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Saskatoon Daily Star from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 14

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 PAGE F6URTEEN SASKATOON 'DAILY STAIJ, MONDAY. JANUARY It', 1922. i LOST SOMETHING? FIND IT PHONE A WANT AD TO THE STAR 4206 4 1 Tea cliers Wanted Teachers Wanted For. Sale Mise. iumdls Notices The Saskatoon Daily Star AND The Saskatoon Phoenix Help Wanted Female THOROUGHLY COM Mint lie a good 'yANTKD Mr-Iluchanan Ltd.

Dtiiin1, Ftnineial, Ijind and lnur anca 4 r.g Drinklo Bldg, 1, Sakloon. Saak. FOIt HCoTTVILLK 1 Ort-L PLAIN I). NO 2M4. Wat-chord district, lady teacher! Kak require tacher In holding rron I clnea certificate, du- ProteatAnt district, holding ftret or tlee to commence hb $7tn.

Sutn ex vcond cine reruftcate Dultea to perlence and aalary expected Andriw nbo it Feb. 13th. Ap- WitcheU, i-xprience ami aairyx- 8k l-23-i Pur A Hagen. jlaAckhog iu Waiaon, bask. RANTED TKACHER, FROTF.SL ufUKWFn TKAiViwTi'r'r VV THE LAN If TITLES AfT MoRT'SAiiK RAI.E VAI.T'ABLE FAiRM PKMPFHTY Under avt by virtue power of sale contained in of thej c.irt.'fcin mortgage, which will hevroducrl at' the time of the ale, on the land hereinafter deecritrd There will be often cred for sale by 21 ft.

ft, two granarire 1 ft, hy 14 ft. 5,4 ft by 14 ft; due rde from fcvhool; mUealiwu town; 3 elevut-ie; good market a new gang plow Wanting )ooo cm eh down and rent in resLonl payment Had health rd Yi'rt rv -Hik John Abler, M.r- et rottuttj nt holding second vin, Kak Rue a tteuisr anti ph.u.c- number W. ceitificsi-, for th h.iflnv Glen ..1. Hatley School Idstrict No 1 No. 4Ji; duties to comn'ence I J25UO CASH Vb'Il I IHY Cl FAHtttl -'3U4, BsPon.

Bask. 1-20-p idUU of Februar y. Apply. from l.ucky rpcRTl.K LAKE DRESSED FISH- While. 3-4r.

Jack, 1 1-Jc: ch iftith Sak l)lHoV THAT MATTRKSS away. We car make it over as good as new. The Western Tent ail Redding 22nd eat Ihoite 209th l-2o-p MATT.tKS.NEB LEW 1LT AND RE-cov, red Wo deliver the same day. The Western Tent and Bedding Co, 111 22nd. bt.

West. Phone 2030. 1-20-p IOUR ROOMS AND FURNITURE for eale. cneap rent. Phone 2515 Vtry centrally loiated.

1-17-cj public auction at tb In, thing sustaide anil terms the Village of Aequllh, in the Prov ai'ranged tosuit you. You may think ittce of Baskatchewan. on Krldav fheyou cannot finance the purchase; our ttperleiice may solve your difficul- third day of February. AT. At PASKATCHKVrAVS GREATEST AST ad Joint Classified Kates Under Any Heading I cnta pr word per day 4 cent per word per day If chargoo.

If let In 12 point of large tpe per word per Insertion: Ic. if eherged. Piece your eaverueementa lor itt Insertion. We charge only lor five. No orders wJljL.e accept-.

i to Insert ciaeeifled advervfWtments (tf) till for-kpiddeu. figure, algo or Initial counts BS one word. Classified must be paid for the full amount 04 insertions or dered. No allowances will be made on advertisements cancelled beiore full service Is renoerek the hour of 2 30 o'clock In the afternoon, Mountain Staii'inrd time, th folhYwlng property, namely. All Section Nineteen (1, Township Thirty-eight Hange Tn (HL Wet of the Tliird Meridian, ubjet to the exceptione, reMcration ami provinces rmpeihng mines, minerttla mineral oiia an are more fully set, In the transfer registered in thej Ttalcir ufftce for the Saskatoon Hegiatraiion District as No.

A 22, and the Soathwest (Quarter of. Thirty Township Thlit-j Range West of Third Meridian, and all of Taenty-flve t2tih Township Uramt lntrul I I I AH.STKOM a No. i07 RW-fi'ilshk kkl hR FIJH J.O. in. knlary one hurulred Rulr tra her holding fc, x.

71r her calender month, dutiee tiflrat dutlea to commence hjme for right harty; inuet be under mence on Jmua-j 24th. lsSJ Board- 1t- Sta.e aalary, exyer.Mice H.UOt in place near Apply to tiav- and refereiui to A. t. Andereon. lueeduj, betwee.s i and 6 m.

1 in Thomson, Hwaneon, Kiuiatlno, haek. a-J-lk-c e-l-H-p Saak, or phone. Rural Faiyhnt. VpYtTiwant- i Money orders or stamps must ac- 1 eL graduate aurse for ganerai rpKACH Eft WANTFH win mpaay Instrsctioas to insure in- duty tflary 7S dolUra Apply Box I Ki company VIJSiFlTALr-tVANT-fturse for ry 7S dollara Apply Box tlrancl Central Jr Mchool Inutile I No. 1049 Must SCI to'jf HEgriKES A leather himU.ig second or third Ci48 certificate, one with a know lyd of musii preferred; duties to pURTLK LAKE UnH SALE round whUtllsh 1-3 cents per ib, cash ith c-der, (oh.

Mervin, In oh bundfed-th. lots Jno. A. lYeaby.1 Butcher. Mervt.t.

task. e-l-2U-p -R SaLu ot; rrXCIIANCLE FOR -X vattie or oug: work iiOirntmT TaK mterol M.eck Uarcheron atalhon.i.4ion and forth Land Land Section eight the setrton. 14 If a box number is required add 13c -for forwarding replies WANTED Tenders ami legal advertising to be Kdam, Sa k. Ury, to, ilrx. f.

A. truly, bask. Tlbbtl. heu-S-l-ld-C tommrme Feh. 1st.

In reply, state experience and eslary expected give phone James li. Junes i'reae, KeppeL' s-l-l-e pEACIlER WANTED FOR IVOR No. 3237, duties to commence at once. Apply stating experience and qualifications to David Holler, Urose, bask. Box CV.

1-18-c For Kent Kooms rpo ENT FUltN 1SH EI private home, central. 238. po RENT FURNISHED A Suite 13, Boston Apte. po IUINT RotiM WITH HOARD. A- 5V3 4th Ave, Nortlu Phons4335.

1-lS-p t. ALE SECTION (riX LAND. 110 itcrr hrok; wrll; barn i Lake, half rnilu from school, all can be broken, soil hucolste loam clay subsoil Worth not less 520 per acre Owner wants money Immediate action nedessary to secure thla Phone A. Leonard Dunblane, Saak. 1-13-p (ARM TO RENT TO PARTY WlTHi equipment; luur thirty cultivated, good water, school, telephone, roads.

etc. Apply Roy ade; Asquith. 11 llU.U.'.1.1 1 Fui; s.iys Firat-claaa three-quarter aection of lend HFr Lloydminater, Oood building in good repair. Property can be purchased for $20 vo per acre on eway by right party. Lota of water' and abundance of hay.

Fine mixed farming proposition. Applv to Box 4A, Star Office. 4-FH'io W. B. S.

Trimble Company Xext Land Titles Office Saskatoon Farm Lands City Property For iient Suites PURNIPHED AND UNFURNISHED A room. offica and suUna to rent Koaa Hrothero, insurance Agents, 102 Hoes Building I'hone 4903. tf For Rent Mise. HO RENT STORES AND, Offices, a best locations. Apply Willoughby Sumner Ltd.

Grain Building, 21at I-19-p Agents Wanted piRST CLASS SALESMAN required to put on thn market a most valuable Invention for ueg upon automo-bllek. Costs but a fVw dollars and sells at eight. Already in large use. Must be 1 a pos'tion to pay for goods, as Required. rtt experience and, qualification to 1.

U. JJox 11U4.1" 1-29-c 1 EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY ON A 4)evrly invented specialty necessary to auto owners, large profits. Apply to Bustln and Davenport, 313 McIntyre Block, inulpeg, Man. JAN OH WOMAN Do NOT RE- mala unemployed; handle fgrFou kent board and room for two gentlemen. Rhone 4684.

cook. Apply Phous rj ng guri i-i'-v FUND tK VA.NTK! rhililr houturk Apply 249 2nd Av, So. l-19-r AXTKLf-AI tj a U.KD Worn a tof houMwevrK, famltv of 2. Ad-H Miller, YANTKD KTKlJlKMED house keepa-r, widower. three rhil-f dren.

Write I. (hArmnrtii.f. Iun- durn, Sank. l12-p -i 1 -p WOMEN for laundry work. Apply housekeeper, Barry Hotel.

Apply Kenora Ueneral Hts paal. l-is-c For HuME WoRK. '-f We need 04 to makjs socke on the fast, easily learns tuto Knitter; experience uniteisary; im- material; positively no canvassing; yarn supplied. I articular 3c stamp, Auto Knitter Toionto. Sits.

Wanted Female AUT COOK DESIRES POSITION 4 of town. Box 47A, Star. 1-1S-P rOl'NG WOMAN DF.S1RES Position. preferably between Kain- sack and Humboldt, In poet office or store, or waitress, experienced. Box 1237.

Star. l-l-p VANTED GENERAL work hy young woman; HOUSE-eleep in; Box 4 4 Star. e-l-ls-p no children preferred. A 'AN TED OFFICE CLEANING evenings by respectable- widow. Phone 1422.

e-l-14-p Dressmaking by the day or at home. 214 Drinkle No. S. Call after 1-lS-p Teacher wishes to tute In country school. Star Office.

SUBSTI-Box 85C, a-l-16-c Teacher, five tears1 exper- tence. wlahew to aubetitule for three months. Apply Boa kA. Star Office. -l-l-p Dressmaking Phone 23U9- BY THE DAY 1-12-c Miscellaneous' Plastering and repair work.

Terms, reaaoneble. I'hohe 5384. e-l-J0-p ADAME ctenna ley, Saak. BERTHA. CARTOMAN-Write Box 524.

Klndera-a-l-17-p Cylinder lieboring FORD FOKD30N 3 1.50 112.00 Cylinder Bearings. Bebabbittcd FORD ...1,... 110.00 FOKDSON 114.00 lusccfunt to Oaragemen DOMINION MOTOR CAR LTD. Ford Dealers, Saskatoon tf PIANO LESSONS TAUGHT begin-nera 50c. M-a Peters, 411 Ave.

D. So. Phone 2iu3. 1-19-C CPECIAL1STS--DK. SAUCIER, Post graduate cf Chicago; Ear, Noee and Throat diseuecs.

Hours 19 to 13 a 1 to p.m. Cobbold Block. Second Avenue, S.iskatoon. tf I EDISON Jl E-CREATIONS. A COM--i plrte Block Write for catalog end supplements.

Express charges prepaid on all mail orders. Drawer G. F. Curtis. Hanley.

tf rl ADIATORS REPAIRED AND RE-5 built by expert. Satisfsctlon guaranteed or money refunded. Auto Shedt Metal Works. 233 Ave. Bo.

tf Fits. Wanted se. MA4R ARRIED COUPLE. ONE CHILI). farm, experienced.

Elk Point. Alta, a-l-14-p rOCNG MARRIED. lURLE WITH- out children wish pyajtlon on farm; no but'er-maklng, separate separate house If possible Box A F'ar g-l-14-p Mutt and Jeff. 1-19-p I I BUSINESS Cl LVNCES the largest Hal oil tee. No matter what sort of al orl 1 In the west at our you want io buy, we have some ties Before deciding, call in here and-get ourWiaL it la free to you.

Ii. M. Buchanan Lt4 Imperial (anadian Trust company Vnm-uuxsr Hlamt at Albvrni, a beautiful laud-locaed harbor. 15 aorta, improved, dairy, orchard and srriaJl fruit farm, brnuutui home ami ample dwellmgM stock, and poultry. Fries JO, out) dear title.

Uwnnr wllb accept lm-j proved half 1 ftlou farm in North era aKkatchew an. Splendid restaurant, confectionery. Ice cream, stationery, patent medicine buMiue in a Kpskatchewsu town of lvti opula! irn. Frenitnes rented. Stock fixtures $5ou.

Pnvs $45uu. $joou cashf terms to suit purchaser. Lively barn, business, stock, full equipment and feed in one of the Ltrgest towns on ON. R. Hue to tdmonion.

As a going concern, 6uiMh $25U0 cash, easy terms for balance, owner i forced to lell becsiuae tf an accident. 1 foinea that can be purchased at $0 $1899 0u, $2000 00, $3200 and IfiOuO, Cush payments vary from $19 ic liuuu and month iy payments lor the bpiauce ot the purchase Rooming houses at $4000 sixh 1moo cash. $3200 with $3200 caSh, xt $65uo with laooo. Money, to loan on approved security CaiKula Bldg.

Ihone 2124 AVancd- Misc. yANTED TO BUY CLOTHING. 9 musical- instruments, toots stoves Hint household effects, crockery and raw fur. Hharsera Furniture Ex. chentse.

228 Avo. A So. Phone 591. tf IJMKD RfjNAUOUT WANTED. WITH elf starter preferred, but sfmf will be late 'model will be considered; must be snap price.

to Box. Jin, Beaufleld, Bask. 2 e-l-20-p TRAP'S OK WANTED Must be In cuod condition. Send Mlescrlptlon and cah price to Box 8. Kurgan, Saek.

s-l-16-p 8 VVfANTKO Tu LENT GOOD HALF 9 9 section and pasture district preferred It. Curtin, Barn a-1-16-p. yfANTErs cnv.H tu shares for term of years. Bos 23A. btar.

s-l-lS-p ,) TUB BCEHltE BUrS And pay spot -cash foj Household Furniture of every description. Ranges. Btoves, Heirtera, Musical In-tnimciux. Guns. Itibles and Sporting Goods or any other useful articles, THE BEEHIVE SECOND HAND STORE 15! 1st udjolning Postofins Phone 4772 Oty Itatirisy i UGH SALE 4-ROOM ED COTTAGE, a furqlehed, can remain or moved, luveetigate.

Box 45A -9 -1-lS-p KALE 8 ROOM ED SHACK and lot. $2o. Cash or terms. Apply 15U7 Nolh. 1-17-r Looking For Home? See A.

L. KOYL 0. Hum of Homes Ground fclior, Canada Bldg. CR1H515ES CQMJHUTEEj 8UEJY. GLOUCENTKIt.

Jan, 15, Mayor Percy W. Wheeler, whom? re-f cent inaugural address Included criticism nf the A merit an mat race committee's conduct In Canada wuh the nht-rniqu' race lust faU belw the Elide, nf llotu-esler, and the Fdue Nose, of Lunenherg, was made defendant yesterday In twelve suu for liluf brought h-. tn. mlKT tf the race Lia mages of $10,0.10 ta. writ asked 1 Copyright, 1916, by H.

G. F.iher Trsds Ma-k Registsrsd in Csnad I IAIr TKACH ER 4 ond or third HOIl.lNU SEC-class certificate have first or aeroml elnaa profession al certificate, to brifin Feh. 1. titate experience and aalary. Hua-eon.

iounic Seek. 1-ls-p A NTE KO SfOTTVILLE S. lady teacher holdlttff aecoiui- class cei tlTlcate, duties to commence Feb, 27th; state experlenca arid salary expected Andrew U. Mitchell Radisson, Bask. s-l-lk flEACHER, PROTESTANT, WANT, a.

Yd for Black rock 8. D. No 3x74, holding second-class professional certificate; duties commence April 3rd. Apply? stating experience and lowest salsry required per teaching day, to A A. Nelson.

Rex, Liovd-mlnster. a-l-18-c J1ROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED tor McCarthy S. D. No. 1014, effi cient and competent teacher; duties to commence Do.

state aalary required; telephone or write. ii Bt John. Sec, Brock. -l-17-p IlANTEP MALE TEACHER Wurtxburg echotd, comment' Feb. 10.

holding first or second ciaaa certificate, Pl-ma stale xat.itj- expected. Sam Wurtx, Saskatoon It. R. No. 2.

Phone 7S, ring 2. 1-21-p 'pKACHEK WANTED SENIOR A room. Guernsey village school, Protestant. Cpinmeoce January thirtieth. F.

C. Hray, Uuernsey. 1 hone 2. 1-17-c TAXTED FEMALE TEACHER for Buffalo Rill H. holding second or third class certificate; du ties to commence Feh.

15th and continue for 200 days; board 1-2 mile from school. Apply, slating salary, to Ga Sawyer, TV iseton, Bask. -i s-l-18-p TANTE1 jRTCOND-dL AMS teacher duties commence at cnce; house and fuel furninhed. titate particulars to James Sullivan, $ec. Treaat Magna Bon urn Jd L.

No. 232, Marengo, isaek. llSp tANTED BY D'AKCY CONSuLI dated Schpol Diatrict No. 3016, a certificated teacher (fe male) capable of teaching third ciu; also second class certificated teacher (female) for Junior room; du tiea to commence on 13th February A teacher'i residence, partly furnished, supplied. Apply, ataUnff experience and aalary required, to 11 Brown, Secretary, DArcy, Saak.

-A-nr Wanted for' jeinlayson s. d. vV Nt. liSl, teacher first aeoond ciaaa certificate; duties to twniiiieiHi at oncen Proteatant preferred. bUeAe aalary and experience to Milton Forfar, Sec.

-Treaa. Box 113, Bansham, Saaa. a-i14o IVb-NTED TEACHER, MALE Olt IT female, holding second class certificats. Dutiee to comuionce Feb. 15th.

Apply tattng'cxpertence and salary required to C. M. Hage. Big tjuill S. D.

No. 2323, Kandahar, Mass. l-24- JJALE TEACHER REQUIRED FOR Kylsmore Scjtool 4359; duties to comment second, week In January. Apply, stating wages required, to John Oliver, Kyiemcre, Saak. 1-4-22-p Pcrsuual ANTE I ATHoLIC COUPLE vv adopt healthy baby, girl of good parentage.

Box 1238. bar I-2J-p ANTED r- 11RESS OF J.EO Canty to bis interest. Box 1232 Star. l-17-c PIANO OWNERS TO INSURE good eervice, see that your tuner Is a member of tne Tuners" Association. bscretary, Rhone 2423.

I-24-o Matrimonial and friendship Photo Magaslne 80c. No stamps Sent privately sealed wood. Ontario, Box 5, laher-4-12-22-p. DO TO" WliUt SANG, POEMS o. Submit them to us We'll help publish.

Hearst Music Publish- ftrs, Ltd. Winnipeg. Man. (ROSTER PARENTS TO AIH)PT A healthy infant hoy Catholic and Protestant Apply to Children's Aid Society, P. O.

Box 476, baikatuon. tf This I ron eight about a Box 12Zv, Star. ton. What -1-14-1 IJAY FOR BALE 100 TONS Good a ui'land 16 tirr ton, fo.b. Raswe-(III.

Bask. Addrea F. O. Box 8o5 Wadena, Bask. 1-31-jj AXORHON CONN MELODY.

ued only aix wcekb, snap lor rash Apply H. Martin, 'Alsask. a-l-20-p I -OR SALE IA0 TONS GOOD Upland hy- For prices apply to T. Kaufman, Lelpxlg. Saak.

a-l-27-p ALBFKTA FARMERS' WMBER FORT SASK, ALTA. Shippers of hlgh-claas building materials direct from mtU to you at wholesale. We imish everything in one car for any kind of building. High (trades. Fast service and fair prices put us where are today, the largest shippers to the Jrairles.

Order now. l-3-6-tf BY 14. I-17-0 MEOTA LAKE HOUND 7o per Jackfish, 5 i-2c. tiah with order FOB. Wm.

Broth-ertson, Meota, Saak. a-2-4-p IOH SALE OAT SHEAVES load or aheaf. Call Boom Hunt nWY, OATS, WHEAT AND FOTA-. toon In carload lots, sold by sample feed and seed. For further Information write The Turtleforit Com mission Agent, Turtlcfoid.

Bask. 2-28-0 JEW L07i PIUCKS-ON HONEY- $1 75. 0 lb. crale only $9.50. Bure mhue clover 10 12 25.

90 li). crate oniy 413. Shipped C.O.D., eubjeut ur cash with order. VVrtte K. Hueebrugn.

corner 1st Avs 20th buskatoon. tf suit at Rose's Lots of small OOK FOR A RE-CONDITIONED sixes, cheap. North, near Arthur Rose, 21th Street. 2nd Ave, tf 1URWUR BEDS, BEDDING. I1 Linoleums, Carpet.

Curtains da, and "Gn'de to Rural Industrial Fruit "Growing. also keeping pigs, goats hares, capons, geese, (lucks, turkeys, pigeons, bees, flower and In Incubating, feeding and breeding chicks, plant-growing, 2f ceute postpaid. Chaa. Provan. Langley Fort.

Ii. C. if IjtOR BALE HALF INTEREST IN 1 general store buelueee; splendid district, well settled; three fhousand-do liars. Box 1207, Star. s-l-19-p Bur Fish At These Prices Xiressed Wlpteflsh Round Wnlteftsh Dressed Jackfish Round Jackfish 0 5lo FtrTupTK "henui Of 7M tu 15 Uw.

net. Boxes 50c. extrg, hut can be returned. If shipment to flag station send money to cover freight. Price o.b.

order, or one-third cash, balanc I' Northern Lakes Fish Co, Box 239, bt. Walburg, 8al tf For. Salt Autos ViiR BALE FOLD SEDAN. Phone 3212 or 6897. a-l-17-p paid at the legal rata Minimum price lot single Insertion 0E: clwrf 4uo- cuuut We will not responsible for any! error in advertisements taken oveJ UAtk1forapecil Joint ratee on con-' tracts, professional rwniM euu wwiw viuw.

KATES FOR NOT4GK Per Ins. Births Marriages and Deaths II 4 In Memorlam Ncuces Poetry and quotations up to 4 thies additional .1 For each adduional 4 hues or fraction of lines .1.00 Carda ot Thank fh, a) Help Wanted Hale CLAH3 BARBER. Lntnarrled, coautry loan. Box 1233 Star. 1-U-p FOR FIREMEN.

klG0-f2f0. Railway. Box 111(9, Star Offica a-J-lti-p WANTED at fT ciaaa bookkeeper and afoount- ONCE A FIRST ant wtth sod referencea Thoae without experience need not apply. Box 1221 Star. 1-17-p JOO MEN WANTED TO TRAIN FOR Auto Gas Tractor Jobs, truck driver and garage mechanic, Oxy-weld-or.

tire vulcaulaer, and battery Day and evening clsaaea, enroll now. Our expert, will teach jou. Call or write et once. Motor Bchoole. .12 2bth St.

Sae-katoott. Branches from c.oa,t to coast. rEN WANTED 125 TO 5 weekly. No prfvioua experience re. qulred.

It will juat take you a hort time to learn the barber trade and you will be ready to take a good paying Job. Why work for smell wageeT Her la a chance to better your position. Call otf write at once for Mur special offer and tree catalogue. Hemphill Barber College, 2ltlh St. Sankatoon, Suek.

tl Make monk? at home ns to 8 paid weekly for jmur spare time writing show cards tor ue. No tanvaaeing. We Instruct end supply you with work. Wet-Angua Show-Card Service, 42 Colborne Bldg Toronto. Good wages for home work.

We need you to make socke on the teat, easily-learned Auto Knitter, experience unneceeeery; qietxnce tra-material; positively no canvassing, yarn supplied. Particular, 3c stamp. 27C, Auto Knitter Toronto. -i a 1-H27 xAND BOYS. OEtTOt'R HA1R-afa.

cutting and ehavtng dona free of charge at the Hemphill Barber College, Junior Department, HAIRCUT 10c. SHAVE 10c, HEMP 11 hill Barber College. Senior Department. tf Sits. Wanted Male PRACTICAL NEWSPAPER man, not a printer, wants position with live weekly.

Good bustnesa manager and editor. Box 1235, Star. 1-19-p 49 BUYS (OLIVER TYPEWRITER. good a new. Box 133.

Camrose. AHa. 1-17-p fclerk of Beet of referencea 1-13-P ANTED A I'OSITION A3 taking charge. Bex 41A, Star. COLLEGIATE STUDENT DESIRES work on Saturdays.

Box 40 A. Mar. 2-1I-P VOl'NQ MAN WANTS WORK OF any kind In town or city. Good education, referencea Box 1234, Star. 1-21-p I EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVER L.

wants Job lt( city. 19 Empress Rooms. e-1 -1 6-p Married man wants job to menage farm for winter or year Box 24 Star. e-I-17-p KE8PONSIBI.E POSITION OF ANY kind, 14 yeara" continuous service as grain buyer. 10 years in baskat-t hewan.

Address Box 27, Ti-keer. Saak. s-l-19-p MAN Ition In' gents furnlshln ators. billing to work for low through winter. 1-ll-p Box 37A, Ptar Diftcs.

hlrly-rlght (8S). Kangs' EDvrn (111.1 West of the Third Atriidian, subjrt to the exceptions reservation and provlaoes reaperting1 nnuer, mineral and mineral oils as are more fully; et forth in the transler registered. In the Land Tflce Mlfb'e for the iSaa- katoon Land Registration District No. 3527. Terms of sale to be 20 cash at the lime of sale, and the balance ac-tordlnir to the terms and conditions to be made known aj the lime of Ihej ale.

or upon application to the en-l dors solicitors. Tfte above property will be sold subject to a sealed reserved hid and, free from all encumbrances save tax- for the current) ear ami any pos- 5 Bible seed Kratn Pens. I And Mortgage No. B. 7I05 for; A.50W 0 against Hection 25-3S-H-W.

Thtrd; Mortgage No. T. for) 00 against Hectum 25-i-ll-W. Third; Mortgage No. 49 for against BW.

1-4 of 3u-3 S-1 H- 1 W. Third; Mortgage No. A. X. 23 fr $5,800 00 against reotiiRii 19-3K-10-W.

Third; transfer of Mortgage No, H. 1889 against Beotion 19-38-tu-W. I Third; Mortgage No B. 228 for 14.000 00 against Section 19-38-10-Wr. Third; leaee covering Section 25-3s-ll-W.

Third, H.Wr. 1-4 of 0-39-iq-W Third and Wreit half of 29-38-10-W. Third fiom Conboy Bros, to bexty Bros, for yearafl922 to 1923, and a lease covering the East half of Section 19-3i-10rW. Third from Conboy Bros, to Gebrge Seminoff for the years 1923 to 1923 and airy other statutory liens or encumbrances which may appear against the title. The vendor Is informed that the above property is situate about 18 miles from Asquith, iiqMkatchewan.

For further particular and conditions of sale apply to BORLAND AND McLNTYRE. Baakatoon, Saskatchewan, Vendor's Sollcitois. Dated at Saskatoon this 27th day Of December. A.D. 1921.

THE LAND TITI.ES ACT MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Undsr and hy virtue of the power of sale Oontalned tn a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the tfne of the sale, on the lands hereinafter described. There will be offered, for sale by TTOrbllc auction at the PoatofR'e tn the Village of Swar.son, In the Province ot Saskatchewan, on Wednesday, tho first day of February, A D. 1922. at the hour of 3 3d oclock in the afternoon, Mountain Standard time, the following property namely: -The Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty (20). In Township Thirty-two (82) and Range Six (6), West of the Third Meridian.

In the Province of Saskatchewan. 1 Terms of sale to be 36 pash at the time of sale, and the halancc according to the terms and conditions to made Known at the time of the sale, or upon application to the vendors solicitor. The above property will he sold subject to a sealed re-serva bid. and free from all encumbrances, save taxes for th current year, and any possible seed grain liens, and any other statutory Ileus or encumbrance which may appear: against the title. The vendor Is Informed that the above property is situate about fifteen mile from Kwanson, hank.

J-or further particulars and conditions of le apply to BORLAND AND McINTYRE, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, endor riolU-iior Dated at Saskatoon this 19th day of December, A- 1921. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice Is hereby given that tho partnership "heretofore euhIatir.c between us, the undersigned, aa How-bold and Greenaide. In the City of Saskatoon, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debt owing to the said 'partnership are to be paid to Couit Howbold, anil alii claims a gainst tjw a psrti.rmli TTgat are to he preanted to the eaid Court Howbold. by whom the same will be Settled 1 Dated at Bask.

loon, this 15th day Of January, 1922. Signed C. HOWBDI.TV A. iTDE.5. Witness; JNO.

li. BERTRAM. FRISCH tO WED NEW YORK, Jan. 16 Frank Frisch, of the Giants, star base runner of the National League, la sliding toward a real otne plate. His engagement to Mis Ada Lutv, playmate enice childhood, was announced today.

The wedding Mill take place next winter. By 'Bud Fisher. U-known line household necesaitieu, tremendous demand; territory ar-j lured; work- peaaant; vv liberal and' 03rd bt. even for pare time; experience or I. capital unneceoaary, Brtdlty Com KxvPtiieii'H TFid iv fAvx pany, Brantford.

Out. 8 UN CANA- stoves. Washers, etc. Our easy payment, plan and moderate prices will t.elp you furnish. Childs 1st iva ahoas 2iU.

if i fv 1-17-p Ayursleigh House Iarge room urn rent on first A floor, suitable for two gentlemen. 1-21-p OARD AND ROOM FOR TWO Nor mal student, Rhone 258 4. ladies preferred. 1-17-p RENT 2 FURNISHED room private home. Rhone 2182.

1-U-c JUirNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. i-l-21-p 311 Ave. bouth. DlRXlSHEl) WARM ROOM TO LET a. for one or two gentlemen; close to car.

219 Avunue South. Phone -07. e-1-17-p jJOARl) AND ROOM 721 South. e-l-17-o 180 RENT FURNISHED ROOM Lady only. Rhone 6747.

1-17-4 OOMS FOR RENT. 414 FIRST Ave. South. e-l-17-p CIOMFORTAULE rooms, cheap, 5639. FURNISHED central, Rhone s-l-17-p F'or Kxchaiuye GLL TRADE 1-4 SECTION NEAR Mackltn.

under cultivation, some machinery, for city property. Aleo for eaie, 1-4 section near Adwnac, alt cultivated, good water, fair buildings. O. Weller, Adanan. Sil-lf-p For Kent Housed OMALL COTTAGE TO RENT.

330 P) Avenue 8 South. s-l-17-p Wanted H0USE9, SUITES AND ROOMS rANTED TO BUY COTTAGE with about four rooiue, to move elf lot. Phono 5184. 1-17-p WLVNT BD Furnished 2 ivomed suite hy two young gentlemen. i)owu town district or close in preferred.

State full particulars to Box 4GA Star, s-l-17-p tANTED To BUY WELL BUILT 9 1 8 or 9 roomed house, to move. Apply Box 3SA. fatar. e-l-16-p ANTED TO RENT OR PUR-9 9 chase, six or seven roomed med ium bungalow or cottage. Nutaua tana district.

"Wm. Sch.wart, P.O. Bo 644. a-l-17-u Business Clianees I ply Box SALK -MILLINERY BUSl pmi. Kinderalay; atvck cheap, Ap-Kinderaley, Sask.

a-i-2l-p Hotel kusinkss for sale at a bargain. Ion reasonable rent, hpiMcludvi, rwi1 town. Uw-renccBon 4it Seatville, Alta. VEW MONEY-MAKINtk INVENTION for scents, general agents, man agers; recently invented; wonderful chemical fire exlinguleher. weighs 3 lbs.

charged; kills fire quick and savea IWea; exoells work of heavy high-priced devices; works like magic; price of only 12 06 makes an easy sale to every home, automobile owner, factory, office. 1U profit. Investigate today, pyro Extinguisher 601 Echo Drive, Ottawa, Out. ANTED MEDIATELY, BY AN 9 9 old established Canadian Life Insurance Compt.nya aaleamen for city and country, exclualve territory, lib.

eral advance contracts. Experience In writing Tlfe Insurance not Box 32A; Star. Dl7-p IIRST CLASPS SALESMAN REQU1R-ed "to put on the market a tnoet vnluable Invention for use upon automobiles. Cost but a few dollars and sells at sl.fhL Already In large use. Mufit be-In a ponlt'on to pay for eoods requL-vd.

AV rite experience ami niiriliflcationa P. o. Box tint 1-16-c "EN AND WOMEN. NOT TO canvass, but to travel and appoint local 2t a week and expenses guaranteed, with good chance -tw -tnahe-480 week end ex-penses. State age and qualifications.

Experience unnecessary tMnsion Co. Dept O. Toronto e-l-H-c Help Mraiitl ise. IARN MONEY AT HOME WE Will pay I5 to $35 weekly tor your spare time writing show curds; no canvassing; wednstruct you and supply you with work. Write Brennan Show Card bystoin.

Limited, 48 Uur-, ris 269 College bt Toronto, u'l i Was a Nice, Clean Gentlemans Game Nit!.

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