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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE WORLD: FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1, 1892. I I AT ELUSJSLAND. Hi Opening of the New Immigration Station. A I Spacious Quarters to Welcome (f If Intending Citizens. Description or the New Buildings and the Immigration OITlces.

fa New York's New Castle Garden on Ellis H' Inland was formally opened this tnoinlng, iff and the landing ot Immigrants was begun In itJt the tig now depot that has been In course ut MS building since August, 1800. UP It was Intended to celebrate the event 1th K' tlf appropilate exercises, oratorical, pyrotech- Qi i nee, but at the last moment, col John tne Superintendent oflmmtgra- Ri (Kf tlon, decldod to dispense with such a pro- IT If gramme and enter the new building without fif Jf ny or 'oatllcr3- While thero wcro no leathers about this "ft ft morning's proceedings there was necessarily fi fs agrent deal ot fuss, tor although the Imml- I gratlon Bureau attaches bate been moving I vv crrer to the Island all the week their no 1 B- quarters were not settled," and there was a Puis great deal of work to bo done this morning. 'I 3 CoL Weber went over on tho ferryboat J. 3jr jf H. Brtnckerhotr on her 8 o'clock trip, so as to (, be early on the scene.

lie wore a shiny silk hat and a brand-new red necktie In honor ut the occasion, but before noon his hat as dls. i'Ib reputably mussed up and his tie was covired 'S with dust. co1" BDBT' MJ All this was caused by tho tolonels prcs- els- ft aoca Parta ot the building almost Blmul- fst ffii taneously, Issuing orders to his subordinates nr sn1 tho arrangement ot his own fc onlce tllB tor nls 0tiJ8tanl', which IHj rooms occupy tho tastern front ot the big WtW building and afford a grand view ot tno baj Eft The Barge Office and Battery stood out In PS bold relief this morning, and old Castle Oar. Km don leoked cold, grewsomo and lonesonu as It I'if witnessed tho inauguration of Us young but fiT mighty successor acre ss tho bay. fjBj Each trip of tho Hrlnckcrhorf tarried orer VLyL employees, who lugged lliclr personal traps with tbom.

ttJ in conversation with an Ktsxiwi Wimin msk reporter, who wns the first and only news- ljf paper han on the Island up to 10 o'clock, all expressed their delight with their new I Why quarters The lenorter himself exiesMl I ft. satisfaction with the comparatively palatial quartera that have been provided tin the IS press by col. Wtber In the southwest corner ot tho building. ''I'll tu SBKKiD or iavdimi. Of course, the first department in be put in Kf working order was the lluteait ot Luullug, I which was nady lor bunlnihs ut clock.

i OK supt. Johnuv tilinpson butmtd proudly as y- begazedon his quarter, and I fe irlllcally examined tliehahdaiiine wire leni es i if that take the place of tho bulky no men rall- I lugs that were until at the llaign onicc and jB old Castle Garden fe ss Mr. bimpsmi was eager Inland linnilKiiinU 1m3 atonic, bul in nrliher the Nov mm nnr tin- VJe' city of Paris tame up tho bay until lutu thli rffy forenoon ho was obilgeJ to wall until lain In SgB thn day. CT In accordance wllh hlsmsiom, InnuguraleJ fit at the llurgu OflUe, Cnl Ntber said that the 1 rn ft first Immigrant to pass the replitry ilis unnld receive a new, orlsp bill us nue- l5 VfJr Ulrnf the oti union i2L riHlauinnt men, loo, wtro earlj oi -C fa deck and had tmupting hi) outs of ne brtad 'Iw I'Wt ln(l liologna spiiad the lumli iouiiIhih JY' CI -St "'r Immigrants uhllo In Urn npai.lmn -'3 dlnlnghali and klliliec In Ibo nortnenit Kit -ii 'M comer o( tho tiulldlngu flue NuwearHdlu- tW1 nerot a bittirgiadc bilug prepared tor 8ff tlieimploreis. Wf THKiiiiAin oturt nrrxo tr.

Sp 'lho estirn 1 nlun 'lelegraph i omnaui lud acablo In iiprrHtlon bright and early to Jfi rCT5 tho Jei-ev hhore, nnd Ma the.Urso Lable tn HE lur. UroAdnii). tirirutius i ItV John Klhm ami Mlki' II. Ho nolds, who ham at liw. i-rMco In iihtlit (iaidin, the lluigo isf ontcennd LIIH Island, were In ihurge The Hist liligium suit limn tho iiland as tffi msf from Agent H.

UH'onl to MUier allnhan, (IK ot the Wisjlun ot Our Lady ot Ilia l(oury ror Sw it rf'rotectlon nt lniml'ranl (llrls, waning pS IiP Happv hew ir and a proipnous Sfli life 5'ear mission. i litk Agout ilttool also hnil will Ih it lie want i it nSfr Present to the 1HM. It It mtlips girl Hint InndLd at tho new depot, jff US Indeid, It was a gnat morning for tlrst" ft cionts ot all Kit as, anil In wanting to hi fit tsVr "first" In one thlitir ot anotlur eervti)lv l.ic-j lost sight nr tho Inst to bo landed tuc ol1' onlul ilnuit. iL I a I'iST 1Mlll0UAir A' nHUn omcf SW" iR She, foi It was a worn in, was hophlo Kati I If anu her two tnlldri.ii, who tame nuin tier- ft- many to Join their husbutid anil lather in this 1 ell). IJg He failed to mee them, and the) wtrede.

If tali ed at tho Barge OntLi, wheie the) will bo fSP fer kept lor aday or two, when, unless tne head I 3r ottheiamll) tomes for them, tney will bu SF taken uvtr to better accomuiottutlons ou the fcUB 10-UAVS AHIUVIIS E'Yft It was expected that several hundred (mini-' fw grants would bo latuUdilui lug tho dai iiumi thecity cf Pails ami the Nevuda Thu Pulls' alone brought .110, and tho luntln. I gentard that ot tliu Mttotla, tuim i.lbruliiu, I i which aritMdUtir, will probibl) sirtll thu total tn about UOO or TOO The principal objtttion to tno uow depot b) 'he emtiloyecs li its Inacctssibilllt). I But with tbur luereaMd uiluiu- i11 modatlon, gotd ventlla Iju and tree- A dom from the nie i tbey were tormerl) obliged to brtMlie thiy iju ffli will probabl) bj content attei aw ntlo with Wh gf tte elow accommodAtloiiH. 'f4 ff itOlllI YTHlrSTOTIIi: BATTtKV. The boat lo-da) made lit UN), but (jf 'Ji, 'HI probabl) ruu on hali-hour time lu 'A fi the near luture.

Pak.ig now ni- fs, Jp cured free b) iai Hum ti.n CA 4 onite, but Itlsruinoiidthalilif titneimm MX- 4 wlilthuige vltltoisuudnufslhrsiisuiili ter- I t'X- Huge ie-. ti The question Is raided howivir, thil suili 1 a proceeding urn) violate the pru I- ions uudir whkh thu tlly dieded tho a' dock prlM ego at tho Harg unico tothe iederalliovirnmeut. sllputatli tint fx' the ferry should ie tji ooierummt uso ot D. 1 l. At present the llilntkerhoU li hlie b) the ooverniuent.

THE SEW STATION HE'CIIIByp lho EUIh Islind Immigrant Ltndlng sta. tlon tost Uu'lti MDi ueirl) a half mint f. dollars, but tn niot rutbusUstlu will nut )J contend that it Ha thing of beaut), It ProiHgloiisllgiiumjHmieluie, lnurl) emer- iH Mlitetpk-. tho flve-atre bland ife The area land has been IncrtaMU to eight acres by thu driving of snip's urniiud RB the nntir nonl and lining lu the sjulis SnEnW with earth. TMaWfVWi jj Tbe bul dl" 0( partlculai st)lnof mMBnT architecture.

It was begun on a plan. deplto tho late beeittary Wlndumsex- prebid hope that a strueture nt to hariuoulo -tiH with the Goddess of HUrty statue would bu reared there, and its cost has alreail) moio fy than doubled that sura. tt- ll' atrueturo Is ihreo stories Ulzh and more than feu 01 luinb-r hvo it. IK Jen Xisei In Us construction. It is 404 feet by 1S4 feet wide, and there Is a tow er ut lf' eacu (If ,1 he building was begun In August.

181)0, Hat the accommodations at the Bargo Oftlce be- A fff quite luadiquato to the Immense aud constantly Inert aslng buslmss that had been r1 lx carried on at old castle mneo IH55, and iiutlltontroversi-. with lho btate Buard ifXi of FmlgiatlJii Indueed tho Treasury lie. il' li partment to take away from them the bust- fc uess of receiving the constant flow of lmml- Jt grants. 1STEKNAL AllllANOCUtSTri il Eft The Brbt floor of the new building Is de- mf voted to rullroad and taggago transfer and Jt Jja the lotal express ottlee, as well as the private s. tiJK oftlcesot Beruurd lilglln, the coverumentux.

ij. pressman. ISA 1 he uew comers are received on the second Tllero lh" exatulned, tkveltd and Sp'f. registered. ifjf ihe floor Is si arranged that tbeloiml- 1 grauts can le bustled through lu twelve I lines, a registry clerk attending to thoso In eath line.

At the Barge Oftlco .1,000 Immlrants could be disposed of lu ana). At Mils Islun I I to 1 can bo ban lied illy. I gAller) extends Hear around tlie llonr, fn lu whence the publle into view tho motley irowd tiolnw without cm act with them, on this lloor am dctomlnn moon, tot, 101 paupers, lunatics, rrlinlnnls and Immigrants suspected nf being contrjet la urers I here art separate rooms for th detentljii til women an 1 children as well, a the telegraph station, inonev oxi hange, puntal station, Information buieau rallroail and Mea ship ticket ofllees uri' all hero In convenient arrangement. ov thr crrm MOOK. The upper floor Is dev oted to sleeping 1 ooius foi Immigrants who, for one reason or another, aro obliged to spend a night hero before setting out for their final ilistlnatlou On the side of the building fating the harbor are the offices of the ofllcltils 01 lh Bureau.

romtiiRiloner Vtcbci's ofili-e Is in the southeast corner, fai Ing Liberty Island, aud overlooking Ihe uppei bay. 'Iheiinpil-vate ofllce for Inspector Mllholluiid and a Isrger one for tho I Bureau, hit del Ihompsnn and Assistants 1 killer and 'Inuip-klns have onires mid adjoining are the quarters ot (Ion o'lielrne aidtliu boaM-Ing oQlcos.w llh Indows looking towards thu city. None of thoofllclals snvo tho surgeon will llvo on thn Islnnd. 1IU quarters an- arrarigtd In tho building formerl) uciitpled tlm gunner when Kills Island was (invernmi'iit store houio for explosives. HEAT, ItOIIT INI) WATRK.

Adjaecnt In the house aro the liollir and djtinmo room, and eloso by Is 1,400 fnot artesian will for supplying the landing station with fnsh walei. There will tie constructed a bath on thu west lie of tho Islind us ur. adjunct of tho hospital 'I hero will be place1 lur steumlng dirty clothing, loo, and thu hygienic arrange merits will Include a coating ot usphult over the whole Island. Thero arc 800 feet ot pier front, aud Immigrants will be transferred to rullrnad stations InJeisey b) barges, or to Now by tho 11. Brlnkerboff to the slip at the Barge Office.

Hherldan Byrne built the Hills Island station Koosoveli, son A Miller built thoplirs and did thu piling, Ml undir tho Hupervlslon of Assistant Secretary Nelbleton. BROOKLYN THUGS AT WORK. Five Men Beaten by Footpada Since Midnight. 1 Thugs were at work early this morning In Brooklyn. From all scctlousot the tlty complaints eomo from persons who had been knocked down and assaulted.

Patrick Kennedy, of ysu Hamilton avenue, and Thomas Conlleld, ot 'J-'7 Hamilton avenue, were knocked dimu and beaten at 4 a m. by three unknown men nl the corner ol I Hamilton avenue and Nelson street. They I wero struck with blunt Instruments, aud I their heads were tut open I en minutes after the New tar was ushered In ltolll), ot 4" initio street, was held up by four unknown men at the corner ot Bond and Buttle streots Ho was thrown to tho ground and reeehed two scalp wounds. 4 clock, Arthur Diamond, twonty- vo )curs old, of Dufilcld street, was tmnd tiiHonsclotis at (lold and Concord streets Ills head wns cut lu two places the Brooklyn Hospital he said he had been attacked by an unknown man who oirueL lilm wllh a bottle. Fugeno lyiiih, nliielion )ears old, nii7 rourthuvi nuc, wlillj pissing through Douglass ntieit.

near l'lllli inentie, on his vtuy home at 111'iloek thb morning, was at tucked bv 1111 unknown man, who stubbed him lu tho hick und bn ast Policeman ta) met Ivueli ruth nvinue, near llilrd streit, an Imtir biter und hud him removed to theseney I It)- tt n' Mirgeini White pronouniid tho wuiiiids serious but not nticBHarll) futal I MILLIONS IN PUBLIC BEQUESTS. Mrs. P. L. Btuart's Immense Eotuto All Ooes to Philanthropy.

By tlm will of Mrs Mary Macrae Muurt, wnlch will te died for probata Monday that venerable lailj's death having occurred yele rdny her honie, 871 Fifth uvenuoll Is evpntisl that nlimit will te distributed lu charitable und phllatithropji van smart was )ears old. ami hnrelurltlts iluiliik' her long llle Uuve hut 11 ver) etimslo. "he was tho dmglitii ot It belt Mai rui, In his tlmuiinitof Ihe wtalthl-est n.elilianls nf thtscll). she lunrrleil Hub ill 1. stuurl, who with his ittr, weie panmru In Ihe buslnesHiif si gar ret ulug tor tlll)-omt )cirs, uccttmulaiiog gre it wealth.

I Alrx.miUr Mttiarl lemalned a bachelor nil I hit life, bu liu aud bis brothel end his tnutli- era who we-rv ihvoudl) ntliwlnd, and tiv a compact 'igreed Ilia 1111 thoilinth 01 tlthi 1 tho propel I) should all 1 evert in tlm Miivlvor or HiirvivoiN, and this ugreeintiin wuski 1 1. Ihe Ihiee weroearuest old ei nl I'nsli). ttrlans, and eath dll much 10 establish the Institution nf that faith smart Hull, hi PHncetou College, wis their gill, and Mrs I htiurt gave towards tbt Prlncetim 1 Phl.osophlial tounilatlnn. lho eharllies of the M'uaiM lire known to have, txceedetl $100 000 annually. I It Is thought tint Princeton ollege will bo In benenclsry under Mrs Stuart's will to a very largo amount.

CAUSED A WRECK AND FLED. Union Pacific Agent Responsible for a Fatal Coll'slon. TUT AUROCIATFO PRFSV I lifNVts, Col Jan. 1. A dlsaatrous wretk occurred jtstorda) on the Joint traek ol the Denver, Texas and ton Worth und the C'ntou pseltlc Uullroad a few miles 1101 th 01 lira-1 neros, col.

This road has beeu blockaded lij snow for the past tuuUajs, unlwheu tho blockade was raised this monilug two double-he adir tialns wue started 0110 from tho north and lho from tho south. I liu Mullou agent failed In deliver tlm dexpatebei miters In the iiuith-bnmid train, uud the eonsrquemn was that the two trulns eaiiw togtlbir Hum opposite illriitliuis wllh 1 ttrrlbl- iru liu 111.111 11. tirunii uf Denver was Innianth kllltil Mull elerks Woholt and hrbelt and Ural einiin P. hvam wero bidl) tnjiiiul I lie Irilns wero InaWlv Iniltn with passen-geis but as far as euti be leai lied tut ea-eapetl uny serl ills lulnrli s. Ihe lour in.lnes.irttln the dltth and badlv wipikul Four mall eais lire a total loss, und the baggage ll Is nearl) ili-inollshid 'lho slut I ugent dliapieaiedulter the wit ik oe-curred Left Her Bebo to ttrrciLi to THK rvrsnn wnRtn I 1 BoitnESTOwN, J.

Jan. 1. Mary llubbs, I aged nineteen ian, hai been missing trum her home, In Trenton, slneo 1 uosduy, Dec. 8ho left tK'hlnd her a nve mouths' old babe wllh no one to look alter It. Parties from 1 Trenton were In this ell), yeslerda), lu seareh 01 her.

i- Guards for Convict Minors. BT AitfOCUTKUrSKSf I Namivimi, icun Jan. special train left lanl nlkht for Coal Creek, wllh eight)-five Slate inllltla These will aet as guards tocooionvkts, who, It Is thought, wlilltave here to-night. Wolto L'p to Ught Flro. Ilakon olseu was awakened by Kmoko on the top floor of 80 hackett street, Brookl) at ao'tlock this tnorulng.

He found one corner ot tho loom on tire. 1 he engines wtro eallej and the blaze was extinguished alter causing a loss of fioo. Fell Into the North River. lbo Washington street, cele-bratulNow ears morulas b) falling overboard at I o'olot at Pier 'il, North lllver. He was lescutd and taken toe lumbers hlrvtt llosplluh Ma WlvgLuti'i Hi ithisii Kiaup rJuo In lUmuitl uu ttlillt Cai.tlrtu ro rtitliuf.

Ji, 1 lAT THE WHITE HOUSE, (rvnfffturtruKi rngr sllki Mrs. fehoneld wiro her wedllngguwn or while curded -Ilk, with trimmings ut point lace.und Miss Wuuamuker appeared In Nile green silk. Alter tlis diplomats cam" tin) Supremo I Court. All the niemiwrs ot the supremo Coin eufl Jmiilto llradiy, win Is quite tie ble and tliuls It nee'issiry to carefully LUard his health, weie presi lit. I Justin Mruii, who is on the letlrul list, 1 wits wlih hi runner assuelalis, clilitJusllee I KliliHidsou utthe Court of lalrns and other members ut this nurl and ol tho Hlsttlcl SupreniH ourt ulsi pull ilulr respects.

I At ll 1 thu) ungrissof the I'nlttd states was reetiud Huiators Dawes mid lellir Ik nib (I tne i.onn ssl null 1 1 lit Ksiirese itutlve Miller, of Ist'iiisln, tli llrst nit nils 1 or the House to piss beloie tno receiving partv. Ihe Ann), N.ny nnd Marine 1 orjis wen prrsenti b) ill the utile) rs ol tli vism-vlies st itlonel ut or hear the Cupllol lien Miles, nf thleugii, and Oen lu utoii, in' ouiiln, won the ulv linkers ot pininliuini" win 1 inu trum illsiamr. Cuu silnulilil was at the hi nil of the nrui) llncuu 1 1 ummu-dori' Haiu-iiv led the naval eon' I rim iigu'urs wen lull iwil by iiidwnv and slurf, nf the Natljnul tituttl of the Ills-trill oIloluniMe, It was now about oclock and lli tullow-Ing halt hour wns lit Mittd In Ihe 11 ptl ill ot thu dllfirent luliial oiiiiulssl mi and onicus of tno hxieiitliu lie, iitinenls iiml Ihe iilumbluii liistliuti' lor thu Do if und Dumb, who vn re follow til b) Mirlous velerms and other orginl; ill ins. lho Mte-I'it sldint und Mn Mm I in ie-eclvid ut tit lr ili'gunl KMdinit1 1111 stnll circle from la tn a oeloek. Ihiv wimas-slsted bv Mrs.

Mnndersoii, Mu Hub, Mi h. I Wullhaii, Mrs. Ciiinernn, Mis. John Mtli an, I Mrs Wharton, Mrs Ihiodore Ho i'evi It, Mis. Julian Juints, Mis Helium) stmer, Mis Cabot lodge, Mrs ulatei, Miss ilnvun, Miss Warder, Miss 1 eper and Mlssbtuigls Ihe list or cullirs luelulul id irt) nil liu ufllclals wholndprovlutisl) Mslted the' WI1II1 llousi'.

In aecorilatico with tlm usual custom tlm Seeritary of Itatogno bri tkiest lu mur I I tho mi'iubi rsof the Hlpk illr turps I'u-modi 111 ly aiti rthiy had paid llielr respeets to the President, Mrs. James (1 lllnlne was icpirsented oy Miss Blaine. 'I hi bieuklasl is I Unwed In a riceptlon wblih was ltrgelv ulteniled Miss Blaine was assisted In reeilvlug by Mrs Dimroseh, Mrs. and Miss emu ion, Virs llule, Mis. and Miss I oilgu, Mrs liartuu, Ml Hay, Mrs.

Huldekoptr, Mrs. si iter, Mis Hodgers, Mrs lllalr lie, Mrs and Miss Ipxi-i-tell. Miss Blown, Miss stunt. Miss Ultii, Miss Wilson, ss Warder, Miss Plnthut, Jllss Juuies, Miss Mnirls.ind Ml-bstuigls Large receptions 'ero also held b) Ihe Hdlis of the lamPI of the other members of tbo President's eablntt. Mrs.

and Mls Fnsttr wire ssslstrd Mrs Hamtitl 'Ihniiias, of Nework, Miss Wouls, dntuhter or tho lain Justho; tlm wile aud daughter 01 nenator llrlte; lho wlio and ilaughttr of Major It Parker, Mrs Jiremlih Wilson, Mrs William lla)wuid, Mrs. and Miss Harlot, and Mis. llutlmattt Mr. Nobl was asslsttd oy tho Misses 11 il-hteud, Mrs. and Miss llatelu lloi, Mrs.

Auikn-reld, Miss Ida Iliompson, tho Misses Hutch-lustiii. Miss Mattlngly. Miss I Iniulu and Miss hustir, 01 I hlcae'o. 1 he hitter joiiu, ludy Is anbeuof Mih ble, uui will be her guest foi thuHusm, Mrs. Hklustlld nut hold reception she left hern tblsuttirnuoii mr Sew inrk.

whniuo she will return the latter part of tho week with hi eldest daiightir. Mrs Wllmerdlng us assisted b) hei aunt, Mra. Cillln, or HiookUu, and Mesdumes Hum-sa), '1. II. Mason, llenrv May, I nil M11), Hele), Ifasmoiut, 1 rank lllgga and Del Mouli.

Mis. Husk was agisted In Mesdames John I Mitchell, ManK) Brown, Dlininlc, Parktr, I him is llliigs Ml-s Ifkgs, Mis stldmnie und the Misses "cldimiii, Pruetur und Husk Mrs. Wuiiainakei was assist, it bj lur Mis. I hnuiiis il tanu-niiikrr; Mr. and Mrs Paul lliuunisoii, nf l'lilluihlphli, Mrs la dine, of l)i troll Mi Mi igan, ui I'lilladelplila, guests at the house and vllss Watiamukei.

Mtoinej-Oeneinl uud Mrs Miller wero assisted In 11 uivlng b) Mrs Ji I111 Main, of Itull mu; the Mlsnes km duughleis of Mr. Jihn lav Knox, of v.ork; Mrs 1 ait aud slstir, Miss llernm.of elniliuiull, ihe wlh nmlihiugli.eisot Judge Willi tm Muni), Mrs litiilland Mrs hut nveirl li Mrs. irisp, wl euf Ihe sin akt did not re-iclte to-day, owing to the Illness or hel hils-buml. IS THE THtHTEEUTi HBTIN. Editor Baqnall Swells tho Hastings Horror Death Koll.

It was sad homo coming that of Juhu It. lluguull, eilttor of the Pouglikiepsle tUenlnu 1 lie had started on chilitiuns 1 vu for his homo to spend tho holiday seuton tbt re, and wustt passenger ou Nlugarn Lxpress, hit was Clashed Into b) the M. louls hxprthsin the New lork Cintrnl Hall. ruid nl Hastings, who 1 eljltt were killed out- right and man) Injun il, I Iluguall wusonuuf Ihoso win weiodangoi-J ousl) hurt, l-uttr of lho lnjuied dledshoitly I ultei the eolllslnn, Ineienslng tho lu twelve, Biiguull was tho unlilek) tlilr. tteuth.

lie tiled lilo jesterday ufttrnnon at St. John's Hospital, linkers, nud his bud) was shipped to Puughketipsle, whcie It us pic- pared for burial this morning, lhuhomotu hlcti tin limt 1 tmiitil tn t.ri,, 1 luiigid Into grhfw hui his shattered corpse us rui elvtil there Mis Baldwin, unothei turferer by tho collision, is Mill at tho unktrs llospl-tal. hhols wry low tn-ilo uud may pruiu to bt the lonrteenth vhllm nr the disaster. Braktman Hirrkk, 111 whuni Ihs Cnronei's Jur) plaied thu ihl-t blatui tur lho aitldmit, Is hulJ, Mirrtudir bluis'lt in-uiuiuivi. HlslrliU.ttorne) Piatt has tonser.tid not to oppose 1 mutlon to admit hint to ball, ind his counsel a)s he will, wlih tnu undir-Man Hug, produce him 1 lie tormiir will tuiiimli him vHhiut bill, and lustko l))k-man will bo a-kui ui, ial nim uu tmiids lu lho sum uf sj.uoo, whkh lleirkks rather will furnish tit in ml MupUViHirlu is, of the Central nnd, bis priiiilsed to surrender Augustus 0, mill, thu vouthltll 1 1 Hln ilesput eht vvl.11 Is ihaiuid as 111 iictessir) tu lltirkkseilme ofuihleel, ui onkt rs lu-mnriow.

Hi lumpuii) isln no burr) tn Ititrnluio tin uloek systt ui ils It Is lu use ror a shun dlstauti'i the Hudson Ithu div Islun, und will be 1 mi nihil as ui us l'ougliktepsk' uiilv.supt Vontlirissiijs. When the Wtsti htsu'i Cuunt) i.rund Juii Hints, Hi l-el ruar), llsiikt-ttoini) 1'latl will tlinl bol) tnlnvtstlguetlie. latiseul Ihe colll-i in, and ll Is mult rs ood that ho will ti) lu si cure tlit- Inilli inn ut ut the 1 ulliu ttnlralirthlils, irum l'rt-1 hut Dtpew down. Ihe llallinid lumpiu) isirileud b) Ih.i secrelun ot Wat us tar Pick as Jul), imio, tusialiei ihe brl lhe aeioss the 11 irlem at 1 1-outth ui iiiieus tu iiiako iiuvlgstluu umlu It -utir and isler, tin 11 by Usstnltig lho ithantosor di'U) and danger fiuiu aetldents 1 to tu trains Irom 01 eu dr iw, I lho iilitiailnii was (u liivehccii mndebi- fore Jin 1, the uidu 11 It his 1 1 Ignored etui tho semlilutue au lelfurt was'iiadt'tiicumpl) with th-minditt, anithecompaii) has not tiffin dun) explain-tlon uf Its eunduet. Murder by a Crlpp'etl Pauper.

BV ABSnCIATrO 1 Jan. 1. John Meeker, a resi-dint of the Sumiur Count) pi or 1-uiin, bkw out thebralusof Diputy htipt. Newton Huwu ytsterda) atteinisin. Mieei hid bien ou Ihe place slutc his legs were cut ulf by a tnln two )tars ago, and ulwj) seemed IKaceab'e How 0 arrived Wedntsday with a ihaiigeiif administration He told Mieku to du somi thing, and the latter replli sharpl) whiriupon tne ofilcir inreatened hliuwith punishment.

Jleikci, who 1 uu just move abuiit, hobbkdover to a ciruer, picked up a luudio shotgun and euiptli I lioth bariels luto Howe's houd, btatterlng his bialns In all directions Shot by tho Unknown Man In soino unexplained manner William Blnglc), nlnelttu )tars uld, of 'ihlrd avenue, was hit by a Millet Horn plstal tlndb)simo icrsm unUimvn. lhowotiid wasa slight our, how 1 ver, and after It was drvaaed li) an aubulamu suigeuu hlugley vremheme. I HAD A HOUGH TRIP ACROSS. i City of PariB Encountored I Galos nnd foggy Weather. I Ailellnu inlli One of Her I'imenxera I nnil tlluit to (Set Ashore.

rito Iniunu line sttamslilp city of Paris an 1 at her dot foot ot Christopher stree nt 10 o'clock this morning, after the slowest passage she has ever mule. MMK. AIlH ISA 1 11TI 'I hot lty or Puis wis dm WcdnesJj), and as the hiiuispiiss'd and she wai not sighted, lho fi lends ot tho pass-nprs on boirdbe-lame inxloin, fi It is unusual for the big lumanlliici to be lo igei lit 111 six us mi the 01 can that mini) thought she hud suiely 111. wllh nu aeildent. All da) )eslcrdiy tho tlerksnf tho Ininsn llnu wero beslegul by Incpilrers woirledovir tho ih lav.

Tho ibrks end at ired tu ilia) thoanxluy b) ij I ijr tbal th- citv ut Puns had lift llvoipoil a div late, and consistently was not moic tehltid time than was to be I'spetted ut this siason nt the )i ur. Hut us the illy or Paris vis not sighttd until l.l.r in lo this morning there were hutiditds uhiuwokoat da)llht with tear In tlulr heurls, und wlienlhi) harned that tho Ionian liner had nl last arrli Iheyniadu busty tol'itsand huril-d uwaj lo 1110 dock. Ihe ha-'e lud been unuecessiry, however, and tin) hul .1 long wait lietun thovosel as do ked the It) of Pails time up tho Hver M10 ill 1 not beut an) appearani 0 of having passed through seven stoims, and but fur hir brlno-1 ncriisted siuokeslm t.s, looked as though sbo ha I Just coin otf llle div dm k. Muilumii Aibllua I'ntllwi one ot the tlrst pa-sengeis in disembark, mid us shn (unio over Ihtigangpl ink she, was saying lo Manager VblM) "Oh It wasa terrible vu)ige so rough I lain. Wulklus himself suld It wus tLe riiiigliesiMi)iigi lho (llvor Pirls had evei ospirlciui'd Uu he uliliil, "shi'ssnbU nil slaiuh tint

wnuld bci 11 seveiu strain tut 1 smaller vessi 1 washarul) felt bv her. "Wo wire dela)od twelve hours lu I lvei-piolbytln tog, indufti weilldge'lawii) inul tueeisslnn ui mil mil head winds vv lilt li iiisdo 1 lie running very sliw 1 ue lug uttd thui the Mist ila) out we rnn onl ,1111 miles, the stumd day .101, the third .111, lho fuiliih the llllh 457, tne slxllHhj, tne hOHiitli and thu lust mm. Wi snlM lat liuuantlneul this 111 rtilug I he 1 xui time ot tho Tojage wus 7 da) 3, to linuis und 11) mliiuios" On lilt-din lust the 1 llv ut Pails Mghtetl signals ui iltstitss living from tlm mi imer llindeir tlly. When sbo mule alongslilo inpi. Watklns wasiuiurmid by apt.

11 ivltr, or tho I lamhrr ll), Hut lho latter siuuehlu- en wusi lsiblid lho I lutidtrr City lift this port on tin 17ih lust, for Bristol, Higliu I 110r1tlng lu Home of lho passengeis he strain is sullkli nt 10 spring the woudwotk lot tho rorwunl loiuptnlun-w ly on 1 lip st.11- buard slilu, ami suiiiu small ci at ks wer In bo I si 111 Ihtie, itil utlurwlsii tho(ll)nf purls Isire no marks of tho stuims sho pissed thtough, 1111 such 1111 old sailor us Mine. Pat 1 1 found It dt shut le lu (uke sumo nr her minis 1 lu her nuin, Hid Ihn was oul) ui 1 dm lug tin ii, list huiila) tint II was pusslb.e tor passengers tu make lliilrap. peir uieiMii, ilnK. Mine. Paul is the onlv wuman on board win was 1101 in dining the si ven dn)s, and but 11, hi men an sii) is much sg Mi Mini Is 11 t.o sillnr, to), and ho und Ills li aiillliil wlie app aied tin di ek wh nil tuu nth) passuikirs wtroconllned lo lho silnuns mil mill suuiirnni "Muii.Pulll wus as iv us nl nl.

nil the Push Mlliei, but thu roll-Itignr Ibo slilii iiudi ll Impossible to have a innei in 1 niiv uthti luriu or tntertulumeut on Hits nip" Miinugci lleni) P. Abbpv was at tho dock tiiiueit the gnat song, miss, mil as sumi as he i oul I gu hu oil Ih-Vissel hi huiiled Mine I'altl und Mg Me llnl lutu uea'ilige und Hit tie tli lieu to Mm Windsor Hotel inn I llv or Pails hiiitijht 1,17 Iltst-eliss uibln i issi ngus, sn luilio sicjiuleublu and "h7 111 the wlteiuge, Muoiitr tho isst ngers, besides Mine Pittl mm -sig, wire iig. Muni una slgnoni hiiim and signuiu Noara, Mine. 1 Ubrl and ilaughttr, lord H0111II), nliusu ruber was tui ik ti tu ile uli lisi May in Ills I ii'idun limisi tliiuugli tho upselllogor a puriniiio lump, Josepb itothsth Id, Willi uu ll thin in, IMjd Aspliiwill, viu iiauni Isiei, It. II lituril, Mi.

and Mrs 1. 1 llnl, 11. 'Lie piesttii trip 01 tlm 1 llv 1 Purls Is an extiaiiht she was to have been tuktn out nt timunlssloii fni the Wlutt miiiiths, lint this wusdiliDid wh-11 Paltl and heriouipaii) cu-gaLpi passigi. Iheiistist nip ever made h) thcit) uf Puis was on me vmago 1 ndlng IhHIi, when she 111 vlu the 1 uu limn It Uns Pi Hit to tho Mini) Hoik Ughtsul.i In ,1 da), in hours and 18 iiipiutis. liu average time Is 11 div.

7 hours and sni mlnu'es. I till the vii) age Just indid she wus lo have sailed Hum livupuol WidnesiM), Die bin owing tlies rug did no gu uwa) tinlll 7 I', 1 hui Mia). 1 Irish Pross View or tbo Plow.Up at Dub In Castlo 1 ipt a) no lATi 11 em si I Hi bus, Inn. 1. -lb I'jnm (liidipm- dt nl consul itlv coiiimenllng upon vester- da)'s vplosl 111 at Dublin e'ssllc, admits thai ll is Impossible lu ittiluuic pulltli il uinllvis tu lho UIT.1I1.

Nd lu ago, the ftjjrex sa)s, in evpluslu.i won il have bun a uud luvesiim nt und would have bruiibbt il llirs trim AmukM, but slneu that mo that s'jle ut pulltli il ivuirnic li isussul In pi), liu ptrwuis whu wut inriueil) engagiil I id). numlie polities hive ur iric it )iuts luund thili uu up it km mi 11 'I hi! iltlu, ill I ur ihe Mcc'iilln- 1 His, si)nlt is not think lho eplusio 1 eun iitlrlbiitul to aieliluii 1111. idoubtidl) the lilsgramul and act I or some blnckgu ird lor wlih It would bu uu. just tn hoi I the Irish pioplu rtspoiisiok. 1 '1 hero Is nu doubt, tin piptr m)s, 11, it tbc 'lorltswlll ti) to nuke iMlle il uipllal out or tho explosion, 'llut would Im ven willing to saulllto a lew ot glass rruu tin Castle windows rnr lho saku or bilng tin.

ulshidwlth uu argument against granting home rule tu Irelaud No Gaels for trie Report of tbo Pope's Assassination, Inv Atinrf atkii rnvti Hour, Jin. l. som surprise has been ec- 'casloiud luro b) tho reulpt inble ile-spal dies rum Montr) aland oihu places lo C'anail 1 and the I tilted anxiously In-tiutrlu. as to the truth or a rumir lu eiretila. tlon In I hat part 01 the -worll that ihe Pujic had en assassinated.

It Is unknown lieru how thorumoi oilginaltil. It ceitalnl) had no buds lu truth. IMlLflHLaMHiiiilMM MURDERED BY Ti THUGS. A Man Beaten, Robbed and Thrown Into Harlom River. The Victim Is Unknown, but Ills Assullitnts Aro Prisoners.

What the polite believe to be a brutal murder wis peris-lrated lu Harlem enny this 1 morning, a drunken man was wa)lald, beateu und robbed and then thrown Into tho Kast Itlver by a gangot desperate hlghwu). me 11. tour of the gang have atieady been ar-rested, and among tue.n the supposed nmi-dtrers. '1 ho erlni" was committed about a a. and was b) llcnr) C.

'lunrer, a paper-hanger, or Mis host 0110 Hundred and llilrt)-slitU stnet, who was cuinlng across tliu hecond avenuo bridge at tho lie sa)s that he Ilrat tw thoniurtlered man standing at lho cornel yf Hi eund avi lino and one Hundred und Twcut) -ninth stieei. lie seeiiitd to be vu; niucli luluxkated. I While he wui standing tluro two men came 1 from tho opposite. sjB of lho street and ae- 1 eusled him. Ihe- drunken man matlj nu reply, und then imoof tho two men strut him Hi the face, knot king him down.

'Ihe other klekul uud struck the prostrate nun repeatedly while ho was 1) lug on tho Ibldiwalk. 'lho litter struggled to his feet I and staggered acress the street lo tho Hecond uv eiitte bridge, when the two rufllansattatkid him again, and knocked him Jowu, kicking him iniu inseuslblllt). then they rlllel his potkets and, picking I up his uly, ein led It out on Uu pier under the brldgi, whero the) laid It uu the strlug- ph e. 'I hue they left it and ran iiAay. I V.

mument afterwards there was a splash, and the man's bed) had dlsappeaicd Hum tho 1 atrlngpleee lu tho waters of the Harlem liivir. 'liirnci ran upto'Ihlrd avenue and finally found Poikeman Piatt, of tho llarlom squad, atone Hundred and 'Iwnnty-elghth atreet. lie told him what had been seen, nnd he nnd tho policeman went baik to look for the tndy. The) found It floating beside tho dock und dragged Itushoie. Tho min was apparently a laborer and wmetwo full suits ot clothes ltlstiuocr-taln vet whether he died from the Injuries he reeilved from the footpads or was drowned 1 limn tho description given by Turner Detectives Wade und Mott, nf tapt.

Wester, veil's siptad, rested this moinlng John Id Illy, atlas "Pop," twenty-six years old, who lives In West one Hundred and Twenty, tllltli htreet, and Idward Pooling, alias ltlck," aged twcnt)-threc, of 10 West One Hundred and Tlilrtj.fourtb street. The) aie well-known dock rals and belong to a gang uf desperadois in that vicinity, 1 rhomas MoMahou and Wllllim McAllister, two other niembcis of the gang, were also nnesled 'I timer has Identified Itellly and Pooling as tbo assailants of tho inuiuered man. 'lhey wire all held without ball when arraigned at Ihe Hui leni ourt this morning. The coroner has been notified lo Investigate the case. The dead min Is about thlri)-nve )iars old, wl'h dark hall and leddhb brown inus-taihe.

llewuroaii ouNldo suit of blatk and Inslda ot that an old gray suit. Ho nlso oro a led and white striped lie, lncod shrei, gra) stockings and aginy lawn loniUshlrt, PREPARE FOI GOLD WEATHER. Forecaster Dunn's Menu Calls for Snow aud Sleet. Ilnlldaji. nevci disturb the serenlt) ot I ocal tuieeastcr Dunn, lib sat in his o)rlo In thi top-lolt) parloi of the Building this morning llguilng oul what he could promise New orkers In the Hue of weather tor New Veai's Day nnd 11 lew da) utter.

I I Ids Is tho ulugk ilmenu Jlr. Dunu laid out lor tho next tow da) A whirling btorm ol sleet, snow and rain, whkh now icutics In the like regions Is closing rapldl) towards the tlaotlc states, and It will swoop down on tasteinois Just all nil night. I'utlltiiui Noworker's will revel In the mi How, warmish weather that now prevails, li wasyjabue nro nt MuclutU this morning, and that llguie was softeutd tu UH uuove nt IIUCll 'Ihetendenev of the capricious bubble In tho turometci Is tu bob up even a lew de-gltis higher until the utdo blasts uf Bircas ciiiiii) bi inielngln upon the elt) irom tho wide and wiully Wesl. men 11 wii 00 nine to unng 0111 ulsters nnd tiir-mtills, lurotisuur Duiiu declares It la gilug tu be "cllnkir" lu thu wuy of trlldity liu elillllcst spot In Ihe country to-day Is Mlnnedosn, Manitoba, wheie noses aie bilng fiust-blllen lu an atmuspneio dtgrees be-lownro. Allovtr ihe tits telow zero, and thai is Hie -0, 1 ur weuther that Mi, 1 Dunn la) uut lor lor lho opening week of liifautle'oj IMAGINED A DOUBLE SUICIDE.

Police Find No Trace of the Tragedy Hoportod by Oapt Iioogan. ihe stateu Island poller, after a eareful seareh of the beach near lho Quarantine sta-llun, have come to the coiirlusluu that apt, he gin, of the hialthculler Hcorge c. Presto 1, ami lil dtckhtnd, Ldward rnwroid, must havo bu-n mistaken when ihe) thought the) wltnt-stdadoublesukiilolheio jesier. da) aftt moo 1. I nipt, hcoguu suld that he and his deik.

handsaw twu uiui walking up nndduwnibu beach fur to ig time, and apparently engaged lu uaihtsi conversation, that later he saw one man, nt what he belkvei to lie a ruau, 1 lu Ihe wutir, iiisapoturliig hind foreuiust. ol I dub) hul was luund mi the bench. He did mo what liecamo 1 1 theulher limn 'IhJ Hei ut thu Mint wheru the) th uglit the) siw two iniu go djwu is ver) shallow at all limes, und 11 Is likely that nn. uno wiml 1 Mini tlml as a plate to tuuimtt sul-Utle. lliepuk'a have ruetlved 110 Iniulrlts 101 missing jursons Consretaman Stewart Very 1 1.

InT ASHIM 1A7FH PULSS 1 JoiikT, 111, Jan. 1. Lewis Stewart, Congressman ot this dlstt let, Is 1) lug dangerously I 111 at his homa In I'lanu, Kendall ounty. He was taken suddenl) 111 Wt tines Jusl us he is piepiilug toko to Waslilugiun. His re.

cour) Is cuisld led douniiul. His wire Hsu prostrate with two biokun libs und other injuries sustained by a tail lu Chicago last 1 wuk. Hor Ilrlilce Brolton by a Wave. 1 The ocean bleamshl.i Nevada ciiiic Into port this mornilug with her bridge smashed. It had bun struck by a heavy sea during the passage.

Her taptain, who wason It at the time, nassllghtl) Injured. A Drunken Mother Wields a Cheese-Knife. I Bridget Little, agul thirty-three, ot yoj.i Mccoad avenue, was held In 3U0 ball In the Harlem Polke Court thlc inoriiliiif on a harge ot iiegletlltig her children, who were committed to Uerry's aoctctj. When Agents Barkley and Mooro iveut tn arrest her sho I assaulted them with a big checsc-knlte, )CAPT. RALPH WARREN ASTRAY.

1 The Young Princeton Collegian Disappears in Washingtoni Ills Mind Allei'teil by Hurts Kecetvoil In the Yale Football CJnme. A despatch from Washington Ibis morning staled that Halph II. W'arren, the well-known 1 Prlnci-tou College Jtuilir and football player, 1 had iu)Steilously dlsappeired from tho home of tieoigo 1. Piazer, ot MOt.l Hlljer place, a college chum whose gtiC3t he had boen since MondJ). I'Vlr.

MAlril II. WAKKRS. oung Warren hid been ulllng since Tues-da), and instead of attending the Princeton (Jlee Club concert he slept nil ivmlng. The, following morulng he arose at 7 oeloek and left tho house, su) hg that he was going for a short ulk. He did not reHu n.

lit tret Ives wero sot to work to ferret out Ibo )oung man's v.kerealnuU, but the only tluethe) discovered v. as Inform itlon to the elicit lint In hud been sem Wednesda) urternuoti wandeilng near lue oologlcal Oatdens. When ho dlsappeaicd Warren hid about SCO tu his pockets Ills friend Irazcr Isln, cllued to believe thai Warren's mind has be-ccimatlictedas a rtsult ot worry over the fuel that ho was behind lu his studies. 011ng Murren, who is particularly remembered lu this city as the hindsomecap. tal" of tho Tiger football team In their un-succi'SSiUl battle with Ynle on the Polo (Irounds on thanksgiving llay, lived with his father.

Dorm in I. arrrn, in the Cordova Plats, 170 West Plfth-uluth street. loan Kvrmso W'uuiu repoi tor who called there 1 hi morning, a brother of tho missing yotithsald that no Intelligence hadjetbeen received of the latter where abouls. I llalpb," ha said, may bo sunerln? from tho effei ts or a severe blow received on I tbo heudln Ha) game. Ihe Inlurles were pot serious, bul tliey s'emed 10 afT'ct his meinoiy, which has since been a blank at times, and It la quite probable that, he has st roved off In one of these spells.

1 I "Mr. lorrey, an uncle, has gone Washington for tho purpose of finding him, and wo hope soon to receive word that lie has turned I up all right." Noting Wairon Is In his twent)-flrst year and belongs to the Princeton class of 'til. Ile graduated at I awrencevlle, where he won quite a name for himself as a football plaver. When he entered Princeton, Capt. "Nuake" Adams, then In command of the I Tiger elevi 11, put him on the right of the scrub team, and In tho Harvard games at C'ambildgo In lSHsandat Beil.ele) Ova) the following jeai ho wus a regular rlayer, achieving sptclal distinction in tbo latter game b) bis billllaiit work.

1 onuiruuntot sickness he took nnjiartln1 tho early game uf the season nt 1H0Q but pla)ed In the 1.1k game on llunksglvlng l)a) ot thu) veur without performing especially good work. I Warren wns elected ea'itnln of the Prince-ton team whin lllggs resigned In October last, and wns one ot tht prlnelpil Princeton players In the great game on Thanksgiving llav. He resigned, however, th'i lie a dav and wus suieec ed by Philip King. TO TESTTRE MONITOR'S GUNS. The Big Miantonoinoh Steams Up Long Island Sound.

lho monitor Mlanlonomoh, capt. Mom. 1 gumei) hlcard commanding, sleuined awu) nom tho Bruokl)u Nav)-1aul tn-tlaj, bound lor llanllner's llav, suutliol Plsher's lslutid, lnig Island Suund. fcho sails undei orders from tho Navy Department 10 test lho teii dllfeieut guns whkh 1 constitute Ihe Miantoui limb's arm iiuent. Tho chief Interest In the Munltot's move-meuthlks In lho fuel thut ihe test uboul to made will bo the first uuc In thehlstoiy ot ihe United Mutes Navy when large rules, such as the Mlictouomob mules, have been mounted and tired cu board a eoist-duense I vescl.

I lo many minds this test Is not without danger to tho gunners and o'hers on thu There Is ulwujsthu duogtrof ex-pl)slon, tilbtlt the guns havu biou prevlousl) tlt ,1 nil Sit. I H. lbo 0 aio lour ten-Inch breeth-loadlng gun, iwucaeh uelng plaied In the 1010 una all turrets; iwn Hoieiiklss te-VolUiig caiitious, and twoul llle, new D.lggs-helirutdii 1 ail. -ire gnus, lho last nauied aio new line iliohs uf Aiuuleaii lialnl uni-eers. I cupl.

Mianl nud nu Lvsnim, Would h-poitel lu-da) thai ue wouid muku an lur the nlglil houu utur passing I'uuugh Hill (lull lun atieruum, una it.iuhi uau) euii) it-iiuiitw nun ulug 101 uuiul.ius Bay, W11U hu txpee led tort aene ail) la Iheunei-111 uu. 'Inn guns, ho added, wuuld not bu fully tested until ur lutmiuy next. Whe 1 mi" lesl Is lumpklid 1I10 Mlantuuo-inuu will 1 etui 11 10 1110 ik I) 11 und dipt, will seud Ills re purl lu WusUlngluu. DR. PERRY DENIES MALPRACTICE.

Mr. Woavor'a Death faald to bo Due to Natural Causes. Ihe WesniiliD-seventh street polke this moinlng iiuiltlcd cuioner ischulue luui his pitseuee was ikslrcd at .1 11 West turty-sui-und street, b) L. li. Weaver, whose dltu suddenl) last night, ilr.

Wcaui to.d Capt. cross that he ik-sliul inuutips) ptrluiuiet, us his wile had bull iileuitid b) Dr. Julius L. leu), uf Mlxlii uveMit and ruro-suteiilli slieet, wh 1, he elalinid, had give 11 her su uveldjse uf Uu dk Hie. Dr, lurytuld uu hxsisa Womn renurtir Ibis itlteiuuu 1 that he atluiidcd aim Weuui ilouda), whutshe gut I'll ill 111 nenlld.

lho use 01 iiistiumeuin Ifeauo inees-i-ar), sul mease lui suilennghe piescilbod uuid)Le uud ten drops ui lauJiuum In wuet-Wodueidi), Dr. leri) said. Mis. Weaver was taken wliu pjtrieral uvei.iiom wulea sh''dkd. 'lli'ie wus notlgu bloo l-petson.

Ing. 111. Pirr) sajs ho adtlsed Weaver lo I mil In W. 1'. Itisk and A.

Mat will, well. I known prulCaSJIS lu OlStltilCa. hi 1 W-arti piomlsid to do, bul cvldjuil) 111. glected Coronor Shea Assumes Office. Coroner James shea assumed uftke to.

day, rephiilug Daniel Hanly on thu Board if Coronets, lie was warml) at tho lurouurs' Uflko this moinlng bythoulher oniclals. Dr. Charcot ButTerlnir fro-n an Influenza Attnct. rr ASsnciiTin raco Pauis, Jan, j. Ur.

t'h reot, ilm dUtln-Ctilshed 1 reach ph)hlclau, lisutrerlng from a seviru attack of Innueiiio, Blaze In a Tonement Cellar. Klre at 4.13 1. u. in the collar of carmine street, a tenement house, was extinguished utter frightening the tenants, but caused little damage. 9i 4.

85 AMI 30 WFflT NTitEI'T Saturday Is Children's Day, with SPECIAL BARGAINS in BOYS' CLOTHING and MISSES' CLOAKS and DRESSES REPUBLICANS GETTING OUT. Two Rural Doolcmaatera Kesign Their $1,800 Positions. First Fruits of Democratic Control of the rftate Senate. Duo ot tho loe-al results of the Demociacy's sueeesa In securing eontrol of the btato Senate has been to render the l)oek Depart-tnent of this city lnaeeure as a place of refuge for thn up-country llepuhllean po'ltlclans. Almost eyer Mnce tho Department aa cslab-llahcd, although 1(8 administration has eiei boen Democratic, Itepublloan politlelans from the provincial districts hato bhaied In Ita A favorite podltlon with them has been tint ot Dockmasler, and no later than thice jears ago marly every one of tho thirteen a brother ur other lelatno or a fileud ot souio ltepubllean Sena.

tor or other ltepubllean 1-cglblalor. Among them nere brothers of Senators coggeshall and hmln and of Oen. James V. Ilusted, 1 hs pretenee of so many rural ltepubllcuns In fat beiths, hkh naturally should bo filled b) tlty Democrats, has oecailoncd mueh unfavorable comment, and has glten color to the statement that thoy were kepi In ofllco as Ihe pileeot luvouiblo legislation at Albam. lu lact, ibat tho ltepubllean majority In thu Senate rtfused lu fur inu DoekDe.

mint in to pasi uiiiuvor.iblo inejfciues unless hi utile 1 1), nneles and cousins nire kipi In nho eas) berths hiro they could drun giod salaries without beln'ovei-Mnrkcd Mlth tho eontrol of tho Senile b) tho UeiHocracj.lho 'pull" or tlm liepublleau Doekmisterj pissul nway, and laiuuiany mtnwh) hao longed fui the. fat plums, ul-uvs berelif ro bejond theli imic.i, mm have a prospeet of being rewarded tilth them. It nt tdt no reminder to Dnckmasteis tog-Kesinjll and l-mln, burthen uf lho tnultt-pttbltuui i aders in the seuatc, that their binlietneio nu lunger anted. When tlm tuurtuf Appeals dte'ldtd thu eleo-. tlon eases wlileh ulljiiel tli Dim lei itto lhl 'iy realized that lho Uja t-opt them In nniee hUlieno iias nu lougtr aniilabm and i the) hau li signed.

Panic healion, a M'lth UMilct brao, lias Leni named lur uno of tho uieanele-i I li nt preseut a subi)ieua-seiei lu the lilv i irlct-utoriiev'soilki. lho sular) nf a doekuiasterls a ear. MTOHL JUMPS HIS il. I His Sentence to Sing Sing Affirmed, but Ho Is Gone. Dr.

Henr) J. Mcaonl gal, wuos sentence of tout teru ears' imprisonment foi enuslng the death b) ilpraetleo uf nnle Uoodnln.tho prett) elgaiotto girl, has been eon-1 llrniod b) thodeneial leim ot tho hiipreme Isafugttho Hum justice. Dr. Meilunlgnl us seen In the city ednes-tli i telling, and It supposed that ho )yas litre )esti i da), bul as boon as he heaid tho judgment as against him he skipped out. liis'nilor ll)rntb's inkers Into fulled tu find an) truiooi tho convicted man.

and tils ball will, of eourse. lorftlted. Hi nils admitted tu bull li the low sura of ui his bund.smau, David K. Cueks, 1 llusut lho hntisu of hreeman, a friend olJH, MeOonUal, at l.ll West lino Ilundied and '1 net tj.uwmtli htieet. I lu.

Mci.uiilgal calk'd uu WedneuU) tteu- Ing, but I U3ht kiuw Khere he Is now, "bald I Mio liecuun. I du not know wheie lu Uud Mt. Cicks, who Is a una 11 man with big biard, pit undid lo I snip istd thai Dr. le-Uoi lgl im I mil suiiendeud nlmself )et. "If ml )un luuw thai It ls)otii duly tu pr dueo the halite whihDci wuuted, and I that he Is not jurlsdlellen wlih-util luui ktiun ledger asked ihe lepouei.

ldldu i know thu." was Mr. lutkVs rujil), as If he wa much nlghiened And dJii'i juii know wneio Di. McGoal. kalis now 1 M) I den even know here his nnin Is. lu fail, Dr.

MiOonlgul wus uu entire idiangu tu me I lit un his bund ul thn dleltallon uibjiueul ui) tumult! whu buld hi a un honutab.o mini. mi I oel.s waited the leporler to Delicto Ibailie was tulrillj Ignorant ut the lact that his bond wuuld bo luiielted, uud bo wild in hi i iu.1.1 aidi) III to nyut, out nun am hoi. Im lho doctor." I he lepurier pul mis blunt ip.iesllon to Mr. Cicks; Did Dr. Mtifiinlgdl pi) 'sum b'sld's lo Indemnliy jou lu case ho woind inn una) he dldu i Lord no, I didn't get 1 Ml.

fockjuddid that ho would swear toll. Anorry unci Stabbed a Woman. Heniy I.ano and His Christina Bolls, luairellid about buino trilling mailer lu lho hallw ur of tlulr mi, 1101) llioadwii), HrooMyn, this muinlng, 1 alio became en. und slabbed lho woinin In Ihe right arm. lie as arrtsted.

Caught Fire frsm a Christinas T'eo A htutmas tree taught llio this moinlig lu the lesldonca ol tJeiigu H. u'i brunt at llio Decatur strrot, l.roiklyn, and damaged" thu tuinliuie lu the extent ui Sheriff Norton Taken efface. James Nurton, the BherlH-elcct ol tiueens County, took charge of his office at noon to- RUPTURE CURED. Tha imprnTPd tlaitio trua tha only trntt la -ItUnie tht wiitn with lQluto comfort nithl ID tl It retain th ruptura under tha hardait pivrcite or deTerwt strain, and tli aftect a pertain nant and Hpeedy cure without regard to tha ace ol the patient t-ntninattun tree Lady In attendance lur ladiPH isn tor painnhlet JM IMPROVED KLAHIO THUfiR 00 J23 and e'ji Broadway, corner Uth at New York. MISCUA'EOUS.

ONE rel and one white cm? and onVblaak calf for aate at the Public Pound, No 2354 Arthur ave un Jan 1, 1HUJ, If not aold re-tal'ad A1 nOVOUUh, PauudmaBtei. PI CO lq tun weekftt $1 00 I I 43 lerlm V. Med Bureaa Uo William at wSewYorK. iMia i INSTRUCTION. OTENbliltAPIIY and IjtpenrltTni leimm, Ul Mroadwtr, A yr urtvru SPORTING HtUDSON COUmV JOllfhY CLUBN01lCll HerRen, N.

lltcing very day, ralu or shin 1 raod at 1 I. Iloita from Uarclav. Cliriftoplier, 14lli and 4 1 at iounet.t!i wttn can direct lg tract rt lll'l I.UKAD, Hencury FLATS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. Furnished Miscellaneous. JF'LATs furnUhM and iinfnmmhel in all naiti cu all, new lurmture Ivnaw 1, I lagg, 101 cat BISHOP LOUGHLIN'S GORKGL the Prelate's Body Ib to Be Moved to the Cathedral.

Many people thllcdthe eplcopal resldeuia nttlieeno nnd tltrniont avenues, HiooUlju, till, fuieuou lu Mew tlw i nulnuf IlUhop I I lch wura plaeod In i ashet early this marnliig 'i ho gent il public is noi admlltoj after iy oclock, aril tho sticet hefoie the house was crowded with jcuple, and eiesSlonsof sorrow wero hei.rd ou every haLd 'Hit arraiifrtiuiuts for tho obsequies as eomph ted arc loi the removal of the hoJy to the St Jamts I'ro-Uithtdralat JtMocL thU afteruoon, tho cleigi nnd the pall-h tr is to meet at the epl-eopal at 2 o'clock. Tho pull-he uer. uicuiupui) tho hearse, and lull 15,000 people will form the mueral pioic-slon thil follows as anangedby Rer. lather Thomas laaTe, of M. 1'atrlck's thurcli, and lie.

J. A. llartt ett, of St. John'i Churih. Lnder tho direction of r.

J. Keener, thi cortege wui moicln the follow Ing order: hq la 1 of Mounted I'ollce Orprana tno lioieft Irom the Different H) llllll lIeare, Drattu liy tmir llorsea Covered with l.lack lminiiiKa l'all-Ileircra IteT Mlvtihier Maloue. Re Ed. nard Cort.i lan, Kov i (tinned, Uev. .1 Moran, Iter Jaiue.) MlI nroi.

tllen Cote, 1.1 Itev. 1. Liutffley nml Itev Joieph llauber, toater'a Mttadoua, 1 tdwaril Iluike. ex.Kegtater liugll McLatiKlilit) ihoinan lannlii, ex Cnuirretsuian i e- lli uiiiulitdl. .1 Mahnn John tmol, 1.

V. H)ued, rilward 1 reel, lien McLeer, K. ex.Alittinnan (, II Mih.jl, Major Kleley, tl arkc, llnjl. Ur liirne, 1'. I Koeloy, f) stil I Iran, ltniatfrol Arrfaia Jphn el.

Mo. t.ulre, latili itiuoer. John I oiiKhran. Uemard tarlt, HeriLiitiauk, A hcliinunel, Joaeuli W. tnirt.ll, ilotiii Oeluiar and Jamea White.

L'terirt ol tho lliureao. Cathulli not.ietUa Citlzeua I he funeral Is lu charge of Undertaker Far-roll. 'IhucJsUl will lest until 10 o'clock to-ino, row morulng, the hour for the funeral strMccs, on eutarulque In tno centre aisle of theJay 'tieet cathedral, the head sllghtlr elevated. During the smites the bishops wl 1 bo sei'cdou platforms on either side ot thu ultur, and Ui cltrgy will oecup) the front suits lu the ui the church. AiCiiilslmp currlifan will celebrate the soli puniltlial mai-s assisted by very lice.

Mlehan May, AsoUnnt 1'ilesij Itev. Ihomn laudoand Hi v. M. Carroll, Deacons nr iionoi Itev. J.

Murine tt, c. Deaoon utMass: Itev. 1 J. Meamard, htib-deacon: Hovb. J.

Uruniiiii, M. and W. Kar rell, Masters ot ireiuonles; Heis, 'I. Mo. taHn vanil htrby, Aeoltes, and Revs.

J. Mallou and J. irK, enser Hearers. Ill-hop Miijuald will deliver tho eulogy. SHOT IN A SALODN.

Two Vor3lons of an Aflfray Threl Lookod Llko Murder, toroucr ttchultrc this morning took th statement of Janus Dave, ot 1)08 East fill, tleth street, who was bhot last night by 'Ihom is lu tho lattcr's taloon at oat 1 irst iiViiiui'. luvev sdd that ho wont Into the saloon with semi ti lends und ti quurnl ensued. thi. ntciitd in ll he wnu thoot Davey uiiltsslieleii thn i lace, 'lhen holan came I rum uclili.d tlm bar and shot blui. who is urrist awaiting the I result of Davty's luj lis, claims that Davey 'and his eouipiiilui.s di niuuded ireu drinks.

When leiustd, Dnvey thteateucd tu assault hlui slunshul, and shot In belt. definse. Davey's condition Is not regarded as very serious. Go to the Opera. 'Ihe curtain wll bo ning up at the Metropolitan o.icra.lluibu at 7.11 sharp to-night Ixcauseof the linjlh of tho performance of La I'luphete." Tire In a Peddlers' supply Store.

There wus 4 t.ioo lire ut 1 o'clock this morning In the 1 eddlers' supjil store ol Iler-munti Uottiled ui lUd llldge street. 1.

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