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Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Pittston Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TRIET.CAR STRIKE. Representative of the Strikers Visited Notes, Personate and Obaervatlons of Town Ta and Event In atjrf About WmMm loves 'ormorl? A. U. blown,) A Bunch ff and Mittens Jm rorMen.Women&Childiv,., I lUiStyle I We cany a cpmr fete iMet Ask to See Men, Women Childre Style carry a cpr 1,1 Also a fine line of Winter Underwear for Men, Women and Children at our Usual Low Prices. 25 CENT.

STORE, j. Ml Terwlr, Prcp'r. may cost a little more per can, but it insures perfect, wholesome food. In fact, it is more economical in the end, because if goes further in leavening and never spoils the food. You cannot, if you value good health, afford to use cheap.

Ion grade, alum baking powders. They are apt to spoiKhe food thev lo endanger the health. All physicians ill tell you that alum in food CLEVELAND BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YOrlK in the City.

A little child of Bernard Conuell, or Mill street. Is confined to the house with diphtheria. With the thermometer at 35 degrees and enow falling, this commences to look like real winter. Measles have made their appearance in the upper end of town and there are a large number of cases. The Y.

M. C. A. Juniors are going to have their pictures taken Saturday morning. There are about 75 of them.

Miner Dally, a well known resident of Mill City, died on Tuesday, and the funeraj took place yesterday. He was 89 years of age. Without solicitation, some of the young men who subscribed toward the Y. M. C.

A. pew building fund have commenced to pay up. It is currently reported that the Manhattan club, which was raided eight before last as a gambling den, will open up for business at the old stand again tonight A wagon owned by Leonard Scranton bottlers, was overturned last evening on South Main street, and for a little time there was considerable excitement over the accident. An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

M. P. Baldwin, of 322 North Main street, died this morning. The remains will be taken on Sunday afternoon to meshoppen, where interment will he made. Mrs.

Peter Ktihn. of Parsonage street, who has been III for some time, was operated upon yesterday by Dr. Stegner, of Rendham, assisted by two Scranton physicians, and she is now resting easily. Isaac O'Boyle, a resident of Avoca for more than 30 years, died on Wed nesdav after an Illness of several years. 'The funeral took place this afternoon, interment being made in St.

Mary's cemetery. The trunteea and members of the Niagara Engine company's drum corps will meet In their rooms this evening at o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements for their annual ball, which will be held on Christmas night Rev. D. W. DcForest, the new pastor of the Methodist Protestant church, will be tendered a reception this even lug in the Sunday school room of the church, to which all members and friends of.

the congregation are In vlted. The Kiiendly Union, of the Sons of St. George, will hold a social session this evening in the lodge room in (he First National bauk building. The members of the union from Avoca will he down to lake part in the festivities. Messrs.

James Joyce and James Murphy, the young men who recently purchased the store of Frank T. Patterson entered upon their prop erty this mornig. Both are well known and popular young men, and their friends hope they will do well. L. P.

Harter has purchased the build Ing occupied by him as a confectionery store and bakery on North Main street from Mr. Greenwood. The structure is oue of the most substantial on the thoroughfare, and is three stories high and extendi? back to the alley 144 feel. The consideration is not known. The Y.

M. O. A. basket hall team will play its first game of the season in the Ninth Regiment armory, at Wilkesbarre. on the evening of Nov.

'J6, against the regimental team. The f.atne will interesting, from the fact 1 bat the regimental team has two of the local team's old players. Two cases were received at the hospital this afternoon. Joe Doposki. an Austrian, was injured while at work in the Avoca Coal company's mine by 1 lull of rock.

His right leg was broken. Mike Koslty. an employe at the Coxey shaft, of the Lehigh Valley company, hud his face and hands burned by an ex plosion of gas while at work there today. Rev. John II.

Jones, D. the noted missionary ajnd president of the American college, at Madura. India, will deliver a lecture at the Welsh Congregational church next Tuesday evening at 7.30. Admission free. Those who heard Dr.

Jones when hero eleven years ago are enthusiastic over bis coming, and expect an exceptional treat. The funeral of the late Miss Kate Kearney, whose death was recently noted, was attended this morning from the home of her sister on Chapel street. Services were held In St. John's church at 9 o'clock. Rev.

Father Me Mantis celebrating the mass. The pall bearers were: James Newcomb, Michael Kelly, Edward Kearney and John Smith. Interment was made in the Market street cemetery. Thomas James, of this city, has filed an application in the Luzerne court for a divorce from his wife. Maud James.

lie states in bis application that he was married to the respondent In this city in August, 1897, and lived with her until she deserted him. He also charges her with having violated her marriage vows. A subpoena in divorce was awarded by the court. J. Mabon is the plaintiff's attorney.

A change has been made in the manner of delivering coal to the employes of the Erie company in this city. For some time past, the contract for this work has been held by four teamsters of the city, namely, Thomas Hoffman, John Newcomb, Robert Williamson and Evan Itavard. The contract recently expired, and yesterday it was announced that hereafter the work would he looked after by. Messrs Wll li.uniou and I Ihe oilier two having In 11 In onl is. New tornh and 1 1, lt 111:111 have conferred with the ut the company, hut have received no See the 6torm Cap.

Something new, at Corcoran Bros. Keystone Cash Meat Market. Our leader for tomorrow Is round steak, per lb. 10c Price of other cuts as follows: Best Chuck Roast fee Best Rib Roast 10c Boiling Meat 10c Pork Sausage He IRA DE WITT, cor Pine and Main. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901.

Additional Local Newt ion Page Three, 8UOQE3TION FOR TODAY. Haw a Tacoma Business Man Proven tht Valu. of Strong Advertising. 1 The Philadelphia Record tells an la temtlng story about the success the largest general store In Tacoma. The proprietors began business In small way, lived economically ant" saved every dollar to buy space in the newspapers.

Now their advertising contracts call for an aggregate space of 107 pages a year. The manager the concern says they would as sooi: think of going out of business as reducing their advertising space. The experience of that Arm is the common experience of all extensive advertls era. man or as well take down their business signs as, to stop advertising. Any one who has a com modtty for sale must let everybody know that.

he has the goods and wbai be charges for them. If he does not dc this he cannot expect to have custom era to buy. He might as well sit in a dark room and expect his neighbors to know that he is winking. A Stitch in Time often saves the whole garment. A lit tie foresight and precaution is a very important matter and often saves your family from distress.

Oet your life Insured In the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York. Get the best. No other. Wedding Pr6nU. If you are looking for wedding pres ents, come and see our beautiful designs in cut glass.

The. kind that ttparkles. H. P. Weber's New Jewelry Store, 9 Broad Troxell Block COMING EVENTS.

The Elite orchestra will conduct its weekly dance at Keystone Hall this evening. St. John's church choir will iuei 1 at 8 clock this evening for rehearsal. "What's the secret of happy, vigorous health? Simply keeping the bowels, the stomach, the liver mid kidney; strong and active. Burdock Blood Bitters does It.

It is a Vane Thing to. look for a finer display of jewelry. watches and silver ware thun ours. The time to cease looking Is wlu yon'n perfectly satisfied. It needs no watch to mark that satisfaction: lint ull who are Un Watched should provide them selves with reliable chronometers from our very complete assortment ol ladies' and Reutlc mou'u gold ami silver watches and 'silverware than our.

The down like the hands at half pant six. Our jewelry display realizes tin height of fashion, and eh; gance. So does our silverware. V. Fi STALEY, 6 Water St.

V. n. It. Co Watch Inspector. Ht3 Photos for Christmas at Barrett's new studio.

14 S. Main St. Children and family groups a specialty. Mew phone, 5140. i l.

1 1 Men's Sults.s "91S.00 Clay SultB for (12 tm $12.00 Clay Suits for $10.00 Clay Suite for $9.00 Clay Suits for $7.00. for $5 00 for $4.00 for $3.00 for $2.25. At the Hub Clothing House, PittKlon. Velvet Shirt Waists, $2.98. Made to order, perfect lit guaranteed; children's trimmed hats, 95e.

Wescott's Millinery, N. Main St. 1H3 For Rent and For Sale. stores left over at very low i several dwellings with mod era Impntyements, and also several AN ENJOYABLE TRIP. Eagle Hose Company Entertained at Plymouth Last Night.

About thirty members of the Ragle Hose company journeyed to Plymouth last evening and attended the fair and festival being conducted in that town for the benefit of the fire department, and had a most enjoyable evening. They traveled in a special car and returned at a seasonable hour. Many more had intended going with Ihe company, hut at the last moment were frightened away by the report that small pox had broken out there again nnd that they were apt to meet with contagion. The company was entertained by the members of tbe Elm Kill Hose company. No.

3, of Plymouth, while they were In the town. Facial Massage and scalp and hair treated. Miss 13. J. Panning, 4 Exeter St.

People's phone 1, A Clock Offering for Saturday. A reliable clock is a necessity in every toll regulated home or business place. Our clocks combine beauty of design with absolute accuracy in timekeeping. An inspection Invited. They aro here in every variety.

For Saturday Only An 8 day, strike and alarm clock, oak case, is offered; an exceptional bargain; for only a limited number, first come, llr. served; every clock guaranteed. All new goods at our store. Cume in nnd look them over, you don't have to hny. We Like lxmkcrs.

Lewis, the Jeweler, opp. National Bank. A Very Important Matter at this season is to give your teeth attention. We do everything known to modern dentistry. Teeth extracted 'without Examination free.

nn. REAP. Over rtrury's. People That Want the choicest rchhIs in Flour. Under nnd Eggs.

I lain and Bacon. Canned GoikIh, Lemons and Oranges, Cranberries, Figs. Citron and Lemon Peel. Teas and Coffees, will find them at M'DONNELL DOBBIE'S. 7fi S.

Main St. Prompt delivery. New phone 5080. Trade Tricks. it's not as.

other fellows think, but skkvoii think. It's not what the other fellow tells you you ought to have, but what you want. We supply your wants only at little prices. Need furnishings today? Fay's Haberdashery. I'M 2 Monumanta and Cornar Posts, Flagging and Curbing.

F. W. Stege man. 236 W.n. Ave.

W. Plltsrnn. tf Healing BtAvoa ni. ab'ft. Prompt rt'lief ii till enst i fil' tlironl and lung roiil.le if you lt.n UU.

JAMES CHERilY TAH SYRUP. i'li ti. aiil. In tiilie fttiiilliiiitf ami lis 'llllili llci'. At iImik ivw.i 'tiii'i I tot lu.

Of Hits SALE I Assorted lot of men' and hoys' Working Gloves and Mi Us, made of liogskin, horsehide. sheepskin; muleakin. etc; sold 1 1 om 98c down to 48c a SALE PRICE Pill SALE II sodoz ladies' gloves, broken sizes, oT. 7, 7J only.two clasp.glace kid, new shades and new sti tchiiigs; regular price $1. 10; SALE PRICE lie PA! nn ex, Uiinge will Iw made and not over twilr will Iwanid to cutonur.) i.

SALE III Ladies' all wool flan eel waists, lined, tucked back and front, gilt buttons, turned cuffs, newest stock collar; reduced from TO 11.25 EACH Ruffled Swiss Uur tains with two large double hems, entirely new bedroom designs reduced from TO TSe A Mil BROWN com. WHERE YOU SAVE In Inlying groceries you savef in the price you pay and get. Iictlcr fund if you come here. Id hars Si in p. fine article 25c ill ciiit In Haked JOc lim Dun Carlos Olives, Citron.

nion nnd Orange peel, new goods. I'resh Kj strictly the best. iv. r. im.

HOTII PHONES. New Dales, Florida Oranfesa New Figs, Maple Syrup, All Kinds of Pan Cak Mince Meat, in 5 lb. and loose. always on hani Try our Cineo aiij nlnamyoii Wear' we eaa AKMS JA 'AA for ROYAL Our line iJ i'aniil Kuril, la aecond to Bona in lue Ity 0. DEUKU3ITY ft SOTH PHONES.

WV0MIN0 AVE. FLORAL DESIGNS and CUT FLOWERS ArvAuge', iproirhre rr tbe itrvuion Hi iceai hlwmyn the m)ei prmtu.tly attended to. Choice Roses Always in Sleek. Order lert with tba HleeM Knlab Water will rm olre luvuupt attention. J.B.CARPEMTEhV iorist ano latiuue.

Dr. Benton's Anti Grippe Nils; will cure a cold or la grippe in ten hours Ns Griping No Nausea, wot fcs if he coul. Price 25ft, For sale at If'. Dhumtii in Siinlli iiui iiibk Alain Street. "NT FOR WHITMAN SCELfBRATED CANDIES Change at Programme.

Syophone Soloist, Mr ner Frldar Nov 16. SALE Local Interest The West Side Glee society will meet at the home of John Gravel ou Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. J. W.

Wheeler has returned from a visit to her mother, Mrs. E. B. Evans, in Hyde Park. The" latter is quite 111.

The recent rains and snows have caused the. river to raise, and it is now three feet above low water mark, higher than it has been in some time. Treble Clef society will meet at the Town Hall tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, and all members are urged to attend. The music will be on hand. Dr.

McMillan's lecture on "Ten Years Among the Mormons" will be delivered In the Presbyterian auditorium this evening, beginning at 7.30, and the public are cordially invited to attend. Colonel S. A. Urquhart is booked to deliver his address on his experiences in Llbby Prison and bis escape therefrom, before the Boys' Industrial association, in Wilkesbarre, tomorrow evening. The Pianist's club will meet at tbe home of Mrs.

H. F. Weber, on Exeter street, next Monday evening, and it is desired that all members he present in time to open the meeting promptly at 8 o'clock. Rev. Dr.

Griffin, presiding elder of this district of the M. E. church, wilU deliver an address Tuesday at the meeting of the National Evangelization union of the M. E. church, which Is to ho held at the Fleet street M.

church in Brooklyn, N. Y. The meetings at the M. E. church are Just as attractive as they were when Dr.

Wilson first commenced, nearly two weeks ago. Large audiences are present every evening, and that attests the success of the meetings better than anything else. This week will bring Ihe meetings to a close. A large number from this side were in Scranton last evening In attendance at the Nordlca concert, and all are loud in their praises of the magnificent entertainment afforded. Among those who were noticed were Mr.

and Mrs. B. S. Emory. Mrs: Enos Williams.

Misses Mary MacDonald, May Emory, Clara tangford and George Langford. The Garden Village Social club gave a necktie social at the rluh rooms on Exeter street last evening, which was enjoyed by about, thirty couples; an excellent lime being the result. The evening passed with games and danc ing, the Avoca orchestra furnishing (be music for the latter pastime. At a late hour lunch was served. This is the second affair this club has conducted this season and both have been very enjoyable and have been well attended.

Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup has always Kiven substantial comfort and relief to consumptives; it has worked most remarkable cures. Don't despair. Re lief can certainly be had and a thor orgh cure is possible with thlrt wonderful remedy. Price.

25 cents a bottle. The Council Takes Action. Labor men and the public in general will he delighted at the action taken by the joint session of councils lonl evening in deciding to tear up the entire tracks of the Scranton Traction Co. unless they operate their line to this city. The strike would be settled and the obstinate position assumed by the company deserves, the stinging, rebuke by the city fathers.

When you want your pictures framed, furniture repaired or upholstered, call on J. J. Dunn, C9 S. Main St. He'll call for and deliver all goods.

Warm Gloves at Corcoran Bros. 1113 Eczema Relieved in a day. Uiv.Ak new's Ointment will cure this disgust ing disease without fail. It will also cure Rarber's Itch, Tetter, Salt Rheum and all skin eruptions. In from three to six nights it will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles.

One application brings comfort to the most Irritating cases. 35 cents. Sold by J. H. Houck.

West 8ide Business When your teeth need treating, call oh Dr. Meade Schenck, Luz. over meat market. Pork Sausage Tbe best in two cities; good creamery butter, fresh eggs, fine home made mince meat, mixed pickles, vegetables and fresh meats. Kasper'a Market; both phones.

Damon's Livery will supply yon on short notice with first class rig for pleasure drives; also with cab, coupe or carriage. Baggage and team work a specialty. Both phones. R. I.

Damon. Cold and Hot Lunches at all hours at jie Garden Village Cafe, Luzerne Ave. Let Me Tell You right here, if you are particular In what you buy for the dinner table and want only the freshest and best, yon had better send your order to the Ritter Market, corner Exeter and Spring Sts. Just the place you're looking for; everything right. Vegetables in abundance.

Fresh oysters, and the main fish vender In the borough. Fish received every Thursday night direct from the fisheries. Butter and eggs that have no superior." The coal fields of tbe South cover 00.000 square miles, and arc seven times as large as those of Great Britain, France, Germany and Belgium combined. There's no danger of the eoal supply rupning short In this century; but there is danger In some people not waiving up to the advantages of the modern i tem of In Iieallm belnp inl miliieed by Lewis Ai llavies It's a money saver for Ibe boiiseboblei aim makes tbe coal supply last longer Drop them a card and have them explain the merits of Ihe new system. Lttserne avenue.

Poultry dressed to order, fresh oysters, vegetables, fresh meats; prices cheap for cash. Myrtle Kytc, "Montgomery St. Both phones. See the Storm Cap. Something new, at Corcoran Bios.

New Prunes, 5c. at Giles's. Lilly Naugle, Toneorial Artists, wish to Inform the public they arc Lnow ready for patronage at their new barber shop, recently purchased of Geo. Williams, cor. Luz.

Ave. and War ren St. i4t? Warm Gloves at Corcoran Bros 14(3 Billable anil Gentle. There are ptlia and pills. You want a pill which Is certain, thorough and gentle.

Mustn't gripe. DeWltt's Utile Early Risers fill the hill. Purely vege Do not force, but osato the Sdjd fey ffecfc 'ft Roberts, Pittston and West Pittston. Comfortable Undenveqr. fjtofearan 14t3 Bros stoves raoairad at Aah'i.

When You Buy Oysters, buy good ones. Messlck sells them. This City Yesterday. Last evening, the laboring men or I be city were visited by William Aus tin, of Scranton, one of the striking street car men, 'whose mission in the city was to interest the various local unions affiliated with their own In the strike. Recently the strikers have Issued an appeal for funds to the various bodies of orgaulzed labor in tbe Wyoming and Lackawanna Valleys, and it Is in regard to this matter that Mr.

Austin was visiting here. He expects that the unions of Plttston will give the strik ers of Scranton more than their moral support, namely, flnanciaf assistance. OBITUARY. George Evans. Last evening, about 8 o'clock, at his home on Hughes street, Hughestown, occurred the death of one of the com munity's best known and respected young men, George Evans, after a' week's illness of typhoid pneumonia.

Mr. Evans was a son of Mr. and Mrs. William N. Evans, of Parsonage street.

and was 36 years of age. He was a highly esteemed young man and had a large number of friends who will he pained to learn of his early demise. The deceased is survived by a wife and three children, also his mother and the following sisters and brothers: Leysnon. Edwin, Cassle, and Mrs. Patrick Flynn, all of Hughestown.

The funeral will take place on Saturday afternoon. Services will be held at the family home, beginning at 1.30 o'clock, and the funeral will leave the house at 2.30 o'clock for Plttston cemetery, where the interment will be made. At Wine Improves With Age, so does association with any particular business Increase a man's knowledge of the people's wants In that par ticular line and how best to gain their confidence and appreciation of satis factory purchases. Frederick, the re liable green grocer, of N. Main has been in that business longer than any one now engaged in the city, and well he knows how to furnish the people's needs in his line.

Thoroughly familiar pith all points of the business, be is enabled to do heller for you than any place else in the city. Both ihnnes. one door below Williams and McAnulty's. One Half the People who suffer from toothache do so need lessly. It's probably fear that keeps them from the dentist's chair.

In den tislry. as in many other professions, science learns new facts continually pertaining to the care aud preservation of the teeth, until today the least trouble with one's masticators can be eas ily located and corrected, in most capes without the slightest feeling of pain. Dr. Welsh, surgeon dentist, treats teeth by modern methods. Extraction and new work of all kinds.

Charges reasonable. 14 S. Main SI. You'll Get Your Money Back, and more, too. If you place your furniture repairing in our hands.

Every piece that leaves our establishment shows the hand of the romiietent work man. It's really surprising the amount of furniture that passes In and out of our store. New people are daily learn ing of the high grade work we do In the way of cleaning, repairing, uphol stering, painting or varnishing, and general overhauling of furniture. Many a dollar is saved for the housekeeper by ns. All goods called for and delivered.

Rogers Couch Factory, N. Main. Are You Ready for the Winter? The old stove should give way for a new one. You'll need the best to give you plenty of comfort during the cold season which is now almost upon us. Ever try the Uccchwood stove? They stand above the rest in excellency, Good heaters and excellent bakers, The cost is reasonable.

Hadn't you bet ter have the leaky roof patched up right away? We do new or repair work In the tinning line. Stoves cleaned or repaired and set in position. Furnaces given attention. Walter Boos, tinsmith and plumber. S.

Main next to Evans Bros. "Hello, Central! Give me Sharpe's Market, IIelQ, Sharpe, what will you have In the line of vegetables tomorrow?" "Just the same as usual, Mrs. Housewife; everything seasonable In the market." "Well, I'll call you up in the morning and leave our order with you; I'll leave It. to you to send what's only nice and fresh. I know we can always tlepend on you." "All right, madam, we'll make the delivery in sufficient time for the dinner." Biggest market in the city.

Fish Fridays. Opposite Gazette office. Both phones. The Children's Friend. Fur coughs, croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaints, One Minute Cough Cure never fails.

Pleasant to Ihe laste and perfectly safe. C. B. George, Winchester, "Our little girl was attacked with croup one night and so hoarse she could hardly speak. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure.

It relieved her Immediately. When she awoke next morning she bad uo signs of hoarseness or croup." For sale by" Farror, Peck Roberts, Plttatnn and West Plltstou. Tbe Biggest Rugs in tbe City ale be.iif; a our store, sl.eit 'Jxl2 lee prices range I10111 $1(1 to $lu. Made in Axiuinster, Brussels nd Wilton; something really very handsome. A new fashion.

Rugs are selling more rapidly than high grade carpets. See our window display. Williams McAnulty. Comfortable Bros. Underwear.

Corcoran 1413 Modern 8urgery Surpasted. "While suffering from piles," says G. F. Carter, of Atlanta, "I got DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve aud was entirely cured." Cuts, burns, bruises quickly cured. Beware of counterfeits.

Sold by Farrer, Peck ft Roberts, Plttston and West Pittston. Spreads Like Wildfire. When things are "the best," they beeome the best Abraham Hare, a leading druggist of Belleville, writes: "Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have handled in 20 years." You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, DnweU, bioed auu nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys and bqwels. purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies.

It builds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor Into any weak, sickly, run down man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold by W. C.

Price and j. 21. Honek, Plttston, and O. D. Stroh, West Pittston.

WM. GILES. The Low Price Grocer. Best Patent Flour New Buckwheat Flour, iter sack. aiignr riams.

tier in y2 Pickled Pork, per lb .10 per lb 10 Golden Egg Noodles, per pkt. 5 in Matchless Coffee, per Ih 25 Cream Corn Starch 10 Linton's Celebrated Tea tin. Maple Syrup, per hot 10 THE CITY SUPPLY STOItE. Cor. Main and Butler ucentsts declare that bacteria are carried altont in hank notes.

If you fear contagion, fake, your notes to Smith brothers, and exchange fur pure, wholesome groceries, that are reasonable it; price and first in finality; full weight and measure guaranteed. Bav aye ami eea nut imtato. Have er and lir unt all of rum. Hava limiiii ami HiluV net Those who do riot liny ilieir butter, eggs and fancy groceries at Smith and thus be assured of tlie purest and bfst at the lower.t prices 4550 TftOtrV CHAPTER WO. 1.

A Coffee Romance. We are liaviiu 1'ackeil expressly for uur tr.ila a n.r Tea Mixture that twain any thine In ilila vlc 'nlly. IT HAS THE AROMA. IT HAS THE SUPERIOR QUAllTf IT'S OMLV 35 CENTS A POUNO. ITS RECOMMENDATIONS.

A lady of a prominent Wt Hdla family, while making piircluieeii at our atore, waa attracted hy Ike pleasant Havor wu'rli came rrom nnr mill aa a tinintity or tbia blend waa belli gronml. She ordered a ponnil ant to her home. Two duya later, while amis In Ihe atore. die einreaned liereelftbiui' "That, ma lieata ary I ever Hied We velrleil tbe f' Pli.u, M.nlw.... ...1 1 JJUH8 grailee, lint yor mixture la l.y far the Semi a eon pie of uoiiuda up to lli6 bnelal at on hiiivta tbla evening and rnargo totuy account and I wlab you would pieaae imipte to a connle my frleoda, I know tbaru keuieiu Uo Bud an excellent coffea tor liuta rl" multa of tbe SheliayfiLuchsinger.

WEST PITTSTON, Tboroucrb (nRti.nnt.lnn 1 sitm ,,,1.1 1 Or.ilimU aui iin. boat imeftlons, Some are now urawiUK "mnniM ur anil SI BUT Mini In nve ami niv 11.0.,, H. 1.. nil whii ii 1. Ivi n.i,ll, tb 1 attention of AMBITIOUS vim liiruit lici.

lU'ini ri Ir. ulnt'3 pA 1 1 Before you sign that application for IFE IN8URANCE, see what the OLD MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK hae to offer. Any one will tell you who the agent la. ETCETERA. Netea From Business Men, Want, and Other Minor Matters.

Wanted Girl for housework in small family. Apply at Gazette. it Wanted A competent girl. Apply at 36 William St. nlBtf Lost Brown spaniel dog.

Reward. J. Mlllhouser. 225 Linden St. 1512 Weavers wanted on hand silk warps, two looms.

$3.00 weekly guaranteed; more can be made. Apply by letter or personally. John Norris, Turner and Mascber Philadelphia. 14t2 Wanted Good girl. 79 S.

Main. 1311 For Sale Fine grocery business, stock, and fixtures; with or without book accounts; reasonable. Excellent location and growing trade. Reasons for selling given prospective purchasers. Address, at.

once, A. B. C. care Gazette. 1314 Good girl wanted for general house work at 310 Philadelphia avenue.

laii For Sale Large heating r.tove, at Fenn's hardware store. I2wl For Sale Two pointer pups. U. Wetherbee, 124 Luzerne Ave. llwl When you need coal, remember that the Lehigh Valley Coal celebrat ed "Exeter" coal Is the best, and order from the Wyoming Valley Lumber Co.

For Rent Two front rooms, 1st door, over Harter's. Inquire at rooms. Fresh shell oysters, fruits and vegetables, limburger and American cheese at Wm. Snape's market, 48 S. Main.

Oysters In all Barter's. For rent, from Nov. 1, No. 13 Luzerne avenue, near bridge. Lately occupied by F.

H. Brown. Modern improvements; convenient location. In quire of Dr. Mabon.

2 Itf Ferretsfor fiale. H2 Mearle St. eod Pan cakes and hot to usages fur breakfast at Maugban's. Fresh shell oysters at Moffat! 's. Sewer pipe always on band and for dale by Cyclone Machine Co.

25m tf For Rent and For Sale A large list of properties. P. K. Richards. See the Storm Cap.

Something new, ul t'orcinairuTmi. PERSONAL. William Kay and Austin vere In Sci aulon last. cvviiiuK. Miss Pearl I ons has returned from visit to relatives in Hi r.iuloii.

Mrs. P. McRlheuuy and daughter are the guests of relatives in llonesdale. O. Ed.

Carey, of Scrauton, was a visitor to the city yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Reap, of Scranton, Is the guest of friends find relatives in Se bastopol. Motorniuu John Uurrell is to he seen on the front of his car, after a i'otir months' vacation, which he spent abroad. Hon.

and Mrs. C. C. Bowman and Dr. and Mrs.

Mahon were among the Pitts tonians who attended the Nordlca concert in Scranton last evening. Miss Mario Traccy. of Conehohocken who has been the guest of Mrs. Reap and family for the past month returned to her home this morning. D.

P. Williams, secretary of Hughes town borough council. Is confined to Ills home with an abcess on the neck. His condition for a week past ha been serious, but at present he Is somewhat Improved. Will H.

Malta, formerly an attache of the Scranton Truth, but for the past year manager of the Lake Lodore Improvement company, was in the city last evening on business. Henry G. Williams, of Wilkesbarre. t'ormerly superintendent of the Cres colliery, on the Plttston bottle ard, haa accepted a position as mine ioreman for the Red foal company, lu Wilkesbartv. Among those from this city who were in attendance ut the Nordiea cote in Scranton last evening were: Sir.

and Mrs. J. O'D. Mangau, Mr. and Mrs.

C. Frank Bohan. Mioses Agues Murphy. Marie Tracey, and Mlsn Man jan. James A.

Hifigins. former Pitts who has recently bee a resi lent 6f I'hiladelidiia. ban been coui i'lFSioiied cond iliuU nam in tin cgular army by lh President anil has ict assigned to Hie. Thirteenth United States infantry. Lieutenant Hlggins in the signal corps during the Spanish War, entering as a private and being mustered out as a first lieutenant.

His brother, Ambrose Higglns, vas captain in the signal service during the SpaniBh War. Huntsmen's Supplies. Foot Ball Goods At Schuseler Bechtold's. Read. In order to continue the big saie we liave had on Overcoats, we will make special prices all during November $23 coat, eatln sleeve lining and velvet collar, for $20 Also a full line of SuitiDgs at prices .0 satisfy all.

We employ none but the best workmen, and can guarantee all A ork. Call and make a selection and have Jie goods laid aside for you. DeF. Hatfield, Merchant Tailor, 13t3 West Pittston. 1 1 Hats, the $3.50 for $2.50.

$2.50 for $2.00. $2.00 for $1.50. $1.50 for $1.00. At tbo Hub Clothing House, Plttston. See the Storn Cap.

PICTURE AGENT ARRESTED. He Wat Charged With Obtaining Money Under False Pretense. Albert Goolah. picture agent, was arraigned before Alderman Barrett last evening, on a charge of having secured money under false pretenses from several people in Oregon. The charge was preferred by Miss Klmmey.

or that locality. The complainant alleged I hat Goolah secured money for the enlargement of pictures nnd that he did nol then comply with the conditions he made when he secured the order. After considerable testimony had been heard, none of which was definite, the alderman discharged the prisoner. Overcoat Sale. $15.00 Tor for HI nil for $8.00.

7.00 for $5.00. At the Hub Clothing House, Plltsfon. ARTISTS' MATERIAL PICTURE FRISIIXS PAINTS, GILS GLASS KEW WALL PAPERS T.S.&V.S.Bsrrifl NORTH MAIN ST. The styles of tailoring used by the colonists of early times would look out of place today. When you buy yonr overcoat, buy one of the new kind.

THEY LOOK ALL RIGHT. THEY ARE ALL RIGHT. We have the latest colorings for Overcoats and Winter Suits, lou'll decide quickly when you see them. If we can't fit you, lAep your money. Come in and have a look, BUSS, Thd City Teilor, MAIN OPPOSITE WATER ST.

ESTRAY COW. (Vine lu tbe ilac9 of the on fcralgued. a ht r'u cr.w. Owoerean Imva lama iiroimrt.y ami iiaving cbarKaa. KMPI.K I RON CO.

PA HU, Halt Dnryaa, Ka. OF THE 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE Hefcreall the world we claim that the goods offer ed here are tbe best values In tbe state. Rather broad claim, isn't il Old custo mers know we can back it up. New ones soon find it oct. il 1 1 GomoQndTQliolduQnfQKo 'houses at nradium and low rents in Plttston and viest Plttston.

Buyers will find pome at bargains. O. B. Thompson, Agt. i If Economy is on Your Mind, wend your way to Grace's grocery store.

We can show you what you can save by buying of tie. Every article we handle has bargains tamped on ti.t very face of it May they'll Int. in i you; come and sc. Best Flour 60 Florida Oranges 4 ''Jamaica Oranges SO Sweet Potatoes. Cranherrles.

vT. A. GRACE, the Grocer. 1 Uusic Hall, One tiight Only, Saturday, Kovemier 16.. W.

K. Naukovllla Prwwuta Ilia Charuilne Uoiueallc Drama, THE UHHnGE PARSQN A Beautiful Story Well Told Superb Special rf PowerfoJ Co Comedy. Pathos. Drama. The dramatic (tl the season.

IX ent liom the others, and Better. flea's by 'pbui Rrlt'aS:?j; JJuscJaj FREDERICK PHiNHtY, tWfcJCJjR, I i JyJEN'S SUITS $7.00 Hen's Suits $4.90 Another Special! For the next ten days, commencing Wednesday, No. 6th, we will fell three of oor mrt't pcpular 15c Wall Paper Patterns for 10c Per Double Roll. These papers are lieay gilts with match cei ing anu Border. Oiher stcits are asking 18c tor same grade Remember 10 days only for 10 cants.

GOMPERTZ CO 20 North Main St. Oil Ootu fcr under jour stove: 35C Return Eiigageniant. Entire Weill's Greatest Cornet Soloift, an. nuiiuiuii ISPrlcf and 60 cents, Dia.ram open. MUSIC HALL, Children's Suite.

$5 00 Suits for $4.00. $4.00 Suits for $3.00. $3.00 Suits for $2.25. $2.50 Suits for $2.00. $2.00 Suits for $1.60.

$1.50 Suits for $1.25. $1.25 Suits for $100. At the Clothing House, Plttston. fillings that last. Dr.

Welsb. You Know Ua, Don't You 7 You know cur reputation. You know that when we sell you a good carpet that it positively is a good ope. Tpfs season we hare a bigger and better Showing than ever. You know what that means.

Call in and let us show them to you. Williams ft McAnulty. Fillings thaf feat Dr. Welsh. I $0.50 leu's Suits 10.00 Men's Suits $7.00 QVOCOATSV ten's Blue and Hack Overcoat $4.25 Ban's Oxford Cray Overcoat $4.15 Hen's Oxford Gray IH 7c Coat, MM, S6.S9 10 9(iiivi3(ciywi Co "ROAN aP KE; FCSi CK VASSEViUE I CA8L0AD OF SPEQU SSEXtfr Mow tO.KIaadteOMta, MatiamVlasaMtoan.

Have your fnrnaco cleniTby Asa. rceran Bros. Something new, at B. OPPENHEIA1ER, Si'iliaS SvM pet square yard..

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