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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'ilsH I EsH SH 1 THE WORLD FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6, 1888. '''9 NOTED IN THE BALLROOM. TUB HENRI F. GREENE ASSOCIATION IN TAMMANY HALL. Money Put Where It Would Do the Moat Good ninrrlcil People linjoy Themselves nt Grand Army Ilnll David 8.

Ilrown 6c Kinployern Harp nn lintcrtaiu- 1 ment Hoclnblo German. Untieing. A pleasant dnnco 'was givon laBt night by tho Henry P. Grcouo Association at Tntu. ninny Hall.

No particular attention was paid to decorations, tho boys putting the money which might havo boen usod for such purposes Into fancy orders of dancing. John 1'. Boylo led tho grand march with Mrs. Morgan, followed by William D. Flynn with Mrs.

Kerns. Joseph P. Coyno was chairman of tho committco. Young Prof. Sauso was at his best as ho directed his orchestra.

Among the guests were Mrs. II. Wade, Mrs. J. Yonnir, Miss Kearns, Mrs.

Harry Qreene, Mis) K. Dowler, Mrs. L. Meek-man, Miss lluny. Miss Kate Duffy, Jltss Auua FsrrallT, Mlis Mclltieny, Miss A.

Duffy, Mlsa Emma Reynolds, ausb Annie Conncllr, tno MUies Canary, All's Annie ltoiettcr, tno llaes Lions, Mils Abtilo Davis, Mlsg K. O'Connor, Tne Misses ltjan, Mrs. M. O'llrlcn, Miss M. llurder, John II.

Hhauchncssr, James Kron, James Kngen, l'eter J. Latvlor, Andrew Koch, John J. Lawlur, John Lyons, Jorcph Duffy, John Hagcn, Jolin J. Htran, Tnoinas Cumnrtrfurd, Patrick McLarney, Wm. II.

Murpny, John W. IlHrry, Wm. Nugent, Justice Samxon Laciinun, Win. 1'anlan, John Karney. Wm.

IMirsell, Win. II. Brianloy, Edward P. Ilagen, Joseph Jlnrray, Jotin J. Glenn, Charles bnannou, Wm.

James, CleorRu W. Lee. Tho officers of tho association nro NThomaa Dorucy, President; Michael Duffy, Vice-President; James Young, Secretary; Cnarlca Wade, Flnancldl Secretary; James Iloiletter, lte-cordlne secretary; Henry F. Uiecne, Treasurer; John Davis, Kergeant-at-Arms. PETEB COOPEB TOST's BALL.

Tho annual ball of Peter Cooper Post, No. 682. G. A. took place last night at Nilsson Hall, and was numerously attended.

That it was a family affair, and that pcoplo went to it to havo a good, social timo, tho following list of married peoplo will show Mr. and Mrs. 1'atrlck Qates, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sllva, Mr.

and Mrs. Marvin II. Conklln, Mr. and Mrs. John M.

Uelckcrt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Ira D.

llawlej, Mr. and Mrs. ltobert M. Welch, Mr. and Mrs.

James J. Flood, Mr. and Mrs. Ktardon, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Marston, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas JIc-Namara, Mr. and Mrs. William Adams, Mr.

and Mrs. A. 8. Ostrauder, Mr. and Mrs.

Joan Davis, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kails, Mr. and Mrs.

Daniel P. Dowllne, Mr. and Mrs. P. J.

Stack, Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin, Mr. and Mrs. Matncw Stewart, Mr.

and Mrs. ltobert Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. P. II.

Downing, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Herman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles liegeman, Mr.

and Mrs. Edward V. Claus, Air. and Mrs. Daniel Springsteen, Mr.

and Mrs. George W. Lemaj, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald llDUtb, Mr.

and Mrs. Dart Cronln, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Farrcll, Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel Ueberson, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Iloberts, Mr. and Mrs.

Daniel McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gould and Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel McCullnm. DAVID S. BROWN EMPLOYEES. Tho employees of David S.

Drown Co. pavo a ball last night at Irving Hall. Thero was a largo nnd morry crowd present, and all appeared to enjoy themselves to their hearts' content. Tho following gentlemen aro ofll-cors of tho association J. W.

Brooks, President T. V. Ratter, Vice-President; J. Vancsmpt, Secretary; F. L.

Itoland, Treasurer. Floor Committee David S. Drown, Cnatrman; Thomas E. Barry, Robert J. btorey, John E.

Norman, Werner Ilonse. James McBrlde, John Morris, Charles M. Doran, Owen Mulligan. William Sprlngmcyer, Charles Overton, deception Committee I August Loeb, Chairman; John I. Broota, Lawrence Iloppe, Rudolph Btehlo, Henry Wolf, Plvmert Hoyt, William II.

llcClurc, Joseph Scott, It. Klce Minor. Among tho throng wero noticed Mr. and Mrs. David S.

Brown. Mr. and Mr. Deleplalne Brown, Herbert Booth King, Itudolph Stchle, Michael IX. lleln, M'ss Kllse Stehle, Miss Bella Loeb, Ml-s Jennlo Edwards, Miss Annie Itoonoy, Miss Mamie Koland, Miss Alauule Flynn, MUs Magglo Cosgrove, Mlsa Lizzie Cos-grove, Miss Iloaa Poppe, Miss Agnes Anderson, Miss Ilattle Snyder, Miss Carrie Iloppe, Miss Carrie Uackett, Mr.

Charles A. Iloppe, Mrs. J. W. Brooks, Assemblyman-elect W.

U. normdge, of the Twentieth District, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bower, Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Itoland, Owen Mulligan, Miss Mangle Bishop, Mr. William II. Bradley, MUs Mamie Bradley, Miss Eva Kochltr, Miss Tassie Monahan, Miss Mamie Monahan, Mlis Margaretta Koehlcr, Miss Mary McCarthy, Miss May Connor and Mrs. Kate Morris. SOCIABLE OEBMANS DANCINO.

The second annual ball of tho llittorhndor Freundschafts liuud took placo at the Ger- mania Assembly Itooms last night. Among the many guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Feldhuson, Mr. and Mrs.

Hy. D. Seldenbarir, Mr. and Mrs. Louis J.

Seng-stack. Mr. Henry J. Mr. and Mrs.

Dick Plumb, Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Scngstack, Miss Annlo Mocser, Mr. and Mrs.

John Wltten, D. Wtttsonec, Ever, O. Martin, n. Mehrtens, F. Knete, II.

Stemme. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pundt. John Hohorst, Mr.

and Mrs. F. Kvera, Mr. and Mrs. II.

Dosher, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gerdes, Mr. and Mrs.

U. Skdenbnrg, Mr. and Mrs. F. Melnken, Mr.

and Mrs. B. Mehrtens, Mr. and Mrs. D.

Thlelbahr, Miss Ilattle Sleden-burg. Miss M. Hohorst, MUs II. Sledenburg, Miss Mena Mehrtens, Miss Ida Weber, MUs Louisa Koster, Mtas Katie Ilagemeyer, MUs Lena Schul-ter, Miss Bertha Wltten, Miss L. Koch, MUs Mary Gplerlng, Miss Mary Honorst, Miss Katie Hohorst, 2Uu Annie Wltten and MUs Nettle Gerdes.

5 L'AMITIFS ANNUAL FEOLIO. Jolly Blauskers Stay Out the Nlbt In Dancing and The Lexington Avenue Open-House was nand- (omely decorated last evening, on the occasion ot tne niteenth annual masquerade ball of the Socldte Francaue L'Amltlo. Long lines of bunting fell from the central point of the celling, and were gracefully caught np at tho four corners. The galleries were handsomely draped, and the hall was brilliant with light. As early as 8 o'clock the crowds of maskers bo-M gan to throng Into the hall, swarmed up and down the stairways and Clled tne dressing-rooms.

The spirit of Jollity was In the air. Wraps once ro-, moved, the crowd, now rovcaled In every variety ot quaintly-fashioned and brilliantly colored costumes, passed Into the big ballroom, which soon became a moving mass ot brilliant color. it There were handsomely uniformed officers wear ing immense masks and protuberant noses, ladles Irom the court of Lonls XVI. neatly cos- tamed peasant girls, and dainty seflontas with tiack lace veils concealing their features. Every nation was represented uud every dlvUlon of hU-lory was Illustrated with appropriate costumes.

For an bonr there was the buzi and hnm of preparation, bat Anally, shortly after 10J o'clock, the orchestra clashed Into the measures ot the opening march. Then soldiers and courtiers, settorltos JJ and frSulems, peaaants nnd poet, too, If there THE WRONG GOAT. I would mend tho ho I im Vw l'n'nB l''8 overcoat, in I IbL. Jrfeto ak 'woW wet an- gw6Si other and loave that at I tL jMsB i home, and bo, as ho I 'iatl Ie lt' Bn too' ma I jipSwT 8k9 rom hall and car- SL 'nto uer sewing- I aKcaSn ffy ffln roora- iln. Wilton I ySWfSw' Y9b laud been married five i3Pi4vyl LIB years and uoverdurlng on I fltHnCwiBi tllftt t'mo ai at' ono tNsWKitf Tery acntivo, Tory inVi vmkSSsOkH 'Ul'' yery ecncroua, ar 'jH ySbivfflr and nover made her jealous.

She often said rm Bhewastho happiest woman living, oia 4A Now, as she looked at the lining and com-w Tared the silk with which she was about to replace tho torn portion, she was thinking HtheM thoughts. VH -They had never hod any children, but when aro all in all to each other that no a)lbrere wm for Mjh wero any, fell Into the procession that wound like a ralnbow-hued ribbon about the room. Finally tne orchestra changed the music Into a popular landers, and all these divers tints and colors were gunertu np Ino the dance, lightly shaken out again, crossed, recrosscd, and mingled Into a hundred figures, until the eye became wearied with the brilliancy of It. Tho ball was full ot anap and go. Floor Manager Ilitzer was everywhere, andllw.a early in the morning before tne Fifteenth Amnio ball gave up the ghost.

Coming KvcntH. Ball of Lincoln Lodge, 223, Knlzhts ot Webster Hall Wednesday evening, Jan. 11. Ball of Just In Time Lodge, No. 149, Brotherhood of Loiomoilve Firemen, Thursday evening, Jan.

li, at Tammany Hall. Put.llo Installation of officers and ball of Liberty Lodge, ill, K. of at Lexington Avenue Opera-House Wednesday evening, Jan. 11. Bill nnd reception of Ashland Lodge, 84, and Ashland Uniformed Division, C.Knlghisof Pythias, at Lyric Hall Friday evening, Jan.

n. Entertainment and reception of Standard Lodge, No. S19, A. a U.W. Assembly Booms, Twonty-alxih street aud Seventh avenue, Monday etcnlng, Jan.

9. IP THEY WERE ONLY KINGS. Wlint Certain People Would Do If Tbcy Killed Mnnliattnn Iilnuil. Tho members of Twilight Club met at Mor Clio's, In Twenty-ninth street, last night to eat, drink and bo merry and to give each one an opportunity to tell what he would do If ho wero King of Manhattan Island. It was "ladles' night, and the ladles were there In force.

Threo hundred persons sat down at the long tables. After the coffee President AbuerC. Thomas popped the question of the evening, What would you do if you were King of Manhattan Island." Secretary Cnarlca F. Wlngatc, howcier, before the answers came, read letters of regret. Max O'ltell wrote that ho bad slipped on iho aldewalk In Twenty-mnth atreet, and 11 made King ot Mauhuttan he would repavo that street.

Tnoinas U. Shearman said he had tomo little sense left, untl would resign irom bU present position. Mark Twain would draw his salary. W. II.

Merrill would have a long avenue lor pedestrians smokers on one slue, non-smokers ou tho utlicr. The speakers were all very happy. Gen. Wlngate said be would tcorganlze the pollco court system. Uev.

Dr. Williams haul he would pretty nearly turn Gotham Into a paradise. Mi's. Croly (Jennie June) said: "I couldn't bo King of Manhattan, but if 1 could bo Queen I would do as they do in Corea lock all the men up at twilight, lottbeladios go to the club, set tho men to sweeping the streets so they'd be nt for the ladles to walk on, put ventilators In the street-cars, start a training school for conductors, and insist on gentlemen standing somewhere besides on the very edge ot the platform. I would make the men stay at homo and tend babies, and the ladles would go out to the offices.

When we got tnere I don't know wnat we would do." Prof. Perkins, Eruat V. Dlchman, Mr. Have-meyer, Graham MacAdam, CoL Dawsou, T. F.

Packard and others contributed to the luod of entertainment with suggestions, serious and otherwise-Cot Dawson promised some big changes if he wero crowned King. He would encourage individual responsibility, do away with the organized body of 30,000 thieves which Infest the city, with their "pull." THE BIRDS' BACKERS FOUGHT ALSO. Brooklyn Snorts Take Dtonoy and Blood from Game Plttston Boys. Tho classic village of Greenville, N.J. made the neutral ground for a cocking mala Wednesday nlghu Some Plttston (Fa.) sporting men and well-known persons from Brooklyn arranged the meeting In November.

About twenty persons were present. Tho Brooklyn fowl won every battle, and after winning every dollar from the Pennsylvanlans the Brooklynltes wanted to fight them because they had no more, and on the way to Jersey City thero were half a dozen niehSes. Tne conditions of the main were that each side sbonld show fifteen cocks between 4 pounds a ounces and 0 pounds In weight, and to tight tnose that matched for tSO a battle and 400 on the odd fight. It was supposed that at least nine conples would fall In, as the weights had a wide range. When tne birds wero weighed, however, lt was found only seven fights could be listed.

The Journey of over two hundred miles had not improved the condition of the Plttston fowl, while lt was known tho Brooklyn birds were In prime condition, and from the best strains ot pit cocas In America. Tne fighting commenced at 11 o'clock, and ended at li yesterday morning. During this time four battles were fought. They were all won by Brooklyn, which decided the main, and as the visitors had bet their last dollar on tho tonrth fight, they could go no further. Both sides employed expert proicsslonsl handlers.

Casstdy.ofthu city, looked out for Pennsylvania, and Gibson, of Brooklyn, for tho Long Island fowl. Kansas City BUI officiated as Judge. Guard Ordered Out In Texas. Navasota, Jan. 6.

Gov. Ross last night ordered the Navasota Guards to bold themselves readiness to proceed to MadUonville to quell the disturbances resulting from the recent Bolo lynching. MadUonville the county seat ot MadUon County. It has no telegraphlo connection. A Btate of terror prevails tnere, owing to the bold murders and thefts committed by a gang ot horse and cattle thieves nnder the leadership of Bill Bolo, and known as the Bolo gang.

Judge Klttrell now holding court at Madisonville. Daring the exoltement growing out of a hearing npon a writ of habeas corpus in a murder cue the citizens openly attacked and killed Bolo on the street aud then canned two or hU lieutenants. Farther intelligence is anxiously awaited. Dr. GotT After Justice Vaughn.

Polloe Justice John Vaughn, of Richmond County, S. came very near being arrested last night by a deputy sheriff from thU city, armed with a warrant from the Supreme Court upon the application of Dr. GotT, who will be remembered In connection with the alleged abduetlon of Lizzie McKrruun. The oomplalnant sued Judge Vaughn for $20,000 as damages for false Imprisonment in the Richmond County Jail. Last evening, when the warrant was placed In the hands of the deputy sheriff, he started Immediately for Clifton, the residence where Judge Vaughn resides, but the Jndge was not to be found.

He said to be at Albany. Stnten Island Wants tbs Exhibition. SupervUor Jollno, ot the town of Westfleld, S. at a meeting of the Richmond Connty Board of Supervisors yesterdsy presented resolutions In reference to the International exhibition which It Is proposed to bold In 1893. The resolutions suggest that a site in Richmond County be selected, and that the co-operation of Congress, the Legislatures of New York and New Jersey, and tho officials of New York city, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Newark, N.

snd Ellabetn, N. be asked for. The matter was referred to a committee. Almond flleal the Ilest Shnn Llqnlds, Ztno Ointments, Grease PalnU, Ac, no matter how pretty or unique they are pot up. Use only simple things like Hum's Almond Meal Face PowDEii and Cold C'bkasc and yon will ilwivi hare a clear, healthy and beautiful skin.

Zlno, Lead, Chalk, Bismuth, MacneaU, Ac. all tend to harden and dry the Mxal. Mo.j Facx PowDxn, 25c: cold Ciixam, 16c HiKxn'a Auzbican Face Powdeu does Not oonUln one particle of Zinc, Lead, Chalk. BU-mutb. MicuesU or any Injnrloasinxreaient.

Sold almost everywhere. Wit, U.Hikeb A Sox, 353 Oth N. Hole Manufacturers. at "And ho is just tho dearest, best, truest fellow in tho world," said Evo Wilton to herself. I'm not half good enough for him.

I wonder what this Is in his pocket. It bulges all it out of shapo." BHo put her hand into tho breast pocket as sho spoke and drew out a little package, wrapped up in silver paper nnd tied with blue ribbon. "Something ho has bought forme, I expect." said Evo. I wonder what it is. I think I won't open it until he comes homo." Then sho laid the silk across the hole and cut it out nnd basted it down.

I wonder what it is," said she. It doesn't seom like a book. It might be laoe wound on a card real lace She iooked nt the package again. I do wonder what it is," said alio, hemming the patch down. "Thero wasn't much to mend, after all," sho said; "I thought the tear much longer.

He caught it on a nail at the oltlco, I know. Now I do wonder what thero can bo in that package." Evo put tho coat over a chair and took up tho little parcel. Tom wouldn't mind," she said i "I will Just take a peep. I'm sure it is for me." Then she undid the ribbon, unfolded the papor, and saw letters. Dear Tom," said she.

He tnuat keep my old letter next his heart, and be never baa told me." the.irrltiM ym aet as s4 tht lstff itstssftsilsifsVi rials. SPORTS OF TRACK AND RING. THERE IS A GOOD DEAL OP FIGHT IN OJIAMTION 8ULMVAN TET. lie Can Make the Heat Ilattle of IIU I.r III dinner. In a Flalil with Mllrlirll Jimmy (loldrn In Now York IM Ntnken Hells Captain "Carter Write Letter of Denial Ilnxlna at the M.

A. C. ULMVAN. tho great, xftW, training on Jon. 12 for JS-CP Tk his fight with Charluy tvTtS (Tv-rW111101'011' vhie1' is to fcji w) ItfVy n'te placo ou or about IIJW YJ Maroh 12.

Will tho big HMl3. fellow train And 32Sj1jP can he get Into form I lllll YV" n'tor nclu1-I geuccs ho has sup- I posed to havo allowed I himself? Those nro 110 Questions tho 33plpVEi5 American publio Is rS'flx' asking. No ono doubts "Stzr for a moment that tho Sj prido of Boston in anything like good condition can defeat Mitchell with case. But Sullivan is roported to bo in very bnd form. Ho pants after ho spars.

Ho is fat and beefy. Will somebody bring on a clover aud fast big boxor who won't puff after fow lively exchanges, especially when he's beefy To bo fat nnd istuffy under tho big fellow's present conditions of oxistenco tho finest living in tng-land and littlo work is tho bcHt possiblo iiroof of good health and enormouB strength, ono of good sense supposes the cx.chntn. pion is drinking now. Tho writer of this column was with Sullivan and Shocdy on thoir last tour of tho Continont. and more rigid tcototalers ho never saw.

Sullivan hat much moro at Btako now on his toinperato resolutions, aud ho would all but sacrifice i his life beforo ho would break the pledgo token before a Boston prieBt beforo be loft tho Hub. As to his condition, Dr. Thompson, of Pitts-burg, a gontleman who is ono of Billy Ed-watds's firmest friends, a first-class judge of fightors and onco a monagor of Ned O'Baldwin, corofully examined tho great pugilist when ho was in Pittsburg last. Ho is a greot man still, sir," was thodoc-tor's conciuBioti. "Never been overtrained.

No great unwieldy bunches of muscle to got out of tho way. He can make the fight of hisllfoany time tho next fivo years if he keeps ns ho is now. Dr. Thompson sums up tho opinions of tho best experts. In the fight Sullivan should have os good chances as Mitchell under tho London prize ring rules but for two things.

Mitchell is likely to havo tho refereo, and his father-in-law is almost certain of owning tho spectators. Tho committees named by tho President of tho National Amateur Skating Association, Mr. G. M. L.

Sacks. M. A. 0. to arrange for this year's championship meeting, are as follows: Programme Committoo for Fancy Skating Messrs.

Cooke. Rogers and Burr. On Speed Skating Messrs. Curtis, Phillips and Montgomery. Committee on Selection of Location for holding Championship Meetings on or nbout Jan.

21, 1888 Messrs. Montgomery, Walton, Jordan and Curtin. Si Just now is a good timo for joining tho Driving Club of New York. All members can particinoto in the winter sports of tho American Carnival Company, which aro being held on tho Fleetwood track grounds. Maurico Daly must havo a lazy streak, or else is doing better business than tho other room people about New York.

Why doesn't Daly niako that 600-points cushion caroms match with Billy Soxton.for 1.000 a.sido? Sexton is willing. Jimmy Golden, who gave Dominick McCaffrey a 5.000 light two years ago, is in New York. Miko Oleory says ho will bek Goidon against Fallon, Gabig or any other of tho heavy-weights that look liko him. Cleary is now in partnership with Miko Donohue, the ex-champion collar-and-elbow wrestler, in tho West Thirty-soventh street blacksmith shop. St Andy McCarthy, tho crack jookoy, is going to New Orleans on Jan.

16 to begin his preparations for noxt season's riding. Ho received a letter from W. 8. Barnos, the owner of Galifette, The Lion and others, yesterday. Gallfette and The Lion aro Kentucky Derby favorites, and Mr.

Brown writes that the first-named now stands 1C hands 1 inch high and looks immensely improved. Tho Knickerbocker Bowling-Club willhavo its first meeting next Tuesday. Dr. Catttmach. tho well-known veterinary surgeon, has just purchased from Mr.

Ed Stokes, of tho Hoffman House, tho fine riding horse Captain. Ono thousand dollars is tho reported prico and tho doctor has captured a fine jumper. It is reported that E. O. Carter has writton a letter to be printed in the Spirit of the Times on Friday donying tho authority of tho Man.

hattan Athletic Club to say anything about his having a 1. 2, 8, 4 or milo running raco match on with E. T. Connoff. There is an-othor rumor that the letter was writtcn'aud posted without the English runner's knowledge Tho Newburg and Brooklyn polo teams have been dropped from tho League Tho Newburg boys will probably join tho Sing Sing team, and the Brooklyn team, which wasn't making any nionoy.

will go to strengthen Jersey City. It Is likely that bo. fore long there will bo but four teams Lu tho League. Prof. Austin is doing remarkably well teaching boxing up at tho Manhattan Athletio Club rooms, Trolan.

tho light-weight chum, pion of amatours of 1887, took his first lesson last night. Trolan said ho should certainly compete in tho Nassau Athlotio Club's championship competitions in the 135-pound class. Tho officers of tho club havo advised this likely sparror to enter for tho Pastimo com-petitions on Jan. 28 at Parepa Hull. "His mother's lotters," sho said.

"Ho loved his mother so." Then alio began to tremble a littlo, for tho lotters did not begin My dear son," nor anything like it. Sho cast her eyes over them. They were love-letters. Tom has loved some olhor woman beforo ho met mo," she said, beginning to cry. Oh, What shall I do?" Then she cried out: Oh, foolish, foolish oreaturo that I ami Of course sho died, nnd he only loves mo now.

It was all over beforo we met, I must not mind" But there sho paused, gave a scream and throw the letter from her as though it had been serpent and had bitten her. It was dated tho past week. It was not four days old. Ohl" cried Eve. oh, what shall I do Oh, where shall I go At every cry a thought pierced her breast like an actual stab.

Tom -my Tom I What shall I do Tom I to be false Tom I Oh, I havo gono mad 1 No, thero thoy aro thoy are really there, those letters. Why do I not dio why do I not die Do people live through such things As these Then she knelt down on tho floor and gathered up tho letters and steadily read them through. There were ten of them, 8uou love-letters! No other interpretation could be put npon 18 IT 0. C. BALDWIN Humor.

Ihnt lis Una lleen Tendered As latant Treasurer Canda. Position. Thero wero no developments thU morning in tho matter of Mr. Cnnda's resignation of iho position of Assistant Treasurer of tho United Stntcs. That gentleman denied him-self to all reportors and sent out word that ho had nothing whatever to soy on tho subject.

Conrad N. Jordan, Vice-President of tho Western National Bank, also docliucd to talk about tho mutter. Thoso, howovor, who aro wrll posted in tho affairs of this lunk fay tlmtthcrn Is no doubt but Dint the plan as outlined yvslerdny bus boon fully ligried upon, but Hint no informii. tion will bu given out until after Mr. Cumin's successor has been solectcd aud has acceptud tho appointment.

It was Hundred this morning that Secretary Fairchild had tendorcd the position held by Mr. Cauda to C. C. Baldwin, ono of tho present Aciucduct Commissioners aud formerly President of tho Louisville and Nash-villo Ilailroad Company, but that Mr. Bald-win had not decided yet whothor or not ho would accept tho appointment.

WEST OF BROADWAY. Follccman James Mclnncrney has been stationed at the Chambers street depot of the Krle Hallway for the past fifteen jcars. At tho lteotultlng Rendezvous, 109 West street, thtrty-ono new recruits were enrolled for glory laat month. Cant. Miles knows a soldier when he sees one.

KabblU aro very plentiful this said A. Heck, who knows all about that species of animal. "The best rabbits como from Michigan and sell foroOccutsa pair," Ou the corner of Jay and Hudson streets Is tho nows-stand of I. McDcrmolt. "I am only eve months lure," bo said, "but I have no trouble to sell EvKNtNQ Worlds." Ilrlght bine paint has made the buildings belonging to the Fall Klvcr line look very gay In comparison with neighboring structures.

Station Agent Kent says thst they haven't the blues around thero, though, for travel was never belter for the timo of year. A big hardtack cracker mounted on blue silk, surrounded by the words "Hardtack Club, organized Juno 1, 1687, "the whole set In a handsotno ullt frame, attracted the attenlton of an Evening Wokld reporter in a window on West Iiroadway this morning. He hunted up the (Secretary, Mr. Patrick Trainer, who said: You see, wo used to go and play ball snd have chowder parties last summer over on Btatcn Island, and when we organized Into a club lt was hard work to find a good name till ono of tho boys suggested "hardtack" and lt took right away. Wo have abont seventy members now, among them being Daniel E.

Finn. We give a grand ball on Feb. 1, at Tammany UalL. Come np and we'll mate lt pleasant for you. An Vslv Face and a lleaatlful Tolee.

Front (As rati itoll Oa(l. A Florence correspondent Informs the Wetner Atlgenieine Zettung ot the death at a great age of Matianna Uarbierl-Nlnl, who enjoyed the highest reputation between thirty and forty years ago as an operatic singer, snd was as remarkable for exceptional ugUncas as for her splendid voice. In the height of her fame she married Count Ninl and retired from the stage. After his death she married again a well-known Vienna musician named Usck-ensOUner, who suddenly disappeared, leaving her In extremely straitened circumstances, and she was forgotten except by a few faithful friends. She used herself to relato with a certain piquant gusto tnat once when playing Norms, In tho famous duet where tne two children are presented to the heroine by Adalglsa, as she beut to embrace them the little glfl who personated one of the children was so terrified uy her ugliness that sho sprang from the stage Into the wings exclaiming, "Mother, mother, the witch Is the in-tense amusement of the audience.

Scnntor Allison on TarltT Ileform. Dubuque, Jan. 8. Senator Allison, who leaves to-morrow for Washington, said to-day that the party which had failed to do its share In speedily reducing the tariff taxes would lose In publio favor. The neceaalty for some action was great, and Congress would be compelled to act.

He did not wIsu to outline any dednite plan, but ssld the parties are so divided that In order to reach any result mutual concessions must bo made. lie would be willing to repeal the tobacoo tax and the sugar tariff snd further enlarge the freo list. Bold Daylight Kobbrry In Plttabursr. PiTTSBuno, Jan. 0.

A daring highway robbery was committed on Amberson avenue, In one of the most fashionable and crowded sections about 10. SO o'olock this morning. The victim was Mlaa Harper, a young lady, who was on her way home, when two men knocked her down, grabbed her wallet and nod. Several persons started In pnrsnlt of the highwaymen, who turned on their pursuers, snd covering them with revolvers succeeding In escaping. Tne amount In the wallet was small.

Mis Harper was only slightly Injured. No One Accuse. Policeman McfJovern. Policeman McOovern, ot the Leonard street tquad, accused by a Brooklyn barber of going over to that city a couple of days ago In uniform, getting drunk and assaulting nim, appeared at Police Headquarters this morning in respons to Inspector Steera's order. A no accuser appeared he was ordered back to patrol.

Col. Gebhnrd Must Pay 8250 Cost. Judge Andrews, ot the Supreme Court, Chambers, has decided that CoL Edward Gebhard must pay $250 costa to the New York Club to defray the expenses Incurred by lt In defending his suit to prevent his expulsion. This sum Is the amount of the bond given by tho Colonel whon he obtained the lujunctlon. Nellie Tnuimany Acquitted.

Nellie Tammany, the young womau who was the principal witness against Dan Lyons, the murderer of Athlete Quinn, was acquitted In the Court of special Scislona to-day of the charge ot having stolen 110 from William Donnelly. Inspector Htoera'a lllrtbitay. Inspector Steerp celebrated his flfty.alxtb. birthday at Police Headquarters yesterday. His right arm was wearied long before noontime shaking hands with his friends.

Inspector Conlln will be forty-one on April 15 and Inspector Williams forty-eight on July Mr. Abbey I. All KUbt. Mr. nenry E.

Abbey, who was so 111 yesterday, as reported, that be had to leavo Wallack'a Theatre for his home, was at bis office thla morning attending to business as usual and feeling very well. A sarr, sure cure for ooushs and oolds. Adamson's llOTiMO 11ALSAM. KlNBMAM. Sitll 4th III.

nlways produced in court in cases of breach of promise, and they wero all signed, Your ownNellio." It is all true," said poor Evo, wringing her hands. aud it is worso than anything I over heard of. I trusted him so I believed in him so." Then sho wiped her eyes, gathered up tho letters, packed them up, wrapped tho silver paper about them, tied the bluo ribbon, put them back in the breast pocket of that dreadful overcoat aud hung it the hall again. Tom shall never know," sho said. I'll not reproach him.

I will "oyer se0 him again. When ho comeH home I shall bo dead. I will not live to bear this." Thou sho sat down to think over tho host means of suicide. She could bang herself to tho chandelier with a wiiidowlblind cotd, but then sho would bo bluck in the face and hideous. Sho could drown herself, but then her body would go down tho river to tho sea, and drowned people lookod even worse than strangled ones.

Sho was too much afraid of flroarins to shoot herself, oven in this strait. She would tako poison. Yes. that would be best; and, though she would never seo Tom again, ho would see her, and rcmorso would sting him. Here she mado a groat mistake.

A man who Is coolly troacberqus tq iroinqa, never has any remorse. Kemorso In love affairs a purely feml. nine ansUtTjOnd even tho worst of the sex I JbWH rsgpsfsiwsyfc i iw4 s. it TALK BEHIND THE SCENES. PUEPAUATIONS FOR TAKING THE "SHE" COMPANY TO BOSTON.

Interest Veil In the lillect or the Play an Ilia Hub Chlrnso Promt or The Ilesuin'e Huceeee ljueer Clauaee In llrnmallc Con. to Iteturn la Ilia Mutton niYPilery or an liugllslirrtr.ii'a IIU "Sho" company which ployed recently at Niblo's hoR been put through rigorous rehearsals this week, un. dor tho direction of David Bclasco. Tho dramatic portion of tho story has been "lifted" ami mado stronger, and an entirely now comedy scone has been writ-ton, introducing Master Brown and Sho. This work has boen ilouo by Gillette, during bis travels.

Tho complete organization will lonvo Now York on special car for Boston, whore, somo sov-cnty strong, thoy will open at tho big Mollis Street Theatre for a month's eugngeineut. All tho scenery and effects of tho Now York production, together with somo now painted material done by Thompson, of Boston, will bo used. Carpenters, flymen and twelve stago hands will go with tho company. A peculiar rulo is cuforcod in this city and in Boston by Btago carpenters and stago bauds. Tho mon who work upon tho stago during tho performance will not do nuy work on tho llies of tho theatre or bolow tho stagu.

Extra laborers aro thoreforo hired. This rulo, howover, is not enforced with an organization that carries its own men. and the Sho company will, thereforo, hove twolve Btage bonds, who will work either below or abovo tho stago. Somo Interest is manifested with regard to tho production of Sho in Boston, tho great novel-reading community. David Henderson, manager of the Chicago Opera-IIouso, is in tho city, and signed a contract yesterday for the production of Sho at his theatre in March.

Tho Begum has mot with phenomenal success in Chicago. Business is enormous, and thero is a general love feast ovor what is considered by Ohicagoans tho groat advancement of two citizens of that city. Tho fact that the opera was reoeived favorably hero has added to Chicago's enthusiasm. Col. McCaull is still connnod to his room at tho Leland House, Chicago.

Ho says ho will leave with the company noxt Sunday if they carry him to the train in sections. Contracts between actors and managers in New York contain borne peculiar clauses. It is said that ono of the clauses in Augustin Daly's contracts is to the effcot that no conversation must ovor take placo with a newspaper man. Any actor caught talking to a member of the press runs tho risk of instant dismissal. It is thought that Monagor Daniel Frohman insertod a clauso in his contract with Herbert Kelcey by which that young man is compolled to show himsolf on Broadway between tho hours of 11 a.

u. and 1 p. u. in all his splendor. If that bo tho ease Mr.

Kelcey is in no danger of being sued for breach of contract. After noxt week George Knight will play Itudolph no more, but will return to his muttons in tho shapo of Over the Garden Wall." He will appoar in Kudolph ot tho Windsor Theatre and will then organize a company of "specialty" actors. It is to bo regrotted that Mr. Knight's artistio work did not receive more general appreciation. It is a well-known foot, however, that in Over the Garden Wall" he made considerable money, and he will undoubtedly continue to do so.

Alfred S. Phillips, tho young comedian who is to burlesque Mr. Irvine's Mephis-tophelos at tho Star Theatre following tho English tragedian's engagement at that house, saw Mr. Irving every time ho appeared in Faust," Mr. Phillips paid his $3 like a man and sat deliberately through every performance.

Said the young comedian's man- agor yesterday "Mr. Phillips doesn't mind following Irving at the Star Theatre. In fact he is glad for Mr. Irving's sake he didn't pre-oede him, as ho wants him to havo a chance." Mr. Phillips was the first to burlesque Irving in this country, but as that was before Americans had seen the English actor his caricature was not appreciated.

Cant. Carl Thimm, of London, is a dainty and dapper young Englishman, very popular with "tne profession" hero. Capt. Thimm dresses in tho pink of fashion, and when he takeH his matutinal sail down Broadway, ho is tho object of great admiration. Capt.

Thimm is extremely regular in his visits to tho Bijou Oporo-Ifouse, and tho "Corsair" company have noticed his invariable attendance thero. Ono of tho maidens of that production sold yesterday "We'vo all decided that Capt. Thimm is going to copy our Cor. sair in London. You say that he's not a the.

otrical mau. That doesn't matter. Why docs he como to see us so often I'm suro ho can't bo so fond of us girls. Next time I see him, I am going to smile at him." This is what wo ore to expect from tho Fourteenth Street Theatre: Jun. 9, McNish, Johnson and Slavin's Minstrels; Jan.

10, Frank Daniells in "Littlo Puck;" Jan. US, Annie Pixley in Tho Deacon's Daughter Jan. 30, Mine. Modjoska for two weeks. Dr.

Buckingham Smith said yesterday that Itichard Mnuslleld was doing himself a greut deal of harm by continuing to ploy Dr. Jokyll and Mr. Hyde," in which his physical and mental powers aro severely taxed. Howover, it is natural to believe that ro-morse is possible to a man whom ono has heretofore belieed to bo on angel in human form, and Evo took littlo miserable comfort in the thought that Tom would kneel beside her coflln. and burst into team and passion-ato exclamations of regret, which she, perhaps, might see from Bomo spiritual post of observation.

So, having put on a hat and a thick voil. Evo betook herself down the street and around thu corner to the nearest druggist. The druggist was an old man, a benevolent, looking one, with red cheeks and a smiling mouth; and when sho asked for poison for rats" he said, Sol" and beamed mildly upon her. I want it very strong," said Eve. So!" said the druggist.

But not to givo more pain than is necessary," said Eo. To tho rats asked tho druggist. Yes." said Eve, of course and it must bo quick and not make one black in thu face." So!" said tho druggist, slowly. Well, what shall I give you that will not make a rat black in tho face;" And with a grave countenanco he com. pounded a powder and handed it across the counter.

Eve took it, paid tho few penco he asked opd walked away, 'OUcdTiomd, she went directly to her room snd retired to bed, taking the powder with i her. twloeiia tsttf yUk tip CAUGHT IN A CLEVER TKAP. A Bnlciwoman Accused or Theft by tho Olrl Detective. May Itylandor, a saleswoman in IUdloy's store, was arriilgnod at Essex Market to-day on charge of stealing from hor employers. Sho was suspected of stiollng by Barbara ricislihaucr, ltldley's girl dotcctivo, who in-formed Hupt.

Thtocktiiartln. -Mr. Throckmiirtin yesterday handed Solei. nmn Snumnl Wilson, a marked dollnr-blll nnd two tnnrkeil slher half-dollars. Wilson went to Miss Itvlauder's counter aud purchased a tvto-dolliir iimlUer.

Barbara stood by nnd saw tho saleswoman place thu Biltt-r liulf-dollors in the olovator cush.pox, whilo the marked dollar bill went into her own pocket. Barbara searched hor otid found tho money in her dress Jorkot. Tho Mileswouititi, it is alleged by Mr. Throck-martin, thereupon confessed that alio hod Btolen $llliiltogether. Sho bod a defense in court this morning.

Lawyer Friend maintained that the marked bill wai her own property. Sho was nevertheless hold for trial. Sho is twenty-one years old. Sho lives at No. 183 Broad streot.

Sho was released on bail. NEWS SUMMARY. Tho steamship Tonawniula Is stilt at sea. The rrcl'lmt gave bis II rat state dinner this season laat evening. Tho Pope conductod mass at Ht.

Peter's, Home, yesterday for the benefit of the pilgrims. Tho Produce Kachaugn la considering a proposition to call in SOU of its uiernlieramp tickets. Itewardi amounting tntl.oSO have been offered for the arrest oi ltobert Hamilton's murderers. More miners In the Ittadlng district hate gone out and the alluatlou la li si encouraging to-i ay. Tho Ilrnnklyn Grand Jury ha dismissed Mlsa Morrla'a ault against tho Hoard ol Education of that city.

fohn Y. McKano was defeated Isst night for the presidency of the Kings Couuty Hoard of Huporvl-sura. Walter I'helns Dodge Is In New Haven waiting to see what tho Yale Vacuity will do about his littlo joke. A powerfol assembly of the Knights of Labor of Dover, N. bus surrendered Its charter and dls-bauded.

Four men were killed at Wllkcabarre ycatorday by the premature explosion of a blast on the Lehlgn Valley ltallroid. The triennial elections In France yesterday for members of the Senate resulted In large galas for tne Hepubllcans. It Is reported that the Crown Prince Is Improving In health, snd that be will go to Cairo to spend the rest of the winter. Has Alulae, one of the most rowerful chiefs of Abyaaluia, has offered hu services to the Italians against King John. A South Carolina Jury has Indicted six negroes for murder for the lynching of the white mau Wal-drop on Friday last, Ilev.

Dr. Lyman Abbott has been chosen temporary paatnr of Plymouth Church, DrookJyn, at a salary of $100 a week. The champion pugilist of Cardiff, Wales, wss doubled up lsst night In the third round by John Lawrence Sullivan, of Boston. Justice John Q. Vsughn, ot Staten Island, has been sued by Dr.

Cleveland YV. aoff fur tu.ooa damages fur false Imprisonment. Mlaa Harxer, tho daughter of a prominent citizen of Pittsburg, was knocVed down and robbod by footpads In broad daylight yesterday in that city. Constantino Stlger, a Williamsburg Anarchist, attacked an aged living In Ilarman street yesterday aud beat them nearly to death, lie wss arrested. Young Hopkins, the Washington reporter who sent a sham Infernal machine to Chief Justice Watte several weeks ago and sold the news has been lined fioo lor obtaining money under false pretenses.

Eacnped front New Brunswick. Jail. Niw Ilntmswicr, N. Jan. 6.

James no-warth, a notorious burglar, awaiting seutence in the Jail here, escaped by forcing his way through the cook shop of the Jail yesterday. The Wonder-Working K-Wren Remedies. Itead the Jteeord Only One of a Thousand of the Name Purport. OrriCE or W. II.

Fnrxcn.) Lau View Nunacnr, lUUUOHTOM, M. CharUt i). JTp, 49 ExtXang placs, 1. Dkajs UIB I While In Manasqaan a few daya ago 1 took a severe cold, and bearing' K-Wren Troches hlchly spoken of thought I woald try them. I have been troubled with Catarrh for more than ten years, and when 1 take oold lt always lea Tea me with a bad oongh.

I tftok the Troches according to directlona and the third day both cold and ooagh had entirely disappeared. Having tried nearly all of the Troches and Cough Carea In the market, ftake pleasure In saying that I consider K-Wren superior to all others and shall not be without them in the future. Yours truly, W. II. Fni.Ncn.

AMUSEMKNTS. WAI.LAOK'S. KVItNINU AT o.lo. Mat.Bat. 2.15 Characters by Measrs.

Osmond Tearle, Kben Plyrapton, Ilarry ltd- III wards. K. D. Ward. Mu.

Ilose TIIK Ooghlan. Miss Helta Onion, Miss VABirJOir. I iilla Vane and Mrs. Abbey. 5TH AVENUE THKATRK.

8.S0. Proprietor and John Stetson MR. RlOHAllD MANHFIKLb. TO-NIOUT AT a. DO AMD MATINEK SATURDAY.


A trend. Holiday show. EVERY ACT AND FACE NEW. matinees tuesday and friday. AoademVof the last three times, final matinkk saturday, edwin booth and lawrence barrett.

julius cesar. nijou rice's burlesque company house. TnE aonoFous production op run THIS COKMAIK. COltSAIR. MATINEK Wednesday and Saturday at of her toncuo, hoping it wns not very disagreeable.

Then finding it sweet, sho bravely -swal-lowed it. It is over," sho s.ud. Heaven, for-cive me, out! forgivo Tom." And then sho laid herself down upon hor piliow. Just as sho did so, tho familiar sound of a latchkey in the door below startled her. Tom never cumo homo at noon but thoro he was now.

No ono olsobut Tom could walk in in that cool way. Aud now ho was calling her. "Evo. Where aro you?" Never beforo had she refused to answer that voice. Why had ho come to torturo hor dying moments? ilarkl Now ho was bounding upstairs.

He was iu tho loom. What is tho matter are you ill, Eve?" he cried. No," said sho faintly: "only tired." Ah, you look tired, littlo ono," said ho. I camo homo to get the overcoat. I suppose you havo found out by this time that that in the hall is not mine.

I wore John, sou's overcoat homo from tho oQlce lsst night by mistake, and be is anxious about it. lie asked if there was any ono to tho house, who would be apt to meddle with papers, or any. thine in the pockets, I said I thought not. I hadn't Jealous wifo-Ur We, tU PkUK, St rftiKaiaaft '(-asgaMjjyausjMMwBMM How Sweetly I Slept Last Night." fl Bo wrttei a lad, ipstkloc of hr rapid roorrr front ohroato nurvout and prostration. Bb had on wiililfl jored ber flrit aound and rf r.ihln ntgbt'i In tbrt ot1HI year.

And he only on of Tbatrfood dofl fisl not agree wtth tham. tber haT a sonr atom a eh and -B nmeof beaTltien after eattng, headaoba, breath, often tumble and tota on their bed a at nsii when tbey do a.eep ai vexad wltn bad dreams. They aro laB often reetleta and fidgety, take gloomy tWw of Ufa and ''el am annoyed by a wandering mind and falling memory xtl They hate a feeling of being tired, pecialiy on ruing: la Jgesssssl themurntng, egfl Mra, C. Scarborongb, of Selma, 0 wife of ax- $71 Superintendent of Publio Hchoota ot that State, lufferad from exoermtre nerrous depression, aihanatlon, and neu Ejigesil ralgla, from malaria. Kasltlna, the new quinine, rapidly 4tEiJM cured her.

Bh says: 'I oan now go to aleaplnmy HfegaLi KaaVtne cures erery form of nervous disease by cleans sH In, Tit all ting and disinfecting the blood. It also im parts tone aud strength to the algesilre functions. Thla 'Lgai creates appetite. Appetite Insures a food supply, Thla jgl In turn strougtbens the whole nerrous system. tThl must follow We will tell jou I 'H SOUND AND U.UTrT7L ILXEP.

(ssssssssl Kasklne contains no opium no narcotic prinofpla rgagi whaterer. It does not drown pain tt expels pain. It remoTfs the poison from the blood. It destroys all dls eaaegerma. Health Is the result, like fruit on a tree.

gftflgefl Kaeklne la pleasant to take, and ean be used without wgefl special medical counsel. Mregfl The Kasklne Company, Warren New York, and 35 Farrlngdon road, London, JSigfl bsssssssVJ ROBBINS' WINTER CIRCUS. fl Amerlcnn Inst. Il'l il'n, 3 it isve. aud 03d at, itttfgsl A NEW BILL THI8 WEEK.

WM It Cannot bo Doscribedl It Must be Seen! J9H Two chances ererr dar to see the the mar vellmis riders, the beautiful gymnasts, the only Flab, th PFlH great llaggeeen (talk u( the town) and all th other indent. VamSSSa Circus, Musoum and Mennecrlo Combined' Kenlngat8. All seat rwirrad at 25 and BO cents. Beats In bo IK, $1. Jlgfl METUOrOMTAN OPKRA-UOUHR.

liasssi HOFMANN CONCERTS. -M Under tbenernnnal direction of Mr.JIKNltY K.AHBKT. v'SrsW. WKUNKSUAV, JAN. lt), ATtL 'eVeBl WKDNKHDAV.

JAN. 2, fggf. WKDNK8UAY, FKIi. 1. AT.

SrlBSSsl Rale of aeata begins at Doi-offlce Metropolitan OMra 7lJBSsl House Jan. it. 9 Aj. Weber (J rand fUna used- 3SsBB PAItTilOAN'S PARK THKATRK. 'H KUWAIII) 1IAHKIOAM Pronrleto.


SLm J. M. Minnas 11C1J to lOStb performance. t-'lTtSsl The (Vmediana. Branson Howard's JSrgfl HOUSON Comedr, ilGgSl and TIIK $gfl CRANK.

HENRIETTA. Ifigfl KTeningsat8.18. Batordaymstin asa. EDKN MUSER. 21 BET.

6TH 6TII AVE3. 'sl New (Irrnipi. New Paintings. New Attractions. 8HBSl ERDELYI NACZI 9 and hie HUNOAlllAN 0R0HK3TRA.

tiTM Concerts from 3 to 5 and 8 to 11. QSb1 Admission to all, 60 eenta children 23 cants. Chccs Automaton. I A TU ST. THKATRK.

OOR. ST1X ATI. IsM JL3C Matinees Wednesday and Ratordar, LABT WKKK OF 'gl TUB H.ANI.O.NH, 'OTsfl In tbelr great farcical comedy, th. new VOVAUK KN NUIMSIJ. 'iag Gallair, 2So.

IUsorTed, 60o 11.09. SLtOJ rrifgfl JAN. 8-MoNISII, JOHNSON A aLAVIlfri 1 KKFINKD M1NBTRKLB. 1 TSjinLO'S. NIBLO'S.

"Sgl II Keeerred seats. Orchestra Circle sod Baleonr. SOay. 'JfMM BKCUNLI WKKK BKOUNlT VtUtBt trtfrgal OF THE OREAT 6UCCKS8. sgfl A RUN OF LUCK." Bnperb Oast.

Magnlfloent Scenery and UostunssV Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. DOCKSTADER'S ilSirt 2Vth at. and Uroadwajr. Nlghtlr, 8.80. Sat.

3.80. Bsl Local Hat Ire on Nawllaliada, I Brocklrn Bridge. iVtSSl Booth and Uarrett'a SperlalU and Moonlight Hoenea. VB1 Hamlet. I HkeUhee.


PALMER RolaManagtsl KVKNINliB AT 8.30. ps IslBpS SBl SATURDAY MATINKKB AT a. 1 I IeS 6TI1 WKKK Off LsHIsEBI wfl OTH WEEK Bllfltal "Ipgl 1 RAND OPKRA-HOUBK. JH lUaerred eeats. orchestra, circl.

and balcosr. CSa. Wed. I (11)8 WILLIAM8 SatT Mat. In KBPPLRR'H KOItTUNES.

I Mas, WjgSl Nelt Week-JIM THK PENMAN. Neit Sundsr-PKOF. OHOMWELL'H beautiful UeV IrdBBBl tnre on the bUNNY BOUTU. SB CABOfO. BROADWAY AMD SSTIISZ.

tl KTenlnrsatS. Matinee. Saturday at 2. TsTiBl THUJ0LIJE8TOFAI.L0OM10OPEBAB. '43Bs1 MADKLON.

Receired with continuous laughter and applause. TnsBsl JOURNAL A booming snocesa. Full of comedy. IftBl ADMiaaiON. Mo, Beata secured a month ahead.


to 11 P. Is. Mgfl 19th it. and 4th jfejgB Union lgfl TsOOLE'S THEATrSC 8th nesjratlssW WBbI Jr The Looai Drama. ROUND NKW YORK.

ilggi lesers. JACK DBMPSEY end BILLY MAJBDSU tat aH a grand Sparring Contest latljo'elook.) Matinee. Thnjrs.vBat. 'SIBssI Next WMk-The Oreat Drama. A DOUBLB LTTK.

H.R.JACOBS'S 3D AVE. THEATRE. fl Mttmees Mondsy, Wedneeoy and Satnrday. gg KlMUALLCOMKiY CO.Irr'MAM'ZBIxk." Jan. -N.


SJM SATURDAY MATINEK, DIVORCONB. rMssl EgSgl THE WIFE. TUB UUUAT 111MOUT, 'Djgl THE OLD LONDON STREET, 1 12S-VJO IlKOADWAY, NUAIt 8TII HT. 'jK MsW NOW ON KXIHIIITION. 'i WJHI THE GREAT AUTOMATON, ill TIIK UK12ATK8T OF -MBM MECnANISM, SCIENOE AND AItT, Mj H'ltli Drsrrlptlvr Lecture, In connection with tlielnmnna old butldlnB or I.andis.lsb eluding th.

boner, ot l-SAAIC DICK WlllTTlNU'l'UN, the GU.NPOWDKU-PJXIX HOUoi nnd olbcre. Aleo MwU MISS MYRTLE KINCSLAND, WL Wltb ber lucoinparutile series of MWJ DISSOLVING VIEWS, Illnatrnllus all liuropu and innny beautiful etorlca. poeme, lablcanx, Xco. (MH ORNHItAI, 2flc. CIllI.DUIwN, 1.1c.

Ol'KN UAILY, 1N014JDINO 8UNDA HtUJI 1 TO IP P. M. jft Oh, Tom," cried Eve, hysterically, Oh, Tom, sny it aciiin. It wss not your oofttr Oh. Tom, kiss mo." r)Ma "What is tho matter, Eto?" cried Tom.

You must bo ill MB. Thcu Eve rememborcd all. 2K' Oh, I am a wicked woman. Tom SM JMt cried. "Thero wero letters in tho pocket -JB lovo-letters.

I read them I thoueht you HSR falKo to me I I took poison, Tom I'm 5oiuc to dio and I lone to lire sot Oh, 'oin. save me!" "Yes. yes!" cried Tom. "Oh, rfood ivM heaven I what poison Mr. Hoffman will know.

I bought It of JKH him. l'eruups ho can ve mo," cnod Eve, -flEEj iu piteous tones. Kl And away went Tom, whito as death, to th ljMl druggist's around tho corner. -'A Jl lie burst into tho shop somethins lira fttffil whirlwind. 3mI "The lady," he gasped, "the lady who jsfl bought poison here an hour ago she took it by mlsUtke I Oan you save her have yon an antidote? She is dying." fflm No, no," said the old man be calni bo at rest.

No, not nUoeannot die of that, When a lady asks mo. for poison, I Bay to my- self' Bo and I give tier in the paper ft fjg little sugar and Bho could take ILsssl pound. Qo home and tell her so. I never sell poison to women so be osltn." flgfl Bo Tom flow homo again, andEve wjoloea ruid hearing that Johnaxin ww single isaa. r-vkm who admitted himself oUialrSs)igW Ay 9.

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