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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Forwloohcap. aUrge lot of Worthlngton 4 Marshall FAMILY FLOUR, Of every grade, at the lowest nurket price, delivered be CI Clwgo. HAY AND STRAW. Prime Hayland Straw, in largo lota or by the hale. FOUCB IHIXLUQUTDT.

Before Jmtloo HorehonM, OOTBAGEOUS AND UnPKCTOKBD AbSAUIiT TOON A Clothes Ltbe. Tho citizens of Brooklyn have ct ready, no doubt, been thrilled by rumors of tho horrible case of assault and battery: Bat few are probably awaro of Its lull enormity. Words fill! na In tho effort to depict It in all its hideous particulars. The faots of tho case, as nearly as can be ascertained, aro as follows: Alice McCorkin lives in No. 6 Clinton avenue.

Margaret Bay, the immortal for her name and history have been known to tho Inmates of police courts from time Immemorialresides In tho samo locality. A ba 1 state of feeling for somo time bet existed between the abovo mentioned Oj the 15th of Octobor the Illustrious Bay entered Mrs. McCorkin's yarJ; and then and there did wilfully, ma'iciorsly and diabo'let'ly cut her clothes line, on which a number of valuable atiicln wero bung up to dry, thereby injuring said property belonging to the complr'nant. As Margaret has been before guilty of tbis barbarous proceeding, upon one occasion having smllled the immaculate purity of a dozen shirts owned by Mr. McCorkin, Alice hai resolved no longer to suffer tbis treatment.

Accordingly she has made a eemplaint agalnBt Mrs. Bay to the proper authorities. Officer Applegate, of tho ilth precinct, hai ai usual distinguished himself on this occasion. The trial of tho case will probably come off to morrow beforo Jus ticoMorchouEO. Before Justice Dalley.

Robbed a Sase. A young man named Bernard Dunn was arrested by Officer Nicholson of tbo 45th precinct for robbing tho safe in the plnmbin' establishment of Elderby 4 D. 'ton, No. 123 South 2d street, P. Dunn was formerly employed by the firm, but had been dischrrged a time since nd had by some means obtained pc sesslon of tho safekey.

Ho removed i ore it $17 in genuine money and a smp'l PTtount in counterfeits. Justice Daley gave tho young thief ntnoty days in the Penitentiary. Indecent Assault. Officer Bell of the 15 precinct arrested a man named Peter Pett last n'ht for cetrmitl'rrg an indecent assault upon Bridget, npon one t'jo street Ferry boats by attcmpl'ng to ttke improper UboiUcs with her. He was rrff'gned before Jus! 'ceDa'ley this morr'07, but as the aSY'r was setf'ed the Justice sonteuce.

The man was intoxicated at the time. Before Justice Cornwall. Bbeaung into a Hot Hotjse. John Shana ban, a dirty looking specimen of a man, wlthont a home, was yesterday held by Justice Cornwe1! to await tho action of the Grand Jury, on a charge burglary in breaking iato the hot house of James Bsl dock in fro town ol New Utrecht, on tho right of tho 11th of October. Ho effected an entrance and forced bis way into a sleeping apartment of the hot houce, whero ho stole a silver wahh and obr'i, four scarf pHs, one pr'r of boob, one pair of sheets, in p'l valued at $40.

Ho plead guilty, stal'ng that ho was drank at tho time. Bhanahan lives at Bay Ridge. Tne property stolen beloogs to the gardener of the place, William 0. Langley. Before Justice Walter, Alleged Hobse Thief.

A negro named Charles Sutherland was arrested yesterday morning by Officer Duffy of the 40th precinct charged with stealing a horse which was running loose yeBterday morning in South ith Btreot, F. D. Sutherland states that he drove tbe animal, whee owner is nnknown, to tho pound in Myrtle avenue, end wh'lo procuilnj the keys to enter, he tied the horse to a by. On h's return the animal was missing. He wai beld to awe It the appearance of the owner, who '1 make a complaint ageinst him.

Before Justice Walsh, Securing; a Habd Oh akacteb. Officer Dor neily, ol the 8d precinct, yeBterday arrested a Southern refugee named Hauseil Mergin, who stands charged with highway robbory, in knocking down on the 14th a mon named Henry Creigbton, in the First near 33d street, New York. Margin says he bails from Memphis, and was boarding at the Barker Houte, corner of Ham'lton avenue and Union Btrot. It is alleged that Margin assisted in other little highway affairs, in one of which he is said to have relieved a residence of GowanuB of a watch and $75 in money. Upon h's person a letter from the pricrjers sister residing in, was fouud.

It elated in allusion to some wrong doings of the brother, that he cor'd now retur in sr'ety, a3 "tbo affair bad pretty well blown over." Mergin when captured, resisted power pid officer Donnelly found it to knock hrm upon tho head before he would submit. He is believed to be one of a gang for eomo tlmo pet operating in this tection. Ho was apprehended iu New York lart Spring, end Bent to Blackwell's Island. Aiter a shoitiUiy there he escaped, and It was ho who burst in naked upon a party of women in a parlor in Astoria last sum.ncr, and demanded clothing. Margin is identified as havlrg beon csn vlcte in a number ot criminr1.

enterprises which cannot now be proved ogainst bim. Ho )B held until more tor limony can be brought to bear upon bis case. Meantime Creighlon, the complalrjp it, is eico held as a wit nesf. Th's is necessary to prevent Margin's friends from buying bim off. How to Bijf a House.

Officer Wilson, of the 43d precinct, yesteTday verted a man named Ohas, Prince, on a charge ct falso pretenseB. Prince keeps a liquor Btore at 91 Hudeon avenue, and according to tho affidavit of Henry Queens, of No. ISO York street, ob tr'ned $i00 from him unlawfully. Queens complains that on tho 13th day of August, Prince represented to bim that ho had $2,000 in tho Atlantic of Brooklyn, which ho could not obtain until between 5 and! o'clock of that day. and thtt hoforo that ho nhnuld loio a clranco to buy a houso which be considered a groat bargain, On this representation, Queen let Princo havo $400.

Ho has Bince learned tne statement to bo fe'so, and has therefore caused tho arrest of Prince, who wa3 to be examined at 5 o'clock yesterday otternoou. imTANTEDA JfURHlBHED HOUSE Irom the riiat of Novomber or Deoember until firet of May. in good neighborhood, near thfl Wa'l atrrlt or South ferriet), Biooklyn, to. a small farnjjjr. EyermUs Address Eagle ornee.

0i36t WANTED IN BROOKLYN, A THREE Btory house, with all modern improvementa, from Oct. lit Andreas j. W. 266 Pearl street, H. Y.

s8 3w UrANTED BROOKLYN CITY BONDS If of the Boveralolaases, at farr market prices. tiJ.H.MAOKAYtOO.gOourt't Brooklyn. MOit BQARPIHG. OABD WAlNTED a LADIES WISH board in the vicinity of Hoit Bond st Fa' ton avo. Addrc: Miss SHERMAN, Hoyt Bt, neir Pa ciOc.

ol8 lj BOARD WANTED A YOUNG MAN wiehciashHeioom.w.t'i npr near Ealtjn or Wall street ferry. AdOtt i BOARD TWO SINGLE GENTLEMEiN', or a gentleman and wi'e. osn bo with boe datf'TPriitlostrcoti horrsocoritJtsaU modern iru provereen' itelerene' i OABD WANTEDBY A RESPEOT asmr iBinqio room, whero there few or no boerdera; a rcp: toe andoonvc Termsntust do moderate. Re'erencfs exchanged. A o.

Ep "DOARD A GENTLEMAN AND LADY, JD andoneortwoi.inlegeni omer; can aoeoumo datrd with good rooms and bos' 'd. Apply in G. and ave, 8thbot sosou'h of Ctf. ol83t BOARD A BACK ROOM, ON SECOND floor, tikt, wirthoarl i a genfeman and l(o Apply at Mo. West Br.

at" t. nca? oil up OABD TO LET, 1IH OR WITH out Sunday board, a room, on 2d floor, containir rgfls, surtable for ono or two Pi vato family: at teO' street. BOARD WANTED ROM NOV. FIRST, for a gent'eman, w.fe end ot'ld, 4 yeai of age; meet bo nith'nflvj minutes wa'k of the cpuer of Sands and lultonslrtet will iarj loom if desired. Add.c stating terms.

Ac. F. S. office. whero a good table is set; location must bo minutrs' walk of Frlton fei.yl must have ga and fire pVo in the room, with ono or two clowts; will nrr week, referencca exchanged if desired.

Add eca V. Eaglo office. BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE v.ah a plceraht room, bo: famil" ore frrred.noa? taecrvsorfei.nes; t.iJ";modorate. A(drer3 H. Jfi jgp omce.

BOARD A LARGE rlrlfi 4.SANT ROOM, with a'l the model for two, msy to obt.lred, in a piivalo fam'y. Addrcts A. V. Brook'yn P. O.

BOARD TWO OR THREE SINGLE gentlemen, and a re pectaD'e yonni lady, en bo accommodated with board at2J ttavy nc, Foltm avenue. TJoABD TO LET, WITH BOARD, JU nicely fornished fjont room on 2d floor, for gentleman and wrfo, at Ci Baltio street, beiweon Olinton and Court; class house. 018 31 BOARD THREE SINGLE GENTLEMEN or gentleman and can bo handsome'y a com. MiOmb. IVll 'J OU.

Uj Cllll. av gust StTCSC BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIITE. or a few aingle gentlemen, can ba a icownodatod Hitn good board and plrpgant rooms, at No. 20 Joralemon street BOAKD WANTED IN OR NEA.R SOUTH firookjyn, a iroderan sizd room and firit bojd, forageatleuiin. korkPct office.

BOARD TO LET, FURNISHED ROOM and bodraom, Baitsbla lor two young men; trnn moderate; board can be obt Jned, ontbewem isee. BOARD WANTED A SMALTTroOM for a yonns man, ner Fulton lerry, ing Jocatton and ptico, offl' o. OARDTWO PLEASANT ROOMS TO let, with partial boord; tie liox3 is 5 nutrV wr'k ot Kultan feKj, and Jn a good location, H'ghaLTcot. o1? 41 BOARD WANTED RY THE FIRST Of NOVEMBER A soocg and rcss ma'ier would like to get with sono nloa famih or a fl.dow.nltb tbepiiTileo of tak'ng work in or ontsr' nersbp witb amibinEr. ReaLonable nrice and a permanent a reuuired, rear tho City Hall; iecerorcogion.

Addreasall tbiswcek; SARAH, Kaglo Offlco. 0I8IL BOARD A LADY WHO IS ANEXPE rienced tiber ot the piano want boo 'd in a famiVv for heraolf, bust nd fid two ore 8 md tbe otbcr3ycira old 'wheio fitbor rb'i music or fio brancbra, with rudiment': of F.encu, would be taken ai prri pj.v for board, adores O. V. JBrooItlyn Kaslo oflice. BOARDFRENCH BOARD WANTED, by aiouns peutlenan, in a private fami'y, wbowisbei to becoire familiar with the language.

Addr U. LEXOW, 246 Heory street. oil i BOARD WANTED FOR A GENTLE mar, lay and child, two yoars old; thepirtiei wouM use tboir own furDiture. Address, stating tours, H. A.

Eagle office. ol72t BOARD IN BROOKLYN A FRONT room and bedroom to lo. with board to a gent'oman and wife; both rooms aro on 2d floor. Any poraon wijhing tho comforts of a borne will please call at 380 Adolphi ss, near Fulton avenue. 0172L OARD WANTED IN BROOKLYN, BY afiinelfl GGnt lem an first.

1ni tfinnhftr nf matin anH vooalmusio. partly forinfllrnction: spea'ia Ger inan. rreDcuanu jiPKiien. Aoaresa 1, urooff Ijjf'ost office Vox 391. 017 4t BOARD IN BROOKLYN A GENTLE ITlBn nrd ttiffl.

Or inn intrln ponilnmnn nn find pleasant furnr'shed rooms, with board, by applying at Oil i BOARD REASONABLE BOARD TWO young centJeruen can find good board in a private family. In South Brooklyn, location unexcelled, by addressing, wtta real name and address. Box 135 N. V. offlco.

oi73t JLf Hallfor gertleman and wifo; terms not t) exceed teen dolorsper week. Addross O. D. U. Eoale ouloe.

ol72t BOARD WANTED, A SMALL FUR niebed room and board, at a moderate rato, lor a young gentleman. Address O. li, 439 Pacific sfroet. BOARD FURNISHED ROOMS FOR centlemen. with or witbout board, in privato family, whero there are no children.

Apply at 212 Stats noar Court. ol65t" BOARD AN TED FOR A YOUNG married couple, with infant and nurse; water and sb.s and good taWo desired. Address, with terms and par ticulaiB BOARD, P. O. Box "117, N.

Y. City. 017 21 BOARD WAN TED FOR GENTLEMAN, wife, and dauhtar, 7 yeprH old. Addross F. O.

liox Ui Post 3fBco. ol7 3t BOARD WANTED A SINGLE GEN to obt room, with board, inaEociablo Enlifhor American family South Brooklyn, or near Atlantic street; good reference given. Phase sddrera BOOKKEEPER, A. P. atteet.

Now Yorkoity. ol83s BOARD ONE OR TWO SINGLE GEN tioroen can be accommodated with good bop dand pleasant rooms; house contains all tbo modern improvements, and is bandy to the ferries. Oalt at Jav ct, between Myrtle ave and Jobsson at 6t BOARD A AND plefsont room, with first otoss board, for a gent mun and his wife, or two single gentlemen. All modern improvements and locition very desirable. Gail at No.

5 C'fiircll place. ol7 2t BOARD GENTLEMEN AND THEIR and siucle Gndploisant roomg, with liret class board, in a privato family, bore tbo comforts of a homo may bo tounri locntion pleasant. Call at 2(3 Asblandpluce, between DeKalb and Fulton aves. ol7 2t BOAR IN SOUTH BROOKLYN A young Rontleman mty obtain half of a well furnished room, with excellent board, in a private family, by applying immediately, at 4B "West Baltic street one door from Clinton. o7 2L BOAR BROOKLYN BOARDING AGPNUY, 15 Court stjoet, (opposite City Hall) whero privato families and boarding houses may be immediately supplied withtbomost desirpablocJasgof boarders.

Rooms furnished an unfurnished in all parts of Brooklyn and its with full or partial board. Ladioa and gentlemon directed to tbe most desirable placps in this city. 3b BOARD THE WHOLE OR FAHT OF A furnished bouse to let to oiponaible parties, or fur nisbed rooms to tiingle pontlomcn.witn or witbout bard. Call at No. 3 Debovoise Btreot, 3d bouse from Willoughby tt.

ol6 3t BOARD TWO OR KOUR GENTLEMAN can obtain good subatantiol board and well fnroishcd rooms in a respectable orivate family at 283 Union street, etwecn Court and Smith sB, convenient to tbe carB and ferries; location dosirable; references exchanged. TO LET, A FRONT AND back parlor, handsomely furnishod: alio rooms, wither without board; terms moderate. Apply at. 263 Washington street. ol66i BOARD WANTED, IN BROOKLYN, by 1st ot November, a suite of fornished rooms, on 2d floor, consistipg of two squflro rooms and bedroom adjoining, with first class board, in a cood neighborhood, by a pentlcman, wifo, two children arid nurse.

Address. Box Y. P. ol Gt BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND VIFE, and two single gentlemen can be accommodated good board, where tbe comforts of a homo can bo enjoyed convenient to Fulton and Catharine ferrieu; leferoacoa pichanced. Aonly at 152 Adm ot.

oJU dt pOAHD A GENTLEMAN AND HIS wife, and oro or two single gentlemen, can accommodated with board and pleasant rooms ot 219 Court street, on very reasonable terms, where the comforts of anirae cn be enjoyed fnew numbor 393 olQ3teod lOST AND FOUND fit! ffc REWARD LOST, AN INDIA VDl SCARF on Wednesday eTeninio fame from Coloiibia Btreot comer of Cranberry, to Hrsonca Rooms. Theroffardnd thanks will given to any ono returning it lo Mrs. SHEOPARO, MOolelUjia at. oiay LObT ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, erthcr in Clinton or Fu'ton sts, a mo aio BBEA8T IN. The tinder will bo liberally roirarded by retnrtios tho same lo 26 Ulintjn atreet.

LOST COWS STOLEN ON THE NIGHT of tho 15t0 inst. from tbe stable in Snmmrtb street, near Columbia. TWO COWS, described as follows: one a briDdlo cow. about 9 years old, horns tomed in: tho ober a red cow, Eci.y build, lon horns, turned rrp, about hvs yenrsold. A Irberal reward w.ll be paid forrtorrretnrnor any rnforriation of therr whereabouts byTHOb.

WSfNNE Colnmt ia Btrot Ql83t FOUND A'POCKET BOOK, IN OOLUM bia Btreot, Tocsday, Oct. 17(h. The owner can havo the Fame by Collins tt Columbia street, Brookljn Herght LOST CROSSING THE SODTH KERBy, on Monday efternoon, a pair ot RoldSPIiOl'AOLES. Tho finder will bo rowirdod upon leaung them at 169 Foarl street. Kow Vork.

LOST ON MONDAY, OCT. 16, A PAIR of sold SPEOTAOLES. goinsfrom Poolfio streot ti Kow York The Under will bo suitably rewarded byleiv ing it at 166 Pacific Btreot. 182t LOST ON TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 11th in a Greenooint car.

or in getting orrt at tho Fulton Tleri goli 1 BBAOELKT The finder will be suit ably rewarded by returning it to thoonner, DeKalb avenue, "nsflA BLACK AND TAN TERRIER li DOG, mo kod Work. Any poraon finding the same, ond returning it to tho comer of Clrnloj and President sts, Brooklyn. 11 bo suitably rewarded. ol8 2t Bi1 EEWAED STRAYED, A COW 9 0nd HEIFER, from Ooney fsland boaoh, on Saturday last. Cow large, color brown, with o.

ey tiairs; a iopo around her horns. Heifer IX yo ira old, blaeksidc white back and berk, warts around tho eyes. The ttoder will ireeive tho abovo reward by returning them to BARCLAY MoKIETtiRlOK, at tho Ooney Maud boaoh. 017 2t (STOLEN OR STRAYED ON FBI day nltht. Oot.

13th. 1865, from the stable of ED WD. COI'kfGKN. comer DeKalb and Grand aves, a sma'l aor rtll MARE, two white legs, lamo in one of the fore la js. (Sreward.

olSSt FOUND ON FRIDAY EVENING, THE Uth. a horse, running loose in the atreet. The owoer can have the same by proving property and paying charges. Enquire at 218 Park aveauo, before 1 i. or after P.

H. ol8t THE CHEAPEST AND BEST WAY WABMIHQ HOOM1 AMD OFFI038 iswiTn THE PBNDC OAS STOVE. It is one half the experua of ooal to run it No dirt or ashes. It wrll give more heat than any other brr.jer. Bo extraoharce fcr puttlnr tbem uu in ti iklyn.

LES1.BY 4 ELLIOTT, 01871 'M oadwav, Ne York. CARD THE PRIVATE CLASSES IN la crr on, at It Honr street will bo continned at 3 Monte ue street. For particulars eneuixe on lnecday and Friday from until 5 olB PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ibat tho copr rWei.bip heretofore existlc and cv iicd on under tho nrnre and Srm of IV1NS 4 ILUBPHY. Lumber at No. If Water str; oityof Brook's hr dicsolvcd V.

Mmpty will seUle and pay a'l debtl of firm, end collcot a'l bi'ln and to bo to the rid wilt borraterconnnot thoczid h's owana ae. Dated Brocllya, Oot. 14'h, AUGUSTUS IVIM8. 018 2t LUKE V. MUBPH.

CLAIRVOYANT MADEMOISELLE A. D. DeDOBIE, from Paris, toll) all present and future events; property or stolen goods recovered; prevsnts persons from all dangers', ornigs together the seprratod, fte. 304 Fnlton avenue, (2d floor, ud two flight of stlira. opposite Lafayette av.

Ladies SO cento; gentlemen SI. Call from 9A.M. to 9 P.M. ol88t EXCELLENT NEWS I FIFTY THOU MjJ sondDol'aiTwoiu'tof Lajte and Gentlemen left off Weaiio'' Apnarel is want: 1 at 14 Union street, Brook Ija, for which 2" oer cemt. mors bo in by any other dea'er in the city, or and precent.

mote for Futnitore, jets. Brie, eto. Tryit pnd te convrntr 1 A no' addrcrc! t) n. Dk YOUNGH. w'M meet with nromatatr ntlon.

N. B. Lsdieo attended to by No. 1 Union at, Brooklyr. 6t (kSffi r0K INFORMATION OF A boose or part of a houso, fe nislredorrmfur niehed, suitable for a American family, which can be at a reasonable nrloo: porsossion on or before Is location in a good neighborhood, west of Court ard south of street, Brooklyn.

Pleaso addrc A. JONES, Eagle offlco. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE 00., 6t6 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The beat family Machine in the world. Wonderful reversible ferd motion.

Uniforai and self adiustlrr Four distinct stitches. Uneque'Ied for s'mplrcity. dura bility and capaeity. oo43m ry TH REGIMENT, N. T.

S. N. G. THE 4 1 Comnp ry 0 herob noi'fi: ta mr THIS (WEDNEjDAY) EVENING, at the ARSENAL, at 7 o'clt THC3. MoOtRTr.Oap in.

OFFICE OF FD3B COMMISSIONERS, No. 9 Court street. Tho following named persons havo been roamed to this Board as elected to tho Firo Department. Objooi 'ons, if any, to their confirmation, must be madot the Oorr'wi i oners, in writing oa or before Thursday evoniiij. Oot 19, 1866: tSoinuel Ven Winkle, csroonhr, 4 Willis st, PatrickGrant, moulder, 16 Peter do.

do. do; Jp IJ Yest, oarman, lb, De.ornw; Michael Gjmmery, 1st jrer, or.te Bt, do; Ohas Olark. cf Degraw el PaVf Nannery.cooper. u. Uioks do Bernard Daley, painter, Orrroll at, do; Dennis McGroariy, mason.

Bergrn st, Micha'l McLaughlin, machinist, Front aid Main ah. Wm MoAny. sailma'cer, 6 Bt, Theodore Smith, clerk, Baltic st, 22; A Brodie do, (6 Sends st, Hoso 1: Henry Coffli. (jrcf arer, Lp'ay ette ave, Otii Lo Olair, o'ork, 230 Navy sr. 3: Huh Gil len, boatman, Talman st6: Michr 1 mor der.

Hudson av. 6: John Carrol', merchant, MTt'eav, Cci MoNr'ly, TW y. liorrell, Nns Banst, do; John Grehaur. hatter, nton ao; Hred HaLMnes tobartonist, Ojlest, 16; Wm Mea'l, HtLl; Halle jk, cr man, Na' st, Jr Bcf "ley, c.r o2 GEO. H.

HAYWARD. Clerk. BEDSTEADS, TROT AND ROUND COR era, of all sizes, al30 serpentine roard corner and cottago panel, with tables and constantly on hand to meet the waotsof trade, finished in the boat manner. Factory 397 E''gbtt street, near Avon jq D. hq22 lma OFFICE OF KINGS COUNTY BOUNTY Committee, Room Court Hoase, Brook'yn, Ort, 14th, Pnblio notice ia hereby given that ali persoog who havo claims against the Htite of New Icorlr, by of having farm's bed a substitute to the crrutt oi Kiogs County, snbsOQuent to June 23, are in pouon lo niesent their duplicate exemption papers at tho trice of to Committee without delay Parties who have heretofore tiled their claims in ihe office oF tne State Paymaster, are notified that sv.d olainrs have been retdmed to this omce where it is neces'A tbo claimsntB to appear in person, for tho nurpo' of signing a power of attornoy to the undersigned to the end, that the amount may be collected from tne State authorities and may be d'sbursed to claimant witbout delay.

Toi'b notice intonded to apply to ai' parties who hive rra against tho State, and have not filed such powr It is dcBiroble that ail these papers should be in byo bofore tbe 1st day of Nevomber, 1865. By order of the Committeo. oU tw BOOTH, Chairman. A LU ABLE OIL AND SILVER IN fnrpKLq ta exntranifQ for roel fclto. Addrccs Bor lUlNeiv Ifork Postofflce.



"flABir." '1'he ava'ls of both Lectures for tho bajelt of tbo Treasury of tbo Bethel Mmion School. Tickels entitlim ihe holder to admittance and a re tv: A and tbo tame Feat, for both Ledum, mo do'la No ticke will be sold soppat Jy for tho Lcctvro by Br Gou efterthe first lecture. Plans ef tbe teati can bo scon, and tickots at Messrs. DyflB A Co's. bookstore, 213 strcot, near Clinton street.

Ao niaccfl niimliflr tiniat i uireadv been enaoi for both Lectures to obtain dciirable seats it wi'l be or 3cs Evy to purebfo them at onco. olB tf is POLITICAL 15GTJLAR DEMOUKAlIO NOMINA TION. For Coolly THOMAS A. GARDINER 018 td FOR SALE AIV'O TO LET. FOE SALE FANOYT STORE ON FUL tonttrrct, Brook'jo.

now ono ot thobostbr i nr ep on tro ot. App' ijmet'iatcly to W. J. JjIGtl'l' UODY, 162 1.orrt str ot, Y. City.

FOR SALE FURNISHED COMPLETE, for houekeeninF, and ffrMture new (ait a2 stou briemont and sub collar brick hoise, looJi on of thocho'cest streeis and only irinatn from Hall; conta'S tbo modern improvementa and is in firs'1 rato ort'er. Up ds of admiaiion of H. MACOMHER SON, UI FultJn ave, nor Elliott pJace. 21 OR SAL IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $3,9) will buy, if sold within 70 days, oro, a id $3n another beautiful ootlio bot'i situated in bealthy and fine locations, within 45 nnnut oa of the fine are beautifully laid out, gardens full of fruit and vegetables: 10 rooms in each; finely finished nd built by days work. BAXTER BAKER.

LCM Fulton avenue, and 67 Lawrence L'reet. FOE SALE LOTS OF GEOUND, VERY desirably sitnated, on Brookl and Now Yo avenues; also on Pacific siieet and At anVo avenue: or would eschniife for improved city property. Apply to A. T. LAWRENCE, No.

9 OocislrBOt. 0183b11 iSLl tiKfl WILL BUY A SMALL NEAT tottsfie. w.tb five rooms, and parrot, in an excoilnnfc noirboorhood. near twoca roatr Apply to H. S.

WILLIS, Metropolitan, or on tho premiere, Monroo street, near Ko'trand avo que. FOR SALE VALUABLE STORE PRO perlyonMjrtleaveoue; 3 b.ick, feet iront, 14 roouts; if i.old within one week can bo had for 3 0. ALo lEnmmpr borrdlng honso, nee the ocean, with tV jy acres of imoroved land, for X) 12 in good locq tior 6C to i each. 0 a ras for sal 123 bu ir Iota. BAXTER BAKEH, 618 (it 1094 Fulton ave, and 57 Lntwenie lIi.

FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Anew3storyand frame houso, in (rood location, with Rroundsf' by If); houeo ha r'l improvements, 12 rooms, IceJIp Ac. Ac; bo told forf" 8H if aoplit for snor. ALo, for a fine sma'l bouse in Hedicjd ave. withfmji'rre if A'ro. a 2 storv and basement iame house in Spenca st, fnr mast be soon.

otborchep houses for tale ty BAXTER BAKER, ol86t 1094 FnU inave, and 57 Lawrooce fit. fV0 LET ON BROOKLYN HKiOHTS M. throe located, dcsirablsuofurnisbed rooms, each room suitable for two portoos; easy of acce i taFuI'eo and Wall turret fei.ios, also to the Mrhs'oj Hf ose. where mra'acou'd be t.ken if Inquire at 49 Orange streetfrom 2 to 5 o'clock P. M.

Satisfactory inferences required. Orly such need apply as are willins tt pay a 2t FOR PALE, EXCHANGE, OR TO LET Owners of real estate bavin.1? bouses, farms, forsale, exchance, or t3 rent, can find cash pu e'ia ors, aUo the most des' able tonsnts for firdt ond seoand houses, by applying at fliANNfNG'S Real Est to Atronoy, Ifi Court btreec oopo3itOity Hal1. Inburarce in tbe mcjt reliablo companic: in Brooklyn and New York. H. B.

Special attention (riven to rentfn? and colleotic, WM. MAlsNING, KeaiEitato Broker, ol8 Ct, 15 Court st, 1 door from Joralemon. TO LET TO TWO SINGLE GENTLE mcn, wtboutbo3rd, a Dlefsnt front room, nearFr' tsn Ferry, on tbe Ht on rersonablo torms. Enquiro at 133 FuUonstreet, gj FOR SALE A McCLELLAN SADDLE, in peon order. lnqc' at OATILL'S of Wr.

0AHV, Fulf lextj. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMf3, A PLOT of ground, 100 feet fon t. on so jth side Lutler stxet, between FJatbush and VanderV't in vicinity of Trospect Pa k. Inquire of MICHAEL BENNETT. Flat bust avo, corner Dean ttrcet.

6t FOR SALE THE BAR AND FIXTURES of a first ctass consisting of brr, two hand ale pumps, with Bilver plated taps, and forty fpet of lesd piping, gtasos, Ao. Apply at Cosmopolitan Shades, 175 Vork Btrce until Thursday aftorroon. ol8 2L FOR SALE CHEAP TWO STRONG cert horses, suitable for any kind of beavy work. Ed quire in the grocery Uore corner of Tilhuy and Oarll streets. OH LL FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A BLACK moie, kind arri gentle, enitable for the nrocery or ox Drerja busioese; also a set of harness, as 520 Atlantio atreet, SelrPowers? JOSN G.


11. 3Paokig03. 33 powdere, 50' Sold by DR J. R. STAFFORD, 01 at Ooort Brooklyn.


NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF "CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS" ISSUED TO DRAFTED PERSONS. Kings Counn Tbeasubbii's Oman, Ootolror 12, 1865. 1 Notice is hereby given to holdon of tho abovo montioned certiflcotes, that tbey will be redeemed in this offlco on and alter MON DAY, tho 16th, and ihatt interest will cease on the 20th instant, tf THOS. A. GARDINER, Connty Treasurer.

TTlNGSUNTY BWNTYCERT 1FI J. cat wanted at par U. S. M's borrrtt oarlna, 1 commin on on eaohnoto. J.

n. MORB3W, Owatl It, N. A MAN TO TAKE OABB na dfive a noree. Apply at amain i.itpbc. UTANTISD A GOOD PROTESTANT girl, ueiman, ocotoa or isoKiiqa, uraramryor t.wn: muae UO liVJU nan lie muiiwuw.

a VWiJ ovu 9 from Franklin avenue. In DsKalbav, lor two dya. home WNTEP A YOUNG GIRL TO DO tinn nwnrlr fnr n. r.mnll fumilv: jionn nnrtrl until without nnquc iefeicncsa irom lask place; she ca'i haya a comfortable home. Apply at 370 Adelphi street.

ANTED 500 LABORERS TO WORK on Sewers; steady employment; wsgos 50 per day; pay every two weeks. Apply on the work, Fulton avenue, near Clint jd av, Atlam'o avenue nor? OHnbn av, and Hall street near DeKalb avenue. 018 lw KIMGSLEY St EEENEY. ANTED A FIRST RATE COOK. AIlo a girl to do chambonrorlt.

at 363 Hop1. street ANTED A GIRL 16 OR 17 nf atre trfattend a hnhv. Annlr ftf, TRY Pn ,1, firpnno place. WANTED lflRST CLASS TRIMMERS and milliners. Apnly to Madame OAULDWELL, corner of tulton and PienepontatB.

WANTED 20 YOUNG MEN AND BOYS at once, to bundlo kindling wood, at 'con( hundred. AppV for two days at UttB ft MEHRTEu'S Kindling Wood Factory, corner of Hud avenue a id ContoroBk WAKTED A STOUT, ACTIVE BOY TO do tin work, to come at once. 4.pply toJiRMSlROMa ft BLA.OKL1N, corner of Oomt and Union Bts. AKTED A PROTESTANT WOMAN forpenoial howcewoik; one who fiasood coofr, and eood woher and ironcr, witi rooq reference. Apply at etrc zt.

IN one other need apply. WANTED A FEW GOOD OPERATORS on Wheeler A Wilson's m3btne, to work on bVi bosoms; rood pay for gend tndB. Apply at Kj. 3jront street, two doors from Fulton at. 2t ANTED A TINMAN, TO TAKE charge of the bnalncrg.

Apply at 1M Hudson av. WANTED A GIRL, TO DO GENERAL honsowork In a small family: must bo a good ok. nasber and with reference; b'gb. wages. Apoly aj ftl Hicks s'reet.

olBii" ANTED A GOOD DRESSMAKER. Also an errand grrl. at 231 Pee "1 street, near Tillary. ANTED A GIRL TO COOK, WASH nu iron, appiy at ata jgystreaii. WANTED A YOUNG LADY THAT under.

nds worsted goods in attending a fano st Oa11. at Fnlton av. WANTED A NICE, RESPECTABLE boy, 12 1 15 years old. Oa'l at gulton avenue WANTED A GIRL TO DO THE GEN eral housework for a family of four: one thatcrn come well rccorrnrended may apply at 218 liivingston st. Bol8 2t WANTED A KESPEOTABLE YOUNG girl to do genoral hoeseffork in ama'l fiimilv nithont oh'ldron: most ba a good washes And ironer.

Apply alter oii o'cltckin tho evening at 311 Saekett Btrret. WANTED A WOMAN TO COOK, wash andiront mustbocfrood cook andeome well recommended. Oa'l at Mir. WIH AED'S, Hall street, flr house northwest of niton ay. ol72t WA NTED IN ANEPISCOPAL CHUROH in Brooklyn, a Repieko Soprano.

Alto, Tonoro and Bass. None need apply but familiar, or who are willing by practice to mate themselves acqusint'd with the Ecclesiastioal MuFie, as founded by Boyce, Oroft, Green, Gibbon, Blow, and others. For terms, apply at 145 mmu, uuvncuu nuu I r. in. ou ANTED A YODNG MAN, TO HELP WW) iio wi uawaw.

uutinratuB iuu mane uiiuaeit generally useful; one not afraid of work. Apply to Janitor Hamilton Building 13 Court street. ol7 2t WAN TED SEB VAN TS IMMEDIATE Mr. HENDE10K8OS'S Office. 121 Atlantic stroet.

Over 200 situations now ready, at the highest wages. All respectable gins wanting sitaacrona iu any domostio capacity, can be immediately ongaged at this office. We ore g6tting now over 100 situations every day, both for tho city and country. Call and see for yourselves, at Mr. UEN DlflOKSOlN'S Old Established Offlco 121 Atlantic street, near Henry Bfc, 0i? 2t WANTED IN A SMALL JAMIL A good cirl must be a good cook, washer and ironer, come well recommended.

Apply at 288 Union street. 017 2t WANTED A G1EL TO OOOK, WASH and iron ono thnt can give good recommendations. Apply at 120 Second place. ol7 2t AN TED STRAW HAT TKIMMEKS ana apprenucos at Borgen street. fit WANTED LADIES TO LEAKS TO operate on Singer's and TVTreelor 4 Wilson's sewing machines.

All branches taught ondrecommonded to worir. Also all kinds of family stitching and qurltrng done by an einerionced operstor. Apply at 182 Fulton itroot, up stairs. ie22 im' SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED BY A YOUNG GIRL, A situation as turjo and scniBtrf i a pood arid irooer; lir cood rr.

emendations; can do any kind of na dlowork. Call on 'ushinr a enuo. 2d houQ from irauklin av, bfetw: Vranl 'iu av and Skillnun at. WANTED ASITUATIONBY A YOUNG firl asp'am cook, washer and ironer. Cm be scon at4C Columbia sire it, South Brooklyn, for two daya.

ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE Bpcctablo girl, to do housework in a small private family; ia a good plr'n cook, wfher and ironer; ras good city references. Oa'l for twy days atiL Qa ll st near Myrtle av, in the rear, first floor. WAKTHD A blTUATlOJS HX A KE tpectahlo girl, to cook, waah aid or do housework in a small family: good city reference, Plouse at Mr. 6 Flathush avenue. WAITED A SITUATION BY A RE spectahleyoungwoman.

ej cook, waBhorand ironer, or 99 chamheiinaid and waitress: has good city Call for two days at No. 2 street. WANTED A SITUATION BY A MTD dle ngcd woman, to cook, jronfora small ramiij kuciu Q'ty isierence. inquire at 2l Gom Ltraet. WANTED A RESPECTABLE WOMAN deBires a few gentlomon's washing, orfpniil? inE; can give good city refeunce for capability.

Ploaae caU of ffl Ponn street, Brooklyn. WANTED A SITUATION BY A FIRriT c1bl3 chambermaid and waitress; iB fully capabls in either capacity. Apply at 110 Court Btreot, between Amity ana Congress sts. WANTKD A SITUATION BY A Rti fcpectablo young girl, to do genoral houaowork in a smaM fomiiv, or up stairs work; hai good city referents. Apply Qii tup corner ui nujtriinu arrHn ANTED A SITUATION AS SEAM nudcr standi all kinds of family operates on a "Wrioeler Wilson's machine; or wovM travel with a lady; of city rafcrfneo.

Can bo aoen at 120 Boerum stieet. corner of Dean. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE epcctahlo young girl, to do chamberwork and wait irg; noobiectiou to tako care ot a baby and do ii'iUt ctuia berwork. Can be seen for two days at Yii Clinton atreot, between Amity and Congrcs. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A Respectable young girl, as nrso or chamtrrfraid; can give good cf.ty reference.

Call at 217 Court street, in ibo Btore. 1 WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE spectable girl, as chambermaid and waitress; or would do general bousewrk for a small fam'ly. Can bo seen at her presont placo, Cjrlton avenue. WANTED A SITUATION BY a rcspcctablo young girl to do tho up stair work md wailing or p'p'n son. 'rrc, Picaso call in Pond street, 60 houeo irom Warioa Lt.

WANTED SITUATIONS BY TWO respectable 5 oung women; one as cook, waahorand ironer, and the other as chambermaid and havo good city referonces. Call for two days at No. 6 Dean strcot(Jaoutb Brqqkbp. WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE spocUiblo young woman, as cook, washer and ironer; hasirood city references. Call jr two days at 212 Colunbia Btreet.

WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE Bpoctable ffirl, as ohambermaid and traitress, or as chtmbermaid and eeamstreBB. Can give gojd city reftr enco. at 50 Uoei cm street. WANTED A SITUATION BiT A respectable woman, laundress or to do potion. 1 homework in a small latnity; good city Call for two daya at 63 Hicks street, cor.

Henry st 1st WANTED A SITUATION GEN lira) honsowork. CjHat tho corner of El'tott pUce and AUantic avenno, for tbrce days. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE Bppctable young girl, as nurse: will assist in chamberwork if required: is nrat pnd industrious and a good plain Lower. Plca'e call at 167 Wyckoff atr. ot, ror.

Sa? th, up two lligbtBof stain, door on tbe rigbt hand side. WANTED A SITUATION BY A SOL oier'6 widow, to do generr' homowork. Canba seen at No. 5 Vine street. ANTED A SITUATION.

BY A RE or as chambermaid and waitress: is a good wpBberaud ironer; has good city referencas. Call for two days at tbo corner of Bond and Wavrcn over tTie Liquor atore. "ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE Bpectable American young woman, as i hamaermaid and waitress. Call at 157 Nassau btrcet, in tne Grocaiy store. WA NTE A SITUATION BY A respectable young woman, as chambermaid and wtitrers, or to do general Housework in asmaUfrmilj as good city Call for two days at 95 Gold set.

2t WANTED A SITUATION AS OOOK. Can come ell recommended. Add re is JUXM care of Mr. COLLIG AN, soutteast corner of Pac'fii street and riatbu. av.

31 WANTED A SITUATION, BO A RE soectahlo young rroman, as ohambermaid and waitress or wonld do genoral housework for a small priyato nrailj has good olty references. Call for tiro days at 1C3 Hudson arenne, cor. Concord stroet. 2d floor, orertaostore. olt2t WAN SITUATIONS LADIES wanting tho very best servants in this city, both Catholio and Protestant, with unexceptionable references from their last places may bo immediately supplied at MAMilNG'S Old Established Agency, 15 Court stroet, oor Joralemon, whero by far the largest and most desirable class of efficrent help for all binde of roapectab'e situations be bad both for city and country, viz: American.

Irish l'nalish, Scotch and German. o6 3t ANTED WASHING FOE YOUJSG gentlemen will bo neatly doro and tho clothes kopt in order, ond promptly returned. Inquire of Mrs. NVLel, 6a Wyokoa street. o2 tf WANTS.

WANTIsD IM1MEDI ately, by a respectable family, no olrildren, firo or six rooms, suitable forhousekeeprng within 10 orlBminutos walk from City Hall or Fulton Foirs: lower part of houso preferred. Aadrcsl. Btotini terms, O. D. CO.NTERN, 229 Gardon street, Hobokon, N.

J. ol8 2t" WANTED A HORSE AND OAKT, IN good order to do heavy work. Addross, stat ng price and where to be soon, Z. Eaglo office. olH 3t WANTED A MBDIUM SlZKD HOUSE, between Olasson.

Rt. Felix, DeKalb and Atlantic avenues: ncssession by tho first of November. Addross P. F. HOUBtf, 116 Pearl street, Kow York Pity.

Of WANTED A STORE, IN A GOOD location on Fulton street. Addrcrs, Btatin terms, and irheresitnated. Box 103, J. Eaglo office. 3t WANTED ON OR BEFORE THE lirt of May next, a oimfor table houso; rent $303 to $100.

Address giving particulars. Box 5168 ttew York P. O. WANTED BY A FAMILY WITHOUT children a small house or a floor of about 4 rooms in a resectable locality neai Fulton lorry. AidressO.K., Eaglo offlco.

oll 2t WANTED A HOUSE TO HIRE, WITH a view of buiingrt; if it can be had on easy terms; location within a milo and a half from City Ball. Address j. G. K.EETEIA Polytechruo institute. ol6 3'.

WANTED 5 RENT A OUNG GEN tleman wishes to rocta comfortable, airy bedroom, in private lamrlj brcalifast only required; must bo fa tbe neighborhood of Fulton, Gates, Grand and Franklin avenucr Addrul.S.J.,oareofl S. GOODELL, Drr git, ccincr of von arenne and Ormond placo. oliflt TT By Telegraph to tbe Brooklyn Eagle. TWO O'CLOCK P. M.

LIXTIRK OF WENDELL PBILLIPS. Piesident Johnson Declared to be Tbree Quarters of a EebcL Bobtoh, Oct. 19. do'lvercd a leciaro beforo tho B33ton I.dtonrHy!r vijtt, Tho ttcd a lirge nd ethusiastio andionco Its wr The t' juUi Generr'. Ezr'ts, Mr.

Phtllini denounced 03 a vagrant monntetcpi, tden tho cur.os of every loyal men in Louisiana and and yet Ma eactnuetin men were goln'rfo end h'm ta Mr. PM'ps In tho endorc of Trident Johnson by vauous Republicrn Stato Conventloos, se'd: Tho He publican party doea rot cr'st. Tbe is a epeclro walking over t're country in its s'ov, but thee is no such p. ty. It hai no! ex'slsd l'vo (' 0 Beltimoro Convention, when it wai buried in .6 ol Abraham L'ncolr.

co 0" rny pj' 1. the E.publ! p.v Phillips declared tiat President Jchncon, I' to tho delegation that ted upoot'nr. .3 a South Carolina and who apposed to h'm lor prot Con agr'nBt Consrecs and the harsh sp" It of tho NcrlhoTn States, had ranged KmBe'X with the hplf c(nve'. reb and made himself tnrce of a in orde? the retels themcelve mutlit bo one Ur'on, The leoruro of Mr. occupied one hour and a hif in Ks de'ivery, end ho fie Cooper Institute in tho ciiyof New York text week.

FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE. NElf Tons, Oct, 15 The opening price ol American Gold at tho mirkel this morning waa quoted at Utx and finally it cloced at HS. BtockB arc Iwtix'. Morey on call 1 per cent. Sterling Exchange quiet, at Stock Exchange Sales First Eoard.

use'a 'si iay, tOCO UE 6 6 Sl It 1CC0 do 101K iraj use's 13 20 mht 1700 do II! OttO do now iss lKu Tras 7 3 10 notes 5O00 First Lerioa 981 22f .0 Second 3 Third series 93 2500 do if 3 1000 Toon H's 90 I 1C00 Va StO's 71 lOGOa Ohio 4 M'bb rcer. KCO Uo 29 1C Erie 2000 Httd Riv IdBglS.IOiK SOOO A14TH 2mpr. 79 1000 DolLi 101 1000 PitsFtWiO It? 2 3 2000 CuiAAllstm 96 fOO AtGWiOIstm 97 ft Oen'INat'lBank. 111 ICO Ponn Coal Co 174 West Union 70 100 OuickallverM Jo 60 Spring Ut 5 lOOLehiSes 100 do 6. 200 Oomb Co pref 5'K 200 at 100 do 03 3t0 do 98, 100 do 2d call llh If Eiio SW, 100 do K0 91JS 2C3 do 2d call ICO Erie nrol 85 100 hudliiT lUK JitO Readingrr.

lie; 200 do slO MiohCon 11' do 1'5 do I'll Mloh 80 V5 do do 761. do do .5 600 100 fl 10a 100 1C3 93 300 10 200 ic 0 EXJ 1500 M0 690 Em ko jra 100 MX) eon 100 2C1 130 500 200 400 do 2d caU SK III Con r. do do do OIot APits. do do 11" do do 13li, ltifci 7.. 71 Tr 74J, 7ik do.

do call 77 Obi Uo do do ba'. Ob' do do 2d call do hi a a 1 31 31Ss 31V 65' CM 4 do 2d call 109; do sio 103 do 1095J Chi Bar r.V Mil, Pr Do Clroir 0i do tf Clll 63, PitsFtW4Cnio. 1.15 do 993 do 99J, Al 1 do Bf.3 100 100 1CD 115 3 100 100 100 1O0 A14TH 71 fTO do 2d call SECOND EDITION. EA.GLE OFFICE, 2 1 2 P. SI; FROM WAsnraoTON, IS.

IN BEHALF OF SEPT. DAVIS routinuo to be received by tho President. Oao eiocd bv five thousand ladlc3 Qcorela, prayiDt for b'a par dba, has been received recently through Judgo Piiillips, of Abamo, who was requested to do so by tho ladica interested. Tho Prccident received it without any remarks. Tc day an annonymous communication, oight tjocoo l3 nu TrriUQ TOfii

appnallti for mercy for Davis, on tho ground that ho bad rondorcd valuablo service io Ibo country in various publio poll lions, 03 Cabinet ofllcor, ond fought bravely in tho Moi ican war; that ho was no more criminal than tho others who figured in the Rebellion, and who havo been pardoned. Tho paper appeared to bo written inalemalo herd. .31 in 1 1 1 I. AW INTEtWGENCE. C0UP.T OF SESSIONS Before JonaE Dieemah.

THE ItODBEItY OP $4,750. The jm; in the of William Croutler autl his i dw ca a cV'MG tlo'cn $4 7c0 iro r.t id b'i wife, tbo evidence in v. V't wot ahl'st: I yea' rJay, retired a ve rf notgr iut flvo tours dehbera i'cr. Or. National Game.

Atlitio ts, Athletic The Matches on Hast At last, tho gsmo between t'ro At'antle ond Athletic Ciubs for championship has bcon dotermined upop, tho first to bo played noit Moniy on too Capito grounds, the second, October 80t. at No rrrangonrents havo been for a totrc rj homo, as no one hereabouts eipecto aurh a tV'rg. Thciobas been no difficulty in arraog'ng garner who 1 left to clato intoreotcd, end it hoB oltvoys been tho fael, thtjtwhen havo been to "oubHo" interferenro. How tl gmo next Monday will terminate remo' to to ccei, but ro ono erourrd doubL of tho of tboAtlrnticst Tho folloning 'om Philadelphia Bottles tbo moteh: Ij vuELPni.i, Oct. IT.

SroChaB. J. Smith ard 3ack Cuapmn. Toll them tl boon dpltolioo gror ids to ploy first game next McnCty. D.

S. Chr' Com. Athletic B. O. Cub, It is probable that a larrfc: than wet over vencd on the Capilolino gronnie, wl" bonltjessad on Mordoy.

Br? Hoogland, Tnupeclor of oo' lsu City Eo'Ircid, has rr'tdo arrngeuienl'! to accomtnodato tho vast travel, and the gome nl" cojjnienc: at o'clock. Trrisgpmo wi'l Bettlo the vexed question supcrioiity, and then all "chin" music may coaso. The pressure adve lisenenis and news, which 'will not hrooli poa'ponemorit. exoludea from our columns to day which wou'd othet vite have found a place. THIRD EDITION.

THREE O'CLOCK P. Later Irom Havana, HiVAHA, Oot. 14. During the first week of October very heavy rains and high wit ds almost all over the Island. In Cienfuegos there wan almost a hurrlcne, businoa suspended, no newspaper iBued for a week and the inhabitants shut themBelvesnp i'l their nonces.

In 1Yb tonzas it rained almost incessantly for a week, with high winds. AtTiinidaditwathe came, and at Sagna Is Grande, tho river Signs, overflowed its banks and inan. dated nearly a quarter pact of the Houses wero filled ond nearly covered by the flood, and in order to escape from them boats bad to bo used, Tbe water wbb high enough in somo parts to cover tho telegraph poles, thns destroying telegraphic communication, and railroad trains wero obliged to stop running on account ol damage done to tho took. Beveral lives woro lost by drowDing ond a great deal of misery oe.uscd. Lost Tuesday being tho tbirty flfth birthday of Her Majesty Isabeltho Second it won, by tho orders of tho Captain General, celebrated with all tho honors.

DonJoeo Maria Campio del Campo, Count of Santo venlo, well known in this Capita', died on tho 9th inst. His funeral took place on tho 11th instant, from bis house in the Plaza do Armas, with a degree of pomp and roaBniflcenco befitting h's high rank and many friends. By the French steamer Caravollc the following in regard to Hayti is received: The only vessel that President Goffrard had employed in the blockado of tho rebel poits wai taken bya party of 3C0 men, in three Bchoonere, who went in searoh of her, and alter a few Bhots bearded and pljreiher. Strange to say, she is ropoitcd to bo a Bteamer, but having no guns. She had done tho rebels a great deJ.

of damage by capturlDg their supplies. Thoy oro much elated over their prize. Geffrard ot last accounts wai ot Port ou Prlnoj. Tbe British gunboat BuU Doj ond on American wr vessel, name unknown, weroat Cap Haytien. New York Ledger Office on Fire.

At noon tt day a firo was discoverod in the sub cellar of tho ptemlseti Nos. 12 and 14 Spruco New Tork, occupied by Clary and KeiHy, printers and engravers. Tbo building Is olgo used as tho publication office of Mr. Bonner's New Tork Ledger, and the fire is said to havo originated in tho room in which largo titles of Ledger and other stock were stored, Mr, Bonner's loss will be considerable, the exact amount it is impossible ot precent to ascertain. The firo was quickly got under and confined entirely to tho basement; bnt the lots from water will bo heavy.

Mr. Bonner iB unfortunate, the same premises hating been previously discovered os fire twice within the past six. months. TT JUUXUPKi (9 Fulton stmt. 02tv DECALUOMAHIE, A NOVEL AMD BEAUTIFUL ART.

Thesimplestprocesstooraamentand ombellish Porei lain, Glass, Wood, Metal, Silk, Leather, eto cam be eurlr practiied by everybody. P. B. VACQUEREL, Patentee, 811 Broadnaf. CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR Will restore Gny Hair to its omorHAL colob, siBESOvrn eks and fbomotes the growth of the weakest rum, stopi its falling out in three days, keops tho hosd clean, eooland healthy; can be used freely; contains nothing injnrions; TBE BEST BAnt DRESSING EVEB OFFERED TO THE PUBLIO; it is recommended and usod by tho firat medical authority.

Sold at the drug etoros and ot my offlco, No. 1,123 Broadway, New. York. I assure all persona tho abovo preparation will do all that is claimed for It. ee211m.eod SARAH A.


OAK AND HICKORY WOOB OF THE BEST QUAL1TX Can always bo bad AT THli LOWEST PRICES. 3 thankfully received and promptly attended ir. f. M. A T.

KELLY FOR COLLECTOR OF TAXES AND AS8ES3MEN IS. ISAAO BADJ3AV, Deputy for the past fifteen soon ol3 til'ole HAZELTON BROTHERS' ro ,12 SCALE PIANOFORTES. VJIHL THE PATENT EUPHONIO TtlRlJLE. The oodersnined would resneotfolly call tho attention ot general, and etpeoiaJly those in want o( a FiiE INSTRUMENT, to tho above mentioned It is useless ta speak of tQeir merits, as they aro co welt, known that ho feols no hesitation in offeiina; them to tbe Brooklyn public wittiout any comment winterer. All hocks is that those who want a SUPKRIOS 1NTRUMET will oxrirnino those beforo purobaiing elsewhere.

J. W. SMITH. 183 Fulton avo tnew No. tST) opo.

Hanover placo. N. Second hand Pianos bought for oah Pianofortes 1 eed and Repaired. PIANO JTUKTBS. OTEINWAY tfOJSS' GOLD MEDAL )J GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS ra now conside ed tne best in Europe an well an thiH country havine ro Hived the first Prln Medal at the Wnld'i KihibiUonia London, 1862.

The principal rtuon why the Btelnmy FiuiM Ui tmpc ior to all others, Is, that the firm ia composed ot flva practical piano forte makers, (father and four sons) who invent 111 their twn improvements, and mnder whoss personal in Irvrsion ovory part 01 r.uo rnsbrumenr. maaaiaobaxea. tuns, nos, 71 una uaat utn itrttt MtWMn uniol and trwlng claca. New iBrk. nt mUE HORAOB WATERS' GRAND, SQUAKH AND UPRIGHT PIANOS.

I1BLODEONS. HARMONIUMS AND OAlllNET ORGANS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AT REDUCED PRICKS. To let, and rent allowed if purchased. Monthly payments received for the same.

Second band pianos at bargains from 60 to $225. Kaotoryand wareroomsiSlBroad way, N. Y. Cash paid for second hand Pianoa. ru3 tt OSTEIN WAY SONS' GOLD MEDAL 5 GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS aro norr considered tbo host in Fnropo as noli a3 this oountrv.

having recoived tho First Prize Medal at the Wotld's Exhibition in London, 18C2. Tbo principal reason why tbo Stoinway Piaaos are supo rior to all others, is. tuat the firm i9 oomposed of five nrao tical pianoforte makers, (father aud four sonsl, who invent oil thoir own improvements, undor whoso personal supervision every part of tho instrument is mannfaoturod. Warorooms. Nos.

71 and 73 East Uthstreet, between Union Square and Irving Place, Nerr York. se27tf TIANO FORTES IT OHARLES WEISHEIT ft Salerooms No. 15 Wyckoff Btroet, near Court st, Brbbkiyn. llio instruments hero otTorcd for sale aro of the host worlrrnanshiD, superior tono and quality, and finost finish. Tho action is so regulatod as to bo adapted to ttio hand and taste of the player, tno toaoh being made light, heavy or medium, as may be dosirod.

Every niaDO is warranted for five roars. Salos mado on monthly instalments, to ho rocoivod as root for tho uso of tho piano, and deducted from the price of tho instrument if purchased. s62m SUPREME COURT, KINGS OOUNTY Herbort T. Moore aia nU Will arn Robert Princo others. ti.

R. Walton. Pltl's. Att'y. In pursuance of a judameri order of th'8 Court, made in the above entitled aetion.

bearing date tbe 8th day of Ausust. 1861. 1 will sell by publio auction, at tho ga'earooms, No. 339 Fulton utroot. in tho City of Brooklyn, on tiro 23d dayol' Ociobo 1365.

a. 12 o'olock noon, tho following doscribod lend and promises: All and smgu lar those certain oigbt lots, nieces or parcels of land, situate, Iving aod beinrr in tbo Sovonttr (now Niulnl Ward of the CHv of Brooklyn, ltDown aud dlatinpaisbod on a map made bv Daniol Evroc. Oitv Surveyor, dated December, 1B3I, onlitlod of vaiuoblo property situate in tho Sovoolh Ward ot the city of Brooklyn, lately bolongino; to Jau'6t NnBtrcod, ond intonded to bo illod in tbo otTrco of the Olork of tto Oounlf of Kings as lots numbers ono hundred and forty four (UO ouu riundtod ord forts tivo (140) ono hundred and forty six, 46,) one hundred and forty sever (UT.) ono hundred and rorti eipht. (148) one hundred end forty nino, (149,) one hundred and titty. (150,1 and one hundred and ftftv 0110.

fill), aodwliichfcaKl lots, teten toRothw, ate bonnded and coo tain as follows, to wit Beginning at tbe oorner formed by tbo intersection of tho northerly sido of '1'illary street (now Park nvonue) with Stlro westerly sido of Sandtord streot: thence running westerly, nlong tho northerly Bido of Tillary atreet (I'ark avenue) aforesaid ono hundred (100) foet to lot number ono hundred aod forty three (143) on said mop; ttronce northerly, olonr tho easterly sido of said last mentioned tot and along tho roars of lots nurnbors ono hundred ond tbirty nino. 1139.) ono hundred and tbirty eigbt (138.) ouo hundred and thirty seven. (V3T.) ono hundred and ttiirty six (130) on said map, two hundred (2O0)foet to lot number ono hundred and fifty two (162) on said map: thooco easier ly eloog said laBt montioned lot ono hundred 100) feet to tho westerly sido of Sandtord troet, aforesaid, and theuco soutborly, a'onrr tho westorly sido of Ssudford strcot two hundred (2(10) foot tj the placo of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, boptombcr 23. 18(5.

se282an3Tb OHN MoNAMEE, Sheriff. COUNTY COURT OF TtlE COUNTY Off RINGS. Leopold HuHcr, plaintiff, against Eliza Rauob, as exooutrx. Ac. and oibors, In pursunnco of jurtemeDu tuo Conoty Court of the County of Kinge, rnario iu iho ahovo entitled action onttrollttrdavot Soutou ber, 165, 1, tho reforoB thorein appointod tor tue purpose ot carrying sard judgment into effect.

will soil at nublio auctrou at tbo Commercial Exchange, number 369 Fulton street, in tiro Citv of Brooklyn, on tiro sixth day of October, 1865, at 12 o'clock, noon. Alt thai certain pioco or par col of land situate, lying and boins in tiro Eighth Ward of tiro City ot Brooklyn Stato of Now York, boing one block cf ground, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing au pornt whoro tho middlo of Krgbth Btroot intersects tbe middlo of Ttrinl ovonuo, and running thenoe northoasterly two hundred and sixty (2601 foot to tho middle of Sovanth strcot; thonaj northwesterly along tiro cent'o of fiovontti sevon hundred and seventy IWe (775) feet nino (9) inches to tbe middle of tlieKocomlavonro: tbonco southwesterly alons tbo middlo evonuo two hundred ond sixtv (260) foet tothe m'ddle of tfightir street; and tlrenco Bontlreaat erly along tt'o middle E'plrth s'reet seven hundred and and eorenty live (V75) feet and nino (9) inches to tiro point or place 0 beginning, contsin rug four 03,021 100 000 aorc3; excepting therefrom the two folloninff described procos or parcels of land wflioh weiodnlyroloasedlrora the lien of said mortrrairo, to wit: that part of said moitgrrged proruijos bounded and described as follcvs, viz: Beg nning In tlie middle of Kighlh street at a point distant four hundred and fifty reot nonhwealcrly fiora tiro llrrrdavenuo; andruu niugtlrocco northeasterly parallel with Third avenuo twn hundred aod sixty (260) feet to tho middlo of Seventh street; tbencorurnirg northwesterly along the middle of said Seventh streot hundred and twenty fivo (1251 foet: tlicnce southwesterly and atain Daraliol with Tbird nvanuo twohundr, and sixty (260) foot W) tho middlcof Eighth strcot aloro.uid; and thenco southeasterly along tbo Uik'd'o of Raid Eighth streot ooo huudtod and twenty frvo (125) foot to tbe point or place of beginning, by re leaso recordei' in Liber 0O6 of conveyances, pago 139, te ofiico of the Regibtor of toe County of KingB, and also all tbat other part of said mortgaged ptorhises heund ed smldescribed as follows, v'z: Uoginuing at a point whero iho middle of Eighth streets intersects the middlo of Second avenue, running thence uorthoasterly along the middle of Eighth, aticot ono honored and sixty (160) feet nine 19) inches: tt encc roriheasterlyparallol with Boo ond otoresaid two hundred and Bixty (2 90) feat to tbemrndioof Seventh street: thence northwosterlj along the middlo of Sevooth stroet ono hundred and sixty (160) feot nine (9) inches to tbo mtddle of Second avenue and thenco sontnweBterly aioo; the midule of Sooond avonuo two hundred anabixty(260)feettotho pointorplaoeof beginning: by release recorded sid Registers office in Liber J9 of cenvoyances pate 178 Datod September 11th. 1065. JOHN D. PKAY, Referee.

HtmnABD 4 Beegen, PlrTs 10U 2aw3wThS AN ORDER OF ROS WELL O. BRAINARP. Ear, Surrogate of theOonntf of Kings: Notice Is hereby given, according to raw, to all persona caving claims against EVAN M. JOHNSON, late of tha City of Brooklyn, deceased, tbat they are required to exhibit tho same, with tho vouchors thereof, to the suoscribets. at their ornco, corner of Washington and Fulton streets, (over Central Bonk) in the City of Brooklyn, on or before the fourteenth day ot Aoril next Datod Octobor 7th, 1865.


JOHNSON, IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OV ROSWELL O. BRAINARB Surrogate of tb Oounty of Kings: Notice is hereby given, according to law. to wmom naving claims against SIMON O. WARDELL, Iato of.Bay ilidge, town of New Utrecht, deceased, that tnoy are ro auirod to exhibit the samo, with the vouchors thereof, to the subscriber, at her resrdonce, Bay Ridge in tbe town ot New Utrecht, on or bofore theilfthdny of November, tt'eit Dale1" April 27th, 1865. MARGARET A.

WARDELL, A rjtrotrir. SUPREME COURT CITY AND OOUNTY OF NEW YORK, Nelson Smith against Oharlo R. Duxbnry and others. T. O.

SWAB.TW0UT. Atty. forPltff. 208 Broadway, tf. Y.

In pursuance of a jndrmiontof thoSnpromo Oourt, mado in this action on tho 29th oaf of September, 1895, will bo Bold at uublio auction at the City Ha in too oitypf Brooklyn, in the county of Kings, by or undor tiro direction Of the referee oppoirircd 10 (a djudgment for that purpose? on Wednesday, tho 81b day ot Novembor, 1865, at 12 o'clook noon.tho following dorcribert lands and promlsea: All that certain lot, picco or parcol of land situato, lying and bolng in tho oity of Brooklyn, Kmrts County, Nsw York, on tbo northerly side of Dean street, between tbo JCouitb. and Filth avenucB.ond bonnde" by a line commencrng at a point on the northerly lini or side of Doan streot. which point )B distant one hundred and twenty feet oaatorly from the northeasterly corner of Doan Biroot tho Fourth av cvnue. and tunning thence northerly and parallel with tho Fourth avenue one hundred feet: thenco easterly, parade) nith Dean street, twenty feot; thenco somberly, parallel wiih Fourth avonue. one hundred feet, to Dean stroat: and thence westerly, along the northerly lino or sido of Dean street, twenty reel, tothe point or placo of commencement afcrcsaid.

Datod 16th Octobor. 1D65. HENRY O. MURPHY. Hofereo.

0I6 2aw3wM Court street, Brooklyn TIME A VERX LARGE ASSORTMENT of gold and silver watohos, also oloaks in great varloty. Watches, clocks aod jewelry repaired in tho very host rnan per at PHASE'S, 203 Fulton atreet. ttZS OR EASE AND COMFORT 'OR THIS EYE try the BRAZILIAN PEBBLB at OHASH'B XU P1U rD fTRKBLE AND QUADKUJ ws tabljs i.SofflRA'Mye'wW oTstreet. ml' CTBRLING SILVER WARE AND A groat variety of ailvei goods, In boxes, lui table for ATOHESAND CLOCKS OF EVERY description, artiples, 4c repair find warranted by JAN. MOBUUKAY.

314 Jfnltouitnt Amusements thu EvenUff. MBS CONWAY'S PARK THBATBEFallou Btaet, opposite, the (Sty HolL Masks and Face: loony Lfnd. O'clock. HOOLETS NEW OPEBi HOUSE. Corner Coart MiRonnon (troets.

Negro burloBqaca, acts, songs, toneos, be. Pantomime "Jocko, the Brazilian Ape," Jfi o'clock, ATHENAEUM Tho groat Mlltonlan TaMoaux of Par bo Lost, illustrating Milton's Poem, and crryii3 out Us idea of Heaven, IIcll, Ohaos and Pandiso. 8 o'clock. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCT. 18.

AN INCENDIARY PIEE. Destruction of Johnson's Brewery toss 150,000 Fully Insured A Fireman Injured. Last night at about fifteen minutes past 12 o'clock, as Sergeant Drake, of the 42d precinct was approaching tbe Station Houso on York Btreot, ho encoutt. toed a men who was crying fire at the top of Ms longs. Tho Sergeant inquired of tho man tho location and found that Johnson's teowery, comer of Front and Jay Bticcts, and but one block bom where he stood, was on fire, He ran to the point Indicated and found somo teitona engaged ta breaking In a door Whon this was accomplished, it revealed a bright flame, rapidly increasing in volume, and located on tho ma'n floor of tbo Jay street side, somo fifteen to twenty feet from tho entrance Tho position of tho flames seemed to clearly indicate that the ITBE WAS THE WOBK OF DESIGN, because it was next to impossible that a firo could accidentally ignite in that portion of tho brewery, situated as it web feme distance from tbo boiler.

The alarm spread rapidly and was taken np by the City Hall boll. The firemen, the arrival of tho companies returning from Philadelphia, at Fulton Ferry, beard tho alarm and rushed to the threatened point. From the forco ofj the current a'r through tho door, unfortunately broken in half an hour too early, the flumes bad spread all throngh the Jay Btreot wing of the brewery and now bid defiance to the efforts of the firemen to stay them. THE BBEWEBI was of brick, four stories in height, about 100 feet on Front by 40 feet on Jay with a Irge grain storing department in the rear, and attached to tbe main building. Tho main part was all in flames, and the firemen directed all their efforts to prevent their spreading into tho wing where the gtain was stored, In this they wero unsuccessful, and the wal's only indicate where the browery stood.

Jn order to drown tho flames, the firemen rushed into danger recl 'essly, and when a small portion of tho upper v. at the corner of Jay and Front els. fell, it eliuck several members of Hose Company No. 11. Only one, however, was 8IEI0TJ6LI ItWUBED.

Hla name is John a member of tho company named. Ho was stniok by tho ulna about tho bead and body. His fireman's hat saved his sknll, and received the lorce of the rubbish on his shoulders, tho effect of which fractured bis left and braising his body very badly. Sergeant Drake ordered him to bo taken immediately to tho Station House, where a physician was called and tbo injuries cxan 'ned. Welch was then taken in charge by tho members of his company.

Another person, a citizen, was slightly injured by a falling ladder, which struck him upon tbo knee. He managed to limp away, however. THE LOSS OP PBOPEBly will reach upon which Mr. Johnson, tho owner, had on insurance eaid to amount to There was in the grain building about bushels of grain which destroyed. The building is all burned out tho walls, sti'l stnnding can be osed again If desired.

The total loss excluding prospective gains, will not be less tban Mr, Johnson this morning declined to give tho names of tho companies which ho was insured. He did however, Btato that his policies were amply sufficient to protect bim, THE JOHNSON BEETt. Many this morning arc mourning over tha loss of tho Johnson beer. Tho old brower has long been a citizen and producer among us, has grown rich here, and his brewery was a land mark, Now that it is gone many feel Ibo loss already and the dealers who have long drawn beer of the Johnson brand, aro anxious to know how they can tickle the palates of thoir customers an leretoforc. Whether thejbrewery will bo re erected immediately or not Is not yet announced Coi.

Again. The redoubtable Col. W. H. Allen, who a short tlmo ao figured beforo this community in relation to a domestic infelicity of a Eerious nature, is aga'n prominenlly beforo tho public a "3 the complainant in a for tho recovery of against General Ortcgo, Chief Justice of tho Supreme Court of Mexico.

The affair grows out of the Mexican emigration rclremo of last Ai'en states that ho JYas employed by Gen, Ortega to superintend tho affair, and that alter he had recruited a largo number of men and contracted debts to the above amount, General Or tcga refuses to catb the bills or to have anything to do with the recruits. The action yesterday was on a mo tion to show cause why tho order of arreBt eoould not bo vacated, luo General's response to Allen's allegation is a ccmpleto denial. He Pays that he never gave the latter tho elishtetauthoiity for engaging in this business, which was commenced bDfore bo had ever seen AlleD, and which he characterized as foolish and calcu laicd to lead only to failure. Ho nlco stalos that ho was shocked when ho ler.ncd that it wag in progress, and that he believes the precent proceedings are designed merely to extcrt money from him. Tho one has been adjourned over to the 27th int.

Motdeeotjs Asvelt in the Eastebn District, Th's morning, at about eleven o'clock, a youns man I'aroed Patrick Kceoan, with Beveral companions entered the liquor store of Andrew Mulligan, North 4th and Third U. and ca'lcd for drlnki Tte proprietor Urrii'jd CL ler lire Da1 when Kecoair' wiltout any provocation wl'atccr, seized ore oi the' g'osres which wee near by and hurled it at bim. Mulligan was struck oa tbe 6m1o of ilie pose, and the glasshav iog been corup'ole'y shattered, he was cut in a most fearful manner. The blood flowed from the wound very frccley, and as lie was about going to the rear to attend to his Injuries, Krcoau threw another glass, when struck the proprietor on l''C top of inflicting a deep cut and knocking tee down, almost icscnslh'o. There wa Immediately a prospect of a general fight among these precent, when Sergeant Buuccand officer Codner, of the 451b prreinct, who had learned of tbeofl'ioy, arrived at the pi ice, and took Keenan into custody.

Mul'ian is rcuveyed to the residence of a physician in tue where his injuries wero at" 'tended to. It wo found that several pieces of glass had been implanted in his hed After sufficiently recovering, he prccecde lo tl'c45th precinct station house, Where ho made a complaint against Irs assailant. Tno riends oi Kecran euticavorcd to persuade bim not to appear agrinst him, but Mulligan was determined. He returned to It's esidence, whero he is now in a very weak condition, and unable to be about. Keenan wi be examined by Justice Parley tc morrow.

Cixiris hrvB Eoninr. Lrifc evening, about 6 o'c'reli. lie clcll lire of Mrs. Gerrrey, Wal wnth itreet. nnar jrtle avenue, robbed of clothes to (he value of $12.

Cobbei ion. It w. btnted in Monday's Facle that a laborer named fell de in the store of Mr. Victory, coiner of Bergen street and Wash iuncn avenrje. This via; an error.

McE'nley died in Mr. Itawi'e, on the corner to Mr. Btore. Imtobtam to Dbaptfd Men. Mr.

Thomas A.Gardiner, tic County Treasurer, is now redeeming at bis office lie County rel'ef certificates of dratted mon who have i.irnished Iitobtant. Now is the time to repair old leaky roofs bororo tho winter, eots in. Tno Fnterpriso Hooting Company repair: a'l kinds of roofs and warrant them tight for iivo jci s. Pr iit wi" be sl owa work which wo did five years a by IcaiirT word at either office. as wo keep a team of horses for that pu pose.

Principal tiffico at Wyckotf i Litre's, Morita: ao strtst, nerr Court; 1G9 AUontic street; Hi avenue, tho Company depot; and Pcttenpcr's oxp office, coraor ef 4th and South 7th streets, We Can doWithout Eobope. Everything Americans need Americ tk'll can B'apply. Nay, more: tho fact that FiiiT.0N "Nhht liloomin Ccrous" rs tho admitted eupcrior of a'l tbe European shows conclusively that in tho rcfin h'xuries, es well as tho of life, wo aro hcd of tho Old World. Sold everywhere. It Opebates Like Magic Mrs.

Winslow's Bcothin.t Syiup, for children eofions the gums, reduces inflammation, allays all iwn. Kuro to xoialato thebowelE. Perfectly In a'l ca as rrrillionB of mothers can testify. Thrrly Hvo cent a bottle. Offices 43 Dcystrcot, New Vork, and 205 High Holhota, London, lifglaLd.

To EcoNomciL Hocseholdebs, The cheapest way, and st the sauro time tho best for the money, or rcpiiime an old roof, is with tho Union Comont Koolinc felt and cerrent. lb work maybe scon at tho Puritan Ironworks, 10 Water st, Brooks' Cabinet) Warohouso, cor rer fiatu'i and Fulton Archer's Wall Street Stares Furman tt, tha Ypi ess buildinir, in Park Haw, N. bo tidca many other pUcc too numerous t) montior. and ic tives perffctsal 'sfr to all Officos. No.

39 Fulton st, (Cole Mcphvs aucL ou voorcj), and Nos. Zl Broadway, ind 60 iSarclay tt, New y0rk. 10 NEW 7 OCT. PIANOS AHi) IBMELODtONS and CABINUT ORGANS to let and rent applied il purchase or for sale io monthly inBtjllmetts. Cash paid forfcconii hnnd Pianos urH Jm llOHAOK WATERS, 481 Broidway.

You cannot have a healthy constitution whilo your Blood as impure Constitution Life Stbup purges the system of impuritios, and stimulates the vita organs to a vignrcaa and healthy action, oxoourng disease and restoring the health. Lite Srnrjr rapidly cures diseaao which are ciusod by Impure Blood, Scrofula, or Krpg'a Evil, Turners, Old Sores, Ulcers, Blotohes, Eruptions, Pimples, Boils, Erysrpolas, Totter, Salt Rlrorrm, St. Anthony's Fire, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Cancerous Tumors. Soro Eyo, Syphilis, and all foul diseases. Diseaao of the Heart Palpitation.

Dyspepsia. Ulceration ef bones efiho Nolo Scalp and Ilaco. Uso Constitution Life Svnrjp and you will bo surprised at its raprdity in removing these diseases, leaving the blood pure, the comploxion clear, and your system free from disease. Mobqan Axlen, Wholesale Druggists, General Agents, 46 Cliff stroet, New Ycrk. So.d by all dealers in medicines in Brooklyn.

Fancy Hats? Fmb Funs! Biolow Go. wrll open this dftytheirnew Fall and Wintor stylos of Ladies', Misses' and Obildrens' Fancy Hats and Caps, oon Bihtrrrg of volvet. silk, felt and cloth. Latest Paris and London styles inst rccervorf. Also a lame assortment of Ladies' arrd Childrons' fine Sablo, Mink, Ermine and Squirrel l'urs, of our own mtntrficturo, constantly on baird at Biulow Co.

'6, 185 Fulton street. se23 et.HiTThSlil The People's Mutual Coal Company is ship prcR a superior coal at cost to stockholders from iU own Co'liery. Each share entitles tho holder to ono ton of coal per annum, AT cost, and dividend of profits from the salo of surplus coal, Subscriytions will bo taken for a limited tirtio at ivtcKellop 4 Sprocuo's, 37 Park Kow. N. L.

B. Crandell. 740 Fu'ton 3d door oast of tNavyst.ond at the otfico, Broadway, over the 10th National Bank. olC Ct Malte your own soap with B. T.

Babbitt's Pure Concentrated Potash, or Ready Soap Maker, Warranted iloubto the strength of aornuton Potash, and supori or to any other saponltrcr or ley in the marttot. Puc un in crib of I pound. 2 pounds, 3 poands, 6 pounds and 12 pounds, wiih full directions in Knglish and Gorman for milking rd and Bo'tsnap. One pound will make 15 Billons of soft soap. No linro is required.

Consumers will find nis trie chocpest Potash in mirkot. B. T. BADDITT, Nor. Gl.

64. W. 07, 68, 69. 70, 7zand 74 Washington st N. Y.

0I6 6t Girdle Cord and Tassels, Opera Tassels, Bugle Trimniinps, Guipuiro Laces, at J. LOOKITr, SON i Co 251 Fulton street, opposite Clinton, Brooklyn. Crape Ornaments, Crape Drops, Crape Buttons. Crapo Trimmings, at Lookitt, Son 4 Go's, 251 tul lon street, opposite Olrnton, Brooklyn. Selling Out! Selling Out! Ladies, we are selling off our laro Btock of Dross and Oloak Trimmings, at reduced prrces, to close up the retail busmoss beiore making alterations in tho Btoro.

1. Locmrr. Son 251 Futton st, eipposrto Clinton, Brooklyn, Until further notice trimmings will bo made to order at tho ubual rates. Fancy Fringes, Angola, Ball and Silk Fringes. Beltmgs, 4c.

Ac. at J. Lookitt. Son tft Fulton stroet, opposite Clinton, Brooklyn. Best quality of Black and Colored Velvet Ttibhons, now B'yles Fonoy Buttons, at Loceitt, Son A Co 'B, 261 Clinton street, opposito Olmton, Brooklyn.

MARRIED. BEEUEE SyiTn In Brooklyn, on Taesday, Oct. 17th at tr 0 church of the Holy Triniry, by tho Rov. A. N.

Lit tlejohn. U. CHAMES W. Bfebee, ot New York, to Subie daughter of A'frcd O. Smith, of Brooklyn Patchen Corr fn Brooklyn, on Tuesday, Oct.

17th, 1865. at 1 o'clock P. at the residerce of the brido's Barents, by the Rev. John W. Srrlos.

D. Pastor of tho Central Baptist Church, S. W. Patchen to Tends, daughter of War, A. Coit.

of Brooklyn. JODNSTON DONNEir On Monday, October 16tn, by thellev. Wnr. Alvin Bortlett, HoriOE H. JonNBTON to Loliba F.

Donelly. all of this city. Wood OnTuoFdsy Oct. 17th, by the Hov. J.

B. '1 homr Mr. LouiB F. Tuiiull to Miss Ameiu E. Wood, both of Ibis city.

DIED. CiTASE In Brook'jo, Oot 16th, ASii Mama Chase, wrfe of Sc eeon Uhorles U. csod 12 Kunoral rrom rtBidenco. 167 Byeison btroot, 'Ihursaay p'rernoan, at 2 o'clock F. M.

Babcock On the 17rh. Eii3 only child of Edwin and Frcdeiica G. Babcock. accd 1 year, 1 month, and 2 w'Cta. Tho fr cnt's of tho family ore invitod to attend tho uno ra1 from tho residenco of her grandfather, Oao.

S. De Forest. 2d street, botweeu Hoyt and Bond, on Thursday, at 2 o'clock. Lynxs in Brooklyn. Oct 16th, Alice, youngest datgh ter of Daniel and nna E.

Lyons. Tiro re'ativt sand triends of tho family pro invitod to a'tend the funeral, from the rcsidenea of her parentr, in Grand avenue, corner of Dean street, on Thursday altor noon, at2o'c'ock. SraossoN On Tuesday, Oct. 17th. of dropsy, Laton SrstonBON, aged 64 years, 4 and 8 days.

'J ho relatives and friends of tho family are ro3occtfully invited to attend his funeral, trom his Iato residence, 81 Coil1, bticft. mormrg. atOo'clootr. Vhe ro muitib will ho taken to UempUoad, L. for interment.

DowD Ou Wednesday rnornintr. Oct I8tb, Mrs. Eliza Enait Down, vrdowof tho Iato Wollteo W. Dowd, in the 3yd tear ot her The friends and acquaintances of rW late husband, and those of her brother', Geo. B.

and J. B. Atkins, are respectfully invited to attend tho funoral to morrow (Thu floyj aflerrcon, at 2 o'clock. LucEEV On Wedno day, I8tt inst, jEntrsiiA Ann, wile of It. J.Luckev, rntho52d joprof her auo Funeral will take placo at tho Fleet street M.

E. Ohurch, on Friday alter loon, nt 2 o'oltck. 0I8 2t" KlNFEl On Wednesday. Oct. 18th, Esima Kinbtel, younriE1 danchlerof O.

and Ph. Kukel, agod 4 years. 10 montiiw 4 duyp. l'uneral tli placo nn Thursdiy, Oct. 15th, from the com' of l.rrt gc and tNuesau sIb..

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