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Beatrice Daily Sun from Beatrice, Nebraska • 1

Beatrice, Nebraska
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a the the a. m. er. Low 64 "If you didn't see it in the SUN it didn't happen" Member of the Associated Press VOLUME XXXII BEATRICE NEBRASKA MONDAY EVENING JULY 17 1933 No. 8 NATIONS ENDEAVOR TO COPE WITH DEPRESSION High Kansas: possibly showers; coolThe Temperatures BEATRICE DAILY SUN THE WEATHER Nebraska: unsettled; possibly showers; somewhat cooler.

REAL ESTATE SHOWS SIGNS OF GENERAL PICKUP Pointers Indicate To Register of Deeds That Recovery Has Started LIQUIDATION SLOWS DOWN SINCE SPRING Signs of recovery, now noticeable In numerous phases of business and finance, being in Gage county real estate transactions, according to Chas. Judd, register of deeds. Register Judd believes mortgage foreclosures and assignments have passed their peak and notes from his records of the past three months an improvement in the real estate market. There have been a number of instances of new sales, despite 1933's big drop in loans. swiftest, rate six Liquidation proceeded ago, but since late spring it has up noticeably.

Smaller In City However, "city property ing is noticeable under and is the likewise totals of five years ago at a smaller figure than last year. In In In 1928 loans for the first six months reach $664,375. For the corresponding period in: 1932: they were $242,782. This year the total was $99,954. There is not so much contrast in releases, the totals being: 1928 1933- $289,000.

ENGLAND'S WEALTHIEST MAGNATE IS DEAD: LONDON, July 17 (P) -Sir John Ellerman, 71, shipping magnate and reputedly the richest man in England, died today at Dieppe, France. Sir John was. believed to be worth more than 30,000,000 pounds (currently Few great businessmen were known 80 little to the general public. On his big income Sir John spent only five per cent and reinvested the remainder, also giving large sums to charity. BOUND OVER Waiving his preliminary, hearing In county court Monday Leroy Wandersee was bound over to.

district court on charges of grain stealing. Frank Probst who was held for participation in the same theft did not waive, but at the close of his hearing, he, too, was pound over, Bond for of the young men was set for $1,000 and they were remanded to jail when it was not provided. Complaints against them were filed by Renken Lenners and Etta Caspers, of the Filley neighborhood, whose losses amounted to. 200 bushels of wheat. CAPITOL IS MECCA LINCOLN, July 17.

UPMore than 3,000 persons from 21 state and Nebraska visited the Nebraska capitol yesterday. Will Rogers SANTA MONICA, July 16. It's a good thing those Italians landed in seaplanes. 1 If they had landed on the 1 ground they wouldn't have had room to land for Italians, Well, they have great cause to rejoice. You know where the idea come from, don't you? Teddy Roosevelt, when he sent the fleet around the world.

There was a lot of Mussolini in that old boy. I will bet you that this Wiley Post makes it around the world and breaks his own record. I would have liked to have been there with Post instead of the robot. And I could have if I had known as much as it does. Well, the unemployed will be coming in pretty soon from the London conference.

Yours, WILL ROGERS HE HAS REASON TO WEAR GRIN BENNINGTON, July 17 (P). Bert Wollen, who lives on 400 acres southeast of here, is one farmer who is ending the season with something left to live on until he harvests the next crop. And there are others. Wollen was shelling corn today--and selling it. He has 2,800 bushels at the Elkhorn market for 46 cents a bushel.

This is the highest price he has received in the last three years. The farm was bustling with today, Wollen- was grinning. With the money flowing in he will pay up the rent for the farm, and buy some things he has had an eye on for a long time. He said there. will be a balance.

COUNTY NEEDS FUNDS TO MEET RELIEF DEMAND Figures Reveal Large Sums Have Been Necessary This Year SEEK MONEY FROM STATE COMMITTEE Figures have been submitted to W. H. Smith, Nebraska missioner and head of Bryan's state relief committee. which show that Gage county will need a large amount of money for various relief purposes. The data has been compiled at County clerk Tim Sullivan's office and it has been submitted to the governor by the clerk and Supervisor Andy Thomsen, As well as to Mr.

Smith. It is not yet, known how much of the $150,000 of federal money already, available at Lincoln will come to Gage county. Neither is it known how the remainder of the $750,000 total state fund will be apportioned later. It is understood however, that the allotments will be given to counties on the basis of their needs. It is expected that State Administrator Biahrt will soon have the work well under way.

Welfare Expenditures. The Beatrice Welfare association spent about $3,600 from donated funds during the past fall, winter and spring, Paul Marvin, the assocation president, said when questoned The association has only enough funds left to buy milk for children and meet a few other expense items during the remaindper of this month and Augustas The association's outlays have been cut to the bone in order to make every dollar go as far as possible. The women's sewing group received about $150 which was judiciously expended, From the standpoint of tax money, the cost of relief reached a high figure. In the following table the highway construction" items represent wages paid to aGge county unemployed on No. 77 and the money came from the contractor, not the county treasury.

The table otherwise shows how much the county had to spend: various purposes. At present virtually no county: funds. are available. The table follows: Amt Spent 'Amt Needed Purposes Jan. Feb, Ap My Je Widows Pensions $2.100.00 $2.100.00 Blind 350.00 350.00 Groceries and Clothing 6.744.00 5.000.00 Rent.

Coal, 3.000.00 2.000.00 State Highway Construction 1,000.00 30.000.00 Medical services 3.000.00 2.000.00 For Transients 100.00 100.00 REPORT PRESSURE USED TO GET BEER ADS LINCOLN, July 17- UP -Police Chief. W. C. Condit today said he had received two indirect plaints that solicitors for "The Nebraska Sheriff" were using veiled hints to get. beer advertising and that he had warned all his solicitors they would be discharged at once if found using any pressure for advertising.

Condit said the two persons who conferred with him on the matter did not know of any actual instances but said they had heard it was being done and thought Condit should know. Condit is president of the Nebraska Sheriffs' association which publishes the magazine. Mr. and Mrs. E.

S. Stewart of Kearney were Beatrice visitors yesterday. PAY TRIBUTE TO MARTIN LUTHER AT BIG CHICAGO GATHERING CHICAGO, July 17 (P) Sessions of the 41st international converition of the League got under way today following a Sunday celebration at which 60,000 Lutherans gathered at Soldiers fieid to observe the 450th anniversary of the birthday of Martin Luther in song and spoken word. At the services hymns were sung by a massed chorus of 3,000 Lutheran children and 5,000 choristers representing 168 Lutheran churches. Addresses were deliverby the Rev.

Erwin Umbach, executive secretary of the Lalther I DEPRESSION IS ALL OVER FOR MANY WORKERS hundreds of knitting mills with employment rivaling the weavers, will vote the first of this week on joining the cotton procession. Wool men, with a code now awaiting hearing, may join the speeder movement. The new quickstep of business shoved into the background a plan of Johnson's for issuing a general call to all business to raise wages and create new jobs by cutting the hours of present employes. Went Back To Mills This Morning With Wage Schedules Raised HOPE TO RESTORE '29 PURCHASING POWER By James Cope WASHINGTON, July 17 (P)- For nearly a million: working men and women the depression is AS good as ended today, their wages suddenly lifted back to the purchasing voluntary level of cooperation better, industry with. government, For hundreds of thousands, perforth hopes millions of similar good luck more, the day holds in the immediate future.

Textile workers- not only cotton, but rayon, silk and allied products -alt over the north and south, went back to their, mills this morning on a 40-hour workweek schedule, at rates of pay intended to give them the purchasing power of 1929. In steel mills, labor today is earning 15 per cent more than last week in some cases even betterboost back to the level of 1932. In countless other industries which have submitted or soon will present their so-called codes of fair competition, the compacts by which the government allows them to regulate themselves in exchange for giving labor a lift, the promise of a real living wage to workers is near imminent realization. Johnson Get Results, This is the fruit of intensive work by Hugh S. Johnson and 8- corps of aides named by President Roosevelt to administer.

the industrial control plan of the national Recovery law, mainspring of his program for restoring prosperity. Originally, all this day was to bring was the beginning of operation for the cotton textile industry's code. But 450,000 workers were to go on the forty-hour week with all wages increased, in their present proportion, above minimums of $12 week in Dixie, $13 elsewhere. But the other textiles, with codes hastily framed, asked to come under cotton's labor terms today. The president last night signed executive orders effecting agreements with each.

Estimates of the additional number of workers involved were indefinite: but 250,000 considered conservative. In Steel Industry Steel proclaimed its raises without waiting for presidential Saco tion. The much smaller cement industry has asked approval for quick increases and limited hours. The underwear industry, operating M'EWEN WINS AT MARYSVILLE MARYSVILLE, July 17. -(Specdal) -Lew McEwen of Beatrice defeated C.

O. Miller in the upper bracket -semi-final match of the -1933 Jayhusker golf tournament here today. In the meantime Floberg. Marysville entry, defeated Dr. Beveridge, Marysville veteran, in the lower brack match.

Floberg and McEwen were scheduled to play their 18 hole title settlement match Monday afternoon. In the championship consolation semi-finals, Roger Closs of Wymore defeated Middlekaugh of Beatrice and John Herman of Fairbury defeated Loren Hobbs of Beatrice. NORTH PLATTE TO CELEBRATE NORTH PLATTE, July 17. (P) North Platte today was beginning to take on the atmosphere of a pioneer town as workmen decorated its streets for the annual which opens Thursday. "Cow town," the camp on the old Buffalo Bill ranch, is filling up with, rodeo performers, including cowboys, cowgirls trick riders from many parts of the country to and street open the parade, preparations four-day "The moved Great show with forward Migration." It will depict pioneer days when the west was opened to settlement and round-up officials hoped to have 1,000 persons mounted on horses take part.

BIG WHEAT CROP TALMAGE, July 17, (P) One of the biggest wheat crops in years is being harvested in this section of Otoe county. Threshing is three-fourths completed and many fields are yielding 40 and 45 bushels to the acre. The average Is about 30. WHAT WORLD IS DOING TO MEET, CRISIS Editor's Note: What is the world doing, nation by nation and people by people, to conquer the depression? What is Turkey's problem, and Italy's and Finland's and Brazil's? And what special measures are these and other nations taking to solve these problems? The Associated Press has asked its correspondents in other lands for the answers. Their findings are the basis of three special news stories, prepared by A.

D. Stefferud, Associated Press cable editor, the first of which, dealing with the Americas; follows. (Copyright 1933 by the Associated Press) For its ailments the nations of the world have been taking the of public works, industrial controt, and stimulation of consumption; and they are beginning to feel somewhat better. From the world economic conTerence a complete diagnosis and major operation on tariffs, debts, over-production, and sluggish money were expected, but with the impending adjournment of that consultation the nations are ready to proceed with the recovery programs they started months ago. These consist mostly of plans for helping people get more money and spending it more freely, and schemes involving the outlay of billions for construction projects, the prevention of over creation of demands for certain commodities, and the like.

Governmental supervision of industries ranks high among these panaceas. Italy, the United States, Germany and Russia are among its users, and oil, tin, nitrate, sugwheat; and cotton are products for which it has been applied, or suggested. President Rosevelt's new deal has set an example, at least for speed, for many late developments in anti-depression programs--a vast project of industrial supervision, working codes, inflation, crop restriction, price raising. The first of these codes- that dealing with the textile Industry- went into effect today, In its success resides the hope of several nations on the American continents even more perhaps than those of European countries. The debt problem in South America, particularly, is a major one and in its solution by a freer movement of goods between American nations, lies the wellbeing of good portion of this hemisphere, it is generally agreed.

Argentina Argentina is one of them. In that country: recovery efforts ter principally in commercial gotiations with Great Britain, Chile and Italy, with similar dealin prospect with the United -States and Brazil. Maintaining debt payments and striving to balance the budget also are involved problems that South American country faces. (Continued on Page Two) 366 GAGE INCOME TAXPAYERS FILE WASHINGTON. July 17 (P)- There were 24,540 persons in Nebraska reported today by the treasury department as having filed individual income tax returns for the calendar year of 1931, on which payments were made last year.

For 1930 returns numbered 27,271. Taxes paid last year by individuals in the state amounted to $902, 098 for 1931, while payments for the year of 1930 were $1,619,684. The internal revenue bureau announced today the statistics of returns filed by individuals in the counties included: Douglas county 9,616 returns: Gage, 366, Hall 522. Lancaster, 3,097, Lincoln 359, and Madison 468. SEE PASSION PLAY KEARNEY, July 17 (P) More than 9,000 persons attended the last showing of the Passion Play here last -night despite showers in the afternoon.

A total of 1,131 automobiles bearing license plates other than those of Buffalo county entered the grounds. Twelve states were represented. The play will not be repeated until 1936, the Rev. D. A.

Johnson, author and director, has announced. Instead, a gigantic patriotic spectacle based on the discovery and founding of the country will be offered next year. PRESIDENT IS INDISPOSED WASHINGTON, July 17 (P) President Roosevelt has a slight cold and he remained in the restdence part of the White House today to transact such business as was before him. He contracted cold riding to Washington night in an open car from Benedict, Maryland, in a drizzling rain. SPECIALIST DIES SPECIALIST DIES BALTIMORE, July 17 UP) -Dr.

Frederick Henry Baetjer, 58 pioneer X-ray specialist of the Johns Hopkins medical school, died today at his home. Influence of the Business Ethics Codes NO, I'M NOT STAYING DOWN AT THE OFFICE TO WORK- I'M GOING TO PLAY POKER WELL, YOU REALLY HAVE ALL THE INSURANCE YOU. NEED RIGHT NOW BEFORE YOU BUY THIS CAR I WANT TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE TROUBLE WE'VE HAD WITH IT THESE ARE PRETTY FAIR BERRIES, MA'AM, ALTHOUGH, OF COURSE, THE BEST ONES ARE ON TOP FLIERS CRASH IN POMERANIA Girenas And Darius Are ed When Their Plane Plunges HAD PLANNED TO REACH LITHUANIA "SOLDIN, Pomerania, Germany July 17 (P)-The airplane Lithuanica, in which Stephen Darius and Stanley Girenas were attemptflight. from. New York to Lithuania, crashed early today at Kuhdamm and both fliers were killed.

Kuhdamm is five miles south of "Soldin. The plane was discovered in 8 forest. The bodies of the were under it, A local farmer heard the crash about seven o'clock this morning but the actual discovery of the was not made. until a few hours later. -party of aviators and police officials left immediately from Berlin for Soldin, a exact There time was of some the doubt.

crash. about Investi- the gators said the bodies indicated the men died sometime between .3 and 5 a. m. Found By Cyclist Women gathering berries said they heard a machine about five o'clock and the noise suddenly ceased. Later a cyclist discovered the plane, with the fliers buried beneath and the wings hanging from trees.

A rural policeman found a route map of Chicago newspapers and pouch with letters on which were the names of Darius and Girenas. A guard was placed at the scene by the the police and, for the time bein, bodies were left there. Violated Regulations NEW YORK. July 17 (P) -Stephen Darius and Stanley Girenas, Lithuanian-American fliers who crashed to their death in Pomerania today, started their attempt to fly non-stop to 1 Lithuania without the knowledge or approval of the government. They had waited here since May 7 to begin the flight to their native land, but never obtained permission to fly over or land in other countries.

This failure was due to the fact that they would I not or could not pay the $100 or so cable tolls asking permission. "We're just going up for some more tests," the fliers told officials at Floyd Bennett field at 5:24 a. eastern standard time, last Saturday. A minute later their heavily-ladened craft was headed for Eur-1 ope. The start of the non-stop flight to their native soil was the realization of an ambition long fostered by the two immigrant boys.

As transport pilots in Chicago both had saved their funds over a period of years and had sought the small donations of their fellow countrymen here in order to purchase the big orange monoplane. Trans-oceanic flying was new to them, but before the start of the 4,900 mile project they had spent months studying their charts and grooming their plane. (Continued on Page Two) I O'CONNELL MAY BE LIBERATED IN NEW YORK Expect Kidnapers To Turn Him Free In Or Near Metropolis ILLINOIS BANKER IS RELEASED BY CAPTORS By Robert J. Cavagnaro Copyright, 1933, By the -Associated Press ALBANY, N. July 17 (P)-A strong feeling prevailed here today that the kidnapers of John J.

0. Connell jr. would release him in New York City or in a suburb of the metropolitan district. This belief was given impetus when it was learned that of the four 'letters received by the 24- year-old National Guard lieutenant's uncles, Ed and Dan O'Conpell, one of the first three notes was mailed from Yonkers and the fourth bore a White Plains postmark. The other two were mailed in this city.

Indicated By Letters The fact that two of the letters were mailed from close to Manhattan and that the last list of intermediaries was published last Friday In New York City papers, revived the theory that the kidnapers hailed from New York City. New York City police, acting on an anonymous tip, surrounded and combed the neighborhood in West 27th street between Tenth and Eleventh avenues last night, in a search for O'Connell which' provLed in With the passing yesterday of the 10th day since O'Connell was seized from an automobile in front of his Putman street home, the O'Connells today again pected further instructions from the young man's captors, either by mail or telephone. FETED HEROES ARE BADLY IN. NEED OF REST CHICAGO, July 17- UP Weary continuous round of festivities, General Italo Balbo and his 96 Italian flyers faced a curtailed program today. Completing the last leg of their 6,100 mile flight from Italy in a hop from Montreal that ended Saturday evening when they set their seaplanes down on Lake Michigan, the airmen instantly became the heroes of the nation's second largest city and were treated as such.

It was early yesterday morning before they were privileged to retire to the privacy, of the rooms reserved for a hotel for much needed sleep and rest. And then they were up again in few hours for another day of aetivities that- began with a twohour thanksgiving mass, during the whole of which they' stood at attention, in Holy Name cathedral, and ended with a banquet that extended far into the night last night. Rest For Return Flight Through- it all they smiled and appeared to be having the time of their lives, but at the end their gallant leader, General Balbo, looking ahead to the perilous re turn flight to Italy, begged that today's program be modified. As the banquet opened a message of congratulation. from President Roosevelt was read by Chairman John A.

Sbarbaro. "Please express to General Balbo and his intrepid companions of his flight my great admiration for their achievement, and my warmest congratulations of the success of their president wired. "Their accomplishment, characterized by prepara-. tion and scientific skill, marks an important step in the progress of the conquest of the air. They are most.

welcome visitors." GOT MORE RAIN NORFOLK, July 17, (P)- Rainfall in northest Nebraska and the Rosebud region of South Dakota over the week-end ranged from showers to almost an inch and was continuing this morning in Norfolk and a few other points. The heaviest rain reported by the Northwestern Bell telephone company fell 'at Gregory, S. Sunday, the precipitation measuring nearly an inch. I POST RESUMES GIRDLE FLIGHT Globe Circling Aviator Is Ahead Of Old Record At Moscow MET WITH BRIEF DELAY IN GERMANY MOSCOW, July 17. (P) Wiley Post, American round solo flier soared eastward this ternoon on the journey to, Novosibirsk in.

Siberia. He landed a few hours earlier 'from Koenigsberg, Germany. MOSCOW, July 17. (P) -Wiley Post, American aviator, landed here at. 2:20 p.

m. Moscow time (6:20 a. m. e. s.

today after flight from Koenigsberg, Germany. Post, who seeks to better the mark he and Harold Gatty set on a globe-girdling journey in 1931, had left Koenigsberg at 6:45 a. local time (12:45 t. Post and Gatty had an elapsed time of 54 hours and 35 minutes when they reached Moscow. At Moscow Post said he expegreat difficulty with mechanical pilot from the beginning of his flight from New York and he was therefore compelled drive his ship manually the entire distance.

Difficulties with the robot were blamed for forcing the American flier a hundred off his course between Koenigsberg, and Moscow and they were said to be the chief reason why he landed at the East Prussian capital last night. The robot trouble combined with a break in the oil feed indueFed Post to land at Moscow, he said. He hoped he had put everything in excellent order here before he departed. Russian officials were concerned at Post's small appetite and urged more food on him. But the American declined saying, "I eat only enough to keep from weakening myself.

I purposely stay hungry so I can keep awake." He remarked: "I feel fine." The physicians bore him out by pronouncing him in excellent physical condition. His right eye, however, was very tired from the strain, (he lost his left eye in an accident several years ago), and the doctor gave him a lotion for it. BIG MELLON TAX SUIT DISMISSED IN DISTRICT COLUMBIA COURT WASHINGTON, July 17 (P)-A $220,000,000 tax suit against Andrew W. Mellon and other former treasury officials, was dismissed today by James M. Proctor in the District of Columbia supreme court.

The suit was filed by David A. Olson, former investigator for a special senate committee, and charged Mellon, former Secretary Ogden Mills and several others with conspiring to defraud the government in the settlement of foreign steamship company taxes. Justice Proctor, in his opinion sustaining a demurrer raised by the defendants, said did not state "good present" cause of action. Went Through Ordeal ALTON, IL, 17. (P) The release by a kidnap gang of August Luer, aged and wealthy banker, today had stilled deep anxiety for his safety, but created a controversy over how much, if any, ransom was paid.

Freed early Sunday on a highway near Collinsville, the 77- year-old and almost invalid man was returned to his home several hours later by department of justice: agents. The officers were called to resort conducted by Mrs. Grace Miller where Luer appeared and announced his identity. He said he walked a half mile from the place where he was ejected from a motor car. He related a story of physical and mental suffering while ed for more than five days in chilly, musty and tiny sub-basement.

Carl Luer, his son, asserted "we didn't pay a cent of ransom." Many well informed persons believe, however, that a ransom. of $10,000 changed hands. The initial demand, received in a note Thursday, was reported to have been for $100.000. The elderly man, seized last. Monday evening in his own home here by two men and a women, suffers from frequent heart attacks.

Fear that he might die while in custody was believed in some quarters to have been the motivating influence in the release. "We'd never have touched you, pop, if we'd known you were SO weak and Luer said he was told by one of the abductors. An examination revealed Luer was in remarkably good health, considering the poor condition of his heart and the ordeal he suffered. He said he never saw the faces of his captors. The trio which seized him in his home wore masks, and immediately taped his eyes and did not remove the bandages during his captivity, he explained.

The banker explained he was not treated unkindly by the gang, but was given only ham sanwiches, oranges, cantaloupe and hard boiled eggs to eat. He slept for two nights on concrete floor before being furnished motor car seat to use as a bed. AIR TRAGEDY IS BLOW TO LITHUANIANS League, and the Rev. J. W.

Behnken, Houston, Tex. Mr. Umbach pleaded for an. inclusion of God in the plans and remedies suggested for the "unparalleled situation in which the world finds; itself today." There cannot be a church without a creed, Mr. Behnken said.

He defined it as a platform and said that it must contain positive and determined doctrines. Without it he said a church would have nothing upon which to stand before the tribunal of public opinion. Unless Olson files the suit in an amended form, the dismissal today means the end of the case. Olson charged Mellon, Mills, Arthur A. Ballantine, former treasury undersecretary, David H.

Blair, former internal revenue commissioner and Alexander W. Gregg, former treasury solicitor, with fraudulently permitting the steamship companies, named, to escape taxes of $110,000,000. Under the law the defendants would have had to pay 000 If Olson's suit had been upheld. Olson was a former investigator for the senate banking tee which investigated the stock market and banking. OMAHA, July 17.

(P) -News of the death of Captain Stephen Darius and Stanley Girenas, Lithuanian fliers, came as a blow today to Rev. A. Joseph Jusevich, Lithuanian pastor of St. Anthony's Catholic church here, who was friend of Darius when he was assistant pastor of a Chicago church. Father Jusevich came here a year ago.

thought sure they'd make it," said Father Jusevich today. "You see, both of them were poor boys and all the Lithuanian colonies in America contributed toward rebuilding their old ship, so they could make the flight." Elisabeth Deierling, though in her 95th year, is, still able to follow radio sermon on every third Sunday of the month, when Kinf brings a sermon in the German language, Mrs. Deleting is making her. home with her daughter Mrs. P.

Mayerhoff, of this city..

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