Saskatoon Daily Star from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 3
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- Saskatoon Daily Stari
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- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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- 3
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il have DE in IN ALL the News Every LOCAL Day The EIGHT THOUSAND PILES DRIVEN INTO SITE OF ELEVATOR The Important Preliminary Work is Completed and Pile-driving Machinery is Being Shipped to Moose Jaw--Force Kept on to Handle the Steel and Get All in Shape for Concrete Pouring. The last pile has been driven at the vitor site and work is all thereore practically finished on the excavaIon there until such time as the spring opens up and the contractors can start pouring concrete in the base. A total of eight thousand piles have been driven in this site and the last 0.1e has been given its final tap, with the result that the pile drivers are being loaded on the freight cars preparatory to being taken to Moose Jaw where pile- -driving operations are to arted so that that site, too, may he ready for the concrete when the work starts spring. All that remains to be done at the present elevator now is the trimbe ready for opening of the conming off of the ties, so that all will struction NO This does mean that the large ce the contractors had job at site will he for the entire force 19 now busy the steel, in the proper sorm ready fo. the reinforcing work in the spring.
They have also a staff of men on the Work repairing the machinery at the plant so that as soon as the springtime frosts are over everything will be ready Comm. ssioner Richardson, who gnakes dully trip the site Of the this morning reported that thing was in excellent shape and t'uat everything was done in the future the way it had been done in the past, Saskatoon would have a structure of which they might indeed feel proud. Daughters Arrive for the Daddies at the City Offices There seems to an epidemic in daughters at the eity hall this week for no less than three have, arrived within the past few days, and the eigars which seem to be the inevitable penalty which fatherhood must pay at the city are floating around. On Monday morning Mr. James Neil.
son, city auditor, announced the arrival of a daughter, the previous day at his residence, 620 McPherson avenue. This morning Mr. L. J. Walshe, city pay master, of 622 Rusholme road had A similar announcement to make, his little daughter having arrived at midnight last night at St.
Paul's hospital. Mr. C. F. Davis, a member of the electrical department, also announced the arrival of a baby girl in his family so that there are three happy fathers at the city hall this week.
TWO MEN SOUGHT. Relatives are inquiring for James McLeod, formerly of Dilke, and George Angus Macdonald, of Ottawa. The mounted police, Ferguson building, would be glad to receive any information regarding either of these men. McLeod came to Saskatoon from Dilke in August, 1912. He had been working in a livery barn at Dilke Macdonald had worked in Camp 11., Big River.
He was supposed to be here. His mother at Ottawa is ing for information regarding him. ALD. ANDERSON TO THE PUBLISHED REPORT SAYS HE WAS MISREPRESENTED BY STORY OF YESTERDAY'S MARKET MEETING. Serious exception is taken to the report of the market meeting of yesterday afternoon, contained in the morning paper, by Alderman Anderson who states that the reporter for that paper his views upon the question of sites in a very invidious light indeed.
The facts of the passage in question, are that Mr. Burdoin stated that the real estate board were unalterably opposed to the present market site. When he sat down finally he stated that he was prepared to answer any question the committee might feel called upon to ask. Alderman Anderson then asked him why the real estate board were of this opinion. Alderman Paul, who was acting as chairman, ruled this question was not in order and made the statement that he did not think that the committee should discuss the question of site at all and Alderman Anderson abided by this decision.
Mr. A. L. Brown. who.
was the next speaker, also touched on the site quesstated that in his opinion the present site was as good as any the eity could get for the present. Alderman Faweett, at the end of the Speech, asked him why he was of this opinion and what reasons he had to advance for his statement. Ald. Anderson here stated that if one side of the question was to be barred the other side should be equally 80 and the chairman, Alderman Paul, agreed with him. The report in the morning paper would lead one to believe, said Ald.
Anderson, that he was objecting to Mr. Brown's remarks, which he certainly was not. It was not his intention in the least to promote any sectional feeling, he said. All he objected to was Alderman Fawcett's question. morning paper has a habit of giving biased reports of my remarks at council meetings," said the alderman this morning, "but I did not think they would have the temerity to allow their personal feelings to color a report of a public meeting." Freed of Charge of Failing to Do Duty as Officer John Lorenzen, town constable of Duck Lake, who was charged with having failed to perform his duty when mob stoned and rotten egged two liquor license detectives, was acquitted by Inspector Duffus, J.
at Rosthern, Wednesday. Lorenzen proved that he not aware of the mobbing until after it happened. The assault upon the two detectives took place when they entered action against the proprietor of an hotel at Duck Lake, upon two different charges of having broken the liquer license act. These charges Were afterwards sustained, and the hotelman timed, when they were brought before Inspector Duffus in the mounted police court. The two detectives were escorted to the train at Duck Lake by a crowd of the townspeople who threw eggs and stones.
It was alleged that Lorenzen saw the assault, but attempted take no hand stopping it. Lorenzen proved that he was in a store at the time the assault took piace. For other local news see 4 page seven and page one of section two. ELECTRICAL MEN WANT A TAX LARGE ENOUGH TO KEEP OUT SOME OF THE SMALL DEALERS! proposition to raise the fee for electricians to $100, in order to afford protection to the large electrical firms, and checkmate alleged undercutting of prices by smaller dealers who have broken away from the large firms and commenced business for themselves, was brought up this morning by Mr. C.
Arden at the Builders Exchange meeting. Mr. Arden's plea was for protection to the electrical men from small dealers and outsiders, whom there was nothing to prevent from taking out a $5 license, and competing with the big firms cutting them in contracts. The electrical men, 80 Mr. Arden claimed, had lost large sums of money through such operations, the Forbes Electric company, with which he was connected having dropped over a $1.000 alone.
To protect themselves they had formulated a plan to ask the city couneil to raise the fee to $100 for the first year for such parties, and $25 in subsequent years. The city commiseioners had turned down the suggestion, But the council, evidently thinking that it possessed good features, had referred it to the bylaws committee, of which Alderman Faweett is chairman. Only three members of that committee had been present when the was discussed by the committee and consequently it had lost. Alderman Faweett bad suggested that the electrical obtain the feeling of the Builders Exchange upon the question and then come before the bylaws committee again when all the members were present. This morning.
Mr. Arden asked the Builders Exchange for their opinion and whether the members could endorse such a suggestion. Several of the contractors present heartily concurred in the idea, including Mr. Beeton, who to Saskatoon SASKATCHEWAN. THURSDAY.
A special despatch to The Star from Winnipeg today says: Great preparations are being made by the University Club for the luncheon next Thursday, when President Murray, of the University of Saskatchewan, will deliver an address on "University Building." SASKATOON, PRESIDENT MURRAY AT WINNIPEG GIVEN A "SLEEP" PUNCH IN ROW OVER CHILDREN Robert Cunningham Tells in Court of Being Knocked Out by Ted Randall. A family row between certain residents in the neighborhood of Ave B. got 8 thorough airing in the police court today. Robert W. Cunningham, aged 46 years, claimed that when he endeavored to- protect the rights of his children he was beaten so badly by Charles Randall, Randall's wife and Ted Randall, a brother, that he was forced remain in bed for three weeks.
He charged Ted Randall with assault. Ted, he claimed, had arrived on the scene of the encounter after Charles Randall and his wife had beaten him up. Ted had given him just one punch. His recollection of the punch were slightly hazy, he said, as he did not remember anything from the time that Randall prepared to deliver the blow until he wakened up in his own bed six hours later. His story of the affair was that he had gone to interview Charles Randall regarding some which had occurred between Randall's children and his own, and that had wound up with a scuttle between himself and thrown him down in Ave.
but that Randall. He said de that Randall had he had succeeded in getting on top of him. While he was in this position he said that Mrs. Randall had kicked and beaten him. As the result of the encounter with Randall he had bled freely.
This part of the row was over and he was on his way home, when Ted Randall appeared and took a hand. Ted Randall said: "You are a h- of a man to fight with someone smaller than yourself" He asked me how would like to fight with someone larger than myself. I said I didn't want to fight. He threw off his coat and he hit me. I don't know just where he hit me and I don't remember anything after until I was sitting in my bed att twelve o'clock, six hours later, and I was very sick.
He was asked why he did not attempt to get away and go home when he saw the sleep punch headed in his direction, and he said that he wouldn't run from any man, even if he were going to be killed. Doctor Testifies Dr. Kyle, who examined Cunningham, said that he had seen plainant on December 14, the day after the fight. Cunningham was in bed and was badly used up, he said. His nose and lips were swollen and showed signs of having bled.
There were scratches on the side of his neck and face, the back of his head was swollen and both ears were also puffed up. In addition to this he showed signs of having been bruised on his back near the shoulder blade, and also on the calf of his leg. "I thought he was dead after Ted Randall hit him," said Mrs. Cunningham. "He fell backwards and was absolutely unconscious for twenty minutes.
Ted Randall helped me to carry him into the house. It was not until after twelve o'clock that he came to. We had to help him upstairs to bed He was so weak he couldn't stand on his feet for several days. He was in bed for three The case was continued this afternoon. OBITUARY Jacob Schuter, who died at St.
Paul's hospital on January. 12, will be taken to Langham for burial today He was -two years of age. W. A. Edwards is preparing the body for the journey to Langham, Mrs.
Harvie, of Elstow, who died at the city hospitay, will be buried in Woodlawn cementery tomorrow at 2.30. She was forty-six years of age. The funeral will take place from W. A. Edward's undertaking rooms.
Ruby Strome, the five months old daughter of William Strome, 916 Tenth street, died Wednesday. The funeral took place this afternoon from W. A. Edward's undertaking rooms to Woodlawn cemetery. Rev.
Opinion among the members of the Saskatoon builders exchange is solidly opposed to the exactions imposed on them as contractors, resulting from the recent legislation amending the wage act of the province in towns and cities. It was the feeling at this morning's meeting of the exchange that a great injustice had been committed by the amendments, and government no stone will passing be such left unturned or any efforts spared to have the act as it now stands moderated to some degree. The amendments are pretty well known. but the builders' exchange consider that the greatest objection is the clause demanding that an employer pay his employes every seven days r.ght up and that payments be made in negotiable currency and that nothing be withheld. Discussion became warm on the new bill among the contractors at this morning's meeting, the amendments being unanimously condemned.
Mr. C. Arden said they could request the lieutenant-governor to reendorse the amended bill in case it would have to be referred back ton the leg.slature at the next sitting. order to obtain the lieutenant governor's veto, Mr. Arden framed the following resolution: Builders' "That the secretary of the Saskatoon Exchange be empowered to communicate with the lieutenant-govternor of Saskatchewan petitioning him not to the sign the amended wage bill, and secretary also get into touch with city council, the city commissioners, the builders' exchanges and boards of trade, for the purpose of enlisting their efforts protecting against the amendments.
This means that a campaign will be started immediately for bringing pressure to bear upon the government to change the bill. Nothing, however, is expected to result until the, next session of the government. Secretary Pout reported that he had of heard Provincial Secretary Raymond the Retail Merchants' Association. in conversation over the phone with Mr. McKenzie, the association's counsel in Regina, discussing the possibility had of changing the bill.
Mr. McKenzie said it was absolutely hopeless to expect anything like that. It was pointed out that unless the lieutenant-governor can be shown that the amended act is not workable, it was useless to send him any petition against it. Mr. J.
P. O'Leary proposed taking the matter up at the convention of exchanges in Moose Jaw. Finally committee consisting of Arden, Broakway and Bigelow were appointed to look carefully into the amendments with Secretary Pout. Horse Deal Up for Attention in Supreme Court An action hinging on a horse deal, occupied the larger portion of the time in supreme this morning.
parties to it Joseph Lee, plaintiff, who sought judgment against Christine Smith, former real estate dealer in Saskatoon, to recover a team of roan horses which had been sold to defendant by his hired man. The defendant claimed that he had purchased the horses on the authority of Smith, while Smith claimed that he had no knowledge of the deal, and that he had never authorized his hired man to sell the team. Justice Elwood gave judgment in (a- vor of Smith for the return of the horses, $25 costs, and damages. The case of the Northern tion Company versus the Saskatoon Lumber Company was settled by Judgment in favor of the plaintiff, with consent for dismissal of costs of the claim. TO TAKE VACATION Secretary Maurice Pout.
of the Builders' Exchange of Saskatoon, will take two weeks' vacation commencing next Monday. CLEARING OFF SMALL CASES IN DIST. COURT Daily JANUARY 15, 1914 BRIDGE NEEDS BIG PUMPS So little headway has been made with water in the cofferdamed the street site bridge of with the the pump which takes four hundred gallons of water a minute there, that the tors have ordered a pump that 3 is is hoped capable thousand will of a make taking minute, a out which better over it showing against the insidius leaks which are hiding somewhere in the coffer-dam, and which allow the water to pour back into the coffer-dam just a8 fast as it is pumped out. It is honed that this will allow the work to go on, which for the last few days at least has been practically at a standstill. Action for Damages for Broken Bicycle Dismissed.
Judgment was delivered by Judge McLorg Wednesday afternoon in the suit brought by Chris Wells against Harry Nesbitt to recover $55 damages to his bicycle. The action was dismissed. Wells claimed that Nesbitt'3 team had run away and smashed his bicycle, which was leaning 3 telephone post on Twentieth street. Action was dismissed in the case of' Fleming Bros. against John Kusch and Anthony Perschik for $160.
Fleming Brothers claimed that they had supplied goods to this amount to the defendants. The defense claimed that they had paid for goods. Charles Houlding succeeded in b.s action. against James Scott for $200. The case was tried this morning.
ulding claimed this amount 48 commission in connection with the sale of a house. Scott claimed that he had acted as agent in the Costs were allowed by Judge McLorg. R. C. Hogarth appeared for, Houlding and McAughey for Scott.
Judge McLorg upheld the brought by Harry Bender inaction Saskatoon Trussed and Building Company. Bender claimed $106 as ges, which ho claimed were due to him. Duncan Kennedy was given judgment for $285 In a suit against N. L. Rogers.
Kennedy claimed that Rogers owed $398, for rent and for telephone bill. Rogers repudiated the claim for telephone rent, and Judge McLorg gave judgment for the claim, less the amount of the telephone bill. Flaxcombe Store Keeper Sent Up for Trial on Fraud Charge E. Kirsh, postmaster and storekeeper at Flaxcombe, was committed for trial yesterday in the mounted police court here on a charge of obtaining goods under false pretences. The charge was preferred by K.
Sinclair, manager of the Codville company here. It was alleged that Kirsh represented to the firms which had supplied him with the stock of his store that he had placed $6,000 insurance on his goods stock. destroyed his store. and stock and it was discovered that he had no insurance, it 1s claimed. He was arrested in this city by the mounted police.
REGINA BONSPIEL REGINA, Jan. -Bonspiel results today were: In Gordon- -McKay: Anderson, Saskatoon, 11; Ross, Regina, 10. Williams, Morse, 12; Hastings, Cupar 11. In Moore: Caristin, Elstow, 12; Muir, Ogema, 0. In Visitors: Gillespie, Moose Jaw, 14; McKenzie, Morse, 4.
bowyer, Moose Jaw, 13; Payne, Winnipeg, 12. TELEPHONE RATES TO BE REDUCED ALBANY, Jan. 15. -A ten per cent reduction on telephone bills covering all except pay station tolls and flat rates in New York city by the New York Telephone company, was ordered today by the second distriet public service commission. The order is the outcome of a hearing held in New York recently.
The announcement was made by one of the financial officials the city hall this morning that singe the tax notices for 1913 have peen sent out, the city has received a total of not less than $886,470.65, which is the most satisfying total that the city has rolled under its tongue for some months. It is felt that, this amount wilt clean up the current expenditures account at the fine shape even may allow for a little over, which may be thus used for some other purpose, there being a paucity of "purposes" these days at the eity hall. Of this amount the general taxes amounted to the publio school taxes the separate school taxes and the high school taxes $6,871.48. During this there have also been paid arrears on the taxes of 1913 the amount of $147,836.38, which practically cleans up that Item. LEGION OF FRONTIERSMEN HOLD THEIR FIRST ANNUAL BANQUET-GOOD TIME IS ENJOYED BY ALL It was a pleasing and picturesque gathering that assembled last night in the dining room of the Flanagan, when forty of the Legion of Frontiersmen held their first annual banquet.
The striking looking uniforms of the frontiersmen, with their green and red scarfs loosely knotted at the throat, formed an attractive picture. choice spread on 8t par with any The toast list, which followed the yet provided in the city. The festivities commenced shortly after nine o'clock and the toasts immediately followed. J. A.
Aikin responded to the toast "The Canadian Militia," in place of Major Dulmage, who sent word that be Impossible for him to be "present. Some of the bravest men country, he said, were those frontiersmen who were guarding the outlying portions of the Dominion. macy The was basic the claim readiness of of British Britishers supreattempt any dangerous and diffcult task for adding of territory to the British empire. Lieut. Parkyn, R.N., said that to respond to the toast of "the empire" was a pretty big undertaking.
He happened to look on an atlas the other day and noticed that the British empire formed a pretty big red patch upon the globe. The strength of the Legion throughout the world was about all tried and true men. Members of the Legion of Frontiersmen from the old country should throw in their lot, heart and soul, with this country. In Why Should Work On Elevator Go to An American Firm? Why was the contract for the electrical work in connection with the government elevator for Saskatoon be allowed to go to an American firm, in preference to local electrical firms who tendered? The matter came up at the Builders Exchange meeting this morning. The recognition of an American electrical firm and the passing up of Saskatoon tenders, was regarded 88 scarcely right.
It was stated also that the tender of the firm who got the contract for installing the electrical work was by no means the lowest either. Now that the government were proposing to build a post office in Saskatoon, the exchange thought something should be done to prevent the contract for any electrical work in connection with it going to foreign firms. his company at Asquith fully one-half were Canadians. Lieut. F.
Eustace, of the Army and Navy Veterans, of Saskatoon, was greeted with the singing of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." as he rose to respond to the toast, "The Old Timers. Lieut. Eustace referred 1 to the katoon veterans association. a Soldier, always a soldier," he said. "The success of the Canadian volunteers in South Africa was due to their love of fighting.
It was the spirit that accounted for the success of Britain on the battlefields of the world. It behooved the members off the Legion of Frontiersmen to always keep in shape, and be ever ready. to shoulder their arms in defence the empire. Interspersed throughout the toast list were vocal selections contributed by T. F.
Potts, Sergeant O' Brien of Asquith, Sergeant Farhall and Trooper Do Davis and Trooper Porter. Sergeant Potts excelled himself in the rousing old favorite "Tommy Atkins," the frontiersmen joining the chorus Trooper Porter of Saskatoon, also made a hit with several catchy' Scottish songs. In the absence of the Hon. Commdt. G.
L. Calder, Captain R. Boulton, chairman responded to the toast to the chair, dwelling upon the traditions of the corps. The singing. of God Save the King concluded a highly successful gathering.
shortly after midnight. Scotsmen Smoke and Hear Much Splendid Music Unbounded success attended the smoker of the St. Andrew's Society which was held in the Labor Temple last night. There were many Items of interest on the program, which was as follows: "Hurrah for the Highlands," J. P.
McKenzie; "Father O'Flynn," Mr. McCondach; "Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes," John S. Rennie; an original recitation by W. 8. Fyfe, bard to the society: "The Little Irish Girl." J.
P. McKenzle; "Miss Hooligan's Christmas Cake." Mr. McCondach; "My tle Irish Rose," W. McLeary; "The Veteran's Song," Mr. Davis; readings T.
by Mr. Brierley; song and reading by G. McIntosh; songs by Mr. Mille and Alex. Duguid.
Walter McLeary presided at the piano. the Present Sons of were Scotland, representatives the Caledonian from association and Sons of England. MELFORT SEEKS CO-OPERATION IN URGING C.N.R. TO BUILD THE CALGARY LINE ON TO LE PAS said that it was unfair that a party should be allowed to start up an establishment in a woodshed, or an outhouse in some outlying section of the city, escaping overhead expenses, and other encumbrances, install a few tools, take out a license costing $5 and then proceed to undercut and compete with Arms who have large expenses and who have been long established in the The secretary WAs authorized to write the chairman of the bylaws com. to the effect that the exchange had no objections to the proposal to raise the fee to the figure mentioned.
Melfort Board of Trade and the farmers in that district are making a determined effort to force the hand of the C. N. R. towards the building of the line which is to ultimately extend from Calgary Le Pas by way of Saskatoon and Vonda and Melfort, and at the meeting of the city council held yesterday a letter received from George Weaver, Limited, outlining the action which the people of Melfort are taking and asking the of the city council of Saskatoon in this work. It appears that the Melfort board of trade are getting monster petit'on which will have representatives I from different points all along the line of the proposed railway and that deputation the citizens of Melfort will then KO down to Ottawa and inet and the railway commission a that make such representations to the cabthey will order the construction of the line.
Mr. Weaver pointed out in his letter that the charter had been granted some time AgO and the bonds had been guaranteed by the government so that everything was ready for the construction of the line. In spite of this, however, the C.N.R. at the present time are pressing for lengthy delay on the line and is this movement that the people of Melfort are endeavoring to sidetrack. Some work has been done on the line already between Melfort and Vonda and as Saskatoon will be directly beneAtted by the construction of the road which will give a clear road to Le Pas from great northwestern country it la likely that Saskatoon will fall in line.
The matter was referred to the railways and commerce committee ou the motion of Alderman Clare and Fawcett, and they will bring in a report on the question at the next meeting of the council. CLEVER JAPANESE ACTORS It would be harder to find a more unique drama than that showing at the Daylight theatre for tonight for the leading Aim in three reels in a Japanese drama entirely enacted by Japanese actors who portray before the moving picture camera a little playlet that is likely to become a clammic. It la entitled "The Yellow Slave." and the story It talla in certainly fresh to occidental eyes. Two amusing comedies form the latter part of the program which la thus of live reels, one reel more than that of the usual i ins picture entertainment.
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