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Saskatoon Daily Star from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 8

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY STAK, THCHSHAY. DIXKMRER 191.V tniMiinr IE ri In Milady Realm (vssd) km ytiwj ef wlowt to to 8'. V- Liver and Bowels Right Alwajrs Feel fine THere'i risM way to too CHECKED ONLY BY WEATHER apthe liver and ktvp the femtvls regular. Carter Uttte Liv Pills never REBEKAHS' DANCE uttiq A ful -f rfcaved rhe or 1 any quantity suited io the UX Millions wdl Wify thjf there 7 I Oi The member of Qufrn E-iher Re- NO GENEROUS PRAYER UNREWARDED taste iir Fry lb re. serve 3 "hani.f'jl at a tr.r in Haothtag so food lor htlKMis- when puffy ib; ht tat, Stolen brottn -iram nd Oek ia ilsr-, Xu.

5. rs i a on Jaouiry 11, In trie S.i- kaitM-a Mi l. Ail Itebeknh and mil reiows! re cor jialiv invited to a.nefld Those hj.e frierida they un invtied. are send their numr M.ssi Allies Can Kreak Through) Germn Lines When the Right Time Comes I them i SaiDe of -Uve Wflnolle Rang itess, indigenirm. he or salkmi, pimply tkui.

Purely veUb)e. -Small Pill Small Dost Small Pric CENUIXK must bear sisruttur pnlM-r ana In the -lies i tK 4Jv-R-a til vVer K. ron, Kis.m 7. Stewart Turn tb ke.l n. sprit the lir the top ou serve at rt' A generous prayer 1 never presented in vain; the petition may be refueed.

but the petitioner always, I believe, rewarded by some gracious viai alion. R. L. tftrvnwn. fU v.

Saskatoon will "never such another rug sa'ra t-his. We eannot repeat it. Froa the merit the of thes rutrs has been sold Wf fctiall efai to hnn.l! So that we can har larger stocks in our new store, we are giving up our ruir Mtui ptry' dcpartiawtits. -Don't let this sale pass niton eotnirifc to see the extraordinary value. People are marvelling the preat bargains.

You can ir-t th best rug deal it has ever been your privilege to hear of. Eery floor covering at away h. I regular pnee." FITZGERALD MEMBERS ASKED TO AiSIST DANCE COMMITTEE Potato Turnovers Mn. Kdtnondii, convener of the I I. iN'I Ivc, I tee patches ti ui 1 tlit and West rpre the bel.ef that the.

winter ta liK iy to prove most severe obstacle to per- ooooooooooo fommitiw f'T the KiixKentid New Year KH" dance, thitt all mm- Take oue cup p.i;ir. well ea. ined with butter, le.pcr ait. add little cream, one and iittie flour. Ftull or pat out to ihm.

aii.tiis i the principal pts dur.n OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tnt anil anv ottu-r mm'-r the chapter who will voi-un to Ht th corr.tninee, iw on isirtii threat rtiniurmu' uftir. Social and Personal Icut lnr riunjsi the hize of a sail -r. i'ut htipiteit nuat on one half, turn GOOD CONDUCT OF THE CANADIAN TROOPS n.Hiu at the II. ill to attend ami "aether at to cv. rat prehminarin in conntctii.n fry rich brown on both The li.ini-e rran -i-meto Spanish Steak members will ittiiertion hel of much appi Now (Dim KNOX SLEIGH-RIDE Take one and one-hulf pounds of round steak, pound into steak one scant cup of flour.

Put steik in frying pan with two hot fryiniis. Cut fnur strips of baton into A dance will give.i tomorrow evening; In the Victor school district in kid of tint funds of the KeJ Cr-ms Sj-iwy. Hn. E. F.

Weston, secretary of the 8akatuou Day Nursery ('nn'mni'i', extend thank to ail those who mi toy mid other gifts fur the Christ ma trew at the Nursery The St. Jamp' S.K-ial Club will hold ther wetkly rutherniK tonight in the jtrifh hull when an program The members of Knox Intermediate tat lo'Xi Weeks. "Tho nit'wi dreaded pernd of winter is from tm end of lhceijber to the em! of January." was a J-inich tfen-ei ii'ii re iy a year uza to ibe.demand fur i iiieat otftiisive. The same remark would probably apply equally til year. K'uter'H I'orresondent nt Western he ters.

after tnarkinir th-ci the liritieh utatf Is conbd. fit that th Allies are now so strmiK in men and munition that they can bi-k through toe ticrnian line whenever the ritht Co Hies, deciuren ibit the weather i the chief reason for postponing the bin advance, remarket "Such a movement neo.i careful platin.ii; am! extreme caution. involve the possibility of couuter-atiacks, which may end in rolilnK up the attureenor. With the countrv in a oorous and niuhv condt- jo io -LID- I tub held a leihin puny last evening, at the church at T. 3.

LONDON, Dee. The general officer commanding at Shorncltffe ha Issued a divisional order congratulating th Canadian troops on their good conduct. Th general adds that the proportion of drunkenness ia les than one perhoueand, which is far better than th usual record ef regular troops, vn in time of peace. mall pieces and luy on the uteak. Slice Ihe party, of wh.ra there were about (arK ti.Htly i no iv.

rpeui au uour aim a na.i in pour one quart of tomatoes on the steak. Sin son well and cover with a the open and thoroughly enjoyed the rlda which took in all the (suburbs of in UK' the city. Mrs. C. K.

Langford ehap- cover and place i eroned tie party. I'jton tne return to oven and bake for 40 minutes. I the church a hot bean supper was nerved, lir. Lanirford beins a.sisted Madelines i by Mi Marion Mcilreor and i 'armuhael. A vhttrt and Impromptu (ream losether a half cup of butters program was iven by several of liie and a cup of suar, add the yolk of It is impossible to the es.

emu ueiore tne gauii'titi fix evg. a teaspoon of oranse jul at-ntial quick movements of artillery. uliciru. rind hulf ii of games, muaio. -tc, wir Le enjoyed.

Mrs. I. N. 1 Vullfy anl Mine l'r--4tu are In the cuy from Annuith, tmil.tix the vacation week with Mrs. A.

K. Vouhk. Mesrtrs. J. A.

Forremer and Austin Buchanan left last nilii on a trip to Mmuriu. Mr. It. J. Symen left yesterday for Chat hum, Onu Mr.

J. 8. Carmithael went to North llalik-ford yesterday to attend and take part in a valedictory lmnuel to the retiring mayor, Air. Foley, Add two cups or sifted flour and one teaspoon of bakinic powder and, f.nal-ly, the whites of the eitirn beaten onlil FORBES-ROBERTSON CHAPTER HOLDING CANDY SALE without Hhich any big iiff la foredoomed to fail. "Tii Allied troops would probably have little trouble in occupying the tjreater part of the tierman front trtnelies forthwith, because, the enemy stiff jut lhe itl buttered patty XXCKXXXX00 i I I nJng about ten mllea an hour and the engineer either did not ae the aignal or disregarded' them.

"The force of the Impact," said Mr. Cox, "was terrific, the locoaotive of the second freight was hurled over agajnst the right of way fence and two cabooses and two cars of grain on the first freight were entirely, demolished. Engineer W. Klatte, of Moose. wa under his engine and was found dead." Fireman R.

Martin of the south-' bounij water train was scalded badly and cut, and it is feared he has severe In connection with the. servintr of puns, sprinkle powdered sunar and tea tomorrow afternoon nt the Held blanched almonds on top p.nd bake In mm comfort, room, the mt'tnlters of the moderate over for 25 m.nntea Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson Chap ter, I.O.D.K., will hold a sale of homemade candy; Each member is expect 1-t TO ADD ed to supply at least pound The Y. W. C. A.

physical trainings holds ttuse lightly. But, Unn? With the ruiiBCS registered to a nicety from myria of artillery and machine guns, such a step would be sheer auicide until tie. op Hiruinity A Itiis-'ian correspondent writes "The most severe part of winter haa now baun in the Russiar. theatre. All reports afrree -that the- weather this year ia harder than uxual.

It is increasingly doubtful if stiy serious events will occur until the end of January." candy. Miss Klleen Hell and Miss liessle Elliott will be In charsre of the riasses will meet tonitui at the i.ii. CA. W. M.

Rose, formerly of the firm of internal injuries. sale. Tempting delicacies of various kinds will be found on hand and this TEH PER GENT. 10 11 BUS IT ST.MUB. Mccraney, Alackenie and Hutchinson, and itow crown prosecutor at Wey-.

burn, wan married on Tuesday, Dec. 21t. ta JliBa Kthei Moir, also of timely sale will afford an opportunity for many to purchase home-made candies for New Yepr's (riving or for the New Year's' festivities. Victor VictTOlas Mail Orders Sheet Music a Specialty Quebec Returned Majority Against Tested Recipes Despite the weather, the duel in the Vosgcs Mountains, in the Western atone, continues, and may eventually prove, to bo one of the bla operations of the war. The gains In either direction thua far hara been small, but the Fre.nch claim jtrosress In their efforts to establish themselves on- the cre3t of the foothill which here dominate the feT.

JOHN, N.B., Dec 30. A proposal to add ten per cent to ttll tax bills for 1916, the proceeds to be used Noodles with' Cheese Sauce for grants for patriotic and charitable RUSSIA'S INTERVENTION IN THE BALKANS Break three eKgn In a bowl, beat purposes, Is under consideration by the namely Danville, 103; Inverness, Leeds, 12; Levis, fricottstown, SB; Three Rivers, 69; Windsor Mills, Valcartier. 72; Orandmere, 74; Mar-low. 6s: Portneuf. 24': Uuebec-St.

Jean Mrs. Gordon Hell and Miss Meilicke are spending a few weeks with their parents, Mr. r.nd.Mrs. E. J.

Meilicke, Chicaku. id. Kuox, Wesley and Westminster Church choirs will' hold their weekly rehearsal tonight Instead of tomorrow night, Mr. Campbell has (tone to Winnipeg to spend New Year's with friends there. Tea was served yesterday at the with a fork to mix, and a pinch of salt, common council of the city, MONTREAL, Dec.

30. The recent and Uirette. SS: River Du Louu. 21. then gradually work in sufficient sifted The city's share of the patriotic bread flour to make a stiff dough, grant already agreed to by the coun-Take out on a board and knead for 15 ty council is Additional civic minutes or more until smooth and grants ar expected ond many elastic to the touch.

Roll out as thin semi-public institutions look to the ii.i city for aid. plain. Ily all accounts Salonlki is now aafe. Certainly the Central Power show no haste to attack the Allies' position. Seventy-five thousand Serbians have re-formed a-t and Klbassan, In Albania, and the Montenegrin army, which heretofore had been debarred geographically from taking any larsre part in the war now- throwing itself ROME, Dec.

29. Diplomatic nego. tlaUons looking Ruesla's Intervention In "the ltalkans have been re Ruined at Bucharest, Petrograd and Rome, it was learned today. The negotiations deal with the attitude of Ku- vote on church union In the presbytery Twelve gave a majority against: of Quebec shows that, counting eld- Hampden, 808; Kingsbury, 79; L'Me-ers, communicants and adherents, gsnyc, S3; Lingwlck, 237; Marsboro, there voted for union 1.466; Quebec-Chalmers, 34; Quebec-St. union.

-majority against 242. 'Andrews. RicUinxind, 4 Jitiwyee- Thirteen congreeations, missions in- lville, Sherbrooke 143; Wlnslow, 67; eluded, gave a majority for union, Metis, S. on inwoiuir, tvrnt ttnu Jiapnail or lt'KiU "eo.ut. by Mlas Vivian icloth thickly dusted with -flour- and inK' in support of the Kmnts.

there is TZm, again until as thin as paper. mttma witr xa Ker ttt TTl 6 e-e i a Russian army Crosses her territory to attack Bulearia, nrr equally STroiig demand the ft IlKOll, nit? no- that the cloth does not adhere, spread civic contributions be kept as low as win be Miss Hulda limn inn, Mis Dorothy Uurnes, Miss Mamie Letnontn "and Miss Oltre Key. Vocal (olos will be contributed by Miss 7'retia Conn, energetically into the contest against the AuKthans. Rpporta that 'the. Austrian are attacking Scutari are authoritatively -denied.

According to the latest advices, the Austrian wera at Bjelopolje, where they were recently repulsed by the Montenegrins, and cannot reach Scutari without cro'sning the Albanian Alps and the flooded RivefDrin. it over e. win and let stand for about half an iiour. Roll up the paste The commissimiers approve the ten which Is now ullghtly dried then with pfT, cal restlon as enabling- the a verv sham knife shave llkn enh. cllena clearly to see where the In-f very snarp knife shave like cab- rase in ia golng- Xho reBolu.

Toss the atrip to oeparate tion will be considered further at the them and drop the remainder into salt- next meetinjr of the council. ed boiling water. Keep at a hard boll for 15 minutes, then drain and rinse I Women wifout men are grease in cold water. In the meantime have without wlcks Mr- Rohert Nappor and Mr. Harvey Napper, of Lashburn, are the guests of the former's daughter.

Mrs. Hoy Todd. Miss Mabel Napper, who spent ChruTtmna here, left on No official annouiitttiment ia as yet available in London as to the decision the kettle of hat heatlnir and take -en witnout women are wicks wlth- tisii nersister, nt Tnrtleford, Satk. out tallow. of the cabinet in favor of compulsion cupful and a half of white sauce, stir but the political atmosphere has been I To get light out of men and women -ou must combine them.

Life. nuss i-evenicg entertained the staff oi me wan and Co, ct hex home, ois u-inrntn street, last night. Whist considerably cleared up by the admission that the principle of compulsion is accepted by a majority of the members of the cabinet. Public opinion hai not yet crystallised, but there approval of Prem rtaa enjoyed ottrihg the evening. Re- irestimeiita were served towards mid night.

A Xnias tree and holly decorations graced the rcms. (IS yor Frying For Shorten inSW Tor Cake Making: m. A Beauty Chats By Edna Kent Forbes ier Asqulth's attitude, and there Is m. Hunter Is spending a few das In Winnipeg, a guest at the Royal feeling that the publio is not quite ready to be convinced. jiieAsiiura.

The difficulty within the cabinet may be expected to diminish as the A Face Scrub mr. ano Mrs. Donald Fraser ana child are the gaest of Kraser's question aha pes Into practical form. A Joint meeting of the representa Oh, I wouldn't think of putting soap as we listened to the lady's discourse lurenia. Air.

and Ferris, Win nlpe-g. tives of the Labor Party and the Federation of Trades Unions has been on my race," she aaid. "1 wash it on' betuty that her skin looked as twice a day with cold water. Home though she never used soap and hot summoned for tomorrow. am a Mr.

and Mrs. K. Fletcher, Mr. and day I tiwei rold-cream but attap bt-w! tailed statement of the labor attitude la likely to follow. la.

i row ti comprise a part of Sas Unfortunately, many bcaqty specialists, In their seal to convert patrons to the use of creams and tonics, quite katoon residents rplstered at the Koyal -Alexandra. Winnipeg Telegram, ENGINEER KILLED George Ste.nd has returned from a buislhees trip to Winnipeg. (fRISGO forget that the ohl-fashioned aids to cleanliness are as effective today as they have been for some centuries. Some beauty doctors forbid even putting Water bn the face! But this Is so silly that few right-minded women will pay any attention to them. Keep a close to Nature as possible, and aha will be your best beauty doctor.

A good pure soap is the best ecldinss orienino FIREMAN INJURED (vllLLER ENGLAND Rev. WyJIe C. Clark yesterday performed the ceremony uniting in marriage Miss Kdith Kleanor Kngland. of Indian Head, and Sylvester John Miller, of XSenton, Alta. 4 akin treatment there la.

Each day, preferably at the close o( the day, when the skin la coiled with dust and aoot from the air, you should scrub I your face and neck with a good brush, 'any of the dozens of varieties on the market, using very hot water and the lather of pure ao'ap. If your ujkin its dry a soap containing oil is best, if Through Freight Crashed Into Way Freight North of Moose Jaw MaeEACHERN McWATERS At Knok manse yesterday the marriage took place of Miss Ullnn Mc-Walters and John Maclntyre Mac-Eaihern, both of Zcalandiu. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wylie C. Clark, CONBOy -LUNDE Th w-eddlng took place yesterday your lace is aireauy ony, try a aoap with borax as one of Its Ingredients.

Rinse the akin free of Boap In' hot water and follow by etild -water, to i close the pores. You wlJl go to bed and to approximately eight hours' rest In MOOSE JAWt Dec. SO. A rear-end collision of a through freight with a way freltrht on the outlook branch of At at Asquith, of Miss Camilla Lundo and John Boyd Conboy. The'- ceremony a performed by Rev.

E. i lirldge-man, of Saskatoon. The attendants were Miss. Myrtle A. Conboy and A.

It. Milne. Good results with Crisco are certain if a good recipe is used, and measurements are carefully followed. Crisco has been tested so thoroughly both by its manufacturers and by the vast army of housewives whojor years have used it that there can be no doubt as to its quality. a clean room, with your skin free of dirt, and with the blood drawn through it ready to.

repair sagging muscles and sallowners and any of the aliments that attack one's complexion. i Queations and Answer s. Please tell me how to take freckle off my face without hurting my akin. H. 8.

L. NO WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE St. Oeorge'a Men's Club will not hoJd their usual whist drive and dame tomorrow evening on account of it being New fear's eve These functions will be continued the following Friday evening and each week thereafter. Th face is refreshed after a scrubbing th C.P.H. occurred about eight o'clock this morning, at a point eight miles f.orth of Moose Jaw.

Engineer Klatte of the through freight was killed, and his llreman iniuly Injured. It is bought a stock man In the caboose of the wny freight was ItHled wl)en through freight ran Into the caboose. According fo facl received so far, the way freight engine ran out of water when mile south of Uelbeck, and the engine came Into Moose J.fw water. While the engine was away the second freight, aleo southbound, came along and plunged Into the rear of the stationary IreiKht. The Moose Jaw auxiliary la now at ihe scene of the wreck and further details fire expected nbotit I.

L. Cox, of Hawarden, the a fork -man who is riding In the caboose of Reply freckles are spots of iron very hard on the akin." And no, that wmi ln" un brings to the surface, we want to be unkind but we thought. However, they may be bleached, tjend an addressed, slumped envelope for directions. 1 the wire brush Injurious to he hair? I find it keeps my head free from dandruff, but sotne people think I am doing wrong. H.

H. V. Reply The wire brush will not hurt the hair, provided It is flexibleand I presume your is. Retains flavor and freshness In bread and pastry 19 the first freight, who it was thought at first bad been killed, escaped Without a scratch, Over the long distance telephone, Mr. Cox sid that he was sitting In IhelcaHoose and saw the second freight, which was a water train, approaching, when Tie saw that a collision wa unavoidable, he Jumped.

His story of the collision wa to the effect thut the. first frtight engine being tint of wster, wss --uncoupled Made in new, mm tar tunlit jacloritt at Ifamilton, Canada LIFE UNDERWRITERS' LUNCHEON The Life Underwriters' Association of Saskatoon will hold their annual meeunK in Culms' Cafe at 1 'j'au, Friday, Dec aist. At th close of the luncheon, election of officers and em. eral business will be' taken ui. I lo.

meetinw Is not exclusively for members of the aiioiHtWii, but for all inr lira wee men whether members or rh Hp and run Into Moos Jnw, nd the freight wa protected at both nnds by' Iliiguien. The waur train waa run- aaKocuiUoa or not..

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