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Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 9

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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at at SASKATOON STAR-PHOENIX, Social and Personal BASKETBALL players here were guests at a luncheon Thursday given by Pinder's Company, Mr. Jack Adilman ing the visitors were Mr. Saville and expressing was Miss Ruth Wilson, third TO CALGARY Mr. and Mrs. E.

H. Henley left for Calgary to attend the wedding of their son, Robert, and Margo Kathol, which takes place Easter Monday. Miss Pat Henley leaves by plane Sunday. MEMBERS of XI combination Gamma a Tuesday evening at the home lanterns and gay colored where the 15 guests played fun was the opening of birthday supper of Chinese food was in charge of the delightful were Mrs. D.

Fraser, Mrs. W. Peacock. EASTER GUESTS. Diane and Darcia Martin are here from Moose Jaw spending the Easter holidays with their grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. G. W. Harrington, University Drive. auditorium when a special feature was a fashion show from Kayllars with Betty Jo Cummings doing the commentating and high school girls acting as models.

Performing were tea the honors on this J. Askill, W. Mesdames, Mayer, J. Everhardt, C. Thompson and H.

Arnold. A bake sale added in- SPRING TEA Nutana Juniors and Nutana Sigma Chi Hi- girls entertained at a pleasantly planned spring tea in the YMCA SHOWER Members of the 1960 diploma class of the University Hospital entertained recently at the home of De. A. C. H.

Wensley and Mrs. Wensley in compliment to Miss Joy Stothers, a May bride-elect. During the evening a mock wedding was presented and guests enjoyed assembling a bridal book. A suitable gift for her new home was presented the bride-to-be. Her mother, Mrs.

W. G. Stothers, presided at the gaily trimmed tea table. for the Dominion games in Golf's Zebra Room on Drug Stores the T. Eaton acted as chairman; welcomRoss Pinder and Mr.

E. M. appreciation for the hospitality vice-president of the CABA. BANQUET. Cara Amica Club banquet at 6.30 o'clock Monday evening in the Blue Room at The Elite when a trophy will be presented to Miss Pat Lee.

Exampler, Beta Sigma Phi, Chinese and birthday party of Mrs. D. Gaunt. Chinese streamers ornamented the rooms Chinese checkers. Forming gifts after which a buffet served.

Mrs. D. Lockhart was arrangements and assisting Pendlebury and Mrs. A. J.

HONORED Ivory tapers embedded in clusters of mauve violets formed a lovely Easter centre, when Miss Mona du Charlard entertained in honor of her sister, Mrs. Claude Marx. Mrs. Marx, the former Jeanette du Chalard, is renewing acquaintances in the city, and visiting her mother and family. She leaves for her home in Paris, France, next week.

Held Mother's Day Last February OTTAWA Although Mother's Day officially does not arrive until May, women in Port Robinson, Ontario, had their own special Mother's Day in February. They dedicated a whole day to mothers in Korea and in refugee camps in the Middle East. Their day was spent launching two work projects for the Unitarian Service "Pullover to make, warm, long-sleeved sweaters for shivering Korean children, and a layette project, to provide layettes for new-born infants in the Middle East. Their sweaters and layettes will be sent to the USC office at 78 Sparks Street in Ottawa. THE CALENDAR Nutana Circle of Miriam Re-1 bekah Lodge will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening in the Nutana Legion hall, 906 Fifth Street.

VON class will be held at .2.30 o'clock Tuesday on the pre third floor of the Hall. Sunshine Circle Chapter No. City, 4 will meet at 2.30 o'clock Tuesday with Mrs. C. C.

Schmitt, 302 Tenth Street. Military Chapter, IODE meets at 2.30 o'clock Monday afternoon at headquarters. March Circle of St. James' WA meets at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening with Mrs. J.

W. Adams, 909 Temperance Street. Legion Carpet Bowling Club will hold an official tournament at 8 o'clock Monday evening in the Legion hall. Women's Auxiliary of the University Hospital will meet at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Ellis Hall when there will be a panel discussion on "Building Our Public Relations." Monthly bingo to be held by the Ladies' Unit of the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans has been postponed a month from next Monday. Saskatoon Chapter of the SRNA will hold its annual membership tea at 8 o'clock Monday evening in Ellis Hall, University Hospital.

A cordial invitation is extended to all nurses. CCF Women's Group will hold a whist tea at 2.30 o'clock Monday afternoon in the Hudson's Bay auditorium, Margaret O'Dell Circle of Calvin Church meets at 8.15 o'clock Wednesday when plans will be made for catering. Evening Branch, St. John's Cathedral will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at the deanery. Buy the Best 1958 NATIONAL BEST DESIGN AWARD WINNER Engineered HOMES TELEPHONE CH.2-7456 THIS YEAR Note These ARTHUR ROSE Free Extras: Insured by Lloyd's of SUMMER London Clear Closet STO-AWAY Space in Your Home The Bonus Storage Plan Each Garment Separately Stored Phone CH.4-6108 Personal Service Day or Night SATURDAY, APRIL 1958 Helps to Work Out Internal Conflicts SAN FRANCISCO -(UP)-Juvenile authorities here a ve begun a new kind of experiment in handling delinquents compulsory psychiatric treatment.

A "pilot project" has been undertaken at the Child Guidance Clinic of Children's Hospital. De- "Your Professional Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.25 linquents referred to the clinic by juvenile court will get weekly psychiatric treatment. "We hope to provide an outlet for the delinquent to work out his internal conflicts without getting into more trouble," said Dr. Maurice Kaplan, head of the clinic. Marvel Beauty Salon Modern Shopping Centre Visit The FRUIT JUICE COCKTAIL A refreshing cocktail Nutritious too It's high in Vitamin C.

6 oz. tin Frozen Orange Juice 13 oz, tin apricot nectar small bottles ginger ale Mix frozen orange juice concentrate with apricot nectar. Refrigerate. Add the ginger ale just serving. Serve in glasses Modern Individual Booths Styled in Black Bamboo Draping And Furnished for Privacy and Efficiency We Feature: New Permanent Waves! New.

Specials for Spring! with an orange slice and sprig of mint. PAGE NINE Women's Page Descriptive Word; RUTH MILLETT We've gained a lot of niw words in the last years. Fit we've discarded a lot of good dd descriptive terms, too. And ofte, We haven't come up with a beter term to take the place of the atdated one. Remember A dres could be "tacky." A person coild be "tacky" and an act could be described as "a tacky thing to do." Cheap doesn't take the plice of tacky, but it's the neapst thing we've got as a substituti Remember the "grass When one woman referred toanother as a "grass widow" tere was a hint of disapproval and distrust that the term "divorce" doesn't.

carry. With the number of divorcees there are in the country today, perhaps tha is just as well. And then there was the "back family no-good who was a "throwback" to somedistant, disreputable ancestor. Now have juvenile delinquentswho grow up to be social misfit because of an unfortunate lome environment, Annual Party for White Ribboners Members of the Women's Christian Temperance Unio are planning their annual Little Vhite 2.45 o'clock Wednesday, Aril 9, Ribboners he party and progran for in the lower hall of the Salation Army Citadel. Mothers andtheir children will be guests a this function and Sen.

Capt. J. Morrison will be the guest spaker. Mrs. C.

Goosen will entertan the children with a flannelraph. Other interesting items are the program. Right Before Your Eyes! Yes, ladies, right beore your eyes you can see tired looking, dull rugs come to life again and sparkle fresh as new! Try MARVINS SHAMPOO at your own home or at our plant if you prefer, for the same cot. You will hardly beliep it when you see the impovement. Phone mawins ITD.

Seem to Be Lost There was that most descriptive word, "prissy," too. said a girl or woman was "prissy" you didn't need to go into any details. Now we have the term "perfectionist," but it doesn't mean quite the same thing. The "prissy" girl didn't strive for perfection--she thought she was A steady, ambitious young man was considered a "good catch, which certainly is a more descriptive term than the one use now, "eligible bachelor." And girl went after a "good folks said she had "set her cap" for him. It wasn't a very elegant expression, but when it was said that a women "wore the pants in the family," no further description was necessary.

Now it is so common for a wife to make the important decisions that we don't even have a derisive term for one who does. Children who talked back to adults were "sassy," once upon a time. Now, unfortunately, when children talk back they are only expressing a "perfectly natural resentment against adult authority." So the change in language more often than not reflects a very real change in attitudes. Engagements Mr. and Mrs.

R. Nickel, Wynyard announce the engagement of their daughter Eileen to Tom McLellan, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.

McLellan, Saskatoon. Wedding to take place May 3, 11.00 a.m. at St. Joseph's Church, Saskatoon. Mr.

and Mrs. William Edison George, of Saskatoon, their daughter, announce the engagement of Beverley Anne, to Allan Glen Pettigrew, son of Mrs. Florence Pettigrew of this city and the late James Harold Pettigrew. The wedding will take place on Friday, May 2, in Grace United Church. Mr.

and Mrs. Gordon F. Couch, announce the engagement of their only daughter Marian to Ronald Jack Middlemass, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Middlemass of Saskatoon.

The wedding to take place at 2 p.m. at St. Thomas-Wesley United Church, May 3. Mr. and Mrs.

Clifford Hill announce the engagement of their only daughter, June to Brian Kilpatrick, son of Mrs. W. Kilpatrick and the late W. R. Kilpatrick, all of Saskatoon.

Wedding to take place on Saturday, May 3, p.m., Church, Saskatoon, Mrs. M. L. Nunnerley of Brandon, wife of the late Mr. George Nunnerley, announces the engagement of their only daughter, Patricia Alice to Mr.

Ronald F. Risteau, youngest son of Mrs. Jean Risteau of Saskatoon, and the late Mr. William Risteau. Wedding to take place on Friday, May 2, 7 p.m., at St.

James Anglican Church. Carl's Beauty Salon East Phone CH. 2-5523 Saskatoon's Ultra-Modern Coiffure Palace To Glorify Your Spring Costume Choose a Casual Hairdo PERM SPECIALS Double Lanolin Wave, $10 Reg. $20 Free Hair Treatment with Every Cold Wave and up $6.50 Mary Sopatyk Professional Style Shampoo $1.25 and Mangeress NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ROUND THE WORLD TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS ECONOMY SERVICEBy Air London Saskatoon Return: All Glasgow inclusive air tours, $614.60. pilgrimages available, Sailings, Trans-Atlantic Lines, Overseas By Sea Railway, Hotels, Excursions.

To California, Florida, Hawaii, Vacations Mexico. We specialize in conducted and indeEurope pendent tours by motor coach, train or air. Luxury and comfort. Call or Write for Free Travel Brochure BURRITT TRAVEL SERVICE LTD. King George Hotel, Saskatoon Phone CH.4-8171 DEAF? HEAR! Without batteries or wires, get Lifetime cost $152 World's smallest ald.

Over 100,000 sold. Write for free literature and doctor's report, particulars of 30- day 242. trial. Vibraphone" P.O. Box Victoria, Salon" Hair Cuts by Professionals terest.

$1.00 Third Avenue Afternoon Auxiliary, WMS, meets at 3 o'clock Monday in the board room of the church. Senior branch of St. John's Cathedral WA meets at 2.30 o'clock Tuesday in the parish hall. Fortnightly Club will meet at 6.30 o'clock Monday evening at Lynebrooke Inn. Singing Group of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Western Museum will meet at 7.30 o'clock Tuesday evening in the OAP clubrooms.

CNR Veterans' Association will entertain friends at a social evening at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening in the CNRA hall. Kiwaniannes will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at Clinton Lodge when a' good program will I be presented. Emmanuel Baptist WA meets at 8 o'clock Tuesday with Mrs. Cecil Summach, 923 First Street, east, with Mrs. Ted Summach as cohostess.

Naomi Circle of Second Street Church meets at 8 o'clock Tuesday with Mrs. E. Hogarth, 112 First Street, east. St. Frances CWL has postponed its meeting until April 14.

Murray Circle of Knox Church WA meets at 3 o'clock Tuesday with Mrs. W. E. Lovell, 1224 Elliott Street. Open carpet bowling tournament will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Third Avenue United Church and sponsored by the Caswell Hill circle.

There will be good prizes and refreshments. Saskatoon Chapter, No. 4, OES, will meet Monday at 8 o'clock in the Masonic Temple. Afternoon WMS Auxiliary of St. Thomas Church will hold its Easter thankoffering at 2.30 o'clock Tuesday in the lower hall when Mrs.

G. B. Mather will be guest speaker. This will be an open meeting to which friends are invited. Brigadier Potts Chapter, IODE, will hold a business meeting at 8.15 o'clock Monday evening at headquarters.

ETIQUETTE DOES ENGAGEMENT PARTY CALL FOR GIFTS? am invited to an engagement party and wonder if I am supposed to bring a gift. What is the rule on this? LOUISE DAVIS ANSWERS: There is no rule that one must take a gift to an engagement party. First of all is the sincere desire to give, rather than an obligation that you must give. An invitation to a party shouldn't be the signal for a hint, either. If you are a close friend of the bride-elect, her fiance or either of their parents, you might want to give something.

If you do, you can take it with you to the party or you can have it sent. It is not necessary that it arrive on the day of the occasion, for chances are that there will be little or no time to open gifts, especially if there will be many people present. It isn't the party that warrants gifts, it's the engagement itself, party or no party. If your friendship with the couple or their parents is remote, I see no reason for the desire to give. It would be flattering that you were invited to the party, but why compensate for the flattery to that extent? The young couple probably want the world to share in their happiness.

Go and give them a send-off by your presence rather than your present. Miss Della Turnbull, manageress of the Marvel Beauty Salon, has just returned from Chicago and St. Paul, where she completed special post graduate training in the very latest methods of permanent waving. Every permanent wave at the Marvel is given by a staff of fully qualified experienced operators under the special supervision of Miss Turnbull and carries a full guarantee of satisfaction. Permanent Wave Specials- FREE For a Limited Time Only- Special Hair Conditioning Treatment FREE with every permanent wave $8.50 and up.

The MIRACLE treatment that conditions the hair while it curls and leaves your hair gleaming soft with a cold wave that lasts and lasts. Marvel Dream The Marvel Permanent Life Curl So soft SO natural, a cold wave of long lasting loveliness, without harshness or frizzyness that can be set in any style immediately. Regular $12.50 The Life Curl Permanent has been made possible by a new scientific discovery. A new "fixative process" that permanently "locks" in waves and curls. This permanent is exclusive at the Marvel Beauty NOW Salon.

Regular $12.50 NOW COMPLETE $8.50 $8.50 Super Special THE "MASTERPIECE" WAVE A permanent so naturally beautiful that it looks like naturally curly hair. The Masterpiece is an individual permanent designed for dry, oily, bleached or tinted hair, for hair that is easy to curl or hair that is hard to curl, Six individual lotions for a permanent of your choice. A LIMITED FOR TIME ONLY Masterpiece Wave, Complete with Conditioning Treatment, Styling and Shaping. Regular $10.00 OTHER COLD WAVES 8.50 With Hair Shaping and Styling Complete Marvel Beauty Salon Phones CH2.9123 and CH2-2469 Appointments Available 8.30 a.m. Co 6.00 p.m.

227 21st Street, East, Saskatoon (Opposite Woolworth's) Special Attention Given to Country Customers No Appointment Necessary PRIVATE 'BOOTHS NO WAITING SPECIAL NOTICE To "Merchant Jackpot Ticket Holders." We are accepting all our Jackpot Tickets, Monday through Saturday during the months of January, February and March. After April 1, tickets accepted as stated on your coupons..

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