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Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • 1

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Issue Date:
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FRIOAf OCTQRPW a. DDT BANKS SWINDLED the uxewest I 7m'mm BALLOONIST HAD A EDDIE'S HOLIDAY OVER 200,000 PEOPLE PACKERS FICHT in ah T4R Tnw THRILLING FLIGHT oun Prmc Fownd TrJp to London III nil wiiinniv wif.ti THE PACIFIC FLEET STIRS UP INTEREST Caus 0if HAVE COME THIS YEAR Case of Old Fine For Freight Rebating is Revived Washington, D.C., Oct. i.The su Imper sonator of a Rich London. Oct. 3.

-An amusing little tory about Prince Edward of Wals Canada the Mecca of Forty Miles in a Gale Lands Safely Farmer has come to liglit. It entered into his little roval head a few weeks is preme court of the United States was applied to to-day to take jurisdiction But Nothing Serious Feared Homeseekers 0 Edmonton, Oct. 3. F. McAr-thar, of Hardijty, the contractor in charge of the P.

's new line from Saskatoon to Hardtsty. was in the city yetenlay and we 1: south again this morning wit'i abiut two dozen ft)f, on hf contract. come 10 LrOnaon irom rrogmore by himself for the day, an intention on the Arnipur. Swift. XfnrrU aGG8 COLUPSED AT AUCTION Ludahy cases and know if the pack-ins- hrtneo rK- t.

MAN HUBOEREO FOH HIS MONEY NEWFOJNDLAND'S PACIFIC MOOD i(wK9, uy removing tnem on a writ nf rPrt we wtJi not ne ah trt- a cao, and arrived at tne station in PARIS AND BERLIN ALSO TALK good time to catch the train ir Lon C-tri i.da Drop to BMmnt United States circuir court of appeals of the eighth These com- vt ti fall aid JlcArthur to a pres representative Steamer with Roosevelt on Mississippi Will ll oanie wpf. fin.j 1 don. So far all went well, but when he reached I'addingtoa station foot-raan in the roval scarlet liverv afi. t-ra iu Mnyone Mew fmn on York Co. Aff4M- On, work has Wen o-sniderably IviayvJ during ummjp tx i- cacn in tne district court of the United States for the western division (n, Has to Lay Up For Repairs Militia Honors are Promised But Japan and the United States Show No Apparent Signs of Alarm bad weather.

hnw? "csiftn vanced bareheaded and informed his tor violation of Ktai iiignness tnat a carri i-iMiis acr. are ruibin the work and will get as much as posjible done this Mr. McArthar sav that fn nr.w age was waitinir for him anl th-t freight rate reba 't Tx- Oct The Toronto Shreveport. Oct t-lli mntiUA liinch was ready for him at Marl. fontrr.J granted five Hundred court of appeals sustained this tine4.

1 ne evidence showed th rnm niniA body of Geo. Hanson, aged 26. rice- wf" rJ a monument to Aiex- about 600 teams and oo men along the hne. The main difficulty has been London, Oct. 3.

Party politics is Bell, inventor of the president ot Printing, of this city, was Amusement fell upon the young received a preferenture rate of 12c hundred pounds on shinmnt. Ottawa, Oct. 3 For the first eight months this year immigration to Canada was 216,865, an increase of 50,380 compared with the first eight months to secore satficient teams, though at be bmlt at Urantford. tne general interpretation here of the discussion over fhe proprietv nf ime inere nas also been 1 virr r. 1 irom -Mississippi fj Restrict the AutoUt 'f-tj ujjijcr oanastana on "-c, uo was 100 aaiunisned at Douglas island.

He had been killed bcin found out to do anything but with a heavy railroad wrench and the m5e foIlow he tal1, 'Aman ho of men. When the irrading operations Vre begun the intention was to of 1006. The total fn- i 3 seaboard 111c riv 111 1 rti'i rfinont Th'- general complaint case against Arm- iyimis 13 more than the tntl our only was tried L.ut the country trut attend nave tne steel laid this fall, but the wet weather badly tied up operations fr several month. body wa, dragged beneath the fT Hansons watch and money were commanding hii to remain at Marl- migration 'during the six years, 1800 jit i women's tnstitafes is failing on urn case ior the cielit months comjjarerl wi'th rf t' 'e of the (Lingtrj of the road gone. ng the American battleship fleet to the Pacific.

The British and all European papers print the speeches of I resident. Roosevelt and Secretary of War Taft and reproduce the comments of the American papers which are attacking the battleship project-l ew English papers comment on the COVfaKS IS FIRM A I -1 twt'i rerkfess autornobilist. New nearly three timee th, Borougn nouse uniu tne arrival of his tutor, who would take him back to Frogmore. DUCALD ROSS FOUND The President Delayed. St.

Louis, Oct. A fans, Hit. nu win not HuCge to Give Intercolon Hon for the first year of the present government's regime. For the first live months of the present fiscal vear April to August. fr.ri ial Coal icirpnone message trom Cairo was received at thU Picked Up in Tower, Plenty MW4a RUSHING OK WITH matter any form and those few sav 1 of Money Left ine eriect that the steamer Mississippi bearing President Roosevelt to was 174.047.

an merest a I Halifax, Oct. 3 The probably be pasted, protest From Manufacturers of Canadian manufac-rfM waited on the Ontario minister cf -to-day to protest the of men the labor organisations as acvr srnector. They were told Vss i nr lot to be appointed would ism. qualified to inspect boilers Still ODeratino, ti "8 nny. I he stock ex pnis, nau hroken her machinery and pun THE -CARLTON LINE Snrino- wncre premonition Toronto.

Oct. A Canadian At. nvt into the shore for repairs. So J. R.

Cov J. R. tociated lYess desnateh Cowans, any quarter of the globe are felt firt iere to-day He has not thrown any reflection of the 1 aamae 13 reported, only it general manager, is received the minister England, savs that .1 a it me pany 01 tne president. No More Disease. at Sorinir Hill.

infrm; aumc wt in American at Soring Hm some ot the American of a communication from the -t'ji, or 31 per cent, over the corresponding month last year. Immigration over the ocean ports was increase being 43,900, or 44 per cent, immigration from the United States totalled 31.253. decrease or 8 per cent, as compared with last year. The "August immigration of the ocean ports was 16,936 and from United States 16R1 Now Complete to Wes manager of the Burlinsrton Pole. u-a v.

A 6 ne I St" to- Jap Securities Good 1 nun tnat ne foyers. umana. uct. 3. Live stock and vetennanes of Nebraska.

Im Dover, the inspector of police wwum uo in tne 1 of Rosthern An Educational Monthly went to a waiting room of the South- iy 01 guaranteemir a sunnlv nf J-i'fucse securities are strong anH eastern railway shortly after midnitrht soun, Kansas and Wyoming are in session in Omaha to-day to tor the Intercolonial. Mr. King stated ar worse than during Arricmcnts are almost completed Several and there found Dugald Ross waiting extracts jthrrthf tne department of educa- tnat in consequence of the cessation of tni months. Se mining at Snrim? Hill frm certain American that in conseauence nf recent months. an The total immigration to Canada to the close of September is over 2n- papers hinting pap society lor tne eradication o.

disease liv stock in the western Mates. Dr. Peters, of iCJIi'aU nit VUil- I .1, I I on- PrPeiH.nt that f-i' MORE MONEY FOR THETOWNHALL bnortage which, other fi tni faculty of Toronto wi publish a monthly educationist This will be the organ of mines uesires to 000. bince 1807 the tne province had been unable to I 8 war with Japan to make agricultural station, was chairman of co eaten a tram tor London. Ross had been staying at the hotel under the name of Robinson.

Friends in Streetsville. have become anxious and instituted an investigation. The Canadian stated that he had gone into the city to cash a chcntie. but the intercolonial would logical have been vui v.aiuui was 1,140,909. Canada's commercial agent he ttu hers of Ontario.

wnicn was called by J. in Vhe c-omPany could out were received as writes tn rli rtno. stock managcr of the Rosthern Ratepayers to Vote on $10,000 Dividends, Not Yet Kuataiiice ueiiverv tn limm.j.i.i.. "diiics. ijininmnto "nituwisiv i ki: ment of trade and commerce that the colonial' government has '-ine "iucr sixty tnousani im 1 ucjicvc mat lanan wich National Trust Company, Wabash Trains Collide turn in i cy Law Duck Lake Fair of the York County Loan foM, not gct thc money.

He also al u.c unitea states. Mr. King thought f. Jr ana consicr the probabil-that this wou a of war be small nnLc t- St. Louis.

Oct. 1 A nounced jts intention of removing all restrictions in ree-ard tn tfc matter vnciaJiy contradicts the state- ne Dn giving nis that a dividend will be oaid in namc a Ward. On starching his newspapers tan the 't wo peoples into. collision between a passenger and a freight train on the Wabash road oc- mi .1 ana askcu Mr. Cowan Lh ia broad view of the matter and endeavor to effect a settlement nr ttiture; in the meantime a-as tounu to nave 5585 of herring on the west coast during the season, and pending settlement by The Hague court of arbitration of i-uj nc4r v.

111. Knih i-h being realised unon to ad van- ne uiamonns stolen trom him engines wer nrrtiru Vi. r.C. ustnern, uct. 4.

Messrs. G. Paris Is Paris. Oct i ir- me matters in dispute between New According to the statement of tren- Abbott, of Sioux Falls, S. Dakota, and were worm aoout and had been culm t.

ic men. In reply, Mr. Cowans stated laft visit to" Japan and to other luuiiuioiiu anu 1.1c. unnen rate in Aeather Moderate I fo lowed i. fr regard to the future of the fisheries era! manager Miller, at Wabash Charles L.

Hyde, of Pierre, Dakota headquarters here, no persons were alon-witl, 1 i ir-, seriously hurt, but eight injured. He Hackne town, th. to Oliver coal points in the far east and President Positive1" nr SnL CoJpSrSfl! Mf.ther has been fine to-dav nnding that later he had left hv question. -Total earnines of the Tnton-ninnin Hjsui'tjr tne western provinces, and I had come on to Dover. He ec or7 to' a5 utterances of several wrecK resulted on account ofl snwmi( at tne iNortn 1 for August were $886 the larorpct and Alberta moder-1 never represented himself as en 1 the freight train not obeying orders.

I he passenger train was b.iund from i ucujiuh ui me i nuicnvdo 'papers which havi- hp elseard ff and noth- cabled -her, Phave served to 'attra eise. I renewed 9ttntmn renewed attention to tlx. wsnn in Uawson it was 26.48. 1 millionaire. wii 1 u.

In a few days a militia gazette will i icioria ue issued announcing a number of rveoKUK to spnngheld. Balloonists Thrilling Flight the Banks A BOLD THIEF States and Japan, the trench papers are devoting much space to the snhWt A WICKED LOVER promotions in the headquarters staff. Coshocton. Ohio. Oct.

rranoii i stranger swindled the Bank of oasitatcnewan river this week. They returned at noon to-day having secured the biggest bag of game of the season. Altogether they shot 36 geese 3 cranesanA 75 prairie chicken. The Dalmeny Carlton Line The CN. R.

grade On the new Dal-menv-Carlton line has he finichoi col. Vadai. eenernl msnfrtnr n( 1 one of them regards the si'tuation as 111 a kuc 01 wina. rranic -nhr a rv I Walked into Vancouver Shoe, nd L.f. militia, becomes brigadier-general from the 1st of October- o4 the Sterling Bank out of $100, by Father and Brother ucuis acute, tnough they all think that it contains aeronaut, was driven a of forty miles, five thousand feet 7- "'J' Trail of Diamonds atrick uarnty, a weaithyJ uuivcr cummanainir tne maritime in Quarrel uttjigcr this, however, has not affcrtpH anove tne earth, and landed safely provinces, has also been nrnmnind tn VI a I.

.1 Roor Gave Way Vancouver, Oct. .3 One of the tone 0n the bourse, although prices i remain heavy sympathy with the iew York and othr the line between townships 42 and 43, just out of Waldheim tnil.c Noble esville. Drt i Ir ni? an auction sale in a audacious robberies on record ioiii ui ui inuier-generai irom tne same 'date; Col. D. A.

Macdonald, quartermaster-general, will be gazetted brigadier-general from the 1st of Ajtv.nntock, an aeed farmer living of town. It is exoecterf thaf tin world. --v. U1 the way and about I ancouvcr was committed shortly five milp nnrthosct i nurin 01 tnis city at seven clock to-night. Fuhr had been sjowing the Coshocton airship at the Licking county fair, and at 4.30 p.m.

ascended for an exhibition flight. By mistake throwing overboard too much ballast, the big gas bag shot up in the ilmrtr grade will be finished tn Stnnv Hilt rf.p'r. mostly women, dropped onc.c to-aay, wnen a i ncic anu nis tu. son Enoch, were killed her As The Temps Sees It. next: Col.

W. H. Comom. jr gh int. the cellar.

Fortunately I A 11 u. "'5 Jeweiry store ot K. this fall. The contractor in charge of the work anticipated that th cti master-general of ordnance, also be- ternoon by James Hensplv thirty I The Temos th sly hurt. I lrowneaaf ot camp and Westings vs (nc seriously cumcs a ongaaier-generai trom the years old, of Indianapolis.

Hensely th? Pinion that "there is fire smould- would probably be laid for a consider streets ana coony opened the win same date. Baby Boy Burned Paymg attention to Mary 8 unuer tne asn. which the. two dows, a tray of diamond rings such strong currents of air that the and made ate distance this year. The Hacrue hnte has Kn iWCUimtOCK.

rtatichtpr nf VVH. I Kovcrnments must eirtinmiich XT tt-i ict. 3. 1 ne two year 1 I U. oanoon necame unmanageable.

i bah? boy. r.n of Robt. Russell, for the last week or more, makine it RUSSO-JAPAIIESE off. A hue and cry followed, and the daring robber was pursued down Cordova street and on to the railroad tracks, where he was can- v-mnucK ana nad called at the farm i Ta i. seijii-omciai organs house when it is said, he and Enoch nolds.the American press, which it quarrelled.

Hensely drew a revolver I 1S. Practicing the faults of a por- very inconvenient for tht I tmer. perished in the fire which de-foyp-I the house at Allison ville. I B. C.

REPRESENTATIVE J'UMI IV. tlOn of Its Euroncan rivals 1- TREATY PLEASES ana snot the young man. The father then emerged from the farm" house ir here The father was away and an.i turned over to the custody b-tt the child tied in of the officers. More Money for Town Hall ly responsible for the moral tension between the two peoples which a number of trios, speeches. h.innit.

anu, according to. Hensely's story at- ON JAP COMMISSION she went to milk the On Monday, Oct. 28. Rosthern story says tnat while the clerk was serving a customer the tacked him with a knife, whereuoon or compliments can remove." The u.n- payers will vote "on a by-law to provide for a debenture of $10,000 for Both man walked in and. sliding back the panel, took a tray of diamonds from it essential that earh Hensely killed the el apan and RuSSiaJ Hensely was arrested.

a Mense kiUerf th. a A TRAITOROUS CAME the window. Placing it under his coat, tne purpose of finishing and furnishing the new town hall, now in course of Suggestion from Con country shall recognise respective wrongs, adding: "No matter what danger yellow labor constitutes for oaxisTiea he walked clown street. The clerk gave chase, and the man dropped the TO STOP THE LAW vention of Liberals creation, ihe building is a very imposing one and is now completed to the second storiv Tti i SfaiKh Party Caught Taking diamonds ana ran, Put was soon cap- oaiuornia, it aoes not justify vengeance against the Japanese or thp Soutji Dakota Railroads after Cartridges to the Enemy iurcu mu nanucu over to tne ponce. He denied taking the diamonds, say CHINA ALSO TO BE PACIFIED exclusion ot the whole peo- to be completed by Nov.

1st. The 1 nnce contracting company hold the i necessary, the United State ing they were mistaken in him. Permanent Injunction TRUE BILLS AGAINST RIOTERS must impose its will nn viiracr. Enlarging the Queens on the other hand, Japan must Oct. 3 Special despatches Jap General in Control of Manchuria A PRINCELY HOST fie re from Tangier declare bioux Falls, S.D., Oct.

All the recognise America rights' to send her fleet where she pleases." yy, Trask has Placed a contract customs officers of. that port leading' railroads having lines in First of the Cases Arising out of the wiiu wnicer bon for an add it inn Berlin Is Calm. Meets Chinaman in Pekin pped a shore party from South LJakota this afternoon com- Robt. M. Thompson and Party to Cruise xj one storey high, to the Recent Vancouver Troubles Round, the World Uueen hotel.

The new addition will be used for a pool room, and it is Mr. battleship Numanci.vand -3 of cartridges for a'f nt rr concealed in the sacks men Wi rc srrying, ostensibly for states court in the city for a oerman- of the send no- nf th. i rasK intention to add two new Tokio. Oct. 2.

A notable relebra. Lnj cu.on preventing the state ship fleet to the Pacific ocean ar.rl An New York City. Oct 3. Fifteen lames. i tie work is to start this tion took place here to-day to com- 2 ro2? commissioners from not consider that the step is "an ajr- pose getting provisions.

friends of Kobt il. Thompson, hnan Vancouver. Oct. 3. The Liberal were questioned but memorate the conclusion of th.

on Uctober 15th gressive one against the lahamxsp nets. Duck Lake Fair To-day cier, retired naval officer and ilawyer, convention closed this afternoon after Russo-Japanese treaties and the passenger rates in likely to lead to war. German of. nn'e to irive a satisfac- 1 for the destination of 'ing a series ot resolutions con- most remarkable yacht cruises on demnine Prpmicr The Duck Lake Fair takes place to- isting entente. The meeting was held half m-i 41 two and- -ne- convinced that neither the under the auspices of the Tokio ul: commission United States nor Japan is disposed A imi'ar oarties hav 1 .1 1 was temporarily restraint fmm 1 tr-.

t. record. The yacht upon which they cere in his stand for the question of will rrms around th world will he I i lari'i-rg from the Knmancia for 4iiu tne jlokio cnamoer finer i pUl- lu ic wmioversy to reacn a XIe prize list contains very liberal pnaes and includes a great many classes. A dance at Foulsham's 01 commerce, the chair was graced I enect pending stage wnere its settlement by for graced by force no doubt that lareel th t-mr ionmxv will 7Y. On tli tn ritrn I sianu 111 Idlling ncr by Viscount Eychi Shibusawa, the ls.i! Jrug" "f'and, uctob- would be the only recourse nuwu I', liiuuuwii luir inus ivnmv titn month an1 tfi ett nail in the evening will round out a well-known economist Five kn.

er 011 tn.e application for a perman- Uunsmuir refused as- uvi lu Usui ui 1 rcIUSf(l at. contrary, the opinion in aiitViAriM. lent injunction. IPflt mi k'ju iarmer day. re Vf 11.

1 it tt 1 is above and sold to mated expense of the entertainment is sent to the Natal act. They also sue half a million dollars. Among the in- gested the appointment of one Brit- ored guests were present inelnHino- anu sun, 11. ri. Alus- us M.

Bachmettiff. the R11 vised guests are Lord Braszi and Ad sens, have arnved from Annapolis, ish Columbia member on the Cana miral ir cnas. tseresioro. ROW, COURT, FINE anu drc living six mua 10 japan, the ministers of state and a number of distinguished generals and admirals. uvilU- csi 01 town.

wher. Mr MticHo 1 tl3 dian commission to Japan on the im-miflration question. The convention reaffirmed confidence in the leader-shin of Sir Wilfrid Lanrier and I. A. WEATHER BULLETIN Tor th Lat 24 Hours tive circles is tHat lately the relations between the two countries have improved and it is remarked that the recent attacks on Japanese subjects at Vancouver is liable to make Japan more willing to come to terms with the United States, since a contrary course might tend to draw Great Britain to a sympathetic attitude with the united States against Japan.

In an address Viscount Shibusawa I Demonstration with Gun i tA9rmn ST. JAMES' TO OPEH Said rpctnrafinn r.f 1. I Duncan Campbell tions between Russia and Jaoan ine position of teacher at the Friedensfeld school. (Dr.) Dunlop of Shallow Lake Ont, is the guest of Mrs. T.

R. renton this week. Mrs. G. E.

McCrani-v nn 9 Arcdeacon and Many Clergy Riot cases in court. meant peace and prosperity for both countries and the foundation of Will Be Present I Vancouver, Oct. 3. The first of the A fine of $15, together with 'mt tne ultimate peace of the world. seven not oases which will be hparH tt tishenes.

relatives at Toronto. ot sis.50, was imposed by Magistrates in reply Al. liaehmpttiflF eai1 m-Jttpast. Director ot Metrolog- lurner and John Tartcnn w. confidently hoped that by adhesion to v.u (.

I di -I Hf tfUl ical rervic. MONTREAL POSTOFFICE 1 i 1 opportunity the man yesterday on Duncan Camp- new relatinna hpfupen rn SiiniLlv aftemOOn at TtO. The I trranrl in- In mt iu luuir iip 1. a finzpn nf thil OPENING OF BRIDGE Last of Plank Being Laid Todaj-Pas-sable Tomorrow jr. mmpeg, Oct.

3, 1S7 following clergy are expected to take has been named bv attornev-crfnorol tries would further hope for the The charge on which Tamnhpll I I I peaceful development of mutual in iftart. Arcnaeacon uioyu. i-'. i oowser tor tneir nearm hut convicted was that of carrying a con- ia i aS Contract for New Buildior Let Plans terests. He declared also that th I uavics, Rev.

d. jnrnn, ivc- j- u--1 u.ei,j to De oeiore tne latter part of deep rooted enmity toward the Tao A for Handsome Edifice fair I key, and the incumbent, Kev. J. I next week. ese never had existed in Russia, and J- eloodr I I.ikeman The work on Dotn tne Planking of the traffi- expressed his belief that Vi: wmmepciai notel, was eloady church and parsonage has progressed MAIfCQ UCAW PI AIPJI of shoot is of the lissed bee stablish a om the IS far.

east is now tabU.h Montreal. Oct" Peter kii ranirtw. nnder the superintend-1 m'-uvuw m.iii ukMiiu 3d 39 30 rs St 37 be practically completed to-day, and it is intended that the crossing that out of business will be in use for persona wishing Sous have been awarded the contract cir fence of Mr. V. P.

Bate, during the Pekin. Oct evidence of. larvis. who ior tne aaaiuon to the post etr last week, and it is hoped taat by I London Broker Seeks $70,000 on ffl-tn ficance hrf tne cnarge, and ot witnesses Ers- clear very hard work, tne cnurcn win ne cross the river, nn fnnt i me the Chinese-Japanese understanding wr HaTy. Gazette office, recently purchased by finished ready for the opening cere- is attached to the imnprial anAZ "i.1 ron, 11 would mony on Sunday.

lne parsonage accorded yesterday to Gen. Sameiima as acting on the commander of the fonrtPPnth H.J.e 1 rlI.s. oze. He en- ISV" iii.itlll Ifi m.r9w. The new building wil cost $500,000 and will be designed along the lines of the.

old building, which, on the clear is finished and air. ana Airs. -iciu London, Ont. Oct 3. A.

E. e'lmoved in this week. Welch, broker, has entered action for ion, consisting of Japanese rail- of Wednesda -and iVLaIV9 way guards, now in Manchuria, whn adnnk. i3 4 54 3 IS ST su 1 "7 rate, the hrst rigs wilj probably be allowed across to-mnr. row.

The ap-roaches are passable, if not perfect tor vehicles. On the. south si I road nad to be kePt open to the ferry a3 it runs down from JJroadway. but immediately with the opening of the bride-p thp fprrv an- eiear 1 ith tae trarnc onogc rompici S70.000 aamaees azainst the Esr.r. compicuun 01 tne new pniiaing, will be remodelled and utilised for the de "if anv rate tor i inza tuwa minium comoanv ror nnn was presented to their Majesties yes- a hi Vn PPnor yarvis said terday bv nflfiriala nf I He partment 01 tne postal ousiness with CT "SSSSnj "ETSfi SJSS a 31 40 40 a which the public comes in close, contact When completed, nearly a 1 a lui ii 1 1 ri crro nrpi tn h-ch i -v- Shih vicerov n7 MCi ana.

bunch of com- elaar expected there will be a large number fulfilment of an alleged agreement fir attend from across the river, in addi- in regard to the operations on some fair 0f Mr. T. Falkner, will take valuable property in the Nipissing clear John's church choir under the direc- district elaar oxl ef Mr. T. Faulkner, will take London.

Ont. Oct 3. Seta Young, eiear charge of the musical part of the a former Londoner, visiting his bro- ctaar -Vvice Sufficient extra accommoda- ther here, robbed of $550 at the roacn win De closed off by banking up the road to the bridge at the point mentioned. .1,.1, VV against tne Jiousp I hi Uf4, S3 44 iuiiiivu AMtc LICCII 3u upgQ tne edifice, making it the largest and most completely appointed postomce the Dominion. eofSrla? wK Vr PrCSSUre' 71 ftgf present Iew Joe Gans specials.

The hotel A Death at Loganton elar tion has been provided, so that no one Uorchcster tair on rriday. clear I f-r Kpincr turned" aWTT. The man then offered somp nni WOUNDED THE COUNT One On the Hub. marks and started for the door, but After a sickness of but a dav t. collection is on behalf of the building e1 fund and a generous offering is to materialfy lessen the debt two, Mrs.

Ernest Kirkoatriele p- wmpoeu was mere with a drawn aris, Oct. WTiiIp tfP minister of 1 ul -Ir" The advantage of beinc- located if a 1,,,, i. 1 mere was a snot nred. o- agncuJture was pheasant shooting atl7nv t.n tTLj an early hour thi'3 morning at her home in Loganton. 13 IT 41 within reach of a place known abroad Maggie Murph- Looks Good.

A half bushel of the kind of potatoes that tend to make Saskatchewan -famous are being shown at board of trade office. They were grown by Mr. Summerteld and are of the variety known as Maggie MorpBr. i on the church. Rambouille.

he accidentally hot VC' vj; aroarent to a oromment man of only twentv.h. cioooy Th rneetm? ot the congregauwu .1 Tl- I her tw ana fTV I of the M. Hu-twas shoved so hard against his face FORECAST for the election of church wardens, Saskatonian this week. He received vestry, is called for. 8 p.m.

onja letter addressed to himself at Sas- I parried life had auoincr memoer 01 ine as tn hnrt his tnnth ijr- ine mint was nn '4vv' f4ir ody. and ob Fridayl aiytfrjAn assaul of? Campbell TijJJ kat3n "via Tessier." Mond.iy mght rsiperatures.

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