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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 1

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GAINING. Aiy. '6AiSlNC3 1 jfjH tt. i-U-L'i-ii-' -juli' '1 TZTTTrTr. i $tH jH lflICE ONE CENT.

NEW YOKK, MONDAY, NOVEMBEU 21, 181)2. PHICE ONEOEkT; Jfl I IUOImI. ii.i I WHO KNOWS LILLIAN? A Barely Beautiful Woman in the Tombs Court. BaH Oaiightcr of a Southern General IH the Associate of Thieves. iBBl Crooks Cnught In Scnton's Fence' BP liemanclotl lilt To.

Morrow. Jt IS very reldOTi that Inspector McLnugn. ln Is present In anjr tlio police courts, WMM but he put la na appeaiancu at the Tom D9 this morning at tho hoadof a squad of con- ral Office detectives, who bad la charge BB) fourteen prisoners, moat ot whoso picture 'B werealready la tbc ltogucs' nailery and nbo (J had "'done lime" for detected clovcrnoss In BH that aro dark and doviouv. jBJ itii.tiv sTrvrs. Edward rusbr, Charles Adams, Michael J.

Ilusiell, Mlcbael Weaver, James yn.sunand '-H Frank Livingston constituted tUo croup first arraigned. BJ 1 know these men to be criminals, ml of ,1 them," Raid the Inspect ol Jnd'c G-dy, II and lam loth to et theiu go; tut 1 urn find fW po evidence sufficient io couxljt 1 iherefora ail that teiei be dUchargcsI." ,1 1 he pfisuners hnl not been picpnrolfor am uch a proceeding. It wns one of mo liap- I plee surprises of their lives utidoub'eill), ind'tiey'toppled over each mliir la ibtlr haul' to jet out of tlio ntiiospucTj no sug- festive btsi'une cells and barred windows and Sway beyond thb, walls ilf thngrimtlilatruo- II ture. charles eoton, alias llllnras, alias Kotln- ton, ill alleged Keeper and propria or or in 9 ft fence" at 4'JN sixth avenue, wlicie tlio fourteen prisoner were nrri.sU il durlDR Saturday blKht, aud Suad a) hoaooa the next cuntlnzinl, ronpuMd or Ibotnai Vard, Henry i.un?, alln.t lljmey; hdvrard Detln, David c. bllbs nlu-i Hoc Milan lira, aarun K.

Uluuund 1 lului rituven of theiu cro rt inanued, at. tbe rerjueat jll Inspector MtLuuKbiln. it to'iuorrow mornlnit in ordir to allow lime in wluib to the complaints against ibem lordlvcrH iH ofTansesot Tailouiidt'gii'vs. The prisoner In whom most Interest ccn- trcd as Lillian Ht ens. Slie was tlio juo.

cure of all Jen in tlio court-iooin, and her beautiful young fate, upon ublcb llirady lines ol sorrow and I races of ill-alpatlon In. termtngled. looked very uilicli out of pliiou In that hardened retluuo of tble cs unci iliuirs. aue was )ouutr, apparenily under tblrty. The bloom and BparUe of outu bud not altc- tetber vanished, alibougli di cp Inrondi upon what must bae btcn rarlitlilnv Lcautj wiro 7 painfully ovluent.

'lhai sl' wiw blbiy nil. tured ana cune of it proud inmllj ofarlxto. erailc antecedents was slyntneu not only by her face and carriage, but by Lcr unolcu lan- Lllaga (lid other Indications of utluemont and Kt-od brrodlnir. hbo ivas arrested hi'urday nlfht In com. pany vrlib Mi i.

Uj r.ic, irl or ilic lain Dr. li rne, ol I.exlnv,t mcniu', icspi-i led phi-v lclan, bile trylui; to dispose of i iiunuilty 1 tllks, kuppcaod to have bfon stolen, at hlxtb aemte. Miolmdmvrr been rested lb this city ko far ascan to aster. tidhe.i. butahe wJsm Indcoinpanj, and tlie circumstances une tispldous enough to wariani the uflliora In tnklug her in 'IhoMotnab ni'uscd absolutely to gle any Information about bcrscli.

When n.ui"'- ttoneasho orossid bet bauds and sUhel in tuaic-ly audible tones- It wutilil colic, now i he fatts deal with ms as they mil. 'iho fit'tirr Lan i butil no more or bun miss in xtor'i tbnn I bays oxpeilcnced In tho pnsi. My cup has bean filled toon rflowlns: It Is nun di allied nlmqsttotbedrcE." 1 he tneauro details of her litvtorj lflilrti an Eviimi Womt) leponer wasutla to cleaa. teem mtu rnmaiHf. Hern Is ii plillul t.lle of loroaiid bnrro, of theaiaTrs ikkciI from rroud po-ltlou dnwo Iho suo.i di'iline of emptailoitsanddLupolniiiicntstoibui-el vii a and tin.

iJlllau Stevens. It wat loarned. Is ilio Uailbterof distinguished I iinlli. In lather vxaBaulavt bolder ant on.M.t'lis vrealtbleBt plauteiatn ice houth. en tlm llur brol.e out ho eutered lb- lon'idcratn atniy dud attained I tic rani, oi denial, ills (stales vtcre amng deus aieii, ami hill ai ono of thu lamltes whuli itakrd ani lost all.

Ilo larllailj ii. coverwl bis fortunes alter lb- nnr ndwhonhldaugbter, now held as a thief ln.tbUilt), was twelve Jenrs old, hbo nns nt to a convent and educated. Mir i obed Into a beautiful woman, and met and till in love with th ynutig ecIoii of anmiirr rlatou'bern family, nlm Tins the coutldeu- ItalUrrkln anenliby mum.fui tkiliiu nrbi Her father oppoMd Die match. Au etopr-I nient followed. Then an entbez'lemeiil entno to light and her Hwrelleirt lecnui'-iutijl.

uvo iroro Juat'cf. tlio foiloie1 bis ttinir fortunes until nbn saw him cccoinc thlet, and then she left him. llcr family reiused to recegnUe bet tll'n. and she drlited to New TorK, uhen, meeilng aotrotif her lover's old frlenda. Rbc lilt Into tbflrnajs.

and hss cluct IHCJ a nuesilon abiH ii e. Tho woman Is now renflrmert opium amnktr. but that aha Is thoroughly bad Ihu i fr police refuso to bell vc, W)m3 or gcort were tonnO In ICsT 'encr, nid ara non at lleadnuvieri wait- WWm lnloi tlalmabls. Iff 5T3EET-CAH ii.Uk PjL nolllntr te-c'a; ol a 8t. 1 on! E.e-ct le mi 1.1 f(iortT" hr.

lai-ij. Nov. yi.v.'ihe Jii 'I M- line's ear house, a btio tru-. i.iiu i M-i Urueturr la the lorni (if an mi SL tiiollils nioriillig. Au Jtirmi )v invlf loroll menf llin mil In UlXm I.I Hile'i t'it Hum Arlnt prfirit WJJ no tin a rUin 1 elann I ly tbi'riii teiiHhdiM'i ir i idu 1 1 KMiiitm til liitiine Mill inu i in hum" fit e.iiiil i.i Pa, Hun lui II iiHri ro

roi. 1 lOav.iUrecUl.".ii.uoa. HE BLAMES MISS KANE. Policeman Leonard Takes the Stand in His Own Defense. Km'-nrrnsaod by Lawyer Hummel oh Crois-Kxainlnntlon.

sbon the trial In which Trances Kane, appears as plnlullff ngali st Leonard, of the tlghth street slnlloa, for $10,003 damages nas returned In Part III. of tlio City Court this morning before Judge Ncwburger, tho court-room was crowded to tbo doors. Miss K.iho satbeslda her mother. 8tio voro a light jacLet, a dark dress, a blue tolt bat and mall diamond earrings. Lawyer Urant opened the defense by call-ins bis client.

Policeman John Leonard. He admitted tnnt ho had been intimate with JIIss Kane. In tho Rummer of lbHUabo told him shu wus In trouble, and he promised to marry her. Ilu denied emphatically that bo bad over promised In tho presenco it bcr family to marry her. Subsequent to tbo time that Miss Kane bad told blm ho was In trouble and ho had promised to marry her, ho learned lhat sbo nnd been lntlinato lib another man.

lie accused her of It and she made a eoniesjlon. alio asked blm not to say anything to bor family about nils, agreeing that they would ran irlcnds and that she never bother lilin again. Later abo told blm that her foils wore presslni; bcr lei brltm ull against him, especially Lor sister, Mrs. H) rnos. Uhi lb.) witness went on to toll about tbo visit to tbc olllee of Lawyer Paul Jones In Isovembei, 18MI, whero bo met tbo plalntltr nnd her brother-in-law.

lie had received a lottcr irom the lawyer usklna; blm to call In tonnectlon with a settlement. As a result of that visit and because of what was tald upon that occasion Lawyer Jones threw up thu case Lawyer Abo llummcl conducted tbo cross-examination. "Werejou interested In this young girl at any time, more than you were In other mem burs or thu family 1 No, sir, not irtlcularly." The ijuecrcst part or tbe testimony fol. lowed Leonard testified that the girl bad locked blm In a room with herself. It was Mulch l.l, JH88, during a call at her home, nnd shortly alter fin becaino acquainted with bcr.

Did you rcMst?" Inquired Mr. IlummoL Ics, sir. I did resist." I Did you shriek or i ry out?" Mi I don't think I orled out." ou are a big, strong man, uu know I kilo's much smaller than you are, vou had a policeman's club and revolver with you, nnd yelbliBovcrcamo your reslstunco? Now, do 3 ou mean to say I bat this statement ot offering i clstance on our part Is iruu I Ws" I Ihnnualence smiled and thomtness for the Ilrrt tlmo became embarrassed. I Miss Kano sobbed on her mother's shoulder. 1 What did you do when Miss Kane looked bo I told her not.

to do so and got up, but sne pulled roe back.1" WlitllnMl) unlocked the door?" MisTKtnu did Did you bt eatho a sigh of relief?" I don'j. know that I did." "He1 yon colled agalu did sho make any nllempt to locl.iou inn room?" I don't know." Did you go io Mist Kane' mother or to tbbglrl hortelf and tell theiu of tho Stivtc- ir.cnt bgaitut sour Intended bride's honor, I until Mrs. Kane sent for you and asked you when you were gulnir to marry her daughter? 1 eld nut ko to Mrs. Kane until oho sent for ml', but when 1 met Katie I told her about ll." "And jot you consider yourself a man of cbaiacur an hocui ablu man 7" Yi sir." 'Dili practically ended tbo cross-examination. Upon rebuttal leonaid stated In answer to a question of his counsel that ho promised Knllo not to tell her mother an) thing about Ii it tonlej- bad Bald, lie told Katlu ahoul coniey'sctiarijo when be met ber two weeks later.

A recess was then taken. VARD M'ALLISTER'S NIECE. Wedded This Afternoon to John 1 Howoll of Tranton. 1 Miss Mela McAllister, a niece ot Ward Vc. Alliuo-, was married this afternoon to John Howell Janoway, ot Trenton, N.

at ML '1 hoinas's church, Fifth avenue and Fllty-third street. I 'Iho ceremony was performed by Bishop roller, assisted by Dr. llrown, tbe rettor, and Dr. McAlllstei.ot lillzabe'b, N. J.

The best man hiis James (1. Jsneway, brother ot tbo groom, and the maid ot honor, Miss Oabrlella Dexter. I 1 liu bridesmaids were Miss Kellln, of Wash llngton; MIs Morris, of Uslllmoie; Miss l.hon, of Philadelphia Miss betts, Miss Waits unit Mlas Urftene. of svr crk. 'Iho ushers woie utockton CMt, Arthur nrry, Dan Moran, Appleton Clark, William Woua mid Mr.

I'aticriou. An elatiorito musical programme was pre. baud by tioorge William Warren, tbe orgun-lit. Mis Ciamm sang a new wedding hymn computed by Mr. Mcl'arland, and the pro-tessl-n moved up to tbo altar to tbo music of the ltildosihorus from Die Frelschuet7." 'J ho music (or iho recessional nas me grand mat eh Irom." Le 1'ionbete." A itctptbm was afterwards given at 'be usldeneu of tho brlde'H aunt.

Miss Julia Mc-AllMu-, at (1 1 asl rilty-ihlra street, at litch a laigo numbtrof guests ntro pretcnt, Tha jouhg cmple Mill ii'sldo In 'I ronton, N. J. SHE TOOK H1S.M0HEY ADD VATCH Wnyno II. Root, of Lnncastor, Vn. nobbed Wllllo Asleep In a Saloon.

Nellie Wllsjn, aged iwcnty-elgbt, of i hrj stle stri ct.was held for trial In tlio Kbscx Market court this morning necused by Way ne II. lloat, of lancastcr, with tbc larceny ot t.iO. hoot snyv that ho was Induced by Nellie Mlsoutogo ton saloon In ehrjst.o btieet. wbeiu he iit'l asleep. When he awoko his ir.otie'i tindsllvir wstch were gone.

I'arlof tbui'itqcit) wuc fuiiudln bcr i-osscnslon. 1 FERRY POHTOOH WRECKED. I AS ncs'ilt Dntrensro CcVuId Not Do I Iteroovod from Ellis Islrtntl. 'Ibestronir wind tlu over tho bay list night at tills iiitbiilng kicked up tlio Willi In big nates ILut uinilikd ocr null other and i ill lean ti ol snmy over tlio prow if ii 1 1 1. i 1 1 Ihi st ,1 i)i one i into i ph h-irysl'iat hih lhl.r.1 ilia oiMev ntooii.

It Idled I. Ii ivnlii iiu I lit II- iiiliinfibiuii so liu nuin.r ecmld nnio ll.o iluidto I inlay tin- iiiinil is m. iiim ti i ilea uio pi.uiin; fun nv VKll Ii III! OT II KUS. cf Hint Iwnv mill Hmlstnii siroet, ntnt voniio a' J1 stnet, iiave or tlielr own iiitiiiifnrtiiro tlm lnigett v.irtetv uf ni'.

anil JnyV OvernUts mil) miliitf correct Mvlf. ifiitl tti Vie'lic-l cu'lom it uen-ly half ilio Vlli.i. iiulileil. eciiil'ii4 out lied. fi MIXED UP WEDLOCK, A.

Bigamist Husband Leads His Wife to Commit Bigamy AIbo. First Dsscrtcd Hur and Six Children and Came to Ncto York. Promised Her $100 to Marry Another Sinn. Then Held Hack the Cash. A peculiar state of affairs has Just been brought lo light In the domestic relations of David Apotheker, a clolblcr, ot Christopher street and butter avenue, Brooklyn.

lie Is accused hot only of having remarried whllo his first wlfo, Eva.was In full health and undlvorcod, but ot having compelled bis wife No. 1 to also ontertbe bonds ot wedlock anow with ono Dmllovltch, a shoemaker lu this city, who, sbo claims, has since decamped. "This Is how It happened," Baid Mrs.hva,to an Ev eninq W'oki reporter this morning. "David and I wero married In aalllcla, fifteen years ago. Wo had six children and lived happily together until four years ago, when my husband came to America to hotter tils fortune.

Tor two years he sont me money regularly, and promised from tlmo to time to allow me and tbo children to lollow him to America. "Then ho BUddcAly stopped sending us money. For two years 1 never received a cent from him, until about five months ago, when he Rent possago tickets lor the twa elder ot our three living children. mado up my mind to fathom tho secret ot bavld's coldness towards me, and lag tho two elder children and leaving the youngest In charge of my Bister In aalllcla, I came to America, landing at Ellis Island moro than four months ago. It was a whole week, however, before I was allowed to land In New York, during which tlmo my husband was making every effort to get me returned hurope.

ono ot tho employees on Rills Island seemed to bo my husband's friend, and once, Wrhen David promised me $100 Iff would go back, iho employee also coaxed and then threatened mt. But I was determined lo land and land I did. I Then It was that tho reason became apparent why my husband desired roe to bo out i of bis way. He was living with uuother woman, by ham he had two children, audi be Implored me not to divulge my Identity ns bis wile, because It would gel blm Into great trouble as ho wsb married to the woman with whom he was living. He promised that be would provide amply for our children and said ihat if I got married ajapi he would give me 1100 lo casb.

A lot ot friends ot my husband then got nrotlnd me and. partly to get rw promised commission ot rJO, they Induced mo io accept the attentions of Kmtlovltch. whom 1 married iwomontbsbgo, my husband and tho scbar-cbens having roprcsentcd to me that I could lawfully do so. -Apotheker bad deposited (100 with a lawyer, who was to pay me tba monoy after tbe vreddlnir. However, no sooner was the I marrlago ceremony over tban David said 1 to mo Now tbe wbln that you've held i over me la nrokcu and I've got you by tbo neck.

It you ever trouble me again I'll maku It hot for you, and as for tha tlOO, you may whistle for It. I have tuken ll back from tbe lawyer." I I don't know who the ltahbl was that married mo to Smllotltcb, nor ao I know tbe namo or address ot tbo lawyer. Hut these 'are the names of tbo scbatcbens: Mr. Manor, Ml Norfolk street Moses W'cln. 711 Kldrldgo street Mrs.

Ncuman, Hi Itlvlngton street, and Leon Nick, ko Pitt street, whero I lived when the marriage look place." None of tbe alleged schatchens was at when an Kvknino U'oaui reportur called this morning. At Mrs. Neuman's home, hnwevci, ihat ladys mother and daughter were In, but were reluctant to talk about tbe matter. Do you know what llabbl marrlod Smllo-vltcb and Eva Apotheker "Ne mond bcmmltl" said iho bid lady to ber slxteon-years old pretty granddaughter. 'Ibis Is Hungarian, and means "Don't say a word." "Ah, then you know all about It, madam?" queried the reporter.

Well, all I know about It 3 that Eva Apotheker was divorced in Europe; that we were not schatchens: that she was a fool to mind Apotheker when be bado bcr get married again. "IIo.v do you know that Eva was divorced I "A pothekcr said so." 1 Eva ears that the marriage ceremony mult have been a farce, as tbo rabbi gave no certificate, and when her now husband learned tbat sbo was not to bare tbe 100 ho quietly 1 stole away. Nor has tho scon blm since. 1 Eva Is now a servant, in Iho lamlly or Samuel Newman, -'ID East Ono Hundred and lourtcenth street. HOT SERIOUSLY ILL Harry rjownrd Denies a Rnport Ra- eardlniy Ills Bonltb.

It was reported In a morning paper tbat Harry II. Howard, tho cx-chlcf of the Volun- teer, wasscrlcusly ill nt his home, 04 I'Iuj street- I An KvniiNn WoniD reporter who went to rail upon the veteran fireman tbls I he old gentleman arouta block from his house on his way down tow n. He seemed to I utnjoyln? his customary 1 enltb, and was much amused when be beard that the news-paper wcro preparing bis obituary. I wonder how fcucb a report ever got around," ho said. I am as well as 1 have been at any lime In tbo las', ton jears.

1 "1 caught a little told a dy or two ago, but it's ujtblrg, aud haan't kept mwln the hou'o moment. I am on my way down- I town on business now, and expect io lo all I I Igulugalnb) to-morrow." ilany Howard Is noA nearly seventy ears I obi. He lias been on tin pay-roll of tbe I Works Department for many yeais. AFRAID OF HER FATHER. TUo Story of tho Lambert Qlrls to Investigated.

The storbs told oy Lucy and I ranees bcrt l.i the JoiTersoo Market l'olhr- com will be luvcstlgitcd. bey aro the dnuphleis ot Alfred l.iuilirl, a cool-. 3 felt mother Is 1 eleaa iianceslhos ns a domestls at Ml Hfiii 'avaiiU. Ilerfalhcr nnd slatir Lve at 1 Uit 'I him. lilt Ii tilreot.

Tlioj mj tiuir 1 lullKr Isauiunkai Jaiidbnsuoiinrked Muco i bummer I uey Is null twelve vc old. Mm lold Justice Whilu lliatnlie 1 ml ijtu 111 lieJtcd In 1 1 father, ut.1 Ihat re ciily he i the room, and tho was I to llu home any longer. Died nt Down Dlovy. 'I bree-j car-old Klora Humor died her patents' homo, US" haul Troth street, to-day I iri'm iorrli. induiei Mcir.l davs ogo b-, ins dnn mi 'In M'lewaW bi a joilll I plajinalc.

Iti- cn'unnj W.i. ll. Lm to yfi-i I T'n ra Oil, lUaeimliaie CJre. lor a. SIMMONS IS FREED.

Tho Bank Wreokcr Pardonod by XJrosident Harrison. Ill Health the Reason for the Clemency Extended. Tlio Convict Has Drlghl's Olsrnie itml Cieniiot Live Lone. Wibuivoton, N8v. Ml.

The rresldont has remitted the unexecuted part the bentence ot six years' Imprisonment lui-posod May JU, 1B01, In tbo case of James A. utminons, of New Yorjf, convicted I of hiding and abolllng thoj'icsldentnt thu blxtb National Hank ol Now York city In em-bezillbg, abstracting nnd wilfully misapply. I Ing the monoys of that tank. lemency was bestowed because of me Heal certificates lhat the prUonor Is afflicted with I HrlglU's disease and cannot lire lon. lames A.

Flmmons was the chief of tho trio who achieved fame and almost mado themselves Napoloonspf finances by the ope-i atlon oi banking without capital in the in-tiroi ikhu and isuo. When tbo exposuro carao In January, 1800. It was tbo most Btupctidoiis sensation oi tbo hour, lor It was found lhat the trio, James A. Plmutnns, old Hen. Peter J.

Claassou and handsome Ueoige 11. 1'cll, bod bougbt tin en 1 banks with prncileally no money nt all, and bad established themselves among the money klnrs of the metropolis. i Himinons and 1 ell 1 were the scbomers, while Gen. ciaaaen furnlsbed tbo vol) little capital needed lor tho daring enterprise. It began when In tha Fallot 1HBU tbe trio purchased a controlling Inlet est In tho Lqult-: able Dank, a small concern.

In tbls purchase I some cosh and many klto checks" wiro used. Then came the purchaso ot tbo Lenox Hill, another stute bank, with klto checks, and the checks wro met with funds and bccurl-iles lound InThe vaults of tho sixth National alter tbe "klters" had got Inside. Then they reached out for blgircr garao. I They wanted a NaKnnil bauk. Ihcy found It in thu Hlxth National, at Uroadway and Thirty-third street.

Minmons bought It from President Inland, tho principal owner, for un Immense sum of money much more than It was worth and paid for It with kite checks on tbe Equitable I and Lenox 1 1 ill banks. Of courso tbeso checks were bonorcd with funds and securities got out ot the vaults of Iho blxth National alter the wreckeis got inslae. Charles E. allack, a son of tbe lato Lester Wnllack, was ibe dummy president, of tho Ixtnox Hill Bank under the regime ot tbe klters. All four wero Indicted, but Wallack was forgiven on condition that be appear as a witness tor tho state against bis fellow I bankers." George II.

rell was first caught, up with by tbe Htale of New York. He was tndlctud and tried lu the Court of Ueneral Siessloua inr lar-ccny or securities IronUbo lonox Hill Bank and he Is serving out a sentence of seven and one-half years la Blnit Sins prison. Ilo took bis medicine with truo nerve, and rcluicd to appeal irom his conviction. Ocn. ciaosen, Who is advanced In years and feeble, was next brought to book by the federal authorities, and atlcr a long trial ho was convicted In United mates circuit court and sentenced to six years In the Erlo County 1 enltentlary.

Claassen begged to be sont to tho Kines I County Penitentiary, but Judge Henedlcl I was Inexorable, and Miss Claasscn, tbe General falthiul daughter, bad to remove to I Buffalo to be near ber oged father In prison. blmmons was convicted March 11, lftui, ot embezzling tns'J ooo worth ot securities from the Sixth National Bank. He, too, broken lu bovlth and spirits, begged to be sent to Kings County Ponlton-tlaiy, but Jiideo Benedict sentenced him to six years at Buffalo. 1 hen began a fight by tbo late ltlcbard H. Ncwcombc, counsel for Blmmons, to obtain a row trial.

It ended In failure and on I'eb. last blmmons was taken to Buffalo to terro out his sentence. Slmmons'sfrlcnashaveboen more successful 1 at Washington, however, for while old Peter i Classen, wbo was guilty lu this affair ot I being an easy, bait-understanding toool tban of any original rascality, still lies the Rne County Penitentiary, Attornoy-(itncrol W. II. II.

Miller ordere I that Simmons I be transierred to tbo Kings county i'enlten-I Mary In Juno ln3t, and now comes the rrest-dent's pardon of the chief ot tbe bank wreckers of ltsHU. blmmons 1b a man or middle, age. Ilo was a good tjpo of tho New businessman. Ho had sandy hair i.nd moustacbo and bbarp blue eyes, a stroug no-o aud square jaw. llu wns shrewd and was In many financial schemes.

Ho lived with his wife at ft East Seventy-eocond street, when sbe. much his junior, was the queen of a splendid establishment. ASSIGNEE FANCHER TESTIFIES. Examined To. Day In Regard to tbe Hurirbalter Failure.

AS'lgcco I'ancbor, of the defunct firm of C. BnrKliaUer i. was examined to-day In tho Supremo Court by Thomas P. Wilder. 1 counsel for B.

T. Babbitt and oilier creditors, He ndmltted that tbe date of the assignment bad been changed from Oct. lt)to Oct. CO, and described how the failure came about. I He said bo did not know tlm tbo firm was In rioublo until about 4.

clock in tbonlter-noonof Oct. ID. Mr. Hurkliallcr bad told him la tl morning that tbe ilrni wns peructly solvent. The I artncrsaiterwards requested him to beconio assignee, and be loncetitrd.

Accounts amoimtiiK to 180,000 were n-Mirncd to the In Ing Bank, of inch Mi. Kancncr wus Picsldent. Hie examination of tho affairs ot I he firm was not completed till 'I a. it. Oct.

CO, when the assignment was executrd and tbe date cuanged. a I NEW LONDON CASINO BURNED Pleasure Resort In Which a New York Syndicate Was Interested. Nrw I.0NP0S, Nov, ai. rire brcko oui In Hie Casino building, Ju.t leliw tho Pcqtiot House, nt J.llo o'clock this morning, I nnd the bull ling and contents werecntlrily or.stimcd. oil about 1.1,000 or lie) asluo, prior lo being conioiinl Into a pltasuto.

les'ri. wa tho lomlonco W. c. belli nuerlrrn, of New oik. Two viuii, ui'o It a as pur-nived and ir-mrnlelled a ylllle.lo composed New 1 anu Doaton

Fin in Fifth Avenue Houso. I 'in ill I'm occurred Ihli morning nt Flfiu avenue, oceuplrd by 1 1 melius ll Pnvrc. It wis cune I or hoi thes lire ton Hi Hie tin ne i. wire tailed, but ttklr ktrvliv. wi'iunot uoiiicl Grnnd Jury nrd Onrdnn Cns.

I lui MprtiM rrr. i 'lAfsios, Nov. si lite (Innd Jurr report In Hie cast will probabl) Le plrt'ti cut tl'lllTKlW ffl Moro irr tl: I rvrisn Wo'lP ti-clv J1 firm I. 'I, ilbil to ilic fiirdir ilo ulio. vi JUinlu Haniiku aiidheriujibei.

mimmmmMiSimm X-3? Jl-JL- "The Ropublicah party." said Mr. Pepew, "Will nbt recotistructdd." JERSEY CITY WATER BIDS. Proposals for a New Bupply Opened by the Wntor Hoard. 1 bo Jersey city atcr Board mot ut noon to-day lo receive bids to furnish a new water suppl) for tho city. Moffett, Uodgklns Clarke, of ID Wlllclt street.

New York, offered lo lurnlsh tho new water works on tbe following terms i A supply of 27,000,000 gallons a day at J40 per million; an additional gallons at tlio per million; tho next gallons at per i million; tho next 0,000,000 at per i million, and tbc next gallons at .11 per million. Moffett. Uodgklns Clarke Inclosed In thtlr bld a certified check lor 100,000. A bid was also received from George In-man, of New ork, hut as tbo necessary cheek failed to accompany It, iho bid was ro-turned unconsidered. Each New Jersey water company tent a communication onerlng to supply tha city with the ncoossary adultlonol water works at a reasonable price, hut objected tb ibe I specifications requiring the building ot cast-con conautt.

FOUND DEID IN A TANK. Fate of Enarlneer Slmpklns, of tile Granam HotoL John Slmpklns, thlrty-tbreo years ojd, the night engineer la tlioefraham ilotci aha Apartmonuuouse at Eight) -ninth street and Madison avenue, wis found dead In an empty-water tank In the engine-room at C.4& o'clock tbls morning. Jonn Ludln, the engineer, left bimpklns about 1 o'clock to go io bed, and he directed the latter to paint during tbo early hours ot the mDrnln; tbe losldo ot tbo tank, an Iron cylinder about 10 feet high and 3 feet In I diameter. Towards 4 o'clock It was noticed that tbe iblcam In the radiators was going down, and a porter was tent to tho cnglncrcom to ascertain tbe cause. Slmpklns was not at bis post, and searcb failed lo Hod turn.

I Chief Engineer Ludln was awakened and he lound bis assistant lying on the floor ot the tank dead. Heart disease is believed to have been tbe causa ot death. Slmpklns was married and lived with his wile and two children at S88 2ut Twenty-sixth sticet. ISLIP AGAINST GOV. FLOWER.

Gon. Wlngate, Counsel for tbe Village, Present Hla Case. The action of tho Board ot Health for tho town ot Isllp to restrain Gov. Flower for the btato ot New ork irdm establishing an "annex" quarantine station for the port of New York on llro Island came up before Justice cullcn In Supreme court, Brooklyn, tbls morulnj. I Gen.

W'lnga to, who appeared for the plaintiffs, argued tbat there wus no act giving Health on'cer Jenkins broad and sweeping discretion wbon ho got soniclently frightened to do anything be vuhed." He thought tbat during tbe lecent cholera scare there was no emergency requiring tha use of Kite Island, as Sandy Hook wss offered as a station. Ho did not believe tbe objection ot certain wealthy passengers to associate with lorelgn era en bandy Hook was sufficient leason tor solrlng Fire Jslihd. 1 STREET RAILWAY LEASE. Central Parle Road to Do Controlled by tbe Me ropolltan Crosstown. I II1T I 1 Aibinv, Nov.

31. A certificate ot the perpetual lease ol tho central Park, North am Fastlttvcr Itallroad Company to tbe Metropolitan Crosstown llallroad Company and tba Houston, West Street and Pavonta Ferry Hall- load Company whs tiled In the cilice ot tbo I ttcrctary of State lo-day, 'I he te rms provide, lor the piyrrent ol fi per rem. annually lor Hie first live years on tbo Ih.iico sbaris of stock or the- Ua-cd road, and per itnt, annually iLcicallei, the lessees io uj operating YOUKERSyflESIDENCE BURNED. Flro Destroys F. W.

Clakn's Bonne- broolc Heme Loss (10,000 oMi'ie, Nov. si. At (1 o'clock this morn- Itg lire destroyed the hocwi and eriiU'ius of tl.o llutiuebrook residence of 1 W. on Nut l.l IlioadHU), tills city '1 be less alx ut etu.onu, coveted ly lnsaranec 'lbs tire crl. (tinted in lLo laundrj.bul ibocausohos not ii'in nscerialned.

Wrccl: of the City of Chlccgo DIs-I nppMiirs In a Btorm, MoriTri eit. uisirfiv.rtv. a. A gale prevailed In the rusjii I'iiannvl -Heids). cau'inga heavy ft tu Diiliig storm (tu wreck ol Hi" nmm imc teamer III oi ii.hsgf-, wuiiii vient nix iitgtit or Jul) I.

near i iiiei ii Head Km a. Ireland. IroU- In piuet I ah cou.piclcly ul.apptarcd. I court Qlicis ii mmm. Important Deoision to Theatrical and StaRO People.

Prof. Gulbnl befeuts the Suit of Managers Hopkins mill Miner. 1 he case of John D. Hopkins, proprietor ot Hopkins Transoceanic company, against Prof. Adolpb Fernacd auibat, the psyebo-nollst, has been an alisorblng topic ot discussion on the Itlalto and In tha ofllccs ot theatrical managers ever siaco the Injunction was granted restraining tbe rrotessor from performing under an Individual contract at tho Eden Uusoe.

The result ot tbe argument on tha motion to dissolve the Injunction made by mend House, counsel lor the rroitsaor. 4 before Judge Froedman In supreme Court, hai been awaited with deep interest; as a dectstdn for thu appellant would caubllsb a precedent, corroot what the profession considers a longstanding abuse and restore certiln rights to performers which managers bate arbitrarily denied. Prof, auibai "and bis assistant, Marie Ore-vllle, were engaged by Hopkins Miner In London July a list for a period ot two years at 100 per week. Under the leituof tb contract Jhey were restrained from performing in any tbeatro or museum or other place where their services had not been contracted for through Messrs. Hopkins A Miner, without the written permission ot those gentlemen.

Another clause of tbo contract was lo the effect that When not given employment by the managers they wero not to receive auy compensation. Tbero was no protection whatever lh the contract frr theporfarmtra, and for that reason the Judge decided lbs contract was not equitable and tbereforo granted tho motion. Judtre Freedenan ssyst "1 he contract does not Impose correlative duties and obligations upon thu respective Ear lies thereto. Although the defendants ind themselves thereunder tu perform for the plaintiffs lor a period of two years there Is no obligation Imposed on tbe plain tiff In express terms or by tslr implication, to kite a performance, and ibe contract expressly provides that, unless there be a periormance, me defendants shall have no compensation. 1 bo defect Is a fatal one, tor the court cannot, as a condition of granting tbe Injunctlon.ordrr tbat tbe plaintiff, must give employment to tbe dcfebilauls, should, they demand It, because tbat would be making a hew contract between tbe parties.

"Moreover, under the contract the plaintiffs are tbo sole Judges of whether tho service ot tbe deienaanis, If any should bo ren. riered, are satisfactory, and can arbitrarily decide tbat such services are unsatisfactory, and tn such case ibe defendants are made to relinquish all claims lo conircnsation or salary, Ihus It appears that tho plaintiffs can keep the defendants for the euuru period of tho two years, for which tbe defendants have buund themselves, out ol employment, without giving them any compensation there-lor, and at the samo time prevent them from earning a livelihood elsewhere, or If the dependants are permitted to periorm, they loaje by the plaintiffs to lose i heir claim to compensation. Such a contract will not bo enforced In equity. in the next place, tlio catrs in which In-Junt lions have Lecu beretd-ru granted were cases where the platqiifl enjoined was attached to a company or a theatre, end tbo picsehcn of the person enjoined was lnalspenstble to tbe success of tbe company or theatre. In tbe present case, the aeioadaats are Independent perforuiors.

their performances being In no way related to any play requiring a company." iai i SETTLERS LEAVE FOR MEXICO. Uoventy Men, Women and Children Forsake Their Homos tn Kansas. 1st AiiociiTsn rails. I Torixe, Ksn Nor. W.

Brledeu-tbsl. Clubman of the people's party's State Committee, has started another parly to tho lopoloboinpo country la Moxlca It consists ot seventy men, women and children from Enterprise. novlsions, machinery, household goods, trees and a number ut stock pigs were among tbe thtbgs snipped ly Irelgbt ten days ahead. Pnsanntrers on To-Day's Incoming Steamsb'ps. Among tbe passengers who arrived on ibe Fervia, which got to her dock this morning iroin Liverpool, were A.

Oollnoi, tirltuh cmiskl-Genrral to Havana; II, W. Hantson, flrlllsb Mce-consul to Havana, and capt. Car). On la 'Champagne, from Havre, were Countess du II 1 u'slsclw, col. 11.

He). nelds. Mi. and Mrs. smizs ltcdmon and Mrs.

Wsnamaker, A. Wanainaktr and M. lloulauger. Casey Association Ball. Tbe Thomas F.

Casey Association will giro an invitation tail at Wendel's Assembly Iloom. West Fort) street, Wodni vl.y vtuiuc. r.rery effort has been mailtt to lumre a good time and a Urge attendauce is exccc'ied. ONE CLOSE DISTRICT, Official Figures Announced by tbe Aldermnnlo Canvassers. Tha offlcUl count of the vote ot the Eleventh and Twelfth Districts was announced by the Board bf County Canvassers this morning as follows: U.XVKXTB DttTSICT.

CUnlasd llarruen a. BUS Cleveland's plurality Ssll Utlror Einstein i Clllroj'. plurality S80 TWXLVTH DIllKlCT. Cleveland lUrrUoa 3,474 Cleveland's plarallllr S.aofl Ojlror. Einstein Cllroj Unrallly S.JsT 1 he Elarenth was the first district tn which the vote was close.

The vote tor Assembly, man wasi Vamnkar. 4.J03 Paekodr famahar'a plnrallty 340 For Alderman tbe figures were: pith. 4.34. lotrli S.J9S Bmltli'e i ut The canv.sscrs expect to complete the count this weer. Tti vote of the Ninth District has not yet been announced, one precinct being missing.

WILL THEY RESIGN MARCH Federal OffloUls Wait for tbe Demooratlo Beadsman. Some Republicans who tsie their defeat hard aro urging Federal office-holders to hang on to their fflcet alter March 4 and keep Democrats but tb tbe cold as long as possible. collector Hendricks was quoted by a morn-log paper as saying that ho would surrender bt commission promptly, March 4, but when an Ersxixn Wobld reporter questioned him be said be had not yet expressed himself on tbe matter, and did not care to. From bli remark tbat when, the lima came he would act so that all parties would be satisfied," he left the lmpresilon tbat ho would follow precedent and place his office at the disposal ot tbo succeeding administration. It was said tbat Naval Officer Willis and surveyor of the Port Lyon would do likewise.

WAITING IN A STORM FOR LAND. Settlers tb Line for Two Days to Oat Free Grants in Michigan. lev i.eocurxD raits. I MaRqcxTTi, Nov. Si.

The perfected Bay DA Urquetto land grant ot 12,000 scree will be opened for settltment 'inesday. The lino of would-be filers began to form last nlgbt In a raging snowstorm, and about a dozon aro now camping out on the pavements in Iront of the Third street entrahce to the Federal building. It Is only two above tern and tbe raon will have to stick to their blankets on the side, alks until Tuesday, admission to the building being dented uuill that hour. A DEMOCRAT FOR SPEAKER. Though Only Three of His Party Are In tbo Kansas Bouse.

Iv ai.ocuTsn rates. 1 Tortki, Nov. si. Tbe seatinpota Democrat lu tbe Speaker's chair Of the San-sas House Is not an Improbability. There are but three Democrats In the body, aud they will hold the balance of power.

Joseph Itoenlbal, Dtmocratlo candidate for bpeaker, Is a banker at Santa Fe, Haskell Cuuuly. A dicker with- the Republican bosses Is reported, by tbe terms of Which Ho-e-nthal propises to help them organize the bouse. Ho thinks tbst the contest can be made successfully. Tnls wonld mean a lie. publican successor to Senator rerklns.

Itoenlbal opposed liuton. Fell Dead tn tbe Street. John McAre, whose address is unknown, fell dead tbls forenoon tn front ot 3S De'lancoy street- ne was about forty years old. Ills body was removed to the Delancey street station-house. an unknown man about fifty srars old was found dead on tbe sidewalk at First avenue, and One Hundred and thirteenth street early to.dn).

lbs body was taken to tbe Morgue. aa ea A Cephalonla Passenger Dies on tbe Trip to Queenstown. IPT a.eoclaTTD rals.i LoNPo, Nov. St. Charles Baker, a steer, age passenger on the Cundrd Use steamer cephalonlt, which arrived to-day at Queens-town from Boston, died from heart disease en tbe voyage.

Ills body was burled at sea. aie Th Fall Aoademy Exhibition. The Autumn exhibition ot the Nations! Academy ol Devlin was opened Io tbe public to-day tbe collection ott aim lngsta larger tban usual and tbe cists ol work Is exceUent, Flttren pictures bavs already beta sold at catalogue prices, tor 42,100. A'miev -'fWl-J I'aMaSa'imaH Tti Hm kiijBjMMBMSjVaMiBai list edition: 1 WILL GEKRY DEFT IT? I i W9 A Writ of Habeas Corpus Aoked 'fifl for To-Bay. Supplementing the Appeal ffom Lit- tie Joe's Co'rnmltmenv.

The Aiitl-Gerry Soolety Also Take SB Action. 'SmH '-3H VH Unless the Gerry society persists in, It W'B policy of resisting orders of courts little jlUmm Joe, tha Bli-year-old Itsllsn boy whp was ff'B three weeks ago snatched aWay by Gerry agents from his parents, Peter andsebastlana 3H Mllltcl, ot 242 Elizabeth street, and hustled fiM off to an institution In reeksklll without the r'isaB shadow ot a right, will be brought back 'to New York tc-day. VlU To accomplish this TJllo, Itpebskraen 4c 'BJ Cochran, ot 00 cotton Xxchango B'ullrtlnj, tho lawyers retained to, llberatetbe fihilcl, frmM are Instituting habess-corpus procertilhgs. 'SBJ 'J his course Is taken to -kABJ peal which tbe lawyers took last Saturday i from the order of commitment. i 'iB The order was obtained by tha deny agents through what Tollce Justice ltynti, i elBBj who granted It on Oct, 27 liau aubsc- quently designated as a iHst6rted prcsunta.

fH tlon ot the case. vBBJ Headers of Tsi ErxxiKO Woaii wtll rev i'faH member that Jushce Ityah signed an'brder last week discharging little Joe frofi.tho 'sJH Oerry people's custody, and that the latter refused point blank to act upon It, assigning ilSfl as the 'reason 10'r this courso an alleged "'''B authority, which, it true, wonld place the JBJ Gerry society's power aboro that of tbe s-BJ supreme court or any tribunal Ih the Bute. TaB Tbe right 6t Justice Ryan to ro'vlew' tut VgjBB decision and discharge the child from cnitody 1ejBB within twenty diys after the commltlnent 1mm was absplutely.dehied by the.GeiryiaeeiMy. although several police justices maintained that this right was conferred Upbn them by law, and was expressly stated in au blank Mxmm orders of To prove that: thu SNmm was true Jusuce. Wnili toox a commitment 'tfm blank and proceeded to pout out the clauae in question to aav Evsnimu Wobld reporter.

IX'flsjB To the Justlee'ssurprlM, however, the clause ftnH had been rttooved. TrisH At the blanata are tttrnlabed by the Oerry fH society atlis wa considered 'niitsaH a high-handed and Infamous piece Jot self. T't'pB const i(uied. legislative power on, tb pan ot H3mm tho society to. remove such a clause (orvla -H tact, to alter any portion the bUnk forts phraseology without being authorlted to do so by ah express, act of the ulssBi And the law which give at.

the right to -iH discharge within twenty days stlu la AM force," concluded nstloe. White- $imm such an autocratic assumption by the jiB clety, added to the violent ana bruulknanner Mflm lu which it robbed the Mllltda ot their child. J3rH could not fall to arouse public sentiment xJB against -ilssl An Indication tbat the public Is fully alive itB to tho danger which threatens it juvenile xmmx portion through the Gerry anU-cmelty so. tlmm cloty has been. manifested by the meeting held yesterday by tbe Antt-Oerry Society at IH tho house of lu Vice-President, Beatrlca WU $mm lard.

40 West Thirty-seventh street, 1 At thla meeting, over which sweot-taced JH little Zelda Sanders piestded, it wasocter-. 'IB mined to prosecute Mr. oerry tor a number 3m or alleged Illegal arrests and principally, tor that 01 little Joo MultcL 43m 1 he society passed a vote of thanks to Tn 'm Evimko wobLD for Its efforts in behalf of little Joe. fjtmm Many lawyers have given their opinion that i-'M tha Oerry Socloty has been gradually in flaH trenching Itself behind such a outwork, of legislation that It has become almost Irapreg- nable aud, although designed In lis lncepituu t-mU for a great deal of good, has now becom? an Jrtm actual menace 10 tbe community. iSmm Tbe communication," said one lawyer.

which was sdarcssed last ITlday by gupu jSB Byrnes to the Commissioners of police, oil. YJmm Ing the attention of the latter to tbe flagrant abuse ot allowing certain Irresponsible lndt- i'stlmm ldusls to execute warrants, lsatn tndlcatloa i.M ot tbe boclety'n ehcroachment upon rights IvtaB which belong exclusively to tbe Police Do- c-imm partment, Sisl "If a timely halt be not called to the auto. -3l3eH cratlo course pursued by tbls society we will Jtmm soon hive it making, as well as it now la -hjmu breaking, laws, and there la no authority la 'Vrnm tbe state which It will not soon be able to set -iimm) at defiance." VflBJ AMERICA'S CUP COMMITTEE. I 1imm New York Yachtsmen to Disease) Lord Dunraven'e Letter. 1fl Tbo Committee ot Five ot the New York jiBJ Yacht Club, appointed to consider arranges- V'H ments tor a race for the America's Cap, wtll -siBfl hold a meeting at the club-house on vBB Madison avenue at o'clock to-day, to dls- f'lBJ cuss Lord Dunraven's letter which arrived aBJ here last Friday, M.

A. Cass Canfleld, secretary of the Com- lm mlttee said this morning that It was doubt- ul It tbo contents of theletter could be given to tbe public until the members ot theCluD --M had discussed it a meeting. aefl VVeassi HE HAD BULLETS FOR THREE. pm Van ElcUler, of Froiee, sv Wife- -Val Murderer and a Oulolde. pj tT issocuTirj rnxn.1 lm Fitizix, Nov.

31. T. L. Van Etckler, dorlng a quarrel last night, shot hlswlta tlfl through the wrist with a revolver. 9fl Ketreatlng to another room he procured a JBB rifle and then shot her twice through the mm body, one ball passing through the heart, killing her Instantly.

He then sent a bullet vBB through his lubgs. Then shot F.C. Brown, ot Fargo, through rtH tbe hips, following this with again shooting himself in the ruoutb, blowing the top ot bis i'lUm head off. 'JflH Qarbase Blockade Continue. -fttH The garbage blockade continues, commls- 4xBB sloner Brennsn this morning gave ont A statement to the effect that the ItaUaus i-tiJBJ started out yesterday morning with tows and only reached the stakeboat off Graves.

i'mmx end Bay, when tbey positively refused to go any further. The wind was blowing very 'risaH fresh at the time. They started out again this morning at and be hopes they will mm be ablo to reach tha outside. 'fflH alt. 'SaaH Murder Over Bix Ear of Corn, $mm lav iraoouTXO rae.t ''''fBBja AI.IX4KDRU, Nor.

Ml. In a quarrel jflBBJ about six cart ot corn Bgee AUen was shot v'r-slB and killed by Jesse Price last nlghu Both yi 31 were colored. tlflBI Coughs Stnnned. fi Bal Not enly that, but stopped tor good 1 care -rSirBD guaranteed or money refunded. Kixka'i kissai ExricroRAKT eo ctou a bouia) oose tt, sac Jmmt rii Jmm.

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