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Saskatoon Daily Star from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 8

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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THE SASKATOON- DAlIT? STABAMOXDAT, AUGUST 7, 1022., 1 PAGE EIGHF humanitys greatest use of Kellogg Bran. a I ti. a aiimmstlti eliminative i will "become normal in the tract, and in other organs, and eecsp the danger that are traceable to constipation! Tour physician will Indorse Bran for constipation. Do not neglect Kellogg Btsa another day. Every member of your family ehould eat Bran regularly at least two tablespoonfuls daiy; ia chrome eases, eat ii with each meal.

It dcwNi fcrfrftt work for ehildrea D1, ing them grew big and etrong, and safeguard their health. 'Kellogg's Brsn, cooked and arum-bled, is deliriously flavored. Est it. an appetizing cereal or sprinkle it over vour favorite cereal. Kellogg a Bran makes the tastiest gems, raism bread, psneakee and endless other gmd It Is working fog sll th 1 Bur Kellov' Brsn .1 I iror.t In th.


Elr.ger Longer Lodge at Manltou Beach enjoyed many social activities last week. Wednesday venlr.g socialities took the form of a marshmallow roast at a camp fire on the hill. The guests told stories and Joke. Thursdayv-the usual picnic wa held. On Saturday a of twenty-eight went fur a motor boat ride to toe sanltorlum.

Saturday night the lodge entertained these visitors: Mr. and Mrs. "ft. Irvine, Sirs. W.

Brooke: Mr. and Mr. E. S. I Hsrlom and Kenneth Channell.

The guest list for the week ittclud- 1" W. Reardon. I-oieburn, ytask Mis Marian H. Essev, Brookline. Mats; Miss Alma Ruth Hepbufn wtrongfleld, Saak; Miss Fharloliej Thersa Hoiman, AHguh, India, Mil Sarah C.

Holman. Ahguh, India; 11, Peardon. Regina, Sask Mr. and Mr. J.

R. -Hepburn olselev. Bask Mastei llaioid GUdetone Hepburn. WolMley. Sak Mr.

James renter PEI Mr and Mrs. 1 Essey, Duval, Bask. Mos Dnia Butler. Miv Amv Png, son. Miss Ida Tvslvk, Mrs .1.

J. Pin-, fold IliUbed Pinfold Mrs. King Mrs. and Biliv Halpennvil Mis' Ellen Altehlson Mis Flora Mann, Mi Motile Mills, Mr. Buie Miss Edith JVnlon, Mrs.

Douglas, Mrs. W. U. Spencer, Mr. A E.

Foskett. Ml Kathleen I I your pe -mission to her to Dudley and Charles Koskett, Misslbc my Kenneth Herrick asked Lina Clark, Miss Nellie Lepkev. Missifr his straigfitforward way. He had Katie McHain, Miss Tlertha McNeil, c.ued at Mr. Bakers office.

Miss Esther Whratlev, Miss My dear hoy, I have no objections guer.te Whentlev, Mis Margaret Sr the world to you personally, bull Purdy. Mr. D. Douglass, Mr. J.

strong objection to any one taking Elaine from me for the next year or two. I have plans- plan for Pinfold, Mis- F. P. Ilt-lf, Saskatoon Miss Bessie Ma Donald, Tisdale; Vafd off ona of enemies by daily Medical authorities "generally agree that sickness and old age stsrt in the intestinal tract through CONSTIPATION condition thst every man, woman tad child in thia nation can positively and permanently relieve through the Tegular use of BRAN Kellogg a Bran, cooked and krumbled! Kellogg Bran in natures own food, toughs thst the eliminative tract must have to function properly I Bran sweep), clean and punfle without irritation er diacomfort! So wonderful it it work for health that you can take any person who is run down, who system is clogged and poisoned by constipation, give them Kelloggs Bran three times a day and eliminate the trouble permanently Yet Kellogg Bran is not a remedy simply nature's food To est Bran regular means that ou Cross Girls BY CAROLYN -r- i and! Wisionsm Democrat find them- selves in the somewhat anomalous 'position of having a dry candidate I for Ciuted States senator on a dftmp Paifrrm. mv the Times.

New Yoi. ho i Mis. Ben Hooper, of Dahkosn. a nationally known future In womens and her nomination at the leceni state convention followed almuch hampered in every thing herself, Mrs. Hooper said-I have been connected with women organisations almost ever wini" my marriage.

Mv fltst public work was along the line of charitable ganiHations and welfare, work, after laboring earnestly to chanite condition 1 found that we weie very Currents in Life 1 MRS. B. C. HOOPER, who. after a long career in politics, has received the Democratic nomination for Wisconsin in the i lilted b'tates Senate race.

Mrs. Hooper live in Oshkosh and is State president of the Wisconsin I -c ague of Women Voters. Bong before the granting of woman suffrage, by mutual -agreement she shared voting privileges with her husband, every other vote being. cast according to her decision. snuggle lasting for hours over the nnet inn of a beer and wine piank in the slate platform.

That mote tv a finely defeated and a compromise tJlfnk adopted which provld-'s that If i Imnge are to be made In the prohibition laws these changes should be submitted to Wisconsin voter at the spring election of next year, Thk wa regarded us a distinct advance tow aid a wet ticket. tempted to do. When we got about so far we ran Into the necessity of getting laws either pasted or en-forced. 1 made up my mind to concentrate my efforts on securing the bajiot, as 1 considered )t, not as an end In itself but us a means of accomplishing the thing we were striving for. "YOUR'S, OR BENS? My husand I believe was respon- Tlie nomination of Mi.

Hooper for my suffrage work ns be followed the adoption of this plank, the time we were mairted, BEECHER will respect your wishes tv The took of unsatisfied longing upon Tit-. Baker face was not to be de-nUd. Not by a young man like Kenneth Herrick. 'Thank you, Herrick. wae 11 -h raid, but after the door had closed PHn this suitor, he burled his hen 1 on his arms and said: I haven't got ht-r for myself, yet she wtiil belongs to them her spirit, her devotion." PERSONAL Mr.

Charles E. Smith pretty home on Poplar Crescent was made especially attractive on Saturday afternoon when she entertained informally In honor of her sister, Mr. V. A. Proverbs, of Regina.

The room and verandah were bright with a profusion of flower from the garden The prettily appointed tea table, presided over by Mr. G. H. Harmon and Mrs. J.

F. Cairn, wa tastefully adflrned With eweet pea In a delicate color scheme. Mrs. H. D.

Weaver and Mi. Francis Jack-nYin assisted the hostess As a pretty rurpin-e fm Ihe gueet of compliment, her small nephews. Ei nest and Lyn- wood Sjrriith, handed her graceful basket of Rowers. Both Miss Eliza-ibeth (mnt. who i nio a visitor in i-askaloin, and Mrs, PmverKi delighted the company with puno eons and Mis Pioterbs and Mrs.

Bmilh contributed a piano duet Mr, A Bmith, Mr, 4-. Ariwins-M" and Mis -I. hurms and bubj. wlio hate been ramping si lame Manltou for the week jusi past, turnetl to the citv fsaturday night. Ret.

Hairy R. Nolle, for 1 year connected with Christie Street Baptist hurch, Toronto, and for the past three jear oastor Port Arthur, ha accepted call to Regina. He preached hi farewell sermon at Port Arthur Sunday to a large congregation, and was presented with a handsome cheque by the congregation at a meeting Friday night. Mr W. Stainsby left Saturday for Vancouver, wheie he will visit his mother.

Mr. 1. M. Thompson, of Ottawa, I in Saskatoon guest of Mr. A.

F. Walker and Mr. J. H. R.

Thompson. Mr. and Mr. Hugh Aird- fthe. latter formerly Mis Mav Black I returned to Toronto on nailing by the Aqui'ania from England.

Dr. and Mm. T. W. Walker.

with th'eir daughter. Miss Eleanor Walker, returned on Saturday from a motor trip to the Pacific Conet. in which they were joined at Edmonton by Mr. Walker and sister, Mr. and Mrs.

Cooper, and Mis Betty Cooper. Prof, and Mr. W. Thompson, had aw their guot for the week-end Mrs. B.

K. Hignell. of Winnipeg, who la on her way to visit her brother, Mr. Thompson, In the north of the province. see Mr.

and Mrs. John Adams have as their guest for the remainder of August their daughter, Mrs. Sherman, Minneapolis. Mis H. Sibley, Cupar; Mr.

Lockhart und Roberta 1-ockhart, Remans; Mr. Allan; Miss Margaret fn the framing r-f which she I said not to have been consulted. But in Mrs. Hooper's own words. I may say that everv one In thF elate of Wisconsin who knows anything about me khows that I am a dry.

BEGAN WITH MARRIAGE Asked for a statement on the political outlook and some details a by at lei. Come to me next year and oak the same question." But. Mr. Raker, may I not speak i-Kfniy, Alisa Beatrice her now vou wouldn't object to ivs Maude Lnidman, Mr. and Mrs.

engagement? Kenneth, like all C. N. Leavenworth, Miss Gladys Huy- olives young friend, recognised her ter. Mis Vera llayter. Regina, father claim upon her, that he fle- Mfs.

F. Pergort, Aneroid, Mr WM-etted consideration at their hand because of his long search, hi lonely Hie, his inability to have her as fully own as he desired. I don't believe In long engage V. Kelly, Mlts Margaret Kelly, Mis Edith Lloyd, Mrs. C.

E. Summers, Mrs, E. Channei-v, Mrs V. J. (111, Miss Mabel UiU, Miss Tilda Und, Olfvg had listened to Kenneth Her-i ick with eurprise.

had tried to stop h's declaration of love. She was sin-gulnrlv free from egotism, and had not thought of Ills attention as any- thing but friendly one. In fact.b" had Imagined him very muchntei -ested in Grace Mason. "I promised your falser would not nsk for any promise from you, any engagement, but he gave me permission to speak to youJ to te'l you I cared loved you. You aie sure you don't' care for me? careery much for you.

Ken-neth. very much for your frtnedshlp Hut fxlon't love you not In thst way and It would be wrong not to make yfiu understand. I have no Intention to exact any promise, o( Kenneth." she added as om her. his face' fell. "I shall go on with my a 1 1 1 vaa wa 1 ments.

Herrick. Speak to Olive If you like but don't ask her to bind hcrrelf, This is In confidence. have planned a year in Europe with my gltl, a year In which she will come to realise my claims upon her. want her. Herrick! Want her undivided.

fillat love. This Is why Rula two Bride Should Be Able To Keep Family Says, Aspirant To American Senatorial Honors Much has been heard of the de- (that she I skilled in a trade or oceu-munds of modern club women and I Won which would enable her to i lu Ed'td by CLARA K. HOLMES SOCIAL and rAi the wish of Their Juxcelleniie iXrd and Lady ng, of Vim, a quantity of the loveliest bower from Govern merit Hour gat den, were sent this week to the Prolesstaiif Orphan Home, otkawa, adorn the various rooms where the children and the aged ladles of the refuge branch are in leMtlence, Mr. J. H.

King, wife of the. minister of public works, accompanied her husband. Hon Dr. King back to town-tin week from the Maritime Province They will he in town a couple of week before, leaving for ihe west. Mr Sihlmci o' Knltcnas.

Savk i visiting her sis'er. ne bdp-s Jean and Ethel hovie in Kd-gaoninn, She is aleo epending.pan "Ci wf het time with hei brnt hee I he-; Hon ft. Ro 1 and Mi Rnvic, at Kap-iMwin Beat n. Ma H. faummond and M.s 10 Irvine were hostesses on haturdav afternoon at a chat mini; informal tea for their nieces, the Mieses Marion and Helen femtth of Windsor, who are iheir guests for August.

The guesu had the delightful privilege of heurlng Miss Smith, who recently returned from a year study In England, play Night in by Ialm-gren, and a Chopin nocturne. Mr. Franklin Irvin teed Miss Nan Irvine did the honor of the tea table whicn wa pretiliy decorated in a color scheme of pink with sweet pea In ihe central vase. Assisting were Mr. H.

Coad and the Misse VhrUtabe! and Betty livlne. 1-ovely garden flowers in great variety lieau- lifuily arranged were much admired. Mr. Stuart Hutcheon with -her small ion Billy, of Biandon. Man.

is vtslting her sster-in-la in Saskatoon for a few day on her way to Victoria, Mis Effie MacDonald will have charge of the weekly competition at the Riverside Country Club on Tuesday afternoon. There will be medal play over fourteen holes, the draw to be mads at 2 oeloi k. At the annual meeting of the A-berta Musical Festival committee held last Saturady In V. W. Bar-ford studio, the following officers were selected for the season of 1922-23: Chairman, Mr.

David Bowman; vice-chairman. V. A. Beringer; Miss K. Candy; delegate to Ihe provincial festival committee, Mr.

D. Bowman. Messrs. A. K.

Put-land and Albert "Weaver-Winston. Prof. YV. T. Allison of Winnipeg.

left last week for the east In the In terests of the Canadian Authors Association. Mr Desmond Fitzgerald; are guest ofArchbishOp and Mrs. Mathenon at Kenorg. Mis Josephine Dowler will conduct a cJas In the elementary'Y'plnciple of the correct use of th at the Copeland Island summer cdnip of the Canadian Girl In will open Monday- at the Lake of the Woods. She will also give a recital at camp.

Mi Dowler 1 a sister of Mrs. R. R. Morgan and Mr. Ernest R.

Myers of Saskatoon. Th Misses Euphie and Margaret Cumming have leturned from an extended visit to the Pacific coast, three or four weeks of which were spent in Vancouver, where Miss Kuphle Cumming renewed her piano studies with Mrs. St. John Bsker. Princess Mary of England.

1 retaining the services of two ldies-ln-walting. namely, Ladv Joan Mulholland and Alls Dorothy Yorke, who will act In the same capacity now that Princes Mary Is jnarrled to a commoner, that they did when sh resided with their majesties. Mrs. J. H.

Mol-eod, and her little son, spent exhibition week In Regina, with th former's sister. Mrs. H. Noeworthy. Tfie Misse Grace, lulv and Dorie Wight and Miss Olive Wanstall left on Sunday evening to spend two weeks vacation nt Manltou Lake.

rhcD ream i born and raised In Pennsylvania. I lived in low -until my marriage to Ben Hooper In 18S8. I have nn daughter, wife of Dr. Loulp M. War-feld, of Milwaukee, two grandchildren." a boy 7 year old.

and a girl 2 I have kept house ever lnc my mar- support her children if she became atriaKe and bave found that it was I a 1 tom men who plead for e-mar- rlage medical certificates, but a New York woman undidate for senator is tHking a null mot rtraMir step without any suggestion on my part, that until I was given the vote I could mark the ballot every other election and he would yote just a 1 had marked It. as he considered 1 had just as good a right ttvole ns he had. He carried out- that plan until the women of this country were enfranchised. ft became rather funny as years went on; men running for office would meet me on the street and say Is thi-ygour year to vote, or Ben's? 13 A GRANDMOTHER I was born in Winnesheik Coun- tyv Iowa, in My parent were entirely poeeible to do that success" fully And many other things as well. Before 1 went into the suffrage work 1 tvai regent' of the local membership In these organisations and also my Interest.

1 have given my tirrw to active suffrage work during the last thirteen or fourteen year, holding the position of con-gressional and legislative chairman for the Wisconsin Suffrage Associa-'lloii, and also being member of the executive board of the National American Woman' Suffrage Association. Since we secured the vole I have given practically all of my time to the League of Women Voters, having been elected president when It was organised. I am now serving my third term. I have taken no part In party politics but have devoted ray time entirely to the kind of political work that was being done by the League of Women Voters, which organisation la all-partisan. 1 i if 1 1 v- i i hat right has a man to ask w-o- -for he last six months prior to his man to marry him unless he is able to appHration for a marriage license president of our Woman's Club support her and a prospective family7ihas had lawful and gainful employ-' and eecretsrv or the state federation.

What right has a girl to marry- un- ment. While I have always retained my Daughters of the American Kevolu- year years is a.Tong pointing for a long time line There is no one else, Olive?" Twenty years, my boyls much -No-no one." If he wondered hy she blushed he made no remark. Bhe h'ielf was conscious she had blush- I I Then I shall not give up. I mav pome as usual, Olive? You won't let thls-snv telling you make any difference? of you will come, snd it mustn't make ny difference. Kenneth.

We can't afford to lose fine fitepdshlps. I can't afford to lose yours." it was not a thoroughly castdown young man who left her a few momenta later. She had said there was no on elee, nnd, knowing her father wan not opposed to him, he would wait -and hope. He was not barred from her. her companionship.

He F11 had a chance to make her care far and if it were humanly possible he wguld do it, and that before her father took her abroad. S-he might fall In love with some damned foreigner!" he muttered as ho swung along the atreet. The carillon of bells Just installed In the Metropolitan Church, Toronto, is the best toned In the world, according to Mr. R. F.

A. Housman, who has Installed them. The bells are operated by the clavier system, pother carillons of bells in Canada are In Notre Dame Cathedral. Montreal. where there are ten bells In a ringing peal, the heaviest of which Is 5 824 pounds; St.

Patrick's Church. Montreal, has a ten-bell ringing peaJ. and In Brantford, Is a ten-bell peal, the tenor bell weighing 1.684 pound. These latter bells ehould have been hung for ringing, but the Horhfelder, the woman attorney, who seeks the Democratic State Senatorial nomination In the Fotirth District in Brooklyn, and who is planning radical' legistaHon affecting marriage if she goes to Albany. One of ihe ftrsi things 1 want to do If I am a State Senatoj- to establish In the cities throughout the Slate a Vocational Guidance Bureau, which will help young men and young women abhut to wed to hold the position which is adequate to support them, Dr.

Hochfelder declured in her office at No. 12 Byoadway. Our laws should provide for education along this line for both sexes, and If men and Women were taught to be self-supporting BEFORE they married we would greatly i educe the applications for divorce Money is the cause of most of the unhappiness between husbands and wives. A woman, before a marriage Mr. and Mrs.

H. D. Gay-, of Per- license is issued, should be requited Among the Canadian geologists at- tending the International Ueologtcal Congress, which i meeting st Brus Belgium, are: Dr. W. G.

Miller, provincial geologist of Ontario; Prof. A. Paiks. Prof. A.

P. Coleman Prof. T. L. Walker, of the Fnl-versity of Toronto: Prof.

D. Adam McGill I'niverslty, Montreal: Dean Brock of the Fnlverelty of British RllumbU; Dr. Collins. Dr. tamsel, of Ottawa; Prof.

Manley Baker of Queen's. University. Mis. W. G.

Copeland, of Regina, is visiting her cousin, Mr. George Copeland, and Mrs. Copeland, of Saskatoon. They will -leave for Winnipeg Monday for a visit before returning home. The unammoue deciaion of the ortunUy t0 conduct a raffle, the 11 ruJ1esUu from a monetary standpoint Ued 'nator1 Will be a considerable decrease ae much of a Olive sighed.

Life was complex. P-o and young men were violent tn affections, but they were so eel- dotn constant. She thought of Floyd Li-maon, and smiled. It wa not until men got older that they reallv knew what they wanted the kind of friend, the kind of a wife. That night her father said casualty; Young Herrick called st my office today." "Yes.

father, I know." Olive blush -j ed adorably aa her fathers eyes rested upon her. So he's been here. He dldn lose any time." "Did you when you were hi age? He laughed, then replied; "No. I gue not. Yet when I met vour mother 1 dont think I ever wa re.illy serious all my swans were geese." But suppose one of the swans had ci ught you before you fopnd out she was a goose? Thank heaven they didn't! What did young Herrick have to say? That Is tl you feet like telling me? Nothing very much, father.

I told hint I didn't care In that way. That I wa not going to marry oh, I did not declare I'd never marry, they wv it Is bad luck to say that but that I should work at my painting and look after you and Father and Mother Le. He woe very about It," ehe added after a moment. Perhaps he hasnt given up much a he seemed to he docsn strike, me ns th kind who would." Baker replied. Rut wont worry about hjm or any ona for the I resent.

I have only Just found you. (To be continued tmt wN uau Purest of all Per coeoeest oil aaj rich ptlaa fro so oar owa plsntstioas, oro skilfatly blooded ia SaaUfht Soop. If it lb parcel tod bijboet quality laaadry soap tad bos tb Ur(t ssla ia tbe world. SoaJifbt Sospwttbet besstifally os it bat do import infred-ieots it sated your clothe tad atke them wear loafer. Hmy Smmhgkt 4' rs 4P 1- tV 1 -4 tV less she feels corvfldent that she Is able to take care of a family of chil- I dren in case she Is left a widow or her' husband Is injured? No right at all," says Dr.

Anna to present to the authorities evidence PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE LATE MRS. ANDERSON Large Congregation Attends Funeral Service in Third Avenue Church A large congregation assembled in Third Avenue Methodist church at 3 or lock on Sunday afternoon to pay tr.l-ute to the memory of the late Mrs. R. A. Anderson In nn impressive fuiural service conducted by the pa-tor of the church.

Rex Dr. Millie ken, assisted by Rev C. Brown, a former pastor of Mrs Andepson'e. A profusion of lovelv flow ep whioh banked the altar and cIfet suggested loving sym path from many source. x- A TRIBUTE After readingrwords of hope and comfort fropV the New Testament, Dr.

Milltken gave a brief address, to wbtefi he referred as a further gift placed on the casket as a tribute to the beautiful character of the dJno who is gone. Mrs. Anderson's character, life snd influence he impressed those who know her with her clear understanding of and in-siaht Into life. It weaknesses temp-i at ions, problems and possibilities. Out of Gils understanding came the svnpathv and helpfulness which en-d.

i -red her to her family and friends Tlif qualities begotten both of sympathy and of personal suffering are kvcnlv missed. Cheeiful and thoughtful for others, slje lived a')f of steadfast faith and devoted i vice. In her church relationa her vm-pathies were for the young peoqie of whom she was a natural leader -ph man should he able to certify that he Istapabl of providing for suggested that to have a Bureau of this type, which would question young couples about to marry, would cost the state additional money, but LV. Hochfelder had a ready reply, After all it would be better to Investigate before marriage than to send the children -to an institution or give the family'' charity later, she said. It cost an insurance company money to examine the patrons.

They are examined free of charge by a dor and their business life inveslfgn but it is cheaper in the end to be certain. Many women will tell you they can and cook and that is not an occupation and will not net them enough to support a large family. "Aa a lawyer in the Domestic Relations Court and with four year experience in the Children Court. I hear most pitiful tale of failure to support the children. That Is why I think every mtn and woman should be made to prove ability to take care of each other and their children." Dr.

Anna W. Hochfelder claims she doe not care for the salary attached to the Senatorial position, which I and a Senatorship would interfere with her practice, which Is not only In Manhattan, but in her home town, Brooklyn. She was the lawyer who drafted the Fatrulwoman'a bill and put tt over, and at present many women friends are barking her In her, new ambition. They are planning give her a luwn party at her lidsl dence, No. 2104 Sixty-seventh JStreet, Uensonhurst, next Mondayevenlng, and doing everything In Tfteir -power to boost her along.

s' I firmly believe hye need a woman Senator in Albanyv said Dr. Hogh-f'lder, "and I want Ihe chance to show them what vCFaan do. No Institution Is complete without a woman. No home Ixeompleie without a father and ar'molher, and the management oftate matters Includes the same principles. Let the men build the foundations, but let the women put up the curtains and add the finishing touches." Dr.

Hochfelder was educated In th Publio schools of this city, graduated from Hunter College, New York University Law School, and finds time to tiring up two eons and rdn her home in Bensonhurst, besides being in her office every dayjn Manhattan, ROYAL BLACK PR'ECEPTORY TO ENTERTAIN Assisted bj L. 0. B. A. and the L.

0. L. Will Give Dance After Sports Program The Worshipful Preceptor, officers and knghts of King Kolomon Royal Black Pieceptory No 777 re entertaining the member of the Roysl GREEN CORN OYSTERS When green corn is grated th part seta, W. and of due. were week-end visitor to Bas katoon.

They will go to Tisdale for a short visit before returning to Perdue. Mr. Gay is editor of the perdue Witness. Queen Alexandra, whose health has improved very greatly of late, la to leave Marlborough House for another stay at Sandringham. The Prince of Wales and Princess Marv and Viscount Lascelles wll spend some time there as her guests in the autumn.

The engagetfiibit Is announced of Misn Maude Elizabeth Anstl. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Anstl, I of Regina, to J.

Shaw. Calgary, i The marriage will take place early In the fall. Lantern To carry- a lantern mean a safe adventure. Laughter To laugh heartilv In your sleep, Beware of trouble! Law To dream of Instituting a suit at law, or entering a criminal complaint against any one. shows that some enemy will injure'you pecuniarily.

or that you wiil lose moneyby speculation or trade. If you dfieam you ate sued, or prosecutedfrimin-ally. the sign is the reversed you will probably receive Ynoneyunexpected-1y. or be uncommonly successful 1ft your pursuits. -x Lawyer To of meeting lawyer, brirjrt bad if you speak to yrfm.

you will lose some propertvFif you hear some one speak In hlvfavor. you will meet with some misfortune. 'Lazy To dream that you see lazy people lounging around, and that you are vexed with them, a aign of bad luck to some of your relatives, who wul depend upon you to assist them; If. In your dream, you imagine youtaelf to be lazy and sleepy over your work, it foretells either sickness or that you will meet with a los. Lean To dream of lean snd bonv cattle or hog, Is a bad omen, as foreign short crops for farmers anrt Miss Kathleen.

Black. Miss Gladys Lund, Renown, Toronto Women Are Opposed To Clause In New Raffle Law Many Interesting discussion have taken place among members of various women organisations of Toronto as a result of the recent announcement of General Victor Williams, Ontario police, commissioner, concerning the holding of raffles at bazaars. According to the provisions of the act, all lotteries are prohibited, with the exception of rattles nt af-. fairs for religious and charitalyff purposes, for prizes -of small value not more than If 0 after perjrrfaslop has erf obtained from thejdunieipal authorities. polntwlilch, tf rigidly enforced.

wouULptqRuHdy meet with some op'tosIHtm, la contained in the lnt cluusw of the provision, which states- tat the article raffled must first boffered for sale. will p4 readily appreciated, women leaders point out, that If a selling ufiice, 1 fixed and the article chirfiges hand before there Vi an ompared with lottery receipts. In thia way practically all women's and other organisation founded for charitable purpose will lose one of their mewt productive methods of ratsing money state. If the law Is rigidly unplied it will certainly mean a decided curtailment In. our receipt." said Mrs.

W. Jjckson, Municipal regent, I.O.D.E when asked as to possible consequences. "At almost all our bazaars there is a email raffle, the tickets seldom costing more than 25 cents, and generally eelllng at 10 cents. It ha always been an easy and popular way to raise funds, and. personally.

am not opposed to It. We could not possibly ell an article for the same amount as "could be obtained in a raffle. Of course, we always secure per-nnesion from the police commissioner before we make our plans, and I do not -remember ever being refused." Mrs. Jackson added Pome of Ihe chapter during the paxt year have realised between 1200 and 831)0 from various raftles, end argue thst any measuie of a prohibitory nature would have a deterring effect on the money-making resources of such organisations. Grey Nuns Hospital At Regina Receives $1600 from Tag Day 14 is estimated that the results of the tag day, held Thursday in Re-gin.

i. organised by the Ladv Patron-e-es of the Grey Nuns' Hospital of hut dity. will be 81.600. Th captains for the day were: Mrs. Murray.

Miss MacMaster, Mrs. 1u-ton. Mrs. Bauermeister, Mrx Mrs. Raker, Mr.

Pollock, Mrs Boyle. Mr. J. Kodev. Mm.

Jeon, Mme. Hour get. Mrs. CampbeU, For The Bahy A PRETTY RATTLE (Copyright. 18:21.

1 I 4 jjoo How to Interpret Your Dreams tower Is not strong enough to stand It. Another chime of eight bells Is promised for a Toronto church S. Pauls Catholic Church st Power and Queen Streets, which this year will celebrate its centennial anniversary. WAIL OF A BRIDEGROOM When the last wedding llvcr is tarnished. And, the bridal bouquet has dried, When all the rice has vanished, And the old shoes been cast aside We shall find, and faith, we shall prove It, That our friends didn't speak quite true.

When they said that Use cost of living Was as much for 'ona As for two. J.G.B. In Milwaukee Jonrnal. Weddings ALLBON MATHER Miss Agnes Richardson Mather, only daughter of Mr. Christopher Mather, of Asquith, and the late Mrs.

Mather, Und Capt. Charles J. Allbon also of Asquith, were married at 8 30 o'clock Saturday evening, August 6. at the home of the brides uncle and aunt. Mr.

arid Mrs. C. L. Mather. 115 Eleventh btreet, Saskatoon.

Rev. Hamilton, of Bradwell, performed the ceremony. Th bride, who walked with her father, was attended onlv by a little flower girl, Erie May Peat. Mrs. H.

D. Gay, sister of Captain Allbon, played the "Wedding March. Captain add Mr. Allbon left on the tl 40 tram Saturday night for the Maritime Provinces, where they will spend their honeymoon. Upon their return west they Will live tn Asquith, where Captain Allbon Is editor of the Asquith Record.

These were guest at th wedding; Rev. and Mrs. H- Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. 8.

F. Rutxer, Mr. snd Mrs. gvd-ney Peat. Mr.

and Mrs H. tlv. Miss Jessie Millar. Miss Nellie Billers, Mis Evelyn McLaughlin, Vis Jean Mather, Miss Marguerite Mather. Miss Muriel Wl'son, Mr.

Robert Millar, Mr. Jack Bowles. Mr. Hartley Mather. Mr.

Cecil Mather, Mr. R. P. Cuspie. THE OLD GARDENER SAYS If there are eome old peony plants in your garden whir! make a lot of foliage, but produce few flower, you may iw able to start them bldbming next season by scratching back the soil wtihin the next two xnr three week and cutting off half the eye which ou will find starting Into growth.

This plan, while mt know a to many amateurs, has been recommended by commercial growers as tending to restore the blooming -character of large plants that have been long established in one place. 8 My seut cries out to under-stand Tho wonder-work of God. Than piping note from wild bird threat Comas answoring from tho sod. I vsmly sock and gropo about And call to winds that past Than with a happy lit! sigh Find diit tn the grass. Victoria AdUd -HarvOy.

1 a I i a surprise to me a it fluid possibly have, been to any one else. I win In my husband's otfipd at work when they telephoned iaeklng If I would accept I wa a very atflong believer in the league of natjrfns, not as a perfect pact, but aa giving us the machinery to work wltthrough which we might secure pprfnanent peace. Unfortunately Dfe politicians of the United Stas saw fit to make a partisan Issue of ihe League of Nation and wo id not latlfy it. When the question came up of holding a conference in this country, I supported it with all my strength. I wa a member of the national committee of reduetlqn of armament of the League of Worflen Voters, and I made a speaking campaign pushing for the calling of that conference, and then trying to crystal! the sentiment and get It to Washington so the representatives from European countries might know the people of the United Elates were behind this peace movement.

A story has been going thi rounds thst the damp plank In Wisconsin wss not adopted until after all of the women delegates had gone home to fix dinner. The debate did not really begin until along toward evening and bv that time many of the women were beginning to put on their hats and fidget in their eeats. Aa the discussion dragged on they started to leave and It has-been said that th hen presently had everything to themselves. Then the danyn plank went through. Mrs.

Hooper mav be standing on it, but she has a tight hoi upon a dry enllnter. Baked Alaska, Tke Miracle Disk One of the most delectable ue for the meringue 'is In the baked Alaska which one woman called "Miracle Ice Cream," and which th Baskotoon branch of the Canadian Alnlne Club always serves at Its annual dinner as the niece de resistance. It does eem extraordinary to be able to bake a brick pf tee cream in the oven, lt Is hard to believe the meringue I such a poor conductor of heat that tt covers the tr cream like a blanket and even in the oven the brick does Mot melt. The way to make a baked Alaska Is to take a meringue board nnd cover It with white writing paper. On this put a sheet of sponge cake an tneh or more thick; on the sponge cake unmold a brick- of Ice cream which ha been frozen hard The sponge cake foundation should be ehghlly larger than the brick.

Cover the Ice cream and cake thoroughly with the proportions of four tablespoons of sugar to one egg white. Next come the browrnlrg of the meringue In th oven. If tbte it your first baked Alaska you will surely feel that th meringue must be very quickly browned or the Ice cream SPECIAL MUSJC. Mr. Hrown led tn prar.

and Hock of Ages. of mrhichn Mr, Anderson was especially MrJ was i th. Art Building. ExhibtUon Grounds, on Raturdav evening. August 12 n.dd,0 Mis Emma Parr, Mrij, be enjoyed from 1.30 F.H isemmensand Mr.

Ridd.e Ul i3. 8pe ial street car sr- beautiful seeing of eased Are have been made for Black Institution. Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association. Lol orange I Association and their friends at an Knight To see an armed knight, foietell good fortune; If you put on hi armor, be prudent, you are In danger; if you take It off. the danger will pass away.

To ee the armor, only, you will overcome all difficulties. Knitting Is a sign of mischievous talk on th part of friends. Knock Denote embarrassment "and difficulties. 1-adder To go up a ladder means success; to go down, humiliation. Ladies To see one.

a sign of weakness; many ladles brings calumny and slander. To see a ligh! -haired one, Is a happy event to the dreamer: a brunette, sickness; a pregnant ladv. brings good news, a naked ladv. signifies th death rtf- relative To hear a ladv neak without seeing her. fortell departure.

Lake A warning to be careful. Lumb This Is a favorable sign tp-single people and Indicate -e' Lmt Terson To dream of seeing a Cripple or lame peperon means business misfortune Lamp To carry lamp means trouble; to unsetOne. loss. To light one. signifies suffering and forrow, if It he soon extinguished, you will die young LamLXTo dream of land, signifies IhaF-you will travel, to live ln the epwntry, means loss of property.

Lark To dream of the lark show speedy increase of torture. Laurel tvignlfies surress. to men. to women, birth of children; to girls, speedy marriage. Not A Blemuh SSMSLSKKig EbssHSr1 yrm f.

HLTkisS A 1 't Dead That Die in the Lore, Mv Task" mail Task. wa 1 thM olo -rangementa mid- sung '-ht. Knapp's augmented mx hestra sung bv.wm furnlgh WU be served at the grounds for those deeirirg to remain after the afternoon program of sports. dull business In other callings: but If i Kiddle at the close of the ser-you dream that you yourself have i vl, grown lean and cadaverous, it fore-j Kesidrs Mr. Anderson are left two shadow the beat kind of luck snd jr- Llovd.

who has Just re-sjcoess It is also an excellent dream frpm Toronto, and Jack at to see than and lean people around. home, one daughter Grace, and a A girl who dreams thst her lover has K.Sier. Hagvr'h. who has lived grown lean, may be sure he will grow rich in proportion. A bad sign.

Leg To dream of thick and fat legs is a bad omen, a It foreshadows sickness: thin, leg are excellent ones to dream shout, as they denote a successful I Lrandon snd Edward Parr, race with fortune. It Is not to be supposed that a lover will ever dream of hi sweetheart legs, hut if be shoud do eo he wiil probably imagine thm to be round, plump, and of an alabaster whiteness Leotard Signify foitune of d.f-fercnl kinds, happiness and misfm -tune following each olner in succession Lepers -To write or receive them, good rews Lei r-l ew of so a'ent friend To lie with the fumilv during the of Mrs. Andersons tllnass. Interment was mad at Dr. Miihken committal service The pall were Messrs.

C. AGliiesple. Cleveland, W. Noyes, OUT OF TOWN RELATIVES Among the relatives In fw the funeral were Mr. It.

of Abernathy. and Mrs. T. K. (frand Coulee. Mr. f. If. Anderson, of Cupar. Frank Amlerson and othy Anderson, of Sco-t, D.

W. Anderson of Dr. 'and Mrs. Truem-vrb Mr Ncl-own rd Miss Jern.e of Craik, were a so mice. last J1 riot tmtlllsed by the digestion 'lt or ftr the grater Woodlawn breaks the kernel the pulp Is reading the 01)f with the milk.

For corn -hearers I oysters take 1 cup of this pulp, 1 XV. beaten egg. 1 of a cup of flour, James -rd PPPr. Two eggs may be used and not so much flojr, or nona ist ell. Make up and drop Into hot.

deep fat or cook In flat csk In the Saskatoon fryirg pan. The brown qulckiy and and Mrs. th pan must not be too hot Just is medium brown Is best for each Maxwell, of face Some Chopped green pepper and Mrs. may be added or other seasonings to Bass Mr. taste A half teaspoon of sugar may 1' Dor- be dssirable.

Sask and i Duncan be content w-ltb feeling that "Eowrn. It 1 your neighbor w-ho Is dome good at ch'FhEe mu ore s'anding by sni ad- ndrirg fils Tou ran verv easilv make an at- will melt. But too iot an oven 1 tractive rattle for baby out of a small not desirsb.e because it will shrivel Um container. (A baaing powder tin tb meringue. Sacrifice the meringue just a little by putting Into an oven slightly hotter than used for th most Ideal condition.

358 degrees Fahrenheit Instead of 125 dtrees Fahrenheit. "When the meringue I nicely browned th dessert houl4 be served Immediately and your guests will be delightfully surprised when you cut through ih warm mertngj to th ecufd he cream tn the een're. Individual A.aeko are even mere 1 fm for this purpose Puncture a hole In th middle of the top of'the can. (See (he d.agram at the lower right) Run a piece of silk" cord through the hole and knot the two end underneatn. place several small pebbles the can and put the cover on.

Dip the can Into enamel or paint It with a brush When dry, paint en the decorations with enamel Into wMoft little color ba been added, ft will mas little birthda f.ft for a tiny friend.

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