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Saskatoon Daily Star from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 9

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE NINE THE SASKATOON DAILY STAI, MONDAY. lTDRUAKY 7. 1027. INI LIVE NEWS FROM THE PRAIRIES Presides Flaxcombc's EDUCATION TALKS FEATURE PROGRAM Thornton to Head Maidstone Local MPSTGNT, The annual of tho pM'il eg i- and poultry ptol WrtS held in Maidstone last week, thej fallowing officers being appointed for 1927; president M. TlHrnt'n; comttni tee, James llnrbridge Alx Stang! fn and Tl.

H. HH1; 1-rgifi J. A. eo rotary, fredrl Trx A Pi and to be held sometime in April xxs arrange 1 bv the ladies aiil of the Vnitel huroh at meeting Id at the Ixanve of M.s. Howell Thuisday vxUJi Mrs.

Tt. orlnn in the re rotary Mrs. J. K. fourth read the minutes.

The ladies mtenl putting on a play about thw enl of March, lumh wss served by the atess and a social time cnjoytfd. EARLY RESIDENT OF FOAM LAKE IS DEAD Late George Rife, 83, Was Highly Respected by Community Lived 63 Years In Ontario KoAM LAKE. Word has been rxsdved in Foam Ivak of Uie dc.tlj at Fond lu Lac, Wia, on January llore is tio row community hull tho latter end of last year. GEORGE BRADEN major of the town of Kosthem who was eta. led president of the Jlosthern Hoaid of Trade ut the annual meeting held Thursday.

Important items on tins year program of the botud Is the project of a bridge urrosrt the south Fu- katchewau and new building lor HtUdord tlie tliey Nuns' huspltal. students summer man was candidate The Halford also the ami Kev. BRIDGE ACROSS SOUTH SASK. RIVER URGED BY ROSTHERN Perdue Community Club Stages Outstanding Show; Building Is Crowded PERTH TL Afunday melt wax edit, ational night with tlf perdue "rnmunlt lull, and their pmKTai tho meeting held Hie town hid Wa aim tf tho most oil nil mg in the hUtoiy of tite hth. Mhi po- givim anangotl bv Mr.x, Tuou and Mrs.

M. I Kotwrtsoti. Arthur hehtn, pilnilpal of the Perdue bool, stiKsed rhe seaNiMic Mtitie xd a good rdtuahou lather than tin. materia! value. Tlie speaker also appealed for the co-opeiation of the home ItJi the school In the effirt to give the children tho education witch uld bi-st acne in deehptng chav ac Gt.

Rev, Wm. AMJkmson, pastxr of the Perdue I nited Ghurch, suke cn the works and life of Khnkimfir in a well thouglit out and well dix-lixcre! addret- The etwaker appealed fr greater study of Rhake-sjeare, deeignnttng the poet as one of the greatest genius the world as ever known. Kev. J. K.

Davies, of the Anglican church, assisted by Prinrijwtl Purling, of the leney w'hrsl. entertained with readings from Hhakeepearc, which were much enjoyed by Hit audience. A quartette consisting of A. R. Houston, W.

Tajlor, Geo. Jkxnkm and R. J. McMahon, an attractive eat ure of the evenings two-gram. The progru.n wa enlivened wish community singing.

The exe-t ning wi.a one of the most auceewifnl yet held by the club, the building being filled with an appreciative audience. KOHUN. Man Mr. A. T.

Kine entertained the teaching staff of the Robhn eohuol to a bridge partv on lureday evening. Prizes went to Miss ilagcrmau. Miss G. Kae, Mr. Matton tini Mr.

Fox. The women's institute held a farewell partv at the home of Mrs. J. Westwood, in honor of Nuree Glenn, on Friday. The distil was shocked to hear of the death of Geo.

Ford. 61, one of a 2. of (targe Willmm Kife, 83, a well as heretofore; there waa Home talk on the lake of the possibility of it being closed fxr a season or two to allow tho fish a chance to replenish and grow bigger, but arl says that Insure is uunecesbury as tlie fishermen will automatically quit going as the catch diminishes ami look for other waters. Layers were af Hi lake this year to get the ttan fresh anv fish that had to be kept a short time wero put into a bag and dropped through a hole In the ice, suspended In the water and thus kept from freezing. figma vh xxais ttlrmmt T'uim latks itself.

Kora KOSTHERV. Oeorgo lii-aden waa elet ted president of the Jtosthern board of trod at llieir annual meeting held in the town hall Thursday. other oflicers are J. 1. liruwn, vh'e-presidf nt; C.

M. llolz, secretary-treasurer. Tha following committees were apimlnted: Finance cutninlUee, with A. J. Kolkeson, chairman; entet talnment committee, J.

E. l.uke. chairman; publicity committee, jh St. George Hudson, choirman; tree planting committee, E. K.

Morris. chairman. The secretary lead the annual import showing the board has had Its most active and prosperous vear suite it orgunir. ition. Nine Hall 8t Kl.ixcombe formally iicncd past Ls the arrangement for the building of the Grey Nuns hospital this xcar.

Kev. Father Anas attended the meeting of the board ami assured the members thwt all arrangements were made, and he expected to see the hospital completed by August 1, The most lmpoitant project that the board has for 1927 is tho securing of a hiidge across the South Sas-kutehexvon river to accommodate the trafilc noxv handled bv the ferries ut J'tsh Greek and Gabriels crossing. A largely signed petition to the prox Incial government requesting this budge was circulated in the summer and fall of 1926 and has XT'S und Inuk 1-ike me invited to send i cpi c.vMHat ives. The delegation wid likely wait on the minister of highways early next e-ek. Id Fulloxx lug a brief illuesH the dean nMirre Tuesday aftPtnnnn of Mm.

T. Kim ney, 87. at her home here. Khe leave a hue-band. xx eons, Robert and Jimmy, mut in Mi.

Hubert Edge, of lur-hnni, btothee, Arthur, at lur-ham and two brothne. Ham and mivs, f.irrrjpi of the Lereburn dls irh-t. Tun funeral xvaa held The Ronnie Vixv tnited Glmni has Joel i-lopf'd nnorNeful eur, having xaeh bahno of xh1. The aid has a nMi babui 81.1S3. W.

L. I'i aiil'HI h.ih l-eeii dj'gaie to atienri the tn-op. FJe-XHtnr to- etiug to be eJd in Ke-ginu Mar' toutte anJ f'eter retiring due tors of Ihe Runtile View rural ilplKno ffiipanv. have been ie. elected pnl f-r RrJirht Rural fheno it, lhott and J.

Jla-f'n ancus nt-etmgs of 1ie I i jhaxe been 1J Ihroishout the tri and the 1 1 I taiga now baa ox ep meinbei LIstow Girls Name Miss Jean Stewart Bit been filed with the minister of most noted mhtevemrnt of tli ujh at Keifln.t. At the annual meet- ing a large delegation was lei ted I to visit Regina and wuit on tlie minister ami utge the giat necessity of this bridge and its euily onsti in-lion. The mayor and town coumi! Werx lequested to attend us membeis of the delegation, und this matter xx III he dealt with nt the next of tlie toxx council. The muni ipahiifs of TUh tteek SCHOOL RAZED BY FORESTBORG thorn amt iHick "'111 KINUKRST.KY At a mooting of the HMareholdera of t.te LViiiinounl oo-opTat t-e ekvntor held this wxeW, the new dltccLoia letted, for tlm cr were: prefauident, P. lktuglns; s' rotary.

i. Perrin; diP's-torn. T. Annnt. J.

P. 1errin, R. V. lx-ugias, cMvtrka MfQtmme. The prvMdcnt will repreaent tlie di-reotonite at the ibgina iCinvxmtiou to ho HHd March 9.

Tills week's meeting of the T.F.t Kindereley lodge. inikatl that now and unusu il la Iwqtig taken in the now movement by tlie farntei of thU dleliir-t A large at-tAMidanoa wna imted with on Invrevi-od nunibet of Imiy niombers. Several new members woi signed up without unv solicitation, tmii it is exjievwsl that within the next fvv weeks that this diotrhd will reg-jMsr 1 no jerxfcnt fr tho AVlsout lool IVucho will be charire of tlie Will Rope hl when it ojwns on V'etiruirv 7. The isstrd tints -be of this strict is plunmng eluh- i otute unaea in the school plant, and hae I tieisonul consultation with A. N.

JlejMcof Snakape to this -nd. No de is.nn ita et been i etched as to lusher thohl build-j ing will is or an cditii'e-j In n-w school eiwcted. At i ttXent tf the tiustew. J. I.

Jouson vva-s elected to niernljendtip on lit Vurd Tlie id Joint 15m king- I. am. Wt M.ny of tii- liHudto Kuril 1 Tek phone was highlx icinment- 'I rn at the annual mending of the lid of d'JftctoiH lield lore. tt omiimin linanc wixf fund to b-in oxiclUnt uml.lhn, and the fob lowing ofliveiH wte elected for tlo' ensuing uu ime.sldcnt. ('haika b-Hitt: Uv'-pK -id.

nt. Jack (ra.iumi. f-cpdiv, John IPu klpghntM now luxstois I- IL II, Wuintn y( M. MacW.pch, J. Hu Kingn im.

Mdx tb-'lnwle Kn-r, of the Axon-dale iliKtnet, who teesmtiv umicr-xxrnt on ojwrotUm in tho hwal hos llul. nP't xx-is tak'ii to on MonduV ol tine k. is dead. The alula iwoiiiK nk S-iekatHn mwk-imr i'Mnc mnt bn tiie funeril xx Id it xx HI ke place that lt ('Nil am horde at Wtnmpc h.xxe in ole t'. rejR.rt last dm in? M-e inoiith ol No intie; Mur Myiigis bird-i th tiams I'll.

iH.ji.i witli ul I.t-t p'li i hRMnt tkets iking tips as averag'- month 'tnl mulMplxtng lx 11 ftunt! 'd tltal pse e'eRfS-s frm Kinder I -v hoirdcji trains without hxx mg first pid foe-I pie ei 1ubj hi rvtit.i tixe I.hmH tt i that the re' oil of the i'Miil ag-nt is 'LendetH 1 upon lit- takets iin eeU SILVER WHEAT WON BY MACDONALD Fine Samples of Grain Shown At Annual Lashburn Show Morgan Bros. Win Oat Cup LAlim'KN' --the IrfithOurn nrr.l lit.sirn agricultural anruety Os annual jnulrv and pram ebon on tthn nnv' cvxllent grain van exhibited and kept th Judge until late in lit leMIng nn plating the axxanl. TH jwniltix Mdbui twin not xxrll pihoiiisid, the i -t 1 weather keeping fanmax tixxax xuh thir binN. TU Mirny wio hld In the Change Kill under the Otter-tion of 1 Tuxvnley Smith, and P. Mellon, president.

The award were nndA bv Mi. 1 I I in grain and K. I well of Siekatoi fr inultry. Hotli judKm jinx Ht-lftfactlnn. Th aitver rup presented by tite Hank of Commerce for the bent wheat exhibit went to ,1.

Macdonald. The Mine it nor gave a llr cup frtr the bent ex-libit of cate xxhhh vhh awarded to Norgan Bros. EX-OFFICIAL OF S.D. GOES TO JAIL John Gregory, Former School Secretary, Draws 6 Months For Forgery and Theft mriKTOX, Feb. 6.

Hix months in the provincial Jail van the aentence timuled out to John Gregory, foimer Secretary-treasurer of Czernawka ihool district. tthm he appeared lvfure Mr. Justice Tajlor after having pleaded guilty to 49 charges of forget uttering and theft. A similar period wan nwurded Mike Hur rev, found guilty of horse stealing Tony Steiiia of Cutior, ho pbad-wd guilty Thursday to chaiges of forgery, uttering and escaping fiom lawful custody xui given suspended sentence. He hud esenped from the town police of Hanoi u.

John fimak, who whs found guilty by a jurv rf common assault, was sen-tented to 3 dHa in jail. A charge against Nounun McKay of lheft was dismissed while the cta of till-i huk. charged with theft of goods entrusted to his cine was laid met to ine next arete. Kamsack Church in Successful Year KAMsHlK From annual reja-its rttd st the yearly inkling of the parishioner of iblv Trinitv burch here tlie church passed tniough a successful year. U.

An. Iras, vti-ur'a warden, and 11. T. Muglenton, people a waroen. wer ie-el'ctod for another The foJIoxMng are the members elected the 1.

A. Krdbroohe. Puke, Northrop J. W. IVrkiii 11, K.

Stokes Wind, L. A. Wynes, H. W. Watson, A.

Fourhmon, T. FU Hon, F. W. U. re'gxnt.

The fmxmirtl slalom mi showed a total of Sunni, tap during l. ear eonie ol I debts i 1 been ar-off and over $ii0 sen to mi-Mons Vt9 of the chip b1al ST.Ldlti i 1 Bticluman Phone Co. In Good Standing -The lujehamn in, al inmpaPV foUUdt in good man rtl standing at the annual meeting of the ha. rluddr recent o. Tlie report was g.vm I It 11.

genoial inan.Jii-! The new dnei tr clotted P'tee Martin lrg ww re-Vlertu'd Mr. Jnes. was also re-elet -ed to off ice. AH lines were repotted In excellent cond.tton. The "itt board is a I I handled bv Mte Icur! Soctkorheff and Mabel Itnuihaug A lug i Hm1 liteiaty soiv has lieep formed bv the Peol e'udMUs under the drertnm of TV.

Jl. Hart ui, vhr was as cidiy, other of rern are: Chapman, May- belle FoiMd. se. retai ft e.tMirrr. Is re! akahonoff Mi Hrown will edi the a xclth a Pr th next meetings etts be erel ee.y two weeks.

COUPLE SURPRISED kllll ANNIVERSARY Jvir. and Mrs. August Summach, Of Asquith, Receive Presents From Neighbors, Friends Mr. anJ im unnistrh were peaant eurpne 1 aet week by gmw o- ut feir Jor and frlenda sio had vaa-d to "r-'nor the ronplq on me Mo.itn tliglr fiftict-v xx.ldt jwmivt r- n. The crowd cam- 1 axhd rh goi whiig tu eat ii 1 an en)oud e- Lung waa pit in u.

vl gme. 1 nj mg the fjoh, I be Wie with CJ1 r. E. I. Martit an I fuwA Fmith p-r-vil rf tup the txenn and tt game proved thenxee't i jii, r.

iwu htto ir-rls. hUinf trs1 llviel Pl'gnrn, iVMerrd tne reratA. tnrludlJig 'I Heg-e i I Excellent Financial Condition For Town With $8,500 In Bank; School Room Need 1' NATU V. A.t I. Tho town of ronitiou xxoiiud up the in iKuahv llnamial condition, haxing on bin! Mini in inuk fjo.

uith nil lfdentiire and notes up to date 1 ebentures for hi xfsr are all prox id for, mid if It were not for the bool no borrowing would be One Inexitabh-rxpemhtuic Is een f.r the mr fu-lun' and that is additional tihool loom. R. smith, soMier I kmen bon rl represent. tttp in the oroi'Ht ton district.

hn Ucm nuae.i Galgarv. A immbor uf ht fneioKs nd wM-wuduT met him in the Llks chib room Wedutfsday night and Bnt'd him with a Mgnct ring an a small token of oMem ard tcspcci. Mr. Xml'll hart born here two yerv The ladies aid entertained Mis Smith on the eve of her departure and presented her with a token of rogu rd. Gari Reardsoih back from bis annual fishing scsHlon nt 1igeon lik and reports a piotitable lime us uu.ii He says that whiUdish und plckorn are minUter in iz this te-aeon and Unit noiutt tishoimcn did not do to Former Resident Of Lumsden Dies IU.KE.

W. K. Silv-l tliorn r-ceiveJ a wire Tuesday informing him of the death of his sister, Mrs. A. Foster, at SsufTield.

Alla. The deceased was a former resident of l.umsden. Hinre leaving the dlstrin she had ald visits here every two years. Those who attended her fun. eral from Saskatchewan were Mrs.

U. Harris, Kedleston; Mrs. MaUieaon. I.timsdcn iteach; Mrs. J.

Kogan, Jaw; Bruce Slivei-thorn, Indian Head; William Flivei -thorn, lolkc: Mias H. Kilverthorn, Winnipeg, Man. ENTHUSIASTIC MEET OF CRA1K TRADE BD. Auto Camp and Weigh Scale Purchase Praised; A. D.

Brown Elected President CKAllv. An enlhumaatlo mt4u of tha Ctitik board of tJtuto was hbi in tlh couneil chamber on Thurdv night, lh occasion taifg the annual sta tion of offners. Th ac-retarys rVKrt of th years at -tivtllp ahnwed th two main items Nf expndUur to have been th tourirtt camp and tlie livestock weigheoaU j. munr having been 111 th two. lPsi1ent A.

lh Hrtwn id the lurtHt ramp I -d tarn well o.trtdM and tht hand-ly a night p.uel during th auto $eavn. but ami lonrista toik vf it teitr and ioking taulm'. A O. Wilson ietd ttet Ifi xx lghTle had prnn an and that rhtppr and bux-cr using them had exrs4 aatlsfartton. A Whit, rmenr of th Immigration rd cohnlrntkn cnmmtt-t reported that poxrat ihffeient sttrmenf hemif had bn tn-out red Into, txxo fimtli being brought Into th undr the Kritisli xe-rsaa heme, and imilv lv prtfic.

In th hitter euw mi id Mr. VV htt. thi-xx a iioi much red lap, xxnlv thira months ekipsing frtun the limn of i ppl action till a it nt I of th partx. II afcu thankix-i JL Haanswrth, (own clerk. fr having suptlht hat vacant land.

e. and th mm-twre for a.vk-lanxo in receptions to hwmgrant. t-nftv isaid pin a Krtiing iha 'Mm vi ,1" road fnhuturx to lraik. during Ga -t summr. Th tH.irl of will spmnr a t1 5a jnii i iuurt h.

u.t ui4 iet fall, ainl ai-o Ian d' all ri. -in and nwntt fair d.x and tus rixe ip with hi' ajrrt uitural 9 tx. Th meeting wn? on re-end leurg ut.umfuiv tutor cf bxlxvv for renewal of th rv lix ht frxhje K. .1 Altbncht. lilt xx is! Ikj it'd Ieirurv 14 Th eta -t ion of oiurera rsubd a fIlvx V.

1. Ihuvxn prideMl t. Wilatut, irc-preh1utt Jx, A. Tipn, eex-ret irv-tre--urr. i-Uf ixe, A.

M. VVWt, G. VV M-Ie-n, K. I. Naug tor.

Keii. K. II. Insult. I'aik.

Kron TTx -retarx tun in.tjurtd to nd a (d'jmtm SNinpa' 'o or J. I.rh. Keg'ta uTui.g fo-m an inf te-J automatic fire alarm KAYMoKK. Kx rv ta rntar of th Kaxmav bfrd lax 'u-1 a ft eUatn' alarm bed intadi "wlr IN a.nn fir th pruts i an i'i a ox a ut u. Murray Chairman Watson Local Pool MANY MINISTERS AT Sessions Are Held at North Bat-tlcford When Extension Fund Campaign Is Talked rs Till TlntMcropI lYeslix torv of the I tilted church met! in North IktUleford on Tuesday, in Knox Lurch.

Conaidering thrt sexerity of the rather and the wide I 1 iii nd.s of the picsbxteiy theie wnj a good attendance of the ministers 1 xx ho xxoiMner on thesis charge. land tnisorions. Tho delegates vxeioi etiteriainel to supper in the Audi- toilum lode bv the kindness of the i pudor of the North iuttlebnd Iniled 1 Chunli, Kev. 1. It.

Nayiut. Mucn business was trnns.cted, A surv I of the condition of the campaign for i maintenance and extension was gone into and grunts allocated for Ine working of xarinus missions on tlie presbj, ter A number of summer will be osked to man tlie misMion fields. One oung seeking entrance as a for the work of the min-Itrv. repbrt of the work of the hospital wa received as report of the working of tlu echo'd home Hr. Rose A.

Sutherland were congratulated iinn tlie suctesH of their aUvitleg In their particular sphere 41 labor. The next nutting of pies-bytety was arranged for earl ij, The superintemlcnt of missions, Ir. Chas. Kndiiott. was present in the Interest of the mission board and the maintenance and extension fund.

The chairman of the presbytery, Kev. R. Y. Tludale, presided at the sessions. Agro Lecture Car Visits Prongua KRx Nt I A Tlie agncult ur lec-tuie car from tlie university paid a teit here on Tuesday when battle Kiver und Hrongua ahools attended the lectures as well as many farmers of the dint! lot.

Mr. Woods lectured on hv stock and Mr. Wurren. holder of to seed grain tiophy, on need grain, dames ttrldg xoiced appre-t iatbm for the (Uhirkt of th alue ut tlie lectuie The organ fund of thfl 1attle River henefitted hy from a dance held th school Kridjy. HURTS FROM CRASH MAY PROVE FATAL J.

Steinhauer, Lies at Death's Door in Watrous Hospital; In Crossing Crash prtfndrpt, Mrs. GiuMu. var-ptesl-dent; Mta Twxlor, aevrei uX'-treasurer, and an exm-ume cnneisting of Mie. Mltard and Miss firutb. t-ex-etal gitne h.ixe been plt'd anl r.

Tangetnrnta fr a. I 5n th. near fjtje tiOXf beeti atraPfied Two links rurler lamgen burg rnt lierr ply for the i hu 1 -s I een hebl bv t-r ea1troxta hit einee wuntr and were pi, the Aggregate heirtCT 2 1-1 I Tumour Fleeted By Lanian Board I.ANKJAN Tui nr tatd president of the Uxtpin hard rf trot' at a ini'Hc held in Th tfT Howard an! on i xx iargn tre-eini nf the hum tn- of tt txx jrexnt. thr offn er Hiil f.i rvjt VS proid nf, VV. Hoxxuid.

sorretary treasurer, A. I K.ttf's, It t. Cl'iint. I. nirte(I, H.

J. KI.u-h ani J. K-HKe. Ty mot important huamw w-a fh tf a ,4 bitip telephone I a ol the prent Leu, one. HOMEMAKERS ENTERTAIN I Tb omtrut of the HotTjenwikers hed a i ,1 ex rung at home of Mr 1 fauKhtfl Thurslay when ard

winre-s being Mil VV Armstroeg i' In-nd. vtt. and Mrs. Vrn Lun 42 rxd, Th rox dAj an to 4 10. i Perdue Lines Up F.

U. C. Officers TLitl1 Tn jbive t1 bx 1 I tad kIr I xi-ix, I. i itsn Pin rx r. Kl 'i I' iW rr.

LI. I'rfAT A egr E. lb. jn I lleapeler, in Cnnada VVeat. nw Ontario, George Ktf the growth ot Hi If lah Nurtii America from a of acsttwed provim-es to the lKtuunioii it ia toda.

Flxty-threa year of 4 life were atent at Heiler vlrinlty where he limed for many years, aerve! two deniiis uh memler of Ue public a hrMl hoard, and waa a-tlve in the xvork of th hHUil Methodist oimreh of vxhwh Ine father ha I been one tha founder, In 1907, ut an age when moat of hl contemporlert wvre twttHng, Mr. Klfo movnd to Fxuin Lotke wheme txxo of tna aona had inled him. Tha townaita then had only aeven houeea and waa atill 30 mile from the ete-h Having compUtsJ hie hnmeatea-tlng duties Ew bgan a real estate ud general uK'iioy biiainee in the rfcing nwn in the fall 199, Mrs. Kife arne out from Ontario the atrne ear. Fmm tlmt tlina until ihotr leet August Mr.

and Mm Kife were eieecdmcW active In the rommumiy Ufa of ihe Foam ljiVa dl-trlrt. As Juwtbe of tha pea e. nif-mkr of tine achooj bard and oHbe-heirer in tha MdtiKiiat rhurrh and later the rlnihrh, Mr. Kife rominsnded th rese a largo i i le of aequalntSTMs A giaiun4 sknwtaigement of Mm eon it xxsh I be preie-ntation of an lUnmirmed adheea bx fallow at The illness Mr. Life hastened the riapartute of the xxeil-knoxxn from loam f.ake -set Vuruet At f.

laul, Fife ur.lerwent an operation whiMi ptolongrd his life. In ir toper he xent to h' with their npjv 0ujBhier, lra. H. C. Emerson.

Kon 1 I Mj VV ftseonaltu wtdxv Mr, Kife is survived bv four children Jarnea of Ibwhefcler. William rf Williams take, sum of Vg was xotel pax-lr. c'larene ff st, Paul. Minn, and ing nfT Hie lbt, and $Ka) Mm. II.

C. Elmtsxxn. Fonl Jhi Lac. to tho minister aiary. I VV is.

the rally phmeen of the Tummel p0nimiinit jle j1H1 Hf(1 the dl9 trh't fur tho part 40 yars. Interment xx us made in Tummel cemetery. He Iraxea a xxtfe und hvu grown children. Mrs. VV L.

Curr entertained the te.uhors mill other friend to a bridge party on Jan. 31. The xx innrrs were Mine Kohinnn, Mies Hume, L. ISttujuMiii, J. it.

Kineg KA MoKE Juro-p K.iniiu1 su-tRined Uuliy gunned hand xxhlle ARUlug whkI mill m. power eiixv. Ilia font e1ipwd xx r.41 he xxhs feeding tho pole to the saw, bis hand ml h-ing First sal xx as givop while a neighbor biti'hed up tejm wnd the injured nn itito kavmnrr whei'e Ih. Nelleq pm several etioh-e-s into the hant. Ladies of Brock Prepare Bazaar PIP kK Tito Fiiitrd Ihunif ladloV aid mot at tbn homo of N.

A. tanib on r'dnr-a! iy aftpr-nnn. Mn. AU.n, idaih nt. conduriM hs minting Tbn jU b-s fancy work which hx barn pur- haard for ths nxt thristmaa bs aar wera dlstrihtitrd.

each Infix taking or tr int ptrerg tu work duriiic tha earning mnnthA. Tha ladira darhiad arx' bin'h at tha rink an carnival night ItMav, much tu rnnsist rf coffer. an-wi'hrs. ri. and donah nun Tin fr nunv a hvndapi fb third period th oj hhs f'ur all, tvuthrr team orif)g in th oxer- tim.

p-itM. 'll ws nVvhthitloo gfHl clean In kx snd aTorid cn tgtinruent lb lirgrt crowd ol ns wlh bs i'i sn at llmr', Tl e.i two plaVfW I tot to subptitlll Th line up wer itar.dv. fawn Vensrt. t'xr. 3V.

Hid, Ham. lion, ard urr Ar i'ot. Uv. trwsn. K.

VV btnehOi? Inline, f.i and Kepi. Jifr, VV A K'Wt. A gam mil vd whh nn bom b- Wdrlav. l-b. an 1 a.

gam li'Atey on Fri- lay af'rnHn( Krb. 1. I FIRE, Janitor Escapes In Night Attire i FORESTBURG, Alta. Fir destroyed the consolidated echool here shortly after midnight Friday causing a heavy toes to the district. The building, erected in 1918, wet of brick with four class rooms in the basement, one of which wee used as a high school, four rooms in the main floor and an upper storey used ae an assembly hall.

Its value waa about $30,000 which with equipment and ail library and childrens books makes a heavy lose. A fair amount of msur ante is carried. The janitor who was asleep in the basement at the time of the fre had a narrow escape. He was awakened by the smoke and fumes. He managed to Crawl into tha high school room and in a dazed condition broke the window and crawled out having on very little clothing and being barefooted.

He made Hie way to a house close by where he was cared for. He sustained some cuts and burns. Hts escape waa made just in time es in a short while tn whole budding was a mass of flames. 1 he alarm was spread in town as soon as the fire was noticed but nothing could be done to save either building or contents. HEAR PROF.

BLACKSTOCK HI (iHToV Me ij ib-1 a of in- Munwt It ui I oj(y held ei meetitg in utniuunil hall 1 ri dnv exemng xxd they wore ui-llr'eei by Frvf A. Ml.iksiM-k the xterv-mp tl'nruifi-i, I. ntver-t miv aekaehxxan. tfKk ax' IS pib'e1 Koepn lUe'r, efftetont" and followed bv an in-I toimij t'iik on th i'elertins of set 1 gram. Church Women In Meet at Plenty i I Joepn Kieinluuer, tlie 1 -xld jouth ut the Venn dtrici who was eerturl mjm ei in a railway omsemg utidcTt hIhmu 9l aiyis r-etsi the Venn atatmn la.t Friday r.tgiii, at a late hour last night was fhll 1'ifit; in the genera! lustfuta at at oils.

In an unudwhnt mn-diHn hovemig between life and Usfh. JocpJi Kicinhfiuer, f.iHnr of box. fni'Mis-r the districl, 1 Mantle kiJIei when the wav ft ik r.i-hod nifft a i. ox ei ed tddgh in xxhtih I twu xxlate ildlUC. -V JUt cinp; IK lied bv Coinet Mixon VVatui, FRuniev inotn-1 mg alter I wring the evidnc i1 tlined With v-rdltl arohlentx! drnth and attached a rider stating tn Hero wss tin blame or negli! pom nri Wilt the mUdot 1 bo-pitl Ruthm'lt ir aa mrld repoitrt fht thr xer.t little Imjm fr the ifry of the! box I literal ffq- the thx puhih, and in Jepkr- itiher Imp not bcti tnal mg th e.TuatHui he ni fr a in 1 etei I e-Hej nt I J.

Nu of ter luhitun of im prole lam the Sisk.Ltoon ieclnu.irt'M SIM rej.t, i c-ondu tet the invent sgation nlig th upgtr ldrs bv 3-h Th in th tiryt it th next th dad overwhelmed Ki lint It. Kaiifentarg netting on pe. hindied tua bail, 9, StBBALD 3 The Roarin Game EI-Ti -Th 1 nltd GIT. bld thnr Mmuul 'Ung anl Ire on offhrs fr th far .7 on 'I hursdny xnmg at It in hum Mi a. F.

A. llariy. th hur mans, ami tli p-t jars mtixjtic raxtewad Th 4- bwlng guls were ciion to lrad theipktysd an taal ir tatwn Kllcatun for th Turning -xr; i and iMlk on Turday xxs idnh Mik? Ftrasrt; if' on hv hum tam witli a or Fif of 1 3 2. TH 1iiV xxss I. 'Ix Morn Tt tuhi, trasurr, Mi, Morrafii i ls-k.

Mait.n. F-ali Mwait ka. Mix 'Uun. K(r, i hur. lolloxxsng tha hus'tn pxrt af rnng.

th Ms. lfarrx, had whin! In a. kv gam and 1 )r oi T'LKNTT At th reufr meeting of hrld VWdixesdsv in th Jlentv tiUd ihurl with a g(d number jieint, Mrs Max, puealci.t rjortel tUw euitixi tiiu'ict held Kneton rcenKx, Mrs. gaxa a Feriptur rcadirg and a pap Mrs. Kurton go a re.ttlmg, and trip) wuf given th inernti fo meeting fluting tb ver The bd H' aid rretitkg w.i thin held wild M- Melhensnn In th clair.

M-Lurton rpnd im th Wlnm eip-P nert. Th ladir jecldt to pa $i7a on th piano xxhliti nil m.t i-o. m-. -1 Judge Dickson and A. F.

Totzke. i rfd I 7 land and Mrs. John Kens aervtU for a U1 1 mu LfsLl a as ftivrpt nis pu kind a lan th tal Thursday hinki their waa mi sr txxo pertain and Kowlei L. J'owler DRUMHELLER HliRAl.n d-ixxu t' fit on rt ogalpet -ik. a 1 -rr wvtnMipg tfre LASHBURN SPIEL OVER The I 'irhnurn t-piei fame tl a1 rloM Fiidv, ex gittma hlmr plixrd tuwm tne final All the returned ine wtit 'hae of the pc Tta ftoxxieg ai the re-suhj of to i eouxpet I in griui cI'nIiai'k.

VJ.k'l tup, Sie 4 1 5 ef i b-it Mo'iirh rup. final, lbbta, ta Aroetro, I.aehburn. Pirena nj. fm! hrn, hat Frmiej, Lih- burn. FOLLEY WINS 11 I MG N.

I 1 gi Ci C'ietret tu a game cu tu. on the taal rink Wodnradu) tfrrnan the frmr vxuin.n; iv hi. 11 -S hivux-. HOWE LADIES VICTORS IKl JEW VY.dn'uy Va 1 fr the im png iubs Ine I I ie lrtdi'- Xi-iled I ntk rt'id a gipe nie-i Mre fur the Ibnixpw la ruri h-HiH iu a xxmi. Aer onrl-mg Ge vxeie enter: fined tu auurr lx.nxn hoiel the Gut.

Th, r.nka jurnevt to loiura and njxu! games tu the nk the. The is -jiidei -heri of a rink ladrg i i 1 jj IN JEWELRY 1 G' Hu in tm L- e'ow at part I nt KiadweH. and At-Hin' lKh 'f them ar in tu pv In ote or to ren. and rum if in tv runup gj esai mty rink xx I ttsng in Hj lrnplt nt hask- x-ni th fire? Urn this I'lrwhy trvv phtv-l nrurit3rr on Iih crd rtrs several nf 3 and I Timi gama trh I hold fi4f pt tafit end a 4-J rwt, KLVHl.K. At tha annu int- in s- towi 1 no tt).

nf th- 1 (mni fJeunt in tiw ttd VVmiT in frum Miirno In th-, rur t-N-ftinn ufl er wra eta'sed. TTft- Ilione Cos Elect Officers For 1927; M-rt. J. W. ir, J.

Mx'fhrw; M.P., Humboldt, Among 50 Guests of Vonda Men la g.xn a ntn-at me un ng tl csx 4.crft. I. trf fan, C. MrA n1 MKh. TC xvpirg wav kn iv lu compan 9 ti nap I rd ii a nd Ft 5 V.

,.1 hrn. Lix-iun-v laxv i tu on in od mndt- r. v' i i ii. we1 fep rM event cf unuml portan- in th form a given iv the Yorda bahUra' c.ub waa t. taruuet had tf grM! Aievmuri hot I.

on i iv cvemr.g i iv rt'icraftn, and Km' XXtiM txe Wta laid for In wvx rtf rux'. A 01 re a new Ui ga2. a- T'a-nt Gru arrt gax th t. -txi! g. Vi'y one to 1 Ki'g, at lona! I pwnti.ty was Kridt mit.

fim uf At urjiier of atant wer intro- i ek wr Hi Hon. tu if inbdt uni A. rrr-n iv.l-l of 1-nt -I. wu i a. r.

i 4 M. V., r'lm- fi lie 1 I Mm. Jut 1 1 i I'd Mivb s'cad Ur by Mur- I rrv inun fmud and nnvr f'-'! Nf 1 r. KibbGda i a a ii ni 1 -t tb r-u -4-4.

tiar 1 1 e.i tE Tr gam ft lofere-xt mg. lum h. ENTERTAINMENT AT VANSCOY ENJOYED Miss Theresa Sicnrl, of HeatLmes Pleasing Program Of Musical Numbers VA i I Hpie eoid arid wreath A jee I nter i rt i atag'd I i-U' tax i wing tndr th a i of 1mled t'Kiie lad. iiiil th i in 'i. A hr ailr lv Rr-v a I -n.

ch i mxn, i-v e. fvv OBI Jifyi mu-''; ivjdu sno hr A rwrs 1 t-y 'V -4 a.f-omr-arMed bv H--4'- --d bv fne i'm hv 1 Lnn -i'x hv At ta an-iuaJ th tKTifii of I'bea iiit Hill rura phunw cpjMix, fH ht wer lrednt Pal gnt xr A. I rt -irf tra ithm, r. I cid Minn and T- J. xbw.

-e gis bwl from ti- eu is tn mde t. VV'. Jl m-c''bora and a rwum nd 1 runt tl ixndWi 1 I It S' VKlTbQ4 nr ivtiu Lunch was serul at VISITORS BEATEN ,.1 --FecI i -I Jurneed llersctu( iTueed.iv to pl. a friend, im c- hug with the JtrM 1 tape Jimrrn- IhIVhr I iN(ll kri nm I tfi eng'x tranr-r Udiea n. rr rU i i ir A I I 1 Mers," I- M-a run.

liT -m -d rr 4 Th Mx. ri qua r- einpa' v. virn. irv.i CLLB i iil'i-ljfutvl (It in th nf tuAh i fl rii. faitA xxi.l mar ac-ln next in.

A. Ibi'wr -tr'y ref r. DARCY AND BROCK TIE. I ll' Tii f. it tarn ptaxed tn rw rnit tar kn I a 1 iwn t- I j.w e- w-'rtf'g fpr ga A i e-d of i I per-ewl T.e -T a tb a btamb I Vb.t I''-waa fieki jn tn town ha I hju'trn.

Lrxr h. f.y of Mffide 'aaia -r 4 19:7 WrfixTip'sw'd ee ng tn nia pre- ft tr Pwu eng w- p-! lent t' i xer and 1 i -peedr r.t 5 eg n-p -P. evfcJ rx -tr-ve the fits pr-i rrf ewtua-1 I I. ex-' 1. imx 1 sit NAMES OFFICERS m-a i.ii'i-inu1 'f HtUilix.

trf fb NtN American Limtey "re fell fe-'rrt hi cHi-r edrooalay cht and ar bene. -a bf fV i T5 of am take and cM la prge. fl Tm Fgg'i. bHh h(md a fi hih dw- 'vxi h. rr Vtde1x I ti'fi-i i I f.x vrabj ha a ta'v b'v 1 rfid C.Urt xji been rouct.ent 5 kir trr ee.rj.-ihsj a rf ih ns of ar -d tv tv tar ir.He up tw link th-x were mp.

wptj ten re( bad. bn b'tn brxurwir rrth ha bv a ra of 3 end II ti A'r ha grn th il J'e fiU, tai'd i a t' 1 it ru LADIES PLAN MI.T' dTs 1 (1 1 1 ri- xv XX M'-'H a it, Mr I r. v- it, i rr M- r. tan-t et c- rr V- A tig A ni if VV A. It a rn ir J'- J.

isO .1 nf t- n1 4 I tU si' irf 1 1 4 ian fi 1 ti i.

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