Santa Cruz Evening News from Santa Cruz, California • Page 9
- Publication:
- Santa Cruz Evening Newsi
- Location:
- Santa Cruz, California
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 9
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
SECOND SECTION Pages 9 to 14 Vol. 45 No. 118 SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 Racket Warfare Flares Up Again In Gotham Theaters---But Not For Long GUILD PIONEERS AN IMPORTANT TURGENEV TRANSLATION NEW YORK, March as it began to look as if all the stage gangsters had retired from the drama of private life, the quiet Lenten season found target practice resumed on half a dozen fronts. were slain and crooks were slain and tough' guys were slain until the theater's mortality rate rose alarmingly. It got so you couldn't tell where and when you'd see gents and gentesses being taken for a ride.
Even the floors of those picturesque lunch wagons ran red with blood that had not dripped from fresh hamburgerunately. the shooting is not likely to continue long. The two opuses, "This Man's Town" and "Penny wherein things are roughest, do not seem headed for great success. The former, by the way, marks the appearance of George Jessel as a theatrical producer. Had his lunch wagon saga been patterned more carefully on Hemingwav's tense and horror stirring, Killers," there might be another story to tell.
Even at that, with snappier direction and better actors, it might have had a very good chance. However, ham an' eggs and hamburger are tossed about before the nostrils of the audience. "Penny Arcade," the locale of which is just what the title suggests, offers novelty of setting and some rather crisp comedy along with its racketeering plot. It's one of those stories of the widow lady who runs an arcade and has to bring up a pretty daughter and a couple of sons in this atmosphere. The racket murder is staged in one of the concessions and the daughter is placed in the position of having to turn her brother over to the police to save a sweetheart who is being framed.
And now that you've seen how the stage styles are turning at the fag end of the season, we'll get down to the more serious business. The theatre Guild, galloping along at a lively pace to get all of BY GILBERT SWAN NEA Service Writer One of the Theater Guild's prize actresses is A'la Nazimova, above, who is appearing in "A Month in the Country." its subscription productions staged before the season ends, has brought over a translation of a Turgenev drama which never before has been produced in America and has had but one English production in London. It's titled, "A Day in the Country," and it introduces to the Guild circle of drama lovers, the exotic and exquisite Nazimova, who one season back was doing a superb job for Eva Le Gallienne's repertoire organization. There was a disagreement and Nazimova walked out--or perhaps it was the other way around. At any rate, here she is splen- At the THEATER Double Bill In Kiddies Matinee Is On Today At Unique Vitaphone As a special attraction for the "kiddies matinee" today, at the Unique Vitaphone theater, a big double bill is offered, featuring Tom Mix and his wonder horse.
Tony, in a thrilling western drama, entitled "The Kiddies and adults alike wil. find whole-hearted enjoyment in the countless stunts in which participates in the new FBO feature. These thrills include Tom's courageous ride on the wings of an airplane, the pilot which seeks to shake him off by daredevil stunting; his fight to keep possession of a mysterious white mule, only living being which knows the way to a hidden mine; and his fistic encounters with a gang of desperadoes who secretly are a band of narcotic smugglers. The second feature, "Jazz Heaven," a dramatic musical film with a theme that is a far departure from the conventional motion picture, shows today. It is a Radio Pictures all-talking production starring John Mack Brown and Sally O'Neil.
Critics agree wherever "Jazz LOS ANGELES SERVICE LOCATION HOSPITALITY Convenience Comfort one Hospitality You will appreciate the excellent service and moderate rates. The city's most centrally located hotel. One block from Pershing Square -convenient to all leading shops, theatres, financial institutions and electric depots for all resorts. Garage adjoining. All Outside Rooms- Each With Bath One Two Person Persons $2.50, 1: 18 Unexcelled Food--Friendly Prices FRANK SIMPSON, Director Hotel Savoy Sixth Grand Country Correspondence News Features Sports SCHOOL WORK EXHIBITED IN BOULDER CREEK News' Special BOULDER CREEK, March -Thursday evening in the school gymnasium and in grammar school, the school hibit was opened to the The rooms were tastefully ated with ferns and huckleberry, and plants secured in the nearby woods.
Each room had its quota exhibits, from the first grade the highest. The exhibition showed the work done by the pupils and teachers from reading, writing and arithmetic to the arts and botany and commercial subjects. The art and woodworking partments showed work ranging from piano benches, picture frames cabinets to hand work on such delicate things as bureau sets and jewel cases. The wild flower exhibit attracted a great deal of attention. teachers were present to explain the exhibits and assited in making the evening a pleasurable affair.
Mrs. George D. Gordon, assisted by Miss Lillian Durkee, Miss Johanna Ufkess, Miss Verla Vandever, Miss Elsie Pesenti served fruit punch and cookies. Dancing was enjoyed to the radio. The Golden State Creamery stalled an electric ice cream frigerator Woodard on Friday.
Many Guests Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Morgan entertained at cards at their home in Riverdale. having as their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
L. York, Mr. and Mrs. George Thanes, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Kennith and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sandstrome, from Sacramento guests. The guests stayed over night, driving to the Big Basin in the morning and leaving in the evening for the Yosemite and Los Angeles region. Homer Miller, who has been spending a week or so in Los Angeles was in town greeting friends yesterday.
Mark Thomas came from Walnut on Thursday for several Creek, stay with friends in For-, est Park on the Basin road, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Newlin of the Summit Service Station on the Basin road on Thursday entertained Mr. and Mrs. Loren Kraig, Dr.
and Mrs. Roy Thurston, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dudley, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Elkhorn of New York and Mr. and Mrs. George Hadley of Florida. Gives Family Dinner Miss Wilner Whitner gave a family dinner at the home of her father, John Whitner, Thursday evening in honor of her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Powell, and son, before the move to the Big Basin for the summer. Everett is one of the deputy wardens at the state Redwood Park. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Garrison were Santa Cruz visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Woodard were visited yesterday by Mr. and Mrs.
James Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Royland, of Maine, friends of Mr.
Woodard's when he lived in the east. Mrs. Ruth Ball, Miss June Williams and Elihu Huntington acted as officers of the school tion board yesterday. Elihu Huntington is doing carpenter work in the Grant Cash and Carry store. Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman are enjoying a vacation at their home on the Basin road. W.
S. Rodgers reports his wife rapidly improving, at Mission sanatorium. SAYS DAUGHTER OF JACK LONDON IS TOO LITERARY OAKLAND, March London Malamuth, daughter of the late Jack London, was sued for divorce here yesterday by Charles Malamuth, assistant professor of Slavic languages at the University of California. Malamuth's principal complaint was his wife preferred to follow in her father's footsteps, writing, to cooking meals. SELLS OWN COFFIN LONDON, March 40 years ago L.
Foster of Tebworth, Beds, bought a coffin for himself. He kept this under his bed because he thought he was going to die of quinsy. But he recovered and as he has enjoyed good health ever since, he recently sold the coffin. He made a nice profit on the sale. DANCE ROSE BOWL TONIGHI SITE PICKED TO BUILD NEW SOQUEL BANK.
News' Special SOQUEL, March cation of the new bank of which H. A. Wright is to be cashier and Clayton Wright assistant cashier, has been selected and building operations will begin immediately. The bu'lding will be erected on what was a part of the Odd Fellows lot, using the east wall of the I. 0.
0. F. three story building as the connecting wall. The building as planned will strictly Spanish style of architecture and is to be completed and opened for business by July 1. Remodels Grocery Oscar Rushton has completely rearranged his cash grocery store on Soquel avenue, opposite the postoffice.
Several new Dayton display bles have been added, the counters have been so placed, and other equipment of date conveniences added, "making it a self-help store. In the election of school trustee Mrs. Laura Rawson was inspector, Mrs. Lora Maddock judge, and Mrs. Charlotte Nelson clerk.
The regular monthly meeting of the local W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs.
Rebecca Vetterle Tuesday, April 1. The new state minutes have arrived and some time will be given studying them. Mrs. Nina Sheppa as second vice-president of the tri-county met Thursday afternoon in SanTa Cruz with other officers as committee to arrange the annual convention! gratheto three counties, which will be held in Santa Cruz April 22 and 23. School Field Day The program is being prepared for the annual school field day to be held upon the campus the Soquel-Capitola school Friday, April 25, beginning at o'clock.
Mrs. Mabel Wallace is spending the week Mateo with relatives, and where her husband, Floyd Wallace, has been employed for some time. Mesdames Robert Desmond, Walter Noble, Ida Izant, Kate. Fletcher and Minnie Parrish attended the Flower Lovers' club Wednesday evening, where most helpful lecture was given by Mr. Conner on the use of spray in controlling insect pests.
Mrs. James Taylor and children have been called to Taylor's Vacaville moth- by the illness of Mrs. er, Mrs. Newport. Stockton Guests Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Patterson (nee Venus Buck) of Stockton were guests for a day in the home of Mrs. Ivy Rushton Ross and her husband at Sea Cliff Park.
Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Webb of San Francisco were recent visitors in the home of the former's uncle, John Webb. Ralph Faneuf of Los Angeles called on Soquel acquaintances Thursday. Anita Brown, a member of the third grade of school, has gone to San Francisco with her parents, where she has entered school.
CLEAN MATTRESSES Use your vacuum cleaner to keep mattresses immaculately clean. These should be done regularly, just like your rugs and living room upholstery. WINDOW SASHES WINDOW SASHES You should oil your window sashes with linseed oil after a winter of dry heat. To keep them in perfect condition they should be oiled each month. Legion Members And Drum Go to Monterey Officers of Santa Cruz post of the American Legion, and the en.
tire corps, will attend tonight district meeting in drum, Monterey. In addition a number of members of the post and of its auxiliary are planning to be pres-tral part in the evening's entertainment and to see the parade. Drum corps from Watsonville, San Jose and Hollister will also be present to take part in the parade. The officers of the Santa Cruz post will take part in the business session. Another feature will be the all day Legionnaire golf tournament at Monterey tomorrow, in which a team from Santa Cruz made up of Captain Cy Perkins, Hymie Abrams, Giles Adrian and F.
L. Collins will play, The drum corps will meet at Legion headquarters to start at o'clock tonight. -Ko Signs Big Contract to Sell In Middle West 'B. E. Haughner, vee-president of Sno-Ko, has returned to the head office of the company in San Francisco from an extended tour of the east and middle west where a contract covering the states has just been let where the ice-shaving machine is to be sold in large quantities.
Fred J. Newbauer has been appointed manager of the Chicago district. The branch will serve as a distributing point for fourteen middle west and south Atlantic a states. Albert. Pick, Barth and company of Chicago, one of the largest.
distributing organizations, has been appointed jobbers for Sno-Ko in the east. WHITE SPOTS If your table has white spots on it, you can remove them by polishing with kerosene, with oil and turpentine or with oil and alcohol. F. R. Walti and family are their new home at 26 Sylvar street.
DENSE FOG CAUSES SHIPS TO GO ASHORE didly and tragically handling a role of the "Fata Morgana" variety. That is to say, she falls in love with a young music teacher, retained to intsruct her child. She is many, many years older than the lad, who has a sweetheart his own age. The conflict between the older and the younger woman provides the tragic duel in the background. There is very much more than appears in this dramatic conflict, for Turgenev wrote so a play about this subject that it had 10 be chopped and chopped to keep it from equalling such records as were set by "Strange Interlude" and "Back to Methuselah." Once some years ago, the Moscow Art Theater was visiting New York, it was to have been included in their repertoire but for one' reason or another it was not cluded.
So the Guild again plays its excellent role of pioneer in the theater, with Shaw's "The Apple Cart" and starts winding up its current year far than it started. There is, incidentally, in the cast again, the superlative Dudley Digges, again from Hollywood, where he played the French prison official in "Condemned." Upon the playbills of the week there is John McCormack in his first sound picture, "Song 0' My Heart." It is a tender, slender. quietly romantic, often breaking picture wherein the great tenor appears evele of some eleven songs. And when he sings it makes little difference whether or not there's a picture. Almost equal in importance to McCormack's premiere is the extraordinary improvement which appears to have come over the sound producing machines.
Never has there been synchronization and reproduction in a Manhattan sound theatre. Somehow, the gadgets have been arranged to produce a much softer and smoother presentation of the voice. And fortunately, with a voice like McCormack's to get the benefit. $21,402 DAMAGES ASKED FOR MINOR Suit for $21,402 damages on behalf of Fred Miller, a minor, for injuries in an automobile and motorcycle collision, has been filed by E. L.
Armstrong, his guardian, through Rittenho house and Snyder. Ernest Craghill, driver of the automobile in the crash, which occurred at Soquel and. Ocean View avenues on April 1929, is named as defendant. It is alleged that Miller suffered a broken leg and bruises and lacerations. night stand to one-night stand.
There is singing and dancing in this picture, and plenty of comedy to keep things going at a fast clip. The exigencies of life in a road show provide an excellent and novel background for both comic and tragic aspects of the moving story. Charles Riesner, a famous character as well as a splendid director, who is thoroughly familiar with this aspect of theatrical life, directed the production for MetroGoldwyn-Mayer. This is a picture that will delight every class of theater-goers. A Rough Landing On the Beach At Monterey in 1870.
The box of books and papers broke open, the will was lost and the history of the title was changed. This happened just 60 years ago, yet is part of the record today. We discovered it a few days ago in examining the title for the present purchaser. The latter knows nothing and need know nothing of the history of the title he is quiring. He escrowed his transaction with this Company and thus secured absolute protection.
We safeguard your titles. Santa Cruz County Title Co. Title Insurance Building Cooper Street Telephone 2000 SAN FRANCISCO, March 29. -Two ships went aground in the dense fog that blanketed the cenCalifornia coast last night. Inside the Golden Gate the lumber schooner Claremont, waterlogged and sinking rapidly, was beached by her skipper off Crissy Field, after crashing into a submerged rock near Point Bonita.
On the Monterey coast, 110 miles south of San Francisco, the (Japanese tanker, Rhine Maru, was abandoned by her crew, when she lost her bearings and ran fullsteam into the rugged, rockdotted shore below Point Sur light. Two steamers, the Humboldt and the H. M. Storey, both near the Rhine Marn when her first sos flashed over the air, were reported standing by. At 11:55 p.
m. the steamer. Humboldt reported that the entire crew of fifty of the Rhine Maru had been transferred to the Humboldt, which WAS proceeding to San Francisco. Both ships crashed into the rocks at approximately the same time-7 o'clock. Immediately the air was full of SOS.
All land broadcasting stations were silenced, as wireless stations up the coast sought to pick up the calls for help. NOVEL LETTER BOX LEIPZIG, March new letter box had made its appearlance on city streets here. To mail a letter it is placed in an opening and then coins of the value of the Istamps required are placed in slots provided for them. The letIters are then automatically stamped inside the box and it is ready for the mail carriers. Bermuda ships quantities of Easter lilies to New York.
HATS Ladies and Gents, Felts and Straws, cleaned and remodeled, latest Spring style. Superior workmanship. NATIONAL HAT WORKS 320 Pacific, opp. Graystone Hotel (Heaven" has been seen and heard that Melville Brown has turned in a real directorial achievement in this production which has as its theme song the lilting love lyric "Someone." Brown and Miss O'Neil are surrounded by a capable supporting least including Clyde Cook, Albert Conti, Blanche Friderici, Joseph J. Barney Sherry numerous others.
There is much comedy throughout the settings alternate between a rooming house in New York, a music publishing house and a broadcast station. The great actress, Lillian Russell, was once presented with a gift from an admirer, the best product of his factory----a trimmed coffin. Herb Coats RADIO COLUMN ABBOTT 6 WALKER, Tom, your radio sounds just as good as the day you bought it" "Well, I I got a good radio, and get real service From HERB COAT'S SEE HERB 19 Walnut Ave. PHONE 132 'Chasing Rainbows' Song Dance Hit At New Santa Cruz Bessie Love and Charlie King play together again in "Chasing Rainbows," an original story for Goldwyn Mayer by Bess Meredyth, which opened last night at the New Santa Cruz theater. That should be welcome news those who have seen this couple in Broadway Melody." "Chasing Rainbows" is a backstage story with real human interest, and it is doubtful if there is another pair of players on the Cinema Coast who can handle a vehicle of this kind with such finesse and artistry as these two.
Miss Love plays a performer in a road show whose love affair with a fellow player, Charlie King, progresses backstage, in cheap boarding houses and en route from one A New Ambulance to Serve SANTA CRUZ "Efficient Service" Special Rates on Long Trips Day or Night Service PHONE 750 SANTA CRUZ AMBULANCE L. PERRIGO, Owner 184 Elm St. or 4 Vine St. Announcement C. E.
Canfield and Son, Realtors and Insurors, announce the purchase of the general fire and casualty insurance business of the Dake Title Company of Santa Cruz. Hereafter all renewals and information affecting policies of the following companies will be taken care of at 103 Pacific Ave. Commercial Union, AEtna Fire, Maryland Casualty, Home Underwriters of New York, Great American, Columbia Casualty and Union Fire Insurance Co..
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