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Saskatoon Daily Star from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 8

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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$7.60 for $3.05 Extra wide skirt with deep tucked flounce. siding, other member present were: Ml Ella Unsbford, eotnmiiMonrr; fit he 1 PH beam, secretary F. Stella Turkey, fir-t tioe.prespjen-, Mies Pyke, treasurer; Mr. J. H.

Gould, second vice- president; Mo May Hcnly, captowi of St, James' Company'; Mis May captain Westside GuiJes; Mr. J. Luton, captain St. urge Mr. George Brit.

Me. J. A. Girl Guides Second Avenue at 22nd Street nnual iicin Wesley Ladies Will Cater For Annual BonspieL lx eUrliiijr in with a anil while we have pletely cleared out some the lines mentioned he-fore, we have ht ill many wonderful values awanuy Ah Two Bargains in Winter Coats Regular up to $33.50 for $18.95 Regular up to $25.00 for $13.95 licantifuI'All "Wool Velours and Balt's l'lti-h, nlo All Wool Tweed effects; in full length slvles; lined throughout or below tho waist with heavy satin and interlined os well; slinfeiiijr the hii'tre eollar und dep belt. About 40 coats in ibe Jot and idmn-t styles to elioo-e from, 'Beautiful Georgette Crepe Blouses Regular $12.00 and $14.50 Clearing at $8.75 Your choice ot tho ffuest stLk of high elnss IUouses in tl'F city at the above prices.

Bomrht especially for the Christmas trade, there are- ju-t a limited number, about 20, in the lot, and no two alike, mid one a beauty. Colors arc Flash. Cream, Sky, Kusse and 'contrasting combinations. Corset Special at S2.7J Shown in three' styles, suitable for slight, medium or stout figures. Made of an' excellent quality of eoutil, aiul shown in either back or front lace and pair Warners Guaranteed Ilust Proof Steels.

The front lace corset has a three-inch elastic in back, and all have four elastic hose supporters. The Ladies' Aid of Wesley Church will cater for the annual honspiei to be htdd here commencing Monday, January 20lh. Thry are also planning for a bazaar to be held in February. The regular business meeting to he held tomorrow wilt be concerned with these Important items and all the members are requested to be present It will be held at the homo of Mrs. Faundem, 628 Avenue South, at 8 o'clock.

Equal Franchise League to Meet All the womep of the city, are asked to attend a meeting in the council chambers at the city hall at 8:15 this evening, which is being held under the auspices of the Equal Franchise league, supported by the Local Council of Women. Mr. Thompson will speak on A Public Co-operative Cold Btornge Service; The People's System for Better Food, Better Health, Better Homes and Better Citizenship." The secretary of the Saskatchewan Cooperative Creameries Association Mr, L. C. AVurtz, is also expected to be present and to contribute some important suggestions.

New members will be received at this meeting. Mrs. A. MacG, Young will preside. LLOYD GEORGE RED CROSS.

Tli 8 Lloyd George Red Cross club will meet tomorrow afternoon from 2:30 to 5 o'clock at the home of Mqs. C. K. Biggie, 1011 DufTerin avenue. As this ts the first meeting In the new year It is hoped that the attendance will he large.

CASWELL HILL CLUB The Caswell Hill Club 'will meet on Wednesday evening at 8 oclock at the home of Mrs. J. Fyfe, 1020 Avenue north. Just Hats" Before we speak about the bat, we want be sure youve noticed the fringe on the edge of the veil! Now the hat It ts a black volvet bonnet, with a dull green taffeta rosette in front, i i Y.W.C.A. LITERARY CLUB) The Literary Club of the Y.W.C.A.

will meet Tuesday evening at 8 oclock. New members will be mado welcome. Refreshments will be served at tho close. ir Three names were proposed W'r membership at the meeting of the Fir Johnston Forties Robertson Chapter, held last- right at the home ot the regent. Mis M-Mcliown.

li following norm- i inti lone commit I tee was named: Mij --1 Kown. Mia Flo Key.y Mi Helen Jvlllott, mid Ml Annie' McNeil. Tim attendance large and retain satisfactory. The Red Cm work 'for ihc.jnonth included: bandage, one suit of pyjamas, six patrs of gocRs, tWo eCarteS. and three cap completed, and wind given out for five additlmiU pairs of sink.

usual monthly appropifatiisi were made. The membership fee was raised from 50 cents to one dollar. Miss Murid Boll, as educational secretary, recommended that the chapter give assistance in providing a library fm the Uuthenian school In this city. The chapter will decide this matter at the next meeting, 1 UNIVERSITY DIVISION The above division will meet to- 1 morrow at the home of Mrs. A.

Mdc-Gilhvray Young, University Drive, CENTRAL DIVISION Tomorrow "the Central Division of the Military Chapter will meet at tho homo of Mrs. Percy Woolhouse, 401 Twenty-second street, ut three o'clock. Members are requested to bring tn all Jtnlshed work and also to come prepared to pay the prisoners of war fuqd money. FESTUBERT CHAPTER The regular meeting tif the Kestu-bert Chapter will be held tomorrow' afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Y.W.C.A. parlors.

I This is an Important meeting and all the members are requested to be present. SPECIAL' SERVICE AT ST.JOHN'S There will be special service of prayer In tho chapel of St. John'ij I Church- on Wednesday evening at 8 I oclock. 1 GIRLS GYM. CLASS The girls gymnasium class will meet tonight at 7.30 at the Y.W.C.A.

hall. DONATION FROM DARCY Mr. J. Cairns has Just received a donation of 810 from the Homemakers Club of D'Arcy to bo applied to the prisoners of war fund of the Golden Went Chapter, for which Saturdays cooking, sale was held. This mskeS'the total receipts for the fund this month 8105.

The chapter wishes to thank tho donors for their very kind gift, which was forwarded by -Mrs. O. Dickinson, treasurer of the club. L. O.

B. A. RED CROSS The L.O.B,Jt7RfMl Cross Club will meet tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock at the home of the secretary, Mrs. H. McKee, 718 Avenue South.

My Style Diary By Dorothy Clarke January 8th, I had luneh with Janette today and then shopped all aftei noon 'buying the loveliest things for her trip South shoes, hats, gowns, and oven the most adorable under garments of chiffon trimmed With lace, on afternoon froigt sho selected, really because I pernuaded lied, was made of dark tan-oolor georgette crepe; the skirt was laid la very fine tucks at the waistline and bad graduating tucks from the hem to a little above the knees. The bodice was mode with a deep collar, plcot-edge, between which ran a. broad hand of Irish i rochet that had been dyed coffee color the sleeves were light-fitting and also trimmed with a hand of the lace. BUENA VISTA KNITTING DIV. The Buena, Vista Fcwing Knitpng Division hit ((implored the following wo) during Eleven pairs of sdiks; two grey mill-titry shirts; six suits of pyjamas; one hospital quilt; fur stretcher cap' Tbo nxt meeting he1 1 on Thureday evening, January 10, at the homo of Mr.

Douglas, 10U Mscdougnll avenue. FIELD COMFORTS PACKING 1.0. D.L Notes if I a I a I WOOL SWEATEH3 Rcff. 13.50 for .14 03 flrown, Cn Att, Ho, tir. 1 WESTSIDE SCOUTS The Seventh Tronp if Roy Scouts of Sa.skqtoon will meet tomorrow at Uio Avenue Fount Hall at 7:30.

THIRD AVENUE CHOIR The choir of Third Avenue ileiho-dlst Church will meet fur practice 1 and 1 couldn't. I wouldn't loss lum i it wus Immyiiv pi 1dm, I rose ami dt'e-red quietly then A RESTFUL NIGHT. CHAPTER CXVr. Elsie waited until I was In hf-d, then turned out thd 1'ght and left me. Her footsteps had seared died away before I wn sound a-leep.

It wa noon before I awoke. I lav for some' time thinking. Could I carry out Khdc's plan? It all, every thing, was su ut v.u i.mii! with my Ideas of rlvht nnd wrong. It was such a turning over of inv life. Then thought It was (hat or lose Boh 1 i rought Kls.e.

flood morning dear! dd you steep well?" who sUd as 1 opem I her dour. "Come right in, lunch will be ready In Pilnute. I looked lit upon you and thought It 'a pity to woke you." "I slept a h'V, 1 replied, guvs It wa Iterate I had shifted tny trouble to you." e'll hear them ami walk them out she said brightly Just tho maid nnnotinred I ftt beutllly of the dainty food piovtdid, tlun spoke of going homo. "Boh snlii he would he Imnie to dinner," 1 told Elsie. "I know, und 1 aba.

know how you dread What you have to face lit tell-Ine him you Intehd to hold him against his will. Make it us easy for yourself you on. Tell him Bin boy should plead for the year's grace you nr asking for; but don't rt your Ufo give him a hint ns to what you Intend to do durirg that year lad him wako up gradually," "But suppose won't ace pi mv decision; won't grant mo tha year? "Hut hs Will! I know he Wjlb If, such thing could powuhiy happen that wo must thlak ot. romntlilr.g due. bit Im tret a Pi) sTrald.

I know Dob's d'lipositfon. 1 Bell play fair, But no ilter wb! he SttV or does, don't fry! "I won't," ptuuAardtkuul am going to try to Bank vow, you have given me faith nud "in apltA of in rerrlbi ariaL'n-nientf "Perba been ns of It You honest onnich to me the truth; to let too 4 tnjte'f a you, and eB-! is as It- 1 1, has K-u tn. 1 Di.dl tty. I. Isle-oli, low hard 1 rrc If, lint) will otiiy live uliam-e" "ft I hle her mod tire mi renat.F finis! fd IM boon, and Xitl'Vd Invtvsi of tie 1 1 aster and Mra.

Ira Mr IV. C. PUibte. WESTSIOE COMPANY tin The Wvstslde Company of Guide of which Mi May Ftapley i captain, will hold a shower nf clothing and money for the Feremra National on Monday evening, January 14. at 7:3.

There will also he arrangement made for a social In connection with the At the Womens Musical Club, which met yesterday at the home of Miss Ella Jacoby, the following miscellaneous program wiy given; Piano; Con Fuoeo (Binding) Mrs. C. Durie Songs: i (a) "lift Cloche" (Saint Sucns) (b) Le Marlage deg Roses (Cesar Franck) Mrs. A. M.

Gibb Plano: Novelette (Macdowell) Miss Euplilo Cutnmlng Songs; (a) Dawn In the poser! (Gertrude Ross) (b) Ktdectlons froth "In a Persian Garden (Liza Lehman) Miss Frelta Conn Piano: Caprice (Finding) Misq Elizabeth Oarlock Threp Idylls from Arcady (H. Alexander Matthcwsd Mrs. Percy Stephens Plano: (a) Theme (Pirkliert) (b) Prelude Arthur Foote) Miss Emily Mason Songs: (at Wind Rogers) (b) "Sylvelian" (Sfndtng) Sing to Me, Sing' (Sidney Homer) Miss Sydney Aird Piano: (Liszt) Mrs, F. H. Crane Everyday Etiquette I mZS) 31 r) ry i y-r Crackers or wafers should not be broken and dropped Into ones soup.

A small pleco should be broken off the sumo os when eating bread or cake. ENTERTAINER: Wluyx eating at table, the maid standi at the left of the person she Is serving, whether she is offering a dish from which he is to help himself, or Is placing a dish In front of him, unless the article she Is setting down belongs at the right of the plate, as ft knife, a spoon, a cup or a glass, She also stands at the left when removing all dishes, excepting those which have been placed at the right. A cuver consists of plates, glasses, stiver and napkin, to be used by one person during the LOUISE: Fashionable wedding Invitations sometimes have the request for ft reply fully expressed In English, nd instead of the letters R. P. one sees.

"The favor of a geply is requested, or merely "Please reply," Some hostesttfs prefer to use the English sentence on all formal Invitations. Business Talks to Women BY ELLEN LANE CPENCER LOANING AND BORROWING. All of us at some time or other have found it necessary to borrow though in some case It amounts to but few cents to meet an unexpected obligation. There are ethics of honor in borrowing, however. Just as there are ethics of paying hill thut moke one honest or ifliady In one's dealing according to how he or sho regard these ethics.

When you borrow money dr contract a debt (which 1 only another form of borrowing) and promise to pay at a certain time, If you do not pay at that time you are dishonest. If you dind in advance of tho dais for paimnt that you are not going to he able to pay, the only honest thing to do Is to go to the one you owe and ask for an extension of time. If you can not meet a debt by any other mean, It I far more honest to borrow from another nonces than to fall to pay. The rule is mt a elrlct bn the question 'f loaning, if you loon money nnd ate promised pa) men', at a certain time you have every right to expe't pa; merit st that time and to look for B. In lusnlng are granting a favor und it not only dishonest hut It also discourteous to fall to live gp to au agreement mad when the hisn ts akui for, Another hard snd fast rule the business woman should stick to ts not to ever loan money, to a man.

The nan who ks a woman for a loan "Lute string sound all die Social and Personal Mr, Lake I Eivlinr an at home on Tuesday evening. January lSth, at Government House. Word has been received bjr friend in the city thut Rev. andM r. O.

K. B. Adam expect to return home on Fri day. arriving on the afternoon C.P.It. train from the east.

Rev. and Sirs. H. Ci. Cairn, of BattUdord, are the guest of Rev.

and Jdrs. Hugh Cairn. Tenth street. Mr. Cairns I in the city for the meeting of the conference special committee on Wednesday, Mr.

and Mrs. TV. M. Thrasher of Dittsinore, left Hunday for Vancouver. Miss Palmer hu returned to Regina College after spending the Christmas holiduys with Mrs.

George Tlcany at Aberdeen. Miss Jessie Imuglas spent part of tho holiday season In Loverna as th guest of her cousin, Mr. A. J. Milne.

Mrs. C. R. Bigler, ft ho ha been -visiting her daughter, Mr. S.

E. Leavitt, has returned to her hqpte In Chippewa Falls, WIs. Mr. and Mrs. David Mowat returned today from an extended visit with the latter's parents, Air.

und Mr. Campbell, Dalkeith, Ontario. They visited some of the American cities on their way home. Mr. and Mrs.

G.J. Ilritsch are leaving today for Pasadena, where they will spend the winter. Sheriff and Mrs. L. Calder left last evening for Ietroleo, Out, having been called there by the death of Mrs.

Calder mother, Mrs. Thos. McKltrick. Rev. A.

MacDonnelt, of Dellste, la In the city todujwmd will address Westminster Club hls evening, telling the story of The Scottish Probationer." Miss Rachel Stephenson has return-ad to the city tu resume her studies at the university, after spending the holiday with her sister, Mrs. A. II. Clark, at Itadlsson, Mrs. John MeNaughton, president of the Women's Grain Growers' Association, passed through the city yesterday on her way to Brandon to attend the Manitoba convention.

Mr. John Russel and son of Davidson, Hak visited with his brother, Mr. W. C. Russel yesterday and left last night for Vancouver, Beattie, Portland and Los Angeles.

Weddings McFARLANO ROSEN BERGER A quiet, but pretty, wedding took place at Alsask on the evening of liecember 28th, when Miss Naomi Rosenberger, sister of Mr, and Mra Charles Hines, was married to Mr. Joseph Clemens McFarlhnd, both of Drake, Saskatchewan. The A. Traub officiated, The eoupl were attended by Miss Mae Rosenberger and Mr. Sam Gibney, who Is a cousin of the groom.

The bride was prettily attired In cream silk crepe de Chine, with a bridal veil, and carried a bouquet of cream bridal roses and fern. The bridesmaid was also dressed In ellk crepe de Chine and carried pink roses, Tho groom's gift to the bride was a set of wolf furs, to the bridesmaid a lovely pillow mult, and to the best man a pearl atick pin. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland left Alsask for Calgary and Edmonton.

They will live on their farm noar Drake. GRIFFITH' liHOMAJ-. The marriage took place on December 81st, of Miss Mary Victoria (Queenie), only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward I Thomas of ITluce Albert, and Lyman Grlfllth, of Saskatoon, son of the late T.

H. and Mrs. Grinith of Hamilton, The Rev. Father Danis performed the ceremony at the bishops palace, after which a wedding breakfast was served at the homo of the bride's parents. The bride looked charming wearing a suit of blue chiffon velvet embroidered In dovo grey, with chic black hut and black fox furs and wore a corsage bouquet of Kitlnrney roses and IIIHes 'of the valley.

Mr. and Mrs, Ot until will reside In Ruskatoon, 4 WHALEY-JOHNSON The Trinity Church, Oak Iaf, OnL, was the arena of pretty wedding on Thursday, December 27, 1917. at high noon, when Miss Gertrude Emmeline Johnson, of Oak Ieuf, and Dr. Thomas R. Whaley, of Alsask, were "nlred In marriage.

lr. and Mrs. Vhaley are spending their honey-moon in the United mates, McNEILL GAGNON On Wednesdsy, December 37th, at the Methodist parsonage In Alsask, Jfrs. Tens Gagnon and Mr. Blakely McNeill were united in marriage by Rev.

W. Bangwlne. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McNeill left for a honeymoon trip to Calgary and Macleod, expecting to return to their bnmq west of Loverna In about three weeks.

ASHDOWN ASHDOWN At Knox rnunso, on January Snd, the Rev. Wylie Clark united In marriage Margaret Nina Ashdown and M' Newman Ashdown, both of Asquith. The first meeting for the new year, of tho loe li council of the Girl Gulden' Association held yesterday In the Y. W. C.

parlors was a good augury for 1918. From the large rt presentation at the meeting and the Interest shown In the details of the work proposed, tho movement shows every likelihood of making ttsef felt as a patriotic and moral force among the girlhood of Saskatoon. This city hus the first local council to be formed in the province and "has also the largest number-of companies of any city in Saskatchewan. On. the recommendation of Commissioner Ella Bashford and Miss Stella Tuckey, the Weatside company was recognised as part of the Dominion Girl.

Guides association, commencing with Us organisation In December. It Is now the Sixth Company. Mr. W. C.

Dibble, who organised this company, was present, and he, with Mrs. R. R. Morgan, president of the council, thanked Mrs. A.

Mather for the practical interest she ha sl.own In this company on behalf of the Daughters of tho Empire which order she represents as educational secretary. Advises Provincial Committe Miss Edith rnhcatn, secretary, retqj a letter from the Dominion secretary, Miss E. M. Malrs, In which she advised tho organisation of a provincial committee. Miss Mains expressed extreme satisfaction at the progress of the movement In Saskatoon and congratulated the various companies upon their good record Commissioner Basliford quoted from a letter received from Lieut.

F. M. Gundry of North Duttleford, who said that the Bqttleford Guides were congratulated by His Excellency the Governor-General and Col. Henderson upon their splendid marching guides, she said, have a glrf from when on review. The Buttlcford mer, and.

His Excellency said he had never seen girls march better than they did to their drummer's tattoo. For Secours National Friday, January 25, was appointed the day for tha packing of a bale for the Secours National, Donations of clothing and money will bo received from the various companies and Interested friends any time before that date at the Y.W.C.A. building. Mrs. Morgan, Miss May Henly and Mies L.

Fyke are the packing committee, 1 Thank First Aid Instructor The association expressed Its gratitude to Mr. J. T. Hall for his Instruction of some of the companies tu flrot aid. It was decided that five members should constitute a quorum.

Hereafter every Guide will he required to sign the official recruit form filled tn and signed by the parents or guardians. Tho companies wllDhave the privilege of presenting their captain with the official, badge, Mrs, J. B. Gould and Miss Edith Pilbdam were appointed representatives with the president on the Local Council of Women. Addresses on Impsrial Subjects The council's request that the Daughters of the Empire of the city sent some of Its representatives to talk to the Girl Guides upon Imperial subjects met with thq assent of Mrs.

Ira A. MacKay, municipal regent, and Mrs. Mather. The time and place of meetings for this purpose will be arranged by the captains. The meeting opened with the Lords Prayer and closed with the National Anthem, Mrs.

Morgan pre- Edna ent forbes this week on Wednesday evening instead of Friday. ST. JOHNS CHANCEL GUILD Ft, Johns Chaoiret Guild will meet tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Ftanloy Emerson, 748 Fpadlna Crescent, at 3.15. sDan By Jame Phelps creature of the night before I was hopeful that Bob would give me an opportunity to win hla iove.

The only thing I hadnt told Elsie was that he had said he married me from gratitude. I couldnt repeat that even to her. When 1 reached home Nellie was out 1th the children. At.d Della raid they had been "little angel." 1 planned the dinner, one sure tn please Boh, then went up stairs and made myself as attractive as possible. My good nights sleep hud refreshed me, and all traees of tears were gone.

'hUriIv. ln put tho. baby to bed, but dressed Don- aid in fresh clothes, and told him he might sit up until daddy came home. would do as Elsie had advised use every means at hand to help me In winning Hob back to hi allegiance. It was nearly six oclock when 1 card his key tn the door.

1 trembled he a leaf, and never felt more like crying. But I resolutely forced such feelings back, and met him quietly. MuVer said I cbuld sit up!" Don-I aid called (lie moment he saw hi futher, 'ol she? And hat has Dad's lp-tie, man been lining today? "Oh, I wonted out wlv Nellie; and then rn uver put Geordie tn bed and let stay up cause boy, and OVordle a baby." "You must be a goodljig boy then SOCIAL FOR BIBLE CLASSES The combined Bible ClasS'i of Christ OhurUi will hold soanl an! ajolKhdrive on Friday evening of (hi week instead of Wednesday previously arranged. Sleigh vlll he at Christ Church hall pri-iptlv at 8 o'clock. and let daddy get ready for dinner, I said.

It seemed as if Bob Inu-t hear my heart heat; loud (lid sound to me. "Ml he down In a minute," Bob said without looking at me. "Let me have dinner vviv d.uldv mover?" Donald begged. You nitty ask daddy. If he nn' 4 yes.

you may stay if yoii'H ptunu-e to a very good littl boy, und go Immediately mother tells you to without crying. I thought perhttp Bob would Im ttioro comfortable if Donald were st the table. "I promise," the boy said, Ju-t a Boh appeared, then he turned to hltn: "Muver say If you will let tu I can sit up to dinner." if muver doesn't object I am sum I dont, only you nnretn pet cross when yon get sleep), a little falling Donnl.l bad. "I won't get crorfs dud. be premised; and I couldn't help but see thut Boll wa relieved that We weren't lot alone.

He too wanted to put of. tbs coining Interview lung ns pu. -Bible, fhn tied with and about Donald; hut ad through dinner vrev felt the stress of what lay before Pu murti that grew very sllert st the end of the meal; tn llttla Doe.sld wn quiet in Tomorrow An Ultimatum, Beauty Chats More Beauty Letters was anything wrong with getting into the women's homo guard good ness knows, no one has looked down on Vera Butchkaref for getting together her Battalion of Death! In.any case, the outdoor exercises would help you. You are underweight No, having the hair bobbed Isn't unrefined in the East, a lot of girt and womon are doing It, on soma. It's very cunning.

And you're small, so It ought to look nice on you and it doe do the hair an Immense amount of good, Witch hazel Is drying for the skin, don't Uo it often. Mra E. E. M. -No, hot water wont wrinkle 'tho skin, If used as you do when you wash the face, of course, If your kkin Is clear, you needn'J use the hot wash before the cream, though It opens the pores and makes rose water and lemon juice.

In equal to apply, and lets part, mixed, will keep hands soft and 1,1,0 ln Kln' 1 ut white so will almond milk. Ye a doctor could help you tf you are anemic If you wlh a simple tonic, try taking a tahlespoonful of olive oil In a tiny glasaif port wins, four times a day. The) wine cuts tl(e greasy tasts of the oil, Jf your health Improves, 'your hair will Improve too. Meantime, cut the hair hack as much as you can, snd me a self-addressed stamped envelope and a request for a hair tonic recipe, and use the one for dry hair, three time a week. The henna shampoo, you.

know, will not color tho hair that are graj, Your hair need Massage the face wUh cold cream, after a hot wash, at which time you have held hot wet cloths over, the face for five or more minute. After a massage, pushing the sagging cheeks upward, and running under the eye to the nose, rub the face with Ice. You'll do away with your exit wrinkles end won't have to bother with an expensive professional, Yog, an electric vihfator would help, both tfttn and hair. E. Send me a self addressed stamped envelope, and will send you the recipe you want.

R. M. M. Many of the Y.W.C.A.' have splendid training courses In Red Cross work, tho Red Cross has a course too. No, you needn't he a nurse, you can go a a nurses helper.

Writ to the Red Cross Headquarters, Washington, D.C for full information. You might try enlisting with the T.M.C.A. who often take women to do canteen work, volunteer oifly. You must belong to an Evangelical Church, and be under forty-five. Society's Choice For over 60 years Society Women sit over the World hsvs used it to.

obtain gtesler beauty sod to keep tlwrir appear sues always st lu best, Goursuid's Oriental Cream fiend de. for Trial Sim reD. T. HOPKINS A SON. MrmO 1 Valerie No, I shouldn't say there KNOWN AND' USED SASKATOQNPIANO CO, LTD.

1 227 21s STREET. EAST Sole Provincial Agent! Three splendid hose of Held cvm-by tho Very tut branl htmaelf cre psihed tide the t)p to whom money rltnuUl not A. E.s. Mitorgand wIR le he loaned, Nn man with a manly sense of rlmtit will borrow from a woman ti.iic": ah' lw a relative, or uni llm loan part of a bnsme P'ftl, if whipped Immediately. They contained the following; il pair sook, 1 10 worth of tot-tt' flfi wvtrllt fit taffy and chewing gum.

d'keett and 1 iqi'-M. Call or Write for Bargains in SUgJitly Used Pianos and Organs V- Ajl.

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