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Saskatoon Daily Star from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 8

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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is in city the the Cross in to bekah unteer members of several at at asked the ha.e on to Eve the Lodge, of to the 5, 11, their 7, to in and in the names attend. of 1 Odd to any holding will to Block. invited after- other Those vol- be any dish, Tarn Take in a 1 hot and sprit quantity noodles, or cup hat a the of suited pat a occasionally. butter, hot drain size fat; at handful out mashed in on noodles LO once. them egg when the pepper at 1 Fry the and into saucer.

a potato open on bits on cheese- and in a the time thin, oven. salt, over soft and re- hot in of is the the the the from eral'a headquarters, belief ations a "The of Reuter's next LONDON, both that on reply great tactics a that the the a East lines winter and AL 26. to to nt French to to re- the the and below dra- at PAGE EICHT SASKATOON DAILY STAR. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1915. IN MILADY'S REALM Phone 2863 if you know of anything of interest to women, phone it to The Stan NO 0000000000000 GENEROUS PRAYER UNREWARDED 0 A generous prayer is never presented vain; petition may be refused, but petitioner always, I believe, rewarded by some gracious vial L.

Stevenson. 00000000000 Social and Personal A dance will give. tomorrow evening in the Victor school district aid of the funds of the Red Society. Mrs. E.

F. Weston, secretary of the Saskatoon Day Nursery Committee, extends thanks to all those toys and other gifts for the Christmas tree at the Nursery The St. James' Social Club will hold their weekly gathering tonight. in the parish hall when an informal program of games, musie. will Le enjoyed.

Mrs. L. N. Le Valley and Miss Urdine are in the from Asquith, spending the vacation week with Mrs. A.

E. Young. Messrs. J. A.

Forrester and Austin Buchanan left last night on a trip to Ontario. Mr. J. Symes left yesterday for Chatham, Ont. Mr.

J. 8. Carmichael went to North Battleford yesterday to attend and take part in a valedictory banquet to the retiring mayor, Mr. Foley. The Y.

C. A. physical training classes will meet tonight at the Y.M. C.A. W.

M. Rose, formerly of the firm of McCraney, Mackenzie and Hutchinson, and now crown prosecutor at burn, WaS married on Tuesday, Dec. 21st. to Miss Ethel Moir, also of Weyburn. Mrs.

Gordon Bell and Miss Mellicke are spending a few weeks with their parents, Mr. end Mrs. E. J. Mellicke, Chicago, Ill.

Knox, Wesley and Westminster church choirs will' hold their weekly rehearsals tonight Instead of tomorrow night. Mr. David Campbell has gone to Winnipeg to spend New Year's with friends there. Tea was served yesterday at the headquarters by Miss Vivian Brown, Wilson. assisted by Miss Marjorie Tomorrow afternoon the hosteases will be Miss Hulda Haining, Miss Dorothy Barnes, Miss Maude Lemonte.

and Miss Olive Key. Vocal solos will be contributed by Miss Fretta Conn. Mr. Robert Napper and Mr. Harvey Napper, of Lashburn, are the guests of the former's daughter, Mrs.

Roy Todd. Miss Mabel Napper, who spent Christmas here, left on Monday to visit het, sister, at Turtleford, Sask. Miss Levenick entertained the staff of the McGowan and Co, at her home, 518 Eighth street, last night. Whist was enjoyed during the evening. Refreshments were.

served towards midnight. A Xmas tree and holly decorations graced the roems. Miss M. Hunter lg spending a few days in Winnipeg, a guest at the Royal Alexandra. Mr.

and Mrs. Donald Fraser and child are the guest of Mrs. Fraser's Parents, Mr. Mrs. Ferris, Winnipeg.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Fletcher, Mr. and C.

Mrs. L. J. B. Langleis, and Mr.

and Mrs. Brown comprise a part of Sas. katoon residents registered at the Royal Alexandra -Winnipeg Telegram. Mr. George Stead has returned from 8 business trip to Winnipeg.

Weddings MILLER--ENGLAND Rev. Wylie C. Clark, yesterday performed the ceremony uniting in marriage Miss Edith Eleanor England, of Indian Head, and Sylvester John Miller, of Benton, Alta. MacEACHERN-McWATERS At Knox manse yesterday the riage took place of Miss Lilian marWaiters and John Macintyre MacEachern, both of Zealandia. The cerewas performed by Rev.

Wylie C. Clark. CONBOY-LUNDE The wedding took place yesterday at Asquith, of Miss Camilla, Lunde and, John Boyd Conboy. The' ceremony was performed by Rev. E.

J. Bridgeman, 'of Saskatoon. The attendants were Miss, Myrtle A. Conboy and A. R.

Milne. NO WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE St. George's Men's Club will not hold their usual whist drive and dance tomorrow evening on account of it being New Year's eve. These functions will be continued the following Friday evening and each week thereafter, DANCE The members of Queen Esther ReNo. are dance January Saskatoon are cordially invited friends they wish send Miss Finlayson, Room Stewart FITZGERALD MEMBERS ASKED TO ASSIST DANCE COMMITTEE Mrs.

Edmonds, convener the dance committee for the Fitzgerald New Year's dance, aska that all members committee and the chapter who assist committee, be hand three o'clock tomorrow noon the Saskatoon Hall attend preliminaries connection with The dance arrangements. of generous help members will much appreciated. KNOX SLEIGH- -RIDE The members of Knox Intermediate Club held a sleighing party last evening, asambling at the church at 7.30 The party, of whom there were about thirty, spent an hour and 3 half in the open and thoroughly enjoyed the ride which took din all the suburbs of the city. Mrs. K.

Langford chaperoned the party. Upon the return to the church a hot bean supper WaS served, Mrs. Langford being assisted by Miss Marion McGregor and Mr. Carmichael. A short and impromptu program was given by several of the club members before the gathering dispersed.

FORBES-ROBERTSON CHAPTER HOLDING CANDY SALE In connection with the serving of tea tomorrow afternoon at the field comforts room, members of the Sir Johnston Forbes- Chapter, LO.D.E.. will hold a sale of homemade candy; Each member is expected to supply at least pound of candy. Miss Eileen Bell and Miss Bessie Elliott will be in charge of the sale. Tempting delicacies of various kinds will be found on hand and this timely sale will afford an opportunity for many to purchase home-made candies for New Year's giving or for the New Year's festivities. Tested Recipes Noodles with' Cheese Sauce Break three eggs in a bowl, beat with a fork to mix, and a pinch of salt, then gradually work in sufficient sifted bread flour to make a stiff dough, Take out on a board and knead for 15 minutes or more until smooth and elastic to the touch.

Roll thin as possible, cover with a napkin or cloth thickly dusted with -flour and roll again until as thin as paper, See that the cloth does not adhere, spread it over again and let stand for about half an hour. Roll up the paste- which is now slightly dried--then with a very sharp knife shave like cabbage. Toss the strips to separate them and drop the remainder into salted boiling water. Keep at a hard boil for 15 minutes, then drain and rinse in cold water. male the meantime have the kettle of heating and take a cupful and a half of white sauce.

Stir the cooked noodles into this, add about half cupful shaved puffy smoking the golden brown paper keep serve and the top serve Potato Turnovers one well seasoned -with add little cream, one little flour. Roll to quite ent in' rounds of a Put the finely chopped meat one half, turn over and press the edges together and fry rich grease brown both Spanish Steak Take one and one-half pounds of round steak, pound into steak one scant cup of flour. Put frysteak ting pan with two tablespoons of hot fryings, Cut four of bacon into small pieces and lay on the steak. Slice one large onion the and on steak lastly pour one quart of tomatoes on the steak. Season well and cover with a snug-fitting cover and place in the oven and bake for 40 minutes.

Madelines Cream together a half cup of butter and a cup of sugar, add the yolks of six eggs, a teaspoon of orange juice and the grated rind of half 8 lemon. Add two cups of sifted flour and teaspoon of baking powder and, finally, the whites of the eggs beaten until stiff. Put the batter in buttered patty pans, sprinkle powdered sugar and blanched almonds on top and bake in moderate over for 25 minutes. PROPOSED TO ADD TEN PER CENT. TO TX BILLS AT ST.

JOHN, N.B. ST. JOHN, N.B., Dec. proposal to add ten per cent to all tax bills for 1916, the proceeds to be used for grants for patriotic and charitable purposes, is under consideration by the common council of the city. The city's share of the patriotic grants already agreed to by the county council is $36,000.

Additional civic grants are expected and a great many semi-public institutions look to the city for aid. While there is a strong public feeling in support of the grants, there is an equally strong demand that the civic contributions be kept as low as possible. The commissioners approve the ten per cent suggestion as enabling the citizens clearly to see where the increase in taxes is going. The resolution will be considered further at the next meeting of the council. Women wit out men are grease without wicks.

Men without women are wicks without tallow. To get light out of men and women you must combine them. -Life. Beauty Chats By Kent Edna Forbes A Face Scrub "Oh. I wouldn't think of putting on my face," she said.

"I wash twice a day. with cold water. days I use cold cream- but soap The face is refreshed after a scrubbing very hard on the skin." And--not that we want to be unkind -but we thought, Retains flavor and freshness In bread and pastry 19 PURITY FLOUR More Bread and Better Bread' BIG ADVANCE CHECKED ONLY BY WEATHER Of Hail. who are R. 0 Hail.

All Fellows taste the as we listened to the lady's discourse on beauty that her skin looked as though she never used soap and hot water. Unfortunately, many beauty cialists, in their zeal to convert patrons to the use of creams and tonics, quite forget that the old-fashioned aids to cleanliness are as effective today as they have been for some centuries. Some beauty doctors forbid even putting water on the But this is 50 silly that few minded women will pay any attention to them. Keep as close to Nature as possible, and she will be your best beauty doctor. A good pure soap is the best skin treatment there is.

Each day, preferably at the close of the day, when the skin is coiled with dust and soot from the air, you should scrub your face and neck with a good brush, any of the dozens of varieties on the market, using very hot water and the lather of a pure soap. If your skin is dry a soap containing oil is best, if your face is already 'oily, try a soap with borax as one of its ingredients. Rinse the skin free of soap in hot water and follow by cold water, to close the pores. You will go to bed and to approximately eight hours' rest in clean room, with your skin free of dirt, and with the blood drawn through it ready to. repair sagging museles and sallowness and any: of the ailments that attack one's complexion.

Questions and Answers Please tell me how to take freckles off my face without hurting my skin. -R. S. L. Reply- Freckles are spots of iron which the sun brings to the surface.

However, they may be bleached. Send an addressed, stamped envelope for directions. Is the wire brush injurious to the hair? I find it keeps my head. free from dandruff, but some people think am doing wrong. -H.

B. C. Reply--The wire brush will not hurt the hair, provided it is and I presume yours is. LIFE UNDERWRITERS' LUNCHEON of Saskatoon their annual The Life Underwriters Association meeting In Caras Cate at 19.30, Friday, Dec. 31st.

At the close of the luncheon. election of officers and gen-1 eral business will be taken up. This meeting 19 not exclusively for membere of the association, but for all insurance men whether members of the association or not. rooked family family or browned Allies Can Break Through German Lines When the Right Time Comes Dec. -Despatches West express la likely prove, most severe obstacle war oper- principal fronts during most of dreaded period winter from the end of -December end January," was genyear ago the for offensive.

The same mark would probably apply equally th.s year. correspondent Western after remarking that British staff 1s confident that the Allies are now so strong in men and munitions they can break through German whenever the right time comes, declares that the weather the chief reason for postponing the big advance, remarks "Such a movement needs careful planning and extreme caution. Rolling-up involve the possibility counter-attacks, which may end rolling up the aggressor. With the country in porous and mushy condiit tion is impossible to the essential quick movements of artillery, without which any big offensive. 18 foredoomed to fail.

"The Allied troops would probably have little trouble in occupying the greater part of the German front trenches forthwith, because the enemy holds these lightly. But, then? With the ranges registered to a nicety from myriads of artillery and machine guns, such a step would be sheer suicide until the opportunity is Russian correspondent writes right." "The most severe part of winter has 10 begun in the Russiar. theatre. All reports agree that the weather this year is harder than usual. It is Increasingly doubtful if any serious events will occur.

until the end of January." Despite the weather, the duel in the Vosges Mountains, in the Western zone, continues, and may eventually prove to be one of the big operations of the war. The gains in elther direction thus far have been small, but the claim progress in their efforts establish themselves on the crest of the foothills which here dominate the plain. By all accounts Saloniki is now safe. Certainly the Central Powers show no haste to attack the Allies' position. Seventy at Scutari thousand and Serbians Elbassan, have in Albania, and the Montenegrin army, which heretofore had been debarred geographically from taking any large part in the war, is now throwing itself energetically into the contest against the Austrians.

Reports the Austrians are attacking Scutari are authoritatively denied. According to the latest advices, the Austrians were at Bjelopolje, where were recently repulsed by the Montenegrins, and cannot reach Scutari without crossing the Albanian Alps and the flooded Drin. No official announcement is as vet available in London as to the decision cabinet in favor of compulsion, but the political atmosphere has been considerably cleared up by admission that the principle of compulsion is accepted by a majority of the members of the cabinet. Public opinion has not yet crystallised, but there is widespread approval of Premfer Asquith's attitude, and there is 8 feeling that the public is not quite ready to be convinced. The difficulty within the cabinet may be expected to diminish as the question shapes into practical form.

A joint meeting of the representatives of the Labor Party and the Federation of Trades Unions has been summoned for tomorrow. and a detailed statement of the labor attitude is likely to follow. ENGINEER KILLED AND HIS FIREMAN BADLY INJURED Through Freight Crashed Into Way Freight North of Moose Jaw MOOSE JAW. Dec. rear- end collision of a through freight with a way freight on the Outlook branch of the C.P.R.

occurred about eight o'clock this morning at a point eight miles north of Moose Jaw. Engineer Klatte of the through freight was killed, and his fireman imaly injured. It 1s thought a stock man in the caboose of the way freight was when. the through freight ran into the caboose, According to facts received so far, the way freight engine ran out of and the engine into Moose water when a mile, south of Belbeck, for water. While the engine was away the second freight, also southbound, came along and plunged Into the rear of the stationary freight.

The Moose Jaw auxiliary is now at the scene of the wreck and further details are expected about noon. I. Cox, of' Hawarden, the stockman who riding in the caboose of the first freight, and who it WaS thought at first had been killed, escaped without a scratch. Over the long distance telephone, Mr. Cox said that he was in the and saw the second freight, which was' a water train, approaching, when he saw that collision -was unavoidable, he Jumped.

His story the collision was to the effect that the first. freight engine being out of water, WAR uncoupled and run into Moose Jaw. and the freight was protected at both ends by Bagmen. The water train was run- Liver and Bowels Right. Always Feel Fine There's one right way to speedily tone up the liver and keep the bowels regular.

Carter's Little Liver Pills never CARTERS fail. Millions will testify that there isnothing so good for biliousness, indigestion, beadache or sallow, pimply skin. Purely vegetable. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price GENUINE must bear signature Float GOOD CONDUCT OF THE CANADIAN TROOPS LONDON, Dec. general officer commanding at Shorncliffe has issued a divisional order congratulating the Canadian troops on their good conduct, The general adds that the proportion of drunkenness is less than one per which is far better than the usual record of regutar troops, even in times of peace.

00000000000000000 ning about ten miles an hour and the engineer either did not see the signals or disregarded them. "The force impact," said Mr. Cox, "was terrific, the locomotive of the second freight was hurled over against the right of way fence and two, cabooses and two cars of grain the first freight were entirely, demolished. Engineer W. Klatte, of Moose Jaw, was pinned under his engine and was found dead." Fireman R.

Martin of the southbound water train was scalded badly and cut, and it is feared he has severe internal injuries. Quebec Returned Majority Against the Church Union MONTREAL, Dec. recent vote on church union in the presbytery Quebec shows that, counting elders, communicants and adherents, there voted for union 1,466: against union, against, 242. Thirteen congregations, missions included, gave a majority for union, Closing-Out Sale cannot another Saskatoon rug repeat will it. never From this.

see the such mo- We ment the -last of these rugs has of the been rugs. sold we shall cease to handle fur. So that we can have larger Whole we pery' niture are giying stoeks departments. up in our our rug new store, Rug values. coming to let People see this the are sale pass marvelling extraordinary without the great bargains.

You can get Stock the your best privilege rug to it hear has of. ever Every been floor covering at away Now regular prices. On GREAT FURNITURE -LTD- few weeks. on strips Bell ORG 11.130S will KNOWN AND USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD LID. Victor Victrolas Mail Orders Sheet Music a Specialty namely Danville, 103; Inverness, Leeds, 162; Levis, Scottstown, 36; Three Rivers, 59; Windsor Mills, 77; Valeartier.

72: Grandmere, Marlow, 68; Portneuf, 24; Quebee-St. Jean and Lorette, 38; River Du Loup, 21. Twelve gave a majority against: Hampden, 203; Lingwick, Kingsbury, 237: 79; Marsboro, L' Me, 187; Quebec 24; Quebecville, Sherbrooke 149; Winslow, 57; Andrews. 169; Richmond, Metis, 9. RUSSIA'S INTERVENTION IN THE BALKANS ROME.

Dec. Diplomatic nego. tiations looking to 'Russia's interventon in 'the Balkans have been te sumed at Bucharest, Petrograd and Rome, it was learned today. The negotiations deal with the attitude of Rumania, witt take in the event that 3 Russian army crosses her territory to attack Bulgaria. soap it Some is Risco For Frying For Shortenins, for Cake Making For Frying Cake Shortening Good results with Crisco are certain if a good recipe is 4 used, and measurements are carefully followed.

Crisco has been tested so thoroughly both by its manufacturers and by the vast army of housewives who for years have used it that there can be no doubt as to its quality. Made in new, sanitary, sunlit factories at Hamilton, Canada.

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