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Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 3

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SASKATOON PHOZX1X, MONDAY. JUNE 30, lie. 1 Moiuitie Dies In Motor Accident WHAT'S ON TONIGHT LIQUOR CONTROL BY GOVERNMENT PLOW FAILS OIJ HIS LEG, DIES GREAT 6QDD HAS, BEER DONE W. NATIONS' LEAGUE; Caterpillars Gobbling Up Ellisboro Gardens Canadian Press KEGIXA, June 29. After stripping all trees available, hungry hordes of forest tent caterpillars are gobbling un all the pardetv truck in the Ellisboro district.

At Edenwohi they are climbing telegraph poles searching for something In these districts they are so thick that they give the tree trunks the appearance of being charred. They are swarming ftvpr roofs and chimneys three and four inches thick. far they do not appear to have invaded growing crops. Py Canadian Press IJKUIN'A, June 2. Con-s-table Howe, of the R.jyal Canadian Mounted rolice.

wa killed in a motor accident near I'unniehy today, according to a niesaj( ri-reived bv Supt. Hurt us at the K.C.M.l'. barracks. details of the arcident indicate that Constable Howe was a passenger in a ear dri ven by hi brother-in-law. Staif-Sergeant John Jones.

The auto had turned a 'corner when one of the front wheels came off. The car turned over twiee and Constable Howe was thrown Wife Beater Gets FAILS, SHE SAYS Wje Moatit flfin Pr Pont Increase in Amount Rum Sold in B.C. DRYS HOLD MEETING Mrs. Gordon Wright, Dominion President of W.C.T.U., Speaks at Knox (Quoting statistics from British nil 1111,1 si it Tll Ci ill U'll U'H attended bv more than 500 per- fcoiw. Mrs.

Gordon Wright, Ho- minion itrPMilplit ff the W.C.T.l'.. stated that since Gov- ernnient control in that province there had been a 3.000 per cent. in the amount of liquor, Isold, this fitrure including the 1 r- I and to the lilted States. i 2( 20 Days in Prison jVRCoj.a. June Jack Hyde.

Ali.u tarmer. vat taken from here 10 neRiiia Friday erve a ro-dav entente in Hrg.n jail for having Columbia, before a ma tion meeting in Knot- rhurch SUPPORT fflRLO IS PLEAS loon rain SAYS IT HAS FAILED Tr. Mrs. Wright gve an elwqnent im.i.ave not discarded the tlug of ourjw'dOW, three sons and two dress. At the outset, she produced and there is not lime of 1 no-lit er DIDI I UIULL dUUILI I CI re m.

ii i urji vc wuvrvi tary, SpeaKS at, Dl. jamca And Knox Churches vou take a map of UvoiiJ and put your nnger on flnv of iu than the frlited States and hr dependen- cics. vou will find an agency of the British and oreign i.iuie within reasonable access tO that POint. SO Said V. If.

Coojier, D.D., of Toronto Bible y- Society, who spoke Itl St. KllOS Churches Oil Sunday. IS BIG BUSINESS as his text psalm 18:4. Dr. Cooper very vividly presented a bird's-eye view of the society's activities around the world.

Referring to the remarkable scientific advance of the day. broadcast-ing. serial end submarine transportation, the speaker stated we are one lmWient incredulous, the nex' moment amazed, then we acquiesce and become unmoved. Losing the sense of wonder, we lose our inspira tion, but the cultivation of that sense nerenniat source of inspiration 1 is a and benefit. The Bible Society's work may well, niirn nm nii classed as big business Today.

in S00 distinct languages, me noie nortio.of It IS in Vrculat lonT. and of these had in the last 120 years 11... a nrtiiun 11 11 UiHiou slwietv At the British Kmnire Kx-i position at Wembley is an extensive exhibit Ol tne society operations in i'" Empire iiNli-ed bv niher (U the mental moraI ran. deur of the task, or 181 by the spirit-j ACT1TIES TOLO wioni oem iitru mni. subserience in our relations i overlim-nt hild Shc the mother country, he deodurcd.

mentioned tnat it had its beginning "common memories nd traditions' XorUl American continent In; common law and liter lure, a com-1 South Carolina in 189J, where it lltnguage and a common rell-l STRENGTH, BUT Crops Must Have Moisture Soon or Prospective Yield Reduced GOPHERS INCREASING' 75 Per Cent, of Wheat in This District Now in Shot Blade, Says Report Unless there is a good generali rain within the next week or ten days, a 2-j per cent, drop in the I prospective crop yield will re-! su t. aiM'nri iniy la nffurps whirl. according to figures which i- were forwarded tor the Saha-j tiiMrici. to ine Meparinieui Agriculture on Sunday iiiRht. is showing a good reserve t.

conditions, me report states. 95 PER CENT. CONDITION tpnV of the whpat 0t Saskatoon district Is now in tne; shot blade im.i vanes in condition i from "i per cent, with an average of 95 per cent, condition. Th. I.een nntuhl for extremes heat and eoid with wimls relieve i nere were showers a two-hour rain Friday, tions to a considerable! extent in a number of parts.

Gophers are noted to be seriously increasing. I Scrvice in Ch of Rcv Wylic C- Clark! Wldow And Daughter China Attended by many local Chinese, I rteMh occurred at his borne deuth occuned at hishomei a sotirn. on rinav. was i bearers were men by the name ofjj Mark, although not direct, relatives of tho deceased. Mini was one of the partners in the Canada ran: and was well known.

and liked among local Chinese. His widow and one daughter are at present, in China. while a cousin lives here and an uncle in I'rinco Albeit, Primo Ernie Gee Meets Buff Tars The c-etnry of the local lodge, Tloyal Antediluvian urder of lliif- I I'rimn who left for WPeks ttR0. rvjmo UFe he has been sp'nointed one of the delegates from the irflVil Vancouver Alpha Lodge, A.0 to meet and welcome the mariv Buffs aboard the battleships There are four lodges aboard the battleship" of the fleet. One Buff member of the fleet has been visiting Saskatoon and found there was a member here whose mother lodge is in Malta where the visitor had attended a number of IN IS FIEEOED ibe 1 la nnnrooi.

l-tl-r mmiMI oif'B en- continued and the people demanded a vote and shook voff government sale and some 14.000 for. Its retention. Mrs. Wright stated that during the! Frederick I TellS Whelen Of Work Alreadv Done- iivintiucdUV AUUC, nuiij tt.i viumieu lieipeu I A strong plea for Canadian packing for the Lea "lie of tios was hy" Frederick Whelen, official lecturei of the! British League of Nations So cicty, in an address to the con-1 gregation of Third' Avenue; Church on Sunday! morning. Quoting the preamble of the Covenant of the subscribed to by Canada and other nations, he spoke of the', League as a noble effort make; war impossible on a world scale by the substitution of eo-oper- ation for international rivalry.

AID CHILDREN Mr. Whelen told of some of the work already accomplished by the League. luring the progress of hostilities Momo 5.UO0 chndun had Z. the federation of free nations' 1 mllltao'r as Commonwealth! tiie BMtne tor or lowered morn is and degradation. Many Women were tfeatest, frceest and happiest drinking and it mas found necessary to open special taverns for The taverns were always filled.

t. NEED WORLD FELLOWSHIP I ti. nav U'han l-i. i compiai complaint of torn beaten, BhP as nut had given his wife during T- ReV. R.

L. McTaVlSh HltS A j-j i At bOrdldneSS FOUnd T. ir XU lUUVlIlg X-lClUreS No dou'ot the censors were doing a good work- but how actors and actresses in the movie world, Mho were gifted to art, could produce, such depictions of brutality and sordidncss. such as he had viewed in a rejected Ldmonton-niade film was more than he could understand. JJev, IK L.

MeTaviuli iii Sinn. evening at urace v.nureil uuring niS SCCOUd sermon as .1 lsior or ine Clllircll. wn ntuninitaa, At lhe morning service Kev. Jlc Tavish. who came lo Grace Church from Edmonton to reritoee I )r W.

Brown, dealt with what he eon. sldeied should be the keynote of (race Church end voiced a plea for heartiness that should characterize evening with a reference to cerned for posterity, sent his servant to choose, a wife for his son Isaac. Abraham was anxious that his son should marry one who believed in the dd Hebrew faith, realizing thai a man's life consisted of the ideals he cherished. When the servant arrived at the home of Rebecca they welcomed him and bade him sit down and eat, but he refused, saying that he would not eat until he had executed the duty of his errand. This statement on the 1 art of the servsnt was tiiken liv NEW MINISTER HTPDiipr urimn HI OlmUL IILfinU I Organization's Court Law Settles Many Controversies SLAVERY STOPPED Frederick Whelen Speaks to 75 Persons at TJiird Avenue Methodist Church i muting its experience ilnoiiirli the troublous time of the past four years, aiiH pointaii; to several valuable and practical iins to which it had been put.

Frederick Wlielen, mi-sionarv for the League of Na- lioiis, spoke on the world parliament in Third Avenue Metli-t odist Church on Saturday eve-j jiin. About 75 people heard the lecturer, who Mas introduced by I)r. V. AV. Swanson.

of the1, I'niversity of Sakatchevuii. I 54 NATIONS JOIN Mr. Whelen said that at this Un linee-quarters of the pooplo of thel norld were Included in the nations that had formed the leue, Kif.y- fuiir nations had taken the covenant mine the league's Inceptruit four and a half year ago, ABOLISHED SLAVERY 1 levc-ribing tho loanue's meeting plac at leneva, Switzerland. Mr. Whelen naid that the hall had been furnished by the different nations in (he lenstue.

On its main floors wax a tuhle for every one of the 54 natii'ii. Two gatlrricfi overlooked tills world parliament, (he first be-ing for the use of newspapermen and the second for the public. Last year "jil reporter had attended the league' annual gathering. KnKlish and French were the official languages spoken. Telling of tho two last nation to Join the league, the Irish Free State ami Ab.VRsinla, the speaker mentioned that before being admitted, the latter country had to abolish slavery within its boundaries.

a custom that was still in strength. SETTLES CONTROVERSIES Ten nations had contributed members to the court of law of the League, of which Ir Loudon, a Hollander was the chief judge. This court settled Internallon al controversies. This ureal world court of law had already settled sev- eral difficult International matters which might otherwise have resulted in Intense feeling of both sides, or possibly in war. It.

settled the Anglo-French controversy regarding the conscription of Hritish subjects in Trench Tunis. The court settled amicably the dispute between Italy and (Ireece following a recent boundary Incident when an Italian officer and his staff were murdered. The court of law also settled the bound ary dispute between JSerhia and Albania, which would otherwise have assuredly ended In war. LEAGUE SALVAGED AUSTRIA Ir. Zimmerman, former burgomaster of Rotterdam, Holland.

was busy salvaging Austria, but the salvation of the country that but a short tune ago was the gloomiest spot on the map of Europe, was made possible by the league, which, on suitable security, obtained a loan for the country which it had been otherwise been unable to get. The speaker said that if Germany had entered the league run years ago, the French troops would not have occupied the Kuhr Valley. "If the league fails, said Mr. Whelen in conclusion, "nine million men will have died in vain. If it is a success, we will have built a great war memorial." PRAISES ELIHU ROOT The speaker offered to answer questions, and in response to a query as to what the status was of Americans serving the l.eugue.

replied that In the past IS months the United States had sent, unofficially, dele gates to serve on various committees, i the opium and cocaine committee; and the hite slave committee. I America had sent some of its great- est lawyers and statesmen to the aid of the Ellhu Hoot had given enormous nnd most valuable service to the world parliament. 2 SASKAT of i I i pcen sent irom and other hPid to Woodlawn cemetery Sunday llussian towns to the I'ral aernoon. for reasons of safety. They wei! The service was taken bv Hev.

iTcolnpanied by tem li 1 3 and I. Clark of Knox Church, I'all Uftl steadfastness and self-sacrifice of ine cnurci anu wnerever ana wnen-i ff th the translator, the work of the society ever anl or given 1,1 one-half of this amount was the re-is on, of th, greatest, mnt "'7' bootlegging penduua in the worlds history. Juhiess and abundant fmn- Sn the province. According to her HONORS DUE 1 quotation of the uttorney-genernl't: Even the story of how our own fc.ngiisn Bime came to us was a won- simple scene in the early life of derful record, and the work of'ihe Hebrews, when Abraham, con. PATT.IGHT "Hoodman VICTORIA "Harbor l.iht." VICTORIA PARK lnre.

Canada Should Be As Bond Between Great Britain And United States Hie future of iiiihin.l linn iii.n I mankind denends upon con solidating the British Empire and the American Republic into one vast Anglo-Sason asserted I'rof. F. W. Kerr in a patriotic address last jiidit in Westminster Church. GREATEST FEDERATION The speaker referred to the gradu al upbuUdinir of the Canadian Con- tidpnitinn at Hcattfttii inlniitiK deenening consciousness of na- glon tm.8C are the g(ll(Jl.

kinj I IiCpn, and wortny mothtl lhe lerrjble of the VB(lr stil uel.le.l us to the Empire. Tne oestlny of! Canada is to remain fiee nation1 At the same time tho speaker dc- that type of patriotism that i Z' Xh. 'fh trC tnC dj8 Whe1 01 6 "'USt CUlti- yate a woHd viKion and a world fcl- 'owhlp. Canada uhould be as a Jfnd between Ureal Britain and the ruled fctatcs, and miilwav hot wi-in i Iip iwn. landing midway between the two, draw 'nto unbreakable pari-, nersnip.

ne great Angio-isaxon fraternity can determine the great moral issues of the age, and can decide peace or war among the nations. The speaker closed with an appeal to all true citizens to keep Ca-rada Christian, lo give themselves the assimilation of nil aiien elements: within our border especially I through our educational and rell- institutions. Medicine FOUnd Near -Bed Of Mark Sam Is Sent To Laboratories After tlie jury had viewed the body of ilark Sam. local Chinese, who died as a result of taking some potion at his home AVenUC M'Hltn. Oil I'lUllV 1 .1 I me inquesT wuicii opened Saturday night was ad- ,1 u'Aaia in Ko la ANALYSE MEDICINE 'iirrmev A Vntrn.

tirouj fl ri ti ni( Iii following were the Jurors: J. J. uimstead, u. C. T.

B. Cheet- ham cha. VnrtpuUH anrt Bowma The coroner announced (hat the 'atomach of the dead man -md a mm- ot the mPniCne which was found h. his htld bf.Pn Bnt to the Dominion laboratories at Itegina an.l lul unuiu oir itien unili A report was received, Fr o.f.v l.tJ it IT. Sunday night, stated that he had ed not been sick till the morning before bisi 'death, when he awoke feeling dizzy i ii tint: "'inn .11 had gone to bed and culled hisl partner to carry on the work of their 1 business in the Canada Cafe at the aforementioned addr ess.

Sam was taken to the hospital, and died some two hours after his arrival there. TAKES OVER ROSS DAIRY The Ross rjalrv. T.lmtteH a company, has taken over the old Moss Ouirv Main Walter James, former local man- ager for P. Burns and manager. The purchase price Is said to have been in the neighborhood of $25,000.

T. nlant was tnrta 1,. l. l-. has operated it ever since.

-By. Billy de Beck t- V) 1 1 i iistii-rir ANGLO SAXONS John Gregory, Farmer of Asquith, Succumbs In Five Minutes WEED CUTS HIM Leaves Widow, Three Soni And Two Daughters; Funeral to Be Held Wednesday When a plow which he was re- pairing on his farm at Asouith Satim, fdl on hi Giegory, aged tif. sustained a cut on the leg and bled to death in five minutes, it was learned here Sunday. i Mr. (iregoty had raised the low iiud was working underneath it when it fell and a weed rod pierced his leg.

The accident occurred about 4.30 Saturday afternoon. Mr. Greeorv had farmed in the district fur 'ri. li ra' 1 held from his home on Wednesday at two o'clock NO DANCE Bea'cr Creek WEDNESDAY THIS WEEK. Thereafter Every Wedneidsy and Saturday as Previously.

Band in Atttndanc Tuesday Jitney Dane at Night VICTORIA TODAY, WED. TOM MOORE 'Harbour Lights' A Great Sea Melodrama Two-Reel Comedy 'UNREAL NEWS REAL" DAYLIGHT THEATRE WED. ft '5. GLADYS HULETTE AND DAVID BUTLER IN Hoodman The Famous Melodrama by Sir Henry Arthur Jones and Wilson Barrett. "SING THEM AGAIN" Old Song Favorite in a New Film Hit.

"Comrades," "The Curs of en Aching Hsart." "Whin Yeu I Wer Young, Maggie." "WRECKS" A CAMEO COMEDV IN ry a Rev. jjcTavish as his text. ter. he stated, whs formed of choice. doing further in her quotation with regard speaker ctated there was a ppeitKer eiaiea inure whs a.

lr wnt. increage in the, prison popula Hon since government control. a n. in th. nnllnin i r.r 1 IMieiMlIC i i Justice.

S-he stated that the Columbia drink bill for a I population of but half, a million was now more than 24 million dollars year, or 13 for every man. woman and child. BOOTLEGGING RIFE shp uuoterl Premier Oliver and the i renol't- the government stores were not handling half the liquor sold in the province of British Columbia. According to Mr. Stevens, M.P.

for, VairT-ouver, the present period was! not comparable to any other in the I history of the province tn the magni-j tude of murderons results, she Mrs. Wright, dealing with the prov-. ince of Quebec In the three years of! government sale, up to April 30. said there was t6S.V00.00O worth, of! liquor sold and of this only 000 profits accrued to the "And yet," she declared, "Premier, Taschereau had the audacity fo boast or mis revenue ine price yueoetv paid for its pew roads. 1, 000,000 filched from the homes at the ex- pense of mothers and their children nnd the degradation of manhood." to the speaker, Tip H.fjSoi the t.enerai iiospuai, ine gov- of crime district.

which lie stated was the worst on the 1, Am.jfinni, .1 1 the largest. The removal of alco t-l -I .1.. Th Mnnhe Calmed i ,1,,., evil that thrived either onenlv or! secretly under the open bar system. w'as flonting itself openly today and if not more so. J.ven young gins bright then spoke of Ontario and quoted from an editorial in the To- ronto Star, from hich it was glean ed that in Ontario drinking had been greatly reduced nnd that last year' Ontario hart a .10 per cent, decrease in convictions for drunkenness.

rUVtnIT LLaScNtU There was also, according to the' editorial, a marked decrease In all im crime caused through drunkenness. poverty lessened, infant mortality J.i homes happier and savings bank de posits were advancing hard times. in spite of "Do you people of Saskatchewan realize thnt yours Is the privilege of 1 inironucing as nne a law, pernaps in "i peo-1 f'e of Ontario, for you vote not on nn, n. out on the question of prohibition for! Saskatchewan a vote that means the 1 -open aoor to a more advanced and better enforced' prohibition law as yet as Saskatchewan or any other province has Implemented." Follow ing the address an appeal for workers -n. A A 1.

1 1 least 100 responded. i i I 1 i i FAREWELL SERVICE HELD FOR "ARMY" COMMANDER AND WIFE si ructors. Tvnblls. Ihc n'ar wart pestilence, breiiking oui. the adults i "II died, many about childreii were left.

I hese were discovered living in a state of unbelievable des- titution ond misery. The I.eiigue leathered the survivors Tuuther. It transported them through Siberia i borrowed Japanese versus, and fl-! iiftlly housed them in an abandoned, barracks at Bordeaux. Then (Mine the most difficult pari part tits to nd their children, children to find their parents. This the league has M-t out to do.

REPATRIATE CHILDREN Another fine piece of work, now; accomplished, had to do with- the icpatriat.on of about aWO.000 prison- rs who remained in l.eimany ond Kussia even two years alter tne ar- nusuce. The League nad -entrusted ihis work to Ji commission headed by the noted Dr. F. Nansen and after1 I nree years all tne survivors had been f-uecessiuny orouglit Men to their. comes.

In closing Mr. W'heh quoted length from a speech by a represen- i. live of tin- renen government to the league setting forth the point of! view that there was no desire to overthrow national consciousness or pride, but rather to bring out what was best in every nation lo work out its destiny and make iu contribution in pence. Mr. Whelen left tit M.lj noon, for New Brunswick where he ill address a series of meetings.

ENJOY- MUSIC OF PIPES VariPfl Selectinn nf Renttish Air Presented; Band Concert Hnlrl Vvtnr Snnrinv Victoria Park was crowded both Sunday afternoon and evening bv ap- preclative crowds to hear the con- i cei is given oy ino rpna oi coi tano pipers' band. Lovers of the pijH-s brnved thp boat of Hip ii.i-niMtn i while even larger ntimtorfl attended to listen to the evening's program at leeme ettorts in tnat direction were made by some of the braver spirit. Wlddows, manager of Victoria I'ark. announced lhat the 3th Bat- I talion band will play next Sunday, land that there will a band nro- i Wycliffe and Tyndale and their co- ndjutors was among the greatest benefactions to the English-speaking world. The work of James Evans among the Indians of our Canadian west, ift the Invention of a syllable form of writing as a means of giving them the Bible, should have been honored by the Empire, as said Lord Duffertn, with a last resting-place in Westminster Abbey.

Dr. Cooper sjxike of the worl of the society in the South America. Persia. India, Bulgaria. Italy, Spain.

Greece and China. country more than were circulated last year mis. said; reservoir of power among the hills T. InlHv" breTk of blessing shall any day break i inri foi tn in that land. creases, ne enarjeu ine memoers oi the corns to be ctnsistent in giving the corps under its new officers.

En sjgn anfJ Ml.s Mundy, who are com- Ing to Saskatoon from Prince Albert. E. Merrltt of Winnipeg, aa- tne game loyai support io ine worn oi of the service. Adjutant and Mr. Junker leave for their new field of work on Wednes- day noon.

Elect Leslie Head Of Municipalities Andrew Leslie, city commissioner for Saskatoon, was elected president; cf the Union of Saskatchewan Muni- at thp annual convention. in ine latier copies A lari'c congregation attended Sun- Adjutant Junker gave a resume of dav night's servio at the Salvation the work of the corps, its social re-. i lief work and otht-r aspects, all of Army Citadel, Twentieth Street Last which had rP(lched substantial in- me occasion ueins uneven vice for the retiring commander. Ad-I ilitant M. Junker and Mrs.

Junker. who have been promote. to take charge of the B.C., corps, While, generaj regret was expressed! at the loss to Saskatoon of these twosisted w-th solos tne musical parti and often man was called upon to cnoose rignt anu wrong, i At this point the speaker made ref-i to, Vntte sitare and ennora ami i.t.,0,1 Canadians had not the elit to hidee their American neighbors. He spoke in ine proEiioivion cause ana remarked that it was not a question with spiritual people whether pro hibition was right or wrong thev -tllCV knew it was right, but among these tnVetmethU'Vf oeS iion as to ine nest metnod or dealing with the problem. HEAVY DRINKING If our expediences in Alberta is any criterion, he stated, our diffi cuities will be increased tenfold any change at the V.

tlme- Rev. McTavish stated he was speak ing as a man who had 4een for years in one of Alberta's leading cities. He said one man had told him that in a liquor store in Alberta last Sat- 'M'M. "een more urmiks than he had during seven years of pro hibition. 1 believe it would be a step in tin 1 the appeals and make wrong direction to heed of our moderation friends the change for the so-called' Govern- ment control," he said.

Farmers- Union ta Hold Confab Here The Farmers' T'ninn nf 1'nnailu ine mree prairie provinces and un tario, will stage Its conven tion at Saskatoon, July 21-23. co incidentally with the first three days of the Saskatoon Industrial Exhlbi- tion. Over 3.000 delegates and vis'- tors are expected to attend. Tent accommodation for 1.000 has been nnA fn V.c i i 1 i 1 i i nmmlnr ofTlrers thi were heartily i (congratulated on a well-earned pre motion. Rtaff-Capt.

H. Habkirt i 'presided. Two xrer consecrated and i presided. one new new member enrolled at the I sen ice. RECEIVE PRAISE Memliers of census board were ue iu tion of the retiring ofiicers.

after which 11 niessiice was read from fcfec- retary J. 1. Wallace, who was un avoidably absent fi-oni the city. The corps ne nau never ueeu iwihth 1 i s.i riocK. A varied selection ot ceremony oi oeuicdiuiK aojuuuu OM MiPaflm, Cuxeaacfnl Tn Scottish music was presented, but; Mrs.

Junker was carried out. Staff-. 1U. lucrdriane OUCCCSSIUl IU apparently the atmosphere of Sunday fCapt. and Mrs.

Habkirk leading this Third Year and C. E. Ma- was a restraining force that kept the (part of the service. .1. Clarke, senior 'crowd from expressing its apprecia-j officer of the corps, also spoke, saying gUlTO 111 HlS Fourth I tion in hearty applause, though a few that in all his connection with the Regina.

last week. Mayor W. 11.: winch 40W claims 500 locals' Clare was elected to the vacancy on Jand a membership of over 20.000 in i the executive createa oy ine eiev- tion of Mr. Leslie to the presidency. Ex-Mayor Howard McConnell or ma KI 1 convention city for 1925.

1 i had done tneir duty so emcienu ami Saskatoon was also nominated for with such fine spirit. 'the, presidency but withdrew on the Any success thev shad attained Jn( ground that he was no longer an Saskatoon corps was largely due tojactive member ot any municipal the co-oneration of the members. council. I 1.. (many felicitations of his co-workers.

Spark Plug auimncr. mmwmmmmmmm. Barney Google and Barney Turns Gold-Digger 1 (Special to The I'hoenixi RIXIINV Jun 29 McFa. ine of Sa'skattHin!" was successful in third vear and Maguire also of 1.. HSMIIWH, 111 1.

I the Torontf re cently. V. S. l.eeder., Battleford. scored a success In second year mrdu cine.

MAY PRACTISE (Canadian essi OTTAWA, June Successful candidates in the Jiuie of the medical council of Canada; were announced ton-ght by Dr. R. Powell, registrar. The following Saskatchewan men are thereby entitled to practise: C. r.llling.

Moose Jaw; W. Boyd. Brooksidc; E. M. Frown.

Regina; lox. Stencn: J. Orant. Stockholm: D. Halloday.

tlainsboro; O. Ismail, Re-gina: i-i Menzies, Aylesbury; C. Mc-Vicar. Regina: J. Nlcholl.

Regina; A. Rose. Haffortl; H. Skett. Regina; H.

Vruquart, Moosd) Jaw; R. Weaver, B.A.L; Kathleen White. Moose Jaw; H. Finlay, Yorkton; and D. cRae.

Carlysle. EXECUTION STAYED Stay cf execution was allowed bv Magistrate F. M. Brown In the citv police court, Saturday, In the case of an order to destroy Pr. Andre Crnirn -Airedale rtg, said to vicious.

Hugh Alrd. representing the physician, said the case would be rvMA n.iph. bors of th doctor, declared they ver ceea the dog bother anyon. i S1 UAT" AHUJI IV BACK Tocr AT IWEEK Lu A I Aggp 0TW fff fti( DEWSlT tM MAW I HALf O' Flltiu- -AH Ib-l.

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