Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 26
- Publication:
- Star-Phoenixi
- Location:
- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 26
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
on 11 1.30 1 in or one or in 8-3-e 5. Mr. ing sachs 84.000 0. 1977. 1.
$300. PAGE -SIX They Boast in New Zealand Of Being "Plunket" Babies J. Canadian Press Correspondent AUCKLAND, N.2. (CP)--Nine out of 10. New Zealanders of the younger, generation cheerfully boast: a Plunket it is a declaration of pride in a national system which is just celebrating its golden jubilee.
New Zealand believes the Plunket system of infant care was largely resp for giving it the infant mortality rate in the lowest world- a position the country held for many years. It is still among those with the lowest death rate among infants. Probably in no other country has child care system won such universal acceptance by the whole population--from the richest to the poorest. As mothercraft training, or the Truby King system, it has spread from an entire community. It is supported by voluntary contributions and all its services are free.
BEGAN ON FARM It began in a curious way when Dr. Truby King was medical superintendent of a mental hospital at Seacliff, in Southern New Zea- Manitoba Frogs Get Protection WININPEG (CP) The Manitoba government has a new fisheries regulation which, in effect, tells United States Misitors: to keep their hands off frogs. It has restricted the province's annual frog harvest to Manitoba citizens one of the few restrictions placed on U.S. residents who are invited to partake at will of the province's fish and game providing they pay licence fees. Government officials say the an important source of income, to Manitobans in the Interdistrict, hard pressed by floods which have reduced agriculture returns in recent years.
But frogs for medicinal and research purposes are needed in Wisconsin and groups from that state were planning to work over a big marsh area of Lake Manitoba. The new regulation has nipped the plan in the. bud. Provincial officials feared an influx of Wispickers would flood the market, lowering prices, Manitoba's frog-picking industry was started last year by Keystone Fisheries of Winnipeg. President G.
F. Jonasson says income to producers for that sea season was $25,000 to $30,000 expected to hit $50,000. Some families have earned as much as $100 a day catching frogs. Taken in September and October, frogs are exported to the United' States. They are used mainly in research, though frog legs are in demand as a table delicacy.
Frogs are also used by hospitals for pregnancy tests. Early Frost Harmful to Pine Trees OTTAWA (CP)-A little-known climatic condition that produces killing frost in midsummer has destroyed more than 200,000 red pine trees over a nine-year period at the federal forestry branch's experimental station at Valcartier, Que, Studies by forest research officers of the northern affairs department and pathologists of the agriculture department's science service showed that the trees had been planted in "frost areas where a layer of cold air accumulates near the ground on clear summer nights producing frost in the growing season. The studies were launched in 1946 when a large number of red pines were discovered dead or dying at the Valcartier station. Red pine is used extensively for reforestation in sandy soil in Eastern Canada and wholesale failure of large plantations posed a threat to reforestation. The investigations, which continued until 1955, showed that only the lower branches of the trees were killed, indicating that insects or disease were not responsible.
Th same evidence ruled out drought and deficiencies of minerals in the soil. Elimination of these possibilities narrowed the cause to climatic conditions. The characteristic pattern in which branches were dead to a consistent height suggest killing by frost, As a result a full study of the effects of summer frost has made. It was found that nothing could be done to save threatened tolls once they had been planted. Scientists recommended that studies made of local climate in doubtful areas before planting.
The study revealed that some hardy trees survive the frost. Those that do, put out new branches to grow only in the warm air above the frost line. Boston-Pops Bars First-Desk Men men are barred from playing with the Boston Pops Orchestra even if they want to. The Pops concerts were begun, not for public enjoyment, but for the benefit of Boston Symphony personnel who would otherwise be unemployed from May until October. When the orchestra -was organized, first-desk men, the principal performers in each chair of the orchestra, were banned from participation because they received extra salary anyway.
The ban has continued and first-desk man may appear only as guest soloists. SASKATOON STAR-PHOENIX, FRIDAY, JULY 1957 SIDE GLANCES--By Galbraith 7-12 "I admire that Jones boy, Alice eday he's going to be an Olympic star!" CARD OF THANKS REEVE WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR deep appreciation for the many acts of kindness and the beautiful floral tributes during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. F. E.
Wait, Reverend Dr. Rex Nolan, St. Paul's Hospital, the Saskatoon Funeral Home, and Sask, Lodge No. 16, A. F.
A. Reeve family, 7-13-p IN MEMORIAM BAKER IN LOVING MEMORY OF Joseph Baker who passed away July 12, 1950. Forever remembered and sadly missed. Gordie, Jean, and family. 7-13-c MARRIAGE LICENSES 3 BLACK'S JEWELLERS FOR MARriage licences, Diamond rings and matched wedding rings of finest quality.
253 2nd south. xtf PLEASE ALLOW 8 FULL DAYS TO obtain marriage licence, Stacey's Jewellers. One location only at the pedestal clock. 102 2nd Saskatoon's best diamond value xtf FUNERAL DIRECTORS SASKATOON FUNERAL HOME W. A.
Edwards, W. Arnold Edwards Donald W. Somers 348 2nd So. Telephone 5577 xtf PARK FUNERAL CHAPEL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Mansel G. Binkley, Jack M.
Binkley. William Pearson. 311 Third North. Phone 21241-2 xtf McKAGUE'S FUNERAL HOME HARRY McKAGUE M. McKague R.
J. McKague Phone 23131 300 Third Avenue. S. xtf FLORISTS MARRIOTT'S SASKATOON NURSERY. 126 2nd N.
Ph. 23300. Flowers for all occasions. Nursery Ph. 22107.
xtf FRANK J. DOWDING, F.R.H.S., FLORist. Everything floral needs. Store opp. Eaton's on 21st Street.
Ph. 22345, night 92750-31636. We observe the Wednesday half-day closing bylaw. xtf MILLAR'S FLOWER SHOP AND GREENHOUSES 214 21st Street, East Phone Day 7777 Night 7775 "YOUR PERSONAL FLORIST" CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS FUNERAL TRIBUTES xtt VICTORIA NURSERY (MRS. A.
MeAllister and Miss L. Gold). New store location 237 21st St. E. Senator Hote) Bldg.
Ph. 23664. Nursery ph. 97438. xt! MONUMENTS 5a WEST SIDE MONUMENTAL WORKSRed and Black Granite imported from Sweden.
Marble imported. Bronze memorials. Service six days a week. 901 20th W. Phone 7445, xti ROCK OF AGES AND BRONZE MEMorials by Western Granite Marble 714 2nd N.
Phone 5365. xtf LOST AND FOUND 6 LOST BROWN WALLET WITH money and valuable papers. Reward offered. S. Samberg.
Cut Knife, Sask, 7-13-c LOST ONE PAIR OF BLACK rimmed glasses, July 6. East of Clarence between 11th and 4th Streets. Reward. Phone 31556. 7-15-c LOST JULY 3, LADY'S NEW glasses in brown case.
Thought to be lost in 700 block, Ave, south. Phone Bradley's 21163, Reward. 7-13-p LOST. ALUMINUM NOTE BOARD with a hinged lid containing foolscap paper. Apply to G.
W. Selleck, phone 32054. Reward. 7-13-p-S LOST BROWN AND WHITE DOG. Child's pet.
Less than a foot high. Answers to the name of Jinx. Reward. Phone 21801. 7-15-c MALE HELP WANTED 12 CEREAL CHEMISTS.
Nationally known food manufacturer requires a university graduate of equivalent as an assistant I Chemist in an Eastern location, preferably under 35 years of age and with experience in the cereal field. Excellent opportunities of advancement in the organization. Also full insurance and pension plans. Apply stating expected salary to: BOX 379A STAR-PHOENIX 7-14-c RAWLEIGH DEALER WANTED FOR nearby rural route. City district also available full or part time.
Write Rawleigh Products, 1109 Ave. K. N. 7-13-c-6 YOUNG MAN for Local Office of National Company Excellent opportunities for advancement. Comptometer experience an asset.
P.O. BOX 208, SASKATOON 1-15-c MEN ON NIGHTWORK. WE NEED two bondable, physically fit part time men under 50 rear of age with 5 years city residence for half days and some full days as guards with some driving. Must have own employer's consent to work days part time. Write to A.
Baldwin, Room C. Standard Saskatoon. 7-15-c MALE HELP WANTED 12 (Continued) LARGE CHAIN Organization has interesting opening for a branch manager. Qualifications as follows: Married. experienced as salesman, having done some investigation work, knowledge of public and personal relations, Splendid opportunity for advancement.
Salary commensurate with qualifications. Reply to: BOX 367A STAR-PHOENIX 7-17-c APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Rural Municipality of Tramping Lake No. 380, for the position of Secretary-Treasurer. Applicants to reply in writing stating, age, marital status, qualifications, experience and salary expected, applications to be in as soon as possible, apply to the office of the Rural Municipality of Tramping Lake No. 380, Scott, Sask.
7-24-p WANTED GOOD MECHANIC. HOURLY or monthly wages. Year round job for good man. House available. State wages and experience, Box 3526 StarPhoenix.
7-13-c CAREER OPPORTUNITY CAREER OPPORTUNITY Excellent opportunity for men between ages 25-45 who want to consider a worthwhile business career in an unlimited field. Applicants must have favorable personality and be able to meet successful business men. We are prepared to invest considerable money in the right men during their training period, with initial salary ranging from per month, depending on qualifications. Complete group sickness, accident and life insurance benefits available. For interview please contact Box 405A StarPhoenix.
7-15-C WANTED FULL TIME SECRETARY building manager. Ideal working conditions. Apply in writing stating experience, salary expected and marital status to secretary, Can. Legion No. 73.
Flin Flon, before July 22. Subject to veterans' preference. 7-15-c Salesman Wanted Immediately By established drygoods variety wholesale distributor servicing dealer stores with a modern program. Excellent opportunity (salary and commission) for capable experienced salesman. Age 25 to 40.
Residence in Yorkton area essential. APPLY GIVING REFERENCES AND EXPERIENCE TO P.O. BOX 727. WINNIPEG, MAN. 7-15-c Salesman Wanted Here is an outstanding opportunity for an active salesman with a good general connection to substantially increase his earnings handling a top line of advertising specialties and calendars.
Top grade man who makes far above average earnings with very extensive line. Here is a chance for a high income sales career for the right man. Write in full detail regarding yourself to Box 3527 Star-Phoenix. 7-13-C-S FIELD OFFICE MANAGER required by Highway Construction Company Permanent employment. Winter In Saskatoon head office, construction season anywhere in western Canada.
Prefer single man, Experience desirable but not essential, if applicant under 40 years and has good education and reasonable office experience. Good salary and benefit plan. Apply in writing, giving full details and list references to P.O. BOX 710, SASKATOON 7-15-c MECHANIC FOR I. H.
DEALERSHIP, experienced in diesels and tune up. Permanent position, group insurance and benefits. Krips Unity. Sask. 7-17-el GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR GOOD adto body men.
Apply Korpan Motors, Rosthern, Phone 69. EXPERIENCED PRICER Required for Wholesale Hardware Office Good working conditions, 5-Gay, 40- hour week, pension plan, group insurance and welfare benefits. MARSHALL-WELLS OF CANADA LTD. Phone 24261 WANTED, MARRIED MAN TILL freeze-up. Separate house.
Apply to Box 82, Girvin. For Classified Phone 23141 MALE HELP WANTED 121 (Continued) EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVER. APply in person. Spotless Dry Cleaners. Wanted Immediately Experienced Backhoe Operator Please reply stating age.
experience, wages. Box 3524 Star-Phoenix T.V. AND RADIO TECHNICIAN TO take over running of service department. Good wages offered. Please state experience and wage required to Box No, 1631 Star- 1-19- YOUNG MAN Preferably recent graduate civil engineer interested in sales.
To be headquartered in Winnipeg and travel in Western Canada, Salary commensurate with experience and ability. Apply BOX 3520 STAR-PHOENIX WANTED ELECTRICIAN WITH provincial journeyman papers for permanent position. Apply Superintendent's Office, Canadian Pacific Railway, Saskatoon. WANTED EXPERIENCED SINGLE bartender, middle aged. Please state phone No.
Apply to Box 3533, StarPhoenix. 7-16-p LEADING SASKATOON AUTOMOBILE DISTRIBUTOR REQUIRES THE SERVICES OF ONE SALESMAN IF You have a desire to sell and feel that you are suited to this vocation. Supply details as to age, education and marital status, in your reply to Box 419A Star-Phoenix 1-13-c WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR SALES clerical work. Prefer someone with experience in correspondence and related contact with sales force. Opportunity with established offering many employee benefits.
Box 422A, Star-Phoenix, 7-15-c COOKS WANTED Previous institutional cooking preferred but would consider other fully qualified man. Rate of pay $210 to $240 per month. Excellent personnel policies including sick benefits, medical group insurance and pension plan. Apply, giving particulars, to Personnel Office, Moose Jaw Union Hospital, Moose Jaw. Sask.
YOUNG MEN required for training in aviation trades. Pay while on course is good. On successful completion, graduates may be sent to RCAF bases anywhere in Canada or overseas. Today's Air Force offers the best in working conditions and pay, and provides opportunity for travel end advancement. Get a copy of "Aviation and Your Future" by writing RCAF RECRUITING UNIT, Saskatoon or Phoning 22101 7-13-c-5 FEMALE HELP WANTED 13 WANTED TWO GENERAL DUTY nurses for 16-bed hospital.
Duties to commence June 15 or as soon after as possible. Starting salary $240 for R.N.. $220 for graduate. Maintenance at $30. Increments of $5 every six months for three years.
One month's holidays with pay after each year of service, all statutory holidays. Separate residence. Write or phone Matron or Secretary, Kinistino Union Hospital. Kinistino. Sask.
NURSES AIDE REQUIRED FOR 30- bed hospital. Salary $145 per month, shifts extra. 44-hour week. Duties to commence July 15. 1957, if possible.
Apply Matron, Balcarres Union Hospital, Balcarres, Sask. 7-20-c WANTED BY LLOYDMINSTER HOSpital- -An experienced X-ray techniclan, R.T preferred. Excellent working conditions in a modern hospital and new 300MA machine. For further particulars phone or write to the Secretary, Lloydminster Hospital, at Lloydminster, Sask. WANTED MATRON, NOT NECESSARILY B.C.
registered. Thirty-bed private hospital. Must be good with elderly people. Apply R. C.
Knox. Box 255 Comox, Vancouver Island. 7-15-c WANTED COMMERCIAL TEACHER in Pitman and basic subjects for large business college. Apply Box 397A Star-Phoenix. 7-16-c NURSE FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE, WITH particular interest in maternity work.
Box 393A Star-Phoenix. EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL OR bright girl willing to learn. Apply Hollywood Furs Wear. TOP SALESLADY AND ASSISTANT manageress (no buying). Salary $200 month.
Thorough experience in dealing with the public. Will interview only first class applicants. Box 388A Star-Phoenix. ti SALESLADIES REQUIRED ONE full time and one part time, to sell exclusive ladies' wear. Steady position, highest salary according to merit.
Apply Miladi Style Shop. HAIRDRESSER WANTED. APPLY Godfrey's Beauty Parlor. 130 1st south. 7-13-C WANTED- -FOUR GRADUATE NURSES to start Sept.
1, for 22-bed hospital. Starting' salary $225 with $5 increase every six months. No split shifts, 44- hour week. Vacations, sick leave, etc. as recommended by SRNA.
nurses' home. Write or telephone Mrs. A. Osborne, Matron, Kerrobert Union Hospital, Kerrobert, Sask. tf BOOKKEEPER TYPIST required immediately.
2 years' experience Married or single. Good salary, Apply: National Employment Office Order 1990 BOOKKEEPER STENOGRAPHER quired as soon as possible for purchasing office. Salary range $167.50 to board, room and laundry supplied for $30.00 per month: Superapnuation, sickness, accident and life insurance coverage. Work: secretarial including compiling of statistical information, letters, filing, etc. Previous authenticated experience considered in placement on wage scale.
Pre-employment medical examination required; age limits 18 to 45 years. Apply to Purchasing Agent, Fort San, Saskatchewan. SASKATOON PUBLIC SCHOOLS require A School Nurse With Duties to Commence August 27. 1957 Applicants should arrange personal interview with Dr. G.
Binning. Medical Director, telephone 6535. and F. J. Gathercole, Superintendent of Public Schools, telephone 22645.
Written applications stating age, training. experience, religion, and present position must be seat by July 20, 1957, to E. Wedge, Saskatoon Public Schools, 211 4th Avenue, South, Saskatoon. Saskatchewan. 7-15-c THE PARADISE HILL UNION HOSpital requires one registered nurse to commence immediately.
Salary $235 with increments, 3 weeks annual holidays. etc. to Aiso one graduate nurse commence at $220 with increments. Please send applications to G. T.
Preece, Paradise Hill, Sask. Phone 26. FEMALE HELP WANTED (Continued) WANTED -TWO REGISTERED NURSES for 30-bed hospital. Gross starting salary, $230 per month, maintenance $30 per month, increments of $5.00 every six months, one month's hollday with pay after each year's vice, new modern separate nurses residence. Duties to commence as soon 55 can be arrenged.
Apply by letter or phone reverse to Miss Gladys Vigneron. Matron, Unity Union Hospital, Unity, Sask. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, ONE R.N. for 9-bed hospital. Gross salary 9240 with Increments of $5.00 every six months.
Max. 5270. Three weeks holiday with pay after one years service. Nurses' residence close to the hospital. Apply Sec'y Fruntier Municipal Hospital, Frontier, Sask.
1-16-c CIRCULATION CLERK FOR NEWSpaper, education grade XII, good command of English. accurate with figures, good typist. Pension and medical plan, 5-day week. Apply in own handwriting stating salary expected to Box 413A Star-Phoenix. PRIVATE SECRETARY REQUIRED.
shorthand and typing. Five day week. Thirty-foar hours. Write Box 415A Star-Phoenix, or phone 97107. 7-16-p LADIES 18 TO 60 NEEDED TO WORK veth me.
Special, needlework. No experience needed or any selling involved. Can work full or part time or at home. Write Box 3530 StarPhoenix. 1-17-p PART TIME SALESLADY FOR AFTERnoons in lingerie, sportswear store.
Steady position, best wages. Apply Cinderella Style Shop, tr TRADE SCHOOLS (Female) 13a Opportunities for Women AMBITIOUS WOMEN WANTED Pleasant, steady, bigger earnings after learning Hairdressing and Beauty Culture. Literature Free, Write MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 227 21st Saskatoon 7-13-c-5 DOM. HELP WANTED 13b HOUSEKEEPER COMPANION FOR city home, state particulars to Box. 409A Star-Phoenix.
7-15-c MALE SITS. WANTED 14 ACCOUNTANT WITH AUDITING, INcome tax, payroll, general bookkeeping experience requires position. Box 382A Star-Phoenix. 7-13-p YOUNG MAN EXPERIENCED IN stock keeping and surveying, Phone Arthur 6381. 7-16-p YOUNG MAN, TEN YEARS ACCOUNTing experience and typing desires morning or afternoon employment.
Phone 93964. 7-15-p MIDDLE-AGED EXPERIENCED CAMP. cook wants position. Go anywhere. Immediately, Box 416A Star-Phoenix.
7-19-p WANT WORK AFTER 4.30 WEEKdays or all day Saturdays. Phone 22226 evenings. 7-13-p FEMALE SITS. WANTED 15 BABY SITTING ANYTIME, NUTANAPhone 33938. 7-13-D WANTED.
WORK BY DAY. PHONE 5217 Madeline. 7-13-p BABY SITTING AND LIGHT HOUSE work while mother works. Live out. Phone 25695.
7-15-p CAPABLE GIRL, 18, URGENTLY REquires temporary work. Can type, take full of household, some waitress experience. References. Ph. 25926.
7-15-p S.O.S. WE HAVE A STAFF EXPERIENCED OFFICE HELP Available for any period of time. Day Week Month Phone 20060 25351 SUPERIOR OFFICE 7-13-C-8 YOUNG WOMAN WANTS 3 DAYS housework per week. Phone Mrs. Unruh.
6210 after 6 p.m. 7-13-p FARM GIRL WANTS WORK DURING July-August. Phone 21669. 7-13-p HELP WTD. (Male-Female) 16 Real Estate Salesmen Or Saleswomen An excellent opportunity for three ambitious salesmen.
Very good returns to right party. Box 395A Star-Phoenix 7-16-c WANTED, QUALIFIED X-RAY TECHnician and also qualified laboratory technician. Apply medical superintendent, Saskatoon Sanatorium. 7-17-cl EXPERIENCED TAILOR OR TAILORess. Apply in person, Spotless Dry Cleaners.
7-15-cl WANTED, REGISTERED RAY technician, Holy Family Hospital, 130 beds, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Wire, write, or phone for particuJars. 7-18-c TISDALE SCHOOL UNIT NO, 53 Request applications for the position of office assistant in the Tisdale Unit Office, male or female. Preference will be given to applicant with experience. Must be good typist, knowledge of shorthand and bookkeeping an asset.
Duties to commence July 15, 1957, Or as soon thereafter as possible. Please mit reference and salary expected to W. McCurrach, Tisdale. Sask. 7-16-c SITS.
WTD. (Male-Female) 17 EXPERIENCED MARRIED COUPLE one child, desire work in or close to Saskatoon. Experienced in dairy, grain and beef farming. Will rent on shares or run for wages. Apply Box 105, Warman, Sask.
7-15-p MALE INSTRUCTION 19 GET FACTS International Correspondence Schools Representative 1238 Ave. C. North. Saskatoon. Ph.
5602 TRADES, PROFESSIONS 21 Jenkins Floor Sanding Floor specialists. Free estimates. Phone 22230 or 4634. Licensed. PROFESSIONAL RUG AND UPHOLstery cleaners.
Phone 21078. J. S. Burst- Sanding Linoleum and Tile Laying Phone 4471 xtt MAC'S CONSTRUCTION LTD. "HOME" builders, 1118 Avenue L.
south. Phone 4918. FOR YOUR PAINTING NEEDS AND A right price, phone 8868 evenings. xti CEMENT WORK, BUILDING REPAIRS and remodelling. Phone 24190, Larry Plante.
Contractor, EXPERT CEMENT WORK. TOM'S Cement Service Phone 23954. FOR PAINTING AND PAPER HANGing phone Upper 29174 NUTANA SHARFENING SERVICE8th Street and Broadway. Phone 32755, Lawn mowers. saws and general sharpening FOR STUCCO, SIDEWALKS.
DRIVEways, dry wall, taping and fencing. Free estimates. Phone 32414. WALL WASHING, CONTRACTING and rentals. Free estimates.
Phone 21078. WELDING OF ALL KINDS Specializing in prefabrication of Pressure Vessels and Pipe. Equipment rental- -Portable welding. MeNulty's Welding Limited 1206 Ave. W.
South. Phone John Buday Construction Specializing concrete driveways steps, sidewalks. Free estimates. 97073. Phone CONSTRUCTION, GENeral contractor.
Brick. block. tile work; plaster, stucco, joint filling carpenter work: alterations. Phone 93241. WE SPECIALIZE IN STUCCO, SPRAY painting, brick and cement work.
31841, after 5. TRADES, PROFESSIONS 21 (Centi PLASTERING, STUCCO. CEMENT work and repair plastering. Phone 4439. CALL FOR TENDERS GRID ROAD CONSTRUCTION THREE MILES Sealed tenders will be received in the office of the secretary until July 22nd, noon, 1997.
Tenders shall state: Price per cubic yard for earth moved and equipment to be used Tenders shall be panied by certified cheque or bid in the amount of $500. The Municipality will require successful bidder furnish a performance bond equal to of the estimated value of the work. Tenders will be opened in public at the Councti Chambers July 22nd, 2.00 p.m. Lowest or any tender not accepted. E.
Quine, R.M. Kelvington, No. 366, Kelvington, Sask. NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDNA CHATFIELD, late of Saskatoon, in the Prove ince of Saskatchewan, Domestic, Deceased. All claims against the above estate, duly verified by Statutory Declaration and with Particulars and valuation of security held.
11 any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 29th day of July, A.D. 1957. GOLDENBERG. TAYLOR TALLIS, Barristers and Solicitors, 408 Avenue Building. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Solicitors for the Administrator, FLOYD CHATFIELD.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF RUSSELL CHATFIELD, late of Saskatoon, the Province of Saskatchewan, 'Retired Taxi Driver, Deceased. All claims against the above estate, duly verified by Statutory Declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 29th day of July A.D. 1 1957. GOLDENBERG, TAYLOR TALLIS, Barristers and Solicitors, 408 Avenue Building, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Solicitors for the Administrator, FLOYD CHATFIELD. 7-13-cl NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given of the following application to the Director of Vital Statistics in the Department of Public Health of the Province of Saskatchewan under the provisions of The Change of Name Act, 1947.
From: Peter Olianin (otherwise known as Peter Percy O'Lain) To: Peter Percy O'Lain From: Rosaleen Olianin (otherwise known as Rosaleen Lain) To: Rosaleen O'Lain From: John David Olianin To: John David O'Lain DATED AT 'Saskatoon, in the Province of Saskatchewan, this 10th day of July, A.D. 1957. Peter Olianin, 402 Ave. south, Saskatoon, Sask. 7-13-c BIRTHS DR.
AND MRS. KEITH STINSON (nee Reynolds) of Winnipeg are happy to announce the birth of their son, Barry Paul on July 9, 1957 at St. Boniface Hospital. 7-13-c SHADICK TO JOHN AND MARY (nee Cairns) daughter. Sylvia Jean, July 9.
University Hospital. 7-13-c DEATHS MURPHY THE PASSING OF Estelle May Murphy in her 74th year, beloved wife of Adelbert Arthur Murphy of 830 Saskatchewan Crescent, east, Saskatoon occurred at her late residence on July 11, 1957. The funeral service will be held on Saturday, July 13 at 2.30 p.m. from St. John's Cathedral, conducted by Rev.
Prof. J. D. F. Beattie assisted by Rev.
D. Tatchell and Dr. S. Elliott. Surviving are: two daughters, Mrs.
V. Dallin (Margaret); Mrs. B. Nelson (Mary), both of Saskatoon: two sons, William A. of Saskatoon, Dr.
H. O. of Vancouver, B.C.; one sister, Mrs. C. Fulton of Durban, South Africa; two brothers, Dr.
H. G. Merkley of Winnipeg and Harry Merkley of White Rock, Interment will take place in Woodlawn Cemetery, Park Funeral Chapel in charge of arrangements. 7-13-c McMILLAN MARGERY, AGE 77 years, well known resident of Marriott passed away in Rosetown Hospital July 10 after a short illness. Born in Glengarry County in Ontario on February 22, 1880, she came west in 1914 to the Marriott district and has resided there since that time.
She is survived by four brothers, Alex of Saskatoon, Donnie of Plenty, Ernest and Racey of Marriott. An active church member of the United Church, her passing came as a shock to her many friends. Funeral service will be held en Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock Standard Time at the Zealandia United Church. Conducted by the Rev. J.
H. Young following which interment will be made in the family plot, Zealandia Cemetery. For further particulars phone 22662 Rosetown. 7-13-c POKOYOWAY MRS. MARY POKOyoway passed away at her home in Cudworth on July 3, 1957 at the age of 65 years.
She leaves to mourn three sons and two daughters. Her husband predeceased her in 1956. Funeral services were held' from the Greek Catholic Church in Cudworth on July 6 at 9 a.m. with the Rev. Fr.
Jerome officiating and burial was made in the Greek Catholic Cemetery. Pallbearers were Nick Pokoyoway, Mike Pokoyoway, Steve Pokoyoway, John Dolstor, Nick Kulyk and Walter Zenbal. Scharf's Funeral Home of Humboldt was in charge of arrangements. 7-13-p YOUNG MR. ANDREW H.
YOUNG of North Battleford, age 55 years, passed away Wednesday, July 10, in local hospital after a lengthy illness. Besides his loving wife, Violet, he leaves to mourn two sons and two daughters, Jack of Trenton, Gordon of Halifax, Mrs. T. Murphy (Noreen) of Edmonton and Mrs. Roy Sochaski (Fay) of Deep River, eight grandchildren; two brothers and three sisters.
Funeral to be held in North Battleford. 7-13-c FUNERALS ALLEN THE FUNERAL SERVICE of Mrs. Barbara Allen, who died on July 8, was held from McKague's Funeral Home on July 11 at 3 p.m., conducted by Rev. H. W.
Brandrick. Pallbearers were: M. C. Cuthbert. John Small, Nathan W.
Medd, J. McCubbin, Del Caister and Joe Burkinshaw. Burial was made in Woodlawn Cemetery, RACHEY THE FUNERAL SERVICE of Roman Rachey, who died on July 8, was held from St. Mary's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church, Meacham on July 11 at 10 a.m., conducted by Rev. Michael Tarnowetsky.
Pallbearers were: Ed. Nick, William and Nick William Rachey, Harry Deakiw and Daniel Kocay, Burial was made in the family plot in the St. Mary's Cemetery. McKague's Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. OLLENBERGER THE FUNERAL service of Mrs.
Anna Ollenberger, who died on July 8, was held from St. Joseph's Church July 11 at 10 a.m.. conducted by Father B. Dunn. Pallbearers were: Tom Meinychuk, Peter Woytowich, Nick Scheck.
Fred Melnychuk, Jerome Hauk and Irvin Janze. Burial was made in the Roman Catholic Cemetery, McKague's Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. SAMSON THE FUNERAL SERV ice George Samson. who of died on July 9, was held from McKague's Funeral Home on July at p.m., conducted by Rev. D.
Burton Isaac: Pallbearers were: w. J. MeIntyre. J. Campbell, J.
W. Statham and B. K. Tobin. Burial was made in the family plot in Woodlawn Cemetery, 1-13-c ODD JOBS.
LAWNS, CONCRETE work. painting. fencing, etc. Phone 23419. (land.
There was farm attached to the institution, and Truby King turned his scientific mind and passion for research to care of the farm animals. He obtained such spectacular results as compared with the farming methods favored at that time that he began to wonder whether the same faults applied to infant care. The death rate at that time was unfavorable considering the fine climate and comparative prosperity of New Zealand. After careful study of infant deaths he decided that many of the principles he had applied on the farm also applied to child care, He also decided that the prime factor was the mother's unpreparedness and ignorance. That has beer the essence of the Plunket system's success ever I since.
It has made it easy, natural and fashionable for all mothers of every social class to obtain advice and assistance before and after the birth of their babies. Almost every young mother in New Zealand gets expert advice and training, not in the rather stiff atmosphere of a busy doctor's surgery, but in cheerful Plunket rooms in every suburb where endless silly questions are patiently answered by expert nurses. Truby King founded the organization in New Zealand just 50 years ago and named it Plunket after the then governor-general. To mark the jubilee, a. special threepenny stamp has been issued by the government bearing a portrait of the founder, Dr.
(later Sir Truby) King. 33-Year-Old Liner Going To Junk Pile LONDON (CP)-After a 33-year career at sea the former Cunard liner Ascania is being broken up at a shipbreaker's yard at Newport on the Bristol Channel. The vessel was sold to the shipbreakers last November. Observers here recall one of the Ascania's proudest moments, when she came to the rescue of the tramp steamer, Usworth in mid-Atlantic En route from Montreal to Queenstown, the Usworth's rudder and steering gear had been put out of commission in a mid-Atlantic storm, and at midnight, December 13, she radioed for help. The Ascania, 100 miles away, changed course, arriving at the Usworth at 8 a.m, Though the seas were still rough, and the freighter was sinking rapidly, a lifeboat was lowered and the captain and eight crew men rescued and taken aboard, just before the ship disappeared.
To commemorate the act, Lloyd's, the insurance firm, presented the Ascania with a plaque, which until the. dismantling hung in the promenade deck lounge. RATES Star-Phoenix Want Ad Rates: Four Cents Per Word Per Day Six Consecutive Insertions for the Price of Five Minimum Count 10 Words Per Day Minimum Charge 40c Per Day Initial letters, count as one word. Where 10 point or large type is desired by the advertiser, the rate per word is 8e per day. Minimum count 10 words.
Figures in groups of five or less, dollar marks, initial letters count as one word. Where one line is set in 10 point and the balance set in ordinary classified type the charge is 48c per line per day for the 10 point line. Where the use of a box number is desired count as four words extra. If replies are to be mailed to out-of-town points please add 10 cents to cover cost of box postage. City advertisers must pick up replies at the Star-Phoenix office.
NOTICES Births, $1.50. Marriages and Deaths, In Memoriams, Engagements, Cards of Thanks, etc. Rates $2.00 per insertion of 10 lines or less, extra line of five words each per line. Display Advertising SCHEDULE OF COPY ACCEPTANCE 12 NOON DAILY AS FOLLOWS: MONDAY for Wednesday's Paper TUESDAY for Thursday's Paper WEDNESDAY for Friday's Paper THURSDAY for Saturday's Paper FRIDAY for Monday's Paper FRIDAY for Tuesday's Paper In Prince Albert Advertising Copy may be left with the Northern News Agency WANT ADS ACCEPTED 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Daily Monday to Friday Closed All day Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays WANT AD 23141 WANT AD PHONE PHONE SUBSCRIPTION RATES a MAIL RATES IN CANADA year $12.00 months 6.50 months 3.50 month 1.50 To United States and Great Britain 1 month 2.00 3 months 5.00 6 months 8.50 year 15.00 TENDERS TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 10 o'clock 8.m., Central Standard Time, July 20, 1957. for the complete construction of four-roomed school at Prairie River Saskatchewan, Tenders shall be marked on the outside, "Tenders for New School at Prairie River, Sask." Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Architects, Building, Webster Saskatoon, and by Gilbert, 209 depositbeing $25.00 with the Architects. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. J.
Needham, Hudson Bay S.U, No. 52, Hudson Bay. Sask. CITY OF REGINA Tender for Supply of Storm Sewer Pipes Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to content, will be received by the City Commissioners, City Hall, Regina, Saskatchewan, up to 11.00 A.M. Mountain Daylight Saving Time, on Tuesday, July 23rd, 1957, for the supply and delivery of the following: Approximately 51,840 lineal feet of Metal, Clay or Concrete Sewer Pipe, in sizes 10" to 48" inclusive.
Specifications and Form of Tender may be obtained at the City EnginOffice, City Hail, Regina. Certified cheque is to accompany each bid. The City reserves the right to resect any all tenders, to award the work more parts and to waive formalities as the interests the City may require. K. R.
PATTISON, City Engineer. TEACHERS WANTED OUTLOOK SCHOOL UNIT NO. $2 Requests applications from teachers for schools: Listed as follows: School, ApproxImate enrollment, GradesURBAN SCHOOLS Bounty: 12; 9-12, principal, bouse available: 3-room school. RURAL SCHOOLS Listed as follows: school, Approximate enrollment, board or age, location of school. Elbow teacherage; Elbow miles.
Piccadilly 12; teacherage; Tichfield miles. Wistful Vista 18; teacherage: Beechy 20 miles. indicates a bonus school of $100. indicates a teacherage with power. Salary: $2,400 to $6,000 for qualified teachers, depending upon certificate, experience and position.
Salary schedule, map of unit and other information available upon request. Apply to Miss L. Breckman, secretary treasurer, Outlook School Unit No. 32, Outlook, Saskatchewan. Phone 35.
HUDSON BAY SCHOOL UNIT NO. 52 requires teachers for the following Urban and Rural Schools: Carragany, Village 4-room school, principal, to teach 19, 11 and 12, subjects may be exchanged with other teachers. Chelan Hamlet-3-roomed school, prinetpal to teach 9, 10 and 11. 3-roomes, furnished teacherage. Hudson Bay Town-4-roomed High School requires 1 teacher.
Weekes Village-5-roomed school, principal to teach grades 10, 11 and 12. Furnished 5-room teacherage. Rural Schools: denotes teacherage: for Board; and for Power. Armit-Armit Hamlet, enrollment 10. Blighty No.
2-10 miles N. Somme, enrollment 14, T. Cherry Blossom-14 miles S. Porcupine Plain enrollment 12. Forest View-8 miles W.
Chelan, enrollment 22, B. Greenaway, 14 miles S. Hudson Bay, enrollment 13, T. Greenview No. 1-10 miles N.
Carragana, enrollment 23, T. New Bliss, 5 miles W. Clemenceau, enrollment 17. T. Neely Lake -12 miles N.
Weekes, enrollment 23, T. Nobleville-8 miles E. Archerwill, enrollment 24, B. Pine Creek-4 niles E. Mistatim, enrollment 25, T.
Rivererest-10 miles N. Porcupine Plain, enrollment 8. Smoky Ridge- 9 miles N.E. Erwood, enrollment 10. T.
Swampy Lake -10 miles S. Chelan, enrollment 10. B. Souchez-4 miles N. Somme, enrollment 8, B.
Tall Poplar-5 miles N.E. Chelan, enrollment 6, T. Salary Schedule: Class $2,400 $3,600 Class $2.800 $4,000 Class 83,200 $4,550 Class 13,600 $5,400 Class 5 $4,000 $5,800 Principals' supervison allowance $100 for ench room other than his own up to six roons and $50 per room for all above seven. Applications to state certificate, experience and refernces of last superintendent. H.
J. NEELHAM. Secretary Hudson Bay School Unit No. 52. Hudson Bay Sakatchewan.
7-13-6 CITY OF DRUMHELLER S.D. 2472 INvites applications fer A position on its senior high sciool staff. State subject preferences Basie salary $2,900, first degree $975, second degree $390. past experience J. C.
Jensen, Supt. of Schools, Box 32G, Drumheller. 7-13-e BONNYVILLE SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 46 Bonnyvill. Alberta Senior high schod teacher required for Ardmore school (10-room school) Two senior high school teachers required for the Iron River School (12-room school Elementary terchers for various other positiors in centralized schools.
Salary schedule not finalized. Apply to Mr. A. G. Lapointe, Secretary Trensurer, Bonnyville School Division No.
46, Bonnyville, Alberta. 7-18-e KINISTINO SCCHOOL UNIT NO, 55 requires the following teachers: Kaminka in Hamlet of Tway, Junior room, grades 1 to 4. New Tarmopol in Hamlet of Tarnopol, grades 1 to 7, enrollment 22. Teacherge, power. Ethelton, grades 1 to 7.
enrollment 30. Pewer. Rural: Ben Loral-5 mi. S. of Meskanaw, enrollment 16.
Teacherage. Bonus $200. Creek Hill-11 ml. Kinistino, enrollment 11. Teacherage.
Derby -10 mi. Kinistino enrollment 20. Teacherage, power. Heatherdell-7 mi. W.
Birch Hills, entollment 14. Power. Lund 6 mi. N. Beatty, enrollment 24.
Teacherge. power. North Star- of Melfort, enrollment 36. Teacherage, power. Bonus $200.
Orand-14 mi. Kinistino, enrollbent 15 Teacherage, power. Winton-18 mi. Birch Hills, enrollment 25. Teacherage, power.
East Bend -Enrollment 10. Teacherage, power, 5 mi. Beatty. Dryden-6 mi. S.E.
Birch Hills, enrollment 15. Salary schedule $2,400 to $5,800 including sabbatical leave and accumulative sick leave. Apply stating qualifications and experience to Mrs. G. M.
Rannie, SecretaryTreasurer, Kinistino, School Unit No. 55. Kinistino. Sask, COUNTY OF NEWELL NO. Teachers required for the following vacancies: Bassano- Junior High.
Grade VIII. Gem -High School. English and Social Studies. Rosemary -High School. English and Social Studies, Math and Science.
Duchess--Junior High. Grade IX. Patricia Principal, three-room school. Tilley- Junior High. Grade VILL.
Roling Hills--Junior or Senior High, Rainier- Junior High. Grades VII and Vill. Home Economics- One position available. In addition to the above a few elementary positions are available in different schools, Salary: A new schedule an additional allowance of $300 for providing high school work has recently been signed. Applications may be submitted to H.
C. Scammell, SecretaryTreasurer, Brooks, Alberta, or to Mr. P. Larson, Superintendent of: Schools, 9707-84 Ave. Edmonton.
Phone 37974 TROSSACHS CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT. NO. 1077 Tavites applications for the position of principal of the Trossachs school to teach grades 9 to 12; enrollment of high school room approximately twenty pupils 1937-58 salary schedule: Class $2.400 to class 2, $2.800 to $4.000, class 3. $3,200 to 34.600 class 4 53500 to $5400 class to $5,800, Principal's remuneration Comfortable teachtrage available. Applications, statage.
experience and stould be directed to H. J. Riviere. Treasurer TrotConsolidated School District No. Tromachs Sask ment to commence about August 29, 1957..
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