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Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 5

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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THE DxlILY PHCENIX SATUKDAT AUGUST 31 1912 at AUGUST PERMITS WILL EASILY EXCEED ONE MUON DOLLARS At AtWsyfcAkMT'fcA. AratN TVf ANY brands of Baking Powder contain alum, which is an injurious acid. The ingredients of alum baking powder are never printed on the label. SILVER GRILL WILL F-NTERTAIN CIVIC OFFICIALS. -fUU WPfbp Magic Baking Powder contains no alum and is the only baking powder made in Canada that has all the ingredients plainly printed on the label.

menu EWCILLETT COMIttNY LIMITED TORONTO. ONT. 75 Cenl3 5 TO 5 P.Al Canape Csortnt Chicken Bouillon with Egg Drops Cream of Tomatoes Olives ---Celery Ttmballs of White Fish Ducaia Saratoga Potatoes Boiled Leg of Veal, Ctdery Sauce Paupettes a la Toulouee Grilled Lamb Steak Portuguese Fried Egg Plant Roast Young Turkey, Glblot Drawing Cranberry Bauo Prime Ribs at Beef an Ju Whipped Steamed Potatoes New Green Pees jJ Lettuce and Tomato Halad 2 Green Apple and Orange Cream Pie 2 Club end Chocolate Ice Cream 2 I McLaren' Cheese Cluster Grapes Asst'd Cake If TEA COFFEE AMJSIC BY OUR SILVER GRILL ORCHESTRA feats and Oysters For Good and Sure Quality, and Prices that are Right, Come to PRESTON'S STORES GAPE I Kcmpthornw, 2nd Are FAIL TERM Commences SEPTEMBER 3 The School 1 of Sari Kflrl Graduate 2 Whose Graduates have fy Satisfied Employer. What better reoommenda. tlon could any Business College Require Enroll Sept 3 E- A.

MARSHALL, Prim Si hJLL American Federation of Musicians Mem her of Local 639 American Federation of Musician are requested lo luivea Hnnday afternoon, Kepterobcr 1st, at 2 nWark alvarp. A full nttetulance 1 requested, JL JACKSON, Hecrelary, Fourth Ynnvp Boy Hmut. Thg member of the Fourth Troop Buy Hcauts era requested meet on Monday nv'TIihig at t.UVk at Knox ball, Hioutuuisur Iynam will be tn the city, and instruct the trip for their movements during the celebration, DIED, McMlllan-At 114 Fifth Av, north, Saskatoon, Thurauay, August 29, Gordon Angus Mi MilUn, tourtien-munthsbold son of Mr, auj Mrs, Angus McMillan, Total for First Eight Months of the Year Will be Nearly $7,000,000 Almost Triple that of Last August and Double that Same Month in 1911 Still another month will era the building permit for Saskatoon over-step th 1 1.000,000 mark. In tact, the total for the first eight month of this year will Just about double the amount of building operations commenced during the same period last year. yesterday afternoon the permits Issued by the building inspector during the month of August totalled In addition to this, the building Inspector has letters at hts office, stating that the permits for the new MacMillan store, which is being erected by the Willoughby-Sumner people, and for the now Quaker Oats extensions to the premises of the Saskatoon Milling company will be taken out before the end of the month.

These respectively amount to $275,000 and $100,000. This will bring the total for the month up to $1,206,848. The total amount of building started under way during the month ol August, 1011, was $475,275, which brought the total for the eight monriis of last year up to $3,717,091. Wien the figures at the present time available, the permits for the year 1912 up to date will amount to $6,771,741. It was generally estimated early in the year that the total for 1 13 would be possibly $7,000,000, but It is now quite evident that this will fall far short of the mark, as that amount is practically assured at the.

present time, and the estimate will bo quite a little too low. SASKATOON WAS FREE FROM FROST Little Damage Done in Saskatchewan -Kinderslpy and liloydmlnsler llad Two Points. The Suskatoon district had a fortunate escape from the frost that visited several other parts of the west on Thursday night. Yesterday morning a wire was received by W. J.

Gerow, local manager of the Saskatchewan land office of the C.P.R., stating that severe frosts were encountered at Calgary, and asking if any damage had been done in this district. Immediately Mr. Gerow had men tour the outskirts of the city to ascertain if any signs of frosif were visible, but their report was most fn-vorablo. They stated that not even the potato plants or the morning glory vines, which are always the first to feel the effects of the early fall frosts, had been touched. A.

D. Spragge, of Spragge and Keane, grain brokers, yesterday stated that the only frost he had hoard of had been in the Klndcrsley district, where two points of frost had occurred on Thursday night. A similar touch had been experienced at Lloydmlnster, but no serious damage had been done. ELANS FOR CHURCHES BEING STEWED Architects Chosen and New Baptist Edifices Will he Started on Slvortly- Following a business meeting of the new Klversdule and Nutana baptist congregation, sketch iplnns for two churches and a manse were submitted yesterday and are now being worked on. The architects are Thompson, Daniel, and Colthurst.

The sites of the churches will be Northeast corner of 19th street and Avenue and the northeast corner of Eaatlake avenue und 11th street The buildings will be started as soon as financial arrangements, of which W. F. Punn has charge, can be negotiated The officers appointed by the congregation of twelve are a follows: Trustees, W. Down, E. A.

South, and J. L- Archibald; deacons. W. Down, L. A.

Bodie, J. W. Whyte, E. McIntyre; O. E.

Coates, E. A. South; clerk, W. F. Down; treasurer, E.

A-South; treasurer of building fund, It. A. Croucher: financial, secretary for the west aide, N. Riley; for the south side, J. R.

Small; finance committee, 3. L. Archibald, D. Chisholm, G. Bird, U- A.

Croucher, J. W. Whyte, with the treasurer and financial secretaries, cx-officto; building committee, A. South. J.

R. Small, L. A. Bodie, R. A.

Croucher. FUSILIERS PARADE New En I forma and Bualilcs Add to line Aicnrn(ice of Col. Smith's Regiment The 105th Saskatoon Fusilier donned their new scarlet uniforms and talt Imposing busbies lt n'ifht 1nr the first time and held a rehearsal fur Monday mornings parade. From the armoury up Second avenua they marched, then to the station where they lined up In the order they 111 take on Monday while awaltiag the arrival of the governor-general ana Church parade Is called for 9 30 promptly. The men will meet at the armoury In review order.

The route of the parade ru he along 2nd avenue to rd street north on 2 3rd street to 3rd to 24th street, and then werito sue north to 27th street end thence to the rhuroh. I El WON At Arne Field, of Minneapolis, has Joined the local erics National land company. 4 Instead of acting as host on Tuesday evening, whan the prominent party of Britishers, so closely connected with the Canadian Agencies, will be in the city, the members of the city council and the civic officials will be guests of the latter at a dinner party at the King George, Yesterday morning Invitations were received at the city hall and all arrangements for the dinner that was to have been given the visitors were set aside. ADVERTISE CITY BY OIL PAINTING One Will Hang in Washington Convention Hall at Meeting of Commercial Executives. By placing a large oil painting of Saskatoon in the rotunda of the convention hall in Washington, D.C., where the annual gathering of the American Association of Commercial Execultves takes place on September 23-25, Saskatoon should obtain some good advertising.

General Manager Janies A. Hell, of the Industrial league in this city, is the founder of this association, at which will be gathered the big industrial men throughout Canada and the United States, and he himself will go to Washington to see how the association has progressed, and incidentally to tell of the wonderful advantages that are to be obtained by Industries locating in this city. It had been the original intention of the league to have such a painting made fur this purpose, but C. I. Alexander, who is one of the directors, was having one painted by Gibson Catlin, of Calgary, and he has volunteered to allow it to go Instead, ns it will be finished In plenty of time.

This painting will cost $500 and will be an excellent blrdseye view of Saskatoon, and will show the location of Saskatoons new Industrial sites, and their railway facilities. J. SISLER HEAD. End Came Rather Unexpectedly After Illness Throughout Spring and Summer. After a slight illness through the late spring and summer, the end came rather unexpectedly yesterday to Mr.

J. Sisler, who has been a resi. dent of this city for the past seven years. He leaves a widow and only one child, Mrs. W.

E. Lovelock. Interment will take place at Mr. Sislers former home in Aylmer, to which place the body will be taken. Mrs.

Sisler and Mrs. Lovelock will go east with the body. DIVINITY COLLEGE MAY LOCATE HERE German Lutherans Will ( Be. tween Tills City and Regina. It seems quite probable that the German Lutheran Divinity college to be built within a few months to serve the three prairie provinces, will erected at Saskatoon.

The choice of the synod lies between this city and Itegtna. The committee with whom the decision lleg consists of Mission Superintendent E. fl. Knappe, of Edmonton; President of Synod Rev. Goos, Stony Plain, and Mr.

Weldcn-hamer, Edmonton. The next years convention will he held in Saskatoon during fair week. The dnvltation was proffered by Rev. F. W.

Klein and Mr. John Bredy, who were the delegates from this city to the synod recently held in Edmonton. A LEAGUE HANDBOOK. A membership hnndbook containing the name and addresses of the offl. rers and subscriber to the Industrial league has been prepared by James A.

Bell, general manager of the league, and Is now ready for the press. ARMYS MEMORIAL SERfYICE, The loenl Salvation army corps, under the officers, Ensign Sheppard and Captain MacLennan, will hold Its memorial service In honor of the late General Booth on Sunday night at 7.80, in the Star theatre. The band will play the funeral march on the streets at 6.30. Captain Wright, of Winnipeg, will assist the local officers with the 11 and I oclock services, ss well as with the memorial service In the evening, Both Ensign Sheppard nnd Captain MacLennan have met the late com-msnder-in-ehief end have listened to addressee given hy him, They, together with Sergeant-Major Bailey and other of the local corps who have known the deed rhleftaln, will pay tribute to hie memory on Sunday night SourStomech floor stomech, riptn pains la the stv 4mnn and lulih ilr.r, yield lo Ui enu edivtira setioo rsrmelre'a. tti bent of all Mil.

I bey relieve oouaUpatlon erlUuait bed PnoeaXl Tbe)r un mlui system, Parmelees VtQLTABLE Pills WTNN1PEO ANOTHER BUILDING FORSECONDAVENUE Liverpool syndicate will erect five storey strec- TERE BETWEEN' 22.ND AND 23IID STREETS Will Be One of Most Modern in the City Tenders Already Being Received by Saskatchewan Investment and Trust Co. foe Its Clienur Excavations to be Marie Tills Fall and Work Completed Early Next Spring. Still another building is already arranged for and will fill In another of the gaps on 2nd avenue with one of the finest structures that have been erected In the city. Tenders have already been called for by the Saskatchewan Investment and Trust company that Is acting lor its clients. That in this case a Liverpool syndicate, the same men who will build on the corner of 2nd avenue, opposite the King George.

This latest building will be erected on the west side of 2nd avenue, between 22nd and 23rd streets, Just south of the Lemery-Denlson hall. Contracts for the work of excavation will be let not later than September 15, and this part of the work ds to be completed not later than October 15. It is the Intention to get this much of the work done this year, and possibly the foundation laid, so that with the early spring next season building operations may be commenced without delay. Already plans are being considered for buildings ranging from two to nine storeys, but it is expected that the building that will finally be erected will be about five storeys high, and the foundations that are to he laid will be built with a view to carrying additional storeys that may later be found necessary. This syndicate has put up a fireproof, five-storey building dn Moose-Jaw, which is one of the finest in that city, and it ds understood that it will do as well In the building that ds to be erected In this city.

The building will cover an area 50 by 93 feet, and will be built on lots 31 and 32, block 149, plan Q2. G.T.P. PRESIDENT PASSES THROUGH Biggest Party of That JRoad Who Ever Toured West Went Through at Early Hour. One of the largest and most Important parties of Grand Trunk officials that ever toured western Canada came through south Saskatoon early this morning, about 1.30 oclock. Never; has a better train travelled over tho G.T.r.

line than the one in which the highest officials of the road travelled. In tho party were President Cham-, berlln; 1st Vice-President J. E. Dnl-rymplo, 2nd Vice-President Fltshugh, Managing Director Smlthers, General Pasonger Agent W. P.

lllnton, General Superintendent H. H. Brewer, General Freight Agent C. E. Dewey, and N.

B. Walton, superintendent of the 4th district, in which Saskatoon is situated. The special train oonslsted of six private cars, most of the men from the east bringing their private cars with them on their trip through to the coast. The party passed through Saskntoon one day last week, after making record run from Winnipeg In eleven and a half hours, making ail the divisional stops on the trip through. The party Is now returning to Winnipeg, after having been through to th coast on a general tour of inspection.

CHILDREN IN COURT. Two boys W'cre up before Magistrate Brown yesterday In the Juvenile court convicted of theft. The case wa an extreme one and severe penalty might have been Inflicted. But the gist rate was lenient, and to give th lads a chance he allowed them to be given Into the care of the Children add society, A S. Wright the secretary of that society, stated that the chief offender would be put In an industrial school.

The other one would be looked after by the society. The boy did not get off without some sound sdriea from both Mr. Brown and Mr. Wright. Angus McMillan Horcfl ved, Th death occurred on Thursday morning of Gordon Angus, one year and two months old son of Angus McMillan, of this city.

The funeral will be held on Futility from the family residenee, 624 6th avenue north. MONTREAL GRADE IN FALL FOR TRANSFER RAILWAY Hi Industrie Will be Ready Next Spring to Ese New Industrial Hites. The recently formed Saskatoon Industrial Development and Power Co. is calling for tenders for the grading work on the transfer railway that la to run through the new industrial site acquired by the Industrial league to the west of the city. Grading work will be commenced on the Cahill property, and continued up through Rosedale addition, River Heights and Cordage Park, where it will connect up with the G.T.P.

Tenders will close for this work on September 16, so that the contracts may be let, and the work completed this fall, with a view to making an early start at the laying of the steel next spring. Already six factories have been located on the property that will he effected hy this transfer railway, some on the new industrial sites Required by the league, and others on privately owned properties. The Saskatoon Saw Mill company has signed up articles, and will commence early In the spring with the erection of its plant. Two buildings will be put up by it; a saw and planing mill, and a box factory. In ail, it will employ about 60 men.

The Western Foundry company, It is understood, will sell out the property on Ave. which it has outgrown, and will move to the new site next spring, where it expects to find employment for from 25 to 50 men. The foundations for the building to be erected by the Flax Fibre company may be laid on its site this fall, and will complete the buildings in the spring. It will employ from 25 to 40 men. Then there Is the Clinton Automobile company, that expects to get a start made on the new building within the next two weeks.

The Armstrong Manufacturing Co. will commence operations on their new plant on the which they have received from the Industrial league early next spring. The Metal nnd Siding company, of Preston, who only Thursday of this week signed up with the league, will also he among the early builders on the west side next spring. SQUADRON ORDERS. A Squadron, 29 th Light Horse, will parade at the Armoury on Saturday afternoon at 3 and on Sunday morning at 10 a.m., at the fair grounds.

Dress drill order with belts and bandoliers. Uniform will be issued on Saturday morning In the basement of the National Trust between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saddlery will bo Issued at tho Armoury, 21st street west, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

As these are the last parades before the arrival of the Duke of Connaught, the O.C. requests that every man belonging to tho squadron makes a special effort to attend. The escort will be selected from the men who make the best showing on Sundsy morning. After the departure of the Duke of Connaught on Monday morning, Major Aikln will Inspect the parade, and present a silver-mounted riding crop to ths man who make the best appearance on parade. J.

D. GUNN, O.C. Squadron. 105T1I REGIMENT ORDERS. The regiment will parad for divine service on Sunday at 9.80 sharp at the Armouries.

Dress review order. All member of th regiment or warned to not fall to be on parade, a full attendance la requested. The line of march will be Second Av 23rd street. Third avenue, 14th street. Avenue end I7th etreet to Christ order, D.

F. 6MTTH, O.C, I05th Regiment, 105111 REGIMENT The regiment will parade at the Armouries 8.30 a.m. on Monday, the 2nd of September, to furnish a guard of honor II. R. It.

the Duke of Cnnnuught. Order of dress, full dre By order, D. SMITH, Lieut. O.C., lflfilh Regiment, I RAINY WEATHER DELAYS JJOYEMENT ESTIMATED INCREASE IN BESI-NESS THAT COSIES WITH AN ASSURED CROP IS HELD BACK Many Transfers Show Enlivened Interest West Bide IToperties Still Influenced by Location of Industrial Site-Farm Lands Und Many Buyers from Visiting Parties Home of the Weeks Sales The several rainy days which have occurred since Monday have caused a delay to the harvesting of th crop; which In turn ha caused more or less of a drag on the increasing activity In realty circles which otherwise would have been realised. On the whole tho week with the local agent ha been quite up to the standard for the present season of the year.

For the most port, there ha been noted an enlivened Interest, with many more Inquiries than have been noticeable during the quieter months of the summer season, Ths heavy roads have made It almost Impossible for the dealer to get out with their cars, and thus effect as many sales as under ordinary circumstances would have been put through. Several parties of outside buyer have passed through the city olnce Monday, and there Is every evidence that this fall win bring with It an even greater demend for Saskatoon Investments than those of previous years. Already eev-I oral dealera report outside capital coming In to be Invested In Saskatoon, Possibly ths greatest factor to Influence the realty market at Chi sra-on of the year. Is th harvest throughout the district. The frequent showers through the past week have delayed the time whan the money for the abundant crop that la only partially cub will be circulated through the country, However fur In thla dlstrlot, It has only been a delay.

No serious report of damage from frost or hall have been heard of, anil with about ton days more of good weather, the harvest should be In. There are always those who await this period before making further Investment In real estate, end the assure no of a good crop means inareaaod sales with the real estate agent Wowt (Ity Advancing Iloprrty cn the west side of the city Is still advancing under the Influence of the location of the Industrial sites )n that section of th city. Possibly most of the transfers during the past week have been made in that neighborhood. On the south aide of the city, building It atlll In progress, and many turnovers have been msdo to buyer who contemplate Immediate operations, Farm lands have been quite a popular department of the real nutate bual-noee, nnd dealer with listings ef this nature have disposed ef considerable farm lands to numerous parties who have passed through th city, While there have been no actual sale of Inside business properties re ported, nevertheless, all agree that the interest shown and the inquiries made fop this class of property have been much more frequent and substantial than during the previous weeks. The following are some of the transfer that have been made by local dealers, and will give the reader an idea of the prices that are being received for properties In practically every portion of the city: Saskatoon Commission company: Three lot In Block 10, DJI, for $3000; 6 lots In Block 10, GJ, for $2260; 1 lot In Block 15, GJ, for $375; 2 lot In Block 25, FF1, for $900; 2 lot in Block 14, G194, for $3975; 2 lot In Block 22, FK for $2700; a farm at the north-west quarter of 26-24-35, for $8800.

A. Wilson Six lots in Block 20, Mayfair, at $600 each; 6 lot In Block LL4.00 c. andJ loU in Block 18, G108, at $400 each. Fletcher and Murray One lot In Block 1 FW, for $1300; 1 lot In Block City park, for $3000; a house on Poplar crescent for $9260. Capitol Investment company (In addition to what was previously reported this week): 4 lots In Block 22, Broadway addition, at $360 each; 2 lot In Block 21, Broadway addition, at $850 each; and 2 lot in Block 32, Broadway addition, at $800 each; all of Block 9, for $7500.

Moyer-Lovelac company Syndicated Block In Rosedale addition; 2 lot In Block 21, Ruskin Place, at $625 each; lot and 24, la Block 23, Westmount. for $2300; 1 lot In Block GR, for $1000, William Hopkins and company 100 feet on Saskatchewan crescent, between River street nd Government reed for $8600; 4 let In Biork Plan EF, at $600 each; house and Lot 12. Block IT, Qt, for $5800. The National Land company 83 Iota In Oastl Square at prices of $150 and $175 a lot, McEown and Lota 18 and 18, In Block 88 Ql, for $8600; house and lot In PZ for $1000; 60 fret In Block 1. Plan, PEI, for I plots In Hlghvlew Garden for 1800.

Belton report the following sales: T-ot Block 37, Ql, from George Young tn Mr. Bradford, $2100 cash; Lot to. Block 21, Ql, to Dr. Allan, Brock villa, Gnt, also a ensh ania. House on Melrose between 8th and 2th; 3.

3. Msnty te H. 3. Robinson, manager, Walch I-nd company, $8800 two 80-fcet lota In Hollevue addition te an eastern Investor, Other sales tn this vicinity: House on Melrose, between 8th and 9th, It. C.

Manly to II. Greene, $5300; an 9th street, between Melrose and Macpherson, J. B. Manly to Mr. Argue, Ottawa Rarity Eo.j houso on 9th street, between Melrose and Mar-pherson, from David Mills te John Woods,.

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