Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 14
- Publication:
- Star-Phoenixi
- Location:
- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 14
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
About 250 people gathered in the Equity hall Friday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doig who were married last month both Brookes and Mr. Dolg have grown up in the district and are popular. Mesdames R.
7. Werthenbach, Akehurst, Cameron. and other members of the Homemakers arranged an enjoyable ning. A decorated wagon was drawn in and gifts presented the honored couple. Solos were given by Mrs.
Akehurst, Doris Stevens, Joe Hyslop, Mrs. Th. Goldsmith; recitation Ray Stevens; piano duet Mrs. David and Miss Maris. Lunch was served followed by dancing.
Ralph Dale and W. Petitt supplied music and Jess Hockin was M.C. Permit Required For Wood Cutting SPRINGWATER. -The committee appointed by the R.M. of Bushville to arrange for some order in allowing wood cutting on lands in 60 mile bush, met with H.
Mosses, of the provincial government on February 13 at Lydden. Arrangements have been made to have the secretary-treasurer issue interim wood permits on crown lands from the municipal office. People requiring wood hereafter will be required to have a permit before they are allowed to cut any wood on government or municipal owned lands. The U.F.C., Springwater branch, held a meeting in the municipal office on Friday and elected as dele gate to attend their convention, C. A.
Atkinson. They also arrangements to put on a dance in the near future to raise funds for this branch. CLOSE GOOD YEAR Satisfactory reports were read at the meeting of the Codette operative Association when fair number attended. The three retiring directors, R. Wall, T.
M. Clarkson, and Davidson, were re-elected. The auditors commended the efficiency of the management. Mr. Mills is manager and Mrs.
Mills bookkeeper. EXCITING GAMES exciting broomball games were played at the rink here on Saturday afternoon when the local single and married men met the Forest Bank single and mar. ried men's teams. The single men's game ended with a no score count after an overtime was played. The married men, however, were defeated by the visitors by a score of 4-0.
TWO HEADS calf with two heads and two tails was born on the farm of E. W. Samuelson, living about 8 miles north of Kelliher. A head and neck projected from each shoulder, and the tail, one piece for a short distance down and then split into two parts. The calf was dead when born and although perhaps valuable was thrown out on the prairie where it was destroyed by dogs and other animals.
Orange Lodges To Celebrate July 11 -Manitou County Orange lodge at the annual meeting held in Young decided accept the invitation of the Watrous L.O.L. to join them in a monster celebration to be held at Manitou Beach on Saturday, July 11, County Master P. McCurrie, of Watrous, presided. or New officers were installed as follows: C.M., Fred White; D.C.M., J. McAndrew; L.
Rusk; R.S., K. Rusk; F.S., W. Bishop; A. May; D. May: lecturers, W.
Baker. R. Barton and H. S. Winters.
Arelee Over a hundred people gathered in the Forester's hall on Monday night to welcome Mr. and Mrs. T. Cleghorn. Mr.
Cleghorn has been one of Arelee's prominent young men for some years and just recently WAS married to Marie Bakalar, of Imperial. The hall was artistically decorated in the lodge colors. After playing whist lunch was served and dancing was enjoyed. Tuesday night at the regular meeting of the C.O.F. Tom Cleghorn and Walter Sullivan were presented with carving sets accompanied with the best wishes the lodge for a happy married life.
On Wednesday night about 100 people surprised Mr. and Mrs. T. Cleghorn with a miscellaneous shower. Whist was enjoyed, prizes going to Mrs.
Royce, S. Conklin, Mrs. Wood, and R. Dickinson. A mock wedding was given by Mrs.
Stinson, Miss Hilda Currie, and Mrs. Almond. Lunch was served. Irene Black and Jessie Currie brought in a large basket of gifts. Arelee' hockey team defeated Borden at Borden Saturday by a 6-5 score.
This point boasts one of the best open-air rinks in the province. The teacher's local alliance of Arelee and district met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pachal on Friday night. Whist honors went to Mr.
Cooke and Mr. Hepworth. This local growing concern and all the teachers are taking an active part. Stenen A. R.
BROWN SPEAKS AT DELISLE MEET Urges Co-operation in Rural Education and to Resign High School Contract A meeting of the trustees parents of the Delisle school district was held in the theatre on Friday evening. Madam T. Robson, chairman of the school board, presided. There was fair A. The R.
speakers Brown, of director the eve: of rural education for Saskatchewan, W. J. Loucks, M.P., and W. H. Morfor many years chairman of gan, the school board.
Mr. Brown opened with a spirit of optimism, urging people to co-operate in matters of rural education. importance He and urged particularly the par- in ticipants of the high school conthe correspondent which tract to resign the In have an enrolment of over 5,000, Mr. Brown pointed out that rural schools must teach grades 9 and 10. This was put into the act for the purpose of showing all rural schools the necessity of meeting the demand for higher education.
Mr. Brown intimated that the rural ratepayers should have some form of representation on the local school board, in the form an advisory council, especially in the matter of spending monies. Mr. Loucks supplemented the remarks speaker. He said the Delisle school board relied upon the support of the outside schools.
The Delisle high school had proved to be an inspiration to others considersimilar project, and without outside support the high school would undoubtedly have to cease operating. Mr. Morgan pointed out to Mr. Brown that the school board years ago had considered the advisory council and the boarding home. first project had been dropped as had been advised by officials of the department that legal difficulties would arise from the formation of such a board.
Lashburn Lashburn and district agricultural society held its annual masquerade ball in Hobb's hall on Friday night, The costumes were many and the judges had a difficult task. Prizes were won by Miss Mildred Snyder, Miss Agnes Scott, Mrs. F. Rowe, H. L.
Warren, Milne, Clifford Milne. Lunch was served by the wives of the men.bers of the society after which dancing was resumed. Music was supplied by Bernard's quintet. As a result the funds of the society are increased by about $40. Rt.
W. Bro. S. Cooper, D.D. C.M.
for district 7 paid his official visit to Landmark lodge A.F. and A M. on Thursday evening. There WAS a large attendance of the members and a pleasant and profitable time was spent. During the evening Bro.
Cooper was presented with 8 Masonic remembrance from the members of his mother lodge as has been moved to Rosetown by his company. On Saturday, evening Miss Betty Moran gave a Valentine party to 20 of her classmates and friends. Court whist was played and prizes were won by Caryl Woulds, Grace Browne, James Hart and Dermot Small. A short musical program was enjoyed after which lunch was served. Mrs.
Moran was assisted by Mrs. E. P. Charles. The Maidstone players presented the mystery play, "The Yellow Shadow" to a large audience in the hall on Wednesday evening.
The parts were well taken by Miss M. Garrett, H. F. Neale, Geraldine E. Magee, Mre.
A. L. Colbiornson, Galah ings, Drummond Crouch, James Bryans, Walter Wesson, Luel Cutsforth, Marry Greensward, with Lucile Cutsforth, Jack Robb, Gifford Chard and A. Smawley as assistanta. The net proceeds were divided equally between the United Churches at Maidstone and Lashburn.
PIMPLES! RASH! I WAS A SIGHT stantly. But the firse application of 'Sootha-Salva' ended the itch right away. The pimples and rash soon left. My skin la now perfectly clear." -Annette D'Orsay, Hull, P.Q. "Sootha-Salva" discovered by doctor who evolved "Fruit-a-tives." All druggists.
50c. not delighted. maker refunds money. Get it today. "My face was disfigured with pimples and rash that itched con- P.M Relieve that shopping fatigue with Life Savers MINT VERSE LIFE Thayre refreshing MON WINT GREEN Life Saver Time is any time.
CLAVE at the home enjoyable of Mr. evening and spent Mrs. Clarence McLeod on Friday when a whist drive was held under the auspices of the Homemakers' club. Court whist was played, honors going to Mrs. Steusser, Wm.
Dittmer, Mrs. H. H. Dubois and Felix Russell. Lunch served at midnight by the hostess.
GLENSIDE. -A Valentine social was held in the basement of the under the auspices of ladies' aid, tad United Church on Friday evening. A large crowd attended. The program committee were Mesdames McDonald, Wallace, Lamont and Reid and put on an enjoyable program consisting of an old sOng, a musical contest. a vegetable contest, kitchen utensils, and a Valentine romance, the winners in each receiying prizes.
Misses Lorraine Cutting and Ethel Eckel had charge of the Valentines and the post office, Miss J. Wallace and Mra. Gwilym were lunch comI mittee Gifford, Marg. assisted by Olson, Misses Ethel Gifford, Maudie and Pearl Millar. ENT ENTERTAINMENTS leading roles.
Mrs. C. T. Carnie and Miss Jean Lawrence rendered musical numbers. Following the play a dance attracted good average crowd.
The Anglican Guild, under whose auspices the evening was put on, will profit in a nice sum. good of hockey was witnessed at Maidstone on Friday night, when Waseca and Maidstone midgets met. The game fast and clean throughout, and resulted in a tie score, 33, after overtime. HOCKEY The Sturgis school team came to Stenen Wednesday afternoon when they played an interesting game with the Stenen school team. The Sturgis boys for the fourth time this year defeated the locals in a 4-1 victory.
RABBIT -After defeating the Mullingar hockey team score of 4-1, the Rabbit Lake hockeyists lost out to Medstead by a 5-3 score on Wednesday. -The old rivals, teams, on the local ice Feb. 12 Springwater and Ruthilda hockey for first time this winter. The 'ice was in fair shape except for being a little soft on one side. M.
I. Morrison, manager of the team, had several of the old Ruthilda to Springwater. toro Springwater had players and or three strangers their usual lineup under the management of Claude Angus. The game ended, Ruthilda 1, Springwater 0. R.
Ferguson, of Springwater, referee, handed out a lot of penalties, particularly to Ruthilda. SOVEREIGN. BIll Macauley's hockey boys took advantage of the good ice this week and played four games. Monday they visited Harris, winning by a 10-4 score. Tuesday they went to Wiseton.
Both teams were handicapped as the ice soft. Wiseton won 3-0. On Thursday Zealandia came over, and took the long end of a 5-2 score. Immediately after this game Zealandia and Harris took the ice, Zealandia again winning, 6-3. Friday night the locals journeyed to Zealandia and succeeded in winning by 5-4.
MILDEN. -The usual practice of home and home games as between small towns is not good enough for Harris and Milden. The former has a fine new closed rink, while Milden's is an open-air affair where poor ice has marked these mild weeks. So for a return game with Harris Milden junior hockeyists went to Harris on Wednesday night, Harris allowing them A share of the gate receipts. Harris won by 8-3.
senior hockey team took the short end of a game with Asquith on Thursday evening, the score was 6-1. On Saturday porning the Borden intermediate hockey team played with Maymont, losing by a close score, 3-2. An Saturday evening, Borden seniors lost out to Langham by a score of 6-4. Brains Loses To Money in Debate that money is of more influence than brains," was the topic of an interesting debate at the meeting of the Asquith Christian Endeavor Soclety, held on Thursday evening in the United Church basement. There WAS a large attendance, and the fact that visitors from Delisle and Kinley were present proved the extensive interest taken in the debate.
Wm. Frost, president, was in the chair. Several harmonica selections were given by F. King. Bert Picketts, H.
Mathespoke for the affirmative and R. B. Warren and Bruce Baldwin for the negative. The Judges, Mrs. W.
G. Buchanan, Mrs. T. W. J.
Mather and S. Millar decided in favor of the affirmative by a lead of 36 points. Miss Wilda Craig gave a humorous reading. An invitation was extended to the Kinley community club to meet the local C.E.S. in debate on Thursday, March 12.
ELECT DIRECTORS SIBBALD, annual meetthe shareholders of the community hall wAS held on February 12. Hoenig. Rex Mowers, H. L. Patterson, John Woods, Clyde Stauffer and Harry Hunter were elected directors for the ensuing The financial report was satisfactory.
There are about $700 worth of unsold shares which will clear off the hall debt. LUSELAND CLUB LUSELAND CLUB of the home and school club was The regular meeting held in the school and was attended by A large gathering, a number of fathers also attending. Rev. H. E.
Marshall was in the chair. K. G. Morgenroth gave an interesting and instructive address on "Intelligence Tests." Following his talk the meetwas thrown open for discussion and a number of those present exthepressed their views on the subject. CONTROL FAVORED BY BORDEN LOCAL Urges Central to Request Power To Stop All Foreclosure Actions well attended meeting of the local lodge U.
F. was held in Schechter's hall, Borden, on Thursday afternoon when many important resolutions were passed. Harold Foster, president, was appointed official delegate to the forthcoming convention to be held in Saskatoon. Messrs. A.
Larson, C. Larson and Robt. Hinde will be visiting delegates. A resolution dorsing the 100 percent pool was carried. The official delegate wAS instructed to support any motion at the convention favoring political action on the part F.
C. secretary WAS instructed to write Premier Anderson, Hon. J. G. Gardiner and the sitting member, George Cockburn, M.L.A., asking their support the Grain Marketing bill.
Another motion carried, urging central to approach the government with the request that they give the commissioner of debt adjustment bureau ample powers to stop on appeal all actions which would lead to foreclosure, with the object of avoiding dissipation of wealth, which would result by forced sales under present financial conditions. Another resolution was in connection with 100 percent pool, favoring plebiscite of producers only. Salvador I.O.D.E. Elects Officers The Prairie Heroes chapter of the I.O.D.E. held its fourth annual meeting on Saturday at the home of the regent, Mrs.
George Doughty. Reports on the year's activities were read and approved. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Regent, Mrs. E. J.
Smallacombe; first vice-regent, Miss Eileen Evans; second viceregent, Mrs. Harry Whittaker; secretary, Mrs. George Doughty; Echoes secretary, Miss Madeline Carroll; standard bearer, Mrs. Jack Phillips; provincial councillor, Mrs. A.
J. Kippen; national councillor, Mrs. J. H. Holmes; delegate to provincial annual meeting, Regent-elect Mrs.
E. J. Smallacombe. At a meeting of the U.F.C. held on Thursday afternoon, Lloyd Briley was appointed delegate to attend the U.F.C.
convention at Saskatoon. CURLING RUTHILDA. -Owing to there being no curling ice at either Handel Kelfield, one rink from each town motored to Ruthilda on Tuesday a game in the afternoon. Handel defeated the Kelfield rink. In the evening two curlers from each rink curled against a local rink, defeating the locals.
local rinks motored to Unity on Friday to endeavor to lift the Beaver and Scott trophies in a double rink competition and the Batey and Hagan cups in a single contest. The local rinks were skipped outcurled by Guy, Ellis, Murray. Guy Lockeridge in the Batey 19-10. For the Beaver trophy Ellis lost to Fairburn by 11-4. Murray lost to Pocock 12-5.
In the Hagan tussle Tovey took revenge on Guy who took a trouncing to the tune of 14-5. In the Scott mixup Ellis took the short end from Parks by 12-9 while Murray took revenge on Dempster by 15-5. The local curlers returned with the Batey and Scott trophies. Two interesting games of curling were played on the local ice Thursday night when Skips Hodges Meekin brought up two rinks from Rutland and locked horns with two local gangs skipped by K. Murray and C.
Brown. Hodges won by 8-7 and Meekin by 12-7. rinks of curlers from Maidstone motored to Lloydminster and brought back the R. J. Gordon, M.L.A., cup.
The Maidstone curlers were J. A. Pickel (skip), J. Dalgarno, J. E.
Chard, T. H. McConnell; J. Kilcoyne (skip), W. A.
Magee, T. Reed, A. A. Owens. The Lloydminster skips were Messrs.
Menzies Dr. Cooke. -Two rinks of Milden curlers made run to Rosetown on Thursday night under Skips Young and George, and were given two chances to lift the Badger Cup. In this they were unsuccessful, the Young rink making a close run of it, but the George rink being outclassed. All enjoyed the sportsmanlike recep-21 tion given them by the Rosetown club.
MRS. COCKBURN ILL George Cockburn, wife of George Cockburn, M.L.A. for Redberry constituency, has been seriously ill at her home here for the past week. Latest reports are to the effect that she shows slight improvement. Little Damage In.
Walburg Fire ST. local volunteer fire brigade had a run on Thursday when Peterson's garage caught the cause fire, which had a Are. overheated est stove pipe was the ceiling and roof above office good start before a was noticed in the building. bucket brigade, assisted by the hose from the chemical fire wagon, succeeded in extinguishing the flames before they made much headway. Apart from the water loss is not great.
Obituary The funeral service for the late Martin Sobush who died in a Saskatoon hospital was held Thursday in the Bruno Catholic Church. Deceased was held in high esteem in the district the church being crowded. He is survived by his wife, son Laurence and mother, three sisters and eight brothers. Pall bearers were Elmer Schmirler, Lorenz Schmirler, Sam Hassin, Francis Dufor, Albert and Bill Felin. The funeral of the late Mrs.
H. S. Ross, of Asquith, who died in a Saskatoon hospital, was held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.
C. Lunde a short funeral near Langham where interment took service at pars, Lutheran Church place. Rev. Mr. Sorkus officiated.
Deceased is survived her husband, small son, mother and father, two sisters, Mrs. L. K. Johnson, Mrs. W.
J. Oakford, and a brother Oscar Lunde, all of Asquith, and a brother in Fargo, N.D. Pall bearers were. G. Forsythe, K.
Johnson, W. J. Oakford, Melby Swaler, H. M. Shackleton and Otto Anderson.
Floral tributes were received from: Husband, son, dad, mother, brother Oscar, Carl, and Elwood, sister Margaret, Louis and family; sister, Jack and family; Grace, Hilda, "Boyd, and Bobby; Mr. and Lena; Reba and Mellby; Mrs. Royce Shackleton; and Mr. family; and Mrs. Mr.
J. and C. Jensen; Mr. and Mrs. Christ Larson; Mr.
and Mrs. and L. Martinsen; Mr. and Miss Fredrickson; Mr. and Mrs.
John Isaac; Mr. and Mrs. John MacSorley; Miss Brown, Asquith; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hodgins, Saskatoon; Mr.
and Mrs. Hoff and family, Environ; Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Arrand and Ada, a Saskatoon; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mr.
Hodgins, and Valley Centre; Mrs. Killam; Mrs. H. Larson: Miss Elsie Hovde; Mr. and Mrs.
K. S. Kolbiernson and Esther, all of Saskatoon; Larson and Andersons, Mr. and Mrs. Bobo; Mr.
and Mrs. Hamre and Alma, all of Langham; Standard Oil Social Club of Fargo, N.D. Denzil a pool meeting here the following were chosen as local committee: Messrs. J. Klotz, P.
Witzaney, B. Deck, W. Dowd, T. Robertson, A. Burrell.
The majority of the farmers seem to favor 100 percent pool but there are a few active reactionaries. The C.W.L. Denzil branch held the annual meeting on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. Kraft.
The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs. J. Kraft; vice-president, Mrs. N. S.
Klotz; secretary, Mrs. P. M. O'Bready (re-elected.) The league is in good financial standing and expects a successful year. The local band under the management of H.
K. McRae continues to make favorable progress. The junior section, organized this year, well advanced. President P. M.
O'Bready announced that a band concert will be given soon. The pupils of Denzil school have issued their school paper, "Denzil School Echoes." The issue contains many interesting articles, a brief sketch of the life of General Joffre and a poem of worth by Master Jack Baker, 13. successful masquerade dance Was held here on Friday under the auspices of the skating club. The sum of about $60 was realized. Many costumes were displayed.
The judges were: Miss Evans, Mr. Bennie, and Mr. Scrigemour. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. W.
C. Murray, M. Comba, Miss Eileen Langford, M. De Boice, R. St.
Ange, Mrs. Frank Eder, Miss A. Taphorn and Miss Anna Klotz. Want Completion Of Highway No. 21 A resolution urging the governments of Saskatchewan and Alberta to prosecute development of the No.
highway during 1931 thus serving many purposes including the furthering of tourist traffic from the south, solving the unemployment problem and forming a connecting link with highways No. 40 and 5 with the Alberta blue trail, was passed by the Chauvin, board of trade and sent to towns and municipalities along the line of this highway. It is also being sent to M.L.A.'s each side of the interprovincial boundary and to ministers of highways of Alberta and Saskatchewan CO-OP. FINANCES ARE SATISFACTORY Tessier Society Hears Excellent Reports; Talk Power Line Installation annual meeting of the Tessier Community Hall Co operative Society was held here Saturday when about 50 shareholders attended, presided over by A. E.
Major. The company's business, financial statement and auditor's report were read and favorably recelved. The finances showed some decrease but not nearly so much 88 had been feared in view of the direc- preseconomic conditions. The tors' report was commendable and contained some valuable information. The matter of installing the Saskatchewan Power light and disposing of the local plant was considered and finally agreed that the directors investigate the operative costs and dispose of the one most difficult to maintain.
The rent of the hall was taken up and after taking into consideration the heating, lighting and the many other conveniences it was concluded that the present charge of $20 a night was in no way excesgive. The directors were instructed to appoint different committees to be known as "hall boosters," their duties to be the arranging of various entertainments for raising money paying off the hall debt. John Yellowlees was appointed director and G. A. Dobson, of Saskatoon, auditor.
The Community Hall was completed a little over year ago at a total cost including -fixtures, of $12,000 and is modern in every respect. Amusing Debate By Toc H. Group LOVERNA. Loverna Toc group held its monthly meeting on Thursday at the home of Rev. W.
Banks. There was a good a attendance, with a strong deputation from Alsask. An interesting item of the program was the invitation to membership of three candidates, Rev. C. M.
K. Parsons, vicar of Alsask, Terence McCormick, principal of Loverna school, and A. G. Herman, of Alsask. The initiation ceremony was carried out by Rev.
W. Dacre Hasell, vicar of Loverna and padre of Toc H. Two-minute impromptu speeches by members and visitors produced merriment. These were followed by a debate on "Resolved, that dogs, as a whole, should be free from fleas." The affirmative was stated by Rev. Banks and Rev.
W. Dacre Hassell, while the negative was argued by Rev. C. M. K.
Parsons and Rev. E. P. N. Orme.
The two minutes allowed to each speaker were brimful of mirth-provoking statements. Three judges were appointed but they balked at a decision and the result was declared a tie. Community singing of war-time choruses was followed by refreshments prepared by the hostess, Mrs. W. Banks.
Zelma The Easson rink, W. J. Easson, J. Todd, T. E.
Cline and Maitland Blackford, brought home the Chesley cup from the Colonsay bonspiel. The Viscount juniors played a fast hockey game against the Zelma Trail Rangers on Friday evening, the final score being 3-1 favor of Viscount. good well for Mrs. B. Mintkawetz Henry Holtorf a managed to get a last week after digging five dry holes.
The well is 65 feet deep and the water is 12 feet from the top. On Saturday afternoon the Allan hockey juniors played an even game against the Zelma Trail Rangers, the final score being 3-3. Following this game the Rangers played against Colonsay juniors and tied again. During the last period one of the Colonsay boys received a nasty cut on the mouth through falling on another boy's skate. Wadena The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
was held at the home of Mrs. L. C. Wirtz on Wednesday with an attendance of 14 members. Final arrangements made for the Presbyterial which will meet on March 4 and 5.
Following this, an Interesting devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Burness summarized an article on the work of Dr. A.
O. Rose, at Hafford hospital, and Mrs. Godkin read lett.r from a friend, a former missionary to China, Mrs. Summarlidason gave a summary of the chapter the study book. The ladies enjoyed a sleigh ride to and from the home of Mrs On Wednesday the young women's club met home of Mrs.
F. P. Henwood, with Miss M. H. Ramsay as hostess.
The evening was spent in contests, Misses Nellie Forrester and Mabel McNichol being prize winners. Misses L. Stevenson and Saunders assisted Miss Ramsay in entertaining the guests. The C.G.I.T. took charge of the Sunday church service with President Elenore Busch in charge.
Pastor Smith gave an address stressing the value of the C.G.I.T. to the community. Georgina Bailey and Agnes McLeod took the offering and Vina Hopkins and Georgina Bailey sang a duet. The church was crowded. A Valentine social was held by the Crystal Lake ladies' aid in the school large crowd attending.
Prizes went to Robert Bailey, Estelle Wickencamp, Harry Hootz. Mr. Smith gave an address, song by Mrs. Kel. bough, Pansy Dunford, Robert Bailey and Harry Hootz and lunch WAS served.
Miss Belous was chairman. The Stenen hockey team defeated the Norquay team at Norquay by 14-0 score. They followed this up by defeating the Hyas seniors by 9 3-0 score. The Stenen hall was filled to capacity when L. C.
Brouillette, vicepresident of, the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, addressed the farmers of Stenen on the Grain Marketing Act and other matters of interest. Director J. J. Martin also spoke. There was a large attendance.
The young people's society of Stenen met Wednesday night for social. The program included a trio by Pansy Dunford, Evelyn Newberg, Bob Bailey; a quartet by Pansy Dunford, Evelyn Newberg, Harold Dunford, Harry Hootz; solo by Dorothy Hopkins; village newspaper by Edith Arie; duet by Vina Hopkins and Evelyn Newberg, and a closing number of selections sung by a group of boys. Many games were played. Lunch was served. The high school literary society held a debate: "Resolved that it is more educational reading books than The negative side: Elenore Busch, Birdie Fox, and Oscar Hamre was defeated by the affirmative: Andrew Belous, Peter and Margaret Roys.
This was the final debate for the championship. A' short program followed consisting of various games and a reading by Edith Belous. HOW TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR Makes One Look Younger Men and women who used to be called Grandpa, and Grandma are now setting the styles by darkening their gray hair at home. For instance, J. A.
McCrea, a well known Californian, recently made the following statement: "Anyone can prepare simple mixture in five minutes, that will darken gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. Merely take a half-pint of water, add 1 ounce of bay rum, A small box of Orlex Compound, and 1-4 ounce of glycerine. These ingredients can be bought at any drug store at trifling cost. Apthe hair twice weekly with a comb. It does not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy and will not rub off." Beware of Bladder Weakness, Getting Up Nights Disturbed Rest Undermines Health, Saps Vitality, States Physician Who Recommends Home Treatment Men and women who are constantly annoyed and distressed by Bladder Weakness or Urinary Irritations should take immediate steps to combat their trouble before it reaches serious or perhaps dangerous stage! Backaches, Headaches, pains in feet and legs, nervousness, restlessness, frequent but scanty urination with burning and pain, getting-up-nights-these are some of the more troublesome signs of Bladder Weakness or Irritation that should have prompt attention.
No matter how stubborn your case may seem to be or how many different medicines you have tried without success- don't give up, and think your case hopeless or the natural 'consequence of advancing years, until you nave tried the special private prescription of Dr. Southworth, a physician of over 40 years' successful experience. In order to reach the many thousands who cannot come to his office, Dr. Bouthworth has placed URATABS in good local drug stores- and invites you to try them without risk of cost, unless pleased. It URATABS bring you swift and certain comfort you will be happy.
If they do not satisfy, need they this will grand cost you medicine, try it today! All good druggists. MILLIONS PREFER KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN MILLIONS of satisfied users have made this famous Kellogg product the largest-selling all-bran cereal in the world. It guarantees relief from both temporary and recurring constipation. How much better than pills and drugs. For most laxatives have to be taken in constantly increasing doses.
Otherwise, they lose their power. Kellogg's BRAN provides the natural, safe way to protect health. It supplies roughage to sweep poisonous wastes from the system. And it brings iron, which builds up the blood. eat two tablespoonfulsdaily.
In severe cases, with each Try ALL-BRAN with milk or cream, fruits or honey added. Use it in cooking. Recipes on the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Kellogg's ALL- Afti W.
offi diec hon war kno the was JOH El JOH ou RADISSON. The ladies' aid of Zion United Church held a successful Valentine community social Friday evening. Community singing was led by Miss Perks, a pantomime by Misses Jean and Allison Maxwell, Katie Crabb, Evelyn MeNaught and Belle Katarynycz; selec. tions the Radisson male quartet, songs by Mrs. Scott, Miss Perks, recitation, Tristam.
Lunch was served. The proceeds were gratify. ing. A large crowd enjoyed the hard a times dance staged at Flanders school Friday night. Prizewinners were Margaret Swan, Fred Hicks.
Hagen's orchestra supplied music. HERSCHEL. -The school literary society held their regular fortnightly meeting in the auditorium on Friday in chair. A program of musical afternoon with President R. White numbers, community singing, and readings provided a pleasant break in the regular routine of school.
An address on the New England States in Puritan days by Charlie Marshall was well received. Some excellent talent is being developed in the was considered one of the big times of the year at Dodsland when the hospital guild held their masquerade dance in the theatre on Friday evening with one of the biggest crowds for years. Many came from a distance. The prizes were awarded to J. D.
Broderick, M. Busick, Mrs. N. Jacklin, of Millerdale, Miss Anne Garnier, Mrs. Gerstner.
The judges were Mesdames W. J. Rorke, J. Revan, C. Curtis, and M.
C. McCormick. After lunch was served dancing continued, music being supplied land orchestra. Proceds of the evening amounted to annual Elks Valentine masquerade held in the Onyx theatre on Thursday evening attracted a good sized crowd. Varied and beautiful costumes were displayed.
Prizes were awarded to Miss M. Countney, Mra. J. Abel, Mrs. McGerr and Mr.
Dube. C. G. I. T.
of Borden the leadership of Miss Mabel Me McCallum and Miss Carol Hastings, entertained their mothers at a mother and daughter banquet held Saturday evening. Rev. J. A. Card lent his home for the occasion.
Forty mothers and daughters sat down to the beautifully decorated tables. The following toasts were given "Our Queen" by Mary Stahl, "Our Mothers," by Lillian Rusk and Mrs. Wm. Rusk, "Our Daughters," H. Tracksell and Marie Weatherby, "Our Leaders," by Olinda Brand, Miss McCallum and Miss Hastings.
Miss McCallum sang; pianoforte selections, Annie Tracksell, Olinda Brand; recitations, Mrs. Kitrick, Kathleen Griffin; vocal duet, Althea Van and Thelma Stahl. BROCK. play, "Deacon Dubbs," was presented local talent under the auspices of the United Church ladies' aid on Friday evening in the Brock hall. Robert Stedman rendered vocal solos and an orchestra consisting of W.
L. Keil, E. Grosz, M. Hill and Douglas Keil rendered several selections between acts. The affair was voted a success from all angles.
The hall was crowded to capacity the $58 being realized. Those taking, part in the play were: Directors, Mesdames Noble and W. L. Kell; cast, E. 0.
Lindeblom, Ted Gandy, W. G. G. Reynolds, Roy Noble, Peter Hettle, E. E.
Castle, Mra. H. Burton, Evelyn Grosz, Mrs. I. McKay and H.
Veum. chestra furnished muste. the auspices of the Langham hockey club a suecessful Valentine dance was held in Penner's hall Friday evening. Novelty numbers added to enjoyment of the program. A step dance by Fred Mushchin was given as an interlude.
After an interval for supper the big crowd entered heartily into the festive spirit. Johnson's or- MILDEN. Bounty community players came to Milden on Friday night and presented the three act comedy, "Mixed Pickles," before a fair house, The offering was a thorough-going farce and much of the playing was of a high order. Mr. and Mrs.
Cawthra and Mr. Shuler were particularly effective in JOE WE BA it of VAPOR OARSS A.
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