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The Hondo Anvil Herald from Hondo, Texas • Page 3

Hondo, Texas
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ledcerettes uCOSTE i I TO VOTE SCHOOL BONDS. in ovilk of mi'n hh ntobl. ms W. S. () WOOIJ.s A.

MhinUMAX tot Pii of -thonl a iK.titi(,n lar.i pn '-r pt-o" I thr propoMMl ili iiiiT riii' nt i l'f'i 4 li p'wA ,1. rit Ti th' lM.n<is car i lo Il for«, plu'iit nt ih. will nuan, W. 1 I nttin? 11. I in fui Uith this fit.i.

li ui ad 0 l'ovi noi 1 that wili tu of (Jahi- ht Hcbtlf, anij F. Schott, ha.l plant and a of A hirthcJay Tuesday hv 7mh huihday with a dinner. for otrasion Mr Nfinnan, Mrs. Lina Mi FriMj Moody and Mrn. all of Mrs KdlVr.

and and from'oKt«* visitor last Saturday, Mr. and K. S. Chiistilhs and son of San Antofiio vi-iitrfj in thv F. Sunday.

ums Lillian and Patny Halcomhcr, oi Antonio thf with Mi om fihinf Mr and Mrs. i Hatot an 1 son from Tarplcy Sunday. Mrs. I'atot aid -on for a viMf. lli-nry Cn and Mrrhh-r Mr.

Ilanch day. r. and Marv i.ois. frr'in linv vi: ini: Mr aj; W. H.

rr thi Ml. and an I Mis. hnddt ir. tn vmc 1 visitor- lb 'I'u -dfiy. fo! I It ujth Mr.

and 11- hahy (tf vi lay Mis. Ml i and 1 nt 4 the ondo ethodist hurch ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNONV UVALDE DISTRICT WEST TEXAS CONIERENCE Board of Church School lUSHor ki IN A. Ml. KAI. ih Missionary Socirty MKS.

(I. A. Ml; LORV N(; MIHr 15KHTHA N'KWTON MK.s. liATH Siipt. V.

Si'crftary lUKFrTOK Mu L'-oia r. S. () Ruth Fly. K. C.

I niid I in '1. IM WVsIejr Frllowship Group Ml: I ucil. Xi v.ton Ml I 'a Mr Ml W. S. MF oxa HY O.MMITTKF A a liti Mr.

and Mi 1 I ai lU 1 thi-. wri k. Mi- in l.i Ttiui a Mf. ard Ml I Ml i.ux*- .1 th. in liff.

Fiank I anfl 1 w.i I h'M u' a A I I Iti 'i. il, or juiiti 1 I I M. I 1 11 Ml .1 A 1 FiiR Mrw. f). Il Fly I unit Ni-wton 0 C'ainrron if'- tx i-X valuation hy i-d may .1 w( jo If and -I propoM ilh will advan- 1 5 (i i 1 nt of Of Conrnrrir Membrrs Of Communitirs.

ha- of 1 traffu- ti. a th. roa I Fphtaur alonar hiii II' ch ar in ht rr v- Marfa and a Ih a nt-w I loh' the Nt of tui i ir.atI thf in that vit,*(i liu- fur of the Hiifh- on tl.t Medina I I by that i.tiiy look of vi.s;i on thf aftt rnoon of W. N. Saathoif of auty of and abun- of uiway- available for rini; r-.

ii and Ua, ami ii vj ty. Mr for a Lui. -a Hit tllfh f. hi i af.d A PENNY (' I i A Kl Ott,) lunirnian a'il ionn- iiuncil i H' at io la't ard r.H> IN'try and Mi-. (j ni a paiiy at the Mr in.

huijffTian. Mrs. had nt with Mi Juni'man Mi iifu a uith anf! at 1 for a month's tu at IaO' ir al Hill Flynn, UllVv '-an A i i arui .1 II il Kr Mf Ml 0 Ml li' I ni. Il .1 crop-, such a.s aFalfa and noii- 1 1 ap to nu n- tjition. of 1 i at.d each and its can from your county airrnt your has a of that thrifty p-in.

in tcinis fann, Mop i. until it in silo ni 1 1 it A fith. I for hv full utilization oi wKiit vrrow trai a (if me and milk, pHtd'i'i i fanns hy a' irik' which iT" to fami'- for lat animai. ki ail.ilil» ihi thf with ilitiuth. up" and It failun- in- trudurtM.n trt-nch silo it on fami.

in ai no will not pay fur unh work. It to thus Mountain Sun I PIONEER CATTLEMAN TAKES LAST TRAIL, DIES AT AGE OF 87 87 on his last lonjf trail 1 da.v morninsr, wiu pans-id at Ho ha 1 Old Trail nnd in many a trip the Ti'xas to of and Hunrlicd of anrl r. pnnt funi-rai which Id in ho'd auflitoriuin in and mado a lonir ioTal to Maxmic burial vi( by Smith and tiibutcH at houM rf pan! by v. M. I'liiry, va t.h« lN)int liiipt ('hun h.

v. II. Kill Thoma pa. ('hurch in that city. two on ft.

i .4 it )i llarpfi and I llontlo; two 4 I honN, K. Fort Arthur int. iv an- 20 If I iindf hibli a lartrc i of uivivor Center Pcint and 'join rih I family oj iast Lauia who' taught pa-t has honu in From The Bandera New Era JOHN F. HODGES CLAIMED BY DEATH. Franklin a citizen of ra ('ounty, at hi.H in this an of wci iondu tvd Saturday at I at Church by v.

S. pastor of Baptist hurch, with in Franklin wa- born in Mi.ssoun November of Mr, Mrs. h'. M. with parents came to in lh7U, Bluff later family to where the subject this to live from the UvftJde disf.riri and a to -vnthiiut wan a Tuffrlay Ho to Alpinf from From The Kinney County Herald«* who Hill 1 Colb'ife wa- to Marcoii bv and O.

From the Zavala County Sentinel Sunt. Mrn. H. Fly Friilay for Austin will two ks at rsity, tajtinjr a in rurriculum. your ftt Anvil Herald officp.

at Mr. and '1 b.ildr* uni l.ou, Mi man, Mr. ar Mr. Mi-. aud tl.

cash turi, for lack of a cowt)oy 4 it for lack trips the with it. herds i'uttle. He was a membt An Arkan.siis says an 1 I rail Asxiciation. of Kvass has up F. H.Mlyfos was mairiid 100 of Mi.sOlli«* lai- in work.

acres will non ('ounty, xa.s, luifi tu avi.i i a total by much, but thv-ir a sJu.i 1 ttiiik- ami it nt- a pound of 1 butt; r- ('ounty a tiim in ran ni an tht came ba made then if by-p oducts 1 their fami'y, living li year' farrr. ans the at Mt Whi Mrs. H. of 1 as pu. an i 1 Lshe was (1 Paul WMIard Garrett public relations with thn tart at home, iiiuit work from the out, Garrett, General Director of JMations, iJcclared In address at the White Sulphur convention of the American ABSociaiion of Advertlfiing Aprencies.

Public relations, he a funda- Diental attitude of mind, a ophy of mauugcment wbich piacea thb broad interest of the consumer first in decinion aflrcctinB: the operation of business. If American Industry, he added, by constantly placing within the un.sunier ach a better way of living, has given America the liighest standard of II Ing in the history of mankind, why should it hesitate to tell ita story? ix'fui it ut' '1 hat i-' not ly a pi niiy aiul duHais, fur the will ly and can intu i lu ia-vt-r y'lHi an- It rainy utatner with curing hav it be Put it in a 'ilo, whirh can in a ur at ino't a luse it it cannot, burn up, ur myst 4 01 h. Mr. aU.ut ensilinif a cn.p. A hiUlren.

ft rules mii-t be it animal I ar Is I me factor -1 Cast loville News. Surprise Party. Mrs. Bernard pU surpi on birthtiay, Tuesilay, June 7 th, with a alonjr thf a r. 4 tak- ini; jwtrt in and Mrs.

with a sugar nt n- but Mr. Mrs. Bohl am! vhiUi- Alex 1 and Mr. Oihsr 1.11 i.f in the v.h.,1.- sUilK.

lUhsr and 4 Ferdinaml, Mary, Kay of San An-. Fitz.Sinum childi t-n LaCOSl H. D. CLUB NEWS. I of All enjoyed a of fat; to 1 irruziiiir un in thi main uct.

A rich by what we in straw, manure. of CUB bf in market place such, but what a difference make and on farm I rence between profit and losit. A sjivtd is still a no matter it takes. wimminK and OLD HOME FRIENDS, the folkR, Love more more. As they turn their the The 1 Home ('lub met at the Mrs.

K. J. with eleven nu-mbeis and visitors pres- er.t.. When I bi tran my dem- ruit rai ks, racks belt rucks oki mop handles, but when painted white, Mrs. KclUr hati complH 4 a cl set for foi her husband an working on a clost for her chiblren.

This i.s most be He also mad of the for a your be the 1 soft and thioujrh La- their la-''t days be the and on Potei t. Thev huve know n'Manis, who dis- lonp before he to jrrow up with the coun- fading siprht. They have known poor father cTntr interestinirly 17 of apo. I with a large flour other Of to mentii-n the fiiuM-ro a chamber of membern. wtof il iI followed a bvt 2 the H' I' and Mrs KUtHts of Mr.

LiPrvor children bv Th. the diger, 'vh.) had week at the Kelkr (ifliKht in introducing the his locks once thick and from Scanty and white. work in the fall, first cause of the unique manner of thing 1 dit! was to make out my fam- ing for the clothes of each child, ily clothing Mrs. K. J.

Kel-j The guestit were to I ler of the H. 1 ister upon arrival at tive Keller home 1 Club, at the nueting with for tinu enjoyed inter- Nell Foley, County Home Demonstra- esting games, such Without tion She that the Shoes, Flow er Pui- clothing budget according i zle, and a Nutty (Jame. Mrs. Keller to specifietl plan, taking first an in- gave Fxlirar A. of all the fajnUy clothing on a thought for the month.

Short hand for the and next btifin- ning to keep a record of all the he may he childish, Still do you kind, Think of him as years ago, With his mind. foi'get Mother With her furrowed brow. All the light of other years. Time has faded now. Memory is Soon its light will Guide her gently till she stands Safe within the vale.

the old Life will be Guide them till their weao' feet Tread the golden by Mrs. John Bohlen. A deep furrow drill has been used by C. B. Waller, of the Baker community, (Stephens county), tor the last three years to plant his grain.

He that increased gmm yields have been made thereby. The deep furrow drill has shovels that open furrows 11 inches apart, and plants the grain in the bottom oi a deep furrow. This puts the grain. down W'here small will be pro- tected, yet have full benefit of any rain or showers that fall. In tions of the county affected by, drouth, they aro proving their worth clothing expenditures for the entire family.

In her story demonstrating- wardrobe, Ml'S. Keller told other how' she re-arranged the and stoiago space, how white flat paint the closet added to the ap- also mentioned talks were given by Mias Foley and O. P. before Mrs. Keller gave her waxdrobe demonstration.

were ing of puneii and cookies, to guests and vi.satorv. In a out for guest John Bietiiger was awarded bonnet. Herman Hitifelder, lieporter. Medina County Home Demon.stration Clubs Landeia whsoh ffai without pposition tor past 20 during whn-h the family in la. Four born to Mr.

Kufus at Frank San Antonio, i of and Kmma Hodges of Hondo. Suivivingl also aif two J. aiul F. Hodgts of sister, Mrs. of 1 Kockpoit, Texas.

Sidney Saathoff and Hitn Id Turner were visitors in Sunday. Mr. and Karl Kckhait uni son, of San his father, Fritz F.ckhart, other here Ihursuay. Mr. C.

Thalmann of guests of Mr. Fckhart ovi the Fabian Hicks Tarpley was business visitor here S.iturday. Annie Ull.i Monlel of Camp Verde were ping heie Saturilay, Mrs. Donr.u Smith Mrs. Frank Steinle of guest.s of Musses Jeanie and thf week-end. Kthel Eckhait who the past month visiting and Mrs. Kckihait, returned 4 lirownfield Saturday, Up Saturday, May 28 had been killed in the buzzard Uap on the G. ranch according to Kd Adams who built trap. Mr. and Mi's.

guests of Sgt. and Mrs. Bemaru Wallace at Randolph Field over wwk-end. rfVIIC 1,11 UM: Montajcuf' and and A. Castroville TPportB niiiht Antrnio truck at an enrly uroutu, iwy 7 hy increasing the yield several anft wah buahels per acre in addition to furn- ishinjr better grrazing.

i DEMONSTRATORS Home Food Supply Mrs. Ernest Bendele New Fountain Mrs. Fred Jagge Mrs. n. McCrea Mrr.

Emil Hiff Dunlay I a os Uio Medina-Cliff Wardrobe Quihi New Fountain -------------------Kio Metlina Cliff LaConte Mrs. J. L. Tondrc Mrs. A.

Wiemers Mrs. Elvirn Sam Tschirhart Win. Rohl Mrs. Ed. Tschirhart Mrs.

Arnold Balr.en Flory W. B. Melton Mrs. R. J.

Mangold From TKe Uvalde J. E. Meyer, w'ho is stock farmirk in Medina County 12 4 oi Hondo, w' 4 a visitor in llval le Wed la'sday and took out Lvader-News in surance for two soinetliing of in th every week and along without he Meyer states tluit they luivo much more rain in Mea mi County than in this county and luivi crop From the Val Verde County Herald i O. E. Wurzbach of Si Antonio In Del Rio on business.

While here he visite I wit 4 Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mr.

and Mrs. II. C. of have returned to their after visiting in Del Rio as the gtiestH of Mr. and Mi'S.

F. B. They formerly resided in Del Rio. Joe Monkhouse, cood ear 0 -U 8 00-19 5JS-I7 Caatar-tractioa solaty. Baximuu blowout pretsctioa.

blggttr. widar. Ilattat fox loagar waor. Only tha ORDDIAHY. Q-l AU-WMtfctr oof ownora ioc 23 QtttfytirSptMlwty Ouoronlaad for A lot af tfre iar litfla AaUwaa TOP VALUE AT LOW COST MODYEM TUCK TIIES 9 liOt OI htip you select the rifkt Goodyear Truck Tire to fit your hauling need.

A alight of size or type can mean dollars in your Come in M.F.SCHWEERS lis HONDO, TEXAS.

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