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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i i i MM jamxmisiXLtmxsmemm wwwMteww" TV .1 rf TWO O'CIrOCK P. d. AT GB AND STREET CHEAP bTORE, HEW YORK. BILK, BEAVER, VELVET, PLUSH, AND FBLT HATS AND BONNETS, Sellina at a reduetlen, whloh oan be Specialities Felt poods: ever ihape, tromSo. tolSo; 910 real foltaat 15c.

and (I each. Bilk Beavtrs, every size and Bhopo, ve' Tti bonnd, at $1, (1 2S, Ct 65, 1 IS and II each. Our white Coney Hats are now Belling a tl CO each. Every thing in this department nearly half 'ascmpnth's prices. EDWARD RIDLEY, Fos.

811 andSUJi Grand, and No. (6 Alien st, die St Fifth block at from the Boirery.N. Y. is! to haw Mr. ion to WM.

I have observed him ss an inKfWgenf, diligent, Interested Juror, and I should bo extreffloly son lose bl deliberations. If tnero la a fair pwsrsejof BW prceencfl tomorrow, I hope wo will adjourn till te.l)uMf not, I am fully willing: to let tbo cause proSrtd Tjcforo the lemalnlng olevcn gentlemtn of tho jury. Bid I know what kind of tesUuxmj tbo defence baa ro.serve, I misht be willing for ub to proceed no, anSi thit the sUnoarnphio reporter read, open his arrival, ta testimony laken' during tbe' abaencn of Mr. Long. But It any more wlliiessts ot Ihoopncatancoand characTeyor Mrs.

Smith ore to be put forward, I ptefcr (hat Mr. Long Edottld be prcsr Kt to scan her on tnc stand. defence sanmiited notlm i ri'Ply. anfl courJ sold GtntititifUi we wilt O'lVJUtn tbl case tuilil Tuesday at 11 A.M. Mtnotliim will d.

fluiU'ly ascertain Mr. Lnnu'a cr.uilltion. If he 1st lo bo here after today ell trill prcciM as horttrrforc. If not wo will taio such ollior octliio as may be rtecraol best and as will bo ORreed upon by tbo counsel. Ftarlng tlio procress of tbiu lotiu trial we have been opptn'iecslvii that illuerB of some of tho counsel ot jory might, atfoftPOH does, interfere Willi and work A'tritnedt ttr tho ends ot justieo In the ransc; we hipn sunh wilt not to tbo resale htre, and now.

The Gmrt direils vnu'tu havb no intrrcoutBe with any one in rcuard trr tnls case otDctrulng any of lis bearings, Presirve ymxr minds ak Cil'tq and undecided, until tc cause is fimrtly givdti Ic 'yan, as if your own interests were at stake u5 it issun Do mil ilio upyt.urmiuds upon ovidince past or r.icii.ecifvo, but await paliontlv iur deliberatlo is uotil tbn Omit Bu illy gives tho and laff tcyr.u luryouu decision. Let tbo Court ue adjourned. Gbaud Cokcbbi at tojc AmfeNBoiE A Concert ia lo be civca at tbe Athencum Ibis evening by Mr. John Noyce, which will biv an enlertuinmcnt worthy the ailcntion of our mnslo il public. Mr.

Kiiyea willbcnssistcd by a nuishe'r of eminent iiriis'n; and'by a quartette Irom tbe York IiKtlltitloii for tl SIOlfDrtY BTElfMre.lMBC. 18. Disab Bodtofah Intant Form While a paityof boyawoto playing at the footof gontb. SSn on Salurday afternoon, thoy discovered the acad body of on infant of recent birth, floating in tho river. She remains wero seourod ana Coroner Barrett will hold am Inquest.

Eecovebmo. The young man, John E. (Sullen, who attempted to commit suicide on tho 9th by shooting with a pistol, in hiB fathor'a Btab'ei Brain Dili street, E. la bo far recovered that be is expected to leavo the Hospital to morrow. A Case of Laoeb Beeh.

Jacob Metslor, a German laborer o( 18 years, was caught stealing a keg of lagor beer from Iho brewery of Messrs. Foster Bros on Uyrtleevenue. He was captured by oflloer Covert, of the 49tU precinct, and held for examioation, Alleged EoBBEnr. Edward Marohfelder, is (barged with stealing $00 from bis father, Ko. 2T2 EiBt 10th Blreef, New Tort.

When arrested $62 were found onhiBperson. Ho was sent to New York in charge of Officer Kelly of tho J2d Sudden Death. At about half paat seven yesterday morning, a man named Charles Boyle died auddedly in a fit, at tho corner of Fourth avenue and 9th street. Coroner Lynch will hold an inquest this afternoon. The deceased Jeft bis residence to milli a cow and vias soon after fonnd dead, near the baru on tbo premises.

Deceased was subject to fits. Fell Oveheoakd. On Saturday evening, a drunken junk man named Poter Conley, and residing Ko. IT Jay ptr i fell overboard at the foot of Adaro8 street. He was rescued from drowning, and during (he epeaiion of restoring to him a solid footing, a man nam ei Malhcw Gibling fell into tho water also.

Tho pair were finally saved by Officer Gear, of the 4 Id Precinct and a citizen, Frrx. At about 3 o'cloci ou Saturday a lire brcko out at the sulphur factory of Daniel H. Craig situated in 0th street, neur the Canal. Itissupposid to have beon caused by the carolessness of a man employed to repair tho roof, who. while smoking, sot firo to tho roof with the lire from his pipe.

It was easily extinguished, and the loss will not exceed $50, on which there is no insurance. SPECIAL HOTICES, DtMOORAlIO GENERAL OOMM1TTEB A meeting of the alon Oomntttre will bs hold at DB HAXli TBDB8DAY raVBlIIRfJ. Dee. aiat, atso'efick. AceMialattendanfa of the members of tha Oommitteeradntred, as a time will belied for tbe election of member! of the Qommittef, in place of those wrote term of eervlco traj expired, and Intpeotors of eleollonin the ward, and town.

AWSGULARMEEX1XSU UxTil UOJMJt A nj erf tbn Mth 'Kenlment, M. 8 H. will ne held at 1 be Brookljn OIl'V ARMOltY op MONOAiT RVflli IKO, Deo. IB, 1ECIS. This beios the last mtet nir of the yoir, bmliesa of treat rropprtoncn will be transacted, to waioh W.

H. TOMPKIHS. floor. ASONIC BWtoYORD LODGE NO. 674, 'fa1 A lmlMH ita annnal elee tlou tnr ntiitmrA TuTB (MONDAY) VENIKU.

ueo. it), wis, una o'otoox, attbe Lodge Room, Court st Brooklyn. Memborsaro hereby summoned to attend. Bv order nl JOHN K. OAKLEY, M.

C. Gbankh, Sto'r, EiOKERING SOS.V HANOFORrES Apoodesrortmont of theso splendid instruments on hand at 2E6Fultcrast. Othorsood lEflnufaciurers lalao. dl86t. 1UTHEW3.

OAL BEST LOCUST OUNTA IN AND Red Ash stovo aLd oge sizes now unloading for a to days from fool of Bnltio street. Lrare crdera at coal offloe, corner Baltio and Columbia ata. sis et w. Mcdonald. EXTNGTON LO.DOE NO.

310, A. A 11. Wembersaro hirebj notiarl tbat election for officers will be heldon M0MD4Y NIlXT ISth inat at cloclr. dl6 2l) H. TV.

KvhM. VY M. A VOUaG LAUV VO.ULO LIKE TO obtairtafew puoits in mus'O at $10 por nuartor. Address MARY Brooklyn PoatOtrlce. dl 3t" nHB ANNUAL MEETING OE THE SUB A eoribors to the Brooblen Diapensary will li held at street, en THURSDAY IVEMKG, Dee.

28th, 1865, at 7X o'olook. at winch timo an election will be held for a troatoaa for the onsuiDg rear. dl8 lOt YM. W. HESSHa.y.

Soo'y. O1 EFICE ClTlZENb' EIRE INSURANCE Company, JNo. wb uraauvray, wew xorir, xrocemner Tie annnal olection for thirtf on Prrectors of tills Com panv bo hcld at tho office, lio. W6 Broadway, Ne it Yt)rk, onTTIESDAY. 2d of January nest rolla will be open from 2 to 3 o'clock P.M.

jl8i2t E. A WALJON. Secrotary. ASONIO THB MEMBERS OF ORE BN wood Lodso no. Cbtr ann n.

are roapoccmti? in nt.nna t.he rerzular eorumuniu rtlnn on TllDRSDA KVEN1NO. toe 21st aa buainesa ot im nortauco will bo brought before tho Ladrra Sfficcrs, ta. Bf order. P. L.

PIEROB M. R. O. BcrtiMaEOeTB, Seo'y. 2i" OFB1CB OF THE NAT1UHAL ARMS COMPANY, corner Kont ayonue and Hewea street.

Brooklyn. N. Deo. 16th 1865. At the election for six trustees of tnis Company for the ensning yoar.

held at tho ofiice'of the Oompauy on the Uth the followiniriientlemenwernoleoted: A. J. Bersen, Wm. Hunter, John J. Vonderbilt, A.

J. Bookman, John A. Latimer, John 1C. Oammeyer, andet a eubseanent meeting ol the Board A. J.

BER OhN, waa unanimously ro eoted Prjs'dent B. GOODEMODGH, Secretary. OL1DAY PRESEHTS. DIAMOHD PINS. EAB RINGS AND FINGER RINGS.



HAKT tll8 If Fulton ttreet, St Ann's Building). mrpmlnriRe, of memb rs is oa' ncarly reouefiied. aa tlBlrnti Icrthe annnal allat the Acaaeujy of Music, on rho evening of Jnunarj 24th. aid of the rphanB will tjo ready for distribution. Byrrdei.

TUOS. OASS1N, Boo. Sec. lfc SATISFIED GAS CONSUMERS' Arc invited to Bobsututo I IS h' PATENT LAMP. And lliun a eniiprior 'gJit tor less moDy.

Ct ca ba filler1, triuimofl and liDted (8 qctckly A3 OAS) wichaot removin (hpsliadeorchinu.pj Wo Imvo riely of Chariooljftr.H anil E'aclietd. Hantr net and Table I muuh, t.o Also, A A'iHAlfiN TS lor applioation ti G. .8 FIXTURl' and Table Lampd notr in uaa. many testimonials we select fe from INqw Yor! lom U. O.

Bowou, oftlie rndependont.l Since our pua buri.oi'rj wcro reluoved antj vour hmDU tasbfdin thnr placo, we get a bn.liarfc. yot uiollow liRBt, far tiupfAior what wo havo Vnauied" lieretoiote. Wo bave sixteen now in use, nnd nH well. IFiom Chiis. Taylor.

Keq Pro. Internitioaallrs. Oo. known to be and 1 think it in tho uoyi economical iiBht. 1 overhnd.

roui Gon. Wm. Hall, No. 513 Itroidway. The light iB tbo best I ever auw, aud 1 thiuK lo.

tg tivt, thdn Rise. It is eo well Hiicd tbat we eiDeotsojn to adojit tliem tbTonRliont our facility. i Tom it. F. Mason, North tiriBrioan inn.

Co. I tonndor ittto beat lmht iu use It ana the Huh1 toread or writs bythirti evsr saw. 1 havertnounccd the gas and shall us a tho lamp till I find a better Our laTnnp Hre aiEo pboq ana approved ny Tho Ti. Y. Tribune.

Fow'or A WdIJb. M. Uradbtri et. Son, Tiieodorn Tilton, Ji. AJoiris.

Wheeler W. Cooper, Smith Oliin iW, J. li. Pichards. lisq J.U Derby, Bowors, BeeliaaTi Brail ford, Hneb Auohinolosn, B.

T. Brown AOo The ''Iron ge." 21. vy. JJBID.V, nana wpiw, isq. Widows' A Orphunu' Ins.

Co. Richard Brown, I). W. Vanhan, Marvin A (K. K.

A. Btansbury, John Anobinoloas. Jomeo Buell, Wm. H. Dana, Sargent A Prof.

O. H. Hitohcoolr. Prof. D.

G. Eaton, Oity Lunatic Aeylnm. Call and eioramooraond fur 111a rata Circulars. JULIUS IV lib CO No. 18 Bookman at, N.

Y. Hold in Brcotlffl by dl8 6teod POOL So BKRQEK, 62 Fulton at. BROOKLYN CITY HARD WOOD UMBER YARD. Cornerof Flufhingnud W9bioRton avea Brooklyn. 1 ho subscriber will have ut all times 11 largo and stock of Eastern and Western AS)1, OAK.

WHITE HEART HICKORY. WHITK WOOn MPLK, OHHS'l'NUT, AC. Wbeclwrightfl will find a Uwn nB.onmer.t oi Uu'ja, FiniB. Hut gn. Boa.

Cirt Booms. Car rioge Poles, Body Sides, atiho moitreiajn able rates. Lumbf rfc shif pii.g constant? on hnnd. tll83 rtLKXANDER. AKTKD IjADLUS to lekn to oneratooi' Singer's anil Wheolor Wilson's sorting machine.

All brunches taught and recom nodded to worn Also all k'nos of family stitching and qui! M't: dona byan experienced operator. Apply at 182 treat, upstaira. je22 Cm KNICKEKBOOKEii ANTHRACITE COAL COMPANY, Offico HO Hfoa iway, corner OBnalflt We aie now dudivuring om minerioc Loiiigh Coal lo alockholdi rs at. $0 00 per tun. roceivd at the ofluo orJOllS liP.AlN EKD, asent for uruoklyn, No.

4 Court etroet. n2f 2v AMUSEMENTS. 18 SIXTH SEASON, gj BUOOKLTN AJB.T ASSOJIATION, THIS FALL EXHIBITION OF PICTURES, Of Ibis Association, WILL OPKN ON THURSDAY, 21st. And rempin open on EtlDAY.Md, SATURDAY, 23d. end MONDi From 8 o'clock A.

M. till 10 P. M. ADHISSIOl! FiTKE. Catalogues 0 cents.

dl8St JOHN WU.LTAMSOM.SecrtUry. TWIBLO'S GARDKS. Loseee and Manager Wm TelaeetablililuiiontrloeH not advertise in the New York Herald. Dor orrfn Btl'4. JBenin at 1 LAST WEEK OF EDWIN KOBRKST.

who wi'l appear on MONDAY and TCIiSDAY EVKN ItGS. Doc. 13 and 19. as FF.BRO. THK BUOKHK, in tko Dramaol THE BROKER OF liOGUTA.

WM. ffliUAl'l HY. (onlyappearnn THORMDAX DAMO.V. FRIDAY Benefit aid last appearance ol EDWIN FORRKST. RIOHBUKU.

WEDNESDAY and SATURDiY Lait nignts of AURA II NA POGUK. MONDAY, Dec. 25, Miss LUCILLE WliSTERN will appoar. nf tf AI.R' THE YOUNO LADIES nv THK T13IRD PBB5UYTKRIAN OHUIICH WILL HOLD A FAIR. For the benefit of tire Sabbath Sshoo), TUESDAY, DEOEMBBR 19ih, Afternoon and Evening, at tho rjoma of the YOUNG MEN'S OHRIoTIAN ASSO0I iTlON, Corner Fulton avenue and Oallatin'place.

Admission 25 cents. Tickets at toe floor. 2I GEAWD JOB1LEB FAIR AND FESTIVAL. tiLM PLAOE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Oiev. W.



For strticalara seo small bills. cents; Reserved Seats CO centi; toJiehadat the Box office on the day and eveniog of the entortaiament and at Thompson's mneto etore, No. 3 Qreen ay. CHRISTMAS CONCERT OITXBE ST. M.

E. SABBATH SCHOOL. ON MONDAY EVENING, 25id; 1865. To commence at lii o'clock; doors Open at 6 Tickets, 60 cento; Children. cents, To be had at Djaa A Bookstore.

210 FnltMsa. and at tbodoot ontheoyenliurol the dl8t.MrT TUBEi rasv. vill tha 4th of a Onnna of Lflstnres In tha1 FRANKLIN AVE. PBEBBKTEBlAN OHUitOH, THTJBSDAY BVEH1HO HEIT. Bli insUadtK Ihuertniirg.

as nnmoutlr adrertiMd. unit WAntmtii AKIJ A WRSI OIaABS COOK nanst nnnentaad herbuttneinerTT particmiar; none other need apply. Call at 48 Concord rrt TS7AKTED A GO()l GlKLr TO GlKL. DO: general housework in a small family; goodre'er encea required, Inquire a( No. 5 Gallatin place, Brooklyn, OJBi.1 WAHTlfiR A GIRL TO DO GENERAL honairork in a small family; mast bs woll recommended irom her laet nlace.

Apply at 88 Llolumbia st. WASTED A SMAKT GIRL TO RUN errAEde and learn to btist. Apply at 233 Pearl st, fjanelB. ANTED A GOOD, bMAliT UIKIa, lil jXJ M. W'H a IV! vr bfinov iuni inriiiPtMnn i.

to crnaral hoiliawork: goodroieKPc fSieqred. Qall st25I dlintoa st. dia 2r COOK AND A OflAM. bcrniiiin. ADnlvOn Cumberland fltroet.

2d lnnfla nmih of DnKalb bv. To ncb us can iriva soon m'Hrfltico and will atiit. iho lacf will bo nofmanont 2t, WANTBP A FIRST RATE SEAM stress and nnrso; none other noed apply, ataquure at UO Schrimcrborn st. TSrAiSTTiD A. FFHST RATE COOK Vr end laun Jrcss; heat of olty roiereocoioqaired, Call ak MlipmsoD at.

117 ANTED A CHAMBERMAID AT 4T Sohfcli Oxford BtreeK None but tboaa havini fmt cliisereiorfcncj Died apply. dl8 2t WAKTKD A GOOD PLAIN COOK AND TTftshei: ft.iBiB'anrfl in washing: ona who jan gtvo frond oity reference dan find a good homo bj enquuo at 25 Concordat. dlG 2tr ANTiSD STRAW jfl AT TRIMMERS at the corner of Lafayetto and Taio avennos: an operator on fimnor'n ma'ihino. tm' WAlNTHDflBOO PER YEAR WE want agent a eve.vwbero to toll our improved 920 SewirgBiachires. Tbree new kinds.

Unaer Sad apoar feed. Warruitod fiveyeari1, Abovo salary or large ooni mibSion paid. The only mnohtoea Bold in United State for less than.10, which are futli licensed by Howe. Wheeler WileoD, drover daker, Singer A Oo and Bichelder. Alt othpr cheap xnacainoa nro intringements.

Oiroalarj free. Address, or call npfn Shaw 4 Clark, B'ddolord. Maine, or at No. H2J Broadway, Now York: No. 23G Oar tor Phil adfipma, io.

irombard'a uiook, umoasro, No. JTO west uourtn umomnau, or No. 8 apauldnR's Exchange, Buffalo, K. Y. aii am ANTED, ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE sncctable toudc woman, to do the wash lnp ato ironing nr a pr irate iinuy; can mve gooaraior enor1.

1 lease call for two day at 48 Adams at. WANTED A' SITUATION, BY A BE asoook; understands oiokii? in all ita branches; can make the bist of broad ani bieonit; cjd give tbebestof city references. Ploaso call ut 160 Nary st, ear Mil tie av. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE Bpcctablo pirl, as flratrito oook. washer aid ironer; has tbe best cily reference.

Please call at 95 EaitBiltio atreefc WANTED BY A FIRST CLASS SHOE cutter, a situation either in a faotor; or oustom trade. AtidreisD. Jio. 2 Poplar itreet, dl82t WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE spootable yoxag woman, to do chamberwork and waiting or take care of children; or wonld dahimework for a Bmall family; is willing and obliging; good referenoe gven. Call at 251 (new number 331) Atlantio itreet, noir oeinm st, fortbrse dayf WANTED A SITUATION AT li.VR teDdmy, by a young mao; cpii giTO good olty rofer enco.

Apply in the Btore (Na. 105) corner of iSmith ana Pa ci 6 sts. W' ANTED BY A RRSPE TAKLE AnierioaiiRirl, a citniation as soonistrea or to da pliiip sewing. AqoresS M. P.

dt3 2t' WANTED A SITUAllON A3 SEAM ttrcsi; nndcrptinds dreaamabiog ami all kinds of femily towitu; can rcftko boje' Ita no obiaction lo tiko care rj cbildroo has good city icferoaco. Ctll for two dflB bt 63 Main atrot ANTED A SITUATION BY A roapeotable young girl, to do housework in a small family, or would bu willing to nund ohtldronor do ihan berftork; pood wfcrenco, Pleiso caU ac 103 Kait Warraa am et. front yooti. top floor. AN LID BY A KESHB' J'J'ABLIS lutirif woman, a baby towtnursn ar lioi' own rj sideu.e.

Call at Ho. 91j ooruor ot H'ottiandAt'ant'o st 3. ANTliD A SITUATION BY A RE tsnectableyounir woman, to do 'cone'ial ho'namvorb in asnitiii faial is noid cook, wilier and irmtr; not ufrnid of work; huAgood city reiero.ioou. OeUi for two d.iya at Vti Pottrl btreet. iu ihe brrECinent.

WANTED A SSTUATION BY A respect hie young woman, as oook. or would do hon ework in a email tawiH id a goon biead and bi ciit moler.aMrtt rite wasnor and; cau civa rood oity rfiliienoB. Call ut 112 avi 2d door from TiHary si. JAWkD A SITUATION BY A RE spectable younff woman, to do general bousawork in a small family, or conk, wa3ti nnd iron. Can b9 smn for twt (leys at Co Union atreet, South Brooklyn, front iid floor, WANTED A SITUATION AS OOAO0 niau.

by un, illicit) sober mm, lv understands his business and can rifo the of oity re fi.r(nces from his last or, 'cloyer for more than threa soars last paBt AddiesHjQHN, I'aKleoflice. 2bi TOrANTlTD A SITUATION AS HOUSK keetier, or as companion to an invalid oracedbdy, by a hwhiyrespectsblo Atui.ricaa woman, of iniddie aie. (uo encumbrance); is a ueisouof reunenieni and oiiuoaiioi and a member of the M. Oimrdi; untscoptionablfl ro trrencesin llrookjyij; a comfortable oorjio o1 morn i a portance than high wagd At CHRIsVOPHlSit'S, 10 TilLtiy st. ANTED A SITUATION AS GENE ral noupomaid.

Incmirein Boro corner oj lilliotd placoand Ailnnticav, for aLIOK McQhOUGUUN, ANTED A SITUATION, BX A rBBDectabls vounrr tarty, fia iuirovfir in a tirat otni: milliner; establishment ire BroDltlyn. Aaetreaa CI Court at. I20tf WAWTS. WAN TBI' 81,500 OK 82,000, FOB A ajear urlnngar. farwlitob libbral intoreiann rroo security will ho tivori.

Addreaa MAJiU t'AUTURBR, EobIo offlco. 2t WANT ED A HUll'lii OF JLOFTS DOR etoioeo ot cotton, Box 8583 lie York P. dia 6t AMTED A SMALL HOUSE IN i'UB iioiBhbortiooelof Myillo, D'ulton or Flnttmiti w. br a dejirablo tennnr. Aetdrusa, atating terni3.

No. BO Wvokolf atieot, Sontlr Hroukljn. dl82t WAHTEO A FaO'IOKV OR TWO larrelofiK, witb eteam power preferred, in Brrrole ainuioaa ae rxj ell03t llorclaj streret, Klw YorkUPy. WASTED BOUSES AHO ValCANT propeity at law On hand a rrroat li'imbar ot brrpaine in liice property nnd upon o.a.v BRAKE 4 Willousiaby stroot. near tUo Uitl' Hn.l.

d21ta lost akd nnmv LOST MUE BADOb! NO. blfi, AT THK iunoral of Tlios Armstrong, of Kngine No. 6, jes terdiiy. 'the tindor will ploase leavo it at ilio ottioo ot mo Cbici JTDRineer. LOST FRIDAY EVUKINti.

E1THKR IN 'J hroope, Maroy or DeKalb avonuoa, a small gold BKKAS'VPIN inthosbapo a half moon, witb hair injure. The lir.doi will be suitably rewardon by lnavintj it nt JU cornerof Myrtloand Throopoavo uvcnrjOB. HM LOST ON 'WEDNESDAY NIGHT. AT the fair at tbn Mhenoum. a brora til.c The tintlbr wi'l be liberally rowardod by it a'.

3il ffnbhinfiton aye. LOST MKM THE PKEMiaK'S OF Si ut. a large MalleflaCAT: had on a collar. iiuccr avill lie suitably rowardod by returning the Bame. REWARD LOST'lN i'ROST OF JTJr nj' ouico rornor Hoornm and S.ibermwhoru st.

an oldcfllf fkin POCKET oontaiiiiitf a'lout 180 and soniu piiuors. 'l liotiwloi wid rofowe the above lowird by ltiivimrBuineatthQ above upraed place. disot a.c urtotyjgnL, L()ST ORSTOLKN ON the 13th inet. a Muall Scotch TEHUII5R, with Flion tmi nud crnppod ears. Any poreon reUirnujjr it to K.

CAMB1 AlN, comer Uatasave. and Ryorson street, will rocoivd Hie oIkao reword. dI6 at ffiij. REWARD A (iOAT REBKISUTLY wlnfo, witb long hiur end iiorna, and baviusrablack aliniavd piece of rope ou its neck, Ktiavod from the pie mijfs 'i'ompiina ijrst honio south of Gafctsavo. on TuiMiuv ovomnp.

The abovo rewri willbs ptiid by O. 8, KADKf'KUonhcr being returnea lo tho above number, die iit" QTKAYkD TVVO HOKSK COLTS CAM 13 io iiitntJ.ecntloFure of IiAUNia' Wl'JICOb'P. in New ITtncht.cii 'hoM'b day of Occembor; ona a sorrel and theotboro bay; supposed to ba or 4 years old, dltlflf LOST ON TUIiSDAY LAST, A LARtfJB black ewfoundlnd DOG. Tho finder will receive 5 1 ew.ud by loavinic him at 144 Fultou st. 2t jft A REWARD LOST A MINK COL LAB.

on Thursday flight, the Hth in a I'u! ton cveuue car. Jorutemonor Oourtat. The finder wilt ri vo the abofe reward by returmnjr It to the fourth bru'O in St. rolix street, irom DoKalb avenue. dl6 2t BOARDING.

BOARD A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. ot the 2d floor, with closet and gas, to let. with board, in a imvdte family, to two gentlemen, or gontlemau and wife The location 1s very nlaasant. Oats poos the door to tho ferrios. atreet.

BQ AR A SBATLY FURNISHED front from and bedroom, on 2d floor, tolektotvo ortbreeor Einglo aoDtlemeo, or ft gentleman an! wife, Ttitb board, tn a privalo. family convenient to liulton avo cara. Apply at3C Greene qtq near Adelphi sU BOABD TWO PLEASANT ROOMS TO lotwiih board, on 2d floor, to gontlemon and their mvcB or single gectlimen: price for tha front room for two 916 rer week; for single person til; and lor the back room; 910 for single person; house has' modern im provemotte, and ia within three minutes' walk ct Wall st. and Fulton ferries. Apply at No.

20 Joratbmdn fitraet; dinner at GJi. also a half room. BOARD TO LET TWO FURNISHED and one unfurnished room, with board, 144 Court ct, corner of Amity at. OARD WANTED IN A FIRST OLASS house orDrivatefamilir. inftrroodlooatiori.

fnt a imn tieman, wiio and infant. Addieaa. etatinir terrna, which must be moderate, IMMBDlA'ffi, Box 3109 N. Y. Post office.

dia St OARD WANTBD BOB GENTTaBMAN, wife, and child one jear old: will fiimiah. oiespt carpal AddreB, stating location aDd terras, which, must be moderate, O. TV. uagle offlco. FOR KALIS AKO TO tV6T.

170E SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR C' BROOKLYN PEOPKRTY A farm on Ions Island, Price 25 prr acre, vitlaali tire bruldinrra and imnroTo ments Apply to the owner, No. Si Fort Greene Place, Brookljn, dlSBt' TO LET FOUR ROOMS IN A star; brick horuo. Apply at 61 Hamilton street, or 803 Hiclifi near Paciflo FOR SALE A JBAY MAKE; IS SIX sears old, perfoctlj sound and kind In all tiaraeaa, and iaa good traveller; long lull tail andmane anil erery way bandeome. Price. $116.

Can be aeon at private stable, 13 TVjckoflbt, BCarOoort. dtSat" FOR SALE A WHEELER AND WIL onps and Elnger'n Sewing Macblnea, buc llttlg nsel. cnr. Pearl at, aeit to the drag store. dIB 2t rlOR HALE OE SXUUANtiK THREE Tacanft lota, oorner fitha venue aoel 7th slroet, deatra iW looated.

or mold eiobange for small cottwo house, Ktth extra lot. situitfld ire the east part of. Brooklyn, and oifference paid. Addrcsa J.S.I)., Eaglo office. dli)6t' fjlOB SALB A BUKN8IDB CARBINE, 1 voted order; prloa tan.

Applr at 9C Third nlior. TO LET TO A SMALL RBSPEOTA BLE funltf. tha 2d atorr of a nut honss, In iwrtert wafer and gaa; cars pass the door: ten minutes' walk fran tr Hall. FriQntre at grocsrj ete 140 Mjrtle Leaky Hoofs, Brick Gable Ends, Iron ings. Shutters, 4o cotted by the Enterprise Cement Boof ioa Company will be warranted.

Rf to the Brooklyn Firo iDtnranco tho Continental Inrraranoe Oo and' Uiouiands of otnen. Hemember Davis's offices an) at Nos.lOontt street, 106 Atlantio 'street, 69 Fulton street, cornerof 4th and Poith I th slreots, E. and (0 Coort landt street, New york. r. jomnoa ft fv.

B. DiTO, Buperintendent. There is an immense sale of so shells, corals. Chinero and Japanese goods heldatl60Monttguo strict, opposite Poit office. First, mla will oommonooon Tuesday eveninrr, 10th.

at 1 o'cloott, and will oonttnue. 'Wedrcsrlay, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at 10A.M. and? P. The South, desirous of getting into good odor strain with its northern noiuhborfl, ii Bending on large ordort for Phalok'b "Night Blooming Cerous," which for four years has taken the lead of all otttor oxtraota for the handkerchief inoverj ottyand Stats on this Bide of the Potomac. Scld everynbero.

Hotjdat Fbesents. One of Beaiteatj's splendid "Grecian Coils" or a band of hair a yard long to rnokoit. A ri'lenid ar sorlmont of air goods, Bnituble for hohrsv presents, selling at 25 per cent, hoiow resrular rates, at the aihionnble ttnro, 31 Court street. dW lit Yod cakhot have a healthy constitution while your blood is Impure. CoKSTiTirnoH Lite Sxatrp purges tho system of impurities, and stimulates the vital organa to a vigorous and healthy action, cxpolllng disease and restoring tho health.

Svaup rapidly cures diseoset which are caused by Impuro Blood, Scrof ula, or King's Evil, Turners, Old Sores, Ulcore, Blotohe3 Pimples, Boils, Erysipelas, Tetter, Sal Bheum, St, Anthony's Fire; Scald Head, Iting Worm Cancerous Tumors, Sore Eyes, Syphilis, and fou diseases. Disease of the Heart, Palpitation, Dyspepsia Ulceration of bones of tho Nose, Scalp and Face, Use CoKsmunoH Life Sieot and you will bo aurprisod a Its rapidity in removing these diseases, leaving the blood pure, the complexion clear, and your system free from disease. Moboah Alleh, Wholesale Druggists, Gen Agents, 46 Cliff sheet, Now lork, Sold by alldeal in mediclnes'in Brooklyn. Lexington Lodge No. 3J0, P.

A. M. Rlettion Uondiy evening, 18th Inst, at IU o'clock. dl62t New Fashions in Hate Dbkssing. The waterfall style is dcoidedly oat of fashion: anew headdresa.

knoun by the classical name of the "Grecian Coil," is now gpneralli adopted; it oin he soon in all ita perfeotionat BBAnEATj's eoiebrated Hoir Dressing Boomt, 31 Ooiart ttreet. Ladies are dai'y erowdiuig this. store, akxions to diacard thtir unfortunate waterfalls, and procure thein cippenBahlo "Coil." They all say that Bbaxteau's "Gre c'an Coil" eannotbe excelled in beauty or ohoapness. This establishment Is perhaps the largest of the kind in tho country, and is potronized by the wealthiest and moat fashionable, on ac munt of tho stylo and elegance of its produc'ions, while it cormnouds itself to the attention of the million by their dorabilicy and cheapness. Hair goods at per cent, below reenter prices; floir dreraing.

Wo; ehildren'a hair ontting, 200. Hair goods on hire, Waterfalls at half price. Peench OonrnvLE Cobbets, hand made, Krlrch Woven CorBete, all ftvles. Corsets made to order; a lnifte quantity of low priced Corsets at Mme. BSOBbow'b Irenon Corset Store, 213 ITulton street.

The DuoloxBlio ticSpnugaud other Skirts of the finest and best make in the city of ovory size and shape, 820 eodl'utf Colgate Gltcebinb Toru5T Soap est eoinlly adapted for use during the cold season. It soiteps the skin and prevents chapping. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods doalors. jZieodU Pile's 0. K.

Soae. Pure and hard, made, similar to Frenoh and English soaps, and does not unue cessorily wobte in use. Is good for tho laundry, bath, or toilet Sold by grocors everywhere. Dopot 350 Washing Urn r. V.

n2 Pyle's O. K. Soap. Pare and hard, made similar to French and English soaps, and does not unnecessarily wastes in ueo. Is good for the laundry, bath or toilt t.

Hold by grocers everywhere. Dopot, 3S0 Vothington street, N. Y. d212tco(S Ladies wishiDg Fancy Triminings for tho floliihiYs tonvoid will nlottee 'mior at onc at J. LOCKETT.

CON Uo 251 fu'ton St, opposite Sellmo Out SELtrsa Our Ladies, wo ar seill iB off our lorce stock of Dross and Oloak Trimming'', at rr duced price3, to close up the retail imames beiore maUirtg altErattons in the store 1. LoCKirr, Son 4 Co 's. 251 Fo'ton st, Ppposltfi ClintOD, ttoottlyn. Until iurthor notice tnttminrrs trill bo inado to order he usual rates. A Beautiful Holiday Gift.

A Grover Baker's Stiwinet Machine will prove an appropriate and most acceptable holiday present. It will lighten do mesMc labcir, promote health, and be a perpetual source ot pleasure and profit. Salesrooms 2.5 Fulton street, Brooklyn. J220t Make your own soap with B. T.

Babbitt's Pure Concentrated Potash, or Ready Soap Maker, Warranted aouhle the strength of common Potash, andsapori or to any othor eaponitter or ley in the market. Pal uo in cans of I pound, 2 pounds, 3 pounds, 6 pounds and 12 pounds, witb full directions in Knglish and German for maknglurd and solt snap. One pound will mako 15 pillions oteoft soap. Ko lime is required. Consuners will find thi tne cheapest Potash in market.

B. T. RAnnrrr. 62. G6, C7, CS, C9, 70, J2and 11 Wleshinglori H.

V. dll2w JEWELRY lOTt HOLIDAY PRBSENrS. Cnlifomia Diamonds set in tine gold, equal to the real in brill'anoy, jo Ear Bine. Pins, Finger Shirt Stud Ecarf Pius, etc, at reduced pneos, at J. B.



Till AT EST IN CLOAKS, Till'. UUCHltSS Ob" KENT, Which for tyte and conitort CANNOT Bli SUHl'ASSKD. Wo would al invite tho attention ot tlio ladies to our Whll Rts'orted fttrc1' of YIE.NNA, liEOt.lfi:. I RKNCH OAMIiL'S ILVIB AND LONG SHAWLS, W'hie v.c ere sei'inrr oelow i'ltnortora' Call and cTaunnetur klo. It tore imrchesini: rwheic.

AtlKAUAM. f.t lM3l'''ilton ftreet. 1 VEAB3. Ur. IilSH VTHOLIOUN.

orh Kit TAIN REMEDY for "Feiva'o ana "Uterina Uoaiplainh" won. en. 1'lilt'E PER BOTTI.R: FIVE BOTTLUS J.O ItSK SOKfUXCKl'T WITH THE SFAL 01' THE UHAEtSNliKRG CO. TH V. CtM KTKSBHHB VKGKTABLB PILLS, Tho Lost Liver rill, and tho most certain remedy for bilioiu and digestive trouble PRICE 2G CENTS A BOX.

THE A EKE N'BKRtTulTS lK fURY SVRUP, Certain in all bowel dimcnlties and in ASIATIC OHOLEllA. linked in the painless diarrhoea, which alwiyspreead cholera, it is a sur pievoittive, PRICE 60 GEN I A BOTTLE. SlllD WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL BY THE GUAR E.MtKFQ COMPANY, No. 139 WILLIAM BTR15H NEAR PULTON. NEW YORK.

INQUIRE Oh' DEALERS EVERYWHERE. OOintcou HEW STALES LACE OIJRT A CtlRNIOES, WINDOW SHADES, Ac, o. Pi iocs lower than othor houso in tho city. i II, MUMtfORt), 218 and 220 FULTON cS eoctiilJal Between Pineapple and Clark stt. THANG ADEIANOE, 305 BROADWAY, (t'eltvrcn Franklin ar.d Leonard streets,) 1 eve ii received a LARGE ASSORTMENT OF tUlJU PARIS NOVELTIES IS SILKS, LuiUille tor and Street Dresses.

Some of tha t'jI'K rid ttte iiielne nod most Elegant goods over offered or v. yt Also: A LARGE LOT OF VERA FINE PARIS CAMELS' UAIRI3HAWL3, Irani Wednesday's great auction sals, at about half Mt of ir; tion. Also: PA'SLEY BROGUE FILLED CENTRES, Very hesi, only 8M; worth trM. HKtiS HARRIED. WrKsrJotr DnOHES In Brooklyn, December 14tb.

by. Rot. W. A. Barrtett, J.

Wisblow. of St Louis, Mo to Mi M.mtie HoonEs, danghterof Lambort It, Urn 01 Brooieia'ii. No cards. Febms Haswerll In Ohrist hnroh, Broaklyn, on Thursday. Deo.

Hth. br the Rev, K. H. Oanlield, I). Hemiy Foinia and Ellie danghtor of S.

T. Caswell, Esq. DIED. Fbanklin In Brooklyn, on Saturday evening December 16. of membraneous croup.

SnsrE only daughter of Eugene B. and Elizabeth irra aMin, in the till year ol nor age. The relatives and friends of the family are rcspeotfolly requested to attond the funeral from tho residaace of her parents. No. 220 Adelphi street, on Tuesday atternoon, at 2 o'clock.

On Sunday! Deo. Hth. bf Bronohitls, MlOHAEt; is. Wrsi, aged 18 years. 10 months, andSrayi, Tho friend and relatives of tho family are respeotfnlly invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his father.

7 homas West. No. 168 Degraw street, on Tuesday, Doc. Wth, at 2 o'clock P.M. Nonis On December ltth.

Elizabeth J. eldest daughter of James and Ann Moris, in the 21st' year of her oge. will takoplace fromthe residenee of her pa rente, 37 aVyrite avenue, corner of Lawrence street, oa Wcdnunditv, the 20th, at 1 o'clock. Relatives and friends are reEpcctluily invited to attend without farther notioe, 419 it," Cook On Friday, Deormher I6th, Bebdebi infant son of Thomas J. and Rehecba S.

Cook, aged 1 vear and 2 days. Tke relatives and frionds are invited to atrad his funeral from the residence ot hiB grandmother. Mrs. Bav. L.

Burge. No. SO Gonrt street, Brooklyn, on Toeadaj', the ISth itiBt, at 1 o'clock P. M. 4I82l KiiB On the 18th Dea lost, at Rrooklsn, Hue.

AM, robot of the late PetarKiin, of Rosoommon. Ireland, la tbefSthraar ot harcgra, ITte fooeral will Uke plaoe on Wednoaday, the Jlst iust, from II Brooklyn. By Telerapl) to tiie Brookljn THE "FENIAN" TRIALS. O'Leafy Sentenced to 20 Teats Peual Ssrvitude, HE HAKES A DEFIANT SPEECH De Refuses to Rccogaiss Britisli Law ami Henios bciii? a I'raitor. THE "tHENANDOAU" DAMAGKD IN A STORM RETURNS TO LIVERPOOL.

FOBTtMiD, Dec. 16. TUo Btcamshiw Peruvian, from Livorpaol on tho 7tl i via LoDdondwiy on tho 8th avrived thia morninir. Her dates are flvo dayslator than those already received. Tho steamship Belgian arrived at Londonderry ou the 71b iriat.

The eteamsliip Scoilaud orrivfd out on tlio Silt. Tbo Sbenandoah put back to Liverpool on Pio 6'h lost, with less of sails and shott of coals, having experienced heavy Ralea. O'Leary, the Fonian, had Keen found guilty. He mitlo a speech denying that ho was a traitor, ne dcol ired lio owed no ellerrianco to the Queen of England nor obedience to British laws. Ho was sentenced to twouty years penal servitude.

Indications increased that Earl Kussol lntonded to introduce a reform bill. SECOND EDITION. fiAU'iiE OITIOK. 1 ai'. 31.

LATER FROM CAIRO. CAIBO, Dm. 17. Tho notorious Guerilla lender, Mark Suton, undor sentence of death, escaped'trom tho Memphis military prison on Thursday last. Cotton has a four cats; Memphis middling Is quoted at 42c; strirt middling 4 'a lo.

St'O bales of cotton passed here to day for St. Louis, and 615 bales for CiDcinnali and Now Albany. Tho small rox is ragiogamonR tbo freridmou in Ihe viclnily of Selma, to suoli an extout that they are not allowed to enlcr that city except under most pressing circumstances. I lie steamer Darling funk at Dumb Point a short distance belnw rairu. Lieut Cnmnioudcr Bartkitt, ol' tho Monitor Onolda, shot and killed a (rambler hem yesterday.

Bartlet has lieen orrenti'd and bound over to answer tho charge of manslaughter. FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE, New fonK, Dec. lit The opening price of Atnorioan Gold at the inarlio thia nioniintf waB'guoWd Bt W0v and tltiallv Is closed at ima. Stocks aro liellcr. Money on call moro plenty at 0 por cent, Sierlinn Exchange at Stock Exchancc Sales First (tnero.

eCCO U86's6 5HC0 do 1C3W porn 5 20 op. f6 loojj 61000 do 100i mam coupon HSJ i lfMO use's IP wr B2 6003 tlo S2 I'reas 1 seriej Oljf. rm 0 Second "scries. 3E600 COCO Tliird serin? 974 5000 St i's b'y l'n. 08M 2000 no Sw 11X0 200H do 2d coll 66i looto NCarSt 81 ireo MiesourlSlsMiB'.

76 i 140C0 do 2d call 76)4 OO'JO Missouri 6's iss to Pacino WU 16BC0 OBioAMiosrfe 2S 10100 blO' 29fi 2(0011 C'S, 200(1 Chi Allstin 17 6001' At liW a Olstm Stili 6C0J F.rieStlr m. F3 to Khoo it L'r linnk. 101 fO do U5, 1C00 Am (inlii HsJi 20 (lcn'lNnriBaiiK. ion 10(1 Om Coal Co tO IfO Un rir 15 60 West Union Tel. 51 2.7 do 60 4 0 ir rOJ Vti 7JU rirn! Ss KI5 500 do 600 do 150(1 ttanrtimrrr inr' C03 do 2C0 do lain COO do 2d call no utn lists 100 do 100 Obi ,1 ti 1 10' 210 do 100 lr Ii3(, 100 do4 108! 100 M'oliSc 1..., 76U 100 do 76 700 do Wii 400 do 7BM 100 an do 2d call la'i 13) do 100 do blO 76(5 KJ) 92: 200 200 AO do fO) 400 82 B5 103 Om 200 i rv 1800 von 500 11 0 l'l) 3M COO 13 "I 03 ltO W3 37 'r (il'i (1.7; .0) unit lil'i 1110 fli'i it 11.1 call 113 fjrp 100 Apbbuttoii Ii FchuylLill li 10 Spiii tr flit 61! IfO do 20 rill S7 100 no 59.

)W 108 line Kailxny 03J. i in. 'Him. 11.) 20 Del LAW 175 KOI) irj i IV tin'; 30i) in KG 8(13 do 1 53 V1 II 36 "Hi A I nr 11,0 Mar i. Oin 1st 52 mm edition.

THE STiiOKO DIVORCE CASE. of'iiu! foarth Tllli REBUT1IKG BOOMB SrllEl.bS OE THE l'UOSEOUTION. EXPECTS TO DISPROVE ALL, TKE DOUGHTY MADAME POTTER IN COURT. ncr'Appfaranoe A Juror talrcn Hi, and'Cou sequent adjournment of tlio Gonrt. PROCEEDINGS TIIIS MOBNIHO.

At the opening of the Court this morning Judge Garvin discharged all the jurors, olhcrivtso than those attendant upon tbo Strong caso, from farther duty during tho present torm. This snggcsls that tho trial ot this rcmariable case it is expected, will determine by, though not bcfoip, tho close o' tho present week. During tho holidays it is not customary to hold Jadidlal sej Bions, and we hope to be able to chronicle tho verdict in thlB huge nnd unprecedented criminal Jssne in alotr days. Tbo. defonce is understood not to intend submitting much ftrthor testimony, even if they haTE it, establishing what they havo already put in amply enough for their purposes.

Tho greatest Interest is excited as to what la to be THE ETJLIHG I2STISIONY 0)7 THE, PLAINTIFF. Tho proseculion profess to be able to give the He to all the allegations of the witnesses for tho defence in relation to Mr. Strong's conduct with Mrs. Potter, aa sworn to by Mrs. Walsh and Mrs.

Smith during last week. Mr. Cram, in his opening, announced that ho expeoted ttmt all this sort of testimony would bo dragged in against Mrs Strong, and that be was prepared to meet It. He expects to prove tbe entire Innocence of his client, as ahown by his well lmown good character, by his utter distaste for all auch habits of llfo as are charged against him, and hopes to dostroy the evidence of the women wboiave sworn so damagtngly against him, by 'showing, first, their utter increditability, their vile and abandoned character; and secondly, that they havo been FEED, JJEIBED AND IIAINTAISED, at largo expense, by tho Stovens, by vvhom thoy haTo" been suborned for this very purpose. It is notorious that tbo women Walsh and Smith bear every appearance ofpnrchasabllity, and aro far from giving evidence, in their looks and habits, of either virtue, sincerity or honesty.

It ie now understood that Mr. Cram is to put THE EEDOTOJTABLE MBB. POTTEU, HEB3ELP, OH THEBTAKD, to contradict on oath her alleged bod aotion and colla Bions with Mrs, Strong, Tearing, not only that nothing ever took place of the kind charged, but that at the time laid in the evidence, she was so stok and diseased as tu render all suoh occurrences phlsicallylmposBlblo, Mrs. Potter and husband wero In Court this morning, she being a boxom, large rnado woman, of some (purter of a century in years, brown haired, blue oyed, air featured and fleshy, and attracted not little scrutiny, which But bore without discomposure. At tho opening of the suit this morning, the Cqsrt read a letter from Dr.

George W. Ives, tho physician of Mr, Job Long, the eecond Juror in tuectue, in consa quenoo of whose Indisposition the session wn mlo snorter on Friday, announcing that that gentloraan wti suffering from an attack of asthmatic fever, and that It was out of the question for him to leave hlr home at least for to day. Tbe Court asked what action the coon sel thought best to take ln conieqnracei whether to proceed with eleven jurors, or to await tha nhorrtain recovery of Mr. rang; In tho absenoe of euggeitloss from the counsel, the Oourt: would fool it hta duty to adjourn the Court least until Tuesday, to learn what would then thA eondflion of Mr. Lonff.

1 Mr. Craa Hay It pleaaa lbs Qoatt, I Imrt a great. AT GRAND STREET CHEAP STORE, NEW YORK HOLIDAY PRESENTS I QtID AY PRESENTS EMBBOIUERED SETS PARIS STYLES. Long line of Linen Fmbroideied Handkerchiefs oheap. Rich Lace Collars and Sets.

Beantifuljot ot Scotch, Fronch and Hamburg DOUBLE BANDS nndcr regnlar prloes. Ladies' and GenW SILK ard WOOLEN SCARFS and NECK TIES One hundred now styles in Ladies', Gonta' and Milies' seaaoroblo GIOVES Eiamrne. Ladies KID GLOVES (Empress) at 75a, the pair. At $1 65 the pair tho finest kid in tbo trade. Our WOOLEN KNITTED GLOVES are clearing out EDWARD RIDLEY, Nrs.

311 and 311 Grand and 66 Alton dlS 2t Fifth blook east from tho Bowery, N. AT GRAND STREET CHEAP STOKE, NKW YORK. RETUL. Every color, sharlo eud width in rioh plaio BON W.T and TRIMMING RIB BON 3. cheap.

From this work's auo tions, Plaid, Broche. Figured aud Check RIB30SS at about 60 cents on the dollar. TRIMMING RIBB0SS, ohoip. SILK BONNET VELVHT5. Black $2 60, $3, S3 60, (3 16, 1, $1 60 and upward, full lines cheap.

Our COLORED SILK VELVI5T BONNET STOOK comprises nearly every cotor and shade, from $160 por yard. BONNET SILKS, both plain and colored EDWARD RIDLEY, Nos. 311 an 311)3 Grand and i 18 2t Fifth block east from the Bowery, N. AT GRAND STREET OHEAP STORE, NEW YORK. FEAL OSTRICH FEATHERS.

IMPORTED FRENCH FLOWERS. EDWARD B1DLBY. Nos. 311 and 3Uii Grand and 63 Alienists, 2t Fifth Mock east from the Bowery, N. Y.

AT GRAND STREET CHEAP Sl'ORE, NEW YORK. RETAIL TRIMMING DEPARTMENT. Every color and width in SILK TRIMMING VELVETS, comprising Green, Garnet, Modes, Brown's Amaranthus Mexiques. 4c at tl 91 25, $1 60, $2. t'i 60, 3, aud 3 60 the pieoe and upward all purchased at aucttsn this week and mneh under price.

NEW ORNAMENTS, CLOAK and DRESS SETS, GIMPS, FANCY BUTTONS ana BLACK SILK BIB BON VELVETS, (heapeat in this O'ty. EDWARD RIDLEY, Kos. 311 and 311)1 Grand, and 66 Allon et, dl82t Fifth block o.vt Irom the Bowery, N. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES Of English, Swiss ondAmerioan manufacture, gold vost and guard chains, gold tine gold eots of pins' and earrings, eleeve but'ons, studs, ladies gold rinis, gentle men's signet ringB and plain wedding rings of 14, 16 and 18 korata fine, and general asasrtment of jeweliy; evory ar ticlo sold warranted ts reprrsenled. J.

B. LIPSKEB, Oul No. 146 Fulton street, now No. 152. dl 6 3t Noirlr opposite High st.

BATOHELOR'S HAIR DYE, The best in the world. Harmless, Roliablo, Instantaneous; the only True and Porfoot Dye, Blaok and Brown. No No ridioulous tints, told by all Drng and Poifumers. Genuine is signed WILblASI A. BATH i LOR.




PER ANNUM On tniins of greater amount (oiclujivo of the Got'erument tai) will lie credited ffn thi FIRST DAY OF JAKIIAUV, 1S63. To ruch depositors in this Bank as may, by its by hvrr and regulations, bo entitlod to the aino. IKTFBEST PdYABLE 70 DEPOSITOBS AFTER JANUARY. 15, And if not oollcd for WILL DBAW INTEREST UPON THE SAMB CONDITIONS A3 DEPOSIf t. BANK OPEN DAILY, trom 10 A.

M. till 3 P. M. ALSO MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, From 6 to 7 o'clock. ,15 8w HOSEA WEBSTER, en BOOTS! RtCUMOND is now prepared to manufacture to measure OAITKBB AND SLIPPERS, ofever variity.

for LADIES, GRNTS. UISSI'S. BOYS AND CHILDREN. An numonso stook ot ready mado noods on hand, oil arirraeonaole prico C. O.

RICHMOA No 160 Fulton st du 26t near Broadway, Now York. NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF "CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTED KKib" ISSUED TO DRAFTED PERSONS. Kcros Couktt TnnasmiEB'a Omen, October 12, 18SS. I Notice is hereby given (o holders of above moati ne that tboy rill be redeemed in this officii after MONDAY, tho ICth, and that interoat will oea tho 20th InBtant. y29 tf THOS.




Engraved, Cot or Plain. CHANDELIERS and SA8 FIXTURES, in Bronze, Out Oiajs and Fire Gilt, from Originol Dosigns. WEDDING and HOLIDAY PBESENTS in Storiiog Silver, and other Goods. Undoubtedly tho lnrgeit and best assortinonl now in market. E.

V. HAUXJHWOUT 4 Nob. 438, and 192 BROADWAY, 6t Oorner'of Broome Bt, BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. SAMUEL DYAS 4 0., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, NO. 6 FULTON STREET, NEAR CLINTON, Offer a select assortment of GIFT BOOKS, snitod for Holiday Presents, man; ot them in fine bindings.

Also a large and select stook of JUVENILE AND TOY BOOKS. d5 21t 40.. Ad. HOLIDAY BOOKS. O.

MUDGE removed from No. MOonrt atrestto 33, nearly oppoaito, where may be found a very extonaivo asvoitmentof GIFT BOOKS FOB OLD AND YODNO. Parenta and Sunday Bckool Teachera will find hero a (teat variety ol BOOKS for the young, fioe from everything of an injuilona tondeno. Bibles of every variety at tho saae prioei aa at the American Bible Society. dl6W For two weeks longer only, few Worsted Patterns for ouintons, cnain.

as yir nsi. ijaB importattpn. at J. LootciT, Sox Vultoa airatk, cppoiit Clinton. MtTUiKK.

WJUfKtMlS 1HUKT, K1KUS OOUM'Y I'nvid B. lltrrineioe, nsirt IlcrririRton. Summons lor relic" not' foive IV, S. I. K.

Sta up. 50 cams, cancelled.) To tlio 1 elendant; Von nre liereliy mimuioned ami reqmrotl to frr.nirr tlin omplaint in this acliou. which will ba tiled iu tb cttlrto ol Uio Clerk of tho County of Ivhirrn. al H'u CiUrl Houce, Cily ol Brookljn. nitfl to nnrvn a ool'r of your acBivcr tn the raid comolai vt on tlio sulmiTitior.

at biis iiflice. corner of Court mid htropw, Hrookljii. nilhin twohtj daj tho aortriti 'of tint summoiw 6ri you cclriBive tbo das' pi such aor ricc: nnd i yon foil to answor the MA conlnlalnt vrithlh the time aforesaid, tho ulninllf1 inAia ottion will a'lnly to tho Court lor Ilio relict demandcM iutho ooniplaint Dated Brooklyn Pm JOS. M. GKEKNWDOP.

l'huntill ii Altornoy. IS 11 Tlio complaint in the nboyo nction was tllod tbir otKce of tbe Dlcrk of Kiuirs County, Diwinttar 15l.h, 183fi. 0)8 law6nM M'. Piffle Any. SUFHSMK OOUKT.

KISliH (JOUMTli LawTenco E. litr corjld Btia'titt Lubiok. Snm lnona for a moner demand oa contract. iCjui. IU.

S. Internal Ktv. stamp 60 canw.l Tothedefendant: You are hereby summoned and required to aiutrertlia eomplaint in tliia aotion, whioh is tiled in the offlcs ot th Clerk of Kinm County, at the City Hail, in tho Oit of llrooklyn and to aerro a copi ot your to thoakid complaint on tlio subscriber at hi ollke. Nos. ES and 81 Nmpou etr.ot, in the Cliy of lT York, within twenty daja aftor tho torrica of tan sumntonv on yon, eiclneiro of tho dfcy of inch sprvico, and if you fdirto ansnortno laid ciuniilauiti within ttia time afoieuid, tlx pliintiih in this action will taka judgment aalnBt yon for tbo suiii of it" linndrod and oihty two dolltn.

nith ialertBt one hundred nnd thirty dollars from the Sl'tb of June, 165. arid intercut on one hundred and i'fiy iwo dollira irom tne Wth day of May, 1835, besides the ct'Sta tud dislmimmenti of thia aotion. KDWAliDOKBHAUD PIlI'eAtty. Tho complaint hiioiu was died ith tho Clerk ot'Kingn County Pec 151665. H.

UwinABD, rin'a nlB lawStrM Blriavaiu N. Y. SUHtKMB Ot'UHT JULIUS LH1UU1E catn.t Mary Foley, and otliors. A. Mabkf.r.

Vlurnliif Alt'v. In pursuance or ajudgmont ofdorof this Court, made in the aboro entitled action, bearing tialo tho fourth day of Deconilior. I6ffi.l will fell by ptiblio auction, ot the Sale Rooms, No 3JS Fulton etrect. in tho City of Brooklyn, on tha third dar of Jnnuary, 1866, at 12 o'olook noon, tlis following descriLed land and proruise3 All that certain int. pieco or parcel of land situat3.

lyiny aud boirlrr rri tha Ttnih Wiird tLe City of and onuO le and desciibed us follows Beainning at a iimnt oa oorth erly side of Union stioet. one hundred and sniy f03t trlyfroin tlio. nonheoBlerly oorner of Hnyt and Un on trtots; mi ningthenue tlio uirth sin of Union tlreei.twonty fet; thence ncrtlier'y tid Oil a linn witb Hoi itreet one hundred feet; ttiomro wotrtorly and ou a line pariili'l mtU Ucion btroet, ien(s feet; tlriraoi aontl.eriy and on alino liarullot wi'li Hoi Ktrvot o.ic hull died feet to the northerly aide ol Union street at tlio point or placo ut besinmnu; mid lot being a part ol tlio property formerly imn a tho Korncn farm. Also all tlirtt other certain let, pif or parcel ot land, situate lyius and beinc in Ihe City of Brooklyn. Conotj of Kinirii and Statu oINew Ynrli, aadboundod and dpaorilioil ai 'ollowB: Bevii'iiins a point ontboi outtiorly Bida.of Sajkott screat iliMant (0 hundred and aixlv feet ea itoilf from tho corner formed vv tho i ctioii of the pouthorlv sirtc ol S.okett ttree', l'th the cantnrly sido of Hnyt street; riiniilt.g thenco touthorly parallel with Host ulreotaloiit one hn drcd iret lo iho cprtro lino of the block: tueneo oaBterlv nlontr said onlro line twenty foot: thenco nonlmrly parallel with Hmt elrnot, aiiont no linndrod feet to the nouth rrlyflidool Snckoit srroot: nnd tlreni westerly alontr tho southern Bide of Snckelt 'treft, tent feet to tho pluco af beninnrnff.

DatBtl Brooklyn, Df cnmlier 9lll, dO 2awSrS J01IM MoWAMEB, Bherilf. cupiTemi'. coukt, kings oountv Abraham llnlmoa againtt Mary A. Ticuonor mi In pniBiinnce nf a judsmMit ordorof tlio above Court, ia tho aliovp entitled action, Alfroc T. Ackorr, tlio Iioforea named inaid jui'gmont.

oroor, will sell thtourhjioob Coin. Heal Ealat nnotioneer, nt the Commercial Kirchanfre ho. 3C0Fullon i trort. in tho City of Brooklyn, oo the 18lh day of December, 16T5, at 12 o'olook noon, all thelandt and premises described in said jadnmont oriter. Unit iB lo Ear; All tlmr.o two certain l.itj.

nieces lor nurcrleor land hituato, lying and being in the i.ilty pf Krooklvn, County of Kings, nnd Stito of Nuw York, bounded nnd described as follows; uVrjinning at th corner fornn'd by the iniorBoo'ion ot tbo northerly lino of KrocoiHko street witb tlio oistorn lino of Maroy arenuo: ruuninsthrnoe easterly and alorc Uio northerly lino of ciiislio Btrcet omo linndrod feel: rhenco nartu erly and parallel with said Maroy avonuo liny toot; tbouca wooteriy paralr with Kosciusko atreot one hundred feet to llii! taaierly line of Marry avonuo; tueacftaputh erly and bIodp Iho easterly lino of Marcf avenue HtHFicet to tho point of place of beginning Dated November 24111. ISb. ALI'KED ACKKRT, iteiereo. IIAYfEINK ColIUlEN, I'lnintiil'ii Attornojs 10 Wall slrcot, im2iw3ir '1 ho Efllo of tlio above mentioned property is ott rou Oil until tiif 27tli day of 1815 at thosa'DO and place Dated Dcormbcr 18, 181.1. 6K 2tw sM ALrtllil) T.

APKliRT, Ttiferes, QUI'ltOlE COUHT, COUNTY OK lilN'OS. 0 Samttrl A. Van Wjff, plan t.lf. against Jacob H. Crcvirntt and A10P70 Oro6sruBli.

ns o.teoutiirs to the laflt will and tn laiiioiitif Alfred H. CfoaitnaD, djcoanod, and ritherri, dr lcind'illls Number 1. In pursimrifc otnpidpmeiit. of foreclocitro and SMomartii iu this nctton on tlioGtb d.u of Outolicr, 1863. I borabr Bivc notice tliut mi the ISth day or Dcoomlior.

1865. at, tlio hour of I'J o'click nnr.n. nt tbo (Joinmercialli.xohance. i'ullon street, in tho City of Mronktvn and County 01 ICiniis. 1 will bell at pulilio auction, to the hiihnit, bidder the liiorlca caid jlulrtmont montfoned and llmcin di'Biiihcd lis fnllnws.

viz: All thoso tlx lots and vtirccls ot loud trontinc on V(t liiiiL'ton nvomui snd lloiitoii sirent. liotv.eoii Mirtlonnd Puk nveenoi, intue City of Hrnoklwi, toctlior bounded tuid c.intainiii ai tollnws: UciriniiitiPlt aticint on tire ly oido of Wnlr igtrjn niKHnil northorly oneuunifred and suvonty ilvo irtmi tlio llotlheaatcrly cornur of Wiislrinc'im anil nlyrtle iivr nuc thence rnrdiiu cit irty und iinriPcl witli Mvrtloiiveinio twnlnlDdrcd it. In t'lc wostoi aido of Hmnton tlrcrt'. Hlerlj aloilEC tho wosi'iliy rid.l of Hrmttr.n tlOlt Bevei tivc leot: ihfiicn wost cty piml lol Willi Myrllo avenue two li'iiiilrod left to tlio easVirly sioo of VVMlinifrton atopu tt'C uio bimth rly iilun tlio er.bleilv mi. of Wflehiotrton Hvenuo stvent.y tli.

foot, to tni pls'e of liejiionins; lOKthorVnh ntt rtie (itlo anil in terc ot tNr or rbo first livt in and ti Wiisjiinjj ton avennr anil Houstou Btreor, ndjainitii; (laid bis. Also, all Mi Hi certain otlicr six lots nnd pnroli of land froutfnrr on Vf liipirtnii (ivunuti ar.d llnui'to i htroot, Myrtle and I'ari; iivi lines, in tilt Clity nf li oolr'yi, together bounded and Ileginoiug ul 'a point on tboensttr.v si''e ot WnsiViinirtiiii avonuc diBtnut northerly tlvo biindrrdar.d Eovoiitwtivo lut from tbo nortbjast ly coinoi oi Wasliincton thence mn i.iiiiX easterly and wirn Myrtle avenue to liuiiiirnd feet to the wchtetlysidcof Hou iton trctt; thenco northerly, aloni; tiie weitcrly side ot Hiiuntou fltrcot, Bovonty foel: tLenco wfcaiorly, parnllel with Myitlo avenue, two hundred feet, to ttiopfldttrly tide ot Washington avenue; thence BOutlroriy. along I bo easterly ei'to cf Wiistiiiitj'ou nvc nue. BCveiny livo feoi. tutlm plica of beKinnlnz.

tuo lbtr with all tl titleannlntereet of the partioiof (ho link Plirt in fnd to Washincion avenue and Houston strpot, ad ioiring said lots. Also all flint cert do other parcel of landt situate on tbo rmilhonatorly comer of Washington and luhirg avenntf, in tuoCi of Brooklyn, and lion n.ied aa follows: Commi'iicinir nt tlio cornsr formed by tbo Intcr Bocliott of the easterly eice. nf Wa biDgton avenue with tho fouthcrly 'sine of Mushing, avonuo: and. rnnglnir tlient.n southerly, alona the castetlr sida of Waehington nvonuo; one lmndtod nnd twenty fool; fbrep inches; fiienco easterly on a line atriab1. iiiijrl.i.1 to Washington aveuuil seventy throe feet nlovon incllfti lo lai'd now or lato of Williaiu Hnnlcr: Iboriofl northerly alonK Baid last uientloned him ono linndrod and fivi) fota oiirht tbo southerly ride of lu.dilnrr avenue, al a point distant sovontj' four feet onq.

and liroa (tuarter inrfitsnast of raid rorner: thenco wcterly along tlia aoutherlvsrdoof li'luiluiik' scveutv fonr font ono and three quarter inches to tho place nf boInntnrr: to ,,.1, nil tl.t. l.rlfl nnd iulcrp.i.b nt B.iiil nirtins of tnn. first pait in rfnd to Washington avonuo parcel of land: together with tfio appurtonsnces thereunto bolocninK. Datcd Brooklyn. Kotoiub rlB.

1865. 0010 GEItARUM. SlKVliNS.Ro'eroo. MesBrs. S.

W. A Ii. A. Gaines, I'litintifl'a Attornojy. u22 2aw3W Tho salo of the oortgagod promises above descTibjd'la postponed until January fitb, I860, at tho samo hour and) place.

Datod December 15, 1865. dl62awl8 GERARD fit. BilTVENS, Itefereo. 1NGS COUNTY COUBT PAa'KIOK Hoilis againsi James nellls ana otners, AT.KTAHDEB llCOtnL Pltll'B Atf.V. Sit Fulton street.

Brooklyn. In punnauoe of a judgment of thil Court, madciu Mio above aof ion on tha Mth day of Novembor, 1865. will bo Bold at publio auction at the Commercial Hxcaaiga, 860 Fulton ttreet, in the City of Rrooolyn, County of Kings, IUw York, by or under toe direotton of the undersigned, a Reforoe appointed in said judmnent for that purpoas. on (Saturday. December 23d.

1865, at 12 o'clock noon, tho following dffcribed lands and premise; All that pertain lot, nicco nr caroel of land, litasto, lying and bolng iu the Oily of Brooklyn, County of Kings and State of New tork, known and distinguished on a map of land of AlDxander Hatrilton, made by Joseph IT. Bridges. Olty Surveyor, and which map, or a copy thereof, ia Ulod or intended to be filed in theolllco of the Clerk of Ihe County of Kings by tho number nil soventy one) bounded ana containing as follows; Beginning at a point ou tbo northerly side ot Baltic etreot one handed and twouty. five feat westerly from tbo northwesterly corner of and Baltio ttreeti. aud running thence northeasterly and parallel with Hoit street one hundred feet; thence runningaoutbeuterly and parallel to Baltio street twenty live feet: thence running aouth wasierlyand again parallel to Hoyt i treat onsbnndnd feet to said Baltic street: and tbenoe mnning northwesterly along said Baltio atreot twenty nve feet to tho plaos of beginning Datod Brooklyn, Deo.

1st, 186.V dlSawawFATu HODfnAN B. DAWHON, Refereo. SUPREME COURT KINGS OOUNTT Jcnat De Witt against John Jaokson and others, in rmSnti 61 a juditmei.t of foreclosure and sale made day of December. 1B65, LfMbiffive notice that on tbo, aiith day of January, lHts at the hnr of twelve oolook noon, at tha rvmimeroial Exchanee. No.

369 Fulton street. In the city if smt" nd County of Rings, I wUlaotl at publio iictlon to tke highest bidder, the mortgaged premises in said judgment mentioned and thorein described as follows, viz: All that certain lot. piece, or parcel of land, with tbe improvements thereon, situate, lying and befpg tntbe Bixtb Ward of the'City of Brooklyn, ia tbo County of Kings and State of New York, boundBd anil deseribedaafollows: Beginning at a point on the westerly tide of Henry street, distant ene hundred and ninety foot, seven ioohes northerly from tho uorthwosterly oorocr of Henry and Degraw etrrote, tbeqce rnuning alonp Booty street, twenty tiro feel; tbonce westerly and parallel with Degraw street, through a party wall, atandins en the premises nerobf conveyed, and the adjoinuwnremi, sts ou tbe north, olrrhty eigUt feet, six Inchest thonea southerly and parallel with street, twontytwp foel. ardtbence easterly, parallel with Degraw street, thrown anothor parly wall sUndicgou tho premises hereby conveyed, and tho adjoining prenusos on tbe south; eighty oihtfoet.8lxincbes to the placo ol beginning, together with all and lingular tbo tenements, horodiumcns and appurtenances tkorouotobolonslng or In anywij aopsr lafnlng, and the reveraion and revoralone, rremainrlsr and Hmatnifors. rents, isiuM and praflte thereof.Datod De nfFCHSUANOE OF AS ORDISR Off 1.

WELL O. BRA1NABD, liao. Surrogate ol thaUmta, having 'Claims again.t ELIZA HALP1N. lata i the Oity of Brooklyn, dooeuo toat may ata.raiiiurM tn exhibit the tame, witb tha Touohera khowof. ubasnuer, at tne omo oi uormau niiaon, ns, Btoglab Cauoht.

J. Metritt, a clerk aged 22 years, was erreEted this morning about 8 o'clock while trying to burglariously enter the tailor store of Mr. Henry Bolomonty, No. 143 Atlantic street. He had broken out af aue of glass in the front window, when he v.

as discovered bj Officer Heonessy of the 4VJd precinct. Two other men were in company with Merntt, but succeeded in escaping. Merritt is he'd for examination be fore Justice Walsh. A Mean Theft. On lturday aftotaoon, a man accosted, a boy named John Van Sas3eu, in Atlantio strep and ash him to take a pair of skates across tho street for him.

The boy did so, leaving, in bis ubsenco, a bundle of fur caps In an area way. On returning, tho tbrco dozn caps wero found to be and the strange man also. The CJps belonged to A. I. Reynolds, of No.

153 Broadway. New York. Accident. Mr. Daniel Moore, a contractor, rosiding in Grer npoint, while supirintending an exeiva.

tier, on the cunor of Union avonuo and Jiy street, the csved iD, and pirUully buried Mm. He wca extricated in a short time, when it was found that be was suffering from srvere internal injuries The in. jurc an was convoyed to bis rfsiden jo iu Kent street, near Union evuiic, whtro be is no slowly reovurina. Btjboiary. The residence of Mr.

Augustus Bobbins, No. South Second street, E. was on tered by burgl ns on Saturday night, through a rear window, End nty pounds or sugar, a quautjty of butter, a pair of chickens and a lady's shawl, in all valued at about twf nly dollars, therefrom; Tho burglars ransacked the pantry and secured several plated spoons, which tbty br 'ke iu order to a ccrtam their value, but as they were worth comparatively little, tho fellows contorted Ihrrnrrives with scatteiing them about tho place. Fatal Eekvltop NEomor. ilio'aael Lavell, the nped fiddler sbo fell into the water and was drowned, in thocannlat Ihe fect of Degraw street, ouSitur tlay morning, wca viiltntly misled by tho removal of the bridge at that street.

Ho had been iu the habit of crossing at that point for years, but tho bnlkhoadbeing lcitwitLout protection to passers by, ho probably walked overboard before he noticed the absonco of the brldgo. Tho neglect to put up a proper protection, cost tho old man bis lite. He was 60 yeara of ago. Coroner Lynch held an inquest yesterday, when a verdict of accidental death by dronuing was rendered'." A Sonday Bah Interutjptfd. On, Sunday evening, belwcru nine and isn Captain Wadtly, of tbo4'Ui that they weroUisvirg tremendous lime gtnerolly, in a lagrr beer saloon on Esmond strett mar ivjrile avenue, proceeded to the ol with tho intention of Ireaking up tho party.

Ar rivirg tleie, Ue bad Bubsided in a grfut measure, the seekers alter pbasuro had been iulwrutd ol Upon his leaving again commenced a ijucies of p'mtKmouiuQi. Xho Contain then vi. iied the plice and forced the proprietor to close up the tMablisliLcnt and eject his guests. It seems lha'. a DutcliU'sn hud just lighted tho torch of Hymen, auJlliol'iuliil parti wcio taring, what they called a rtecplieu, in tht saloou.

Gbaxd Laecess. Ciitliariae Malony, a ser ant gitl in the employ of Air, John lieid, iiviog in Suvy btrcet rr, ar Paih avenue, lelt the premises very cn Salmdny cvuning, between 8 and o'clock. After her it was discovered lhata number of mlick'B had also mysteiiou Jy appeared. A brown filk itn FS valurd at a Mac dress valuoil at 20. a lieregii dress worth light thr.wl, white, trud red ulriped, valued at flu, a 'elm Zouave jacket, trimmed villi hla velve worth O.

two under mints worth $1, and a cott'. iljinni 1 hkirt vaUi, at J2, tho tain total umount ing to Jifil. Tliefo were the goods, the property r)t Mrs ltcid, hich thus foloni maly cairied oft by the aluresaid patty. Catherine hid been in the service of the latuily a short time, and took up her lino of march without making inonn her intention. Shu is no doubt cn old hand at thisgime.

No traces of eilher the goods or their self constituted proprietor have as yet been disct vercd, Amusements. The IVbu Theithe. To niglifc the long announced drau.ii el ffar to the Kuile" will be produced, followed by the ever ppulir "Itohert Upacaii'c," in which Duff and Davittfio are inimiteble. Hooiai's Opeba IlorsB. Maimgor Hooley, to cuMotn, preeents a new bill to night, which contains many things which must bo seen to he appro dated.

Among the rcBt, the genuine version of L'Af. by Lagdrbeer, (said to be his cWd'ouvre,) will be produced with untold splendor and regardless of tho feelings of the audience. Balls To night. Prof. Utis' complimon.

taiy ball will be given at the Academy. A very pleasant entertainment may be relied upon. Wosbington Engine Co. No, 1 give their annual ball at Gothic liall. The 23d Eeghtekt Pp omenade Concert.

The second of the series of Promenado Contorts by the 23d Begiment, waa given on Saturday evening at tho Academy of it mic. It was well attended, tho company being select and sociable, and evidently enjoyed tbern elveB. The SSd Regiment Baud is rapidly improving, and will socn take rank among the most accomplished musical organizatisns. Their music cn Saturday evening was very fine, BIoldee's English Ballad Cosceet. Mr.

E. B. Holdrr will give his second Et.gllsh Ballad Con. cert on Wednesday oeniug next, at Sawyer's Assembly Booms. The success of tho first conVert proves that these entertainments suit the tastes or a large number of our citizens, who prefer the fimplo Eoglish to classical music.

Mr. Holder baa engaged a number of we' known and talei'tcd artista to assist him, and i raro musicaMreat may be relied upon. We bavc often thought what would the human race r'o without clothinrr, and what a misorahlo sot of should bo wiihout fashionable gRrmeots. For this reascn, if no other, the man who invcutod them should bo irrmortalized. and that oil who have sinco improved upon them should bo "patronized," and' that none in the history of them should occupy a higher place than Luceey, 193 Fulton e'reo', who probably clothes mbrQ "human forma divino" than any other naerohant tailor in Brooklyn.

Luchei has a largo afsortmont of Boys' and Youths' Clothing, which ho is disposing of at greatly rc ud pi ices. Seating. Grand opening clay of tho Wash ingtonBkatiDgPad. Ball upend Skating splendid, Tho well known fanoy skater, Engler, who challenges the world in the art of ckat'ng, has boon ongaged, and will posilivel? be on hand orcry nfternoon and evening, W. B.

Haseb, Agent. The undersigned beg leave to announce to their friends and the public that toey hnvo reQtted up tho Known a Saddle Rock Sbidos New No. 7J4 Fulton avenue, where they inlond carrying on the Liquor and Oyster buMne'g on an oxtonsiva scale. They feel confident that they wilt bo prepared at all times inpply the best goods their line that the nmrkot can floid, and rospcot'ully ask an inspection of their stock on nd alter Tuesday, December 19th. YoniriBiM MoNaUABA.

During the Holidays, the Ageiicy tor VHIEtEB MioHoxj will ba open venirgs until vriiB o'clock. Fulton curnorpf Court, Ko. SI2, 4, and 8 sr aibs. da.

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