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Star-Phoenix du lieu suivant : Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 26

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Date de parution:
Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

ft iM'it i f. V- 1 i i i (it i ii It V- ft I I i i i i a I 4 1 4 i 4 4 .4 --J i 4 aw it ts ft ft ftrftftftrft i 44 i ft ft" 4 ir.s luit tlL tlftlllU i fc A --tlft i ft. ft--. -4 It 4 II 4 ll Ml i'B i 4 t- T.r.l, ,4 I a. 1 inl 4 i 4 ft 1 4..

4. 4 4 I ft 'ft 4 i -'ft 6 5 ft ft i 4 .4 4.4 4 r.xau.rNT iJ i nit'MTV 4 tf ftft ft ft Aft 1 ft 4 4 ft ft 4 t.n a 4 W4 1 4 4 a a 44 N. tft Ar fti i ft 14 a 4 At I ft I I t. ft ftft i P4 ft ftt A4 VI 4 4 .4 ft 44 tm ft ft. ft ft t- 4 toJ U4k -4 ft.

ft i ft tft ft ft. ft.f I 4 -ft Ift 4 ft -l i 4 4 ftr ft A ft ft" 4 A c4 tfttu4 tft V. ft I ft ft ft I f. i ft ft I I'l'i 1 --ftft hA4 ft Mft ft 4 4 ft i 4-4 Ift 4 ft ft to i wi ft4J 4 4- fn tH. Ift MtKIHU MllMli I 4.4 44 ft-4 i 1 4 I 4 A- 4 1 ft ft A I fcl ftf HA I .4..

i HOKlltS I tt4W4- ftft4 oto inio I 14.4 4. I ft 4 yr 41 A U. 11 1 i. ft. 4-a t.

I ft. Opportunities I I ll ft 1 ft.rt. ftft fci ,4 tft ha ft 1 AtA (--, ft 4.J-s!: mt 4t? tftlT leif-'ft 4 1 111 to Building Sakatoonv Suskstthewan M4 T4ft ft Vn ftfft ti4 i I ftn, i Ar i I ftj miI in .4 .44 r.ft I I 4.. ft i ft 'VuU 1.1. NI.U ifKM)V TILL YOU THY THIS I' is i M-did ft-i sMft raj ftt letrft ft ft ft ft ft 'r It -ft ft fl.

I ft "A 13: i I ft 4 A. 4 i CITY OF MOOSE JAW NOTICE TO TENDERERS Twi'L tvftxU-, Apt 1-4 I .14 tan Ii ft sut tomm at "-r Mar ft ft. n4 ft 1 11 1 A i fKl wi (h' 14 ftlo4k, rt lu'b rdft.H Uuj iW(l ln1'ft "lHftft ft Curb ti I sMtfJf i't --4 01-ui- ft 1 1 I in Kan UlT ftr X-l. .0, ift A If I 4 'htM 4N Ujft i Ull.l trt Hrft l-lt Mat, tliMt jit t. ftr If! Wl Ff 1 I 4 Ml i -w itt i i tm lKiftd 1x LttV 1 Wftlr I Jy 1 kn it liUM liUWL HftUWKK3 ft fttlft H-Kf 4ft'HM -'h W.

ftln ftn MI It Pft4 Hft.l A ft. rvie fltit. ,4 h.Wftl JM imwftftllfttft nl. jttivirfi it, Ih til H.ft.fhrftftl. I I AiH-i I at 2 Ki-a ttM Avcilcb'c New i.

HOVAL CANADIAN NAVY If 4, fty.t if uMit fortlilH 0.. I ftf bu.e may id qua t- f.n IIH 0v4 (.. intrir, a 11 It 4 4. an ACT NOW ft ni ftr fhsn. The RCN Recruilir.g Officer H.M.C.S.

Unicorn Saskatoon Phone CII.2-0494 m.ft -ftftiHtfti'vi ftjvft 1 t- mttfc ftiMtt fcfftteA ft in i ir ft tlx r4't tt t'Ur Vk)t4 t4B lrfir tn tit id 7 t' ft ftftr--f e'ftl inlh mi tttg trlcf iient pin a4 ii'ft tj' n.n (rtttttf file ft A Kthel hi it Patter np Brt lit, ott ottn 1 4 a rh ct t-un tal ftU iftH'ftift tn tur ti i tor -tfy I til i i 4- rvr-mirvi rui nft-fi-ntft Cr.i I Ha 1 Ii ft.i. .1. I ili-ftn curn a ruin ftitu I Djr o'. Jin of tUft fti Uiiid en li ft 1,11.4 VII Aptll It, I form of T.nd.r M. iticatmria and ipilrfttion at aipUffttion a n.y trt- talH.ed lipMir All Mftft.r--ft iift IW 2nd Ave Pt tsi jsm asn house, aU ism i it A I ftv ftirfu, Atvtving wile, it, tir Nt tt tn Tw'ta Uu bir al t(4f Dh'kio rftriM ft til4- at tun In Hf UI -ft end graduftUd trn the vt Tot itti a nacneior of ArHud Vime in rsui nctneertrtg ,9,1 lofining gid UNiitn he rartt to Mkftatrn ftan ftftd had enggftd in ptftc-tft of pitK.sionfti vftgmeti ing and Jand uf ve mg pi sine pnv Hues im lM He hd he office in ft number of jwolrftilnn! am lotions A veletan vt Ive ftrtt Wt.

Mr. served tn the I I iYvMNtEKclAIti I piva eirif-td tn rirtsiitenttig and 'Ttruro, tn wriftng aitn Re; Ut, lis Sco Avatjut, i'uh, S-I fftiftftft I I Numhftf J. ftvr lb PR r'r--i Appiftini4i Qaantay of wtft til Vi4 rwiHtan uh Ttnft'ftf- is.ow Tciuur fotrM nd coniiact dutntnti may obia.ntd trvmr lllfl n. Da vt and Ktawn Co I td. Ifti4 Hmiti'n R(iua Sitchar.

Dftpottt Mr ront art 4orumi.ft -Fifty Ihula I. lIOtMFS, Vptily M.nifttrr, D-pai In nt tif aid Uviun. tici i'- win tnv num. i ion ft till Tie aptitotimat amount of wtxft ft. f.tfUt..

17 ret of 4r M.m rret of Jwner Mam i.f') rt of 13 hr Mj.n 3 lift Matimii t0W fwt of Pre.iuit Main I l- tjiloon ft of a water Mala 149 Service! Conner tiont Each tentier Hunt be arcnmpanied hv a erituieil riirqti. pjvahle to Hie Tun rf Ituna In the amutint of not ic. ri 5'ri per ecnl of tht tender lrl lettlflrit cli.tiupa wiit Km r. the Olv ri.lntoi a w.r I. an.

on mnt ol fe Sum of Twenty Iniaa '3t. wlitt-h will be i to umuc r-tul rl'ic and lle not upon return of th dument In eond imn within 14 data of tlx tender orbiting date. Th Swiliraiiimi used In making bid will bft ctMUirlf ltd a returned. A ch.o nr bid band tn the urn of 10 per cent of the total if th extended unit nitre. I.

to ec etirnpanv em but. r.iitii by the iirio.iul bidder to ear. ut ami lail tlic c-ontiai-t within 10 day. will niean U4. Night phoiia 44 lt 4 fell I i 1 11 nf oft buttling M-pftii'f f.v;frl titft tiecn(tuft.

Iti fti tfwtTt Fr(Ti twf Trrt-t to mv bft ohtln4 frnm Ihft Off ir of tMintl, A mU t.4 A rrht-t'i nd F-mmftfr. 2ft Atlit trt, jRrgin, iumivhr rang wii) "rn viftft at tit skmft and Hfflna fwrhtinKfl, und tit Mmlittt fluitding RpiMnl. WmnUi ftuh-rrntift btrt govinrd bv Ihft 0.ftKUMn Bid Dftpoittory fainn, A H-txMtt of thirty tfoturt f30rtnt It rivttnpt fr -h cum pi 1 or twntmt rt of piiii Uttiit ft-ill rrttintt1! in. th rftturn of th dmwinn unrt ftnuctfirjitinni In fod cnnilitmn ftlHiin thirty di afttr ciotlng of tndtr. Tht 1-rwPt inv tn4tr will not BftCfHMi-fly km accrpt4.

MO.NL'MKYIS Sa jCHHIHIlAM AND C(H- iege itudnts Uh lumtner iiik lull wLsT SIDE MONUMENTAL OHM or pan time intUy rS' titml -Ifil. hf I'lui F-in wrrkh (ii, in Juan Ru.lin Co 12 Vi1. ln. iiuwga 2. lihnnis 4-2 0 Red and Uiatk (jfarut ttu-t, 4-1 trnutrted brtmie meniuiia.s.

01 2fiih west. I'hunft CH 4-7444 ntfjHrTAtl. HAkMHOI RKyt'IHKH IX- I tinned to uli.til'rtN.lul hl.ltli. tin.m futfcituift of tin chequ or bid bond. award oi th contlart.

i Hfi inn ru iwr! fii'inip ion ftiC- cording to fthiMlv. (11 2 M44 4 I f) Thl la ft unit prlc contract. Th lowest or nv tender will not KEMCO Montfment grav coven Western Grann Maibl Co. lift 114 2nd Aye N. haskatuon.

Cll 4-5 nerevurllv bft accepted. ftoal Canatlun Knttinrei and lite Hjttiwav Tro-'n in ranee arifl Belgium He aevd with the KCAf the tank of Sfiuadrnn Lender in the Second Wo: id Wi and was awatded tbe MHK In for outsUndtng profexnt'tnal and technical aervue over a kmg period Of time. Mr Mcl-e lln as ft long time member of Knox United Church. Saskatoon Rotary Club, Sskfttchftwim Lodge No. i A and A M.

and the Scottish Rt'e, fnter-ment will take plar tn Wnodlawn cemetery. Te ankaloon funeral Heme is in charge of 4-2-c ARK VOU WILLWU TO WORK MV hours per five d'i ot eventnss per aek ft earn i0? Lftatn bustnea that emild a 5 lei your entire future Car neceary For Interview anpftintment rail Mrs. A breech, 4-glM, on Thursdav, April I of write to Boa 2.1. Star-Phoeni 4 3ft CITY COMMItXtONtRS, CITY Of MOOSE JAW. JUNIOR GROCERY CLERK Advertisement 4 3-e-s EVENTIDK MCVIORlAL STUDIOS 3r Slrsat Subway, Tl.

)4-(iJ0 Persons) and dignlfiad Mrvic toi cmtti uioaunienta xtl A Pei fnrinane. Guaranty Bond In an amount equal to fifty I6n'. per cent of th rontiact sum, and a Materials Payment Bond in an amount equal lo tweuty-flift i2J-i per cent of th contract sum will required from th surctstiul bidder. Copies of drawing ane) specifications mv be obtained liom the ofdecs, of iimiig Lamb Nelson iSak.i lid. IMO Albeit Regina.

Smkat. chewan, upon a of in cinque made payable to Strong lunb TAXI DRIVERS WANTED. CH '23. J. A Prinl.

C'ftntrltf r( ffk(rhM In. Pktftrtn, 8ftikntcn4n. INVITATION TO TENDER LOST AND I 0UND MAi50N- SOLEMN REQUIEM MASS C-nhle person learn, lug ine ry trade, t'i'-etlriit onportiiinly for arii Knt-pioyee bcneflta Inrlurie: Group In-S'nance, Siierniuiation, Mrdical Plan. and Paid Sirlc t.eae. Grorry experienr, preferred.

Must have high school editratkon. Age range IS to years. Salary rang $190 to pr month. TINDERS TOR EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS LOST LADY'S PRESCRIPTION flasaea. Black (tames.

2U-MM. 4-3-c miK.i such denoslt TOWN OK BROADVIEW SASKATCHEWAN March 11. 192 Sealed tenders illi the word i Tender" enfuced on the envelope to returned upon receipt Tenders will be received by the Architects. Keith and A.aocite RglHRRD, AN ORDERLY FOR THR MoiMomin Union Hoipital duties to commence as toon as pntMhie.

Two weeks holidnv. accumulative sick; leave plus statutory and civic holi-davs, Living accommodation avail able State salary expected. Apply to Mr, Skull Bjorriion, Administrator, Moonnmtn Union Hospital, Mooftoinln, Sask, 4-1-d or drawings ana specifications In good condition within 3U days after closing tnr tile construction of niaaomy Dial Date: March 20, 1962. IZUMI. ARNOTT AKD RUGIYAMA An-httrrta and 3151 Albert Strt, Bglna, SaikAtvhewnn Phonft LAkatd J-iiti.

4-4-c LOST: SET Or KEYS ON CHAIN with Initials "CV." on red pad. Rewa-d. J43-2701. 4-J-c Apply to: oi ivnaera. r.quipment Buildings and Hidio Bulid-inks for Saskatchewan Government Telephone! as follows: Radio Buildings, will bft received until two 12 On) o'clock p.m.

Central Standard Time, Wednesday, April 11, 1JX2, at the office of Associated Engineering Services 1233 Winnipeg Street. Regina, Saskatchewan, for the construc Administration Offlre, Saskatoon Co-op Centre, 4Ui Ave. and 32nd f-e Owner reserve th right to waive any informalities in or reject any or all tenders or to accpt th tender deemed most favourable In th MALE HELP WANTED 13 lor Mr. Gedeon Emile MuMon who died on Mrch 2i, lfi'2. wns sung from SS.

Donatlen ct Ro-gatien Roman Catholic Church at ud'hmnme on Mtrch 30 at ll a m. CST. The Celetotant was Rev. C. Vachon.

Pastor at St. Amelia, and cousin of the deceased. The wag Rev. J. A.

Houle, Pastor at Domremy, Sask. The Sub Deacon was Bey. B. de Marine. Saikatoon, Sask.

The Head Server was L. Normand, Prud'homme. The Commentator was Rev. P. Carrier.

Paaiot at Prud'homme Pallbearers Were O. Loiselle. P. Benjamin, A. G.mhier.

J. Demers, R. Robert. A. Loiselle.

Interment took place In the family plot in the Prud'honrrne Roman Catholic cemetery. Park Funeral Chapel was In charge of arrangements. 4-2-c 4-3-e TENDERS ACCOUNTANT WANTED: EXPERIENCED BARBER, for Rill', Barber and Beauty Shop, CKB1 Bldg Prlnc Albert. 7Srr or chair rental. 4-7-c MAN WANTED TO SELL A WLEIGIi Produrta in Sa.katoon, full or part, time Nearby rural route also avail, able AddIv 129 Second Ave.

N. MEN TO SELL ATKINS PRODUCTS in Full or part-time territories will be available CH.4-0O41. 4-3-c sire approximately 35' 33 located at Kerroberl Aberdeen, and Alsask; and Dial Equipment Buildings, located at Kelvlngton, Lake Lenore. turgis, Wa-kaw, Whitewood. Dana.

Mossbank, and Lum.den, Sask. Tenders will be received up until 4 00 m. Regina City Tune, Tuesday, April 10, 19H2. in the olfice of the Architects, 76 Angus Street. Regina, Saak.

Plans and specifications may be ob. talned from the Architects on deposit of Twenty-Five Dollars, which sum will be refunded on return of interest of th owner. Mr. 3. Gaidewlch, Town Clerk, Town of Ituna, ITUNA, Saskatchewan.

Strong Lamb Nelson (Sask.) Ltd. Consulting Engineers, 1.VT0 Albert Street. REGINA. Saskatchewan. 4-0 pm it roa tiif supply or GENERAL BUIUUKRS' HARDWARE Srnlrd linden for tli above will bf retvl by the unrirnlinrd up to 12:00 Noon Monday, April IWi.

tion oi atei oi ks ana newer extensions consisting of the following. U) Supply and Installation of approximately 4,550 lineal feet of water pipe and all necessary valves, hydrants and fittings; ibi Supply and installation of approximately"0 lineal feet of sewer pipe nd construction of manholes and appurtenances; (c) Supply of materials and Installation of approximately 20 service connections, (d) Construct Sewage Lagoon and SALESMAN FOR WORKMEN'S store. Experienced In shoe, and clothing. Box 184A Star-Phoenix. 4-l-a Experienced accountant and offi malinger to assume charge tn large auto and implement delerhip in Saskatchewan city.

Departmental costing and nonthly financial statements required. Machine accounting usea. State age, academic training and experience Pension plan and group Insurance provided. Salary commensurate with qualifications. All replies will be acknowledged and held confidential.

Reply to BOX 1491, STAR-PHOENIX 4-3-c plans and specifications In food con 4.2-c Spreiflratlona may obtained (t dition. POTTS THE DEATH OF HERBERT A. age 75 year, of Asquith, Sask. occurred at his home on March 1W3. Th Funeral Service will be ie oince oi the underlined.

Contractors may submit bids for any WANTED: EXPERIENCED ALB clerk for Macleoda store For Information contact Box J37 or call Carrot River, Sask. 4-3- Loweat or any tendftr not necsarlly one location or group of locations, but tenders which are submitted shall indicate Ui location on whicb they are TENDER NOTICE held on Monday, April 3 at 1:30 icity ttmei from the chapel of the Saskatoon Funeral Home. Surviving Bidding. Copies of plena, specifications snd Contract Document may be obtained at the Rcgma oince of the Consulting cccpiea. Mr.

t. Wedfe. Serretarv-Tremurer, S.katnon Colleginte Inititutei, 211 4lh Avenue, Soi'lh. SASKATOOiN', Saskatcliewan. Scaled tendm will be rrenved bv Experienced Electricians who are familiar with mine or heavy Industrial maintenance work are required for full-timr employment at our new nickel mining and processing plant In Northern Manitoba.

Interested applicants please apply, stating fie, education, experience and details of any certificates or licenses pertaining to the trade to: THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED A certified cheque or bid bond In the amount stipulated in the Instructions to Bidders shall be submitted with tnc undersigned or thr an-hMri'ts u.i are: 3 daughters Miss Dorothy Potts, and Mrs. Edward Lake iKathleeni both nf Asquith. Mrs. R. Faulkner iBcrthai.

Calmly; grandchildren; I brother Sidney Potts, Asquith also 1 sister in Australia and 2 brothers In England. The late Mr. lenders. A guarantee bond will be 4 J-c WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE AN rxnrncnced real estate salesniin with car an excellent opportunity lor pennanent position. Must bp a producer and will ine to take active personal interest.

Cameron Realtors, Saskatoon. 4-2-c Potts was born in Chesterton, Cambridge, England. He was a pioneer resident of the district having come to homestead at Asquith 54 years ago. Interment will take plac, in the Asquith cemetery. 4-2-c quired from the contractors, Lowell or any tender not necessarily accepted.

S. Fraser, Chief Engineer, Sask. Government Telephones, 2350 Albert Regina, 8ak. Architectural Division. Stock, Keith Associate, 70 Angus Strcftt, Refflna, Saak.

March 32nd. 1M. 4-l-e-s tnpmecrs bv a oona tide tenaerer tor a deposit of $25.00. Each tender must be accompanied by a surely in tne form of a certified cheque or bond made out to the Town of Broadview as called lor the "Instructions to Bidders" section of the Documents. Thft Town of Broadview reserves the right to reject ftny or all tenders and the lowest tender will not necessarily bft accepted Mr.

L. J. Norton, Town of Broadview Broadview, Saskatchewan. ASSOCIATED ENGINEERINO SERVICES Consulting Engineers, 1233 Winnipeg Street, REGINA, Saskatchewan. 4-2-e Tenderi will he melved by John K.

Dyk. Box 137. Phone 8. Aberdeen, Saskatchewan, until Tuesday, April 10, 1962, for the followlnf quart- i of land: SE 39, 3, Srd 'tth buildings, and KW SR. II.

1, 3rd. Highest or any tender not liecesaarily accepted. tfr. John K. Dyck.

O. Box 137. Aberdeen, Sftak. 4-ft-p Thompson. Manitoba 10 2 p.m., April 19, UM2 (or I ihc construction of the UkiHinietn Greek Catholic Parish to br 1 built on the corner of Avenue and 20th Street, Building conslrurtion is masonry, reinforced concrete -and steel construction with approximate main lloor are of 10,000 square feet.

Drawings and specifications may bft obtained by general contractors from th archttftcts, fi. Arling Associates, 301 Ross Building, Saskatoon, on receipt of a certified cheque In the amount of $100.00. Deposit will bft refunded upon return of the documents in good condition and receipt of a bona fide tender. Sub contractors and suppliers arc requested to inspect the drawings and specifications at the Builders Exchange in Regina. the Sag-kat-xm Construction Association, the Builders Exchange in Edmonton, Mac-Leans Building Reports in Winnipeg Attention: Superintendent fersonnel 4-3-c Enro! Now for the Final Militia Survival Course STEBBINS MARCH 182.

LENA Stebbin, passed away suddenly In her Slst year, in a Winnipeg hospital. Survived by her husband; one aon, Milton, Vancouver, B.C.: two Mrs. George i Revel Lewis, Vancouver, B.C., Lloyd (Gracel Walker, Kitchener, on, sister, Vincent, Winnipeg; two sisters, five brother, in Ontario; seven grandchildren, six great grand-hil ren. Interment Grand Bend, Ont. 4-2-c TENDERS LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLY firm with branches on Vancouver Island and mainland la expanding.

We need one active man for sales desk, one outude salesman calling on contractor, and Only fully experienced need apply and those preferablv with knowledge of British Columbia district, and con. City of Prince Albert TENDERS PHARMACEUTICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE Required for Saskatchewan, with headquarters in Regina or Saskatoon To detail and sell ethical pharmaceutical products to the drug trade, hospitals and medical protession. Candidate must have mlmimum of two years university tn science, pharmacy or pie-med. Previous sales experience an asset. Salary and bonus.

Company car, complete fringe bcnetits. Please state age. education, experience and reference in your teplj. Tenders will received by the undersigned until noon April llt. ISfil.

for two one-room school For Reservoir Construction and kvan i-o. Lid. in ditions. If ou arc ambitious to create more sales write first for our application form to list detail, and experience. Stewart AY Hudson 40J Gorge Road.

Victoria, C. 4-3-e TENDERS FOR GRID ROAD CONSTRUCTION Sealed tender, will be received by the undersigned until 1 p.m. M.S.T. on KIPPAN ON MARCH 26. 1K82.

IN Vancouver, Jeasie Lawson Kipoan, widow of the late Duncan J. Kip-pan of Semans Sask. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. O. B.

Ommund-son iMargareti. Vancouver; Mrs. T. Grevell iHelrnl, Creton, B.C.; Mrs. buildings and one stable at Martens- Tille, Saskatchewan, as follows: I.

Wet School Building sire lOySO with lean-to attached sire 10x20. Cfnler Building stee 10x40. i. Stable size 1834. Each Tender must accompanied bv a certitied cheque tn the amount of made nut tn ST).

No isti Highest or any tender not acHarily accesled. Monday. April 19U for siibgrad construction of spproxtmately ft miiet Grant Landon ijrssiei, Vancouver; and Mr. Whitehead (Pat', British of main market g.ia road. This is your last chance to takft advantage of the six weeks train tug otfered by the Canadian Armv Militia in connection with Its National Survival role in the event til nuclear attack.

The final coursft the remaining new rttisen roidter needed by the MiMtta wtU be held in vour own Mmmunitv from April ll to May 37 and vacancies are limited. Sub contractors are to file copies of their tender in accordance with the Saskatoon Construction Association Bid Depository as outlined in Division 3 of the specification. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Kcv Father Olynk. Ukrainian Greek Catholic Rectory, 214 Avenue M.

South Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 4-1-e Guiana. Mrs. Klppan was prede Location; N3.4 and M-35. EOX I486 STAR-PHOENIX ceased By her husband In 143 and her two eons.

Lloyd, in IMl. and 30-3 and ri 31-U-1I-3. Sealed "tenders clearly marked as to content will be received by the City Commissioners. City Hall, Prince Albert, up to p.m. Central Standard Time on Thursday April 191 h.

I9t2 tor the const ruction oi a 2 million gallon concrete water storage reservoir and pumphouse Bona fide General Contractors mav obtain Contract Documents, from the Consulting Engineers at the address shown for a deposit of Fifty 5J.00i DMUi which will be returned provided that the extract Document sue returned in good condition within ven iT days of the closing of tenders. General Contractors who have rot p.eMouy obUmed Contract Document wiil be required to furnish evi-fteiirt. of tiiir nrftvuiu i nr lent-e Ciar in 1M4. both tn the hCAr 4-2-C Approximate excavation quantity MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNfTIES In New Shopping Lien re New Unacr Construction 1. BAKERY: Full knowledge of operations and production Some staff supervision required.

Anticipated volume 173 .000 $90,000. AFTTERIA: Duties to Includft orianinng and setting uo rou-tinn and procedure Candidates msjKt have proven ability in 4-2-c ouu cuotc yaras. Eli Waldner, Secretary -Treasurer. No. 4.

Saskatoon. 4-I-c Tendera will be opened In public tn the olfice of Ihe at th i hour of 9 f.m, M.S.T., on Monday, FUNERALS STEADY PROFITS SELLING MADE-t-meaure direct to established 133 Attractive easuy old Generous low prices, free uii bunuses. FuiI ot wm time Experfene not necessary Tremendous opportunity Write for ftamoies. Pdnv Tanorm Co Dept R- Box 3hii Momrral 4 J-c-t TENDER April Sach Tender must be accompanied CARLON THE FUNERAL StRVfOE TENDERS of Id AmeU Car'ison p. a enutea cnequ in ui amount mrwint Mnfiii inn ft? ftnii'nmftnt Seated tenders wiil be received of 3io.

During the Count you will bft) g.ven ftll-dsv training flv ilays ft week. You will at home and receive the ftarr pa as a regujer soldier. phj living alio- a nee. If you ar between 14 and and meet enroiment ftJ bavft th to he i6 on ft v'Uliy tmpftetant jot nd ftftm huft you serve. Sea'ed tenders will received up to o'clock noon.

Daylight Saving Tore. TupUt Ajnl 10, iaJ, for tr-e and financial swuu before receiviug the gned for the construction the Contract Document. of Clavet School, SUge 1. Subcrtntraclnm may view th Con- Tenders thU bft marked Tend! tract Documents al the Prime Aibert ffr Construction of C-vet School, Builder Exchange, thft Sftskatoon Siage I and shall be ftccompanieti by Aftx-iaon and ftt the marked vhequ or bid bond for of ces of Under wd As- i p.r crnt tne tender pnee Plans died on March 27 was hed from Park Funeral Chap! on Ma-rh 30 at ISO pm conducted by Mr. C.

Ley Pai bearern wore Mertl F-tck--m. Rarph BeldiPg. Arnotd be rt-n. Wa ter Wcwki. Henry P.oo i.n.

Fred Schuiu. Interrrent took p.ace in the famiiy pot the ceeterv. 4-l- ftvrvirg ftf septic tanks te Pikft LK Provincial Park. fvm THREE MEN Fcr Sales and Service titis IieO E'nplovee benefits Include supftrior superannuation plan, group life insurance and group medical plan. Direct applications in writing, fttatmg fuu in the first Jtter to: Pervnnel Dirtnr, MOftft Jaw Cn-opraMv.

Aortft-Uon Limited, Moose Jaw, 4--e PERMANEVT FVLL-TTVC FARM eousP imrhr re reOUTed for it- rr M.ft ftTTrji -i-v in Satatorn Arp.Knts tui hr eertifat and ts-. wt 1 At tn t4 bT 4A -jr-f-aoenijs atatnft ae and H3 rrTft ft- J- Alay li 1 1 uotii September 90. 14 mnu ajneciftf frua tw obtained by Regma ParttcuUrft mar be erne4 froi i General Contractor- frorr the Archi- Th leweitt or any tender will not necessarily bft accepted. Spectftcationa and tender forms rrUv be obuinsd at the oi th unoerftigned, ot by eontftcting CNDrRWOOD. Mcl Fl LAN Ik IV, TED l-2i riOHTH STRFFT.

EAST. SASKATOON'. Phono M3-2l gned- Vr 3 eee Sec re a -e rer Ppftrin Natuial p- HAVS'W THE FUVFRAL SFRVKE, cf Mr. Fred Hannon rn f-re at Sjisnatonn or Southern Rr To bft sure of Taam-, en id ng-t ftaT Get de'ftisS NOW. Ofci.gt0.

tr ddreM be.ov tbt oftftreftt to your home. Si.bcontT.Hf cr are to ubmft thfir Nda ftocordiince trie rijre t.V P-ince A.bert B'd T-r bid h.Il be hours! od.uie foe Geners; Crr trcts" lenaeft. ftUrh tender rV.uat bft bustled tm thr (iv- pr j-i" rvd be ftccc- p- 4 it a crt ed ftj ve Honcav-S. o't and Ax wie $4 Canwda S9kTnon, on drit ft cequ for as. General Cotractrrs sll have teir tenoers in lairds ef tne tm W- tnan m.

C5L S'jb-tr, as Wred i te Tec-ft- 8 iPrinenrtit. Depnment of Nft.ural F.c Keg.nv. All endftr to bft suVnttted to: P.l 0ra. Vrl ct Nftt. F-urcvft, Work IS THIS AREA fruft be bdM, ha'-'ft g'oid ard be to do trftitiTag.

Faiai txptrftct ne.pfjL Prly to th Mar gr. PO tr-75. ii-i a jmber, ir ier tU be 4- of tft Saictn Fune-fti ft on F'td. Mircn at 1 cod-i-rted br Rev S'-ar rd I ork rerers were A. Frf, I A A.

wn. J. K-gjL Ljrr in t-: pot the tf tf ft ft-l- at rive of ire F.tLTIELD, Sabtan tr it re- yn, f. ed te S- Sa.katoon Armoury Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Fl 44 4t-e J-ftt f-fti. i S-avnaatuftvan ft ne4 fftcr wr -r.

-'v rr-i ft tt Rd IViiio' p-t 'p uvan r-e-t re vl a-r terdftrs i p-n, C4T, April lo a.T irreire. rtrt? Food Salesman Wanted Fd and 4-, (-- fefwerr rtflJif ftfi ftai T-aTy'4ftT- jitrn ft" tii (- rd re! ft--'ft- t4 t4Tv r-, -L ft a -w -ftr fDn parr fe-ef-J C'-, eftr ITT AIBFRT ft-u- ir -d "Lft.ift 4 1 4.. Classified Phone CH.2-3141 4. 1 1 je. 5ft, PX IML STAR jk.

41 ft If 4 1 4 It Xg Af A A A A A A A 1 r- AA AJa.AAAJa.afft,AaWa ftV.AAftA A. A ftftftA aft aft AA.AaftftA.AA aftaa.a.a.aft.aft.a 4 aft ftV.

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