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The Mercury from Pottstown, Pennsylvania • Page 3

The Mercuryi
Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1952 rOTTSTOWN MERCURY. POTTSTOWN. FA, PHONE 2263 FACT THREE (Continued From Page One) GOP Committee JUNIOR HIGH mrged to Back Candidate Slate Lt. Gov. Llnyd H.

Wood. Montgomery county Republican committee chairman, urged 100 committeemen and party workers to support the organization's slat of candidate? in the April primary, during a dinner meeting in restaurant. Trappe, last night. Wood emphasized that the GOP organization has given its support, to the candidates of greatest responsibility and ability. Wood Introduced the three organization-approved third district candidates for the Pennsylvania legislature.

They were William A. Bolton, of Glenside; Raymond C. Fort Wash- incton; and Herman B. Willaredt. of Mont Clare.

rooms following their last classes Thursday afternoon. On 14 by inch white paper ballots bearing the names of all the candidates except of those seeking council seats, the youngsters solemnly cast their votes. Indicating the infellieenre which with the pupils approached Ihe election is Ihe fact that only failed to follow instructions about only pencils to mark the ballots and not signing their to them. Patient in New Heart Surgery Meets With Staff Mrs. William Bnbinsky, 421 Seminary avenue.

Pennxburg. one of two Pottstown area women who have undergone a pioneer form of surgery for rheumatic heart patients, was a guest at a meeting of the staff of Pottstown hospital last night. Mrs. Bobinsky spoke briefly to the group of physicians after Dr. Jesse G.

Hafer. Pottstown nhysician, Lone Survivor PARK DUMP- outlined the technical aspects of the Rather than attempt to have surgery which was used to open a the pupils elect, only 20 councilmcn. blocked mitral valve in her heart, two from each ward in the borough, is one of the most grateful McCurdy brought the election even persons ever seen," Dr. C. closer to them and increased their Robert Flicker, president of the interests by arranging for the elee- staff, said later, tion of 33 one from Mrs.

Bobinsky and Mrs. each of the sections, or George E. March. 2 West Tenth homerooms. A BLANK space was left on each Mrs.

Mary Johnson, Collegeville ballot for each voter to write in the fcnmmitteewoman, introduced Wood name of the council candidate from Piter opening the program. his section whom he favored. I To make the election even more THE COUNTY committee has interesting the pupils had to elect scheduled another primary cam- more officials than their mothersdiscussion. Dr. FHicker paign meeting on April 15 at 8 p.m.

and fathers do in a genuine elec in the West End Fire company, i Stowe. street, both underwent the new form of surgery at Hahnemann hospital. Philadelphia, the past March 5. Both were suffering from similar heart ailments and both were recommended for Ihe surgery hv Dr. Hafer.

Sneaking of Dr. techni- (ContinuM From just what we SIGNS WERE planed to notify residents they could use the area to dump "clean They were Charter Members Of Cub Pack 53 Get Universal Scout Pins Universal cub scouting pins were Whale, 2 Fishermen iWoman Is Baffle Off Wes! Coasf in uirftf SAN FRANCISCO. March 2 FV- III I Tl I tvfl Near Borough Hall A killer whale and a couple of fishermen battled to an approximate draw today. Scene of the encounter was Ro- Maggie Liver tt, 61, nt 519 bruises of her left side about 15 ne3r shore in yesterday morning when the auto. mobile in which she was riding 14-foot boat.

requested to get permission from presented to the charter members 1 Anderson 72 and Van KinB s1ifTr Antrim. Edward J. Sweeney, presi- of Pack 53 during the tenth anni- Louls Anderson. and H. W.

Van dent, or the Recreation commission, versary meeting held in Emmanuel But, Antrim said, the signs Lutheran church the past Thursday were destroyed by vandals who used them as targets for rocks. Since the The Rev. Dr Luther A. Krouse, Memorial Park commission could pastor, presented the original mem- warfi boost. Anderson whacked the not employ a watchman, the area bers with the pins after reviewing mammal over the skull with the oar became a.

dumping ground for any- the organization of the pack one with something to get rid of. founded in March, 1942. The Whale broke surface and cir- struck by vehjclt thp the boat several times, then parking lot adjoining swarp under it and gave it an up- Turning about, the whale came at the boat with its mouth open and Piles of wood and tree trimmings A. W. Koppenhaver, institutional got a good bite on it, were dumped there a year ago, he representative, aided in the prcsen- added, and it was necessary for tations.

tion. I AND more of this type Most of the borousrh's appointed Ih. A Countv-widP Such manner, ine in the Norristown borough hall thp that ha? bppn madf in Win bp on April .7 p.m. Looking bewildered is Franklin Whipkey, 12, lone survivor of Somerset, fire in which his parents, two sisters and four brothers were burned to death. He escaped from the houiv hut was not ahle to save other members of the family.

volunteer workers to burn it all. A similar condition has resulted ag-sm this year. Sweeney mosl of Ihe trash and tree trimmings will he burned todav. Ft is planned to gather them together, saturate them with fuel oil and set them on fire, he asserted. Large tree trunks, from M-ecs which fell along West King street, THREE NEW members.

Douglas have been into short lengths Prick Larry anri Davld and will be buried. Antrim revealed pPterson, were inducted into the the commission plans to have a .10 park bv Cubmafitpr Undercofflcr. or 40 foot trench, ten to 12 feet deep, Committeeman J. Harold Yocom dug lor me logs. presented scouts with awards: Den Yergey, Dennis Har- Cubmaster h.

I nder- roffler exhibited a bulletin board inscribed to LeRoy R. Mover, charter cuhmaster, in honor of his service to the pack. District Executive Richard Dutcher presented Mover, present pack chairman, with a ten-vear veteran's card and pin. "He hung on, chewing and said Van Buren Van Buren grabbed an oar, delivered a spear-like thrust to the eve. The whale let loose and swam away, MONEY TAKEN (Continued Frnm One) POLICE GROUP (Continued From One) people pay for it." Earl chairman, remarked.

Borough Manager Dow T. Sears, who was authorized to impose the charge, pointed out: borough make any money on it. It takes two men this year and the use of a truck to have the lines The commitlee also voted to purchase two police interceptor cars to replace the present patrol cars. The interceptors ire heavy duty police cars with 1-5 horsepower engines. Constructed expressly for police Though April 14-13 is Ihe Optimists' Roys Week, girls are permitted to campoign for election because the Optimist club thought the young entrance into the competition for offices would be more democratic.

The only limitation in the election is that girls cannot run for the office of burgess. Fourteen girls were elected Only one of 1951's officers successfully campaigned for re-election. He is Milton Wensel, a Liberal, who fContmned From One) April 14 will begin his second five- day term police. SUN RAY THE PLAN calls for the material to be buried by the end of April. heavy dirt moving equipment cannot operate now in the soft ground.

to The surgery involves onening the heart and unblocking the mitral valve by fincpr. A small blv they havp 5 occasionally to (Cm.imM from part of the valve if the aperture can not be widened sufficiently by company. In addition to distribut- fll1 eV rematked. the surgeon's finger. in? samples of his pro- I Members of the stiff me? at the duct, he handed out autographed home at the hospital for Photographs of himself, the discussion of the surgical HAD A COUPLE of automobile horns sounded in the store as the shoppers moved slowly up and down the aisles, they would not have Den 4 Thomas Yocom; Den fi Fryer, El wood Heck, Merle Ramo.

Nathan Leblang; Den Rorgiet investigated after the Pottstown theft was reported to borough police at 8:42 a. hv Havard E. Fosnocht, elementary schools principal. He was notified after the three teachers had been able to compare notes and become sure their losses were thievery. The three teachers were Marion R.

Giles. 642 High street, who lost $8. Rearing ough hall. She was tafcen to Pottstown hospital hv her son-in-Uw, Richard W. Care, Boyertnwn R.n 2 the driver of the car in which she was 3 passenger.

She was released from the when x-rays revealed no bones were broken. Care told Motor Patrolman Earl J. Rhoads, who Investigated, that he was driving east, on King street, when the other car, driven by Mrs. Alice Zollers. Thrd avenue, Trappe, crashed into the left fender of his auto, throwing his mother- in-law to the opposite side of the rear seat against his sister-in-law, Mrs.

Gertrude Lewis. RD 2, Care. Mrs Lewis and Mrs. Zollers were uninjured. MAN HELD FOR HEARING PHILADELPHIA March 28 Joseph Gaughan, 20.

was held bail today for a further Monday in the death of Patricia A. Grubb, 729 Main street. Rirdsboro, who lost 20 and Mrs. lost $34. When we have it finished they Dpn 10 WlU Jessie Rigg.

942 High street, who Hen 10 received an award from committeeman George Mr- Lain for having the best attendance at den meetings during Ihe past month. Boutonnieres were distributed technic. MOSE' MOORE Sweeney, however, said he has two steel signs readv to be set up at the site to warn against further dumping. The signs will be emplaced after the trash is cleaned up and the fill has been pushed into position at the West King street side of the park. Tn addition, further fill will be IN THEIR cases, the purses were left in the pocketbooks, Mrs.

Rigg was the first to discover the loss Thursday night. In each case, the handbags had to the 200 scouts, parents, and been hanging in the home- leaders attending the anniversary'rooms, which were left empty at meeting. a.s chief of bV his attorney. Robert Trucksess, man. he told Judge Corson this: THOSE ELECTED have a busy FRIDAY night.

Nov. 16, he Week ahead of them. Tuesday Parked his coupe in front of the seemed one bit out of place, because larpd fh, from a AffnrAij in the middle of the pressing crowd bar rrprk near Chestnut, stood a uniformPd borough pohpp- whlch wilI hf rlparpd away I nnrh fftftt Thii work is pxpprtpd In bPSin 1 ul rupili LUIItll IVJU He wa.s not there to direct the shortly. HARRISBURG, March 28 traffic, however. His job was to Some 430,000 Pennsylvania school preserve order should the crowd be- THE COMMISSION has been at- children were given assurance today icinjy street, house He sain he hari cornP to make arrests tempting to build up the area with of continued Federal aid to help fh 9rp wHh a 0 hey will be dm- hecati-e of his shoplifters tried to take advan- flil tn an effort to extend the usable pay for their lunches until at least work, they are equipped with a net-guests of the Optimists at a res- 1Pir inp in Decause oi nis inpy air rquipprn wuii ner guests of the optimists at, a res- 11 tage of the presence of hundreds nart nf the nark Rulldorers have 1 duty cooline system, sppciai taurant not ytt MlPctPd.

Wednpsdty hawy to dtwed. of th, storP, Lrt th, l(m Moore said that when he returned home next day, he found the car of shoppers in the store. One aspect of the opening that pleased many shoppers was a cash register stunt. If a receipt carried a red star on it, Ihe customer received whatever her purchase was for half price. Everyone buying a sandwich or and shock absorbers, special night' they and anyone else in the A short time later, Moore said, he covered with vinyl fabric and school interested can participate in and a friend.

Clarence Rittenbaugh, a heavy duty clutch and trans- a Roys' Week ping-pong tournament SprinK City rd 1, went to Norris- mission. in the YMCA town whprp stayed until about Thursday the new will 2 a. After this, they returned to THE CONTRACT for the cars was tour the Robinson Clay Products Rittenbaugh home, where Moore awarded to Cates and Becker. Potts- company and Saturday they will town Ford dealers, who asked $1246 tour the borough hall, water plant and the old cars. and sewage disposal plant and nHHcr Fire parked at what he thought was the a platter at the stores lunch-coun- Sam H.

Keiser. owner of the fbe Empire Hook and Ladder Fite Ketser Chevrolet company, was the company headquarters. unsuccessful bidder During their visit to the borough Although hid. including hal1 hPBvy duty additions to regular oars. ti? was iowpr.

thp oommlttep dPPidPd tn oft oi thp borough arp px trv pars sppcially-built tor policp attend, work in an effort to cut down repair bills. been used to push aside the top Dr Frands Haas. superintend- soil which Will be Pushed back over instruction, said today $61,000 windfall from Federal same place where it had been left, ter section, which seat.s approxi mately 60, received a free plate of ice cream and making a pur- the fill when the project is com pleied It will eliminate a long slough which has acted as a second hranch of the creek during high water. In previous years. Ihe slnugh has filled up and Ihen run down along King street to turn the baseball diamond into an island.

The baseball diamond itself Is authorities has precluded the possi- recess period. Miss Giles teaches a Second grade class: Miss Grubb, a Third grade, and Mrs. Rigg, a First grade. These three grades have recess together. check showed there was no sign of any break-in At West Pott sg rove, Jessie Rosenherry.

assistant principal, and William Mauzer. janitor, both saw the gray-haired man at recess time. James T. supervising prinripal, was away on school business. Miss said the stranger indicated he was looking for the janitor.

Mauger said the bility of closing down the program stranger indicated he was looking at the end of April. FIRES (Continued From Page One) think it's worth a trial for a Charles H. Brubb, Ninth ward councilman, remarked. do. Strange added.

talked about police cars every year, but then always considered the for the lavatory. THE IDENTIFICATION pieced together of the possible suspect was a man 6 feet tall, weighing 200 pounds, wearing a cap and khaki-hke clothing. He was described as a smooth talker. No stranger was reported seen at The defense attorney also Iried lo show in cross-examina- ice cream and those making a pur- The baseball diamond Itself Is smoke pouring from Ihe rear lion of Mars that the patrol- chase totaling 98 cents or more the result of adequate filling. Mosl windows of the kitrhen.

man had been able to get only 'exclusive of tobacco purchases) re- of the ground for the field came The rear of the kitchen school, a fleeting look at the coupe's ceived a potted plant. from a high bank along West High was scorched, the walls and floor- West Pot.tsgrove school authori- This schedule Is tentative, street, which was cut back to permit hoards were charred in several large ties notified Township Police Chief says McCurdy, and more events Mars agreed it had been a brief a G. PACENTA, Reading, the construction along the highway. planes and a window shade was James V. Guadagno on Thursday are exnected io he added to it.

out that, just, be- st0rps manager, said a few of his burned to ash. night. He investigated at the school Following is a list of the sue- clerks had been inflating the bal- TN ADDITION, the Die oliver said hP believed the blaze yesterday. fill fiom the keen ignited because the range -----------------------------new home to be had been set too high. 0DDIMP party; keep up with the used on the field.

i Oliver had been eating lunch at 111 Pi Following is a list, of the sue- Ar clerics naci been miiating the bal- in auuiuum me cessful candidates, with their offi- loons thp storf was Rivinz to donated all the ce.s and FC or representing their its siren drPn With a but Pxravatlnn fn1' its COUNCIL: Johnson, John Antrim. Judy mnr'ir mnenw cau so been giving out deflated Now. however. Antrim said, fill is the home of his mother. Mrs.

Mamie find balloons and letting the kids blow at premium. Contractors can sell fil8 walnut street, cr rinding him them up." nearly all they have to persons "See yf you can't get to be a law- (Continoed From One) it up and down the streets of Potts- "WELL, I'd go along for a Stanley Zawaski, Fourth councilman, declared. George Carter, Charles Gricsemer, The committe recommended the Barbara Good, Richard Rhoads. Vir- vm cnmehndv purchasp ot thP special policp cars iinia Barbara Mpr- cnlnl! Wn rill Shirev. Robert Kint, Thomas A contract for 25 gallon, of yellow Bodolua and David SchoPnly.

had doublP amoum of the maximum fines and costs, totaling about S187. Moore is scheduled for another All the gifts distributed yesterday for THE ROROITGH fire horn sounded buildings, but they do bite. Pollock. Patricia Holloway, Kenneth ahjriinff if vmi want to rare wensel. Patricia Brendlinger, Ken- aTk ToVhP hut don't do aaW program park thfs xrM p.

20 mm- npth Christman, Richard ScSpll, Pappnta. Thp reducpd will street John i 11. Wilson paint was awarded to the Leuthold. Varcraft. paint works.

The com- Bedell. Don Holliday. Jack Hoffman. pany bid $2.50 per gallon for the jerry Reitnouer, Richard Stauffer, and 40 gallon tor thp Jowph Ondo. Edward Jackigl paunty fellow paint, less a 1 percent dis- Heil.

Robert Fredman, Robert Zieg- count for payment in ten days. and Richard Smale Unsuccessful bids were submitted police by Lester R. Daub and Angstadts nolice sergeant paint, store, both borough firms. Richard Hurter, FC; Robert Drum- lne assistance at the scene and the Allentown Paint Manufac- heller, and Howard Bedell, L. on traffic charges the week of April 7 continue today.

The store 40 by 100 feet of floor space, twice that of the old headquarters at 241 High street. Thirty additional clerks and fountain attendants have been hired to staff the store, with 11 handling the lunch counter trade. Pacenta has managed his com- QUEEN CONTEST (trtntinnert Frnm Hiring company, parking space requested by pMniel Keene. 210 North Charlotte street, and a loading rone requested by the Slores corporation at the rear of its new High street store, both were denied by the committee. Keene had requested the spare be marked off across from Rose alley, which intersects Charlotte street, north of Beech street.

It was Fire Bodolus, FC; assistant fire chiefs Miller, and Gary FC; Fire Marshal Canning, FC; lax Kirlin. FC; auditor (four Shaw, and Sandra Miller, Ann Chaplin and Judy Noble. FC. Pence, FC; borough Sova. assistant borough has suffered as a result, but has utPS after Gnod Wilf crewmen had CONSIDERABLE cloudiness to- been made even worse by the dump- ended a smouldering fire in a car even wl11 warm' ing of rubbish and trash.

radio bv running outside and dis- to keep them undercover. connecting the wires. Tomorrow will be marked by only Company Chief Robert Roth said cloudiness and the bugs prob- James Goggins, 1061 Park drive, i wil1 out again, had been driving north on Hanover street when he saw smoke roming cure for the beetles Is to re- 'from under the dashboard. move the box elder tree, according queen tournament are Dolores Piros- car arrjVPd in front of the io Mrs. Endv.

DDT does only a par- chak. Mary Lou Smale. Arlene Joan Chouse just ten minutes after the ii nl5 against the pests. in Shaffer, Doris Seibold, Joan Keim, Q00dies had returned from a small panys store in Pottstown four years. Joan Becker.

Sheila Collins and 2rass ftre bphind the Howard John- The grand jury returned a true previously worked in Reading clatidia Ellicker. son restaurant 1500 High street The girl who is crowned queen Therp was no damage will receive a S1000 bond in cash, Later, the Goodies extinguished and the six runner-ups who will grass fjrp on the Haws property in compose her court will receive Soutb pot.tstown. The blaze, which apiece, besides hundreds of dollars reported bv North Coventry worth of merchandise contributed PoliCP chipf naniPl GlJidin, was NORRISTOWN. March 28 by Pottstown merchants. started by sparks from burning rubbish.

Impeachment proceedings, a r- cording to the constitution, can be PRODUCTION IS STOPPED a loss estimated at brought against the President. Vice PITTSBURGH, March 28 President and all civil officers of the qjq walkout stopped production to- The structure is in Washington United States for "treason, bribery, dav at the huge east Pittsburgh Square gardens, two miles from Nor- or other high crimes and mis-plant, of Westinghouse Electric ristown. and Nolen, Philadel- demeanors.1* corporation. THERE'S NO PARKING PROBLEM WHEN YOU BANK AT 1 HOUR FREE PARKING AT DOWNTOWN GARAGE 216 KING ST. WHILE TRANSACTING BUSINESS WITH US BANK OF POTTSTOWN Bank With The Clock on the Member F.

D. I. T. 1 np grand jury returned a true sergeant bil1 him fad- and Lebanon stores for lb years $30,000 Fire Sweeps Barn Near Norristown on Route 063 onof an accident Ringing Hill. He is accused of fleeing a crash that occurred after another wild flight from a pursuing patrol car.

LENTEN SERVICES (Continued From Page OnO three-story bam housing lumber and mobile equipment for a proposed housing project was swept by fire today causing Jaycox. borough decided traffic alone the s.iee. and treasurer Barbara alley was not yet. heavy enough to Pptrillo FC; solicitor, Sullie Kess- warrant the spare. Salem Evangelical United Brethren church, and the Rev.

Ralph R. Frey, pastor of the First Brethren Faith Looks Fp to Rev. Arthur 1er L- boroueh engineer Larrv Simpson, pastor emeritus of the bearing hav and fodder from the Lawler. FC: Highway superintend Fir5t Presbyterian church, and the harni.u 1 fn.r Umf phia building contractors, had purchased it several weeks ago, Two of the employes were THE LOADING zone for the Me- dent-Robert March I- hi ildinc Rpv- Theodore Fischer, pa-stor of wal1 the building was CroryVs store was requested on King tor-Edmond FC; Transfiguration Lutheran The two escaped without rr. It drn.fd by com- tor anfi o(: church "What Shall 1 Do With mittre because zones for other Jr.

-----------------------------stores have not been cranted. vn i R4 Pffrcpnt of all telephones Members pointed dut the store could rent a meter bag for $2 per week and restrict a parking space Whenever it expected deliveries. Plans for the installation of traffic lights at High and Penn streets and Prospect and North Charlotte streets were discussed briefly. Sears told the committee BUTTER PRICES (Continuer! From One) and the Grade peak was 55 cents. At another food market yes ter Boroueh Electrician William H.

Price dav butter was down to 70 cents tvas changing heads of the soud pound, and 81 cents in quar- Lutheran Memorial." liehts along High street gf the This reflects a 5-cent drop Tuesday, April Rev. Don- from the previous day. aid Floyd, pastor of the Trinity Evangelical Congregational church, BUTTER HIGH for March was ami the Rev. Howard A Kosman, 95 cents for quarters and 93 cents Pastor of Zion's Reformed for a solid pounrf The market has been selling a Wednesday, April Rev. dozen medium eggs for 55 Martin J.

Brinton. pastor of the Rev. Dr. Luther in the statewide system of the New A Krouse, pastor of Emmanuel York Telephone company are dial Lutheran church, and the Maurice E. Hoover, pastor of Searles Memorial Methodist, Will Be Monday, April 7-The Rev.

John B. Frantz, pastor of Trinity Reformed church, and the Rev. George F. Eichorn pastor of St. sent time Tarts of the old lichts will he used for the installation of the two new lights, he added.

Bids for the installation of the two lights will he advertised as soon as al lihe parts are available. Sears went on to sav. There brief reference to ior a a traffic plan commit by Burgess William Griffith. The At another food market, butter plan will involve ch angine several nnP. morn- one-way streets in the borough to cents foi a solid pound and relieve traffic conditions on High inr strFpt The price of butter First Methodist church, and the Rev.

Hevwood L. Butler, pastor of the Second Baptist Inescapable Thursday, April 10 The Rev. John L. Smoker, pastor of Baltzell price of butter has been Evaneelical United Brethren church, jumping like the manaeer ftnd the Rev. Arthur Hanson, CLOSER TIES ASKED reported.

high for March was pastor of Lutheran A IP EH. Formosa. March 28 UP) 93 rent5 a snlid and 95 cents church. Cup of Chiane Kai-Shek fering. called for closer ties between He added that his store has been ----------------------------------Nationalist China and the Republic selling large brown and white eggs of Korea in the struggle against at 55 cents a dozen for the past, six' Communism.

i weeks. INSTALLED and GUARANTEED Armstrong Linoleum 0 Gold Seal Muratex Walls 9 Window Shades Flexible Venetian Blinds BY THE LINOLEUM STORE 133 429 High C. L. SCHNEIDER Lawn Mower Sates Ar, Rervirf Mowers Sharpened the Machine Wsy Come out and see extra money naving of the Power Mower. 18' $121.45 R.

D. 1 Box Penna. (UnJfifld Road, one mile W. of Trappe) Call Royeirsfnrd Business Translated Fri, flve. or Sat, Seal-lt-Tite Roof Coating 3SSO Gifts at Hollow Chocolate Novelties 5c to Cocoanut Cream to Jelly Eggs (assorted and black) Imported Scenic Hershey Kisses (hulk and packages) Novelty and Sampler EGGS NAMED FREE Easier Eggs and Grass ORDER TODAY! Stuffed Easter TOYS 1.00 tip Juit Rereived The finest assortment of Sprint and Summer eoatume Jewelry.

rlsil to our Super Jewelry Department is MUST for Easter! Our Cosmetic Department Overflowing With Fragrances For Spring Special! Ruhenstein Stay-Long Lipstick Sampler 5 50 Z' FREE PARKING Fragrances Aborted I up FREE PARKIS STORES a PO I IOWN "ind PA YOUR WANTS SUPPLIED FOR LESS AT FREE PARKING Free Dpliverv on nrdprv $5 or more. nnrter delivered for 35e. STORE HOURS Monda? thru Thurs. 8 to p. m.

FridaT Sa to 9 p. m. Sat. a m. to 6 p.


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