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Corsicana Daily Sun du lieu suivant : Corsicana, Texas • Page 12

Corsicana, Texas
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THE CORSICANA (TEXAS) DAILY SlJIi TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, PRISONER IN COUNTY JAIL, WITH HELP OF TRUSTY FORGES CHECK is Btory of a forffery that occurred In the county jali: Officers, however, were not derelict in their duty and promptly lodged charges that will probably land a couple of men, one white and one negro, in the penitentiary. accordig to a story reated Tuesday by David Ralston, assistant county attorney. A white charged with for- i gery was in jail. A negro tru.sty was serving out fine on swindling conviction and they decided on some easy money. The trusty, it was related, secured a blank check on a local bank at a filling station and returned it to the white man whom officers said had been involved In forgery activ.ties.

A check in the amount of was forged, the as-1 sistant county attorney said, and the trusty went to town, purchased a hen at a market for abotit $2, taking the approximately $18 in change and tossing the hen (as acarce and high at meat is) Into a trash can down the alley from the market. He was suppoeed to go back and dhT up or divide with the one that had drawn the chack and furnished the brain work for the transaction. The negro trusty, however, hearl that an uncle had paid out the remaining portion of his fine, and did not return to the county baa- tile on his own accord. The bank turned down the chack and the trusty found himself hack In the toils of the law with a Ing a forged instrument charge against him. while his partner In transaction haa another forgery complaint against his record.

The cases will probably be presented before the grand jury when the investigators return for work sometime this month. WILLIAM J. JOHNSON iFUNERAL SERVICES PLANNED WEDNESDAY I William J. Johnson, agad 81 years, plonaer resident of Eureka died at his tome, 1502 West Collin Tuesday morning, following la short Illness. I Funeral servlcaa will held the First Baptist chumh here Wednesday afternoon at 2 clock with Interment In the Eureka cemetery.

The rltea will be 'conducted by Jared l. Cart church, and rlftv. Joe WilbDnks. A native of Clayton. John- nnm and came to Texas with his familv at The are his Cnr-mt cana: a slater, Mrs i rect.

will SHIP MT. OLMIL8 S.AlL^ and Perkins, ages two and four, respjttively, wave to th-'ir 'ather, Jack E. Perkins, a aboard the Byrd command Mt. Olympus aa she leaves Norfolk. enroute to Antarctic.

Wirephoto). STRIKE EFFECTS CONTINTTED FROM FIRST PAGE power strike of October and the operating today, present Railroads Hard Hit Coal-using railroad.s felt said H. K. Buck, the Memphis Terminal Superintendent, adding Illinois Cer.tval is now loading 600 to 650 carloads of coal In the Kentucky fields dally for operation of the trains. Steel jWillB, deprived of vital coke supplies, anounced new furnace shutdown.s.

In Youngstown, Ohio, only 35 of 83 open hearths and 9 out of 26 blast furnaces were Daily Average Oil Production Down By 7,175 Barrels the --lies. laying off an adidtional 6,400 workers. The Southern Railroad at i Washington. D. laid off 5,000, the Baltimore Ohio an additional 1,062.

and the Norfolk and Western and the New York Central i 850 at Columbus. i Ernest E. Norris, president of! Southern Railroad, said the number idled will increase rapidly If the coal shortage continues. But an optimistic note was by officials of the Illinois Central Railroad where 1.100 workers returned to their Jobs yesterday at the Paducah, Steel MiUs Shut Down feel we are In good LDNO-RANGE HIGHWAY PRDGRAMS URGED TD CDUNTY JUDGE BDDY Rep Comb. Of Texa.

5' Waahington WA.SHTNtiTON, Dec Rep. Combs fD-Tex) has i He said he plans to Investigate release of federal funds for Ini. -onstnictlon of the Ange- jecD Here with Combs to look into the waterway undertaking are Weed. President of the lower Authorlt.v, and R. Easterling, authority attor- Attempt To Sell Mink Costs Men $25 WACO, Dec.

men who stiempted to sell 23 mink finerf have been A-r Ju.stice court after Game Warden Sam Turner and Hubert Brooks testified the pelts appeared to be two months HLM IS FEATURED DN LIDNS PRDGRAM AT TUESDAY MEETING The LJona Club program committee presented a film entitled Servant," at the Tuesday luncheon meeting of the club. The film was technicolor production dealing with the manufacture of metal through all it.s stsugM. Alatt Dawson, local attorney, sheek the hand the 13th time and received a subscription to the Semi-Weekly Light. In a short business session, plans were finished for the hight at the Country Club Dec. 17, and one new member was accepted in the club.

B. C. Mueller introduced the guest of the day, don of the Uhlted States Steel, through whose the film was obtained and shown. The picture graphically portrayed the stages in the making of steel products, from the mining of the ore to the fashioning of such finished products as wire, precision parts, wheels and other objects. Edwin C.

Hill the narrator. Gardenia Special fi.r this w-eek only, In ever- bloomlng Cape Jasmine (gardenias) only TBc. Come early, only a limited number, MoCIXNG NUStSEBir mx Miles South FIghway 75. $20 REWARD LOST OR TAKEN toy bull puppy about six ago. 820 reward for uy Information leading to recovery of dog.

Phone 526W or 211. AN EXPENSIVE IVR.M’—Miss Jane I.aBiisouiere around her shoulders the bide of a Hc'tiord. T. Pride, which was sold by 15 year-old Ja. Hoffman of Ida Grove, la for $44,375 at the American Royal Livestock Show in Kansas City.

The hide was ed for $4,100 and is being tanned at a Milwiukee tannery to be made I into six pairs of cowboy, boots to sell at pair, (AP Wirephoto) old. AU Steel Farm Wagron Chassis 899.00 Alexander Motor Co. Phone 1158. East 8th Avenue and Highway 76 SAN ANTONIO, Dec. John Redditt of Lufkin.

Texas, state highway commission chairman, recommended to the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Te.xas today that they adopt long-range road building programs with emphasis on construction of farm-to-market routes. Speaking at the judges and commissioners annual convention here, Redditt said county courts, the highway department and the public roads administration should work jointly on programs covering periods as long as 12 than two or three years has been the cu.s- Beauford Jester Is TULSA. Dec. Crude oil production in the United States for the week ended Nov. 80 averAged 4,809,345 barrels daily, a decline of 7,175 barrels from the preceding week, the Oil and (Jas Journal said today.

Greatest drop was reported by Kansas, where output fell 6,200 barrels to 275,500. production off 4,935 barrels to 43,265, California down 2,800 to 870,000, and the 1 WO-I ear-OId Child eastern area declined 3,500 to trapped pe mink Sunday, first day of the trapping season, and dried them over an open fire. The pelts was valued at $600. Masonic Grand Lodge Will Meet At Waco WACO, Dec. Grand annual communication will open here binorrow with an an- ticlpated 2.000 Texas Masons in attendance.

i 'Preliminary meetings were held yesterday by the Grand Royal Arch chapter and Grand Council, Among reports to be submitted to the Grand which will he presided over by Grand Master Is Killed By Car 006. Texas production remained Dec. ijp) Joe changed at An increase of I Quinton Bailey, two-year-old son 2,960 barrels to 66.730 was reported of Mrs. Quinton Bailey, killed in the Rocky Mountain area of i instantly here yesterday when Colorado, Montana and Wyoming, struck by an automobile in down- and Illinois output gained 2,950, town Haskell. The father barrels to 205,150.

officer In the army air forces Production for Louisiana killed when shot down over 407,950 barrels, 250 above the pre-j Grsnmany in October, 1944. vious week, and for Mississippi 550, an increase cf 1,550 barrels. Pat Neff, president of Baylor University, will be a pi ogress report on plans for construction of a Grand Lodge Memorial Temple in Waco. Wife Charged With Slaying Of Husband WORTH, Dec $7,500 bond has been posted by. Mrs.

Naomi Ford, 22, charged with murder in connection with the Saturday slaying of her husband. Will Ford, 30-year-old carpenter. Ford was found shot to death, having been struck in the back of the head. scheduled to address the tlon at 7 tonight. conven- I lovely A.

W. Brighten Your Home! Wallpaper in new eauty, cbam and to (OUT home. It brightens every room Stop in today and see ear Youth Held For Theft Of $400 From Church i new wallpapers. LEVEBMANN AND SON. Big 4 Shoe Store BIG Dec.

Chief A. G. Mitchell was in Dallas today to claim custody of a Newark, N. youth being held in connection with the 400 burglary of a Aged Man Found Dead PARTS, Nov. body of T.

E. Bryan, 72, was found yesterday in his home in Pin Hook community about 15 miles Paris. Investigating authoritie-s said he probably had been dead since Thursday, the last time any- Blg one saw him alive. Bryan was a bachelor and lived alone. ACTOR Bobby Driscoll, Cedar Rapids, is a 9-year- old veteran of nine Hollywood motion picture roles.

HEU LOVE YOU FOR THLS- jHonss futm Relax in a Turkish Bath! eqolpment second floor. Modem Expert Service. Tr.v one at the Y. C. Save On Shoe Expense Custom Made, Hand Tooled FLOWER BELTS Flower Carved with Flower Carved Bed or Black Background, H.

KNO'TTS, Room 319, Y.M.CJU BUTTON Tiierem Lifbten. inported from Switserlaad. rarpass an your ex- pactatiow of what curette fighter can be No fighting pipe wHh Automatic ...............................5.50 Manual with wind .4.50 Have Your Shoes Repaired Regularly. Four Repairmen To Keep Your Shoes In Tip-Top Shape At Reasonable Prices! We Add Months Of Wear. EXPERT You Will Be Pleased Shoe Shop 215 North Beaton Street For town or country rain or for every occasion except formal dress.

A coat of smart appearance designed on classic lines that never get DO YOU.R FEET HURT If SO, do you know why? If you know why, do you know how to cure them? IF NOT- CMumlt with fMl apMtalM, jiai Bdwmrd (Mleiwd) to Torktob intt Urn Y. dim to efclropcdlat ud kaa had many yaanT la torntrnug antom, tonlwM, aai Maoto fMto Itoto to aaatlMr pdblto madarai pkaoa far umpabitmaal T. Oal ar amda Nr lumia, batatoi baapttala. ar art aaaaad Oaor. Y.

M. C. A. All Regulars and Longs in Full Selections! 39 75 All Virgin Wool ip radiaioa CQtkHMM.

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