Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 13
- Publication:
- Star-Phoenixi
- Location:
- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 13
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
a a a a a a a a a in 930. MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1933. SASKATOON STAR-PHONIX I AUL 4 a a LIVE NEWS FROM THE PRAIRIES Heavyweight Rink Known locally as "The Heavyweights," their combined weight being over 800 pounds, this by W. R. Howey, veteran curler of Harris, has an exceptional record.
In the Harris bonspiel they won three competitions and reached the semi-finals in the fourth. The trophies won were the Grand Challenge, V.O.B., and the Saskatoon Brewing Company Cup, and they were also winners of the Grand Aggregate. The rink is composed of, left to right: W. R. Howey, skip, Ross Robinson, well known hockey player, third; O.
S. Sugden, second; and Harris, lead. ENTERTAINMENTS PROCEEDS TO RELIEF -In aid of local voluntary relief, "Trial By Jury," directed by H. Walton, with Mrs. W.
Cameron accompanist, was repeated to an appreciative audience in the hall Friday. The principal parts were taken by Mrs. H. A. Mitchell, Mrs.
G. Cochrane, E. Kingerlee, H. Walton, R. Coviello, D.
A. B. Cameron, supported by a chorus of 25 voices. The balance of the program, presided over by Wallace Tullis, consisted of a drill by Handford school pupils, vocal solos by Miss M. Quark, reading by Ross Barge, Indian club swinging by Ellen Romuld and Mabel Holmblom.
A dance completed the amounted evening, to the $30. proceeds REALIZE $23 A Friday evening the L.O.L., No. 3024, presented three-act comedy, "Regiment of Two." The following players acted like professionals: Mrs. S. Dimmick, the Misses Ella Neuert, Dolly Lee, Mary McArthur, Messrs.
Smith, Dimmick, John Ball, Clifford Loucks, Archie Jones, Ray Barry and Ray Aberdeen. The director was Ambrose Bull. The sum of $23 was realized. BOOST AID FUNDS Trimble, sisted by Miss Jessie Crawford, put on concert in the Blucher United Church for the benefit, of the Ladies' Aid. The was of the best and was enjoyed by a full church.
consisted of solos by the Misses Eileen Carlton and Phyllis Hyland, Postle; reading by Miss Jean Stewart; skit, "Courtship Under Difficulties," Mrs. T. Elliot, Mrs. C. Baker and Ivory Romphf; comedy act by W.
McLean and Leslie Postle; and piano solo by Miss Jessie Crawford. Accompaniments were Miss Jessie Rudd and Miss Jessie Crawford. The Ladies' Aid were benefitted by the sum of $9. A play, "Hist! She's a Man," was ably given by Mrs. Norman Baldwin, Misses Beth Campbell and Jean Stewart, and A.
Dafoe, W. McLean, Francis Eldridge and Gordon Rudd. ATTRACTS CROWD PINKHAM. A packed house greeted the concert given on Friday evening by the east group of the United Church Ladies' Aid. The program opened with a minstrel show and sharp on time the curtains parted, presenting to view a crescent of 18 dusky southerners whose choruses, duets and solos were enjoyed by the audience.
J. A. Warick was interlocutor and Miss Olive Johnson, accompanist, and four of the village cut-ups attended well to the crossfire and localized wisecracks of the evening. Albert Mitchener, as director, was given credit for the success of this portion of the program. Following a piccaniny duet by Myrle and Ruth Witmer, a one-act play entitled "Axin' Her Fodder" was presented by five young people of the district, dressed in Negro costume.
A dance in gypsy costume by seven young ladies was followed by another Negro one-act skit entitled "Winnin' Dat Gal," which was also well received. J. M. Dawson was chairman. STAGE AMUSING PLAY enjoyable evening was spent at Valleyfield school Friday when "Clover Time," a hu- Elstow Elstow ELSTOW.
A meeting of St. George's Women's Auxiliary was held on Thursday afternoon at the rectory with Mrs. J. F. roads Haynes in charge.
In spite of bad there was a good attendance. Readings. were given by Mrs. F. Goodfield, Mrs.
A. Hanna, Mr6. E. Turner and Mrs. J.
C. Armitage. Mrs. R. P.
Preston reported gratifying results from the recent social. Donations were promised of material to aprons, and arrangements were made for a salt of hot cross buns the day before Good Friday. The Musical Art Club met Thursday at the home of Mre. J. A.
Stewart when a paper was read by Miss Ula Christie on the life and works of Mendelssohn. Members sang hymns of the composer and Margaret Haynes, Mrs. J. Rugg, Mrs. R.
P. Preston and S. H. Binnie gave instrumental and vocal solos. Lunch was served.
Signs of spring are seen on the prairie. Numerous gophers have been seen, which appear to have stood the severe winter well as they are fat and in good condition. Spring birds have arrived such As the lark and the horned hawk, considered sure harbingers of spring. A lady in the village was awakened one morning by the noise of birds and in looking out saw seven Hungarian partridges in the front yard. The snow is going fast and the country roads are beginning to break up.
SNOW WELCOMED district was pleased to see a heavy fall of wet snow on Friday night, which is of great benefit to the land, as the weather has continued to be mild. Roads are in fair condition and highway No. 11 is open co travel to Saskatoon Dictator Would Halt -The literary society of the Fielding school held a debate and mock trial in the school. A large crowd of parents and friends attended. Florence Phillips, president of the society, was chairman.
The subject of debate was: "Resolved That Temporary Dictatorship Would Speedily and Effectively Remove a the Depression." The judges. J. M. MacNaughton. A.
M. Phillips and Mrs. C. M. Roberts, decided in Stott favored Supper favor of the wiffirmative.
Merle was served. The final meeting of the Ladies' Bridge Club was held at the home of Mrs. Flynn. The prize winners for the season were Mrs. S.
Smith, Mrs. J. M. MacNaughton, Mrs. R.
F. Williams and Mrs. F. Miller. 140 TAKE PART IN CURLERS' BANQUET Enjoyable Evening Spent by Scott Members; R.
E. Nay, J. C. Martin Honored of the Scott Curling Club held an enjoyable banquet in the town hall on Thursday. Some 140 sat down to supper with G.
D. Matthews as chairman. The guests of the evening were and Mrs. R. E.
May of Wilkie. Mr. May held the office of president when the Scott Curling Club was first organized in 1912. A short history of the origin of the club was given by J. C.
Martin in place of J. Matthews, who was unable to be present and who is the oldest member of the club. Following the supper an enjoyable program was arranged. Quartets given by Messrs. Wakelin, Van Nice, Davies and Keesey were well presented.
Rev. E. Eddy was Community singing was A short play entitled "Julius Caesar" under the capable direction of K. V. Bethel was presented.
A. McAmmond, G. W. Ivens, S. Cuthbert, H.
J. A. Magwood, J. M. Leru, W.
T. Kinsman, C. Sein and W. Downey acted as scene shifters and added much to the amusement of the audience. Speeches were given by J.
Martin, S. J. Leonard, J. Grill, L. E.
Nay, responded to by A. McAmmond, Mrs. W. Kinsman, Rev. E.
B. Eddy, Dr. F. Yerthenbach. A violin solo by D.
S. Lockerbie was appreciated. A reading was given by W. Kinsman. At the close of the banquet, J.
Grill, on behalf of the Scott Curling Club, presented J. C. Martin with an honorary membership of the club which heartily applauded to by all present. REPORT PROGRESS quarterly meeting Outlook Ladies Aid, conOUTLOOK The sisting of four circles, a Was held Thursday in the Sunday school room. They report good progress made during the past three months, and that all four circles had done better than in the corresponding three months of last year.
The receipts, when totalled, amounted to $240.64. The conveners of the three ladies' circles are: Mrs. J. Jaques, Mrs. T.
Roulston and Mrs. G. Hicks, with Mrs. F. Warren for the girls' circle.
Obituary J. P. BUTLER Old-timers and friends of and vicinity paid their last respects to J. P. Butler, who passed away on March 21, at the funeral service held from the United Church March 23.
Rev. Bethell officiated. Interment was made in Bladworth cometery. Pallbearers were W. a Baldwin, W.
L. Ramsay, F. Gibson, A. Watt, E. H.
Palmer and J. W. Tansley. The deceased was 87 years of age and was born at Golbourne, Ont. In 1907 he came to Bladworth district from Renfrew, and engaged in farming.
Death came after a year's illness. Surviving are his widow at Blad worth, one sister, Mrs. Thomas Alexander, Rainsville, four daughters, Mrs. J. Baird, Moose Jaw, Mrs.
J. A. Contin, Vancouver. W. A.
Conlin, Bladworth, and Mrs. D. A. A McDonald, Winnipeg Seven sons, Harvey and Hillard. of Moose Jaw.
Howley, of Calgary, Samuel, of Renfrew, George and Norman, of Bladworth. One daughter predeceased him 14 years ago. MRS. MARY HAMMELL SENLAC. Following EL long illress, Mrs.
Mary Hammell, 78, all -time resident of Senlac district, passed away at her home Thursday. News of the death of Mrs. Hammell was the subject of much regretful and sympathetic comment among her numerous friends. Deceased wax born in Manvers, and was married to George Hammell in 1874. Coming west in 1914 with her husband they took up land four miles south of Senlac, where the deceased spent the rest of her life.
Her husband predeceased 11 years ago. Mrs. Hammell WAR A member of the Church and was alwavs active and interested anything pertaining to the church and community. The funeral on Friday was largely attended, testifying to the love and esteem in which the deceased WAS hold The service was held at the United Shurch. Evesham, conducted by Rev.
Frank Sharman of Holy Trinity Church, Macklin. The remalls were late to rest in Evesham cemetery beside her husband. The casket was banked with many Horal tributes. is survived by four sons. Edward, William and Herb, of Senlac, of Vancouver, B.C..
and three daughters, Mrs. T. Hethery Winnipeg, Mrs W. Mills. Meadow Lake, and Mrs.
T. Burns, Edmonton; also one sister, Mrs. Taylor, Toronto, 17 grandchildren and three time The pallbearers, friends. great were F. Howlett.
George Nelson. R. Kenyon. W. Shroer, James Atweil and F.
Mills. MRS. A. CURRIE The funeral of Mrs. S.
A. Currie of Netherhill, who died in the City Hospital, Saskatoon, following a long illness, was held Friday, conducted by Rev. Musselman and Rev. C. Badger, Brock, in the United Church.
Pallbearers were: J. Creed, R. J. Deakins, Frank Whilde, G. Delday, W.
Good and John Elvis. A large number attended and many floral tributes were sent. Mrs. Currie was a restdent of Brock in the early days of the village. She is survived by her husband, four sons, Balfour, William, Donald and Arthur, and one daughter Margaret, BANNER CROWDS AT YORKTON CONCERT ars hat hey get.
leir em aras get rat ple ay. as an en ad at SCHOOL ORATORY ELIMINATION HELD Scholars in Osler District Choose Representatives in Local Contests Friday night, Willow Lake School and Mountain Lake School clashed in the oratory demonstration at Willow Lake School, which was packed to capacity The judges, H. H. Fast, Osler, and 1 H. H.
Weibe and J. Giesbrecht Dalmeny, gave their decision follows: division Hilda Lepp, pose Mountain Lake; division 2, Henry Lepp, Willow Lake; el division 3, Levi Lepp, Mountain Lake; division 4. John Bortch, Willow Lake. Mr. Brandt, school teacher for Willow Lake, had prepared an interesting program, consisting chiefly of songs and music.
Mr. Brandt and his pupils had entertained a packed school house on Thursday night with a literary program which was also enjoyed. J. J. Neudorf and I.
J. Kasdorf as judges, gave their decision for Embury School eliminations as follows: division 1, Eva Bergin; division 2, Mary Schmidt; division 3, Annie Schmidt; division 4, Mary Thiesen. The eliminations for Saskatchewan in Gene Barager representing division Helen Glesbrecht division 2 and Rosie Enns. division Altona 'School, representatives are: division 1, Eddie Oppeheim; division 2, Elden Oppeheim; division 3, Helen Boldt; division 4, Eddie Loewen. George Wedel was chairman at a program held in Rosalind School on Friday night, when the affirmative speakers carried the decision in a debate, "resolved that country life is better than city life." The judges were: Miss Edith Roslek, Mr.
George Guenter and Mr. Isaac Brown, and speakers were: Henry Guenter Henry Driedger for the affirmative, and Tina Sawazky and Annie Driedger, negative. Among other interesting items on the program were: an educational talk on Germany by George Guenter; demonstrations of hypP. J. Reimer and musical numbers by Wedel brothers.
Little five-year-old Billy Guenter caused amusement when he rendered a yodelling song. COUNCIL BACKS PROJECT village council has favored the proposed extension to hall at a meeting of the councillors and the building comGandy and W. Cyr, who were appointed to investigate all matters in connection with the extension. Work is to go forward as soon as possible. Mock Parliament Staged By Y.P.S.
BRODERICK. The United Church Y.P.S. met in the high school room with a good attendance. R. Duncan presided.
The ment. Amalgamation railprogram consisted of a mock, parliaways, pegged prices for wheat and stock and marriage laws were hotly debated. Parliamentary procedure was followed. J. E.
Alderson was speaker of the house; J. Muir, principal, prime minister, and Rev. S. A. Harry leader of opposition.
Almost all present took part in the discussions. The Glenside United Church W.M.S. regular meeting was on Thursday afternoon at the abele of Mrs. S. Farley.
Mrs. Madill presided. Mrs. J. Lamont was appointed assistant secretary.
Those taking part in the program were Mesdames J. D. McPherson, S. Farley, Madill, J. Lamont and W.
Wallace; Rev. S. A. Harry and Miss J. Macdonald.
C.Y.P.B.C. MEETS -One of the most successful series of social evenings given by the "Can You Play Bridge Club" was held at the home of Mrs. S. Adair on Friday evening. Miss J.
Kennedy and Miss were hostesses and M. Horning host. Bridge honors went to Miss J. Hughes and S. Weldon.
Following supper dancing was enjoyed. Market Sale At Brock Best Yet sale BROCK organized -The by annual the market Hillsburgh day Agricultural Society was held at Brock on the fair grounds on Saturday. There was a large attendance from D'Arcy, Netherhill and the whole of the surrounding district. Buyers were plentiful and bidding was brisk. This was one of the best market day sales ever held in Brock.
The prices paid for work horses ranged from $25 to $45. I The auctioneer was W. H. McAvoy. STAGE LAST SOCIAL The last of the bi-weekly bridge and whist drives, put on by the Homemakers' Club, was held on Friday evening with nine tables of bridge and seven of whist in play.
Prizes in bridge were won by J. S. Johnston, Miss Lily Sim, Sam Horner and Mrs. J. S.
Johnston; at whist by John Alexander, Mrs. Fleming, George Sexsmith and Mrs. Peterson. A pie supper was served dancing was enjoyed with local talent supplying music. Rebuild On Fire Ruins At Brock the past few days great progress has been made in the business section of Brock.
Buildings are rapidly replacing those demolished by the fire of January 7. The hardware store of W. F. Keil is nearing completion and is expected to be open for business March 28. This is the third time Mr.
Keil has built new premises in Brock, which includes the one recently destroyed by fire. APPOINT POSTMASTER LANIGAN. W. H. Barclay, of the Red White store here, has been appointed new postmaster here.
He expects to assume his new duties at the beginning of April and will occupy the premises in use as a post office BALANCE SHOWN BY RURAL PHONE CO. Shareholders at Harris Pay in To Keep System in Operation This Year HARRIS. -The annual meeting Company, Limited, was the Harris Rural hetelephone Orange Hall on March 25 with a good attendance of members. President G. M.
Husband the chair during the lengthy session. The shareholders decided that they in sufficient money to keep the system operating and also that they would co-operate in maintaining the line by re-setting broken poles. Mr. Braun, lineman, has driven the system and reports shareholders anxious to keep telephones. It was this meeting to have shareholders pay $1 per month, and if not paid by the 15th of the month the telephone will be cut off.
Replacing retiring director, W. C. Brisbin, Frank Woolliams was appointed the board. Ben T. Kaiser was appointed, president auditor.
reported that they had been unable to replace the secretary, C. J. Cook, who resigned last January. The auditor's report for 1932 showed assets of $40,207.90, including the system valued at 603.53. The liabilities include debentures, $6,080.61, and debenture interest $637, among other items.
The debenture payments have not been made owing to lack of funds. The 1932 receipts amounted to $2,687.48, payments $2,527.10, leaving cash balance on hand of $4.99 and a bank balance of $155.39. The board of directors includes, president, G. M. Husband and directors, A.
Cram, A. Tyson, Frank Woolliams, T. Brown; lineman and operator, G. E. Braun; auditor, B.
T. Kaiser; secretary, C. J. Cook. The note struck by the meeting was that of optimism.
DONAVON FAMILY FAREWELL GUESTS Presentations Made to Mr. and Mrs. William Hill and Daughter at Social DONAVON. More than 125 friends of Mrs. William Hill, and daughter, Miss Kathleen, assembled parish honor them before their departure for their new home the Melfort district.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill have been residents of the community for more than 20 years on their farm east of Donavon, and have won the respect and esteem of a host of friends. An enjoyable social time was held and after refreshments had been served A. B.
Chambers gave an interesting address, and, on behalf of the community, presented Mr. and Mrs. Hill with a mantel clock and a dozen silver teaspoons and tablespoons, and Miss Kathleen with a leather handbag. The eliminations in public speaking demonstrations were held during the past week several schools adjoining Donavon. At Frontenac 23 pupils were heard, the teacher, Miss E.
Tattersall, presiding. The judges, Mrs. R. Miller, Mrg. J.
Durham, and Miss M. Hickok, named the following windivision Bobby Keeler; division 2, Jean Keeler; division 3, Daniel Climenhaga. At Maynard Miss Zacharias heard. Mrs. Fleming E.
presided and 16 speakers, were Anderson judged with following results: division 1, Harold Loucks; division 2, Joy Ryan; division 3, Alma Harburn. The pupils rendered several fine musical numbers. Mrs. A. B.
Chambers gave a brief instructive talk on her attendance at the trustees' convention. Quill Lake Hears Mrs. W. M. Stewart QUILL LAKE.
Mrs. W. McRae Stewart was speaker a Co-operative Commonwealth Federation meeting held in the hall here on Thursday. Mrs. Stewart held the attention of her audience for over three hours.
She told first of her early life in Manitoba branching out into strong criticism on the present system of government. She explained the C.C.F. platform claiming their readiness to take action at any time the change could be effected. She was emphatic in her statements that Russia did not figure in the new system and also stated that those working for the C.C.F. cause were not being paid.
Heavy White Fog Envelops Village EYRE An unusual phenomenon which has not been observed here for many years occurred Friday. Hail and sleet had been followed by about two inches of soft, wet snow which ceased falling a little before sundown. After about half an hour of warm sunshine a grey mist crept up and in a few minutes everything was hidden by a white fog. The moisture is welcome, as the ground has been bare for the past three months, with some indication of soil drifting. Local weather prophets predict rain in June is indicated by foggy weather now.
Spring HAGUE On Wednesday three crows from the southland stopped at the farm of H. W. Fisher, and created much interest by their early call. Though they are not esteemed AS vocal artists, their song was welcomed as the heralding of spring. However, they soon passed on north.
Perhaps were aware of Mr. Fisher's trophies and declined to remain. Hungarian partridges were winter guests at the farm of H. W. Fisher.
They were friendly and would come into the yard around the house. About 30 fared with the pigeons, and seemed to have thrived well. Their flashes of red lent color against the snow, 60 Fathers And Sons At Banquet On Friday night the Trail Rangers Tuxis Square had their dads join them in a father and son banquet held in the United Church when 60 lads and dads gathered. A. E.
Whitlock acted as toastmaster and Mrs. L. E. Jones presided at organ. Toasts were given as follows: The King by J.
Little, Our Dads by J. Leach and C. H. Wheatland, Trail Rangers by R. Thrasher, Tuxis by R.
Mogan and F. J. Whitlock. The following contributed the entertainment: a dialogue, C. Pop and R.
Warcup; community singing; dialogue, D. Lawrence and E. Hunter and a talk by Rev. Sibbald. NOKOMIS STUDIES WHEAT MARKETING Committee Appointed at Board Of Trade Meeting to Report Its Findings NOKOMIS.
Some 50 farmers and business men met Thursday night in the Orange hall to take up the study of wheat marketing under the direction of P. B. Thompson of Bulyea. The meeting was under the auspices of the Nokomis Board of Trade and W. J.
Gray, president, the chair and D. secretary of Wreford R.M., acted as secretary. Mr. Thompson gave a fine presentation of the financial condition of the wheat trade for the past 10 years by carefully prepared charts made from statistics compiled from surveys made by the University of Saskatchewan a and Mr. Evans WinniTwelve members were appointed to continue study along with other provincial groups to have some findings to report to the world conference to be held in Regina next July.
The following were appointed: W. J. Gray, J. McDougall, W. A.
MacFarlane, Rev. Mr. Rothwell, Dr. Fieldman, E. Sorterberg, G.
Hummell, J. N. Morris, C. I. Wallace, W.
H. Zepik, C. A. Warren and L. McNicholl.
This group will meet next Thursday evening and continue the study of the present situation in regard to the low price of wheat. Viscount Elects Elders, Stewards The election of the 1933 official boards of the Viscount United Church for elders and stewards for the coming year has resulted as follows: Session, Andrew Allan, Mack and John Smith (life members); T. E. Black, William B. Timmerman, 4 years; H.
L. Smith, 6 years, and Rev. E. Pierce Congdon. The minister is chairman of the session and Andrew Allan is clerk.
Stewards: Arthur Mack, J. Lindsky, William T. Morphy, Gordon M. Creed, William Stobart, A. E.
Hannigan, T. E. Black, R. A. F.
Wagner and James M. Young. The Viscount and Slanders elevator agents and the the committees of these districts of wheat pool, were responsible for an enjoyable afternoon and evening when they staged a show for the children in the afternoon. In the evening a dance followed the show, both being largely attended. Music was supplied by the Beatly-Butroloski orchestra of the Easterlea district.
Net proceeds amounted to $27. Provincial Sport BRUNO WINS 3-1 HUMBOLDT. Schwinghis Bruno hockey team invaded the Humboldt camp and defeated Humboldt's best in a fast and exciting game at the Arena on Friday night. With no score in the first period, the second ended with Roden passing to Pete Moshewski, who beat Hugo Weber, Bruno goalie, with shot. Humboldt peppered "Weard from all angles, but he was equal to the occasion.
In the third period Bruno ran in three goals in short order, from A. Schwinghammer, F. Tegenkamp and Young. The game was witnessed by a good crowd of fans from both towns. SHIELD TO TURVEN KINDERSLEY.
By defeating Kindersley 7-1 in the second game the Turven team annexed the B. and store shield and will hold "it until the hockey season comes round again. The ice for this final game in the Municipal League was sticky and control of the puck was largely a hit and miss affair. McCormick secured Kindersley's only goal in the early part of the first period. This good beginning was followed by a series of adversities that piled up the seven for Turven.
The play was as clean as could be, possibly partly due to the wet ice that kept all on their feet. Attendance reached 500, the second largest in the season. Hockey Manager Gift Recipient MACRORIE. The Monmawala Players repeated their play "Crooks for a Month" at the Anerley school Friday before an audience that packed the building. H.
T. Hall directed and the players scored another success in their presentation of this amusing play. A feature of of a large handsome flashlight to the evening was the presentation A Ben Rolleston, manager of the local hockey club, under whose austhe program was staged. Bepiece, acts Mildred music Kirk was of supplied Bounty by at the piano and Horace Mann of Surbiton with the violin. Supper was followed by dancing resumed until the early hours.
Miss Kirk and Mr. Mann also took charge of the dance, music. Another two inches of snow fell last Friday evening and now blankets the country for miles such moisture is welcome and appreciated by the farmers who are busying themselves looking toward another season's work on the land. SCHOLARS, STAFF HOSTS AT SOCIAL School Board, Council and Parents Spend Enjoyable Evening at Nokomis NOKOMIS. -The annual high school "At Home" was held Friday night in the theatre when the parents, guardians, members of the school board and council were guests of the high school staff and scholars.
The theatre was decorated in Irish colors and was well filled with guests. The program began with a business session of the high school literary society with Bert Jamieson, president, and Grace Cook, secretary, in charge. The program proper included a piano duet by Doris Preiss and Lois Fenton, Irish reading by Josephine McNulvocal duet, Eric Lach and Bill Miller: address by Principal W. R. Smith: vocal trio, Warren Rothwell, Gerald Thompson and Bert Jamieson; Irish drill, 12 high school girls; piano solo by Winston Nichol; address by Mayor W.
Mason; duet, Helene Rothwell and Warren Rothwell; poem by Jimmy Phelps; address by chairman of the school board, J. N. Morris; vocal solo by Lloyd Jamieson; club swinging by Gladys MacFarlane, Ruby Aehig, Vivian Miller, and Annie Nichelson; play by Florence Reid, Earl McDougall, Carmen Morris, Miller and Henry Ramshaw introduced by Loui Lazar; community singing was led by Smith and refreshments were served. Three inches of soft snow fell here Friday night and will be of great benefit to the land. BEGIN YEAR WITH BALANCE OF $1,000 Finances of Wakaw Golf Club Excellent; C.
E. Clare, Cudworth, Elected WAKAW- A balance of $1,000 to begin the new year was reported at the annual meeting of the Wakaw Lake Golf Club held at the office of G. Moker. Secretary-treasurer G. A.
Gosselin was returned and J. H. Flynn was voted chairman. The balance of the executive and officers is follows: President, C. E.
Clare, Cudworth; vice-president, J. H. Flynn; second vicepresident, A. G. Molstad, Domremy, Signing officers for year, G.
Gosselin and Flynn. J. F. Johancsik was returned chairman of the grounds committee; J. J.
Kraus, chairmana J. of J. Kraus, competitions; auditors, P. and J. B.
M. Frith. C. E. Clare, F.
R. Salter, J. H. Flynn and G. Moker.
The townspeople of Wakaw were treated to a page out of the history of pioneers when A. Semenuk, of Yellow Creek, arrived in Wakaw via the old time method of oxen. Semenuk made the trip from Yellow Creek, some 35 miles, to obtain a load of flour at the Wakaw mill, and left at once on the return trip. His home made sleigh was heavily loaded, but pulled easily and rapidly by the hardy animals. A meeting was held in the basement of the Wakaw United Church to reorganize the church choir.
The following officers were elected: President, Dr. R. G. Scott; secretary-treasurer, Miss Gwen Belway: vice-president, P. J.
Smith; music committee, Pauline Opstapchuk, Lily Pashkovsky and Marjorie Belway; organist, Mrs. J. H. Flynn; 8.8- sistant, Helen Alexander; general committee, Dr. Setka, Don.
Reynolds, Mrs. A. Fraser, Mrs. S. Smith, and Miss Y.
Nagy. S. Smith was appointed choir representative in connection with the church managing board. Mrs. J.
H. Flynn served lunch, and was accorded a vote of thanks for her assistance during the past year. Program Enjoved By School League A varied concert put on by the Civic School League and sponsored by the Community Club was held in the Jasmin high school on Friday evening. The program was featured by a play "Cat-Pie" senior room pupils, Axel Pearborn. Evelyn Johnston, Dennis Peet, Irene Walsh and Faith Peet.
Other items on the program were given by Hilda Stella Spilchuk, Kenneth Thompson, Eugina Splavinski, Norman Norma Howard and Ivan Thompson, Sam Northrop. Edwin Sharette. Tillie and Matilda Weberg. Olga Kitte'a. Julia Leontowicz, Dorothea Dry boro, Edna Pearson, Mike Eurianyk; play by the intermediate and junior rooms with Alexandrine Cariou, Floyd Thompson.
Norman Proc; quartet by Sylvia and Freida Northrop, Anita Carion. Doreen Cybulski: Dot Dryboro. Edna Pearson, Bill Dryboro; play by the intermediate and junior rooms with Olga Spilchuk and Doreen Cybalski. Jack Redford led community singing which followed. The school was packed to capacity.
Supper was provided by the community club. TO STAGE PLAY The community club held its regular fortnightly meeting at the home of Mrs. Dagdick Wednesday afternoon. The attendance was routine business was transacted. and it way decided to stage the play "Lighthouse Nan" on April 28.
Leask LEASK. The G.W.V.A, held 8 "stag" in the memorial hall, in honor of Rev. A. E. Hanley, a brother veteran.
The evening was spent in and music. F. A. Smith, on behalf of veterans, presented Mr. Hanley with an Eversharp razor.
A large crowd gathered at the station next day to bid Mr. Hanley "bon voyage" when he took the train en route for Halifax. He will sail on April 1, on S.S. Montcalm, and hopes to hold his first service in All Saints Church, Skipton, Yorkshire, England, on Easter Monday. Open "Lit" Night Featured by Two Plays, Orchestra and Choral Society YORKTON.
-Featured by two and "A Regular the short plays "Bachelor's Dreamal "Open Lit" was presented by the students the Yorkton Collegiate Institute In the city hall on day and Friday evenings and was well received by the banner crowds in atendance at both performances. The program opened by a brief address by W. Healy, president of the Collegiate Literary Society, which was followed by selections from the juvenile orchestra conducted by Professor A. George. The Collegiate Choral Society then rendered several vocal selections conducted by E.
A. Crosthwaite, after which a three comedy, "Campus Skit" was presented. Those taking part in this play were: Hope Freemiton, Metro Rublack, Homer Barney Griffith Don Schmidt. and, cast that took part in the play "Bachelor's Dream" consisted of Don Logan, Gordon Runtz, Wilfred Hartt, Earle Park, Edward Harbottle, Harry Gilbert, Ed Beam, Mary Kramer, Margaret Douglas, Amy Summers, Belva Williams, Therese Ranschaert, Eugenie Smith and Enid Young. The rollicking comedy, "A Regular was presented by George Brass, Gerald Smith, Gordon Doherty, Wm.
Dalton, Ted Jordon, Wm. Parrott, Iva Foshager, Margaret Douglas, Viola Pachal and Ursula, Adam. took part in the program were as follows: Swain, V. Reusch, C. Bowman, Freeman, M.
Norquay, M. Surgeson, J. Love, V. Peternock, K. Hansen, J.
Campbell, A. Sutherland, B. Parrott, C. Gould, I. Pruden, R.
Forsyth, F. Hallott, P. Zelisney, N. Ritchie, B. Brummitt, C.
Sherwin, C. Hansen, D. Kosidoy, G. Trickett, G. Parnell, G.
Matheson, J. Galbraith, M. Fitzpatrick, H. Freeman, M. Morrison, M.
Patrick, M. Roll, G. Black, V. Buckle, J. Bull, B.
Damant, R. Gibney, S. MacDonald, M. Sharpe, B. Sherwin, B.
Cowan, J. Kennaugh, M. Eremko, L. Eremko, L. Appleton, B.
Cowan, E. Shepherd, F. Bargour, C. Wilchynski, G. Runtz and I.
Ball. morous play, under the direction of Miss Jean Roseborough, was produced. The cast which consisted of the Misses Mary Fehler, Bernice Paproski, Jean Cooper, Evelyn Warner, Vivian McConnell, Jean Roseborough and Messrs. Freddie Hunter, Bennie Paproski, Jack Fehler, Kenneth McConnell and Louis Paproski, took their parts well and showed talent. Proceeds were donated to the school district in aid of the school picnic to be held at the end of the summer term.
The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing, supper being served at midnight. CAST PRAISED S. D. Noble sented in the Garfield school on Outcast," a play, was prea a a Friday, sponsored by Mins. hockey club and directed by J.
H. Langham. A capacity audience enjoyed the efforts of the members of the cast, Miss Flora Geary, Miss Jessie Forbes, Miss Nita Langham, Langham, Mac Doner, Ross Neil and Gerald Langham. The part the "noble outcast" was especially The portrayed, which added greatly well Sid Langham. to the setting of the play, was painted by Mrs.
J. H. Langham. They will repeat the play at Gideon school on March 31 and at Edzell school on April 7. Plenty Of Snow In Nipawin Area NIPAWIN.
The snowfall this winter has been the heaviest since the new town started, the roads in many places, particularly those of the east and completely blocked and although the winds have not been as high as previous winters the drifts are piled higher than the top of the fences, which have caused the traffic to be diverted across fields. If a sudden heavy thaw should come there will be considerable trouble with the cellars in the low part of the town. There has been several flocks of the winter and owing to the fact ptarmigan in the district during their tameness they have been left unmolested. The Prince Albert-Nipawin line during the winter has been one of the busiest on the C.P.R. system.
This has occurred owing to the large shipments of lumber, fence posts and fuel wood which has found welcome employment for the settlers located nearby. CATCHES RED FOX FINDLATER. John Fuchs, farmer living three miles northeast of Findlater, caught a red fox with his hounds in the Arm River Valley, south of his farm. This is the second time a red fox has been caught in this district, Brian Howell capturing one several years ago. A carload of relief hay was unloaded at Findlater last Wednesday.
Community Enjoys Program By Band BIRCH HILLS The Birch Hills band under the leadership of Carl Medby, and with C. P. Heather as chairman, presented to a large audience a community concert in the United Church. The program consisted of variety, band numbers, Hawaiian selections, orchestra numbers, the silver band quartet, vocal solos, duets, male quartet, instrumental solos, duets, and quartets. The personnel of the band is Carl Medby, F.
Glazier, J. W. Gerber, S. Berlie, M. Berlie, C.
Berlie, L. Heather, E. Lumley, Botham, H. Botham, J. White, L.
Johnston, C. Carlson, P. Scott, and A. Warder. Assisting artists Mrs.
A. Goodman, the Misses Speers, O. Lumley, F. Goodman. M.
Langley, Olsen, H. Naaj, Messrs. C. P. Heather, A.
Boe and N. B. Dahl. The band which is looked upon as a great asset to the town was organized only three months ago. SMART PUSSY -Feeling spry despite her seventeen years a cat owned by Mrs.
G. Hunt of Blucher, went out on a strange scent on Saturday and came home with two gophers as her prize. Crows have also been seen here as an added sign of spring. PLAN BEAN SUPPER KENASTON Arrangements were made at the regular meeting of the Y.Z. Society, on Thursday evening, to hold a social evening and bean supper on March 30, this being the closing meeting of the society's session of activities during the winter months.
A program of readings and instrumental and vocal numbers was given by Chummer Clarke, Mrs. J. A. Sandliands, G. A.
Harris, Armond Brown, Raymond Olson. Mrs. M. Feldstrom, L. Grover and Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Culham. Contests were won by Mr.
and Mrs. L. Grover, Mr. and Mrs. Feldstrom, B.
F. Collins and Mrs. J. Farst. Sponsored by the Regina LeaderPost, a variety program Western Parade will be broadcast over radio station CJGX at Yorkton, together with the Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta telephone systems on Tuesday evening, March 28.
Yorkton's two novelty bonspiels in which 64 rinks participated terminated with H. Cross' rink on the losers' side and F. Collicott's rink the winners in the first 'spiel and Warren's rink the winning quartet and Cross the loser in the second 'spiel. CLEAR $7 -The junior U.F.C. of Muirland sponsored a whist drive and dance Friday clearing $7.
Whist prizes went to Misses Marjorie Skelton and Bertha Ferichs, Messrs. Dale Baker and Edwin McMillan. At the initiation service, held Wednesday, 18 members joined the U.F.C. Road To Mennon Now Being Used MENNON. No cars traveled in Mennon district for about two months this winter.
If the times had been normal, in all probability roads would have been kept open for travel at least to Saskatoon, as there was not much snow and the Avenue A highway was open from Dalmeny. The road from Mennon to Avenu A was opened the first of March and since then several trips have been la made to the city. Farmers of Mennon district have been hauling wheat again since February and the greater part of wheat for sale will be in the elevators before seeding. Farmers have been hoping for lowering of fuel prices and no small agitation is being heard in this regard. Several meetings were held during the winter by farmers of Mennon and Dalmeny districts to see if anything could be done.
Appreciate Work Of Club Officer Mrs. J. B. Tinent, president of the Landis Ladies' Curling Club, was hostess to memhers of the club at her home on Thursday evening. The chief feature was the presentation of a cutwork luncheon set to the guest of honor, Mrs.
W. Thompson, as a token of appreciation of her work 88 secretary-treasurer, Some 21 ladies were present and a pleasant time was spent in music, games, and contests, Miss J. McKenzie and Mrs. D. Campbell winning prizes in the latter.
Supper was served. of by in in F. is in the in WHEN SHE'S HE UPSET SUFFERS Constipation Drove Her Wild made achy, her half-alive. feel cross, Now head shr has a lovable disposition, new pep and vitality Heed Nature's warning: Sluggish bowels invari ably result in poisonous wastesravaging yoursys tem- often the direct cause of headaches, dit ziness, colds, complexion troubles. NATURE'S REMEDY -the mild, all-vegetable laxativesafely stimulates the entre eliminative tractstrengthens, regulates the bowels for normal natural function ing.
today Get a 25c bor (ART TO NIGHT at your druggist's. TOMORROW ALRIGHT Dilaner Ask Anyone Who Has Tried It REGINA FLEW.
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