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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 1

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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VOL. 103 Blytheville Courier Blyitieville Daily News Truman Tells Steel Parties Mississippi Valtev Leader Blythevllle Herald THE DOMINANT MJWPPAPMI OF NORTHEAST ARKANSAS AND SOUTHEAST MISSOURI President Sends Fairless, Murray info Conference WASHINGTON (AP) President Truman told the ohieitains of the steel industry and the CIO to their faces today that they must end the economy-wrecking steel strike at once. Then he sent them to the cabinet room of Ihe White House to work out the differences that brought on the strike of 050,00 steelworkers 53 Truman's lalk lasted lo minutes. The meeting between Philip Murray, president of the CIO, and Benjamin Fail-less, head of Ihe S. Sleel went on for an hour and 40 minutes.

Murray and Fairless left, the While House together and told newsmen they'd be back at 12:30 p.m. (CST). Fairless told newsmen "we are lo discuss the situation with own people." Slalcincnl Confirmed Murray confirmed the There was no words of hope of a quick settlement, but some optimism surrounded the meetings. The fact Ihat Pali-Jess and Murray- planned lo talk to their associates seemed to indicate that some kind of new formula for ending the strike was in the works. In a brief statement, Fairies said: "We have had a meeting with the President and Dr.

Steelman and we have talked at length about our mutual problem. We are each going to discuss the situation with i our own people." Murraj' would add nothing to Ihe Falrless statement but said he subscribed to it wholeheatradly. Slcelniaii Sils In Sitting in on the talk was Dr John R. stcelman, acting mobilization director, and Ihe president's number one peacemaker in scraps between unions and management, A White House spokesman told reporters that Truman in talking to Fairies and Murray made a pointed plea for a strike settlement cool weather sets in, No Plan Mentioned The President said nothing -in advance about a possible bold new plan to compromise the bitter steel dispute and bring a now work contract to 600.000 striking steelworkers. But observers close to the situation said Truman would certainly appeal to the patriotism of leaders of both sides.

There was speculation, too. that he might suggest a new plan to deal with the union's demand for a union arrangement which compels all workers to join the union. The union shop the industry's refusal so fr.r agree to any form of union was the only remaining obstacle to settlement when tjie last industiy- union negotiations collapsed last See on Page 5 Mossadegh Aids in Return From Violence ARKANSAS, THURSDAY, JULY 2-1, 1952 EIGHTEEN PAGES BVD Shoppers Divide $100- Mrs. Evelyne Richardson 113-) South Lake, was first phice winner of S50 yc-simlay when the Blythcvillc Days' merchants presented S100 in 'm-izes given away weekly by the group. Winning prizes of 510 each by merely registering at a BVD store yesterday Ada McDaniel, 2305 West Uosc.

Hoy Kersey. 401 Franklin, and Mrs. Margaret Jones of Rt 2 Advance. Mo. Four S5 awards went to Miss Ethel Fowler of Rt.

3. Bljlhevillo. Donna Jean earner, North Sixth. Robbie McKi-nnon" 704 North Fifth, and Mvs. K' Kelley.

325 East Jilssouri. Shown above receiving their checks from o. K. Kmicisen. chairman of the Merchant's Division of the Chamber of Commerce, BVD sponsors, are four winners wiio were on hand lor the draw- Ins.

They aje, Ic-lt to rishi, sirs Kcllcy, Mrs. Kersey, MiM Fowler and Miss earner. SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS 'Draft Stevenson' Sentiment High in Crucial Hours Fulbright Nominated As 'Favorite Son' By fiOHDOX BKCW.Y CHICAGO today lo offer a favorite son Sen William Piilbi-lBht, for the DcmocraUc nomination for president. tMlurfcht "comes from the ami the environment which produced Thomas Jefferson," sniil Storm Whaley, young alternate delegate from Siloam SpriiiKs. in placing tile senator's name before the party's national convention.

Whaley told the convention the 47-year-old Fulbright can best be described as "a man nl whole man in the sense thai Southerners who helped thLs partv wore whole men." Days of Triumph "If can lie said of our party." Whaley said in his speed), "thai it has known many days of triumph, but few of peace. In its hours ol greatest peril there have arisen men of Ions view, ol tolerance and 1 good will, to remind us of our past, and to point the way Into the future. "We in Arkansas know Unit liiL Pulbrighl is man of that charac- Inside Today's Courier News Wilson 1'ase ft. MfMiilh rolls 1111 simps In Iraililloii-brcalilnjT bailie tor Itiird term 3 10. I.uxora Page 6.

Arkansas Briefs I'iiJSC 12. Blyllieville Juniors lose (o TlKKall sports l'a ee Sodcly 4. Markets I'ufie 5. News of Men In the Scrv- Ire 1'age 2. tor" In coal fields js all but inevitable' If a new contract is not signed bv Sept.

22. Coal stocks are at near record 70 days supply on a strike in mid-September would indicate the pinch would begin to be felt about the time Rep. Boyd Tackett Slated to Speak Here Tonight Rep. Boyd Tackett will speak at 8 p.m. today on the Court House lawn here in behalf of his candidacy for the governorship.

expected to present his new set of ministers to Shah Mohammed Reza Fahlevi today or tomorrow with eilher, the Premier himself or his choice heading the key war ministry. The I monarch's refusal last week to let I Mossadegh take over that post caused Ihe Premier to resign Thirty-five or more personsSwero killed in wild pro-Mossadegh demonstrations Ihat followed. Opposition Disappears All opposition lo Mossadegh appeared to have evaporated in the violence. One after another, opposition members of Parliament sent letters to the newspapers last night pledging him their support. The Majlis approval of his return Tackett will be the fourth of the to Ice was belatedly seconded by the Senate without a dissentine vole.

Of Ihe 60 upper members. 3J voled last night for the Premier, abstained. Ihe rest were -absent. The vote mattered little the Shah already had fair samiik- of party harmony. The shouted adoption, after McCormack had real the nearly 100000 words lo tired delegates, was sweet music lo parly leaders who tea reel a repetition of IMS.

In that year a bitter floor battle for a stronger racial relations 1 plank split flic party wide open, i and in Ihe November election four' Southern stutes were absent from the Democratic column. Aiding In the unity ffort this time were Joim Suarkman of Alabama, for Southerners, and i Philip B. Pcrlmau. who recently i resumed solicitor General Curiously, both Dixie delegates who insist that states communities can best handle racial problems, nnd Northerners, who want strong federal action, are clriim- "es Up Convention CHICAGO said Alben W. Barkley was "too old They said he was a fine gentleman and a distinguished public fl but heavy with ra too many years, to be the Democratte cancil date for the presidency.

Arkansas, Wlialey s.iid, saw Ful- become "one of the slaie university presidents in United Stales and (hen we him turn to politics in protest n-hrn htira! manipulation threatened academic Integrity." "Rugged Independence" A distinguishing characteristic of l-ullinghl. he sairt. is vutfgcd in- eiciiendcnce of character. "A man ot this mold cannot please it would be foreign to his nature if he tried" Whalev continued. "There are these here, lor Instance, who would attempt to brand lilm a reactionary because of disapproval of compulsory FEPC lo these I say-look at the whole or his record for proof that (his lion man does not disagree with the objectives of civil rights legislation.

His objections were lo the means so. far offered for achieving tlWe objectives." Balloting May Come Sometime Tonight By JACK BELL CONVKNTION HALL, CHICAGO (AP)-The Demo- 'S Cai 0 t0 'r time today (Una Stevenson" sentiment running On thi.s imuovUml the party's 31st nominating convention, it was un odds-on bet that the prc.idcn ia "lalion cl be tlii'iisl upon Acllui Stevenson who says he wants only t( ro-clcclion us Illinois governor But Sens. Richard Russell of Democrats Bid For Farm Vofe Broader Program Would Keep Agri Prices from Dropping CHICAGO Democrats were out after the 1952 farm vote today vvilli an offer -of a broadened pro- rain protect in nricullui-nl price-i nnlnst declines. Price supports or floors, now proppin (he basic crops of corn wheat, cotton, rice, tobacco and peanuts, would ho extended to perishable commodities, such as livestock, ctniry and poultry products. A farm plank adopted by Ihe parti' 1 nitiiorial convention" Inst night, nb.mdotieU a flexible nnr support program at least es Take 'Sfumo' At Leachvllh Six candidates toot; lo a sound truck "stump" In Leachville last night In behalf of thc-ir candidacies for county nnd dfctrict offices.

in the Democr'atJc platform four years ao. Instead It applauded recent ac- of C'omcss in boostln sup- to a hihcr level than otherwise mihl have prevailed duiin the next two years. TluU action re Georirla and Estes Kefauver of Tennessee were in their pitch- HALL, Chleiigo associates said today President Truman lias passed atonj; (he ord he rcfers J.ov. A.llal for the Ilcmoi-ratio prcslilcnlial nomination. emircs the government to support I I met.

So was Avercll Jiarriman the Mutual Security Administrator and" Sen. Robert Ken- of Oklahoma. day meeting: was set aside for tlie preliminaries of nominating speeches, demonstrations and the hoopla Ihat sets the stage. As the hour approached, Stevenson still wasn't saying whether ho would uccepl. But nobody doubted that he would.

Truman Holds Slienc-e There was still no public word from' President Truman as to his views. Kansas delegates, who have been on the fence, plumped to Steven- sun with their 16 convention votes. pre-session caucus. Californians, backing kefauvcr heard a plea from Rep. Clinton Mc- Kiimon, their chairman, to stand firm: McKinnon told them: "The bandwagon is rolling in the direction of Stevenson.

But. il we can hold the line if can stop Stevenson on Ihe second ballot, the votes for ravorlle son candidales and others measuring farm clared uy law lo Ije equally fair 1" larmcr.i and those who buy their products. 30 I'cr Cent The licpublic.nn convention two weeks aso adopted a larm pinnk that promised price supports at "wliaicvcr level is necessary" to maintain balanced production five gubernatorial candidates to make major address here the campaign. Attorney Grncra! Ike Muiry. former Attorney Oeiwrnl Jack Holt and Governor Sid Mc- have already spoken here Chancellor Francis cherry of Jones- TCd Mossadegh boro.

the remaining candidate. expected to make an address here sco a situation. A unique feature of Tackett's i apparently could obtain has been Cue helicopter challenge what Parliament 1-st whirl, he uses to travel from town was reluctant to grant him I Driver Forfeits to form government. Power Seems Assured new ins victory. The answer is Ihat the same words and 5 if handled I skillfully, mean different things lo different people.

Kmtlierner.s sucii Sens. ni.lli of New Vork. Humph', ry of Minnesota and Bc-nton of was Why You Should Cast Your Ballot IThrce Blythevllle civic, clubs Kwams, American Lesion ind Junior Chamber of Commerce are engaged in creating est in voiing. The Jaycccs havu a.sked a number of prominent lo make brief statements In which Eivr on (lie i-n- of voting The Courier Ncv.s will publish thciC It is blazing: with the new lifi and spirit ho breatlicd into it Icisi night when he spoke to more 12.000 people. UUUL.UUII.

i to a cMimnlrd bv intcr l'reted by some boost wncn Oov Paul i one candidate at 2000 were Hrm-'u fnn tenders us un oiclor.icineiil of! Massachusetts annou K. Ifoyt of Icachvi'llp'and William system droppuel for the ld votc the Iliino H. of Blythcville c-Middv lll D'-mocraLs- second ballot. he lr WyaU of tale senator: Ivv Jonrr.boro and Chin candidate. of Under the flexible Kyslcm, price could van between 75 and per cent of parity.

Prcsi- Kefauvcr has 263, Harrhuan 101. Texas decided lo put all of Us 52 votes behind Russell, only ol them previously had been committed to him, so the move shoved the Russell count at this point up to 105. The Stevenson boom got another boost when Oov. Paul A. Dover announced he vole for the Illinois gover- Ihe second ballot.

He said he had made no recommendation to other delegates ns to how they they vole. The 30 Massachusetts votes were ticut claimed the new plank much sircnper than HMB's. as Kens. Syjark- See DEMOCRATS on in inlercst of stirr.uVit- i.mj uj.iicnuu jMcauow: hipped them in-! of Lcachville. candidates for prose- en.

IJcardon lo 1 by amc a controversial farm plan The senator atlvi by Secretary ol Asrinil- ition pme" for to town. Tackett sny- the use of unlimited powers to "deal" with EUcm C( Vc 5to ci i iji Hfvc-ih aeal wu the airborne vehicle enables him to the nation's economic and Jinan make as many as cisht speeches cial crisis, during a day. A--cordine to nils campaign man ha; since 11 bond headquarters, the congress Cross Chapter Here Om Of Few Reaching Bho'd Arkansas forecast: Clear to partly Cloudy this afternoon, tonight anil Mrs. Jnha Haralson. executive 3 ry of the Chlckasnwabi Chapter of the American Red Cvo-- to members or Ihe Ellythcvillc Kuvaliis Club yesterday on "the Red Crops' hloort and disaster relief pro- uota for t)-r Dofensp In fpllinrr the aster rolinf pro-r o'tt thr.

"on UTTT.E CHANGE important tempera- fair tomorrow. No ture change. Missouri foicrasl: Generally tonight and tomorrow, warmer and north. Minimum this niornmp--l5. Maximum 105.

Sunset 7:05. Sunrise tomorrow Prccipitatiun 24 hours to 7 a none. precipitation since Jan. 1 Mean temperature i midway tucen high and SO. Normal mean temperature 81.5.

This Dale Last Vcai Minimum this Maximum yesterday-- 1 rrccipitatiou January I 28.62. a 11 the Kiwanir-ns onr mat Ihe -Chickasawaba Chapter tlr one of the few chapters in'this rrm year 6 10 1'iota n'o -hc'rn' Vn'f oi' m', Siie raid a total of pints of ro il blood were donated at in North County this year. The Chickasawaba has been allied to arrange six blood- mohile visits for next year with a quota of 100 pints of Wood per visit but. she said, it Is doubtful if the chapter will accept such a quota. I "At present we are planning on four bloodmobilc visits lor next year." she said, "two for the wes'- bc-i ern half of the district and two for the eastern." for i Mrs.

Harakon told the Kiwanir.ns that the Wood donations do nol uc- to the Red Cross. 'The blood Iwlonjs to you until Its given anil it lias been given it LhUjto Detense Dspartmtnt- The I Red CroM merely solicils the blood were nnt Crors Is you and if vniir 'chant-r i'i not hrin'i run to is your rlutv as to vcstinatc it." ceding Mrs. Tune civc rwrt on actii- the n'i' mittf" is the Junior of and the American In a on? the loV" The cilub r.lso 3 rr plans for or hv itj Crm- I th rnrrT dren mtc i'-y c. CXESCHIN Ark-Jfo 1'owpr Col History rcramis Hint (he individual vote Is highly Imnortant, in spite of the fact that too mn- n.v loyal, patriotic Americans have the atSitlide that vot" count." Ruthr-vford B. clertcd ol (ho United "t-itcs by one vote.

a a sini'Ic vote. Idaho and were admitted tostalo- honcl. TlKrc arc Utcraliy dozens of insJari- f.s lo prove "Your vote is Important." Better rctm- cntors, electric ranges and wrrhiiijr m.n- bcon built because the wo- men of Arncr- '5 I have r.x- ttu.m- selvcs Individ- Mr. uaiiy nolliiiv; the litcraJ- lv that these products of tlic-m tin- piof.i. for thr-ir money.

Better ati- nv rr and better outboard molois been built because the men of Amrrjpo tiieir prefer- in effect, for more the cond features, fewer of the bad features in whatever fhcv lo buv. This method of "voting" MrtictiiiB our manufarturcn to 'h'llld a IViUcr mouse traiv 1 Ui-n and thN-o arc lew of us v.lio Inv hfjitjt-rl 0 express our opinion See Kl.fCVlOX on I'agc (t cly to he his par- 1 co-Id not hi- liiis for the presidency.u f(ir a statnnent he put it. "some self-1 The rnndidnlcs' talks'here Hat- urday ni-iht will at p.m'at the Court House. Similar talks will ije made nl a p.m. tomi'hl in Doll lomorrniv nit-ht In c) then, as he put it.

"some sclf- anointwl labor suddenly withdrew the support he had supposed Ihcy would iiini. Tliev said be "too old." Barkley took himself out of the race. There was a tremendous cxplo- of v.Tsrmth svmpa'iiy and affection vvjjrn 'he marched dwu the phi i form onto the rosn-um lust Thn to play Oiii Kcmucky Home" and billows of mii- sic anrt chcoriiip; thundered through the great hall. UarUc.v Is Barkley stood luokliii- 0 at the demonstration, im almost impassive. From mu to he waved and bowed, ack- It I-'mollythey let him,^.

KC He had no and the i' Vnu telcpromptcr blank and ar, I fur rli-iel mppons Inr r.tionsioii of price aid to per isliable crops through iKe of uuv- criinvnt riiiuuui plan loop the Sri Suhsidirs ph Mcnllonril D. tlie nominee, below and Dixon line. this role, delegates wera Draft on J'age 5 Need Vacation Guide? C. of C. Here Has Them Manawr i I).

Ir.dav th'u his iiifitf. received a number of depicting vacation simts of Arkansas. and Matr parks, llamly Riiidi-s to the Ar: arc included i lie sairt. and wipir-s will he available lo anyone nL a foltli-r from Ihe Chamber oll'r in City Hall. Blyt-heville ORC Unit to Attend Summer of Uic- my.v plnnk made no mention 1 ol subsidies.

merely stated the party would -practical meth- for supportini; the perish- which said account for tiirrr-fourlhr; of all Pattnii; in B1 tnlelltaenca program, on the back ly "'e Or ve form said fani, i 0 iv'ui :1 tn Pjl: La i from less A tvvo of lion dollars lo almost" 15 mllmn their operation. vs Ttif plalforin plerti-cd lelentioni 71 mili-, 01 controls to curb far moutput surpluses develop. can.n these pro-rams tnreatenctf ot 1 Democrats ificirsrlt-c- to soil roni.elv.t- including those un. dcr which are paid 1 lor out approved liiinu practices. Heat Repeats: High of 105 Again 'Hie ICfl-drr'Tpc-ritn by two e- arr 01 the of Texas coor- or IK Lt.

Col. Robert I. Mel. studev.t counselor of Texas jA.VMs Itis as'! iani I', u. Rnliin oro of at 'Hie a stronrrr lootho'id lure that is tryintr to ret under way got with a maximum tcmr-cialure of dngrccs.

This liijh vcadir.z duplicated of the precf-dirc? unrf there appeared to be more heat in the The Weather Bureau today forecast more lempcraturfs in the In-'ii DTs and low A siieuul farm forrcasl by Ihe Weather fnr "i 1 nil tin Hen hich through Salutday." lythcullc topped the Mate's hrat list. Yrstmia.Vs read- me was the seirnth of Ihe mnnili lo lop 100 dcsrces. Another 10S- rif-Rrce reading was recorded July 7. According to an Associated Slory, Newport's IDS-ilcnrre made II the second spot in the stale yesterday. Other were.

Walnut KKlife, 102: Arkadelphta Hork, Ft. Morrilton, Ovaik and Pine Blulf! 101; fl.imrton, D.irdanrllc. El Dor- and Kiifttwille, and Kho- pin, 07. cities wne I.c,-,d Hill rfj'orui ir.cb.r~. other r.i l'idcd Mumumth B3- HaiMV-lle, S3, co anti Black a The Arkansas faim forrra-l 1 Clear to partly dourly with continued hieh thrnu-h Saturday, except for widely sr, Vl ihumiiv Uovvors cMirmt south portion wiuds lipht.

mostly wrMrrly to lioithwrstcrly. t.i ht dnw virly tnornings. LITTLE Outdoor ihcotors arc quite op- prcorioto tor the picture! con stanj lot of fresh aif.

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