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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 1

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
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ONLY 2 STATES NEE FOR DRY U. 8. PASSAGE BY TO-NIGHT IS POSSIBLE WEATHER Fair To-Niuhti Colder Thursday It Happens In New York It's In The Evening World" DED mom. wfot PRICE TWO CENTS. MME.

ALLIED COUNCIL RUSSIA'S PARI Conferees Also Discuss Procedure at l-'ormal Opening of Congress. LEAGUE PLAN TO Two Principal Factions Rapidly Getting Together on Question. fASJS. Jan. IS.

H-prfirtiMiton for Rursla at the tVaee Congress crprtrd to definitely deter mined upon at to-day's session ov th Intor-AUIed Council. Tho associated powers have reached the obvious conclusion that dlfcus-! nlon of world peace would be absolutely futile without tho vast popu- latlon of Russia being considered. They arc also understood to realize tbat the ntisslan prohfom cannot bo solved wit houl thi consent anil co- opt ration of the people thrmsclvis. A. programme for olllelnl Invest lea-tton of actual conditions In Itussta MAY SEND A COMMISSION was to be fully discussed to-day.

Uuvcrnmrnts to dclcimlno how tho Thlr, it was btllcwj, will insult In money can bo provided. The Allle! commission being sent into coup- Government In Kurnpe, It lB said, try, which would report hack dl- I hivo ugrcced to undertake their fu rectly to tho conference. I port this i report would be hasrd some form of responsibilities In the matter, recognition for the Soviet Uotcrnincnt Considerable ilitt1cillt however, nd other factions, that they might Inrlses from tho fart that tho hulk of send accredits representatives to llu wm0 fl.rm the Vcnj.lles. 1-nlted States, and. whllr the Allied The only countries whoo reprc can pay fur transporta- the tVare Confess hus I 3nJ not been at cast tentitoy flxed i are.

tho two which made mural. 1 peace settlements with thu Central' ll I w.f rowers and Ilnumanla. I hich President Hho There rerun, to be no obMade In tho appropriate, way of granting delegates to the I Herbert C. Il.wver, General latter, the number bung the chief iof International liclicf. has proposed matter under conslderat'on.

Russian representing each representation, obviously, will take nf lour -'rcjt cb-more, time and discussion. in of thc foun'Hcs. to bo The feelinff prealls now that Tor- elpn Minister l'lehon's hitter opposl tlon to even rn ta 1 reogniHon of the. Russian foviet Oovernment Uued on a suggestion of th yiltlbh Oov-ernment favoring biieh recoffiiition, need not be rom-ldrred as final. COUNCIL FIXING PROGRAMME FOR CONGRESS OPENING.

An JJI-day of the Suprem Council wan forrtust the members rot down to in the Voreuja Office. In addition eon- dei-jti in of purlin) recfKniiion of ltussi.i and indorffninil if tlir pi. in fur representation of the llritli.h LiomuiioiiH. it woi understrHxl the I'ouncll would probably determine the definite pro. cramme for tho first full nicotine of thfi Pejice ConsroKi Tho members of tin council nrrhi'd evly.

Vlrount flnnda. Jap.incso Ambassador to (Ireat Hrllaln: Vor. elgn Minister I'iclion, 1'iciiiIit i'Iuiii-eneeau. I'rfsldrnt Wilson. I'rrntiri l.loyd tiforcr, roreiKn Mlnihier K.iimlno.

T'oieign I Keeret.irj It ilfuiir, It.noii MuImiii, Japanet. A 'nKi to nr. 1 nvrd in II el' ii d. Mi i iiiiiinKil r-e- in. i i-l I i -j In n.

I i 1 1 1 I '1 l'V I1 I I ltd I1! 'HI II 1 II Mil1 1 1, 'i i i'i' i null 1 ii i i i i 1 1 I 'i tun" 'I i 1 ill ri 1 1 1 .1 '1 'i WILSON WANTS CIVILIANS TO CONTROL FSSDIflO Of 0 "CRM ANY rresideir 'i I- Ii -o far ati possini e.iill.ri 'atlves shall control the moehlnery (OonUmied on BeV'ond Pce. Copjrlflili I till), pt Co. (Thr New LEBAUDY TAKES UP IN PEACE: NEEDED TO EEED Supreme Council of Supply Gels Promises From Allied Governments. IWIUS. Supreme Council nf and rtollcf, which llnh "cfn engaged for three das in considering thr situation of the liberated countries stretching from Ilclgium to Poland and ArmenM, has concluded that the minimum sum niccssnty to feed these peoples until hpm suituncr Is $100,000,000.

The council has asked the Traw ury departments of tho assocta.r.d "llevcd under the Keneral term of Relief tn Liberated Countries If the now under dls-i-unsloii can be carried throiiBh, It Is estimated that more than Jion.000,000 ill ko brick to the American people, in pa ment for foodstuffs to be used in thce reclons. It is that a certain amount nf ai-i ual and lamtlble -payments bv tin. liberated cuiitrUiM ean be oh- taitieil thrinuii Ibe oxport of pueli jtk1s iini raw mati as they ps- iirsi and It is i'il us a mallitr of prime h- the council to thc rehabilitation of industry In order that tho pvoplo may ut the cjrliiist possible moment tret their foot and able to Mipport thiimseivos. All the countries which have set up democratic frovrrnments ar striiu shitB to maintain order and tn eatab llsh tlicmstdvea permanently. Any on tho part of tho L'nlled to biippor these Issues, the members of the commission arc said bcllee, will brine ruin In Muropn bemd unjtlilDR liiuij the Middle AS'S, PiiimI lennrr Held I i.

in Ii till' Ii Iio-lllils In ittt tjculi' Iho i. i urn 'oniiiill l.r In In' O'I'i In IV ler'l rvln I i' i.i tin i i ill 1 1 1 in mil i i HII l.i' Ihc Ion I ml MKiMiiiil rn i. Ig ii, mu-)it i lllo' until ii ii am I nilrr ixnl (u Ju, 5. riiiiM-re nf ulili bin II ilnk. wlIJi Frto' KTla rMltert, 0 11U flooi.

Worll BuIMIbjl WiUh fu te-uonair MctilXtH. i 400,000,000 UNO LIBERATED LANDS Calculation Booka Open to AIL" rhf Press fnMl-lilm 1orl World). NEW KILLS 20: WRECKS Structures Crumpled and Pari of Elevated Railway Supports Demolished. DUli TO FERMENTATION. Sticky Substance Covering Streets Seriously Hampers Work of Rescuers.

BOSTON. Jan. than a score of persona are believed to have been killed and at least a hundred Injured to-day by the explosion of a hURe molasses tank at the landlns wliarf of the Purity Distillery Com pany, near uopps nari, orr com. mercial Street. The wharf bultdlnp and other structurea within a radius of too fe-t were demolished.

Another building was blown over on Ita (ride. The tracks of the Boston elevated railway in front of the Wharf were reduced to a mass of steel. Thc Ihradfiuarters )f Fire Hoot No. 31 collapsed, cutchniK the boat In thc wrckase. Most of the bodies were still in the debris several hours after thc explosion and the exact number of dead eould not bo detcrm'red.

Rescue tinuads, Including hun eda of sol diers, were hampered by the mo lasses, which covered hundreds of gquaic yards of the vicinity to the depth of several inches. Hcote of imbulances and Hi-d Cross workers were on the scene. Several bulldlnps were demolished and an electric frelKht car wuji blown from the track. A numlier of heavily loaded trucka were overturned and about a down horsei were killed. Th (men who wero killod nero tcajnsters and otiployees of tho city who were at work In thc city strct doivirtment yard, adjolninc the eler- tnc frelirbt yard whtro thc ekploslon ocourrvd.

The tank contained 2,000,000 gallons of molasses. There was not thc tiaual Brent detonation aceomiMnj Ins' such blasts, but rather low, rumbling sound, more like an earthquake. Fragments of tho great tank were thrown Into the air. buildings In the neighborhood crunvplnd up as though tho underpinnings had been pulled away from them and scorca of people I in the various buildings were buried in the ruins. A nearnv icncmcni nouse mi in Two women and a man wero taken from 'he ruins, ail mnirtd Thnty-tlve persons were rem'ed to hnspitalt-and mans otiiers rcce.ved inedi' attention and went f-ent thejr honico HINDENBDR6 IN COMMAND TO PREVENT AN INVASION Will Guard Eastern Frontiers of Germany Against Poles and Bolshevists.

rAWH. Jin- 15 Kleld Marshal von Hliid'nb'in; has ben mule crncralln-sliuo of tjermin forrej for the protection if the eastern frontier, the Zurleh ennopopiient of tho Journal lilc-graphed to-dy. I Tll rtCtlon 1 1 taken to nienn that rtcrmunv tuVnu prciiijttorifc iiRitnsl an by I'oliMi funis or li t)iu tljr Ihll llol-lievlki I GEN. WOOD SENT TO CHICAGO I I rnn'trrre'l tn ruiniiiBnil nf IVnlrnl llrpartmenl of rni. WAHINCiTON.

Jan 1 Orders dl jrectlng Msjor (ien iMonard Sooi, now' Coniiiian4lrg Oamp HinMiin, to of the Ce ntnl Iitpartrrrenl, wm Issued I to-day by the Wr Depurtment. UlULcru i V. e.nlp.1 I 1 1 1 A MOLASSES BLOWUP BOSTON BUILDINGS YORK, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, RE STATES WHICH PORTED 17 A i I i i eiitsU -vU 1 Kt lies In nhlie irce raiilled the I'rnhlUltliui Amendment tn the Constitution of the United States. ew llauitM-hlro and Oregon. In a wile Kite UiIh tiftcrnonii.

should b. counted Hlitotu; the stales while, making tlilrt fur which have voted to make the nation dry. Mme. Lebaudij Suffering From Chronic Bronchitis; Heart Action Is Affected Must Have Oriel for Several, BRITISH TROOPS IN VIENNA Weeks- Woman" to Aid I tor. Mme.

Mario Augustine l.ebaud. who shot and killed her husbaiul, tho "Cmpcror of Sahara." Saturday night at her home in West-bury, L. was to-day reported critically ill by her physician. Or. I'aul Thomas Kcrrcr.

After lea1ng Phoenix Lodge late this afternoon. lr. Terror said tflir was suffering from chronic bronchitis, which had iiffccird her heart action and that she must liavo absolute rest and quirt for several weeks. Any ix-citeinent, lie added, might tcsult for her. Mme.

Lebaudy has rested well tho last two nights and to-day read sev-' eral houra, Hr. Ve.rrer t.ild. I Mme. Lebaudy, aptiarc.ntly more compof.ed because of the. messages of sympathy nnd upport that have come i from nldes, intimated dhe.

did no' expect to have, to stand for ki'l- I lng her husoand i but th truth I reirard to a fo-sible trial "but that Is Mitll'-letit Jacqueline i.i'baudy'd today 111 mourning. She posed coin-plaeently for the photographers. The tcatlmouy lit be given at Mlne-ola to-morrow by the "woman of mystery" in tho Lebaudy caso will, In the opinion of Attorney Harry W. Moore, be convincing evidence, that Mme. Lebaudy killed her eccentric husband In alf -defense, Mr.

Moore is si II unwilling to ro. ieal the name or glvr the address of the witness. "I have talked with her ovor the telephone," ho said. "She will be on hand to-morrow. She will tell of sutenieni that he was going to Phoonm Lndnr to 'tlean up' the famllv "Cllven tiistimoo' of this natuie trom a witness of iinimpe leimble character add il to Hie story of the Hev, Wiillnm I'' M'-tjmnis of li.s midnight calls to lb- Lodge a maniac, und it is simply tlln' Mme, v.un be indicted for it cupitiil offense." Unable tn locate the.

Western Cnion tnossengnr who sp'jit Saturday afternoon and evening wlUl Lglud, i 1 (Continued on Third Par.) HAVE VOTED TO WITH GIFT OPFOODSTUFFS I'rcsjnt t'1 Women aiul Children in. Kect'sniliiin of CoihiJcnilinn Slunui I'risoners. VIll.S'NA, Tuesday, H. A SMALL lmd of Hrlliih troops anivcd here to-day an the ounoy of train- load of foodstuffs, a present from the Hrlllsh Army In Italy to inu women and children of Vienna, fircat clnwils lollnneil the thriiiigh the streets, giving th men a cordial welcome. The llrltish officer in commind evpliiinrd to the Hurgomaster that the supplies were sent In recognition of the fact that Austria had treated her llrltish prisoners with consideration, in contrast with th inhuman treatment glvi Hiom by th'i Hermans Three additional train loads of food arc to follow BAKER TO QUIT CABINET, ACCORDING TO PERSISTENT RUMORS JNWASHINGTON Reason Wmil.l He iiunciil jnd He Would Ifc-LsUhli-h (Jcvc-land Ijw Practice.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. -There is a prospect that Secretary of War Baker will retire from President W'll. son's Cabinet, according to persistent rumors hero to-day. If ho does he will return to Cleveland and reestablish his law practice.

Ills reason for resigning would bo a financial one, say thosn in touch with him. Some of his friends iiuggcst ho might bo perwuaded to remain if given the post of Attorney t.enural. Maker ih scheduled to make a trip Liiinpc to assut in winding up War licpartmin' Imslin Ii it unlikely be 'Miltld quit i turn .1 of contract mil 1 ra ae 1 Irared aivay and Hie Army Iienrgaiiuate 11,11 disponed of. COL HOUSE OUT IN FEW DAYS rrj III. Jin IS The rorctlt nn nf Col P.

llnuie, tlifilgll In IS rtlll rnnfln'd to In1 hed with indlg-'sil is very liorilmi Aiiehm-clniiS, hi" on-ln-lw, said to-dy. He added tint Col. llou.e expect to te out In 1 lew dy. mi i if hi I -v Circulation Hooks Open 1919. 20 PAGES CRITICALLY ILL MAKE U.S.

DRY WITH $3.50 STEAKS, Abo Gave Republican eader Horse, lie Says Letters Show. WASIIINl.Ttl.V, Jan. Infoi ma -tlon concerning the chiinicter of let-lers tiled Hi tlir t'hlcago olllce vaults of Henry Vecder, counsel for Swift was given by l-'rnnelH J. Hrtmy of San I'Vanclseo. In resuming his testimony to-day befniii the Senate As-ilciilturc Coniiiiltlee at hearings nn the Kendnck bill for the regulation of the meat Industry.

Mr. lleney dwelt at some length on letters written by Voider to Swift, which ho said agents of the I'edcral Trade Commission saw, nlthough they did not get possession of them, telling nr sending fancy steaks and a horse to llepresentative Mann of Illinois, leader of tho House. The witness said Mr. aided tho packers In their light against the norland resolution for a Congressional In- csi 1g.1i urn "i''iiiKi'pHhmrn told me," lie said, tbat Iteprehenlatlves Mann and huggid eneh other before tin Speaker's scat when it was announced 1 he norland rciu'lutton had been defeated." Olio of these letters seen, lleney said, was from Vieder to luis Swift. Vf-edor wrote ho had Vrn talking to Mann and that Mann said he hadn't had a good steak in a long tune.

Vecder wrot Swift. Henry said, thai he had sent Mann a steak costing J3.60. and Inquired whether It should b' rharged tn th Washing ton or Pl.icago branch nf SwiP and fompiny. Swift ifplied that It whs a irood tl.lng 10 sliuw appreciation, but asked how m.irv sieaku Mann wnu'd want 111 a in. lleney suld.

Swift al I Mann shouldn't have nioie sl or si .1 iiii. aeii'iding It 1 1, n. Itetirr ng 10 Hie horM, Herns thni Hi. Adams who win the pipeis in i-d'i'. v.iul' 'rild 1 'ont "il Sc.

and l'ig I Tiai woKij TKAvrt. wrnicAP. 4iti' Pnltti IWwMI BioMlm, OIBClit Rn Cut. TtV)rw Sr.klHn 4000, Ctvrt ivvb far tw4Vt ruTftU kmi Ats 4 ErlfM. Ittmrr wtin 4 utsll-i' c1mc Ii PACKERS FED MANN CHARGE BY HENEY to All.

1 9 PRICE IOWA. OREGON. COLORADO AND NEW HAMPSHIRE VOTE TO RAT FY THE AMENDMEM One House Each in Utah and Wisconsin Decides for National Prohibition, With Final Action Expected Within a Few Hours. 7'fir of four more Slat? rotcil fo.du.v to ratify the h'rrfrrnl nmrifilmrnt proi'liiiiy or 117 loii.tclrfi! prohibition, Inning onlj two Stairs Iwkiii'i to make i thrrr.fom llix mnivrity required Id iutthr nmrmlmrnl lit cffrrl. Thirtu-lour Mulct so far have voted, in tiiflfre thc rniintry There, ii itnuibllllu thai rnHficaUon bu tlir.

Thtrty.tli Malct ncecttinv have hrcn voted before, night. In addition, one Itounc in oilier titatcn acted favorably on the in cndme.nt thin altcrnann. The Statc'Scnata loled to ratify if) to I'. Thc lover lloiine of the I'fui Legislature patted the railI'd-flott resolution uiuininiouslij. mid thc Senate uas expected to take action Inter in thc day.

Iowa, Colorado, Oregon and Sen Hampthlre, retpcrtlvely, iccre Ihr ihirti.flnt, Ihirty-tc ond, thirty. third and thirty toiirh Male lo is thc amendment finally In Xcbratkn otic ou.ic of thc l.egltlaluie led faiorablij on thc amendment urslcrdny. and final at tlon ifit fifed tor to.ilay TEXT OF THE IlOMlllTWX AMENDMENT. HKUH i thr Prohibition Amendment to the Federal Constitution submitted by Congress to Uie States for ratification-Section 1.

Aflcr on year from the ratification of this article tho manufacture, sale or transportation nr Intoxicating liquors within, I ho Impnrtutluti thereof Into, or thc exportation thereof from the I'nllrd States and all territories subject tn luc Jurli-diction thereof for bovcriigo purposes aro hereby prohibited. Section TIip Congress und the several Htutcs shall hiivo concur-, rent imwer to cnfnrcn this article by appropriate legislation. Section It. 'I his article shall be Inoperalh unless II shall have been ratified us nn amendment to the Constitution Uy the legislatures of tho several States, as provided In tlm Coiiftllttllon, within seven years from the date, of tho submission hereof lo the States by the Congress. TRIAL OF EX-KAISER ASKED BY GERMAN INVESTIGATORS Government Invcstijpitors Report Notes in Own Writing Convict Him as War Wakcr.

Itr.rtNl!. Jsn 15 A 0rmn emntniJ-Hon appointed to determine the former responsibility for the war has officially recommended that he he brought to trial, rrirdlng to Information received from llerlln lo-dny. The recommendation was by llerr Knutnky. who was nppolnted hy the prenrnt Herman to dlrcit examination of documents In the ar hives of the foreign Office. "Marginal notes In ttie own handwriting on the mont Important pipers in the Toreitin Olhre prove he was one of the principal war makers," Kuiltsky reported.

"It Is necessary to tiring him fore a tribunal SHERMAN WILL RETIRE. Illinois sciintnr Won't eeU lle-rleellim In in-1. WA.SHINi ITiiN. Jn t5 -Senator il.iwrence of Illinois, fie pubtleiiii, Int. nds to retire from imbll' 'life when 111" pHM'it term tl Belial' 'expires March I f-' Si n.llnr Ii" ill )i li.ii ll' ul.irh a i' i 'l ijellfn' I isi'ii (' kiiiii In- 1 1 1 1 111- I I 'l lil I Il III Ill I'I INFLUENZA DEATHS FEWER.

Ilimrier, Nnnilirr of I usr nf urn sitiuii inerriisF Mere, Inf Incur. i md inietiinnniii cae" le poind tn He1 Health I I m. ut today aKii'i li ''n Hicr. lntluenx.1 rue iiuiiitieri ''II an Inereise of S( over yesterday, hiuy-iwn deitns wire reporlnl. 5 less ih-in yenlerday.

rnrinnonla ease to-day total 153, an Increase of II. Deaths wens 3j, fourteen lcoj thin yesterday, TWO CENTS. The prolnbitlon aiiieiiilmrnt would go Into effect one jc.h- after its ratlfl-uitlun by the thirty-sUth State. The States which ratified the ameiidmcnt are AlalMina, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, tiela-ware, I'lmllda, Georgia, Idaho. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kcntuck, Ixiulslana.

Maine, Maryland, Masai-chusctts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North I'akota, North farolini, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Caro. Una, South iMkola, Tennessee, TcxA, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia. "Western States whoso Leglila-lures are III resiliii, but which have not rt railllud tan amendment follow I'tah, New Mexico. Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Missouri. Tho amendment will be submitted to all of them, and Nevada, where tho Legislature meets ect Tho Wisconsin Senate ratified the amendment to-day.

A writ Issued by the Superior Court of San Krnnclsco was nrved on the (lovernor of California restraining him from certifying to tho Secretary of State at ashlngton th legislature's iatitU LITTLE HOPE FOR WETS IN "REFERENDUM LAWS," DECLARES LEGAL EXPERT Mijjl.i He liiM.M'.t Mil. in Two or I huv l'ilch. Itefereiiic lawyers representing the liquor interests to the so-called "referendum in fifteen the Legislatures of which hay rati- A n.s...

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