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Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 5

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

riva TIIE SASKATOON PHOENIX, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1916. CAHABIAH CREDIT Uli) f.lEET FOR BUSHES AND PLEASURE 7o777 Frizes waa the reply. "The single onea are too selflih. If the young fellow are willing to tit back and wait for compulsion it' all right. The married men will go because they have a broader and more consoles tiuu viewpoint.

But I'd hate to bo one of the tingle men when the war 1 over and the boy come buck. If the elackers have cold feet now, it'll be worse then." Don ft Suffer Longer and allow yourself to become grouchy, upset, nervous and depressed. These conditions usually indicate a disordered digestive sy stem, which, if neglected, may be hard to remedy. Remove the disturbing element end put your cssuve organs in guoa wonting crucr cjr Object of Conference and Banquet Today Is to Bring More Closely Together Credit and Selling Forces TIIK nisHOP OF LOSDOV 8YNt "We are in the midst of the great est fight ever made In thU world hr honor and freedom, and 1 w.U ao further and say for the vita! prin i- IPTTRX First Prizo ciples of the Christian religion. I agree with the Scotch preaeher who wild that it wa a choice 'oday between the nailed hand and the mailed tint.

1 look upon ivery maa who f.ghtt In this war for il.l cause a a hero, and If he die in It a a mart). li. will ft lifelong regret to every Briton If he ha not done 1 won say hi bit, but hi utmost In ih i Diy of They gently stimulate the liver, act on the bowels, tone the stomach purify the blood and regulate the trystem. These benefits are particularly marked by women at such times when nature makes special demands upon their vitality. Th act promptly and safely.

The next time you feel low-spirited and out of sorts, take Beecham's Fills. Their sure, mild, thorourh action will Give Quick Relief Worth Guinea 6m fittsisd aatr by TkxaM lelm, Bl. Heirs, LssMiMr. PaftfW 8oM tvsrrwlMre In Csaada and U. 8, Awrici.

bout, ti mil, the Winnipeg Celling and Roofing mIM be the principal speaker of tn evening, and he will tbke for hi toino that of "Selling force." Mr. L. J. My Huh, manager of the National Drug und Chemical W.nn:ieg, and president of the Association, w.ll on the top.c of Co-operation, In the course of his address ho allude to the question of Daylight Saving, In which he 1 an enthusiast. The object of these meetings i to bring together more closely the credit and selling force in connection wt'h the wholesale house throughout the, Province.

Similar meeting have been held on Winnipeg. Toronto. Hamilton, Heglna, Moose Jaw and Vancouver. This the first meet'ng of character to be held In Saskatoon, hut the officials of the Association who were around the CUy yx-terdfiy, have been so pleased with 'heir reccpt'on that they antio'pate holding similar meetings frequently in About 125 traveller and taleamdn from bit parts of the Dominion w.ll toi ay meet In the City for the periodical bu.nciu meeting of the Canadian Credit Men' Trust Association, to be followod by a banquet In Cairn' Cafe In the evening. At 11 o'clock there be a meeting of the Board of Governor of the AsHoe atlon In tli offSeea, 10 Cllnkakr.l Chamber, when Mr.

E. n. Stevens, credit manager uf Me.iHre. Cameron and Heap, Je-glna. president of the board, will pre-ilde.

At three oVlok the vlltor w.ll Inspect the University Building ami the College of Ajrleulture, where thoy will be welcomed by President Murray. At eight o'clock In the evenlre; a banquet will be in Calms' Cat, when the more olld of th evenlns will bi Interspersed with mimical Item. Commlttiloner F. Vaelure Solander. of the Bmrd of Trndn.

will wf'como the dele4tes. Mr. W. J. Wilson, tale manager of LOUDON LETTED From Our Special Correspondent.

I nothing would convince them of the necessity for making peace until they saw the Allies on German soil, He felt sure that Britain was going the future. to win it would take a long time, but they must face the fact with grim determination. "No matter how great the sacrifice, that will be demanded" said Mr. Luck In conclusion, and It What is the 7th Point? From the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Gulf of Mexico to Hudson people have been asking "What is the 7th Point in Sterling Gum?" In practically every town, city and village in the United States and Canada, the published six points of superiority have brought Sterling Gum fast-growing popularity. But the seventh point still remains a 'riddle.

Point DWC a Now, we are offen'112 liDeral orires to those who tend us the be.t sutcstiotis ir the Sterling Gum Point 7. Before jou make your suggestion for the Point, read the following The Following Story Unfolds the Secret of the Famous Point 7 will be very great, we are going to FRACAS III GERMAN COMMUNITY DISMSSED make the cheerfully, cos; what It may. We are not going to (top until militarism has been crushed to the earth never to rise again, and then only will the peace of the earth be assured for all time to come." a number of lantern slides were given at the close of the lecture of Alex. Smith J. yesterday dismissed the case with costs In which the Fehrs.

of Clarksboro, brought an action for assault against other German of the name Klassen in the Mounted Police Court. The fracas arose out of a dispute over a wel' which waa used by both parties, In the course of which a free fight took place, formidable pieces of timber and stake belna used In the melee.when one of the combatants, a boy, wa various Incidents connected with the war which proved very Interesting. A number of business men of the CUy have arranged for a lunch with Mr. Luck at tha Barry Hotel today at one o'clock when he will give an address to men only. The lunch will be held in the private dining rocm and only 100 tickets will be available, application for which should be made at the Barry Hotel.

severely injured about the head, and for some time it was in doubt a to whether he would recover. The case in Tho National Economy Campaign. I The event ot the week In London has been the oponlng of the National Economy Campaign. The intention wa that In representative assembly at the Guildhall Mr. Asqulth should move a resolution aettlng up the organization which It to work on territorial lines throughout the country.

But the Prlmo Minister was detained at home by a cold and his place wa taken by Mr. McKenna. the Chancellor of the Exchequer, with Lord Kitchener and Mr. Balfour as right and left supports. The wondeiful building Is of comparatively dl-mriimons and the company therefore nuld not compare in numimr wiHi meetings sjch as one Mii.s-line In the VVcat End of inion.

Rut the Invitations had been arranged with extraordinary care In order to brine; in workers of prominence from many fields and thus In a literal sento of the word th gathering was worthy of the best vitality of tho people. Tho Lord Mayors and Mayors of cities and towns, whilst representatives of such diverse bodies as the Stock Exchanxi and the Sunday School Union, the Baltic Exchange and the Salvation Army, the Primrose League and advanced Uili or Koctetias, were seated side by side. The promoters must indeed, In preparing the programme, have felt a doilcaicy In arranging th tines of precedence for the contrast ing associations whose titles appeared on the paper, but they wero all arranged harmoniously according to their affinities. The speech of Mr McKenna has been -fully reported What struck me most was the advance which this minister has made in the art of expressing exactly and pleasingly what Is needed to bo said at the particular moment. As Hcm.

Secretary he was much criticised, though It is due to him to say thut in that department he showed courai even in taking a course of his own In reference to the much vexed Woman' Suffrage question. He came to the treasury to enlarse taxation; Indeed to make it heavier than has been known before, and yet he has sun ceeded In increasing his popularity tn the process. His address at the Guildhall was marked by shrewd disci'imin-ation. He appealed In the first Dluce to those who had never known the need of making any sacrifice to' consider their habits and see what they could do without. Secondly, he ad (IRE CHIEF LECTURES TO THE BOY SCOUTS has occupied four sittings of the court, and at the last sittings Magistrate Smith had to severely warn one of the wltnesse with regard to perjury and threatened to bring his name before the not'ee of the Attorney General's Department.

W. J. Wilson, of Winnipeg, who will spenk at the Credit Men's banquet in Cairns' cafe tonight, on the subject of "Selling Forces." 1 To most people chewing gum it a mystery. They may know that different chewing gums are made from diftcrer ingredients. But that is about all.

Here are facts which we believe you will be glad to know about Sterling Gum: Your Sterling. Gum made from the following materials The basis is the pure sao of the tropical Sapota Tree a natural gum. This natural Sapota Tree sap is boiled, sweetened and flavored. The sweetening is simply pure cane sugar and pure corn syrup. The flavoring is of two kinds Peppermint (in red wrappers), C'" 1 'V blue wrappers) There are twenty varieties of the plant.

The Sterling Peppermint is a product of the choicest, smoothest-flavored of these many mint varieties. 1 he spicy Cinntmon flavor is extracted ftom the Cassia bush which grows in the tropics. The sap of the Sapota Tree, the cane sugar, the corn syrup, the Peppermint and Cinnamon flavors all come from the sap of sorre plant or tree. Nature herself supplies these delicious materials from which your Sterling Gum is made. STUDENTS ELECT An Interesting lecture was given last night by Fire Chief Heath to about 20 of the Boy Scouts of the City regarding the prevention of fire.

The chief demonstrated to the boys how easily fires could be started by eloc- Irnne nnH olan Vi iioH that ol. clal Instructor at the Lawrence Memorial school at Ghora Gall in the Muree Hills. On leaving this school he waa appointed confidential to L. J. Mylius, Winnipeg, who will speak on the subject of C'o-opora-tion at the Credit Men's Association banquet tonight in Cairns' cafe.

OFFICERS FOR 1916 electric light bulb laid on a mattress the assistant adjutant general of the 'nH'l Bp- it ir. minnfoj uiuwai division ma A meeting: of the Students' Repre "on. Wn-IM" These iecturJ, given every Friday held this Posltlon returned 15 qualified themselves for taking the lcclurea -re given every rnaaj KoDkna wa one nitrht init ara nnt nrVti miirh nnnra. i a-K was one sentative Council of tho University was hold last night nd new officers' piace or nurses tne nospitais wnue 7 of the most popular clerks in the the nurses went to the1 front and committees of thut body were ful and Instructive. Land Titles Office, has been In the country a short time, Is married and has a family, MILITARY MATTERS (Continued from Page Three) Requirements for Winning Phrase War Surprise to Germans.

The d.clai alien of war by England against Germany came as a thundetbolt to the people In Germany, the newspapers have led them to believe that England would be the ally of Germany In war against Russia. It was felt at that time that England would make- short work of the German navy and that Germany would It is. unflfntnut tk ih elected as follows: Prrsident A. L. Leach.

Vice-president Grge Cameron. General secretary Miss G. QaKon. Secretary of Executive Committee G. Bodman.

Treasurer O. Solnttzky. Theatre Nieht Committee E. A. Lloyd, II.

L. Weir, G. Cameron. Debating Committee J. B.

Booth, L. Barr. Miss G. Gallon, R. Mad-docks, llss M.

Buttery. Socio i Committee P. Peters, Miss C. Murray, A. J.

Shields. SOME SHLITAKY RECORD Jno. W. Hopkins, of the local Land Titles office stuff, has Joined the 210th Batt. (Legion of Frontiersmen).

Mr. 86TH OVERSEAS BATTALION Tho following meii Joined the 8Jth Batt. yesterday:" David Earl Fawcett, farmer, Sprlngwater Amos Lawson PrtcKett, machinist, Govan. Henry Ferguson, gas engineer, Grandora Gilbert Wallace Crlsford, clerk, Saskatoon. Erastus Chas.

Dawson, farmer, be crushed Mr. Luck then told of the conditions Hopklns first 'enlisted In the 5th Lan cms and was later drafted Into the When you read the above (act on the material tat bteriuig Gum it made ot, you will know ail tnat it i neceiiary for you to know ia catering tliii content. Tht first prize will go to the one whoe suggestion, bted on the aoov tiory, moat impressively pre sents the natural pi. i i of Sterling Gum in flit opinion ot the judges. Remember that your suggestion must It ia six word or The n-xt best suggestion will win th second prue and so on down.

Gum Company will have the right to use th 7 Point suggestion tent in by the prize winneis. The contest i easy to enter. Just think out your way ot expressing the 7ih Point. 1 hen write it out in words or lest and send it in a d'rected in th conditions printed below. Lven if you don't Tin the first prise of $1,000, you stand a chance to 'u on of th 7,777 smaller prizes.

which prevailed when the Germans had got their first fright, of the commandeering of the savings of the British in the savings banks of Germany, of the Imprisonment of large numbers. of men and women In one room lu a disused factory, without 9th Lancers for foreign service. He saw service in India, whence he went to South Africa, where he was I wounded five times. In March. 1902, the regiment returned to India, being stationed at Stalkot In the Punjab.

1 ELMER LUCK TELLS OF GERMAN ATROCITIES (Concluded From Page 8.) springwater. John William Thomas, butcher, Saskatoon. Wesley Chas. Sedgwick, farmer, Oban. Jas.

Michael Gavan, farmer, Wllkie. Perley Freeman Jones, farmer, Lance Valley. Robert Justice, farmer, Wllkie. sufficient clothing to keep them warm. Mr.

Hoipkins has the record of being one of the best shots in the regiment. Later he was appointed acting school He believed that when the war was dresed the large class who have gained in money through the war' either as capitalists or as wage-earner. He spoke with sympathy of the temptation to spend which was in-evltably felt by persons who had never enjoyed the pleasure of handling spare money before and had many yearnings to buy. He pointed out. however, at did Lord Kitchener, that over the prisoners would be able to master tne regimental school on tell stories of barbarity worse than M-hot jotiBi had ever yet been heard.

I ttflrata in thn nritish pmu l.wi,. I t'M'-ll'" II 1.1.1 I )) 1 1 aaMsjMyjMiri. in, i i "ij: ft Slaughtered Prisoner with Machine, i waa DDointed a clerk with th rank MARRIED MEN WILL GO ''Wnw'i ranmilitn of 9" ml Speaking of the atrocities which 0f staff sereeanrin itie om of th had been committed in Belgium Mr. I assistant mllltarv secretary at North- Phnoniv -v our ready capital and labor are inadequate to supply both the fighting (Concluded on Page Eight) Luck said that a lieutenant serving In rn command headquarters. In 1905 ston at 183rd battalion headquarters l.o i menu ne was appoimea ior six monma spe- yesterday.

"Lots of married men oi itis in ueriuaii, nun aescriDea now that was decided when Louvain was takon td kill several thousand of tha rartumtn hzd wrapper CINNAMON IN BLUE WRArPSR First Prize $1,000 Second Prize $500 Inhabitants because their soldier had been firedrupon. At first they were killed by the hundred, women anil chidren included, by a tiring Bquad. This was found to be too slow, however, and the balance of them were led out of the city and a machine gun turned upon them right and left and they were mown down by its fire. only in the provision of the necessities for the soldiers but of the men themselvee if the British must gain the victory In this terrlblo vrrugsle. Mr.

Luck, whose lnt3restlnr and convincing story was, tald without onj effort at spectacular efl'ect, gave a' the outset his Impression of tho German character a It had come under hi own personal observation. The women of Germany were looked upon as far below the men, whili- a rigid iron discipline prevailed which eventually became opprjssiva. Immorality was shockingly prevalent, the percentage of Illegitimacy being aliicst per cent, whlle their religion was simply a formal maker. In the universities and collestes a man's knowledge was looked upv-i ns ar more lmourtant than character, and a an example of their perfect organisation, he pointed out thut every woman and ohM wan d'Vmi their utmost to farther success In the present conflict. Children every day took to school metal and wool which they had collected on the day previous, while women spent every spare mo Third Priso 7 Prtis oaci 79 Pr eh $ZS0 700 Prtsot oaeh Co of 2C packa-o cf Sterling Cum, 7000 Prizes tack.

Box of 10 five-cant package of SUrUng Cum. 'An Instance of the utter hatred which the Germans showed towards For yk the British he related how an old friend, the pastor of a cnurch hud turned upon him for beln one of Conditions of the Contest i. is. rn --1 the urcursed Canadianj, who were Growing Children wonse than tho British and often it Judges was the case that the best educated of the University Professors were thi most bitter in' their hatred, while the there ia no belter food than newspapers, whose policy was dictated ilia Grape -Nuts by the military authorities, circulated stories of tho terrible treatment of the Germans In England. A German nurse In his house had even been able ment in doctors' waiting rooms and the waiting rooms of the railway companies doing knitting, the materials for which had been provided by the doctor' and railway companies.

Acorns were collected In the fall and ground and roasted at a substitute for coffee for the prisoners, and medically unfit men and cripples wer enlisted to take the places of men to alienate the affection of his two children from him for a time and they treated him with contempt and thanked heaven that they were Germans. with cream or good milk. Many diseases cf childhood and youth are due to faulty diet a diet that restricts the amount of needed mineral salts, the lack of which, as your family phyei-cian can tell you, often leads to rickets and other diseases of mal-nutrition. When arrested and placed in gaol he Sterling Gum Company err plmees cannot enter tiii contest. If two answer are entitled to the same prize, the full amount of the prize will be paid to each.

All answer tnut come in on a postal ctrd, On the back of the postal card write nuking but your 7 Point suggestion (six words or less) and your name and tdi'ress. The postal may he mailed in an envelope if you choose, Mail answer to Sterling Prize Judge Room 319, 403 Lexington Ave, New York Cay You may send in as many tug gestions tor Point 7 as you choose. Bui Itch must wit ptitu mri av dirictti Contest Closes All answer must be received In New York by midnight ot May IS, 1916. Answer will not be examined hr the iudge until after that date. The fudges, therefore, cannot mail acknowledgment ot the tuggettijiit received.

The prize will be awtrdrd by the following committee of well-known men: JoM A Sleieher, Editor of Leslie's Weekly. Edjsr Sisson. Editor of the Cosmopolitan Magazine. Jno. M.

Siddsll, Fditor of The American Magazine. Frederick L. Collins' Editor of llcClure's Rohert II. Paris, Editor of Muo-tey't Magdin. Announcement of Awards The winners of the first 80 prize will be announced in the July first i tn of the Saturday Evrning Post.

Please do not write to the judge. The cannot correspond with individual contestant. Just irske a note now ot the date on whrh tke prue winner will be fnnounml in the Saturday Eeniig Post. was placed among convicts and treated In the same manner with regard to food and regulations. For breakfast they had flour mixed with water, din-ner consisted of a lump of black bread and a slimy tort of stew, and for supper another lump of black bread and water.

A sick friend of his Eating for Pleasure, Eating for Strength, are two distinct propositionsbut both operations Crape-Nuts, made of whole wheat and malted barley is rich in these vital mineral elements so necessary to health. A': This food tastes good, 13 easily digested, and many who suffered from tuberculosis asked to be allowed to buy eggs and other nourishing food for himself and was refused, being ubsequer.Uy subjected to ice-cold bath every day for 15 minutes for two months by the doctor, which killed him. Trt-iiU-d Allic' CliUdrvn Yuollr. lie also told the story of how his "There's a Reason" two daughters were treated by other children in the lowest echools In the city on the cf the headmaster, and of the terrible treatment of an Australian boy friend who was sick and wa taken to the hospital where the doctors and nurses took a Now put on yur thinkin cap. Get your f-nilv to help you.

fend in at many tuggettiont at you wtnt to. All will be ronsiHen-H it warding these many priut. To not write the Gut, regarding the contest ot it cmi lition as all suggestion Will be Judged by lb Prize Committee named above. TVa Sterling Cam Co be Now York TV Starting Cum Co. Canada.

Ud, Torooto are combined in Shredded Wheat Biscuit, the food that is pleasing to the palate, that makes healthy tissue and gives strength to mind and body. It is what you digest, not what you eat, that noirisli23 the body. Every particle of Shredded Wheat Biscuit i3 taken up by the digestive organs and converted into muscle, bone and brain. Try it for breakfast with hot or cold milk or cream, or for any meal in combination with sliced bananas or other fruits'. Made in Canada.

cruel delight in teasing him and after the defeat of the German squadron in the North Sea he wa expelled from the hospital clad only in hla pajamas, coat and slipper on a cold rainy day, ind together they subsequently -were exchanged for German prisoner and found their way back to England by way of Holland. -DO IT The Phoenix Condensed Ads. Will Help You i 'A' Mr. Luck said that the Germans realised their losses Tn the war but they believed that the losses on thej tide ot tr Allle were greater and 1 i t-.

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