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Saskatoon Daily Star from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 15

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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THE SASKATOON, DAILY STAIJ. IIIPAV. OOTOUKIi 18. 1318 i.i Wnttitmmmmttiitmrim ALLIED Will! All the Local News in The Star Every Day 'iHotf to: NEAR BUT NOT "HAVE A HEART" Dies In France an mm mwrnrnm MEETING WOMEN'S G.G. EXECUTIVE FOR OCTOBER 25 YET iMililSk Piece of MAKES REAL HIT AT THE EMPIRE Xi fi'- X5 i i Iris mvmvuw London Sees Political Conclusion If War Ends Now A I i fir have teen completed lor holding a meeting uf the executive of the Women's Section of the Saskatchewan Grain Growers' Association in this city, commene-ine Friday, October 25th, which will convene in the Central Ofliec, at the-Farmers' HuiMing.

As this will be the final meeting of this committee during the present year, it is expected that considerable interest will attach to their deliberations. Amongst the matters to he discussed will be the adoption of ways and means for carrying out the organization's propaganda amongst the women members of the association. attention will also likely be given to educational work amongst the members of the "teen age." polished surface that MIRRORS tficiSUNLIGHt i ALTHOUGH economy is not the first consideration with those who use O-Cedar. it nevertheless important "adde4 advantage" that all who use O-Cedar profit by. For.

O-Cedar is at its best for polishing when used with "haU water. In of ii.fluenza and the ac-, ill alarm atl.J rumors, to nothing of the ruin, a record t.ivd turned out at the Kmpire last nit! lit to witness one of mo nnwit vivacious musical comedies ii. ever vlalU'd Haskaioori. i-mIme the two anil a half hours wiiK not one momi-nt of The pparkllng wit and comic which Hashed through the ire piece, kept the audience and the sprightly dances nchanttnar fona 'afforded them mm! (real. "ll.ivi' a Heart'" ia a charmingly h'I rac, refreshing comedy of mm and fun.

l.n: in various -iase of soriouaneaa appears ail the .1 y- from the little nhop Kil Lizzie i and her toili lover. Ted. i- college youth, to the portly old Mr. and Mrs. Matliew Pyne.

The plot i erv catch v. And the tlit-me in all the more Pccause ft married couple who ri'iiily in love with each other ie tryiiiK to gst a divorce. There np.tortunlty for much genuine ntimcrit to he shown, and the chief (skilfully Mended in tone anil i i Killed in Action LONDON. Oct. 17.

If the war is brought to a quick conclusion It will be through political and moral factors, and not military, waa the opinion expressed in competent circles today. It waa pointed out that the German position on the western front cannot be termed perilous, although at certain points every changing of the front may render ome position dangerous at times. This view, which law been held by many experts for some time, has been strengthened by the German retreat to the Hundlng line, which is considered one of ths most successful retreats of the war from the enemy viewpoint. With the Americans and French pushing hard on front, the Germans doubtless were forced to retreat farter than they had plan Vonda Farmer Loses $6,000 Through Fire The Correct "0-CeJar Way" of Polishing A wet cloth a few drop of O-Ceda on it. This forms a soft harmless PTE.

RAYMOND C. JOHNSTON Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston of As quith have received word-that their "Utlier" that dens away ths dirt accumulated on top of the varnish. Then a light rubbing (with a dry cloth) jive i i.

I. son, Pte. Raymond Chancellor Johnston, waa killed in action, 8ept SO. He enlisted in the S6th Battalion in ned, but they lost comparatively few the wopdertul weou ioun. makes a brilliant polish, free from gum or (tresso and absolutely dry.

After usinj Siiskatoon and had been In France two years and one month, lie has Try it on your Piano AH tho rich lustra of fine mahogany is "brought bark" by ths use of 0-CW. Perhaps the best test of all i your piano you can see from the way O-Cedsr makes its beautiful grain show up that it is ih Polish to us on your furniture. And uihen it comes to FLOORS ther really is nothing thst an! quits take the place of an O-Cedor Polish Mop. Without hrd rub-' bing, bending or stooping, the OCdar Polish Mop, treated with O-Cedar Polish, gives a hard, dry. luting polish.

Use it on varnished hardtvood. or painted soft wood floors. Uw it also on linoleum-it keeps it bright and prevent linoleum from cracking. O-Cedar II prisoners and guns for such a large operation. It was pointed out that the start three brothers and one sister at As- qulth.

it the "O-Cedar wey a white -gloved hand may I Fire destroyed a large burn and several on the farm of F. X. Lolsell, one mile east of Vonda at noon yesterday, causing a loss of about six thousand dollars. The barn was filled with hny and sheaf oats, with about four thousand bushels of oats and barley, part of which may be salvaged. Fortunately no livestock was lost except a few pigs.

Fire-fighting enuljnncnt from the. town of Vonda was rushed to the scene, and saved the large dwelling, a number of granaries full of wheat, machine sheds and auto garage. There was tto insurance. safely rest upon it. Fulapph- JTJ i right along with Infectious; and soul umilPH.

The chief! i in concerned with the efforts, friends of the married lovers Many usel rues have in; Mk Idil vented and to aid thi housewife. PROVINCIAL NEWS Luseland Items of these h. ins I liM LIIUI roiitn Mop, two jiv im EOTARIANS SEEK A so much as an aid to good house- ling transformation of the whole military situation in the paat few weeks might lead to the Impression that the German armies wero faced with disaster and on the point of collapse. It is not expected that the enemy will be able to hold the Hundlng line. Thi dent the all'es are making In the line south of the Sen-see makes the line untenable.

In this connection, It Is pointed out that the Germans are lighting well Immediately south of tho 8en-see, for the dual purpose of holding up as long as possible the allied advance toward (he Important city of Valenciennes, and keep the allies from further driving in a salient that would make the Hundlng line impos-Jible for th enemy. In demonstrating these facts, military experts are one In the belief that the Germans no longer will be able to stand the onslaughts, but to trained militarists, signs of a German collapse or evidence on which to base high hopes of trapping a huge body of the enemy are invisible. styles, price $1 .50. O-Cedar Polish 25c. to 3.C0 sites.

FAIR PRICE BOARD At a recent meeting of the directors of the Luiieland Agricultural Society O-Cedar Polish. ia called to deal with matters connected The Reglna Rotary club, at its reg i i-fTei't a reconciliation, and with he al tempts of prying relative.H to i ont thtir making up again. l-'upoclal mention mum he made of few of the many Rood sonss which the audience. Among those caused the (dirtiest hit Were Look in Mix "I'm Here, Little I'm Here," "Napoleon," and on (aid Something." Joseph Keno aa Henry, the elevator hoy, put life and action Into i verythinK he said and did, and made a tremendoua hit with his hearers. Helen I'kers, the erstwhile ahopnirl.

a merry little lady, who wired many a laugh aa the lady detective. Hoey, as Dolly Harbaxon, the movie uueen, added unnp and thrills i.i the plot. Ruth Oswald, as Srhoonmaker, and Iiwrcnce Wood, as Ruddy, her husband, won (he Kiarts of the audience hy their I dthetic married love-making. 'tit4 with the local fair of August 6th. E.

C. Robertson resigned as secretary, CHANNEIX CHEMICAL LIMITED, TORONTO nlar meeting Tuesday, parsed the following resolution in support of the appointment of a local fair price the resignation to take effect at the time of the annual meeting, which 18 to be held Nov. 20th, or as soon after committee: CLEANS AS IT POLISHES "Whereas the high cost of living is becoming a serious burden to the public, and whereas, the press last as possible. This decision was very much regretted by all, and the direct week published full details of an oider-in-council relating to power conferred on municipalities to appoint a fiiir price committee, and whereas, Aid. dimpkin.

on Monday, moved in committee of the whole council, that such a. fair price be appointed forthwith, whereas, the committee of the whole SQT. F. 8. CLARK Who was killed In action Sept.

27. Before enlisting in the 65th Battalion he waa farming near Saskatoon. I'm proud that my laddie has played his part; Freedom's fight must lie won. But it's hard to say from the depth of my heart Lord, Thy will be done, We who can active part Must pray to God divine, To spare those other anxious hearts This great grief of mine.

MISS NELLIE SPRATT. PTE. RANDALL INJURED ors did all they could to pursuade Mr. Robertson to retanl the" office, but without avail. Since 1912 Mr.

Robertson has worked exceedingly hard for the society, and under his guidance the fair has grown considerably. It la now recognised aa being the finest of the amaller fairs in Saskatchewan. A committee has been appointed to make all necessary enquiries respecting the erection of a new building on the fair grounds by next year, VIENNA REPORT VIENNA. Oct The Austrian official communication Issued today says: "At Sasso-Rosso an Italian thrust was frustrated. "In Serbia and Albania, our movements and measures are proceeding without Interference on the part of the enemy." declined to take any action on the Polisltv i ground that It had not been officially notified.

"Be i resolved, that the Reglna Kotary club urge upon the city coun He. "Cis" Kandalt, past president uf the H.O.E. and a well-known foot-hall player, haw been admitted to No. 11 Field Ambulance, auffering from shell gas bums, according to word received by hi wife In Saskatoon. Randall enlisted wilh the D3rd here.

to facilitate the placing and Judging cil not to delay but to telegraph for of exhibits. This matter will be de cided finally at the annual meeting. confirmation of press dispatches re lating to the appointment of a fair VANCOUVER 6CH00L8 The annual meeting of the Ked decided to close all the city schools on Friday. nrice committee, constituted similar REPULSING BOLSHE ARCHANGEL, Oct. 17 Allied forces, including Americans are engaged In repulsing heavy Bolshevik! attacks on both sides of the Dvlno, 160 miles north of Kotlass.

Cross Society was held last Wednea day evening, the 9tu, when the fol ly to the committees in the United council has dismissed the appeal of the Canada Foundry Company vs. the Edmonton Portland Cement concerning a claim in connection with the erection of buildings. VANCOTXVER, Oct. 17 Owing to the prevalence of Spanish influenza the school trustees late last night lowing oflicers were elected: Presi LONDON, Oct 17 The privy States." 1 CPL. POWELL RETURNING Mrs.

J. Fowell. of 1418 Avenue dent, M. Paterson; vice-president and chairman of the ladies' sewing section, Mrs. V.

J. Reld; secretary. Mrs. It. 13.

Man Fossen; treasurer, Mrs. K. R. Oraham; executive com North, haa received word that her husband. Corporal J.

Powell, has been Invalided home. He went away with the 9th C.M.K.'s in 1914. His mittee, Miss E. C. Van Guilder, Bam J.

Luse and T. J. Honeywell. Further arrangements also were made for the big sports day on Monday, Thanksgiving Day. The meeting pTii'lllll llllllllllll'l'lllllllllllllllllllllllll II I- it iiv 'mMI I lift lunga are badly affected throueh being gassed on Match 191.

CHILDREN'S PAY POSTPONED 0 lasted till 11:35. A. G. Howard has sold his business Eatmore Granb Chlldrsn'e Day of St. Matthew's ernes to II.

Dillman and M. Guboty of Win church, Sutherland, has been post nepeg. Mr. Howard will remain in Luseland some little time winding up his affairs, after which he expects to poned from Sunday, October 20, to Sunday, October Mrs. E.

1i. Smith, who was to have addressed the leave the town. Herman Schmale'left on Thanks giving Day for a visit to the States. without muck sugar children, cannot be present this Sun day. S.

0. E. WHIST DRIVE. The infant eon born to Mr. and Mrs, James Callum, a fevv weeks ago, Prepared to start The iolnt lodge of the Sons of died on Friday morning.

The little one was seized by the whooping cough Ten Reasons: and bronchial pneumonia followed. the days work England held a successful whist drive and dance last evening. The following won prixes In the whist drive: Mra. II. Marchant, first prize, an eleven pound ham: Mrs.

JL Day, and although every possible cure was taken of the little life nothtng availed. The funeral took place on Saturday, the body being Interred In Luseland cemetery after a ehort service at the second prize, twenty-four pounds of fT EEN-alort-clear-headed- ready for every buslneerfieTgency. This is the attitude of the man who knows what mW htalth is. And nothing keeps a man better form than the consistent use of house at 11 a.m. He v.

C. A. Bales of ficlated. flour; Mis Brooks, third prize, w. Bei.nett won the first prize among the men.

A Cox. second and Bennett third. The Sons of England Intend hold-Ins these entertainments every olher Wednesday evening during this Each month the Kitchener club of this town sends parcels to the boys at the front and in England. Recent' ly letters of appreciation were re EM ceived from J. A.

Peters, N. P. Reld, COMING WEST Sim, Bill WyHHe and E. R. Keys, 1st Reason: 2nd Reason: 3rd Reason: 4th Reason: 5th Reason: 6th Reason: 7th Reason: 8th Reason: 9th Reason: 10th Reason: John Campbell had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse lately lit TORONTO, Oct.

16. Indication that the epidemic of Spanish influenza Roncy'a blacksmith shop. The anl They TASTE GOOD. A little more they are delicious. They are DISTINCTIVE.

Peculiar. Nothing on the earth just like Cranberries. They are not only good themselves, but THEY MAKE OTHER FOODS TASTE GOOD. They are Appetizers. Most exquisite of Condiments.

They make prosy Beef, Turkey or Pork a Poem. They are BEAUTIFUL, That means a lot to the hostess. They adorn the table. They are HEALTHFUL. Improve digestion.

Never hurt anybody? They are INEXPENSIVE. There are ways of preparing them WITHOUT MUCH SUGAR. They are an AMERICAN product They KEEP welL They are SO EASY to prepare. These few recipes show how to save sugar la passing westward appeared today In dispatches from different parts of mal struck its leg against a newly sharpened disk and wounded Itself to badly that it was necessary to shoot It. A Thanksgiving service was held In FRUIT SALT A CLASS of END'S every morning makes you "fit" in every sense.

ENO is the'enly genuine Fruit Skit made. It contain the health-Kivinjr propertiee of ripe fruit pieaaant to take gentle and natural in its action a wonderful preventive of disease. Ask your drag Jist. J.fiENO,Lt,.,-Frot SJt" SaAiMhhrllwttAMrlM the Presbyterian church on Sunday, the 13th. The church was suitably decorated wl arght.niETAcv-E.fallA decorated with grain, flowers and vegetables.

The choir rendered spe cial music and Rev, Armstrong the country. From Quebec and the maritime provinces came reports to the effect that conditions axe improving. Montreal and Toronto continue to suffer heavily, but the death rate haa hot Increased during paat few days axii medioal authoritlea'are hopeful that with the continuance of fine weather the disease may be checked. Announcements from Winnipeg and points west as far as Vancouver show increases la the number of cases and deaths, and officials In Toronto believe th-t they will suffer proportionately to the cities and rural communities In the east. The total number of patients reported in local hospitals at noon to- Sales preached upon "Compensation" mmoLO r.

grrcHiE a co. imms to a good congregation. Next Bun-day his subject will be "If the, cap It RcCACl mm. TORONTO fits (7) Cranberry Sauce Cranberry "JeDjr 1 V. 1 The Women's Missionary Society held their special Thankofferlng meeting on Thursday, the 17th.

A Bewaro of Substitutes special musical program was given. The Thanksgiving Day sports, held under the auspices of the local Red lillillth.M-Osb'te-eeah' Cook ontll eoft the deaired quantity of eranberrlaa with tH pints ef water for each I quart a of berrlea. Strain the Juice through a jaiiy bag, Maaaura tha Juice and heat It to the boiling point. Add ana cup ef augar for every two cupa of Juice etir until the augar la diaaolved) boll brlakly for ftva mlnutea! aklm, and pour into glaaa tumblara or porcelain or crockery molda. One pck ef aranbMriaa and ZH IU, ef eagar make 10 tuaabWra ef aaucioue jally.

day Is 607 and 15 civilians have suc cross Bociety, were attended ty a good number of people. Races were cumbed since last night. Over 100 nurses have been stricken with the disease arranged for the children and occasioned much fun. The event of the day, however, was the auction sale, Cranberry Butter 'lie. I-One quart Cranberries, 1 pint water, level teaspooa Hit, I CUP tUft.

Bring tha water at4 salt together to a boiling point. Pick ever and waah thecranbcrriea, put tham into the pint ot boiling water and cook rapidly for minute, or until the skina of the berries bare broken. Cool alightlv, add tha augar, bring to boiling point, and cook tlowly (or additional nveminutea. No'lOne quart crimWriee, 1 pint boiling water, of a cup of arrup, of tup efaugar. Doll the ayrup, augar and water for 5 mlnutea, ektm If neceeaarr.

Add the berrlea, and cook without atirrlng until all the I aktni break or about i mlnutea over hot fire. i No. 1-Two cupa eranberrtea, 1 oup water, a pinch of salt, of a cup of augar. Boll cranberrira, with water and aalt until eoft. when nearly cool etii to augar.

Enough to larva ala psraou. Strained Cranberry Sauce One quart cranberries, I pint water, level teaapooa salt, cup augar. Bring tha water and aalt together te boiling point, eddthecran-berriee and cook rapidly for I mtnutea. Cool and etraln, pruning aa much aa poanible of the cranberry pulp through the atrainer. Add the augar, bring to boiling point and cook alowly for additional five minutes.

conducted by II. Cowan. A large as AaaclfldDini sane sortment of articles had been donat ed, from a Jar of cabbage' pickle to a first class saddle pony. The prices paid would have been higher had the people around here had more ready Three plnte eranberrlea, eup water, 1 cupa augar for I cup ef sugar aed I cup of ayrup). Cook tha cranberrira and water ntlt the aktna ef the fruit are broken) than prete through a eteve.end cook thla pulp until it becorrj quite thick I add the augar land ayrup if aae it), and cook for hour ever very gentle Are, etirrinf conatantly.

Whan illghtly cool turn Into Jara, and cover dotal CranWery Jelly ee BeHee eiakaa a daUeieaa aad kealtliful aptaarj ea bet kaaceula, Wad, battered toaat, ee cake. HE DARKENED HIS GRAYHAIR They Used To Call Him Grandpa; Now They Call Him Kid Tells Hew He Did IL cash at their disposal. However, the takings were very good. Another Interesting feature was the engagement OF CONTRACTOR'S OUTFIT Belonging to Estate of A. II, Campbell, to Ho Sold By Public Auction SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10th AT THE CITY MARKET The Following: of M.uiwne Laclain, palmist, of Saskatoon.

Large numbers of those present consulted her, and in many Cook cranberries in porcelain liner, enameled or aluminum vetieU only. Always Specify rases her readings were remarkably accurate. Madame Laclalre donated half her takings to the Red Cross. A. O.

Howard had a refreshment booth, ns did also the ladles of the society. The day line and a good sum was tulipti in gut money. The net re One Bctonator. Grindstones. 8hoet tlteel I'lllfig.

Shovel, I'Jrk, Chains. Ropes, Blocks, Wire Cables Rubber Hose, Melting Tot. Two I-argo File Hatriiners. Four Dump Carta. One mmp.

t'lfiphragm Tump. One I'ulanmeter. Two Ulncksmlth Foipts. ceipts were between end $S0O. Well dune Luseland! Considerable credit and thanks are due the hsrd workers of the soch-ty who set the Mr.

J. A. MoCrea. a well known resident of Pan anclsco. who was called Daddy and Grandpa on account of his white hair, and who darkened It with a simple homemade mixture, recently made the following statement: "Anyone can prepare a simple mixture at homeat very little cost, that will darken gray hair, and make It soft ami glossy.

To a half pint of water add 1 ounce cf bay rum, a small box of Urleg Compound and 1-4 nunre of glycerine. These ingredients can be boutfhl at any drug store at very little cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the shade la obtained. This It not a dy, It does not color the most delicate scalp, is not sticky or greasy and dos not ruh off. My friend now a selection of the choicest cultivated varieties packed exclusively for AMERICAN CRANBERRY EXCHANGE a growers' organization Chicago 1 New York And other articles too numerous to mention.

TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE TERMS CASH S. Walker; Auctioneer thing going and carried 11 through. Nsui Kundny the Luseland choir will go to Thorndnle to assist In tlt Thanksgiving service there. Rev. C.

A. Hales will preach. Hoy Ulaek house, which Is about completed. Is of the bungalow style snd Is sitld to LI the Inrgest of Its kind in town. 3ffle 124 Third Avenus South Phone 3243 Residence 821 13th Street Phont 4659 call me Kid..

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