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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 1

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Served by the United Press VOL. 75 Blytlievllle Courier, THE DOMINANT'NEWSPAPEU OF NORTHFADT ARKANSAS AND SOUTHEAST MISSOURI HOME EDITION JUNK JINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS 1'. era Put Off Dcnarling Liner look Taxi lo Long Island Murder Scene. N'EW YORK, June 12. fantastic story of Starr FaiihfnM 25.

Greenwich Village girl whose 'lays OH earth were ns mysterious nnd weird as the circumstances of litr death, was slowly pieced together for I lie benefit r.f a Nassau county grantl jury at Mincola today. While witnesses dciaited the stow to the jury new aimle-to the caw mine to light when a t.ivicab driver wlm said he lonk Miss Faiihfiill from the heart of Manhattan lo I.nnir Island last Thursday evcnim; was nuejtifvned bv assistams tn District AHornev FH-in v. Ed'vards Savs She Drunk The was iiitoxlc-slo-l she entered (In 1 f-nh. ihc rbaiifTeiir snid. and she toinht vo whiskey the She (Irank some and gave him some lie said.

Tlie riistric' "ii (he thwv tint two men mViv- PItirr (hnv Dislricl AMornev Ehii: retinrtod oinnnhur t-i n-4- for i'vn noe" -nir-linnl Dr-." on ihe Ivn nio'i murdered the "irl. a des-ni'rtiiu of ihe early Xew I-'ncland rMHers. Will ninrv Edu-nr-ls Starr's r.iit 'xiiinrl diarv when entered the fiirv rr-on, niv' s-iin lie read "issarvc of it intn the record. fifteen witnesses were at the fnr nncstloniniz and the irtenlitv of mam- shielded. Franc's PeahcxH- Hainlin.

Brjron, cruise director of the Oun.y.-d 'hie! "'3S in the for qiiestion- 'nrr. IT" was acquainted with the dead N'T; I'nl OfC Rliin LONDON. June description of Starr Faithful's visit aboard the liner Franronh which forms one of Hie most iinpnrtnnt in the mvstcrv of the lipan- "fiil York sirl's death, was furnished by tlie commander nf the Ounard liner. Captain Rob- err.B. Irving.

IrvlnR. who ordered Miss Faith- fnl I a ken off his ship after it had left its pier bound for Europe, said slK was lowered over the side of ihe vessel ivilli a rope tied around her waist. A Uiq look her nshore. was said she had been drinking. Victim of Mystery Murder me; icted on CIIICACiU.

June 12. eral Rr.iiul Jury Indicted Cnjiinr today. He headed a list ol C8 lierjans namcxl In trsii- bills dial's coii'-pii'iH'y to virjl.ite the prahi bitwin laws. week Cniwne was Indicte:) nn rh.irjjes (if income tax pajincnls. Allhoiicli he has as the country's tlmior iliis is iht; second time tin htm of The prevloui huUrtuiriu quashed.

Today's indiclmeiH wr.s prepai 1 i-d by Oliver indict men expert of the U. S. attorney mi's office and be- lore CireiilL Jmicje John Barns. In it are citeti 10 overt nets from to 1923. Dcalh Vmlirl ve Slayer 'or Here Surface of Ground Only.

Oilier' IS FIRE LEVELS Milncr Now Leading in Popularity 'Vole Obey Orders Not lo Otil of 'Cily Willicut Assurance of Pay Two small ncuro houses nnd an nuthouse, nronerty of J. rr. Iluch- nnan, valued at approximately fflO. JIKI oiitsltle Ihe nnrtlicni city limitq. burned early this mnr- nliiK while city firemen, from a shnit distance awny.

watched the lilaie. prcnared to esilnitiilsh the rue should it threaten tn lirnlte buildings within Ihe ritv llmiis. The nrlaln of the fire, which was discovered about 3:30 this moi Miss MurijnirM Mllner hns li-iit'ii the Ifiid In Ihe SCOO vacation trip iKmiilarilv contest sjwnsorrd hy nivlhevllle merchants. II was repealed in tabulation of the vote VPM Trial-. MKs nulh Whltworth.

i who In first place when (he. last count was made, is now second, wild the Misses MarKaret Cross, fanjivn 1'ride and Allhea Plans to Repair and Proceed From Abilene lo Dallas. fullou-liiK In the order Edwards iKinied AoproxlinaMy 5.0CO.OCO votes linve Ix-en east, with less than week's ballots Includrd in (lie count. While a few of the candidates ure laKBlm; analyst of the In- dlcalcs (hat most of the yminn women entered In thi' comiwllllon have lieeii busy lining up their supporters. The which Is a twn weeks visit nt Rancho lica.

Points Fare Belter. Julia Maude ,23, and of after the Lody of MK, siarr Pc.i!l-.:,dl. ebe-vc. was was: at Long Beach. Louy Itland.

police iKlarcd her the victim and murder and a search for and doctor prominent iiojuician artist brl-evcd mi-ht he implicated in tin- crime, I liirli.m descent, is shown here for 1 1 st L1(l lo "Jl vcnlln Jefferson. Ohio, which the moisture which crops 51 (lit was nnrtially destroyed last fall, wen: ignited. Fire Rov Head said this mnrninn that his men were pre- narcrl to fight, the nre had It thrralcncd city property. "We have strict orters not ID lake fire equipment outside the city and risk dniunQc lo our easily apparatus and add alarm expense to the city's bills unless nre assured that someone will pay I Showers this mornins. a SPL tn Will ri Pnrific's Save Momnhis Shin- Sums.

rrjpu for of ti.n M'ssoiiri Pnn railroad the tr.insil charr- on Mnreil in of dollars it 32,000,600 Mai! Bandit S'ain Stealing Tires Kans June 12 liolluiav. Jormer Jniic't convict, paiticipnnt in the Roiindout. 111.. mail train robbery H-viral a'iO ivheii E3.000.0DO was stolen. vas and killed here today by railroad special ngenl.i as he fo'JHht to steal five from tlie expicss room of the Stiivel! station.

IURS PRIIIIIFCrTWli hi this vicinity arc bcsinning nrcd badly, proved a disairjsint- ment so far as concerns Blvtheyllh anel iU immediate some communities in this and adjoining counties fared better. No nearby point, so far as could be learned, received a rcallv heavv rriin. but telephone renor'js Minila and C.irnthersville ir snflicient prechittatlon t'. 1 be e(V. to crorjs.

Kain at i further south in the county cx- tremely light, while two small showers at Blylheville Ihis morning did liitie more than lay tlie (hut. wel- i tin? the dry Mil to a depth of 'than an inch. The weatherman. 11.11 bfen predicting showers each day fnr I nearly a week, remains an optimist. His forecast for tonight and tomorrow calk for showers in eastern Arkansas and southeast Missouri.

ambushing nnd paramour's wife, Mrs. Tilby Smith. She is the first man to face death in the electric chair in Ohio. Smith also is under sentence of death. is i expense, ive go outside the icltv limits" he said.

Had the nre, which Gained headway before firemen reached Ihe rene. 'Tnlted buildings nearer wo- 11 0 department was prepared lo lake steps, Head declared. Two houses on Buchanan row' were partially burned last fall. Cily firemen fought the blaze but Ihc city wns never recompensed lor Us It Is staled. Sfatc Agent Pays Visit to Osceola District Clubs OSCEOLA.

June C. ttaber, assistant state 4-H club agent from Little Rock, spent yesterday in MissL'Siupi county in conference with Miss Cora Lee Coleman and County Agent S. D. Carpenter. Tie visited a number of -1-U clubs in the south end of the comity and expressed his sraiificaJion of result." achieved by club members here, which he said compareei most favorably with 4-11 club n-oik in other sections ot the state.

follow the irad Removal of transit. onounced here by C. To- i XT burn, trmneer of ll-n traffic de- I iNcime LomiVtlttOe to Lai'l'V 1 nf tl 1 1 efi'toTi exchange I ivho of the move bv R. M. Hazier, executive agent of the Pro'esl Cjly Council! Noxl Sesson.

Ernesl Fleichcr to Manage New Concern, Located Near Frisco Station. Missouri Pacific officials i the mad would lese about, J20.WO year bv removal of tlie transit, charcc. Under the new Tiiilni; cot- A committee of three. I of Dr. C.

E. Wilson. Dr. F. bnnd and Dr.

S. P. Martin was na-n- If'ii can be shinpcu on one rale I C(J nl a of local ohvsiciauF LONDON, from where it pinned. throiiBh lliql io eiraft a protest of tiie i Gi)nrd Vessel Rescues Crew of ii. produce business, bcins cmiip- Lrntt, LclllSIOn Victim.

Pcd with a modern refrigeration system and oilier features. Aunouncemeni of Ihe opening of a new wholesale fruit, and produce establishment in the newly erected warehouse south of the Frisco station on Railroad street was made new concern is to known as the Merchants Produce company ami v.ill be bv Krnest Fletcher. All varieties of fresh vegetables and fruits will be handled In wlmbsile lots and deliveries are lo be mat'e by truck lo points within a 50-mile radius of Blylheville in northeast Arkansas artl southeast Missouri. The warehouse is for Body of Girl Found On Bottom of Pool LTMA. June 12.

body of Thelma Woods. 17. who with a boy friend disappeared afler attending a Memorial Day dance was found on Ihe bottom of a 75-foot miarry pool toeiay by a police party. The body wa.s partly covered with a burlap sack which had bean weighed down with pieces of slush. The Rirl's arms were pinioned to her sides with barrel hoops.

Memphis for storage and to its rltv lax on nhy- liril destinnlie.n. Cotton may to siciati 1 at the recent of for storage fnr 12 months ritl council I anil thru at Ihe same An nrrtb.inr,- 1 passed bv r.T.m- jvate. Tufs-Hv irrht rst.Tbiislied a £20 I It was other cotton i annual fee for physicians alone; wit 1 points had enjoyed this license fees fixed for other rate fr.r some time and because of sional men and bnsinpsses. Phvsi- the transit chnrire Mrmphis clans have not before been subject were discriminated to a city tax. against.

I' i' under.4o)J that the pro; 'fest will be formnllv presented to I the council at the next monthly Fined On Rum Charge i citv mnv aho license Oeors" Kt residence merliriration. Cotton 7im South Elm street oKcers marie cut nay $100 per year priviiese lav NEW LONDON. Jim? 12! ill shio I A. New York Cotton George Abbott Again the about er haul of the year Recent action of the city council mcnth ago. was NEW YORK.

Jim; Cotton futures closed Open High Jan. Mar. May July Oct. Dec. DM 572 POO flofi 974 864 Ml 924 12.

Low Close 018 932 972 860 898 the priviljre fee for by a jury on a charge of buyers from $50 per year lecal rwssession of intoxicating liri- is retrarded by some cinner? wor Wednesday. recORnitic.n of a condition in Arch Lindsey and Eddie B. cot ion business that alsn vitl. deputy siieriffs. tretiflrd tclthein.

finding a small ejuanlity o' brev. at Abbrlfs house. A m.intli Aradia" sank tcdav with a carTi of liquor aftrr collision with the rnaft i7iiarel clostrover Davis fifiy miles south of Montaul: Point, l.onc Island. Ccjnmni'cicr S. Bav- commandant of tlie coast guard base, here announced.

Iron rescued hy I lie, Davis and trie Marion, another which was Iroilir)? the Shsiben Acadia. Commander Tlavliss said his ad- of Per Wives Starts Divorce Action from Caruthersviilc to Hayti CARUTHEnSVILLE. Alo. extension of Highway No. 84 between Caruthcrsville and Haytl completed Thursday and will be: open for traffic on July 1st.

This new road is of concrclc nnd is 18 feel wide, six miles long, and Intersects Highway No. 01 nt Hayli. This gives Carutliersvillc a concrete highway coimrcllon with Gl bolh from the north and south, so that persons traveling on Cl may come to and through Carnthcrsviile from both north and south cr. a concrete hiijiuvay. Tlie distance twecn the two Intersecting points on the loop through Carutliersvllle is approximately eleven miles.

It. is expected this new road will greatly benefit Carnther.wtlle from increased tourist trade, ns tourists can cnme Caruthcrsville and lose only six miles in mnkinj the loop, and the road will also be a is nu exceedingly ullrnctlve one. 'Hie contest has clslu more weeks lo run. so that candidates pionty of op- to oivrcome tiny disad- jvautase nt which the early vole may appear (o put them. Voles are svith puiehascs at alioiil a filytlievllle phces, listed elsewhere In this Slniidlnns of the cnndldntes.

as of yesterday's count of the ballots, follows: Margaret Milncr, 88D.OOO. Hull) Whltwoilh, 031.000. Marutircl Crofs. 527,000. Carolyn Althea Edwards, 352.000.

Rosa Ixiii Cook, Hixora, 349,000. Evelyn Harwell, 280.000. Elizabeth tfurtln, 274,000. Alberta Elliott. 233,000.

Maurine Uranson, 229,000. Mary Haytl, 202.COO. Martha Robinson, Dorothy Glelcon, Wilson, 132.000. Ruth Butt. no.OoO.

Ortne Hutching. Manila, 128.000 Virginia nurlon, Canilhersvllie, Marion Burns, 106,000. June 12. (UP.) Amelia Earliarl Pulnnm. ocean flyer, escaped unlinrt here tocloy when crashed In taking olT- for Dallas.

The aiito-giro hnd. readied a liciglil of thirty feet when Mrs. I'ulnum said a slight, air eddy earned the machine to veer toward the crowii which had galhcred to see her lake olf. To avoid Injury In spectators she forcer! (lie nmclilim to the nt once, damasin? lie rotors and bcneliug the pro- She planned lo have the plane repaired here and hoped to prince! (o Dallas nnd Fort Worth in ihree or four days. I'robe Meibllu Traj-edy June 12.

An Investigation of nn nlrplane ac- elrient occurred when the pilot, was attempting to llnd Bates airport here and which resulfcd In dentil lo three psrsons, was made today. The crash last night resulted in the death of Vincent Kilbatn, Mo--, bile city nllorncy, Edward J. Grove. Alabama slnte representative, and Thomas Crowder. Birmingham, transport pilot wns flying the ship.

All of the. men were widely known in Alabama and were en route here from Montgomery where Kilborn nnd Grove hnd attended meetings of a state legislative committee. Eye witnesses to the tragedy s.tld the ship wns flying without llghis when appeared over the field which was not Illuminated but upon which flares hsel been placed In nnticl-" patlon of the plane. They snld Crowder apparently became confused and was unable to locate the field. Enlists F.x-Soklicrs in Strug- sic With Striking Ohio Workers.

ST. CLAIRSV1LLE, Jeme 12. Battle lines were drawn today for an anticipated renewal of the struggle between specinl deputies under Sheriff Howard Duff and 1,000 striking miners who threaten to drag strike breakers from the New Liberty pit. great benefit to the farmers near it. living CLEVELAND.

June 12. (UPi Catherine Perry, one of the known 7 wives of cieorce W. E. "Jiggs" Perry who awalls trial in Wisconsin on charges of murdering Ids third wife, tndav named the in a divorce action charging non-support. I the suit Mrs.

Perry asks res-j After repulsing attempts of the mob to reicnsc 18 strikers held In Betmont county for rioting, the i sheriff's force recruited from ex- service men, returned to the mine armed with machine guns and tenr i gas bombs. Angry strikers were encamped on the hills surrounding the town awaitincj opportunity to seize the breakers on their way to work. Texas Governor Spurns AH Publicity Stunts AUSTIN, Texas, (UP) At- tnnpts of publicity agents to use Governor Ross Sterling of Texas meet a cold shoulder. Demands are received almost daily for 'publicity stunts. One commercial organization asked him (o issue a formal state prcclmnntion urging people to join It.

He is asked almost daily to proclaim "cat some other applesauce week" "week." The climax was the request of press agent that ho ride, In the engineer's cab and pull the. throttle of special tram. "Of course to get the. greater 1 the v.Titer said, "yon will liave to wear overalls and have a red baiirtnna about your neck." Tli? regular engineer the train. pull vices were indefinite as to exact ef the collision.

the; torntion of her maiden name, nl- leging her husband had a wife anei three children when they married I January 31. 1330. Garage Man's Wife Held as Suspect in Murder of Merchant and Planter. LeBchville Track Hit. Drop Assault Charge Canithersville Man's Car Against Man iTidn CAEUTHERSVILLE.

Mo. -Homer Carnthcrs was taken tn a Memphis hospital Thursday to Wednesday for injuries received when tonr- Ed Martin, negro, was cleared of a charge of with a deadly weapon In connection with the I.ONOKE. June 12 (UP) Officers todnv ennlinued nnesllon- Ing Iliiddleslon. wife a Cabot dealer arrested late yesterday in connection with the death of Lre A. Edwards, prominent Cabot merchant and planter whose hodv was fnunrt in a brrry patcl: Wednesday two miles from his home.

Mrs. Huddleslon -A as hroiinh: London Marriage Links Big American Fortunes LONDON. June 12 of America's greatest fortunes were united today when Anthony J. Drexel Diddle. Philadelphia, 'was married to Mrs.

Margaret. Schultz. only daughter of William Boyce Thompson, copper magnate. The ceremony was conducted quietly at the Princess Row register shortly after 11 n. m.

here last and lodged She denied any i 053 847 833 307 921 Jan. Mir. May Oct. Di'c. Spots steady at 870.

up 5. JVrni Cnt.tnn NEW ORLEANS. June 12. (UP) Cotton futures closed steady. Open High Low 931 035 aso several hundred KAlions of were utirovorcd there, officers said.

Abbot filed an appeal hor.d with Justice O-ear Alexander. Arrive a Newark from Washington June 12 fUP) (Colonel and Mrs. Clmle.s A Lindbergh who a flicht to the I 01 lent, arrived here today niter a I flisht from Washingten. 912 362 893 920 972 900 924 923 fill MO 840 S.M fi07 930 n.if> 8(11 £97 A scientific expedition liai lo the 170 Anaconda Copper 21 1-2 wounding of Sam ne-jjail. Bra by Jw KC Alexander a truck rtrlvei: by of 1 I hcarino: yesterday.

sheriff Benson. Lonoke county, Washington, who was alleged to said fresh i New French President Takes Office Tomorrow (Baby Gorilla Waxes Fat on Goat's Milk ST. LOUIS, Missouri, Yon- nali has goat all of her own. And the gont has been instrumental in making Yonnah fat. Yonnah Is the St.

Louis Zoo's baby gorilla. Since baby gorillas fn captivity are rare, zoo attendants were puzzled about Just how to go about feeding Yonnah. Thev weren't familiar with the necessary diet. Then Ansrust A Buseh donated a goat to Ycmnah. So the -corilia's attendants began feeding her scat milk.

In ten days the aalncd 22 ounces. Now the gorilla's diet Includes spinach, graham crackers, bananas. molasses, oranges, lettuce nnd. bone meal aside from the milk. PARIS.

June 12. The ncciden'- cccniTcd nt o'clock Daumer. 13th elected president of une 12. a i ceremony devoid of Memphis Trap Shooter but toasted with at i Makes Perfect Record and at nn. SOAPV WATER KESCWF.

PORT BURWELU Out. I dive into a washlnb full of I water Mrs. Karl WooaVoilh i jfrem burns when 1 from her oven set to her A- lv as. hair and I eyelashes were burned "II. Auburn Caterpillar Tractor Chrysler Cities Service Cora Cola Continental Raklm; Ocnerpl Electric General Motors Montacmery Yrrh Central Packard Radio Simmon' Slaml.ird .1 T'XIS U.

S. Sicir! 166 1-: t-2 17 1-4 I 11 0 1 Carutlicrsville II 7-8 ffay 61 H6 11 1-4 Lived 350 40 1-8 GLOBE. Ariz. Gl. .14 330 years of age.

nnd a IfJ 3-4 resident of Glob; for 15 was 80 to death here by r. eronp 7 of small hays. Cercus was a ciant 15 7-R; uhtiaro. a species of cacti, trans- 13 planted from the desert to the 35 1-4, ral it dii-J from NEW YORK, June If. Miss.

Huth Nichols, society eirl who; justice Jemifnz IJalley sinircme court. hopes to mnke a solo across itrlct of Columbia the Atlantic Parrot Lays Estg LYNCHBURG, Virginia, (UP) WASHINGTON. June PoUy. a five-year old parrot be- to E. O.

Rorer. laid an her case. Rorer has had the continued test 'today denied the petition of stib- nights In her Lockr.ecd sidiarles of the Radio Corporation and was ready today for the U. S.jof America for an injunction re- commerce department to ten. the the federal radio coin- Pime and equipment.

i mission from proccedlnz with hear- Unfavorablc vl.Mth^,- is ronlin-ilngs at which the Radio Corpora- iilng to hold up nhm for thr flisht and aswelaled companies 111 be in Nashville, June 12 ing with machirj like precision Tom Snotrden. Memphis, cracked 200 consecutive pigeons to win the 2CO singles event nt the Tennesse? state trap shoot here texlay. WEATHER bird for three years, and it ARKANSAS-Partly night and Saturday. cloudy to- the first egg she had laid for hhi. According to the official weather It is snlo lo be, very rare for a observer.

Charles Phillips parrot to lay eggs in captivity. i maximum temperature h'erc'ycstrr- jday was 92 degrees and the mini- Prof, Joseph, noted bi-lnium degrees, cloudy. Today .1 clogift, says that boy babies nre-; year ago Ihe maximum temperature dominate in hard times, while girls i was and the minimum lead in times of plenty. degrees, partly cleiidy..

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