nr large Main Floor THIS COUPON WORTH With it you can buy on Friday $5.95, 4-Piece Suits irits, co $2.98 fi ri lontf, one pant arid vest, pat- Basement coat MHMn TUI" COUPON WORTH SI With it you can buy on Friday $2.95 Sport oat Wanted plain colors, two side ooekets, ideal gift. 1 Ar Main floor 4 THIS COUPON WORTH 95c With it you can buy on Friday $1.95 Rayon Scarfs imported knit. New -citterns. Jasement 11 mi 'it rmaywrnnriwi wma CougKs THIS COUPON WORTH 95c itn it you can buy on Friday blurts itn's genuine imported broadcloth, only Main CLIP THE COUPONS Tht'se coupons save you money on your purchases tomorrow. The advertised specials only with the COI- lie ad with you and shoo all over the store.

You will find many unusual gift ins at re- luced prices. tliiWHHHtlf HBiHIIM'H TWI11'EUCT THIS COUPON WORTH 50c Wich it you can buy on Friday $1 Silk Hose Pure silk, iisle top: and heels, good shades. THIS COUPON WCRTH CSc With it you can buy oa Friday $1.65 Flannel Shirts Heavy grey flannel, two pock-, its; correctly AA Basement I Soy COUPON WORTH 31c With it you can buy on Friday Si Knit aps 69c THTCj COUPON With it you can Hi $7 Sheeplined oats DSkin lining 1 $4.85 f-feavy weight, shee rid collars to 10. Boys' THTi COUPON WORTH 31.30 With it you can buy on Frida $3.95 Raincoat Ml-rub he oliar. ft.

black only ficai rap COUPON WORTH 31c With it you can buy on Frida SI Pure Silk Hose Pure thread silk, all gilt. SL: PupusWin Honor Beam COUPON WORTH 41c it you can buy on xriday -uen in ue Min ts flannelette, cut 59c ew striped 1 i. Main THI3 COUPON WOETH 41c With it you can bay on Friday $1 lanette Shirts Bo re a shades Store 69c Khaki color, goot sizes weigh 59c THT3 COUPON WORTH lOr With it you can buy or. Frid 20c Stocking' 10 The Two girls attending school at the Ben Franklin Junior High School have taken honors in the check writing contest given by the They are, Virginia Conti of 9A1 and Mildred Foster of 9A5. This contest was announced in the October issue of Business and many of the commercial students of the school competed in the contest.

The awrards for the first prize to receive Business for one year, and those receiving honorable mention were to receive one dozen ornamental name cards. The two Franklin girls won honorable mention rewards. The fact that this contest was held all over the United States brings much honor to the girls winning the honorable mention. Miss Wilson, commercial teacher at the school, received a letter from the manager of the Business Educator congratulating the girls in winning this honor, and sending the cards, the result of their fine work. Recently JPurchased 1 ta i I road.

Bridge In Valley Opened To Public COUPON WORTH $2.07 itih it you caji buy on Friday 6 mon orrect winter weight, long and legs. Tolly Clown black school ngs, boys and eri rl? Store aananaan fInternational News Service) BEAVER FALLS. Dec. 16. recently by Beaver county from the Pennsylvania Rail-1 road and reconstructed for passen-1 ger, street car and automobile traffic, the bridge over the Beaver I river between Beaver Falls and Brighton was opened Wed-j nesday.

E. T. Whiter, vice president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, forma Bv turned over the deed to the bridge to the county commission- ribbons at each end of the bridge were cut. Beaver county paid $90,000 for the structure. Plan For State Main floor iLLS COUPON WORTH itn it you can buy on Friday Pajamas patterns, imported Engh broadcloths, two £141 eees.

Main floor THIS COUPON WORTH With it you can buy on Flanelette, warm fleece attached feet. Store 39 TFTS COUPON WORTH WB.ii it. you can buy ou Frirl THIS COUPON WORTH 96c Uii it caji buy on x. naay J.95 4-Buckle Arctics ioth tops, 4-buckle, good er soles and heels I QA asement THIS COUPON WORTH 34c ith it you can buy on Friday $1 Mufflers tor tshmeres, stripe and icck effects. Basement wVM THIS COUPON WORTH $1.02 With it you can buy on Friday $8 Slieeplined Coats Ohildrns 75c Sleepr mmmmmmmmmmm THIS COUPON WORTH 51c With it you can buy on Friday $1 IV nter Separates Correct winter ribbed Shirts and Drawers.

All sizes. Basement THIS COUPON WORTH 21c With it you can buy on Friday $1 Union Suits Long sleeves and legs, Pull cut. Basement THIS COUPON WORTH 3Cc With it you can buy on xriday 65c Waists Warm, khaki color, for school and play wear. OQ Basement SI Cordurov Pant 'ii rj eight, i made, knee style Store rjmersnrtwmoKB THIS COUPON WORTH With it you can buy on Frid $2.95 Novelty Dan Boone novelty suit, jae panfs, hat and gun. 14.

Boys' Store $1.4 THIS COUPON WORTH SI With it yon. can buy on Frit 0 $4.95 $1 Novelty Suits PlaW. Jni. Winter materials. Oliver Twist rom zipper fronts.

THIS COUPON WORTH 34c With it you can buy on Friday Union Store Cor. E. Washington and Mercer Streets Honest Values Dignified and Easy Credit Mirrors take the conceit out of sensible people, and put the conceit into foolish people. Poultry Show ra TOYS! Complete Line of Toys at Extremely Low Prices. THIS SPECIAL Kiddie Kars 93c Regular $2.00 Value J.

FURNITURE STORE East Avenue. DEER HEAD Have them mounted in lifelike manner. First class work guaranteed. Rug work, Birds and animals mounted, prompt delivery. GARTLEY BROS.

Ellwood City, Phone 789M. The Pennsylvania State Poultry Association and the Pennsylvania State Baby Chick Association will stage at Harrisburg, the moat interesting and important meeting in whi.ii these organizations have ever co-operated, on January 19 and 20. The sessions will be held at the time of the annual State Farm Products Show. Farmers, back lot- ters, fanciers, commercial poultrv- men, and others who have the interest of the poultry industry at heart will attend. Many of these will come from Lawrence county and some from Newr Castle.

THIS COUPON WORTH 51c ith it you can buy on Friday $1.95 Cord Pants vide wale, heav winter eight, all sizes. £1 A A se ment -tt THIS COUPON WORTH 27c ith It you can buy on Friday Work Pants eat patterns, dark cottunade laterial. Well made, asement ind middy styles. Basement 66c Storf THIS COUPON WCRTH 36c THIS COUPON WORTH 20 With it you can buy on Friday I With it you can buy on $1 Cricket Sweaters 195c Fleece Union Sir Blue, tan and brown weight, long sleeve.s pull-over style. 4 I egs, all sizes.

Basement i Store 66 98c THIS COUPON WORTH 56c v7ith it you can buy on Friday 1 Sleeveless Sweaters heavy jumbo cotton knit, rey and brown. iC THIS COUPON WORTH With it you can buy on Friday b9c Union Suits com- 49c Long sleeves and fortably made. Basement THIS COUPON WORTH SC With it you can buy on iric. 65c Bow Tie Sets Wonderful selection of patterns, make fine gifts. Basement THIS COUPON WORTH lOo With it you can buy on Friday Gloves ither 1 ace 15c vas backs, gauntlet THIS COUPON WORTH 1 26c Jersey Glove Warm jersey knit, knit gauntIt-t stvk-.

Admired Where Ever it is Seen Master Dry Cleaning CALL BELL Women never equals until men hugged. will be object to being PLASF Model 35 with ne Dial Not just Radio but the Radio for Christmas giving is We say it again and again. We say ft this way and that way, but we alw-ays say it. And the public believes us when we buy Better Are Built, Buick Will Build Lawrence Auto 101-103 S. Mercer Street.

Phone 44300 lit RIGHTS MARKET No Phones. No XMAS CANDY by the ton. All good quality and popular prices. Every day a Bargain day at MARKET ent RADIO because whoever it will bless the giver every day for many a year. Order NOW for Christ, mas delivery.

Huston Hardware Co. 124 East ljong Avenue. Phone 047. Jmoid Furniture cm. call Bell Phone 128 teau-Vy 818-320 E.

Washington St. Phone 4854. The $1 Cleaners 135 Washington St. New Castle, Pa. Across from P.

L. E. Station. Dewberry Bldg. One day service.

We call for and deliver. Model 30 with ne Dial lifTTI RIECRM3UNKIK MILK NEW BEDFORD anti Mrs. C. A. Moorhouse received members of the Domestic Club ir her home Friday afternoon, Decorat ions were carried out in; Christinas tones.

Christmas selec-l tions were given by Mrs. Wortman, Mrs. Black and Mrs. Carlisle. Roll call was responded to by Christmas stories.

The usual exchange of Christmas gifts took place after which refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Wylie Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McFarland and daughter Corrine Jean day afternoon with Mi C.

A. Moorhouse. Mrs. Wylie Cooper was Castle shopper Monday. Frank Moorhouse was a business caller in New Castle Monday.

Mrs. Abe Gruber of Geneva is spending the week with her daughter. Mrs. Colin Campbell. Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Moore and son Donald of Youngstown called on Mrs. Effie Shields Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Irie Fanning and son Junior and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knorr and Miss Wetzel of Pittsburgh were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H.

A. Wetzel. Mr. and Mrs. B.

F. Harry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Harrv and family attended silver diner anniversary of Mr.

and Mrs. Morris Cox of New Castle Saturday. was a New Mrs. Cox before her marriage Mrs. Anna Harrv.

If everything got lost as easily as a good pipe, everything would stay lest, most of the time. ---------All the world loves a lover, but all the world quits a quitter. Bumsteads Worm Syrrp an antel of Wherf directions art IT NEVEK FAILS. ind cost of SANTONIN it con- full Stood everywhere or bv mall TfOttle. A.

M. 1 'Mg' Gifts of Special Significance The Grogan collection of personal Jewelry includes many rare and unusual pieces suggestive of gifts of special significance. Among them are Diamonds, Rubies and other precious stones, perfect in themselves and mounted in Gold and Platinum creations that seem to blend with the glory of the gems. In addition to these exquisite pieces ready for immediate acceptance our designing department is equipped to offer suggestions or to work out your own ideas. When In Pittsburgh visit our roqah ompany JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS WOOD ST.


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