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Northumberland County Democrat from Sunbury, Pennsylvania • 2

Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IVIGGEG PROCLAMATION! $ur 1 VVV Pennsylvania mi StfNBUflY, SEET2, 1870," neutrality and not endeavor to prevent these consequences Of the war. I The Prussians conceiving that M'Ma-hon's aim was togain the frontier to effect a junction with Baiaide advanced on three lines.s, The CroWrf Prince keeping to the south of Nancy marched by way of Commercy, JJarIe-Du'c, SU Dizier and Vitry. The fourth army-under the Prince Royal of Saxony, keeping to the nort-b of Pont-a-Mous-son, naoved toward ChalonSj at the same time observing Metz, while Stein- same may be known, executed and obeyed by all assessorsj registers of toters, election officers and, others, a'nd that the rights and privileges guaranteed therein may be secured to all the citizens of this Commonwealth' entitled to the same. l. a.

Given under tn'y band and the great seal of the State, at Harrisbnrg, the day arid jreaf first above written. JOIrt W. GEARY. Got. Geary's l'jroclamation.

Gov. Geary, who promised our. peo f. E. EIOHIIOLTZ ALVIN DAY, EDITORS AND PRQFRIETORS.

THE FKEXCII-PIU SSlA.V WAR. A French Victory. PARisAugust 27 Midnight; The following official intelligence has been made public i "On the 25th at nine o'clock in the morning, Verdun wa attacked by the Prussians, 10,000 strong, commanded by the Crown Prince of Saxony. After an ardent combat, which lasted nearly three hours, during Which time three huedred shells were into- the city, the much injured by our artillery! were repulsed. Theloss is considerable.

THE exhibition of this Society for mo will kn leld Rt Scran ton on TUKSDAV. SKT. PNE8T AY, SE PT. 28th.TH UR.SDA "JT. 2th, FRIDAY, SEPT Tbe rronndi buildings and accommodations Ptemlun list HberaU There ti vi except entered or 8Pen TUKSIAY.

SEPT. fn Oscillation Larger-, than Any Paper Northumberland Cotfnty. Our Crtn'didate Tot ArfsJttbly Itobert Montgomcrj. This gentleman, who has represented us ably and fciithfully, one term in the Legislatrfrey and who has been Unanimously renominated tor a second term, fa accordance with the usage of tbe party, is entitled and we doubt nC will receive the united support of the' Democracy of this county, and the support of such others as believe a white man's governments and the supremacy of the white race. It Is important tabne rights of while freemen that he should be elected for during the next session of the Legislature an apportionment bill, far the legislative districtst will be passed, which will affect for weal of woe the rights of bur people.

The infamous gerrymandering of the ple in a speech at thu Coilrt House in' metz, reinforced, proceeled through Verdun to Rheims, bis right sweeping ATE NEWS ITEMS. At Ecr's drove, last Friday a five year old son of Philip Killer had Ms Tight arm torn off by a threshing machine in consequence of which he died. In Jefferson on the 16th Andrew Butler fell upon a circular saw which cat hla arm fearfully, and nearly cnt his head in twain. He died 1 Jacob Fink, of Juniata night watchman on the Pa. Railroad -In the Narrows, was found on Sunday morning a week with both legs broken and mangled, having been run over by one of the night trains.

Conners, who' some months ago was committed to the Massachusetts State prison for drowning the boy Eastman, at the prison wharf, died on the Three ears of the train for. New on the Mdrr'is and Eser Railroad, were thrown from the track, near Newark oq Monday and several passengers severely The cars were nearly demolished'. A New York widow "forty fell Tn love with a youth of The old one gave the young one a watch, and when yon tig one wouldn't marry, the old pne had him arrested for stealing the watch, but he was released. Geo. Welker, EsqV, of JAVprpool was on the Rail Road near Columbia.

The accident happened by his stepping from one track to allow a train to pass not noticing a this place, last fall year, that they the Uelgiao trontier in the hope ot meet wouia never nave negro suffrage WHITE FHEIfflNOWHEBE ing M'JMahon. Thus the Uerinan ad JL ne fcruara JN ationale served our guns, We have five killed and twelve' wound vance covered the country, from Bel Pennsylvania, they Voted it A NEW HOOK of the create ed. The enemy fired on an ambulance WE StJr't'OltT TEEJGffitiSjIUJl; tS This 13. a white man's go vernment, made "bjr White men, for white men and their posterity ore Stephen along the Meuse, to the Aube train, wulcn was struck seventeen rendering it impossible for M'Mahon THE NIGGER TniUMI'IIAXT I portanee. Written from a hljjh moral and pbysi, lological standpoint, by an eminent physician and medical professor It Shows how Satan it work In here, has issued a proclamation to the Sheriff arid Commissioners of this county, commanding them to see to it that to reaelr Metr rfM.r-,t times.

Two persons belonging it were killed. ue citizens made a vig orous defence. -t rn YThat CoTOde Thinks) ot Thines the nigger" has the right of the bal ''The movement of the Prussians The Renifblicari State Central Com GEAEY THE NEGEO PIONEEEI ii it ess He iiOitii lot and yet ho election has been' held along the Anbe seems to have beerl ar mlttee met at Altoona the other day in this State permitting white freemen districts, aa-was none in tne last ap rested, They are falling back on St to take into consideration the work be most sacred now nunc and ckxhai. kklaIions Pckk-mispko, but outspoken and apgTcsslTe the author handles the delicate otvrilkaut glove but In such a nmiinec as jiot minister to a prurient curiosity.1 Tnit Phtsical Rkokkkratiob of THjt Rack is a sul jeot Justly' enlistlatf the sjmiiathy and. interust afa11 true philauthr6tilafj, and tills It is believed will contribute to tuiif end Just lri tro-)ortion as it has readers.

A circular sent free, cotitaininif' a full description and synopsis of the work with' liberal extracts. to express themselves for or against iizier. xarge Domes oi infantry-are portionment act by a Jladical Legisla- passing through Lunvilleand Bayou." DE KINGDOM COMEK' fore the party in this State. The attendance waS and the feeling among thOBe; who were present far from hopeful, It was that negro 'suffrage. Negro-suffrage, aud negro-office-holding has been crammed Paris, AuiUst 28.

The Ovinion turer ought not to be repeated, and will not if Democrats, and those opposed- to- nigger" rule, are true to Nationale says battles were fought on down the throats Of our people through the aJd and 24tn which resulted Democrats stood a good chance of r.i C.F.VEXT, Publisher. train coming on the other, which struck him, tf the fraudulent adoption of constitu College Place, Kew wholesale slaughter oi. the Prussians; breaking his skull ana cutting on one foot. gaining half a dozen Congressmen at the coming election. John Covode xue same paper says eteinmeta was tioual amendment, and in violation of A man named O.

F. Grosvenor fell from AVDITOR'S NOTICE. -The Anditor. anpolnted br the OViHtarui' beaten on the fofhier date and Freder hectored and ranted about the neccs the railroad bridge, at Scranton, seventy feet pledges made the people by Republicatn Of Northumberland county, to restate Miean-'f ick Charles on the latter --1 J'J- i. 0eerAti County- TieUef.

'Sy. -V CONGRESS WILLIAM: FOLLMEK, of Tuxbatl tuhjectte- Efetrict Conference 'ASSEMBLY W. fcOBERT MONTGOMERY Lewis. ASSOCIATE JUDGE 1 AilMOND M'CORMIGK, Milton count of Samuel K. Herb.

Administrator nf uigu, muuuajr uigut, uo evu, sun wm stantly killed. office-holders and Republican plat sity of preventing such a result, and all present coincided (With him in the i. Ou Thursday, at JEpei'ny; the iNa fe "tabe of lanlel Herb, decoamd, and alas distrll. heir trtrsts. "In the last apportion" ment; strong Republican counties in many, districts were hitched on to several small Democratic counties, in orders to overslaugh the latter and make void the will of their majorities.

This same outrageous work will be repeated should the same party secure a major uie via i unus in me nanin or aaid Adm utntn, tional, Guard repulsed a Prussian 3 forms. It remains for the people', who have thns been betrayed to place their ano hdohi inose mmea uiereto. win nM beliet that it would be a disaster which must be averted if possible. The wavs The ceremony of laying the corner stone of the State Normal School, at West chester, will take place on September- 14th, at 2 o'clock, p. Mr The committee on invitations A Prnsslau Victory.

and means of keeping the Radical I ti his office, in the borough of Sunbury, forthepnr-" poso of his appointment, on SATVUDAV, the S4th day of SEPTEMBER, 18T0, all those havln lurerest In said estate who mav sea nrom it se seal of condemnation upon the party of fkiSrnnV. AllOTlst2a. Thfe fllnivin party up to the work were discussed Radicals, by defeating all theircandf- are Dr. Worthlngton, John Marshall and Tm. 8.

Kirk. The occasion will no doubt attend. GEO. HILL, Awfitor. official despatch is dated Bar-le-Ducv and it was conceded On all bands that i As white men have no rights which "niggers and the nigger-head party are bound to JohnW.

Geary, the nigger-head Governor of Pennsylvania, has issued a proclamation to the Sheriff of this County, to enforce the right of the negro to He says it is hia (the Governor's) sworn duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. -a But it seem he is more anxious to! execute laws in favor of the nigger, than those iff favor of white men It seems white mfen have no- rights which the Governor is bound to If thi was not the casey why did he ot issue proc-lanmlioa enforcing the following Con SSw4 dates foif office which may be presented monev would be needed, and that in be one of great Interest. ItSGISTEBf RECORDEITs Je ridav nisrht i i for public favor. In allnding to thisH generous profusion, to make up for the LEISENRING, Northumberland Charles Conley was shot by Richard Allen, in an affray on Fifty-fifth street, New York, The garrison of rJ surrendered on Thursday morning. The Prussians trevulbion in popular sentiment which proclamation the Pat riot holds the fol lowing language on Saturday nigbt.

The affair waa the re COMMISSIONER: '1 had! been caused by the unpopular le captured sixteen guns." Two Data! sult of an old quarrel. i ions of the French Garde Mobile were gislation of Congress by its extra vagance, its land -grabs, its subser We say It wHn regret and (Thame shame Mr. Lord has resigned the pastorate i FARM JFOIt mHK undersigned Offers at private sale his -a. Farm in SUamolin North'd couUlnlug WO acme, more or leu, whereon Is erected a two-story ityg, weatberboarded hmse, 1 (rvcently rerdtoduled and painted.) a sood bank -bafTif' and neceasary ontbolldlnirs. are r.

ttaree springs of gOid water within a few rods of the house. Forty acres is timberlaud and the balance under coed eultlvaUon. A good apple i orchard and other fruit, is on the The farm ia enlv 4 mila Ann ikanirin i. i. annihilated by the Prussian cavalry for the good old Commonwealth that if ev or the Main Street M.

E-. Church, at Patter viency to monopolies, and especially ity la tbe neatXcgislattire. The prbs-peets are against the higger-head party if the Dentocracy hut stand united. Everywhere, since the. fraudulent ratification of the 15th or nigger" amendment giving negroes the right to vote and hold bfflce and putting them on political and 1 social equality with white men ia the tide turned in favor of the Democracy.

The reaction has commenced in earnest to re- JACOB nUNSECKER, Lewie. JCRY CKMMISSIONER PHILIP Delaware seventeen is rencn othcers and o50 sol son, New Jersey, in consequence of pending diers were captured. Prussians er a man seemed determined to proclaim himself publicly a fool or, as Dogberry has it, "write himself down an ass," that indi cnarges oi oigamy by the forcing oi negro sullrage upon the people of Pennsylvania agttnst tbe wish of a vast majority of the white 'The mlnature steamer City of Ragusa. was had one major severely and three troopers slightly -j 1 vidual is to be found in the person of Gen recently spoken in longitude 42 degrees 10 exeoUeni market for all nrodueta of a farm. Vn.

John W. Geary, Governor of the State of AUDITOR! EISELY, Sunbury population. seconds, latitude 59 degrees 40 secdhdev All further particDlars call on the premises, or address GEO. W. BUKWEK.

SnnbnrT. This puissant and renowned well on boardv rv PMrla Awaltltagr Attack RmTl warrior, whose majestic person, mounted on -John Roe, a sneak thia, nts allot by Offl the Ministry JHa9Ilion. Mid 17a uovooe thought he coulcf promise sonfe moneyfrom the Cougresslonal Committee, which is engaged in laving the back of his coal-black charger, frighten cer Cowan, of Brooklyn, on tta. 27th. while nine form a Junction.

stitutional provision of Pennsylvania, which is the supreme lay of the State, (and stands unrepealed,) and which the Governor took an oath he would uphold and defend" when he entered ed tne soui oibtonewaii vacKson, seems as Valuable; JPr'6pertyr (' Jrlvate IBalo. st endeavoring to escape arrtfet. Tbe thief Paris, August 30. has1 a. tribute oi one per cent upon the salaries of all clerks and other office anxious to make himself as terrible in civil life to evil-doers as be was in the crash and died instantly.

been received irom the front except ru THE anderslgned offers at private sale his val- uable DroDertv In Point A terrible storm of fhrmder and liehtnlnr carnage of battle to the confederate battal holders, lie admitted that many of mors of engagements fa 1 Hud county, on the B. L. known as ions, that trembled and fied at the sight of these were disposed to revolt at the ex voraDie a tne French. xhe coun prevailed along the Hudson river Thursday the 25th. 'Awful disasters 'bv licht- Cameron Station and Chulasky The This paper recognizes only reliably Democratic journals.

JL "family organ" eoalcf be expected to defend" notre others than members of tbe "family." i Don't neglect to jay your income It ia all needed to pay the reve try people are now beginning to second nis snaaow on tne neia oi Dattie. By a proclamation which he had no an action, but thought the administration would allow the screw's to be applied ning are repe-riae. At Kingston five persons were killed by one stroke. Reports of fires firoiwri ty oonsisWrof ia acres of land, three oVoll- ng houses (one brick and two frame,) two iarire Stables (capable of holding 34 homes each,) store house and'store goods, blacksmith shop, and ne-" cessary outbuildings. The land is under morf upon the dutfes of his office.

'1 The following is the Constitutional provision, in favor of white men, to which we Article section 1, of the Constitution of this State, says the xrench scouts in. giving precise information of the movements of the deem and disenthall our government, founded ou the immutable principle of white supremacy, from "nigger)' misrule and domination, and establish beyond all possibility of controversy that, in the language of the lamented Stephen AV Douglas, this Is a white man's made by white men; fo'r white men and their posterity forever." "7 1 To reverse this principle, and carry thority to issue, and for which there was not the slightest necessity apart from his desire to them. If that were done, he was of caused by lightning are coming in from all The new stone Methodist Church opinion that a considerable sum could enemy, Uihcers and others wlio have la "Mlamna was struck by llirhtnlnif and cultivation, well fenced, and has on it a apple, orchard and fruit of all kinds. The-diflerent be iurmshed to marshal the negro vote, arriveu irom me ironc. insist mat- a damaged to the extent of $1,000 to, 1,500.

great battle was fought on August 27. to wnisicey the, boys ot the to render himself notorious, he has capped the climax of absurdity, and exhibited himself to an astonished and humiliated people as the most concentrated piece of vanity and presumption to be found within the limits of the Commonwealth. nue officers. It yvould be a shame not via tross urusn in King street, and that Bazaine and MacMahon houses, will be sold separate or tosvUMr, to' suit purchasers. SWIf not sold before the 1st ef October next the property will be for runt.

For further particulars call on the premises or art- dress JOHN PEARSON. I near Port Chester, was also struck and party, and get. out the. lukewarm The quarrel in his own district was al 'ioilty. to pay fixem for their joined and that they expected to meet totally destroyed.

luded to, and "Honest John" is said dy this ume: the army of the crown It is time tbe people should be made ac On Thursday of last week a party of bovs to have sworn a streak at the- mention out the dogma that a negro is equal to Prince which was constantly being re lert fnosnixvuie, topic Derrles. trey Mw2ft-, Chulawky, Uorth'd A VALUABLE FArRH AT PRIVATE SALE. of the disorganization in Fayette coun is no doubt but that neara tne train from rhiiadeipbta approach r. a white man, and entitled to all the privileges political and social of ing, and one of them seated himself, on the great 'battle will take Dlaco at once. "In elections fey the citizens, erery white freeman of the age of twenty-one years, having resided in this State one year, and in the election district where he oners to vote, ten days Immediately preceding such election, end within two years paid a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at lest ten days before the eleetion, shall enjoy, the rights of an elector." The silly pretext for this proclamation, that niggers are not being registered and assessed in this county, in order to qualify them to vote, is all ty, lie expressed nimserf as very doubtful about that district indeed.

Tfie condition of the French troops is track to show how sear the engine might approach and allow him to escape. The THE subscriber would offer at private sale all that valuable tract of real rataAe. nitnntn in excellent. 1 MacMahon has also receiv ana we taKe it ior granted that he does President Grant has issued a Proclamation declaring the strict neu trality of the United States, in the war VetwecnFcance and Prussia. 1 Pn ij amUDced: ( the forger But-fcr, Radical C.

from has been-arrested anctrKuntffover in $5. 000. "Won't thislnake a howl among I 1. I i 1 white men, the nigger-head party have placed in the field for the Legislature, cowcatcher struck him and tossed him thirty not entertain the slightest hope of de ed large reinforcements. An entire ud State of Pennsylvania, containing 72 seres," leei, killing mm instantly.

corps, the Thirteenth, numbering 50, quainted with the true character of the individual who disgraces the Executive chair of the State that they should know thoroughly the magistraie whom a set of interested politicians hare placed over them to their utter disgrace as intelligent and honorable men. Those who have had intercourse with him will bear ns out in the assertion that his inordinate vanity, to which that of the Jfrog in the fable will bear no comparison, and his fitful bursts of temper, have disgusted all who were disposed to be his true friends and alienated many of them. Apparently he seizes npon every opportunity which presents itself to make himself as ridiculous as tying just wiuiout tue iiufin or the iioroughef Watsoutown. belnc tbe farm lntelv owned On the night of the 18th. a fire broke oat feating Hon.

Henry Foster with the man he has put ut against him. in this county, V. Ncsbit, who is in favor of negro-equality fn all its 000 men, which was organized here. in the each- and blind factory and' -pianine has been sent to him. Bazaine has rcnoea are 1 oi cumvation.

Other districts were spoken of id Vfhich great dissatisfaction and bitter quar mill of varts Brothers, Auburn, New Yrok. The building -which was; of wood, and the most disgusting phases in', favor of Jf 'he improvements commit, of a good been' abundantly supplied with pro Such anxious solicitude for the nigger" is only worthy the hero rels existed. John Cessna's chance of vainaeie macninery contained in it were negro suurage, negro judges, negro visions and munitions, now- il STONE DWELLING HOUSE, witu 11 rooms, suited for two fa ml I lew. all tieot-s-' destroyed. Loss 910,000 insurance $8,000.

jurors, justices," constables, and all being returned was regarded as decidedly slim, if the Democrats- made a sary outbuildings a good BASK BAKS. two' prepared to resist an attack. The halt of the Prussians in their move on Paris of Smckerville," and the nigger- M. Txiocar. clerk, and Beniamtn' F.

other offices to which white men are yv agon oneos, uor a c. A Stream of wa- tcr flowing through the farm, a neverfalllnir jTjffAxienerable fossil Santa 'Anna 'I. ni'Uag a feeble attempt to raise Reynolds. manager of the branch office of head party which he leads. gives time for the arrival of enormous 4 Srirlndp nf mwul a tta 1 ..7 possible and thns far he has so well suc-eded that he has become a theme for lest strong nomination.

1 The case of Cree-ley and O'Neill, in the Second Phila the Wheeler Wilson Sewing Machine Com Gov. Geary, in order to nullify tl reinforcements, now on the wav from ciioice bearing fruit, a gnud Liraestuno 6 uarrr. I us pany, In the lower part of Bf. Loafs, have the provinces, and the capture of this been arretted for robbing fire rumin office of delphia District was taken up, and a resolution passed directing the Execu (for lime and building puVt and evKrytoi- necessary for a well regulated farm will hsc. found.

i entitled. This man, who stands upon a negrocquality platform, adopted at the Court House in Sunbury bythe nigger-head Convention which nominated city is considered impossible now. about $1,000 worth of property. aiSvher rumpuss in Mexico, ne old jsaan had belter keep quiet and go on with his-trying. GfitANT ba8.1aJlea so low that eren The above dHtcrIled' farm will be offfre A he Aliui8trv is on the eve of depart On' Friday morning, the 19th, a fire broke tive Committee to go' to that city, take evidence and decide who is entitled to ure tor xeure.

The JSmperor has-lwen provision of our State Constitution, and make void the oath which he took to uphold and defend" it, has issued the following ''nigger proclamation Executive Chamber, Harrisburg, Aug. 27, 1870. but in Richmond's stables, on San ford street, is traveling the county, and writ private aale until Oct. Iff, 1870. Any furthy formation will be given bv address! scribvr, at Watsontown, iJorthnuil ty.

or calling on hira at hlsrwlii invited to aceouinantr rfio Minist.rv be regarded as the regularlv nominat epnngneia, Massachusetts, ana extended ranidlv to Walker's and blocks, nn J.i dug nas responded that his place is and laughter among tbe intelligent classes of oar citizens. Everybody of brain In Har-risbnrg knows this. lie Is spoken contempt-nonsly of by many of the best Republicans in the city, and there are none but official ds. pendents, hangers on about the capital, ani the few who yet expect favors from him; that do bhn reverence. The alleged reason for issuing this- Billy and uncalled for proclamation is that it has "come to the knowledge" of his Excellency thv sundry assessors and registers of voters have refused," to perform their duties under the amendment and the acts of, aware twn, I.

SAMUEL AVH ed candidate. This decision of Co-vodeV committee has raised a row among the supporters of O'Neill, who with the army, now, near Verdnn, the same street, botn'of wmsh- werer destroyed. The loss is heavy. i low JO ing letters to Democrats, with a view to deceive them, with false representations that he will represent them fairly if elected. He will do no such thing.

where a great battle is Immineut. A The Cincinnati and Albany Express train VALUABLE FABKI are disposed to resent any interference To (he County Commitrionert and Sheriff of County of Northumberland -Whekbas. The Fifteenth Amendment of series of bloody engagements had taken Blaee i-n the wooded retrlnn i tmtwofln George "Wilkes deserts-him, as well as theNewTork; Timet. One by one his friends fall away, and he now stands quite deserted. How different from the lime wfegn he was put forth as the "matchless." ran off' fire track at Greenbush, New York, iPRIVATE Vergennes and Stenay.

buf nothing i He will vote, whenever occasion re with the decision of the Radical City Executive CbmnriCEee, which ruled Creeley out. 'Armstrong was consider the Constitution of the United States is asI Monday (the 29th), smashing five out of eleven coaches. A brakeman belonging, to Rhinebeck, and a woman passenger from decisive is yet known; All the work follows TIIE FINE FARM lately occupied by Joha Haughawant, doe'din Upper Angnsta township, NorthamierIand is offered at private sale. It contains 104 -Acres, has a good Dwelling House; Banlc ed to be in great danger if being de- shops in Paris are closed to-day. Iowa, name unknown, Were killed, and a boy had an arm Several other pas Congress and the legislature.

Now, giving to Gov. Geary the full weight of tbe extraordinary reputation he bears in teated the Jbucks District was re- quires, to sustain the dogma of negro-equality, the doctrine of the platform upon wbieh he is running. Democrats cannot put faith in Vhe promises of aiucu coniusion nas Deen created here by the forced departure of a large num sengers received silent Injuries. Tbe acci Tiib New. York Herald says that no less tban four oi thti most able Repub this community 'Tor "truth and veracity, Barn, Wagon Honsn, Stoue Spring Flonso" dent was caubed by a misplaced switch.

It ber oi Hermans. we must be permitted to declare solemnly that we do not believe a word of this. Tbe is stated that the person in cftargo of the switch was lntoxleated. lican Representatives ia Congress from and a never-falling, 8prlg of The Farm Is in a good state of well fenced and has a fine Young Orchard upon Section 1. The right of citizens of' the United States to vote shall not be denled'or abridged by the United States, or any State, on account -of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

-1 Sec. 2. That Congress sh-il have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation, i And whereas, The Congress of the United States on the 31st day of March, 1870, 1 Klnr William Claims Anotber Sac- fjarded as just as good as lost the Re-brm movement made things look blue even in Allegheny and there was danger' that the parly would be delivered of stillborn twin-candidates in the Crawford Such was the bondition of the Congressional canvass thing, Jn onr Judgment, is en font of Ohio have positively declined a re-nom Colonel Whiteley, United States detective. whole cloth in order to give bis Excellency For further particulars and terms in-- quire of 8. P.

Wolverton, Sunbury, or of the inatiopi- The reason is evident they an excuse for exhibiting himself once more has arrested in New York, Dave Ilerrlnge, printer- and engraver, who has been operat London, August. 2d Midnight. Generals Frossard and Bourbaki have upon the stage as -a political harlequin. subscriber, on the premises. are tired1 of lhe company they have charaeter in which he appears to delight.

ijmi juuah nauuiiAYVAur. ing i or nearly ten years, in counterfeiting. When taken, two thousand dollars in couu- been wounded. as reported to Covode at the recent "been kecpiogV euch candidates they liave been too often betrayed. John B.

Packer traveled this-county two years ago begging Democratic votes upon tbe profession and promise of corjserwttisK but his i pledges were made only to be broken. His record in Congress was of the most ultra and radical charaeter i-voting, for negro- and in WMCh we think nature has qualified A despatch dated headquarters of meeting of the Radical State Central him to shine. Committee. But were it true that sundry assessors," VThe uex Legislature will have the terfcit two-dollar bills on the West Chester Bank were found in his possession. The Widow of John Scholly, the man who was killed last spring by being precipitated the King 'ot Sunday' evening, says Yesterday there was an ac have refused to perform their duties, It And there was the Legislature tion between tbe Third Regiment of would not alter the case In the least.

They apportiosment of the Congressional 'and Legislative districts, the first for in danger at least the state senate are amenable to the laws for non-performr Lowry kicking up the biggest the next ten years-, the second for seven. tbe saxony horse, supported by a squadron ot the Eighteenth Hussars, and six squadrons of French chasseurs, ance or violation or duties, and they know it and the people know it, without any gratui kind ot a row tbe northwestern cor suffrage the force bill" and all the ner, of the state, the doable district? tous in formation from (Jeary. as re Both of these are now fixed by the same Legislature for the first time other extreme measures of the nigger- near bezanne. uur troops were victc was- likely, to return two Democrats, gards the 15th amendment', and the act of passed an act entitled An act to enforce the right of citizens of the United States to vote in the several States of the Union, and for other purposes the first and second sections of which are as follows 8ec. 1.

Be' it enacted" oy the 'Senate and House of Representative of the United States of America, in Congress That all citizens of the United States who are or shall be otherwise qualified to vote at any election by the people in any State, territory, district, county, city, parish, township, school district, municipality; or other territorial subdivision, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of racer color, or previous conditio of servitude any constitution, law, custom, usage-, or regulation any State or territo nous. The French commander was and nothing could beat John Beck in Congress and act of the 1 legislature in rela since 1801. The same thing wflt not head party. Let no Democrats put faith in the promisea of nigger-head wounded and taken tion to it, the whole, or such parts or each as are necessary for tbe guidance of officers Lycoming, Union -and Snyder. is no wonder Covode swore In the worst occur until.lOiL r' 1 candidates iboffice.

ij (i Frederick Cbarles In Pnraalt.of Mae affected by them have already been in all the newspapers, of. tbe State, and kind of English. ----w Hahon Freneb Cavalry Boated, Fifty more Chinese have been' sent The JJemocrats of-Fennsylvania have London, Aug. 30. It was reported Jflgger Proclamation.

Vs iar as- John Governor tojNdrth' to take" the tjbx. -mm -Wm. Vi. Jm -V i will again appear in the election of the sheriffs without any instruction from or interference on the part of the Ex-ecutlve jg a chance to win a' most substantial and valuable victory in October. They can carry all the close Congressional several days ago, that Prince Frederick Jt place of -while" men.

They display -m-i sw i a ot Pennsylvania, is eoncernedr itNvas VWk -mmmm I 1 down an embankment, where there was ho railing along the road laid in Mahanoy Towuship, Schuylkill county, has recovered judgment for $5,000 against the township. Joseph Zelozosky, a Pole, an old soldier under tbe first Napoleon, died at his residence, 685 west Twenty-sixth New York, on' Friday last, agfjjd ninety years. The deceased served under- Mnrat in the Russian war, saw Moscow burned, got safely back to France, was mad a sublieutenant by the Emperor, served the Bourbons during Napoleon's Elba life, rejoined, the Emperor on his re-entry into France, fought at Waterloo, and, after the downfall of Napoleon, was' exiled to this country in 1815. i From tltw-Lcwirtown Gazette we lcrn that John Laforte, a German who had been employed on the farm of Jacob C. llartrler, about half a.

mile south of found dead on Tuesday of last week, lu the field where be was eirgaged in spreading manure, lie was aged about 55 years, served as a soldier during the rebellion, was gen. erally known as Dutch John, and, no dowbt' died from heart Mr. Samuel liefer, formerly of Kelly Charles would return and go in peF suit of MacMahon; and this report unnecessary for Congress to pass a bill great aptness in learning trades language, which render them the more Justice at at i last districts, may secure control of the State Senate, and might elect major KonVoenuine unless signed Brrra. to enforce the Nigger Amendment to seems to be gaining strength. It is supposed that the Prince has been thus ry, or by or under Its authority, to the contrary not witbstandiag, an -iiu-, Sec.

2. 4nd be further enacted, Thnf if is likely to be' meted' out toKirk dancerous in the" mean time the the Con8titutio of the United Slates. ity ot members or the House by polling their full vote. Let the organization led to depart from the original plan of arxf the rest -of the minions of Gov, Chinese amuse themselves at home in operations, because his line ot commu TfOTICE is hereby riven by the undersigned 1M that my wife Margaret has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation. Tbla Is therefore to give public notice not to trust her' on my account, a I will pay no doUUof her con-j tractlua after this t.

IlOlden, of ITorth Carolina; The pe Our noble Governor intends to see that Mr. Nigger gets his new-born of the party be completed everywhere at once, and let the battle' be fought murdering Europeans.1 1 1 nications would be seriously endanger ed with so large an army in his rear. sons whom he arrested Without authority of law' and tortured "because rri i A ketteb ttJ2liipL the rights without fail, as will be -seen hy the humftir I ti- bravely and energetically. The coming contest is-really more important-than that of last fall. Let the full vote of xne J.

tmea vais morning says un Dy or uuaer tne authority of the constitution or laws of any State, or the laws of any Territory, any- act is or shall be required to be done as a prerequisite or qualification for voting, and by such constitution or laws persons or officers are or shaW be cbarged with the performance of duties in furnishing- to citizens an opportunity to perform such pre-prereqaisite, or to become qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of cyery-finch person and 22t3 Danville, Aug. 0, 1870- the 27th lust, five German detachments would not plead1 euiltv- to crimes of -r -Hakkisbdeo, 27. Governor Geary the Democratic nartv be polled, and of French cavalry, near 15uzaney iv i FARMERS EXAMINE ANt BUT whiciv they were innocent, have been the department of Ardennes. the second Tuesday of October will be reciting various amendments to the National mostly discharged- by Judge of Germans belonged to the fourth Army and State laws by copy, and declaring' that township, Union county, met hia death in a day of victory. Lancaster Intelligent cer.

-in'ifi f'i! fi.ij.:, Radicals to smite them hip and thigh has' not pre sen ted itself to the Democracy for a long Ume, than will be presented this fall. Only, let us be well rganized and every man at his- post, and our triumph Js certain, notwithstanding their new nigger recruits I which is now scouring the Jtjastern de it has um to Iris knowledge that there is the following terrible manner While he HE I BAUGE'S Thi First Raw Bone -Phosphate ifCulejf if Au. Othxhs Ar ImitItions. now a deficient enforcement of tbe Fifteenth the United States District Court-Kirk and his lieutenant, both been arrested and bound over for trial; and the latter in default of bail, A Brutal Murder in Missouri- partment, in order to prevent comma nication, between MacMahon and Ba zaine. Amendment in Montgomery county, conclu officer to give all citizens of the United States the same and equal opportunity to perform such prerequisite, and to become qualified to vote without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude and' if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give fall effect to this A Youno Lady Killed by Her Re London: Aug.

301:30 M. The ding as follows s. "And whereas it is my constitutional and official duty to take care that the laws bo faithfully executed, aod it has come to tny knowledge that sundry as jected 'Lover. A Qulncy dispatch gives the following account of a brutal was sent to jail.1 When the Legisla foUowhig news from the French War waa raking hay, with a revolving horse rake, at his home, near Colonl the horse disturbed a nest of humble bees. The insects tung and frightened the horse, causing It rerun.

The'lines "being "wrapped around Mr. body, he was -thrown1 fol ward the rake. It struck a stump, when three of the teeth entered his body, the one causing the fatal wound penetrating six or seven inches, taking effect in the bowels, and breaking off. Mr. I.

pulled It and walked a short distance totbe bouee. Medical aid Was procured as sneediiv as possible. murder at Miss Abbie Summers, a hiszhlv ac Office, is just received ihero Nearly nine hundred thousand men are now ten 1 section, ne snau, ror every encn offence, forfeit and pay the sum Of five hundred dollars sessor and registers or voters nave xeiusea and are refusing to assess and register divers complished and beautiful young lady, in the triangle formed by lines running SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LEE 25 years old, the daughter of Mr. Nat. colored male citizens of the lawlnl age and otherwise qualified as electors now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, the irom Uheimsto xtethel, and vousieres.

TiiE-Hadical State Committee have resolved thai the next Slate Convention shall be held at Harrishurg on March 10th, 1871, Measures are then to be taken to secure a Constitutional Convention to strike the word I white out of the organic law of the Conimon-wealth and to otherwise emasculate it. llovaina a rt cKufr It' liaa lOO summers, a weaitny ana prorameni county commissioners or said county are farmer, who Jives three miiersoutn oi 000 men and MacMahon- ftas 180,000. MARK was brutally murdered at or bereoy notified ana atrecveu to iosvruci iae several assessors and-registers of voters therein to obey and conform to the require They are stealing two marches on the Prince Royal, who is two days ahead ri 1 ti- near Liouisiaua, on ounaay, Dy a bnt proved futile, and, on the 25th, he died, lie leaves a wife and ten children, lie was in his 55th year, snd was much esteemed. man named William Cole, a resident FALL 187CK ments of said constitutional amenameu ana laws and the sheriff of said county is hereby Tbe following- are tbe particulars of the hoped that the latter caauot come up time. of Hancock I1L It seems that Cole had been visiting Miss Summers and ofciod his hand in marriage, robbing of the United States Express car on the Mississippi Road on the 26th.

Shortly 30: The. French after the train left Scott's Station, Missouri, scornfully refused him. madeof1 Raw of Unbutncd 1 say the district between Rbeiins, two rough-looking masked men hastily entered the car from the rear platform. They aawsa III llIUUKDUtlua riSttH7l IIIOBW1IWI HI leres, udan, and jviontmeay wui ne He still persisted in visiting her, greatly to her and order to Oil of Vltrol, preaentlna tbe Bone In i authoriaed-and required to publish in his election proclamation for the next ensuing election the herein recited constitutional amendment act of Congress and act of the Legislature, to the end that the same may be 'knownexecnted and obeyed by ail assessors, registers of voters, elestlon otncerSj and that the rights and privileges guaranteed therein may be -secured to all the 'Citizens of the conp monwealth entitled to. the same." the scene of the next general action.

a nigniy soluble and lickly available form, and quickly available lorm, MacMahon 's extraordinary move the Ammonia in such proportion as to Insure demanded the keys of the safe from tbe conductor, and seized him. After a desperate straggle, in the conrse of which he was struck repeatedly on the head and One get rid of him, she went to an node's at or near Louisiana, where she eugaeed in teaching and on crops. crori prompt and vigorous action upon the mav have delayed the Crown Prince's Where Banga's Pbopbate was appllod fSe, advance on Paris, but it has also made blow, it Is feared, fracturing tbe bridge of Sunday Cole visited her ana again that advance at auy time hereafter c0ct he was tied and the key taken from asked her band. She indignantly refused him and turned her back upon him: The sale was then robbed and tbe ras past season, the indications, without are that it will maintain its well earned reputation. We request all in need of a fertiliser to give this artlole a trial.

-r ttBA -EOHi Orica No. 2J Socth IlxiiWAR Aviwctr mtArLPitiA'i. 1 him. where upon he drew a large butch Ijter Defeat of JTMabAn -Its Official The Rev. J.

Sella Martin, eolored, lias Been appointed Siccial Agent of the Post office Department, and will be assigned to duty in the South. His duties consist in a sort of detective service ova post masters and mistresses, the majority of whom are white, and may not fully relish this kind of superior surveillance. imm Gehbbal Grant has had a Sheriffs vvarra4 served upon him in St. Louis, damages laid at $300Q, because a horse belpnging to him kicked and broke the leg of another horse that' was in the same field with his. The fellow who presented Grani with that kicking horse should pay those damages.

No more kicking horses wanted at the White House. er knife and stabbed her' through tbe Confirmation. 10 p. M. The -brea8fc knife entering herback and BerTjIN August 31 cals escaped by Jumping from the train.

Joseph Kearney, Professor In1 Sctoh Hall College, was killed by a railway train, near South Orange Station, oh Monday night, the 29th. lie was from Baltimore, unmarried, and aged about twenty-eight years. Tbkktom, August 29. The Washington express train that left here about 2 r. been followkip: official report has just received-here from-the headquarters ot and without a.

munner. One report W1TY WILL YOU the army at Cuzancy, a town of i rauce, has it that Cole gave himself up, and requested to be hung and another is id the province of Ardennes, twenty kfor New York, met with an accident near five miles soutneast or memeres Lawrencevlue, about 6 miles, north or i reu he is still at large. Buzancy, August 31t-6 p. M.The nion, by one of tbe trucks running out from French armv under the command of ture meets, Governor Helden will have to answer for his crimes- and numerous violations of the constitution and laws of the State; We do not see why who sent regular troops into North Carolina to sustain Holdeo, should escape punishment. i In a letter received by General the President, writing from Newport, R.

says will deave for "West Point on Priday evening. 1 do not know.wheu I be in- again." The Lancaster Intelligencer, says he is of so' little account at the seat of government that, the public, generally, don't care how long he stays away, or whether he ever gets Let him take his time, and have a pleasant chat and smoke a friendly se-gar and break a genial bottle with the nigger cadet at West Point. Such relaxation will do him good, and he much more congenial to his tastes and inclinations than to bother his brains with State affairs, about which he rknows hothing-M, i I ThlTDcmocratie CanipaignCommlt tee at Washington is in receipt of the most favorable intelligence1 from all parts of the country. Since the North Carolina election, the situation in the South has decidedly improved, and from the West the news is equally cheering. Great gains are expected in Ohio, Indiana and other States in the West.

Pennsylvania: and New York will also show more Democratic members in the Forty-second than they had in the Forty-first Congress. In a Serious Fix As Mr. John WellearHoltenback's hired man, was driving a lead' of hay into the barn on Saturday, a heel came off, letting the axle down, and Jini came to the floor with the hay on top of him. With all speed the hay was- removed and Jim rescued from a-- very dangerous position, the pitchfork baying pinped him tine on each-side of his neck. A very nawwr escape.

Wilkes-Barre to the person aggrieved tucrepy, be recovered by an action in the case, with full costs and such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall deem jnst, and shall also, for every such offence, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not? less than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one month adtf not mbre than' one year, or both, at the discretion of the court." And whereas, It is declared by the second section of tbe IV artiele of the Constitution of the United States, that This Constitution and the laws of the United' States wbieh shall be made In pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law of tha anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." wnEBEA's, The legislature of this Commonwealth, on the sixth day of April A. D. 1870, passed 'atT act, "A further supplement Us the act relating to the eTeetMta in this Commonwealth," the tenth section of which provides as follows Sac. 10. Thnt so mttch of every act of assembly as provides that only white freemen shall bo entitled to vote or be registered as as claiming to vote at any general or special election of this Common wealth, be and the sam is hereby repealed and that hereafter all freemen; Without distinction of color, shall be enrolled' and- registered according to the provisions of the flrst soetion of the act approved the 17th day of April, 1869, entitled" An act further supplemental to the act relative to the elections of this Commonwealth and shall, when otherwise qualified nnder existing laws- be entitled to vote at all general and special elections in this Commonwealth.

And Whereas, It is my constitutional and official duty to take care that the laws 'be faithfully executed and it has come to my knowledge that sundry assessors and registers of voters have refused and are refusing to assess and register divers colored male citizens of lawful age, and otherwise iquallfled as electors. NoW, THEREE'dir; In consideration of the premises; -the eonhty commissioners of said cdnnty notified and directed to instruct the several assessors and registers of voters therein tb'cbcy and conform to the requirements of said constitutional amendments and laws; and tte sheriff of said county is hereby authorized and1 required to publish in his election proclamation for the next ensuhnjr election the herein recited eo A'MAN Attemptb Suicidb'Dtjr- under the down upon tne iracK whlle' rUhnlng under -full headway 'One man, a believed' to- be' from Vine-land, New Jersey, was instantly killed, a brakeman had an arm broken, and five pas- ino Divine SeRVice. The congrega tion at St. Faul'a Ohurcn, corner, of Broadway and Vesey -street, New York, was thrown into considerable excite Bengers were slightly wonndedi ne ac The present State Superintendent of Common Schools J. wanted to be sent': to' Congress by the Radicals of Lancaster county, but he was beateri by Dickey af the nominating election last Saturday by 5000 ma-jorify.

following is one of the many incidents Of the election in Lancaster city, given by that spry little daily, the Intelligencer? "In the Seventh Ward the first vote polled was by a fcegro. As he offered his ticket he was asked what he wanted. wants to vote for said' he. "What's your jnamet" said Judgd" MeGlin n. "Jones," he teplled.

"What's youf first-name?" "Why Mittah Jones," said he. "What Mr. Jonesr' said the Judge. "Mistah William Jones, ob Ooose stteei" he answered. "You ain't Vm Jones," said an outside Wickersham man 'T know Bill Jones, and you ain't the man'" 'Tcf, sah, Is said the darkey, "de odcr ruan Wm.

Jones, and he ain't so pnTe blood Of mrw Mr. Jones' Tote was received, as well as Mr.Jonei i No 2, and about thirty other "Uod PXJk between the ages of 18 and JVloso Maxwell voted, the mora! reform cn-dldate of the Exprtet for county coriimoa" called-all hands into Walker's nni.Med beer saloon, where the whites and blanks "took another drink all around" at bis expense. 1 Marshal M'Mahon was attacked by our troops to-day in the neighborhood of Beaumeut. They were driven back towards the Belgian fn The French encampment was" cap. tured, 5 i The French1 artny waa pursued for and the pursuit only ceased through the night coming on.

cident detained other trains ior souio nuie but the road is now cleas. ment Sunday evening tveek byUhe rpnort of a nislol in the callerv. An RT7IN YOUR EYESIGHT ur Vus6i common glasses i When you can purchase LAZARUS nOKRM SPECT1CLES ETOCLASSEi, Jacob Lv- Metzoeb, formerly of investication showed that a German named Edward Marquery, had at- lemDted suicide.having discharged the The number oi prisoners ana guns taken by us has not been estimated on- contents- ot his revolver into his ab- Xewisburg, but more receBtly a citizfenJ ct' Chicago, 111., came to hia death oif the 18th' in' thb following way: lie and" neighboring boy were on their way to a'favorfeble nnnt-iug ground. Coming' to' a deep ditch in the prairie, about six miles from nppnnrtr. of the ffrant fextent-of the bat- domen.

He was removed and the They are reoommeniled by the FACTJj.Tx for wounds were dressed. The pistol did PUBITY OF MATKKIAJj, HKILV'ANCY OK' ux not contain a ball, but several small FINISH, and their 8TRENUTHKNLN IN and, exool PBESKRV1NO POWERS, in" which the Marquery, who was "not msatre, acted' strangely. He stated' that he all others. Tbsj-iaet many years without ohthgo. i he requested the boy to get out of the buggy iu which they were was- City-, years ot age, a teacner oy calling, and that life had' become a LONDOiv, A-ugust 31--evening." Advices from Paris state that the emperor Napoleon is with General M'Mahon and hia array at Mezieres.

The nucleus of the French army, is represented as remaining The Prussian storiaea-tbe heights of Beaumont and drove M'Mahon back over the Carfanan- and Mouzon- road Tins' Bepublican State Convention of Ohio declared against a high protective tariff, and against giving aray the public lands to railroads and other corporations. It is no wonder Scuenck and several other RepubKeau Congressmen fear to go bofore the people, when their acta are thus publicly condemned erven by their own party. The Demo- cracy ought to carry Ohio this TTTN'iuen up by the thumbs and hanging them till they are almost-dead, ifl cmter- to-" -distort frcm them- lies whereby they can arrest others were recently quite innocent pastimes of the Republicans of North Carolfna and their friends here who to be horror-stricken at the penalty of the whipping-post for felons in Delaware, vbavf not a Word to say "in condemnation of the HoldetuKirfcvbarbaritj. We have pleasure la stating that Watchmakor-aad r. MXRlCET SCjtfkBE SXTNBUltT, PA.

burden to mmv nence nis wiuiagneo Riding ana lead the horse in order to pasSfsttfely over. As the vehicle passed over'ttre) rut, a dog jumped out, and it is supposed he threw gun against Mr, M. Something struck the lock at to take his cTiatifcea in- eternity, lie had eotife' to' church: not with the in .1 uut 'the Bame time, and the charge entered CAUiiOB-nr. Meixeii 1 an sole aacnt'foif Bunwrr nu vioiniiyi IMmmrw at Morria, v. tention of s'hdoling himself but joining in the services and endeavoring to resign, himself to his hard life here on earth7, for he had; he said; lost all his farMy by death and' was' alone in the wUfld, without a friend or.

a cent of money. In a' mbmcnt of despair he placed the pistot against his body and toward3Scdaui- London, August 31 'The official correspondence between the various provincial governments- has been published. It announces the intention of Prussia to retain Alsace and Lorraiueand believes that the European powers will be true to their altitude of wanuiaeruring upncians, Hartford, Tac Democratic Congressional Committee, at Wishington, has com-rnenced issuing campaign documents. Fifteen have already been- sent out. They treat of the tariff the debt, railroad land grants, government expenditures, the investigations.

1 ma ten Dreaat. uo uuetea- tue- God 1" and expiredi An ioquest was held over his-bod5- aAor 'whicht' was taken to Chicago for' interment; He leaves wife and two children, who residual 372 West Madison street Chicago i Go to iissiNUjsiia: for CALlCOthc best stitutional amendment, act of Congress, anf act of the to the end that the 1 1 a w. 9.... i. 1, rtv-S Si '''BtsaS'W.

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