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The Waco News-Tribune from Waco, Texas • Page 10

Waco, Texas
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10 THE WACO NEW8-TRIBUNB, SATURDAY, MARCH 81, 1M4 Methodist Home Celebrating For Former Students Many Alumni Expected To Be Present Today for Homecoming Program Annual at Meih- odint ninht whon the and of the home, and alumni, who have already roturnml. gathered in the adminiatration. building for ait informal reception and to hear an address by Jewell a Melhodlitt home who returned from Saltillo. Mexico, to attend the homecoming. Telia of Kxprrienrea Hurnu, who is teaching In a college at Saltillo, discuased hax exjMTiences there.

Superintendent Hubert Johnson expects to have about KW former dents of the home to return for homecoming. Saturday morning at a picnic will be held on West farm. At 7:10 p. an alumni party will be held In Howard home with the showing of motion pictures made by the late Dad Barnett. CantaU To Be Hung An easter cantata by the choir been for the vlnittnR alumi at a.

m. Sunday. The annual banquet will be held the main dining hall at 12:30 p. m. Sunday.

Alumnae from many points In the south, well as in Texas, are returning for the three-day program. Omar Kiam to Design Garbs for Film Stars Fomier Texan I-eavea York to Enter Actlvltlea In Hollywood NEW YORK. March of New leading dress de- Omar Kiam, turned his faca toward today and henceforth will design exclusively for the Under contract with Samuel Goldwyn, incorporated, he will all the clothes for Twentieth Century pictures. WilUe WiUis WM carefttl The only kida I let lick my day aurker them that haive bad Little Sister had daddy hold up hla of water nd then I aald, let'a make our klaa like they did In the picture ahow Tax Valuations Cut $10,000,000 In Last Few Years Benefits of Government Under Present System Pointed Out by A. C.

Patton CONTimjRO FROM PAGE ONB tham with money left by their Do you know that hava bought itnow that many trust funda aet up to protect orphan children hold Waco city bonds, and wotild you cancel these UiKing a atronir vots in favor of the three Civic ieaffua draftaas, ton said, "When we hava turned out and viven them our full voting power, these men will feel all the more anxious to prove themselves worthy of the confidence we have placed in them, and Waco will continue to pay her ho.iest debts and Waco city bonds will continue to be at a hifh Dr. T. K. McDonald will apeak for the Civic league candidates urday night over WACO. Former Vanderbilt Girl Seeking Paris Divorce She and Her English band Have Arranged Member of Petroleum for a Friendly Separation Planning Board Quilts PARIS, March Cornelia Vanderbilt Cecil, American millionairesa.

and the husband she chose from the British diplomatic corps, have come to the parting of the w'ays. The only daughter of the late Geo. W. Vanderbilt acknowledged today through a friend that she has asked court permission to file suit for a divorce from John Francla Amherst Cecil. Since she and Cecil, former aec- retary to the British embaasy in Washington, have agreed to terms, it waa thought the court would approve a decree without difficulty.

The couple, whose marriage 10 yeara ago was one of the gala events of international aoclety. have agreed that their two children will spend half their time with their mother at the magnificent bilt estate at Blltmore, N. and Kiam. a native of Texas, will other half with their father In Standard Oil Official Bealgna Bo- rauae Company Indicted WASHINGTON. March Secretary of Interior Ickea tonight the resignatlo i of Kenneth R.

Kingsbury, president of the Standard Oil Co. of California, as a member of the petroleum planning and board. Kingsbury explained that he was withdrawing because of indictmenta returned against him and his company, along with others, charging violation of oil code. Ickes has made it known that he is not in sympathy with the indictments. leave for Hollywood Sunday, after working In New York's design field for 25 years.

His exclusive wholesale house has served shops In major cities over the country. IMPERIAL POWHHEHIKAK AMttKlCAS FINEST I I IIJl England. The children are George Vanderbilt Cecil, eight, and William Amherst Vanderbilt Cecil, five. Kiwanians Enjoy Musical Program Btudrat Valng Violin Featured Kiwanians heard music from a 210-year-old violin Friday noon at the Raleigh hotel, when Miss Loraine Mathis. Baylor music atudent, played for them as part of a program arranged by Profeaaor Hopkins under chairmanship of Dean W.

Allen. Reginald Curry, baritone. Eiland Scarbrough. Miss Louise Hirschman and Professor Hopkins sang. Accompanists were Mlsa Ina Lee Cobb, Miss Christine Scroder and Mrs.

Scarbrough. Satnrday and Monday Spedali Chicken rat 100 lbs Laying rat lOO us. SLEEPER GRAIN CO. PhoM 8ftl 100 Brldfre Street Congress Plans To Stop Chatter Of a Plot Investigation of Allegations Against Will Be Greatly Expedited CONTINUED FROM PAOB ONC More WMte Shoes Are Here! The last minute arrival of a new supply of White Shoea for women and children will be welcome novsH to the many who have been diFappointed. CONNER'S, Inc.

BROWNbilt SHOE STORE irSTIX AVF. a telegram from Dr. Wirt which was made public by Representative Fouikea, democrat, Michigan. Cauae of Another Laugh In that telegram, Secretary Wallace was quoted as having aaid can hardly be even a aatis- factory tentative answer until we decide which way we want to He auggested wide debate on that problem. House leaders promptly interpreted that as meanmg aimply that Wallace wanted the country to become more awake to ita problems and felt that argument would be helpful.

Meanwhile, the republicana continued to inaist that the investigation which will start next week under the direction of Representative Bulwinkle, democrat. North Carolina. should be a broad one. Representative Fish, republican. New York, issued a ststement in which he said that voters have been betrayed by the A Bepubllcaa Wall of radicals with red leanings hsve been given appointments over loyal and deserving democrats." he continued.

He named 16 or soclal- ists he said been affiliated with the American Civil Libertiea which he termed aub- versive They are now holding governmental posts, he added. They were: Jerome N. Frank, chief counael of the AAA; Donald Rlchberg, chief ccunsel of the NRA; Henry T. Hunt, chief counsel of the PWA; Rexford Gu' Tugwell, assistant secretary of agriculture Rose Schneiderman, FYedenck C. Howe.

Prof. Albert E. Taussic. Prof, James P. Warbaaee, Clarence Darrow.

Dr. Leo Wolman, Prof. Paul H. Douglas and Sidney Hillman, all with the NRA: Nathan R. Margold.

interior department solicitor, Hilbert Marshall, director of the foreHirv division, bureau of Indian t.ffairs; William E. Dodd, ambassador to (iermanv. and James F. I.jindis. federal trade commissioner.

CHINA HPRINO RAPTIHTH TO KNTKKTAIN TONIGHT China Spring Baptist church will entertain with a box supper at the local tabernacle Saturday at p. and special boxes will be prepared by members of the intermediate Sundav school class. Ice cream will served and candidates will be allowed to make short talks, here will be no admission charge, but prttceeds from refreshmenta will be used for the intermediate ball team. Leaders In Jamaica feel that the Island is just recovering from the effects of the storms of 1932 and IKU. been secured at any price in the matter of salaries, but they have cheerfully given the benefit of their experience and iudgment for the welfare and upbuilding of the Describing b'mself as a plain tax-paying citiien who has seen Waco grow from 15,000 to 50- odd thousand in Patton admitted taxes are burdensome and that much of the property of the city does not have sufficient income to pay the but he added: condition holds true in all lines of investments and Is not local, but state-wide, nationwide and world-wide, and with it all I would rather have my investments in Waco than city in Texas," Has Waatliwai Stoma he went on, weathered the storms of many and panica, but never has this country undergone such financial crises as Within the last four years.

Yet with all this trouble. credit has never been disturbed, her bonds have been in the greatest demand and at the highest premium of any city in the state eacept Austin. condition has due to careful, safe, economical, conservative handling under the supervision of our splendid boards of commissioners." Th city manager form of government. with outstanding citizens giving their services free of charge as commissioners, has proved a success. Patton said.

why consider a change as an he queried. has been suggested." he went on. a way to reduce the tax burden would be to default on a part of our bonded Indebtedness. I do not believe the good citiiens of our city would tolerate such an idea. We have gone to the polls and voted these bonds; they are our honest obligations, snd the only way we can uphold the present good credit of the city is to pay them as they come due.

Good Mea, But Impractleal "It has also been he said, the city ahould own its utilities, which is a very good idea; but how can we hope to sell new bonds with which to buy the utilities if we default on the bonds now outstanding? No city has ever prospered by refusing to pay its honest debts. No nation has ever prospered by defaulting on its obligations. you know that many of Waco's city bonds are held by widows who It Happened Yesterday C. W. Carpenter was put under $400 bond to grand Jury on a charge of burglary after examining trial before Justice Clint Allen, and P.

J. Blackburn, waiving examination, was put under bond on a charge of assault to murder. Waca lawyers were Iraylac pie- turea of the har of tlw coonty, eoa- taliiing about IM lawyers ma4 Judgoa firsi grouplBg made since IfU. Mrs. 8.

H. Clayton reported theft of a small coin purse containing several keys. County Belief Administrator Jack Little aaid that now CWA Is closed, it may he two weeks before any of the S7M families on direct relief ran he given work relief. He Is seeking more Immediate In regard to four major and Important relief work eommlseary. garden, cannery, and clothing te- pot, all operated by relief workers.

Endorsement of the six-hour day, and the 30-hour week, and of the prevailing wage scale of $1 an hour, was voted by representatives of Waco building crafts meeting at Central Labor council, when J. O. Smith was elected chairman, W. A- Peters vice chairman, and C. A.

Roberts secretary. Small boys stealing gasoline from an automoMIe at Fifteenth and Maple were frightened away I police arrived. The offlcera poured the gasoline back lato the tank. Jacques Sachs. 2126 Gorman avenue, reported theft of a fibre trunk from his garage.

Closing the series of noonday la- terdenomlnatloaal addressee at the Orpheum theatre which hava marked holy week In Waco, Bev. J. K. O'Heeron discussed the eradflxlon of Jesus, comparing modem dltloas with those then existiag. and asserting that If Jeeus living today he woaM again Woman Describes Death of Husband At Hands Mrs.

Ruth Atwood Is Brought to Longview From Penitentiary to Testify at Murder Trial LONGVIEW, March Atwood, convicted for the slaying of her husband, Dallas B. Atwood. last August, testified today against Cassie Smith, rdilroad man. and related in detail how Smith in her presence delivered the death blow and then threatened her life if she her Her testimony was the highlii of the second day of Under questioning by husen, district detail of slai that Smith struck him an instrument he picked up from his automobile. Mrs.

Atwood said Smith forced her to assist him in moving the man to a down town railroad crossing, where he was found the following day. He died in a hospital the next testified that Smith openly had expressed his love for her and had said he have ma, nobody She was sentenced to five years for her alleged part in the slaying. BELtSr PVNDS FOB OKLAHOMA ASHINGTON. March The federal relief administration said today Oklahoma would granted $1.000,000 for a new work relief program and for direct relief during April. Railroad Executive Opposes 6-Hour Day He Contends It Would Mean an Increase In Pay Scale WASHINGTON, March Legislstion for a six-hour day and a 30-hour week for railway workers was described today by J.

Carter Fort, general solicitor of the Association of Railway Executives, as a measure. He opened oppostion to the bills before the house Interstate commerce committee. can't put more men on train runs as you can in the office." he explained. it would In eff. be a pay-increase bill for the eratlng employes, as it would me more time for them and not moxt employes on the Job." lie said many employes could not complete their runs in a six-hour day.

and therefore would draw over-j time. Fort denied argumenU of emH spokesmen that railroad own ersHlp has taken too large from the industry at the expense of the workers. The government is leading In rehabilitation work following the recent atorm damage in British Guiana. 1 tlftOiVlf TNOIOUCNkV 2. lAVIt TIMI IN tOAKINC i.llQUIilt kill iUIIING 4 tINIIi OUT COMPilTliV 5.

WONT INIINK Oi 4 MAKIt ItON- INC lAIIII 7 IIPI TO I. COITI nil TO Ull EASONS HLI HE Till illUTII mf ironing olwoyt boon uf, frotful fosk thot naggold ot your norvot? Thon now to WNITf KllifOI Fool your iron glido witKalmoftf offortloti ooio ovor cloon, smooth surfacoi ontiroly of Iho UMid ''gummy rot- loft by choop soaps thof not rinio out complotolyl too, how much whihr ions how much lrighf0r colors look whon f'soapy film'' is obsont ond scorching is oliminotod. JTo mako ironing WHITI KINOI Sovo With Sofoty- ufo WHtrEKIHC GRANULATID SOAP Easter Suggestions ms Easter ECC DYES 15 Fndl and Nut Eggs ncor 3 lOc Easter Jelly Beans loc Colored Eggs mz-Ioc Pore obo SUGAR 10 Preserves PoBBds Cloth Boir 47c 44c Ann Page Pure mit oz. Assorted Jar 17C Frtsh Fraits and VegetaUes iceberg LETTUCE 2 JQ CollfomlB ORANGES DOZEN 12C Kow Potatoes NOND LEMONS DOZEN fJC Bftti Carrots CRISCO DH Monto loBB Com Dessert l)c Snowdrift YokoB ClBb A GlagerAlc i 20C Cocoa MMA NMD 1 U. CAN lie Bed Fitted A Cherries 2 2 cans ZSC raislmry Flonr u.

QVAUTY INSPECTED MEATS An Star Half or Whole Drofio4 Hens LB. ShaBlilofti Pknie Shoulders 14 15 lie RIb4Iom Slieo4 Bacon 2 us 3 lOe 19c 0 SOfOB Roast WlfCOBtlB CIGARETTES IHXIE 4 BREAD 2 Spoetai Ralgfai Loaf mt Yoa TrM ThoM Delleiiiai CAKESI WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR ADDED SPECIAU.

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