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Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 6

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY PHCESIX, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1907 1 III I 111 scsSk PHOSECUT10H WITHD3AYH Yowrn Ovmw Today' Cleared of Uy CHarg BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817. STORE OPENS 7.30 A.M. STORE CLOSES 7 P.M., EXCEPT SATURCAY Nichts PRlflD FAIR NOTES Saskatoon, 6 7. 8- TO HOUDAYS a $1.00 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP RESERVE FUND TOTAL ASSETS $14,400,000 SI 1,000,000 SI 68,00 1, 173 FOR MEl'S THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Pnone No 208 The committee on poultry and pets will encoarage the keeping of utility breed of poultry by ottering a tempting array of prizes for the difierent cla4. The cum nut tee on the prize list worked last ciht and all but completed the work revision.

The list will be in the hands of the printers to-dar or to-morrow. The firm of Asbworta Holmes have t-fit red to donate all the prizes for the summer fair la the horticultural classes. The trues in- One Month ONLY We are offering a Stem Wind Stein Se DAILY STORE NEWS The charge on which a Winnipeg traveller a arretel here at the instance r-i the fcnk of Ottawa at AH.ert. withdrawn to-lajr. Vefrrlif afternoon the man in trouble went north to Prince Albert and ha4 the matter settled.

He re-tamed to town tht morning. When the ftfne f-r rtiamin? the hearing arrived at one o'clock thi afternoon the j.on man wit on hand and ai: the afrjhaton to hate the charge wirhrawn. The man. who represent a Winni- rtg firm, wit charged with drawing ioo on the Bank of Ottawa on the credid oi hi hocvr, without having authority to do mh The cae came op before James Le2je, J.I. Mr Acheon acted for derndant- HEAD OFFICE.

MONTREAL. Rifet Boo. latrd StratkcoM and Ut. Royal. GC M.U.

rideot Boo. Sir Gorr A. Dm a mood. K.C-M.U Pr ant. S-Clooston, Vicw-Presidmt.

Brkaet: awd inacim at all prioeipal points ia Caaada. Also ia London. Ecflaod, kw Xork. Oieaao, Spokaaa. Xawfooadlaad.

TnmUwn' CirruUr Lattets of Credit and Cosaaielal CradiU isauad for as ia all part of Uta world. Collaetioaa aad on favorable tarms. Drafu sold at ailabla at all point ia Coiled States, Estop, and Canada. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Istarwt allowed oa Savinr Bask deposits at earract rata, and added to all aeeoonu quarterly.

Saskatooa Branch KENNETH ASHWORTH, Manager cash and medals, will ezrt- mm gatc about 5oo. Special prize in the farm product classes have been decided upon by the committee. For the best sample A RUN ON THE WmBk Over For the small price of TO TOWER Material for Foundation Accumulating Work will Commence Tomorrow $1.00 Enecuiion of Trusts six bushels of red fyfe wheat ther; will be a special pitae, and also one for the bet exhibit of different kinds of grain shown in half-bushel quantities. The popular president. A.

P. Mc-N'ab, wants to see what people are doing with all the flour being turned out at the mill of the Saskatoon Milling Elevator Co. To bring out samples of what can be done with this liour he offers a special prize for the best loaf of bread made from it. Q. W.McFarlane Jeweller and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses An individual may die, he may abscond he may be guided by favoritism in administering- your estate.

A Trust Company endures for generations carries out the very letter of YOUR bequests. Escalation work wi'I commence tomorrow at the site of the soutfcide water tower. Material for the foundation ha commenced to accumulate at the pot which i in block 83, jat south of the ward one school. Resident Engineer G. IL Power marked out the location this moming.

The contractor on the foundation work are the Saskatoon Construction Amonjf the extra prizes to be offered: will be the following in which the man who takes a pride in keeping his home grounds ia nice shape has a chance to distinguish himself: Best Cower garden in the city Sio Nati onal Trust Company.Limited Head Office, TORONTO Saskatchewan BfiAxcH-Cor. 2nd Ave. and 20th Saskatoon J. D. Gcsx, Local Manager A.

Dulmage Drnddit and Stationer Engineering Co. Phoenix Sittings The moon changed thi week and it doesn's do it for nothing. The golf club should try to get a moon of it own. and 55. Best vegetable garden in the city, $10 and $5- Best tlowtr garden in Ashworth-Holmes sub-division, 5 10 and Ss- Best vegetable garden in Ashworth-Holmes sub-division.

Sio and 5- Best kept lawn within city limits. Sio and 55- Lots of men run over to look over the Walk Over" Its obviously-fine materials, superior style and excellentfinish make quick buyers of them, but they know nothing about the easy comfort of the shoe until they have worn it a day or two. Of course it is easy at first trial and needs no breaking in," but the comfort is so unexpected that you feel like running instead of walking. The present run on the Walk Over" is simply the result of wearers praising it to their friends. Saskatchewan Gazette has shown some originality by coming out without a word about the crop outlook.

Every little while China turns over THE CABLE SW1KCS C.P.R. Bridge-men Almost Ready to Begin Piers EAGLE You can benefit yourself by calling on us for anything in the line of Pure Drugs Chemicals Standard Patent Medicines Fancy Goods Toilet Articles Perfumery OurEtock is always complete in every detail, and in compounding Townships 30 33, Range 24. 3 We have juit got a splendid block of land, about 5,000 acres, in this very fertile district ALL PICKED LAND Gash Payment $3.00 per acre BALANCE Itt THREE YEARS f. ii "i -At: -j: Prescriptions Downstream a mile or so a bunch of men are working every day at the point along the river where the CP. engines will by and by be crossing the South Saskatchewan on their way to the coast.

cable that for days dangled persistently in the water, has at length been carried all the way across, and now its eastern end lies on the sand of the bank and no one met a watery death while getting it there. But it still hangs in scallops like the festoons on the edge of a curtain, and this week's work will be the tightening of this 1 cable. The removing of the slender ones by which the heavy one was got in place and then a commencement at the carrying of gravel and the other material which will be required for the making of the piers. By the way, the foreman expressed some amusement that one of the city dailies had recently credited them with having the piers already in unlike the "light brigade" he took the liberty to "wonder why." By Thursday or Friday of this week the bridge people expect the first bucket of sand to shoot the chute and experience that sinking sensation. More than this, they fondly believe that they will have the bridge completed and ready for the construction train to ero5 soon as the rails arc laid up toft.

1. JORDAN Real Estate Twentieth Street i. in its sleep. Life in the Hub is getting more like a golf game all the time with the au-tomibiles creating the hazards. We fancy that Mr.

Ja. Straton would have had that one in long ago if he had been doing this work. Old is evidently trying to be the of the C.P.R. the ice mart beginning to as-sum one that will stay. It looks as if the Xew York police might search all the trunks of that city daily for murders.

Wonder if the Gazette will get out a special for the Hub's summer fair? Wait till you see J. D. Gunn and P. Shepherd of the southside camp, get after Archie McNab's money for a prize loaf of bread. Purchased Lot Outright Mr.

D. T. Smith has purchased from Mr. Felix McManus the north half of the lot on which the office of Smith Brown and jewelry store of Mr. McManus were located previous last January's fire.

7. The New Flanagan Hotel Excavation commene'ed' to-day on the site of Mr. Jas. Flanagan's proposed new hotel at the southwest corner of Ihird avenue and Twenty-first street. I 1W 6iengarrV Mr.

Angus McMillan received telegram from Alexandria, Glengarry county. Ont. this morning informing "Walk Over" lr Loan Realty Com Lfdi sasiiaioon we use only the purest goods obtainable. Our Prescription Department is always in the charge of a competent pharmacist. The public runs no risk of error att Prescription and domestic Recipes are filled by competent men only.

We guarantee Purity of Material used and Absolute Accuracy in compounding Physicians' Prescriptions. We are constantly, adding every new and novel, article that comes within our line of business. If you see a medicine advertised and want it we will get it for you if we do not have it in stock. Shoes SECOND AVENUE Opposit? tte Empire Hotel $5.00 $6.0) $7.00 FOR MEN ADD WOMEN MANY SCHOOLS BUILD IMA MTP ft We have several clients who wish to invest in rifiisi. dose in residential property.

If you have anything to sell kindly let as have particulars. We have Bopb Acres At prices and on terms which make them a good investment! Full particulars on application, ft r- Applications to Depart EVENING CLASS ment from Rural Boards The Gazette Notice of the issuance of certificates oMonev to Loan Fire and Life Insurance 5" fS5. him of the death ot Ms uncle, Air. A. A.

McMillan. The deceased gentle Women's Furnishings. Men's Outfitters. man was to years of age and had contained in the latest issue of The Saskatchewan Gazette: The Frtfica The principal of the Saskatoon Business College will conduct an evening class, three nights a week, commencing Monday. June 17.

at 7.SO Private instruction will be given to anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of office work CALL AT OFFICE IN BUTLER BLOCK or write to box 582 for full particulars C0r. 2nd 22nd St. Stont for Bank Building 4 A caf of stone for the new Bank of Commerce building is being unloaded to-day. The stone will be used in the trimmings and steps. Mr.

Kerr's New Auto Townsi te Limited; Tfttf Telephone Saskatoon, which was forcnerlv the Saskatchewan Telephone and Electric Supply The Saskatoon Foundry Machine Wof ks, Limited; The Wannan Telephone, Light and Power Limited; The Elstow Townsite Limited, Justices of the peace appointed Hubert Ovens, Battleford; Frederic Fur-ber. New Hillsdale. Poumlkeepers G. T. Lieht, Spratts-ville, Girvin; F.

Haves Cleland, Eagle Hills. Battleford; Erik Tharald-son. Kudy-f J- D- McKenzie, Saskatoon; H- A. Bartsch. Osier; Bar-ri Prairi? Rose: R.

S. Scott, Rad- People Who Know a Good Article "and Have Eeen Waiting For The r. Hess Stock Food SPECIAL TO BUTCHERS, YoaH notice Fred E. Kerr doing the city in a brand new auto. It is an Olds" machine of thirty-live Grocers and isson: Win.

Genereaux, Dundurn; es- The Riding Club Run lev Cowell. Wheatfields. Resignations and retirements T. II. A Bank which has conducted a conservative business since 1872, and has steadily increased its assets until they now amount to Over thirty-two aillion dollars, is surely a safe institution be entrusted with your savings.

BANK OF HAMILTON W. J. H. MURISON Agent SASKlTOOX, SASK May Have Their Wants Satisfied, As This Shipment Has Arrived The (askatoon Riding una tarns yefns. Saskatoon, poundkeeper.

oat this evening for their weekly run. Notice is gien of the establishment Thev meet in the city park at 7-J 5 into a town of the village of Broad-and leave the park sharp at Are jam usim; a Darton Computing Scale Orer 200.000 Aaytoos in Canada and United States. Must be a good thing. Ask your neighbor, ha has one. Let me show yon out New Automatic System.

Write me and I will eall when in your localitr. C. H. GOOD, Tbe Scale Man, Thev hope to be joined by a good -0tice is eiven of the proposed es-. number of new riders.

I tahlhment of villaces as follows: Marmont, Tuxford, Disley and Theodore. The following school districts are empowered to borrow monev: Mav- EMPIRE HOTEL, Diova SASKATOON OLIVER KEMPTHORNE 1st Avenue A meeting. wOI be held ia the school Ta vlJt Otthon'i i Flowery Dale. East Otthon, house on Tuesday evening when ar- tt Sl.5oo; Clear Lake, SSoo;" rangements will be made for holding Calderviile, $Soo; Prairie Lawn S2ooo; the annual outing and picnic. Morning Star, CharkoS, Jljxo Mrs, David Brown visited ilrs.

R.I Charlotenbmx,; Fillmore, in jteeieT a Jvncuiy. ooo; vraucenursi. a oiaasiouc, Master Willie Bradley has been pur- Si, 100; Stoney Croft. $1, 000; McLean chasing a driver. Protestant.

55.000; Lucile, Don-j Mr. and Mrs. R. Feeley visited nvbrook, J.vx: Kansas, 1,800: Glen-! Irknds at Laxnont last Sunday. 1 side, Si, 200; "Bogend, Falken- Everybody should read the ham.

Si. 000, We have just opened a new stock of the Famous Leonard Cleanable -t i in JUT ARRIVED Beck-Iiden BetterthanElectric Light It's the only paper. Inspectors of pelts in the wolf la spile of the' showry, weather on bountv districts are: F. G. Feers, Sonday raanv bachelors could be seen Craik; Albert Wilson, Tessien J- II.

wending their way westward, some Currie, Yonda; W. M. Carr, Wolselev; some driving, others walk- Joseph Cope, Broadview; Geo. W. WRIQERAT0KS Spadina 'Crescent sMfTSSotj1 DO VOU WANT 61-ft on Crescent Corner at 13.00; per foot, or 20th Street Lois at 5.00 to per fool, ihfe i'an: main Iborongbfife of the city, and nre no COO per ceiit: cheaper han 2nd "Avenue.

IF YOU WaWT a'residential lot in acy part of the city. See as. 1 ixxige, tor 13-B-v oeo. Messrs. Frudd and Lindsay are in baueh.

17-B-2; Thos. II. Clav. Saskatoon to-day attending the wed- Geo. Dulton, 8-H-; Chas.

ding of Miss Sunderland. alndy, -r -j T. 1: nd familr have mov-. 4 i Porcelain and Zinc lined. They are marked very and must go at Call in and see these rd to their homestead at Eagle from VONOA TO NEEPAWA Mr.

JBTiU Feeley took a tnp OTex NnfiiiiT IPj'SwSr Is doTsome breaking. Mr James P. Kenuedv, teller of the i- i Canadian Bank Commerce, Vonda.i Lrvis were held on Sun-1 has been moved to Xeepaira and will Church services leave for his new position at Wm JJ FJLSF anYiSSriie-His position will be. filled bv Mr. G.

U. EUis. Good sinrme ana Trr, ih r.rrview Fffiiitanjs With. $2.00 per acre cash. HUNT, 0FI0R0E.

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