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Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 4

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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TIIE SASKATOON PIKENIX MONDAY JANUARY 13 19VJ tovh NOTED SINGER AND HAPPY BRIDE Woman's Realm Telephone IK) Scciai and Personal I A Thought for Today I M' .) A thing of beauty is a joy forever; Its loveliness increaaea; it will never I'asa Into nothingness. Keats. if good Heaven would be ao iiuch my fiend! To let my fate upon my choice depend, All my remain, of llfe, wlth you I'rJ ppend, And think my stars had given a happy end. Oldham. rjl JLiQOK for sealed pack-- ylpl age.

but have an eye' out also for HiillllllllUHllH.Tti noma irtf" Mrs. J. H. Milno and family have loft for Edmonton to Join Mr. Mr.

C. E. Moulding haa returned from a businuM trip to Winnipeg. Minn M. J.

t'nruh, of Koathern, waa week-end visitor In the city, Mr. Brownrldge. of Fielding, spent Sunday In BuHkatwn. Miss M- liryrton. of flhellbrook, It Spending a few days here.

Mian A. fJitvleB, of Carmcl, pent the week-end In the city. Mr. A. K.

Cairns waa In the city from Melfort on Saturday. Mis. W. B. Hartle, of Young, SaK, spent the weqk-end with friends here.

Murdo Cameron, M.L.A., loft, last night for Jieglna. Mr. Burfoid Hook, of the stuff of the Refill Lender, waa In the city on HaruMay. Mr, Walter Gfwell, of Minneapolis. Is In the city visiting hia parenta, Mr.

and Mrs. G. L. Gessell. lllsss Mabel 1'lckurd has returned from a fortnight's Visit with her parenta In Winnipeg.

Miffs June Myrick and Mr. Carl Myrick, of Davidson, are visiting friends in Saskatoon. I Miss Hattie Johnson. B.JSc, 'IS, haa appointed to the city public school teaching staff. Donald Maclean, M.UA., left lust 'night for Kegina, after spending Sunday at his home.

Mr. Alexander McOwan, of Can- wood, spent the week-end with his family, who arc In the city for the 1MI ui nam Emm- liiii wrigilevs- I' III i Thi nm tc unun nrn Bll ttijllL tiiui huuiv vui teCtfOD against inferior imitations. Just as the 1 Sealed Package is PrOteC- 1 UOn against impuniy iiiii-fiiifiiiij The Greatest Name winter. Mrs. Garner has received word that her husbund, Sgt.

Win. Garner, arrived in Halifax on Saturday enroute home after three yeara overseas. Mr, and Mrs. James Johnson and Mr. Jack Johnson left last night for their home at Eastview, after a fortnight'a visit in the city.

Mr. C. A. Henderson, of Dodsland, was a visitor iln the city ovor tho week-end to attend the Grand Opera. Mr.

Henderson left last night for Ke-, K'na. Mrs. John of Harris, Aaa in the city on Saturday enroute home from Brandon, where she attended an Inter-provlncial Farm Womens' Convention. Mrs. B.

Vernaaa and daughters, Anna and Tinnie, arrived In the city yesterday from Holland. They were met by the former's sister, Mrs. C. G. Merwart.

and her daughter, Mrs. A. Bonlez, of Macroric. They will all leave for Macrorle today. Tonight In the Butler-Byera' hall, the members of the Sir Joftnston Forbes-Kobertson Chapter and their friends will enjoy themselves at a i hard times' dance.

About two hun-1 Ured and fifty invitations have been sent out' and a jolly time la anticl-pated. Scott's orchestra will supply the music. I 9 Mr; Enrico Caruso," the noted singer, these daya In their cosey botne with right near Lome. Everything that coat made of nainsook, long hand-knit stockings, find a kimono. In the other case are the haby's shortening clothes.

They are made on the same general lines as the baby's first clothes, although the "bag" nightie has been eliminated, and there has been added a short pink Jacket to slip on over the baby's dresa The dresses are, of course, shorter, and crocheted bootees have been added. Music at City Hospital Rendered by Quartette The patients at the City Hospital derived great enjoyment from fhe hiuaio provided for them yesterday afternoon by a quartette arranged by E. W. Riddle. Tha singers were: Mrs.

Charles Davis, soprano; Mrs. E. W. R. Riddle, contralto; B.

K. Home, tenor, and E. W. Riddle, bass. Miss E.

A. Baynton added X( her many kindnesses by again playing the organ accompaniments. 1 The quartette numbers werei in" addition to several hymns, "God is Love," "How Long Will Thou- Forget Me?" "Thou Wilt Keep Him tn Ferfwt Peace," and also "Consider the Lilies," which was par- Ocularly pleasing, Mrs. Riddle aang solo, "He Shall Feed HU Flock," and Mr. Riddle contributed "Conquest," "The Skipper," "Kings of the Eaet" and "Watchman," all of which were excellent, The patients appreciated the music to the fall, and it is hoftad Mr, jRiddle, and his quartette wilj sing for the patients some Sunday afternoon later on.

Good Program Rendered at Y.W.C.A. Song Service About TO young people were present last night at the weekly song service held at the Y.W.C.A. after the hour of church service. The program of music by Miss C. M.

Cairns, consisted of the following very enjoyable numbers; A pair of solos by the popular tenor, R. A. Brldgman; two piano solos by Mrs. F. H.

Crane; the duett, "Hold Thou My Hand," by Miss Cairns and Miss Connell; and a duett, "Love Divine" by Miss Cairns and Mr. The accompaniments were played by A. L. Bates. In addition to the above special numbers several hymns were sung by the entire company.

At the close of the musicale a social halt-hour with refreshments was enjoyed, the hostesses being Mrs. D. Maclean Mrs. W. L.

Xoyes. These Sunday night programs at the Y.W.C.A. are arranged for the pleasure of all, the young people of the city who care to attend and becoming increasingly popular each week. Much Work to be Done by Red Cross Workers The Canadian Red Crosa Is pledged to send large shipments of clothing to French and Serbian refugees and repatriates and according to the amount of supplies required and the proportion of work that must be done there should be more workers In Saskatoon. The local Red Cross has its shelves laden with cut clothing and is send-ingthouands of garments to Reglna.

The Saskatoon branch has an immense stock of materials on hand and will send out any amount to any division of workers. City workers have a splendid opportunity to continue their good work for the Red Crss, even though there is not the urgent need for hospital supplies. The winter weather is making a pitiable plight of the refugees even more grievous, and thia work on their behalf must be attended to. Application for garments may be made at the Red Cross rooms. Travellers' block.

The Daily Lunch Is a-Junch "oox part of the outfit of one of the children of your family? Putting up a daily lunch is a problem with many mothera, but It is one whkh can be much simplified by the use of little labort-avers. The lunch box of either a small child or adult ahould contain: 1 some auoatanuai Hem, auch a sandwiches. 2 Frulta or awects. 3 Soim liquid. 'rlrty-rf SnnilwhiK' Jay if f't ili krrp hand sr.v-rl if I jr mw Daughters of the Empire I The regular monthly meeting of the FltsgeralJ Chapter, I.O.D.E., will take place tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the Y.W.C.A.

The executive will meet at 7 o'clock. The Military and Golden West Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire will hold their regular nieetinga this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Subacrip; tlona to "Echoea" will fee received. 1 Meetings Announce! The vestry of St. James' church will meet tonight at 8 o'clock.

The Mission Band of St. Thomas' church will hold its meeting 1n the church hall this afternoon 1 at 4.15 'o'clock, i The Fortnightly Club will met this evening at the home of H. Coad, 606 Bedford Road. Y.W.Cfi. .10 ASSIST FAMILIES RE'TIK OVERSEAS A Y.W.C.A.

Worker Will be on Board Each Ship Currying 200 or More Woinpii fiovernnient Wl'l Transport Y.W.C.A. Workers Free Much concern is being felt all over tho Dominion in regard to the bring ing home of the 42, 0U0 'soldiers, women and children who will be returning monthly within the next few months. By Bpeclal permission of the Ottawa government authorities the Y.W.C.A. have been given free pass age for their workers and the have sent their emigration Mrs. K.

A. I'urrington-Ham, to England to inaugurate a service by which a Y.W.C.A. be placed on each ship carrying 200 or more women. fc In addition---workers also stationed at thf most Important ports of embarkation in the old country At the ports of entry, Halifax and St. John, special workers are also being placed, and in co-operation with local committees, formed of leading women In each ('clty, special provision haa been made on the docks or in the city for the -reception of 'women on arrival.

Botli the military and the civil authorities at the port of St. John are doing their utmost to help the Y.W.C.A. In York the Y.W. C.A. is co-operating: with a woman's committee, and the women will aent through almost at once to Montreal.

All ship will be met by a corps of Y.W.C.A: workers. Miss Fearce the general secretary, is at preset cfTN'ow York consulting workers there. Auspicious Start For St. John's Men's Club 3. A.

McKiuiion Addressed Club on League of Nations (rtiod Music lrovhled The first meeting since organisation was held last night by the Men's Sunday Evening Club of St. John's with a large attendance of church members and other men who see in this club a profitable way gof spending Sunday evening. Much enthusiasm waa manifested and there Is every indication, that a successful season is ahead of the club. A number of good speakers have been ae-cured for future meeting and there will always be an interesting musical progTam. At last nlght'a meeting the speaker waa J.

A. McKinnon, of the ataff of the Collegiate Institute who suoke on the subject uppermost in all minds. "The League of Nations." According to the speaker's line of thought this league should and will be formed and will work a forward step In the world's progress. Pleasing musical numbers were contributed by E. W.

Riddle" and Albert Holland, both music and addresa being well Vecelved. The president of the club, A. G. Mannering waa in the chair. Baby Clothes Exhibited at Day Nursery An exhibit of sensible and economically made' infants' clothing Is to be found at the Saskatoon Day Nursery.

The clothes were made by Miss Alice Clark, the nursery matron, and her inter. Mrs. G. W. Waite, city nurse, and the exhibit has been arranged with a view to help the mothers who ctll at the to dreas their children sensibly and comfortably without unnecessary expenses.

One cass contains clothes for a new-born Infant. They consist of a flannel barrowcoat, a warm sleeping gowB, which draws up at the end, thua leaving the baby'a feet In a closed bne. a flannel and a VniT'-fsfr" T-t "I'- fhere is a warm xevatf- mud cf ahtV Ma ri ri" t. iun tirn iii jrtti- The longer you pull it, the better it will be. Draw into long strips and cut into pieces with buttered knlfo or Enrico Caruso and nla pretty bride are very nappy Mr.

Caruso occupied in bis profession brings happiness is la evidence. jars containing reHpectiVely some minced meat, canned fish, peanut butter, cheese, either home-made cottage cheese or one of the excellp nt ni-A. pared varieties, and mayonnaise. With such an assortment it is possible to have different sandwiches every day that will be tempting, palatable and nutritious. For example, eandwlchea consisting of lettuce, sliced vegetables or fruit spread with egg mayonnaise are refreshing and wholesome as well as filling.

Peanut, butter or'some home-made fruit butter makes an excellent sandwich. It is not necessary to have sandwiches of meat always. The box lunch must tempt the appetite, for unless the appetite is tempted the food will not Impart nearly as much nourishment. For sweets, the lunch box can contain frevsh fruit, such as an orange, banana apple or grapes, or some of the dried fruits, such as raisins, figs, dates prunes, or figs stuffed with nus are a which grown-up and school children enjoy alike. Indeed, half a dozen prunes or figs stuffed witlv' walnuts contain as much protein as.

an egg, and can be used to balance the; Jiifieh box ration, especially whert lettuce sandwiches, wmcn are ngni-form part of thi menu. If you will, use neannr nr meal bread.Jri making up sandwiches, then a spread of plain or fruit butter will be ample, because tfie bread itself contains much fod value. I Economical Recipes. Tuna Fish Salad One can Tuna fish, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 green pepper, lettuce, aulad dressing. Remove Tuna fish and break with a fork.

Cut in hard boiled eggs and green pepper finely chopped. Mix; with the following dressing: Yolk of 1 egg, 1 cup olive oil, salt, paprika, juice of 1 lemon. Have plate, fork, and olive oil, ice cold; beat egg, drop oil, drop by it will become quite firm like jelly, add salt and paprika to'tate, and beat in lemon juice. Creuuicd Celery on Toast Wash, string and dice celery, about 2 cups, put on to boil in cold salt watef to just cover; when tender, and water haa boiled down considerably, add 1 cups of milk, hutter, salt and pepper to taste, and thickening; bring tq boiling on.toaat. Cooso Stuff 1ur, 1 cup mashed potato.

teaspoon each thyme and sago. Salt and pepper. TO ALL WOMEN WHO ARE ILL This Woman Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Personal Experience. Mclan, Neb." I want to reeora-menA Lydia E.

Pinkhara's Vegetable Cnmnonnd to all women who aufxer from any functional disturbance, it has done me more good than til the doctor' medicine. Since taking It I have a fine healthy baby rirl and have gained in health and atfencth. ilv hua- band and I both praise your lned-irinetOkll aufferinr womea" Mrs. John KorrixiuxN, R. Ka 1.

McLean. Nebraska. fimnni mnt anl mrh TemrAr. I Lydia E. PL-ikbara' VeeUble Com-poan baa been restoring women of America to health for more than forty Xfa.r nd it will well t)-Y ftf.Y woman who aufTers from displacements, la-' fiammatioa, ulceration, irregularitiea, hanumrna hoaAsw'npm tirfrvuuancsa or "the blues" to giva thia aoccessful remedy a triaL For ipecial (reatioria In regard to your ailment write Lydia E.

Fwkhain Medicine Lynn, Mas. Th result iu iocs friBc ia at your errice. i jt.j Mm In Roll pastry to fit the top of the deep dish. Bake in a moderate oven. Old-Fashloncd Yellow Jack 1 quart New Orleans molasses.

1 teaspoon vinegar. 1 teaspoon baking sola. 1 teaspoon butter substitute. Put the molasses into large saucepan so it will not boil over. Bring to boil slowly; stir continually until it spins a thread; add vinegar and soda; boil a few moments then try a little in cold water.

Jf it hardens, remove from fire at once; pour into buttered plate, and as soon aa It is cool enough to handle, ruh hand. with a little butter eubstitute and begin to pull it. WHITE FURS Properly cleaned will save the price of a new set. Shall we call for vours i Arthur Rose DRY CLLAivlNG AND DYEING 624 20th Street, West Phones 3234-2326 If Koho Cleaned It's C-L-E-A-V irseir ana ramiiy 0mk run tuflLua, uuia unu tmuibtu. FOR COLDS.


K. B. Adams united in marriage at the 3rd Ave. Methodist parsonage, Miss Mary Helena Barden, of Saskatoon, Leo F. Ordway, of Punnlchy, Sask.

IacSORIiEY-CASELEV At Srd Ave. Methodist parsonage the marriage took place on Saturday of Miss Hannah Caseley and J. Aylmer MacSorley, both of Asqulth. The ceremony waa performed by Kev. G.

K. B. Adams. BOXAR DICKSON At Knox manse the marriage took place on Saturday of Mm. Annie Straehan Dickson, of this city, and David John Watt T.onar.

of Killam, Alta. Kevv Wylie C. Clark performed the ceremony and the witnesses were Miss Marie Robertson McLaren and Wm. Temple, of Killam. KNOX WOMEN'S CM Knox Women's Cfub will meet to-right at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.

S. A. Mighton. 514 Queen street A good attendance of members la requested. ME ran PreninenL r- pnlti Ait that easier aad atar iher It nreded I a bnrdra: a hiadrasroto activity, a curb on a thlrt of all thai Is prrtty and trscrfu! and jwect in womankind.

Wnrdaa't yo taacaff Uit fat wlwtt it ihml Ta ca dMruilr safely and withmit the atirhtot frr of ham bad aftereffect br hitt Ukipf after cars mUandatbrdtiieaDleaaat littKi Mmimmlt Prmtrntimn TmtlmlTbfte little tablrta ara aa effcctiT and 1 Ml Jill the fn- preempt urn Iran which ther txae their Mate. Bar and try a raw today. Yoar draeritt tell thria at 71 cvaU ar if ftm prrfvr mar rritr direr rathr Mamma C. Garnrld iiruatt kTi tan no lha food-tore te ditin r-errct and fat tod bark lhar- lul ttnrt aad po.M Hi 1A. 4 apples.

4 onions. I Cook thi! apples and onions and rub through a isieve. Add the potato and seasonings and mix well. Apple and Coconmft Pic Line a deep plate with pastry. Fare and grate apples, sweeten and flavor to taste with sugar, and cinnamon or lemon.

Sprinkle the pastry with well-shredded cocoanut. Fill out the apple mixture and bake. AVhen the pie Is almost done, sprinkle with cocoa-nut, but do not leave It In, the oven long enough to brown. Apple Tart Into a deep plate slice a layer of apples. a layer of.

raisins, then put in sliced bananas, and top with raisins. tse maple syrup, brown sugar, white corn syrup or sugar to taste. Dot with tiny lumps of butter. it; JIL aruiiuii nui- is unovrrou- slderatino for the Uadius w-otuaa to appear witu Enrico Caroso la his first motion picture She was leading wormm of the Chicago Opera Cumpanv lu Klr17, and thru went L'kto coucert orw. More valuable than gold, fine raiment or precious atonea, becauae it means health and bappineia.

A Mild-Winter Vacation IM THE GREATEST RESORT REGION IN THE WORLD The International Pacific Morthwett Braut CtlmmUs, Wtihmftn, mnj Oripm Where thouianda of Veatera Canadian apent hut Winter playing Golf, Motoring, aifht-aeeing, and viaitinf the intercttiog citiea and thow places, 3 4. -'4 k-- 1.

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